Fit Kids Club Presented By Team Digby: Sam Saalfeld, Eddie Douangmala, Jeni Meekma, Alanna Fuggiti, Monika Sankpal

FitKid's Marketing Promotion Strategy

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Page 1: FitKid's Marketing Promotion Strategy

Fit Kids ClubPresented By Team Digby:

Sam Saalfeld, Eddie Douangmala, Jeni Meekma, Alanna Fuggiti,

Monika Sankpal

Page 2: FitKid's Marketing Promotion Strategy


FitKids is a children's health program that is part of the Lindenhurst Health and Fitness Center.

The objective is to increase awareness and bookings of their birthday party and painting party packages

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Key Points

The following elements will be applied to our promotional campaign

Promotional Mix

Audience Contact Tools

Market Segmentation

Consumer Decision Making

Models of Response and Cognitive Response

Objectives for Promotional Elements

Budget Setting

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Fig 1.2 Elements of the Promotional Mix

The Promotional Mix

Advertising DirectMarketing







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Fig 1.2Elements of the Promotional Mix

Advertising: Newspaper

Direct Marketing: Mailings with coupons to current members with child's name printed on

Digital/ Internet Marketing: On website, Facebook, discounts for mentioning the service, newsletters

Sales Promotion: Money Mailers, coupons offering discounts for parties and referrals

Publicity/Public Relations: Brochures at children's fairs (also expand to include painting parties)

Personal Selling: System that keeps track of member's birthdays coming up; Address the upcoming birthday to parents as they come in to use the facility and offer our services

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Fig 7.6Objectives for Various Promotional Elements


Objective: Increase awareness and bookings of FitKids birthday parties.

Audience: Members and non-members of the fitness center. Moms that live in the area with kids ages 4-16.

Tools/media: Direct mail, social media, coupons/referrals

Sales Promotions

Objective: Highlight benefits of FitKids parties while offering 10% off for first-timers and 5% for a referral

Audience: Mostly non-members. Households in the NE Illinois area with kids ages 4-16.

Tools/media: Printed media, email

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Fig 7.6Continued

Direct Mail

Objectives: Increase awareness of FitKids parties.

Audience: Households in NE Illinois with kids ages 4-16. Primary target is the kids residing in the area

Tools/media: Printed and mailed birthday party "invite" addressed to the kid(s) in the home, but has information addressed to the parents


Objectives: Giving a "face" to the FitKids party program and generate awareness to non-members.

Audience: Existing "friends" on Facebook, Twitter followers, Instagram followers.

Tools/media: Sharing photos of events on various social media.

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Approximation Sequence Shaping Procedure

Induce product trial

Induce purchase with little financial obligation

Induce purchase with moderate financial obligation

Induce purchase with full financial obligation

Free samples distributed; large discount coupon

Discount coupon prompts purchase with little cost; coupon good for small discount on next purchase


Small discount coupon prompts purchase with moderate cost

Purchase occurs without coupon assistance

Fig 4.8 Application of Shaping Procedures

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Introduce initial trial of painting party at no cost

Immediate sign up for next party; offer 25% off

Immediate sign up after second party; offer 10% off

Purchase occurs without coupon

Fig 4.8Application of Shaping Procedures(Painting Parties: Approximation Sequence)

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Fig 4.8Application of Shaping Procedures(Birthday Parties: Shaping Procedure)

Introduce large discount coupon with certain % off first party—Prompts purchase with lower cost

Smaller coupon for a second party prompts purchase with moderate cost

More parties purchased without coupon assistance based on positive experience with previous parties

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Fig 4.1Basic Model for Consumer Decision Making

Problem Recognition

Information Search

Alternative Evaluation

Purchase Decision

Post-purchase Evaluation



Attitude Formation



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Application of 4.1 Consumer Decision Making

Problem Recognition: Consumer realizes they need a space to host a birthday party for their childInformation Search: Online search, word of mouthAlternative Evaluation: Parent compares all optionsPurchase Decision: Location, price, themesPost-purchase Evaluation: Parent is happy with their decision of choosing the FitKids Club to host their birthday party!

Motivation: Need for a birthday party option for childPerception: Pays more attention to advertisementsAttitude Formation: Develop beliefs that influence buying behaviorIntegration: All beliefs and perceptions influence partyLearning: Through actions, after experience

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Fig 1.5Audience Contact Tools

Broadcast Media

Target Audience

Out of Home Media

Print MediaPublic

Relations/ Publicity

Digital, Social Media, Mobile

Direct Marketing

Sales Promotion

Personal Selling

Point of Purchase

Word of Mouth

Events & Sponsorships

Product Placement

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Application of the IMC Audience Contact Tools

• Direct Marketing: Mail offers and newsletters directly to residence

• Sales Promotion: Include coupons• Events & Sponsorships: Promote birthday

parties and painting parties• Word of Mouth: Parents can tell each

other about planning events through the FitKids club

• Print Media: Newsletters and Brochures • Digital: Send emails including newsletter,

advertise on social media

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Fig 2.4Bases for Market Segmentation

Main Dimension Segmentation Vari. Typical Breakdown

Customer Characteristics

Geographic Region Northern Illinois (North Chicago, Waukegan, Lake Forest)

Area Size 100,000+

Density Urban, Suburban

Demographic Gender Male or Female

Age 12 years old or younger

Race African American, Asian, Hispanic, White etc

Life Stage Infants –Youth

Psychographic Personality Playful, energetic

Buying Situations

Outlet Type In-Store Department/Specialty

Benefits Sought Service Features Safe, Fun and Friendly Environment

Usage Usage Rate Light - Medium

User Status First Time and Regular

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Fig 2.4 Bases for Market Segmentation(Cont.)

Capture those interested, unaware or past purchasers

Provide the experience kids want to come back.

Unaware and interested customers –reach out and provide them with necessary details of our multiple different party options.

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Fig 7.12 Top Down Vs Bottoms-Up

Top-Down Budgeting

Top management sets the spending limit

Promotion budget set to stay within spending limit

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Fig 7.12 Top Down Vs Bottoms Up (Cont)

Allocations of budget

With a pre-determined budget we must carefully allocate the correct amount to promoting our services

Do not exceed the amount limit

Focus on value and quality

Spread awareness of our promotions to potential customers

Have an increase in submissions of parties to increase budget and have more promotion to encourage past users to come back and new ones join in

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Fig 5.7 A Model of Cognitive Response

Exposure to Advertisement

Product/Message Thoughts

Source-orientated thoughts

Ad execution thoughts

Brand Attitudes

Attitude Toward the Advertisement

Purchase Intention

Cognitive ResponsesPurchase


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Fig 5.7 A Model of Cognitive Response

Goal is to determine the consumer's cognitive processing

This aids in discovering customers reasoning behind their purchase

Three Key Catagories

Product/Message thoughts have two types of responses: thoughts, counter arguments(disbelief), support arguments (reaffirms claim)

Source orientated thoughts, are cognitive responses directed at the source of communication. Two types of responses: Source derogation (negative thoughts) or source bolsters (favorable thoughts)

Ad-execution thoughts are thoughts about ad itself (favorable or unfavorable)

We are interested in determining advertising effectiveness

Learn best methods to target potential Fitkid's customers

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Fig 5.3Models of Response Process

Stages AIDA Model Hierarchy of effects model

Innovation adaption model

Information processing model

Cognitive Stage Attention Awarness


Awareness Presentation



Affective Stage Interest









Behavioral Stage Action Purchase Trail

Adoption Behavior


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Fig 5.3 Models of the Response

Helps to understand the process a consumer may go through as they go through the various stages (Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral)

AIDA Model selected

A=Attention or awareness-attract the attention of the consumer

I=Interest- Raise customer interest

D=Desire -Convince customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs.

A=Action-customers take action

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In Summary

By using the various elements and tools of advertising and promotions we plan to increase awareness of Fitkids

We have some pretty big things for our little guests in store

Prediction: Word of mouth, as well as sales promotions through shaping procedures, direct mail, and digital media will be most beneficial

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So what arrrrrrr ye waiting for? Book your kids' party today!