Fishkhaboor (D11) Surveyed in winter 2008-2009 and summer 2008 and 2010. Admin Area: Dohuk IBA Criteria: A4ii IPA Criteria: A4 and B1 Coordinates: N 37° 06’ 43” E 42° 22’ 60” Area: 4179 ha Status: Unprotected Altitude: 348 m Ecoregion: Eastern Mediterranean Conifer- Sclerophyllous -Broadleaf Forest (PA1207) Directional Information: This site is located on the Tigris and Khaboor Rivers along a corridor near the intersection of the borders between Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. It is 60 km northwest of Dohuk City and includes the region where the two rivers join.

Fishkhaboor - D11 · 2019-01-29 · Fishkhaboor (D11) Surveyed in winter 2008-2009 and summer 2008 and 2010. Admin Area: Dohuk IBA Criteria: A4ii Coordinates: N 37 ° 06’ 43”

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Page 1: Fishkhaboor - D11 · 2019-01-29 · Fishkhaboor (D11) Surveyed in winter 2008-2009 and summer 2008 and 2010. Admin Area: Dohuk IBA Criteria: A4ii Coordinates: N 37 ° 06’ 43”

Fishkhaboor (D11)

Surveyed in winter 2008-2009 and summer 2008 and 2010.

Admin Area: Dohuk IBA Criteria: A4ii IPA Criteria: A4 and B1 Coordinates: N 37° 06’ 43” E 42° 22’ 60”

Area: 4179 ha Status: Unprotected

Altitude: 348 m Ecoregion: Eastern Mediterranean Conifer-Sclerophyllous -Broadleaf Forest (PA1207)

Directional Information: This site is located on the Tigris and Khaboor Rivers along a corridor near the intersection of the borders between Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. It is 60 km northwest of Dohuk City and includes the region where the two rivers join.

Page 2: Fishkhaboor - D11 · 2019-01-29 · Fishkhaboor (D11) Surveyed in winter 2008-2009 and summer 2008 and 2010. Admin Area: Dohuk IBA Criteria: A4ii Coordinates: N 37 ° 06’ 43”

Fishkhaboor (Photo by Korsh Ararat, 2010)

Site Description: This site consists of foothills and lowlands including a narrow riparian strip along the Tigris and Fishkhaboor (Khabour) Rivers. A pontoon bridge and a newly-constructed bridge cross the river approximately 6.3 km downstream of the point where the Tigris River enters Iraq, which allows access to the Syrian border. There are extensive gravel mining operations throughout the area on the Tigris and Fishkhaboor Rivers. This area represents the only Iraqi segment of the Eastern Mediterranean ecoregion. A water transportation tank has been constructed to supply water to the villages nearby.

Important Bird Area Criteria Observations made 2008-2010

A4ii. 1% or more of global population of a congregatory seabird or terrestrial species Breeding Wintering/Passage Dead Sea Sparrow Passer moabiticus (Resident/summer visitor)

1400 counted in summer 2008 (1.5% of regional population)

Additional Important Bird Observations: During the survey a total of 36 species were recorded. The site held breeding populations of one Mediterranean, two Irano-Turanian and one Sahara-Sindian biome-restricted species (Table X) but these did not trigger inclusion under criterion A3. Other Fauna Mammals, Reptiles, and other Fauna: Mammal data were collected in summer 2010. According to local interviews, significant mammals seen at the site include Grey Wolf Canis lupus, and Golden Jackal Canis aureus. Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra (Near Threatened) tracks were found along the river. Fish: Five species were recorded in 2008. According to Coad (2010) species of econonic importance are Alburnus mossulensis, cyprinion kais, Cyprinion macrostomum, Garra rufa, and Liza abu (also of conservation concern). Plants & Habitats: This site includes about 40 species in total. Two species, Centaurea pseudosinaica and Brassica kaber, were recorded in Iraq for the first time at this site. One waypoint was surveyed in a key habitat

Page 3: Fishkhaboor - D11 · 2019-01-29 · Fishkhaboor (D11) Surveyed in winter 2008-2009 and summer 2008 and 2010. Admin Area: Dohuk IBA Criteria: A4ii Coordinates: N 37 ° 06’ 43”

type: Riverine Forest of the Plains (N 37° 2’ 46” E 42° 22’ 36”) were characterized by Salix acmophylla, Populus euphratica, Platanus orientalis (trees), Tamarix gallica, Paliurus spina-christi (shrubs), Datura stramonium, and Prosopis farcta (herbs), as well as associated plants such as Cyperus esculentus, Verbascum mucronatum, Equisetum ramossissimum, Nerium oleander, and Imperata cylindrica. The ecological condition was very disturbed, with an ecological scale of four. The slope is moderate (6-14°). The non-vegetated percentage was about 40%. The site is located in the moist steppe zone, and the geology is sandstones, clay, and sandy gravels and soil types is sandy clay. Conservation Issues: Fishkhaboor received a rating of medium or high for seven of the threat categories assessed. High threats were mining (gravel) along the Fishkhaboor River as well as the Tigris; transportation and service corridors (especially road building in areas where most gravel mining occurs); over-exploitation of species (border police at the site reported hunting in the area), and human intrusion and disturbance (minefields are aggregated on the Iraqi-Turkish border, in areas near Tuwan such as Cheae Bekher and Ware Smaili). Many of these threats have caused extensive damage to the riparian forest habitat. Agriculture and pollution, particualrly sewage from the city of Zakho upstream, present medium threats to the area. Recommendations: It should be noted that this Iraq KBA site adjoins a Turkish KBA (Cizre ve Silopi, GDA018) that has been identified based on important plant, bird, mammal and reptile species and, with additional cooperation and coordination from Syria, represents a unique opportunity to develop a tri-nation “Peace Park” that could protect the biodiversity for all three countries. A proper land use management scheme should be developed that addresses the many threats. As this is a sensitive border area for all three countries, significant cooperation and coordination is required for any future survey and conservation work. References Coad B. W. (2010). Freshwater Fishes of Iraq. PENSOFT Publishers, Sofia-Moscow. No.93.