Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 05 Haddock Nubble. This is situated SE. ? S. from Matinicus Rock, faraway 16 miles, and possesses an average depth of 50 fathoms more than a small, circular patch some 2,000 feet across. The bottom is of rocks and gravel, and "lemons" and marine growths of like the outdoors are abundant. This can be a June cod ground, usually furnishing very good haddocking, also, from November to Jan, inclusive. Skate Banking institution. This bank bears SSE. from Matinicus Rock, distant 12 miles. It is a couple of miles in diameter and nearly circular in form. Depths are from 35 to 60 fathoms. The base is gravelly but quite uneven. The most effective season on this ground for cod and cusk is from April to July. Hake abound in August and July. Hand lines and trawls are used here, fished by sloops and vessels. Matinicus Sou'Sou'West Grounds. These reasons bear SSW. from Matinicus Rock, that the inner edge of the grounds is faraway 6 miles. They extend about 9 miles N. and S. and have about the same width, being nearly triangular in shape, broadest at the northern stop. On the northern part there is a shoal of around 30 fathoms 2 miles long E. and W. and 1 mile wide. The earth is not broken and drops off slowly to depths of 50 to 55 fathoms or even to 60 fathoms in the southern part, despite the fact that sharp rocks protect this. Outside of the shoal the bottom is pebbly and gravelly. This is one of the best haddock and cod grounds in the vicinity. Cod are sometimes abundant here all winter; haddock are found here from December 1 to February and are a lot more abundant than the cod. Hake are plentiful about this ground and in 60 fathoms on the soil off the edge SE. of this ground throughout the summer season. Marks: The top pinnacle on the eastern end of Wooden Ball, showing just out by Matinicus Rock, SW. by S. from the rock and roll, 5 miles. Interior Breaker. This is placed 2 miles W. of the southwest reason for Matinicus Island. It is actually a rocky shoal about 1 acre in extent and having 7 fathoms of water. From this shoal the bottom ski slopes gradually to depths of 25 to 30 fathoms, and also this slope furnishes good fishing for cod in June and may even, while haddock are here in December and January. A good college of hake is found on the edge of the ground in summer. The base is rocky and broken and, while sharp, is fished with trawls along with hand lines. It really is mostly a small-boat ground. Towhead Grounds. These reasons hear N. by E. ? E. from Matinicus Island, that they are distant 2? miles. Depths are from 12 to 30 fathoms. It is somewhat irregular in shape and has a very rocky, damaged bottom. The ground is from 2? to 3 miles long and ? to 1? a long way wide. It stretches E. by S. and W. by N. and is deemed one of the best inside shoal grounds for cod and haddock in the bay. In former times this and the preceding reasons were considered as well sharp for the usage of trawls, even though hand lines and trawls are used here now. Both these are good lobster grounds and chiefly small-boat grounds. Green Tropical isle Ridge (or Western Ridge) and the Pigeon Ground. The northern portion of this ridge lies 6? a long way NW. by W. from Matinicus Rock, from which the ground runs about 7 kilometers in a SSW. course. The greatest width will not be over 1 mile. Depths are from 15 to 30 fathoms. The bottom is shattered and rocky. This is a good cod terrain in the fall and spring. Haddock are normally found here inNovember and June, and Dec. In summer this is an excellent hake ground. Halibut are found on the shoals (10 fathoms) contributing to the northern element of Western Green Isle, on the sandy bottom part during June and July. Matinic Financial institution. This is an extension from the shore soundings that make out to the

Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 05

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Haddock Nubble. This is situated SE. ? S. from Matinicus Rock, faraway 16 miles, and possesses an av

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Fishing Grounds of the Gulf 1 05

Haddock Nubble. This is situated SE. ? S. from Matinicus Rock, faraway 16 miles, and possesses anaverage depth of 50 fathoms more than a small, circular patch some 2,000 feet across. The bottom isof rocks and gravel, and "lemons" and marine growths of like the outdoors are abundant. This can bea June cod ground, usually furnishing very good haddocking, also, from November to Jan, inclusive.

Skate Banking institution. This bank bears SSE. from Matinicus Rock, distant 12 miles. It is a coupleof miles in diameter and nearly circular in form. Depths are from 35 to 60 fathoms. The base isgravelly but quite uneven. The most effective season on this ground for cod and cusk is from April toJuly. Hake abound in August and July. Hand lines and trawls are used here, fished by sloops andvessels.

Matinicus Sou'Sou'West Grounds. These reasons bear SSW. from Matinicus Rock, that the inneredge of the grounds is faraway 6 miles. They extend about 9 miles N. and S. and have about thesame width, being nearly triangular in shape, broadest at the northern stop. On the northern partthere is a shoal of around 30 fathoms 2 miles long E. and W. and 1 mile wide. The earth is notbroken and drops off slowly to depths of 50 to 55 fathoms or even to 60 fathoms in the southernpart, despite the fact that sharp rocks protect this. Outside of the shoal the bottom is pebbly andgravelly. This is one of the best haddock and cod grounds in the vicinity. Cod are sometimesabundant here all winter; haddock are found here from December 1 to February and are a lot moreabundant than the cod. Hake are plentiful about this ground and in 60 fathoms on the soil off theedge SE. of this ground throughout the summer season. Marks: The top pinnacle on the eastern endof Wooden Ball, showing just out by Matinicus Rock, SW. by S. from the rock and roll, 5 miles.

Interior Breaker. This is placed 2 miles W. of the southwest reason for Matinicus Island. It is actuallya rocky shoal about 1 acre in extent and having 7 fathoms of water. From this shoal the bottom skislopes gradually to depths of 25 to 30 fathoms, and also this slope furnishes good fishing for cod inJune and may even, while haddock are here in December and January. A good college of hake isfound on the edge of the ground in summer. The base is rocky and broken and, while sharp, is fishedwith trawls along with hand lines. It really is mostly a small-boat ground.

Towhead Grounds. These reasons hear N. by E. ? E. from Matinicus Island, that they are distant 2?miles. Depths are from 12 to 30 fathoms. It is somewhat irregular in shape and has a very rocky,damaged bottom. The ground is from 2? to 3 miles long and ? to 1? a long way wide. It stretches E.by S. and W. by N. and is deemed one of the best inside shoal grounds for cod and haddock in thebay. In former times this and the preceding reasons were considered as well sharp for the usage oftrawls, even though hand lines and trawls are used here now. Both these are good lobster groundsand chiefly small-boat grounds.

Green Tropical isle Ridge (or Western Ridge) and the Pigeon Ground. The northern portion of thisridge lies 6? a long way NW. by W. from Matinicus Rock, from which the ground runs about 7kilometers in a SSW. course. The greatest width will not be over 1 mile. Depths are from 15 to 30fathoms. The bottom is shattered and rocky. This is a good cod terrain in the fall and spring.Haddock are normally found here inNovember and June, and Dec. In summer this is an excellenthake ground. Halibut are found on the shoals (10 fathoms) contributing to the northern element ofWestern Green Isle, on the sandy bottom part during June and July.

Matinic Financial institution. This is an extension from the shore soundings that make out to the

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southward and eastward of Matinic a extended distance of 2 or 3 miles, with depths (outside of 1?miles) of 23 to 30 fathoms. The bottom is degree, consisting of rocks, pebbles, and gravel, as well asthe ground abounds in cod in the time of year from March to June. Just off of the edge, in depths offrom 40 to 50 fathoms, the bottom is smooth mud, on which hake abound in summertime. Very fewhaddock are taken on this banking institution. Halibut are sometimes abundant here in 10 to 15fathoms during May and June.

Matinic Ooze. This can be a flat bottom, made from ooze and seashells, that makes off to theeastward of the Haddock Ledge and Shoal and bears about S. from Matinic. They have beenprovided different names from the fishermen, though the Haddock Shoal and the Ooze are reallyparts of one particular ground. The Haddock Shoal (3 a long way S. by B. from the Seal Ledge: It isactually a fall haddock terrain, even though breaks in rough weather) is thought to be poor floor andis but small fished. The Ooze falls off slowly, reaching a degree of 50 fathoms on the outercomponent. It is considered fair fishing ground for cod and haddock in the spring and for cod andhake from the summer and fall.

Freemans Ground. This ground lies 6? miles E. from Monhegan Island in between Ornes Ground andMatinicus Western Terrain. It is 3 mls long and 1 mile wide and runs in a NE. and SW. path. There isa shoal around the southwest part possessing 20 fathoms spanning a sharp rocky underside. Therest of the ground has depths of 25 to 40 fathoms, the bottom of rocks, gravel, and shells, in manyplaces uneven and also in others smooth. This is a great spring ground for cod and for cod, hake,and pollock in the fall. A few are generally to be found here in December, although haddock usuallyare not numerous on this soil. Herring are here May to August.

Middle Shoal, Pollock Rip, Allens Shoal, and Deckers Shoal. These are small rocky patches lying toeastward of Monhegan Island and northerly from the Outer Shoal. They have depths from 6 to 30fathoms over adifficult and sharp, and broken bottom. Center Shoal is 2 miles from the tropical isle.Pollock Rip 1? miles. Allens Shoal 1 1/4 miles, getting 5? fathoms and breaking in difficult weather;and Deckers Shoal 1 mile. Depths vary right here from 6 to 30 fathoms over a bottom generallyrocky and sharp. The main minn kota endura here is fingers-lining for cod in the spring throughoutthe herring season and then in the fall in "squid time". A few pollock are taken on this page also.

A number of small patches lie westerly from the Outer Shoal and close to Monhegan Island. Theseare the Cusk Ground with a degree of 20 to 35 fathoms; Gull Rock Ledge (breaks in rough weatherconditions) 3? fathoms; Lobster Point Ground, 15 to 30 fathoms; Inner Spring Ground, 15 to 30fathoms; Outer Springtime Ground 25 to 30 fathoms. All of these are fished for cod nearly all theentire year, for haddock in December and January, and for pollock at the begining of spring and laterfall. The Springtime Grounds are nearby the harbor and so are fished before the others. Each one islobster grounds. Modest boats and vessels operate. Make certain an individual examine and gazeafter the boat�s fuel, gasoline and electrical systems on an everyday basishere.

Black Island Ground. This ground is ENE. 2 miles from Monhegan. 1 distance in diameter, has ashoal of 10 fathoms, and well-defined rocky bottom from the center. The ground slopes graduallyfrom this for the edges, where are 40 fathoms. Past the depths of 28 to 30 fathoms the bottom isgravelly and smoother. It is a cod ground in spring, and cod and hake are taken here around theedges in slip and summer. Pollock are found about the shoal in summer. This is a good lobsterterrain.

Franklin Ground. This ground is NE. by N. midway between Monhegan and Burnt Island, remote 4miles. Cod and haddock are normally found here from Apr to June and pollock in summertime. Insummer and fall hake are taken by evening minn kota endura with hands line about the rocks in 20

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to 30 fathoms on the broken floor. Fishing here is manually-lining in summer and trawling in fall andwinter. It is a lobster ground.

White Brain Ground. Depths about the shoal (the White-colored Hub: Bring Budd cottage out byWhite Head, Black Head. and Allens Island touching) are 7 fathoms, thence to 20 fathoms on theedges about it. This ground extends NE. and SW., 2 miles very long by 1/4 mile wide. The bottom ischiefly broken, of stones, and with spots of coarse gravel and sand. Fish in addition to their seasonsare as on Franklin Ground. Marks: Bring Black colored Head, White Go, and Gull Head in range onthe east side of Monhegan Island.

Scorched Island, Inner Ridge aka Andrews Shoal. This is NE. by E. from Monhegan, distant 5 mls. Itis a broken soil with depths from 15 to 20 fathoms, the bottom rocky and gravelly, with occasionalmud openings. It extends NE. about 4 kilometers, nearly to Roaring Bull Ledge, and is ? mile wide.You can find strong tidal currents here, the flood being NE., the ebb SW. It really is a cod groundfrom April to June, and cod and hake are removed from September to December; haddock in Dec. Itis a good lobster ground.

Burnt Tropical island, Outer Ridge. This ground is parallel with the Inner Ridge and at a distance ofthree/4 mile. Depths are from 5 to 25 fathoms, the bottom being rather less broken than on the InnerRidge. Fishing seasons and species are as on Inner Ridge. Hand-lining is done mostly due to strongtides. It is actually a good lobster floor.

Ornes Ground. This ground bears E., distant 4? a long way from Monhegan Lighting to the center. Itreally is 1 mile long. E. and W. and 1 mile wide. Depths are from 30 to 45 fathoms. On the shoalparts the bottom is of sharp rocks and broken. On other parts it is typically pebbly and rather level.The shoal lies toward the eastern part of the soil and is a good spring cod ground; yet anotherpollock ground from the fall and early spring. It is a night minn kota endura ground for hake, byhand lining near to the rocks during Sept and October. Herring are abundant right here usually inCould and June. It is a great lobster ground. Sport fishing is done by hand outlines and trawls.

Outer Shoal. This soil is ESE from Monhegan Light about 2? miles. It is rounded in form contributingto 1? miles all over. Depths are from 10 to 38 fathoms. There is a small difficult shoal in the center ofthe earth; the remainder of this piece has a gravelly bottom. This is a cod ground from early springto fall plus a good pollock soil in September. Several haddock are used here about the ends inDecember. Hake are abundant in the edges on the dirt in 45 to 50 fathoms during the spring, falland summertime.

Monhegan Internal Sou'Southeast Ground. This ground is SSE from Monhegan Lighting. It iscircular in form and 1/14 mls across. The heart is 5 miles fro the light. The other ground is gravellyand muddy, despite the fact that depths are from 30 to 50 fathoms, the shoalest drinking waterbeing on the eastern part, the shoal has a broken and rocky bottom. The principal fishes taken arecod and cusk in the spring, fall and summer. Hardly any haddock are found here. Pollock arenumerous from the fall, when they are considered by hand lining. Hake are abundant in October andSept .. June is the best minn kota endura month, except once the squid strike the floor in the fall.This really is mainly a small motorboat ground, fished by trawls, hand lines and an increasingnumber of gill nets.

Monhegan Outer Sou'Southeast. Three a long way outside the Inner Ground on the same bearingand similar in size and form. The bottom is rocky and dirty or of difficult clay. The depths are from35 to 55 fathoms. Exactly the same species are found here as on Interior Sou'Southeast and at asimilar seasons, and in addition, fingers lining is done for cod in August and September.

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Azure Ground. This is SE 1? E from Monhegan, distant 14 miles; E 1? S from Portland Lightship 45miles, and SW from Matinicus Rock 9 miles to the southern area of Edge. Fishermen normally takethe Monhegan showing [12] for their starting point. This ground has a tiny shoal in the heart, having28 to 30 fathoms, through which the bottom slopes off and away to 60 and 45 fathoms on the ends.The shoal is broken and rocky, bu the deep water is over a level gravelly bottom. This ground iscircular in type and about 2 mls across. It is both a small-vessel and boat ground, larger craftfunctioning here mainly from the fall. Hake are found here in large amounts in summer and fall;cusk are taken in the strong water the year around but are most plentiful in January. Cod are herethe season around, the largest school occurring in February and March.

Monhegan Southeast Ground. This ground lies SE from Monhegan Tropical island, the center distant12 miles. This can be nearly circular, 3 miles in diameter. Depths are from 35 to 75 fathoms over abottom of rocks, gravel and mud, though the bottom part is so broken that depths may vary a lotwithin a short length. Minn Kota Endura is by trawl and handline. It really is good cod soil from Aprilto July; haddock are taken in December and hake in summertime on the edges in 50 to 60 fathoms.

Hill Floor. This ground is SSW 9 mls from Matinic: in between 3 and 4 miles long SW and NE andsome 2 miles wide. The shoalest part has 35 fathoms as well as a rocky bottom. From this it slopesslowly to a depth of 50 fathoms across a bottom of blended pea gravel, mud and stones. Its bestsportfishing is for hake, employing both hand outlines and trawls.

Monhegan Inner Sou'Sou'west Ground. this ground requires its name by reviewing the bearing, lyingSSW from Monhegan gentle, distant 5 a long way. Its width is 1? miles, its length NNE and SSW is 11/4 miles. It has a well-defined, broken, rocky base, including a small shoal of 20 fathoms and somehummocks of rather greater depths. The deepest normal water is in the neighborhood of 50 fathoms.Minn Kota Endura here is from Might until July for codfish and pollock: cusk and hake are in thedeeply water in the spring weeks and halibut in the shoal in Sept . and July. There is considerablehand lining in September and October, even though this terrain is principally fished by trawls.Gillnetting, too, has become more common of later years.

Harris Ground. From 15 miles S ? W from Monhegan island to 6 miles SSW. It has 40 to 50 fathomsover a bottom part of sharp rocks and mud--a "blistery" bottom part. Cod, hake and cusk are foundhere the season around. Halibut are here in August, June and July. Fishing is actually by trawlingand fingers lining, with very little gillnetting.

The 45 Fathom Bunch. Sixteen miles S 1? E from Monhegan. This is a great soil for June hands liningfor cod. Thence 1 mile ENE to 70 fathom depth, which results in a piece of ground creating the InnerFall, where, on a hard base and mud in which there is an abundance of "lemons" and similar forms,can be found cod cusk and pollock in June. The ground is about 6 miles ENE, WSW and long by 1mile wide.

Another Forty Five Fathom Bunch lies 22 miles S ? E from Monhegan. This ground is 4 miles long by1 mile broad, running ENE and WSW, and has depths from 45 to 75 fathoms. This can be likewise agreat cod hand lining ground in June.

One more of the same name is placed 26 miles S 1? E from Monhegan. It has a 49 fathom shoalalong with the seasons and kinds are much the same as about the other grounds of the name. This isprobably the soil known to other vessel captains as Toothaker Ridge.

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Monhegan External Sou'Sou'West. This soil is SSW from Monhegan Light. the center distant 9 milesIt is 4 miles SSW, lengthy and NNE and about 2 miles wide, and contains 45 fathoms on the shoalestpart although the depths generally come from 60 to 80 fathoms. The bottom usually is gravelly andquite level. The soil is fished by both boats and vessels using fingers lines and trawls.

This is a cod ground in spring and fall. In summer season hake are ample here, and halibut are quiteplentiful in July on the shoalest part.

Old Jeffrey. An exceedingly great ground. It is said that better minn kota endura may be had herethan on any other ground of its size from the vicinity. This component of bottom bears SE fromPumpkin Rock and roll, from which the centre is distant about 6 miles. It can be about 3 mls long SWand NE, and about 1 mile wide. The base is broken, of gravel and soil, with depths from 25 to 50fathoms. Fishing here is by trawling and land-coating. In spring cod are most numerous, in latesummer and fall hake, cod, and pollock are taken. Halibut are found on the shoaler elements in July.

Very little Jeffrey. A small bit of broken, rocky bottom part, roughly circular in form. Depths common35 fathoms. seasons and Species are as on Outdated Jeffrey, from which it lies about 4 miles NE byE.

Monhegan European Ground. This is a considerably extensive ground being untruthful about 4? mlsWSW from Monhegan Island. The depths range from 22 to 45 fathoms. Its length is four to fivemiles, and its best breadth is 2 miles on the eastern portion, gradually thinning westward to about 1mile. The ground works SE and NW. Pollock are found here in September and October. It is fishedyourself gill, trawls and outlines nets. Marks: Provide houses on New Harbor over the bright whitecliff on Pemaquid 6 miles from New Harbor.

Broken Ground. The center bears nearly S. from Pumpkin Isle (at entrance to Boothbay Harbor),remote 7 miles. It extends 4 miles in an ENE. and WSW direction and has an average width of 1?miles. Depths are from 35 to 50 fathoms on a bottom of stones and mud. Cod are taken right herethe year around; hake from June to September. Cusk are found here all the year in 40 fathomsdepths. It really is fair herring soil on spring times.

Great Ledge. Twenty miles S. from Cape Newagen. It is about 4 miles long, SSW. and NNE and from1 to 2 miles wide. There exists said to be a shoal of 14 fathoms on the northern benefit and anotherof 22 fathoms near http://www.beach-net.com/fishing/ the middle. The main part of the ground,experiencing depths of 30 to 45 fathoms, is mostly composed of fine sand. is quite level, and slopesgradually toward the edge, although these are both broken and rocky. It is a excellent ground forcod and haddock in the winter months and for cod early in the year. A few pollock are taken here,also. Halibut are located on the shoals in July. On these, also, are good lobster grounds. It is chiefly acompact-boat and vessel ground, minn kota endura being done by hand collections and trawls, witha few gill netting. Markings: Show the sawtooth of Morse's Hill coming out by Seguin on the westernpart; hold this until finally Pumpkin Island comes onto White Island.

Barnum Head Grounds. These lie SSE. from Damariscove Island and are about 1 mile long by 400yards vast. Depths are from 40 to 70 fathoms over broken ground of sharp rocks on the shoals, withmud on the greater parts. This soil is fished by hand lines, gill nets, and trawls mostly by boats andsmall craft. , and pollock are found in the spring and fall months:haddock and Cod hake in themuddy pieces in summer. It is a summer hand-line ground for cod and pollock also. Marks: Providethe peak of Heron Island on Damariscove and the "Whistler" on Seguin, 7 a long way fromDamariscove Tropical isle (this gives 21-fathom soundings) or Big White Island's inner part justtouching on Barnum Head; Morse Hill (in Kennebec) pressing on eastern element of Seguin to make

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a sawtooth.

Peterson's Ground. Lies distant SW. from Monhegan 20 mls and SSE. from Seguin 16 mls. This isabout 3 miles long in a ENE. and WSW. direction by about 1? miles wide. The northern and westernedges climb sharply from the 85 or 90 fathoms of the muddy bottom part about it to 60 fathoms overa bottom of stones and rocks. Easterly and southerly the ground ski slopes away gradually over hardgravel to 90 fathoms. Cod and hake supply the best minn kota endura here--at its peak while inNovember and October.

Cusk Ridge. It lies S. ? E. 12 miles from Pumpkin Island, 3? to 4 miles long, NE. and SW., and 1/4distance wide. This terrain is somewhat difficult to find. It possesses a bottom of black color graveland stones with 30 to 60 fathoms water over it. A "blistery" bottom that is a cod ground the yearclose to, the best of the minn kota endura occurring in the spring months. Hake are plentiful in thefall, and cusk fishing is exceptionally good from the deep water in June.

Potato Patch. Three miles WNW. from Monhegan. A round nubble about 14 mile in diameter, ofrazor-sharp, rocky bottom having about 40 fathoms over it. Cusk and cod are taken on the hake andshoal in the muddy edges about it.

The Apron. one and Four-half miles from Monhegan. Marks are the tripod on Eastern Egg Rock overFranklin Island Light; Monhegan Light over the middle of Manana. Its duration is 5 kilometers andits width 3 miles. It is a damaged piece of ground with 10 to 45 fathoms. Cod are present the yeararound and haddock all the calendar year except for a few days in summer. The season for pollock isSeptember, even though cusk are here most of the year.

Henry Gallant Ridges. The inner a single lies 16? mls S. by E. of Monhegan Isle, extending in a NNE.and SSW. course, about 1 mile long by 1/4 distance wide. The exterior ridge lies about 1? milesfarther away from the island on the same displaying as the first and paralleling it and evidently isabout the same sizing. The bottom on both shoals is of pea gravel and black rocks with depthsaveraging 45 fathoms but rising from the 90 and 80 fathoms of the surrounding dirty ground. Boththese are year-all around cod grounds, the spring months, nonetheless, having The largestinstitution. Cusk also are abundant on both shoals early in the year.

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Mosers Ledge, also referred to as Middle Ground. This piece of shoal floor lies about midwaybetween Monhegan Island and Pemaquid and contains a 3-fathom shoal about the eastern partwhere sea breaks in heavy weather. This shoal, called Mosers Ledge, is shattered and rocky butslopes gradually to the SW., reaching 48 fathoms, with a bottom part of mud and gravel on thedeepest part. The ground is about 2 miles long NE. and SW. and about 1 distance wide. It isexcellent ground for haddock and cod in the spring and for herring in June and other best-schoolingspecies of fish In their season. Mackerel occur in late August and September. It is a lobster groundthe entire year around.

Johns Go Ground. About 4 miles SSE. from Pemaquid Point. Depths are from 25 to 15 fathomsspanning a sandy bottom, creating a good cod soil in April and May. The ground is of circular formabout 1 mile in diameter. Hand lines and trawls, combined with some gill nets, are used on the sandshoal.

White Isle Ground. This is ESE from White Tropical isle, from which its interior edge is far-away ?mile and the outside edge about 4 miles. Of triangular outline, it is largest at the outer conclusion. Itis very broken and uneven and has depths from 6 to 30 fathoms. In certain places the bottom isgravelly, but around the shoal it is sharp, broken rocks. The small, rocky spots are known by othernames, such as Browns Head Ground (a herring ground in June), where the fishermen catch a fewrock cod. The sandy bottom furnishes excellent fares of haddock in May and June. "Bobber trawling"is the usual method used within June. This floor is fished mostly by small boats and sloops utilizinghand lines and trawls.

Steamboat Soil. Seven miles WSW. from Monhegan Isle; it is 3 mls long, NE. and SW, and ? milewide. Its bottom part is broken with patches of rocks. Depths are from 25 to 50 fathoms, the shoalest20 fathoms. This is fished by hand lines and trawls mainly by craft from New Harbor. Cod are foundhere the year around but are most ample in the fall. Haddock are present all the tumble and spring;hake through the summer months; pollock in the fall. Cusk are most numerous in the spring. Acertain amount of lobster minn kota endura is done right here.

Inner and External Boutens (Bootlegs). The interior ground lies 3 miles SW. from Monhegan Island.It is about 1 distance long. NE. and SW., by 1/4 distance wide. It has a distinct, rocky bottom,shoalest in the center, in which are 25 fathoms, sloping gradually south west and falling off instantlyon the northeast aspect to the mud in 60 fathoms around the edges. , and cusk are here the entireyear around.Cod and haddock Hake exist in summer on the muddy edges. It is a reasonably goodlobster soil on the shoal. The Outer Bouten is situated ? mile SW. from the Inner, separated as aresult by a deep, dirty channel. It has a tiny shoal of 30 fathoms rising suddenly from thesurrounding dirt. Fish and months of their presence are as on Inner Bouten. Fishing on thesegrounds is principally by hand line and trawl. Marks: The Tripod on European Duck Island aroundthe eastern side from the big eastern hill of Camden: Black Head just out by White Head; WhiteHead through the "Hole in the Wall."

Hill Ground. This ground is SSW 9 miles from Matinic: between 4 and 3 miles long NE and SW andsome 2 miles vast. The shoalest part has 35 fathoms and a rocky bottom part. From this it slopesgradually to a level of 50 fathoms over a bottom of mixed rocks, mud and gravel. Its finest minn kotaendura is for hake, using both hand lines and trawls.

Seguin Sou'Sou'West Floor. This ground is placed SSW. from the western part of Seguin Isle, thecenter faraway 4 miles. It is actually a rocky shoal, ? distance long by 200 yards wide, using a ? -acreshoal in the center. Depths are 7 to 14 fathoms. This is evidently a SSW continuation of the HillsideGround. It is fished by small vessels for rock cod by hand-lining. Trawling is done in March for cod,

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and this is also a cod ground in April. It is both a small-fishing boat and a vessel floor and is a lobsterground the year about. Marks: Elwells Rock touching the traditional western side of Seguin, andFullers Rock touching the the southern area of part of Bald Go.

Seguin Ridge. This ridge is SSW. from Seguin Isle, distant 5 kilometers. Four miles long. ESE. andWSW by ? mile wide. There are a number of tiny rocky spots--hummocks of 9 to 14 fathoms in depth.Generally the ground has from 10 to 40 fathoms over it, except as mentioned. Cod and cusk aretaken in the spring, haddock in May and June. and hake in summer. It is actually a good cod floor inthe fall and also a lobster ground. A few pollock are seined here in the spring. Sportfishing is byhand lines, gill netting, and trawling. Marks: Pond Island Light around the eastern spur of Seguin;Wooded Tag Island on Hairless Head (Small Point).

Seguin Ground. This ground is SW. by S. from Seguin Island, far-away about 7 a long way to thecenter. About 4 miles very long. NE. and SW., and a little more than 2 miles large in the widest part.On typical , twenty fire-related accidents

and injuries occur about boats every yearThere is a small hummock called Bumpers Island Groundon the northern end with depths of 13 fathoms. The northern portion is mostly rocky, but toward thesouthern the bottom is gravelly and sloping, to ensure that on the middle and southern portionsthere are depths of 35 to 45 fathoms. Cod, hake, and pollock are the principal fishes taken here andfurnish some of the best sportfishing in this vicinity. Haddock are not common right here but areabundant in the sandy bottom for the westward in May and April. Trawl minn kota endura and gillnetting are done in the spring for hand and cod lining for cod and pollock in October. It is a modest-vessel and boat ground plus a winter lobster terrain.