College of Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension Management of Fish Ponds in Pennsylvania

Fish pond managementfreshwater-aquaculture.extension.org/wp...Construction Permits Permits for the construction of ponds or dams may be required, depending on the size of the drainage

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Page 1: Fish pond managementfreshwater-aquaculture.extension.org/wp...Construction Permits Permits for the construction of ponds or dams may be required, depending on the size of the drainage

College of Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Research and CooperativeExtension

Management ofFish Ponds inPennsylvania

Page 2: Fish pond managementfreshwater-aquaculture.extension.org/wp...Construction Permits Permits for the construction of ponds or dams may be required, depending on the size of the drainage
Page 3: Fish pond managementfreshwater-aquaculture.extension.org/wp...Construction Permits Permits for the construction of ponds or dams may be required, depending on the size of the drainage

Table of Contents

3 About This Publication

3 Where to Get Help with PondManagement

4 Developing Objectives for YourPond

4 Planning a New Pond

6 Design

8 Construction

10 Maintenance

12 Water Quality

12 Physical Water Quality

14 Chemical Water Quality

15 Biological Water Quality

16 Testing Your Pond Water Quality

16 Pond Fisheries Management

16 Warmwater Versus Coldwater

17 Warmwater Pond Management

20 Management of Trout Ponds

23 Sources of Fish for Stocking Ponds

23 Regulations and Laws AffectingFish Ponds

24 Aquaculture

24 Aquatic Plants and Algae

25 Identification of Plants and Algae

26 Causes of Plant and Algae Growth

26 Preventing Plant and Algae Growth

27 Control of Plant and Algae Growth

29 Miscellaneous Troubles andTreatments

About This Publication

Ponds are a common feature ofPennsylvania’s landscape. Although theyoccur naturally in some parts of thestate, thousands also have been con-structed for a variety of purposes. Manywere built under the technical supervi-sion of the United States NaturalResources Conservation Service (for-merly the Soil Conservation Service),largely to assist farming operations. Inmore recent years, the recreational usesof ponds have become more importantto pond owners.

Regardless of a pond’s intended use, itsmanagement can be difficult andcomplex. Even with careful planning,many ponds do not meet the objectivesof their owners or serve their intendedpurposes. Fortunately, managementtechniques are available to help you dealwith almost any pond problem.

The purpose of this publication is toprovide general information about awide variety of pond managementprinciples applicable to Pennsylvania. Itis not intended to be a complete orexhaustive guide. References are given inthe text to more comprehensive publica-tions and Web pages where they areavailable.

Although some generalizations can beapplied to pond management, eachpond is unique and may require specifictreatment to achieve a desired result.When the general recommendations ofthis publication appear to be inad-equate, you are encouraged to seekadditional professional assistance.

Where to Get Help withPond Management

Assistance with pond management isavailable from a variety of sources. Inaddition to county Cooperative Exten-sion offices, local offices of the NaturalResources Conservation Service(NRCS), Pennsylvania Fish and BoatCommission (PFBC), and PennsylvaniaDepartment of Environmental Protec-tion (DEP) may be able to advise pondowners. Often, consultants are hired toimplement major pond managementpractices. The agencies listed below oryour local Yellow Pages may be able todirect you to local pondconsultants.

Sources of Assistance

PA Fish and Boat CommissionPhone: (717) 705-7800Check phone book for localnumber.http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Fish_Boat/

PA Department of EnvironmentalProtectionPhone: (717) 783-2300Check phone book for regionaloffice.http://www.dep.state.pa.us/

Natural Resources ConservationServicePhone: (717) 237-2200 (Pennsyl-vania office)Check phone book for local office.http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/

Penn State Cooperative ExtensionCheck phone book for countyoffice.http://www.extension.psu.edu/


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Developing Objectives forYour Pond

You may have a wide variety of reasonsfor building or owning a pond. The firstand most important step of properpond management is choosing yourprimary objective or use for your pondand understanding the limitations thiswill place on other uses of the pond. Forexample, small ponds today are com-monly used to aesthetically enhance thelandscape, but their relatively simpleconstruction may not provide the bestfacilities for other activities like swim-ming, boating, and fishing. Theimportance of establishing objectives forthe projected uses of a given pondcannot be overemphasized. Carefulconsideration of use compatibility anduse priorities is essential in planning anew pond.

In dealing with an existing pond, youwill need a slightly different approach.Make an appraisal, or have one made,that describes the existing pond and itspotential for management. For example,if the water quality is unacceptable fortrout, it would be pointless to spend agreat deal of time developing a plan

with a trout fishery as the objective.Recognize the limitations of theresources available, then developobjectives and plans that fall withinthese limitations. This will makemanagement of the pond easier, lesscostly, and more satisfying andrewarding.

Ponds are frequently used in severalways to satisfy more than one objective.For example, having water available inthe pond for fire protection usually doesnot conflict with other objectives suchas swimming or fishing. Multiple-useponds are fine as long as the uses arecompatible. When conflicting orincompatible uses are desired, you mustassign priorities to your objectives. Forexample, the objective of providing forswimming may conflict directly withthe objective of having water availablefor irrigation. Irrigation needs maylower the water level to a point whereswimming is impossible, at a time whenit is most wanted. If this occurs, youmust decide which objective is mostimportant. Sometimes planning andmanagement can eliminate or at leastreduce these conflicts. This is one reasonfor listing and prioritizing specificobjectives.

Planning a New Pond

When deciding where to locate a newpond on your property, you shouldconsider several critical factors. Theseinclude topography, land use, soiltexture, and water supply. In some cases,these factors may limit the pondlocation to one site. Where these factorsare equally satisfactory at severallocations, appearance and conveniencewill play a role in site selection.

For example, a pond located near ahouse, where it can be observedfrequently and conveniently, is safer andmore desirable for family recreation. Itcan be used as a source of water for fireprotection or for irrigating a smallgarden. Road access to the pond isimportant if it is to be used for fireprotection, so fire trucks can drive towithin 15 feet of the water.

The size of the pond will be determinedby the site characteristics and moneyyou want to spend on construction andmaintenance. Keep in mind that smallponds are not easy to manage for fish.Normally, ponds of less than 1/4 acre insurface area are too small for effectivemanagement of warmwater fish. Pondsas small as 1/10 acre in surface area maybe suitable for trout, however, if theyhave appropriate water quality.

Table 1. The most common primary uses of ponds, from a survey of 557 pondowners throughout Pennsylvania.

Pond Use Percent of Respondents

Aesthetic Beauty 45%

Fishing 21

Wildlife Habitat 11

Swimming 7

Animal Drinking Water 6

Fire Protection 6

Irrigation 1

Other 3

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The Pond Watershed

The area of land surrounding the pondthat contributes water to it is known asthe pond watershed. Understanding thepond watershed is important, becauseanything that occurs within this areacan affect the pond. Locating a pond inan undisturbed area or minimizingdisturbance and land use changes withinthe pond watershed are importantcomponents of managing a pond.

The ideal topography for a pondwatershed is a natural depression or abroad drainage with a narrow neck at itslower end where only a short dam willbe needed. The most economical site isone that will require the smallest damand the least amount of work for thesize of the pond created. Small pondscollecting runoff from large drainageareas require expensive overflow andspillway systems to handle water safely.

Soil texture must be considered whenselecting the pond site. The bottom ofthe pond, the banks, and the earth fillplaced in the dam must contain enoughclay or silt to prevent seepage and makethe reservoir hold water. Normally, areasthat include exposed bedrock or beds ofsand or gravel are not satisfactory.Anyone who is considering building apond should have the soils and geologi-cal conditions in the area checked by aprofessional consultant knowledgeableand competent in making siteinvestigations.

Water Supply

Springs, seeps, and small streams aretypically the best sources of water forponds. They usually provide cool andrelatively clean water suitable for mostpond uses. If an obvious water supply isnot available, direct surface runoff fromthe surrounding land can be theprimary source of water to maintain thelevel of a pond. The drainage areashould be large enough to ensure thatthe combined surface runoff and

subsurface seepage are adequate duringeven the driest years. Normally, adrainage area of 10 to 20 acres yieldssufficient water for a one-acre pond inPennsylvania.

Land use around the water supply iscritical in determining the water qualityof the pond. All sources of watercontributing to the pond should be freeof sediment, pesticides, and other formsof pollution. It is generally a good ideato establish a buffer strip of vegetationaround the pond to trap sediment andkeep it out of the water. Ponds alsocommonly suffer from excessiveamounts of nitrogen and other nutri-ents. These nutrients often originatefrom animal or human waste orfertilizers from nearby barnyards, cropfields, and septic systems. Drainagefrom these areas should be divertedaway from the pond, since too muchnitrogen and other nutrients will causeexcessive growth of weeds and algae.

Construction Permits

Permits for the construction of ponds ordams may be required, depending onthe size of the drainage area, the heightof the dam, and the capacity of theimpoundment. A permit is required forthe construction of any dam thatimpounds the runoff from a drainagearea that exceeds 100 acres or provides amaximum storage capacity of 50 acre-feet of water (about 16.3 milliongallons). A permit also is required forany pond with a dam more than 15 feethigh, even if the pond’s only source ofwater is a spring, a well, or a smallpipeline from a stream. Permits are notrequired for ponds that do not exceedthese specifications.

Contact your local Pennsylvania DEPoffice for more information and toobtain the necessary permit application.The office telephone number andlocation can be found in the stategovernment pages of your local phonebook.

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Safety and Liability Concerns

Safety and liability are legitimateconcerns of all landowners, and pondscreate an additional reason for concern.Ponds may pose a downstream threat,and consequently the aforementionedpermits are required to ensure properconstruction.

Ponds, like any body of water, attractpeople. When the two come together,accidents sometimes can occur. Con-sider safety features when planning yourpond. Remove trees, stumps, and brushthat may be a hazard to swimmers. Keepthe pond and banks free of rubbish,wire, cans, bottles, and other debris.After the pond is built and filled withwater, mark the swimming area andpost safety rules for all permitted wateruses. Place warning signs at all knowndanger spots. If boating and swimmingare permitted, consider building a dockor pier. Place lifesaving devices such asring buoys, ropes, or long poles nearswimming areas.

Although many pond owners willinglyallow use of their land and water areasfor varied recreational purposes, liabilityfor accidents is a justifiable concern. Toaddress this issue, Pennsylvania enacteda law that has as its purpose “encourag-ing landowners to make land and waterareas available to the public for recre-ational purposes by limiting liability inconnection therewith, and repealingcertain acts.” This law generally limitslandowner liability, except for “willful ormalicious failure to guard or warnagainst a dangerous condition, use,structure, or activity.” Liability also isnot limited when fees are assessed forrecreational uses such as fishing,regulated shooting, campsite rentals,and other for-fee activities.

In addition to the protection offered bythis law, most landowners carry compre-hensive liability insurance on theirproperty. Some pond owners alsochoose to restrict access to their pond byposting signs prohibiting tresspassing.You should consult with an attorneyand an insurance agent for proper legalinterpretation and protection for thespecific circumstances involved withyour pond.


Ponds designed and constructedaccording to recommended standardsare relatively safe, easy to manage, andfairly economical to build. Pondsconstructed haphazardly are unsatisfac-tory and difficult to maintain. It pays toobtain information and expert advicebefore you start construction. Thissection briefly discusses the basiccomponents of a well-designed pond.

For More Information on PondDesign, Construction, andMaintenance

Look in the U.S. Governmentpages of your phone book for yourlocal Natural Resources Conserva-tion Service office. RequestAgriculture Handbook Number590, Ponds—Planning, Design,Construction. This 85-page colorpublication gives detailed informa-tion on proper pond design andconstruction, including detailedillustrations.

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Top Width and Side Slopes of Dam

The top width of the dam depends onthe height of the structure. In mostcases, the dam should be wide enoughto permit limited use as a roadway forvehicles. The minimum top widthshould be 6 feet if the dam is less than10 feet tall. The minimum top widthincreases to 14 feet for a dam that isover 25 feet tall.

All earth dams should be constructedwith side slopes stable enough toprevent erosion and keep the earth fillin place. In most instances, a slope of 3feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical (3:1) onboth the upstream and downstreamfaces of the dam will be satisfactory.Under no circumstance should eitherface of the dam or any excavated slopebe steeper than 2:1. Proper slope isespecially important in the shallowedges of the pond. Water should be atleast 3 feet deep at a point 6 feet outfrom the shoreline to discourage growthof algae and aquatic weeds. Experienceindicates that it is best to slope thebanks properly at the time ofconstruction.

Emergency Spillway

An emergency spillway is necessary toprovide a safe overflow outlet forfloodwater. Be sure that your pond hasone. The spillway should be constructedin the undisturbed bank at one end ofthe dam. It should have a flat-bottomedchannel large enough to handle theoverflow caused by a 10- to 50-yearrainstorm, depending on the size andwatershed area. Pennsylvania DEPrequirements must be met for dams thatare large enough to require a permit (seepermit section).

The spillway, including the side slopesand channel bottom, should be plantedwith a mixture of grass seed that willproduce a thick, tough sod. Good sodprevents rushing floodwater fromscouring deep ruts in the channel. Thepond should not be filled with wateruntil the sod becomes well establishedand the spillway is ready for use.


The crest, or top, of all earth dams mustbe higher than the normal water level tokeep waves and high water frombreaking over the top and cuttingchannels through the structure. Aftersettling, the top of the dam for a one-acre or smaller pond should be at least1.5 feet above the high water level orthe elevation of water designed to flowthrough the emergency spillway (seeabove). The interval between the waterlevel and the top of the dam is called thefreeboard. The freeboard interval ismaintained by the emergency spillwayand the outlet pipe.

Outlet Pipe

A drop- or hood-inlet pipe should beinstalled through the dam to provide anoutlet for the normal flow of water. Thepipe, which governs the depth of waterin the pond, should be positioned at alevel about 12 inches below the bottomof the emergency spillway. The pipeshould be large enough to drain the fullpond down to normal water level within24 hours after the flow through theemergency spillway ends. These pipesizes vary with drainage area and pondstorage characteristics and should bedetermined by an engineeringprofessional.

Figure 1. Pond construction.

Top ofdam atleast 6’wide

Adequate spillway


Antiseep collar


Outlet pipe

Drain pipe

3:1 slope

Water level Steep banks

Valve or breakable plug

Core fill

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A combination outlet pipe and drain-pipe is highly desirable for pondmanagement. It can be used to drain thepond for various fish managementpractices, pond repairs, or emergencysituations.

The drainpipe can be closed with avalve or plugged with a bell-end clay tilepartially filled with cement. Even a glassjug will work. The plug should be sealedin the inlet end of the pipe with asphaltcement or cement mortar. If a breakableplug is used, the pond can be drainedwhenever it becomes necessary, but itwill be difficult to stop the flow withoutdraining the pond completely.

Antiseep collars or drainage diaphragmsshould be placed around the drainpipeto prevent water from seeping along theoutside of the pipe and eroding achannel through the dam. When steelpipe is used, the collars should be metalplates welded to the pipe. Prefabricateddrains with antiseep collars and drainvalves may be available where culvertsand large corrugated pipes are sold. Adrainage diaphragm consists of sand andgravel surrounding the downstreamsections of the outlet pipe.

Dry Hydrants

A dry hydrant is a nonpressurized, low-cost pipe system installed along thebank of the pond at a location accessibleby fire trucks to provide easy access topond water during an emergency. It isconstructed from 6-inch or larger PVCpipe that extends from at least 2 feetbelow the water surface through thepond embankment and above theground next to the pond. Dry hydrantsusually can be installed for less than$1,000 and often pay for themselvesover time in insurance premium savings.


The construction site should be clearedof all large rocks, trees, brush, roots, andother debris. The topsoil should beremoved and stockpiled for later use.

Most earth dams should have anantiseepage core built into the structure.(See Figure 1.) A trench for this coreshould be dug along the centerline ofthe dam and then refilled and packedwith the best fine-grain soil available.This trench should extend the fulllength of the dam and be at least 3 feetdeep, preferably deeper. The core isnecessary to prevent seepage and toestablish a good bond with the undis-turbed foundation.

Dry hydrant

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The earth fill used in the dam should befree of boulders, stumps, roots, treelimbs, and decaying vegetation. Organicmaterial buried in the dam will eventu-ally decay and leave channels throughwhich water can seep and cause the damto fail. Earth fill should be spread in 6-to 8-inch layers and compacted with aheavy roller. The top of the dam shouldbe built about 10 percent higher thanthe designed height, to allow forsettling.

The emergency spillway and exposedfaces of the dam should be planted witha grass mixture to make the pondattractive and to prevent erosion. Treesshould not be planted on the dam,because their root growth may causeleakage from the pond.

Precautionary measures at the time ofconstruction may avoid some man-agement problems that commonlyoccur after the pond is completed.Riprap should be applied to theupstream face of the dam to controlwave erosion and discourage musk-rats. If livestock are nearby, a fenceshould be constructed to keep themfrom tramping along the banks andpolluting the water.

Selecting a Contractor

Attention to the details of constructionand adherence to specifications are asimportant as adequate investigation anddesign. Careless and shoddy construc-tion can make an otherwise safe andadequate design worthless and can causefailure of the dam. Adherence tospecifications and prescribed construc-tion methods are the responsibility ofthe contractor, who should have areputation for high standards ofworkmanship. Your local NRCS officemay be able to provide you with apartial list of local contractors experi-enced in pond construction. Additionalcontractors may be found in thetelephone directory. It may proveworthwhile to go to several ponds thecontractor has constructed to see if thework completed appears satisfactory andthe pond owner is satisfied with thework.

Pond construction

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The type of equipment to be used isalso important. With proper construc-tion equipment, the cost can be reducedand a safer dam constructed. Thecontractor should have a backhoe toconduct soils investigations at theproposed dam site and borrow area. Abulldozer can be used to clear and grubthe area. If the borrow area is immedi-ately adjacent to the dam site, a bull-dozer is also satisfactory for excavating,backfilling, and placing the fill. Fordams over 20 feet high, special equip-ment such as a sheepsfoot roller may beneeded for fill compaction. As with allconstruction, the landowner shouldunderstand the type of work that is tobe performed and regularly inspect theconstruction to help ensure that thecontractor is doing a good job.

Construction Costs

The cost of building a pond is highlyvariable, depending on site conditionsand specific features of the desiredpond. Costs can range from severalthousand dollars per acre to over$30,000 per acre for a more uniquedesign. Although cheaper contractorsmay seem appealing at first, manycheaply built ponds end up costing theirowners more in the long run after costlyrepairs are made.

Check for and repair any erosion in thespillway. Inspect and repair any fencesthat are used to keep livestock fromaccessing the dam embankment.

Be sure that any roads provided for firetrucks are maintained for the passage ofheavy vehicles and are plowed followinga heavy snowfall. To maximize fireprotection benefits from a pond, youmust ensure that fire trucks have accessto the pond during all seasons of theyear and that the dry hydrant is readilyaccessible.

Muskrat Damage

Muskrats may damage a pond bybuilding dens in the banks. They beginburrowing 6 to 18 inches below thewaterline and angle up into the bank,where they construct living quarters indry soil above the water line.

The best defense against muskratdamage is a properly designed pond. Awide top and sufficient freeboard willmake a dam relatively safe from damage.There is little danger of leaks in damswith adequate top widths, becausemuskrats usually will not burrowcompletely through. If sufficientfreeboard is provided, the den usuallywill have enough ground cover over it toprevent a cave-in.

Despite construction precautions,muskrats are likely to take up house-keeping in even the best-designedponds. They are especially attracted toareas of emergent and submergentvegetation such as cattails. Removal ofthis vegetation is one way to reducemuskrat activity in the pond.

Burrowing can be stopped by riprap-ping the shoreline with large gravel orsmall stones. These materials should beplaced in a layer at least 6 inches thick,and should extend from at least 1 footabove the normal water level to at least3 feet below it. Riprapping also protectsthe shore from erosion caused by waves.


A popular misconception is that acompleted pond provides immediatebenefits to the owner that last foreverwith little maintenance. Nothing couldbe farther from the truth. A pondcertainly requires as much or moreattention than does any comparablysized piece of land.

Many older ponds, or those that werenot constructed properly, may havefallen into disrepair. They may bepartially silted in, develop leaks, or haveunsafe dams with trees growing onthem. Repairs to ponds are possible, butyou should obtain professional assis-tance. Consult your local NRCS officeor a consulting engineer for help. Ifpond renovation is going to involvemodifying or enlarging any damcovered under a permit issued by thePennsylvania DEP, a written permit isrequired to make these changes.


Routine inspection and frequentmaintenance protects a pond, keeps itattractive, and extends its useful life.Lack of inspection and prompt repair ofproblems may cause more severedamage that is either irreparable ormore expensive to fix.

The dam structure should be checked toensure it has complete grass cover andhas not eroded. Soil should be addedand re-seeded at the first sign of erosion.Cut the grass and keep weeds, brush,and trees from growing on the dam.Trees growing away from the dam andpond embankments are usually accept-able. Check for signs of minor leaksalong the dam so they can be repairedbefore they become more serious.

Remove floating debris that can clog theoverflow pipe and emergency spillway.Also, check the overflow inlet and outletto ensure that flow is unrestricted.

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Muskrats are furbearers that can betrapped legally during parts of the year.The Pennsylvania Game Law furtherprovides that any person may kill orcapture alive, at any time, anyfurbearing animal (except beaver) in theact of destroying personal property.Poisons legally may not be used inmuskrat control, but various repellentsmay be used. Contact your localWildlife Conservation Officer forfurther details.

Fixing Leaks

Seepage is less likely when precautionsare taken at the time of construction.If leaks develop after the pond hasbeen filled, it will be necessary to drainthe pond, let the bottom dry, thenapply a sealant. Leaks usually cannot befixed without draining the pond. Beforeattempting any sealing, consult a soilsprofessional to ensure that the treat-ment is suited to the pond conditions.

Several products are used for sealingpond leaks. One is bentonite, a soft,porous, moisture-absorbing mineralclay that is worked into the soil. Whenbentonite gets wet, it swells to manytimes its original size and stops seepageby filling the space between the soilparticles. For the average pond up to10 feet in depth, 1 pound of bentoniteper square foot will greatly reduce orstop seepage. It should be thoroughlydisced into the soil to a depth of 3 to 4inches. The area then should be rolledseveral times to pack the surface.

Sodium polyphosphate is the name of agroup of chemicals used to seal pondleaks. The chemicals are similar to somehousehold detergents and usually areobtained in a white, granular form.Treated lumpy soils break down intofine particles that pack together andhold water better. Small channels andvoids in the untreated soil fill with thesedispersed particles. The result is arelatively stable, impermeable blanketover the treated area.

Ten pounds of granulated sodiumpolyphosphate will adequately treat 200square feet of pond bottom. Thoroughlymix the soil to a depth of 8 inches.Apply the polyphosphate by broadcast-ing or drilling. Compact the treated areawith a rubber-tired roller or a steel rollerbefore filling the pond. Do not use asheepsfoot roller.

Sodium polyphosphate works best in alimestone soil with a high silt and claycontent. It does not work as well withcoarse-textured soils. Bentonite workswell on coarse-textured sods, but is noteffective on highly acidic soils.

Leaks in an established pond sometimesmay be eliminated by applying a 6-inchblanket of clay to the pond bottom. Ifclay is not available at the pond site, itmay be transported from a nearby area.The clay should be compacted and thewater should be returned to the pond asquickly as possible to prevent the clayfrom cracking because of excessivedrying.

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Dredging Pond Sediment

Ponds that are filled with sediment canbe renovated, but the process is expen-sive. The least expensive method is todrain, pump, or siphon the water fromthe pond and use a bulldozer to removethe sediment. The more expensive butquicker method is to remove thesediment with a dragline. If the pond issmall enough, a backhoe may be used.

A pond with a high inflow and withouta drain may require a cut through thedam at a depth lower than the pondbottom to drain the water from thesediment. Drain the pond beforecutting through the embankment. Afterremoving the sediment, you may wantto consider constructing a bottom drainthrough the cut and then repairing thedam.

Sediment removed from the pond, or“spoil,” should be spread to promotedrying. To prevent silt from washinginto the pond or stream, place the spoilaway from water bodies and establish avegetative buffer or sediment trapbetween the spoil and the water’s edge.Once the spoil dries, it can be perma-nently seeded.

If the pond receives excessive amountsof silt, implement erosion controlpractices in the watershed. If you do notown upstream land, a small settlingbasin just upstream from your pondcould be built to intercept silt or debris.

Water Quality

Water quality is critical to the beneficialuse of ponds, but the parameters andlevels of concern will vary depending onthe intended use of the pond. Forexample, water quality criteria are muchdifferent in ponds used for animalwatering or human drinking watercompared to ponds used for irrigationor fishing. Water quality also plays acritical role in determining the typesand number of fish species that can livein all ponds, as well as their growth andsurvival rates.

Water quality is complicated by the factthat many parameters will vary season-ally and from year to year and bydifferences in water quality between thesource and the pond. Changes in waterquality are normal and acceptableprovided that drastic changes do notoccur in a very short time period,changes do not exceed extreme limits,and changes are not caused by pollut-ants that are directly or indirectlyproblematic.

Most ponds have not been tested forwater quality, and most pond ownersare unaware of the important waterquality parameters for which theyshould be testing. This section discussessome of the most important waterquality parameters for typical pond usesand describes how water testing mightbe accomplished.

Physical Water Quality

Temperature and dissolved oxygenTemperature and dissolved oxygen arethe most important physical waterquality concerns for pond fishes. It isdesirable to check these water qualityparameters when they are likely to beleast satisfactory (usually July throughSeptember).

Trout require cool water and high levelsof dissolved oxygen to survive. Theygrow and survive best when watertemperatures are between 55 and 60°Fand can withstand only short timeperiods when temperatures exceed 75°F.Trout also require water that is high inoxygen content; 5 parts per million(equivalent to 5 milligrams per liter) isconsidered the safe minimum.

Warmwater fish, like bass and bluegill,prefer water temperatures in the 70s and80s. They reproduce and grow well ifthe temperature remains in the low 70sfor several weeks during early summer.The dissolved oxygen concentrationsshould be at least 3 parts per million (3milligrams per liter) for warmwater fish.

Temperature and dissolved oxygenmeasurements must be made beforedeciding which fish species will bestocked in a pond. It is difficult orimpossible to change the physicalcharacteristics of pond water to make itmore suitable for the types of fish youprefer.

Fish kills from a lack of dissolvedoxygen or excessive water temperatureoccur occasionally in Pennsylvaniaponds. Refer to the “MiscellaneousTroubles and Treatments” section onpage 29 of this publication for moredetails about this problem and othercauses of fish kills in your pond.

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Muddy waterMuddy or cloudy water is perhaps themost common pond water qualityproblem. Newly constructed pondsnearly always have muddy water untilgrass is established around the pond. Inolder ponds, muddy water is aestheti-cally undesirable, makes swimmingdispleasing, reduces fish growth, andinterferes with fish reproduction. It maybe caused by erosion from a cultivatedor unprotected watershed, by livestockwading in the pond, by wave actioneroding the banks, and by the feedingaction of some bottom-dwelling fish.Attempts should be made to determinethe cause of the muddy water beforeresorting to treatment.

Correcting the problem may be assimple as diverting muddy surfacerunoff away from the pond. Muddywater from bank erosion can be cor-rected by adding 3 to 4 inches of stoneor gravel riprap to exposed banks.Occasionally, muddy water will resultfrom an overabundance of bottom-dwelling fish such as catfish. In thiscase, take steps to reduce their popula-tion through fishing, trapping, ordraining the pond.

When muddy water results from theaction of waves stirring up the bottomsediments, the situation may becorrected by spreading a layer of hay orstraw over the bottom of the pond fromthe edge to a few feet from shore. Thismeasure will have the greatest beneficialeffect in shallow areas or where waveaction is especially heavy. The matprevents the waves from picking up finesediments and provides food and coverfor aquatic organisms. Introducing toomuch hay or straw, however, couldcause oxygen depletion that could resultin a fish kill.

Sometimes the problem of clearingmuddy water is not easy to solve,especially when colloidal particlesbecome suspended in the water andmust be precipitated by chemical action.In these cases, one of the followingchemical additions may be effective inclearing the water: (1) Broadcast 1,000pounds of ground agricultural limestone(calcium carbonate) or 740 pounds ofhydrated lime per surface acre of water.This treatment should clear a pond andkeep it clear for two years or more. Donot use burned lime or quicklime(calcium oxide), because it may kill thefish. (2) Broadcast 1,000 pounds ofagricultural gypsum per surface acre ofwater. It may be necessary to repeat thistreatment several times a year to keepthe pond clean. (3) Broadcast 250pounds of aluminum sulfate (commer-cial alum) per surface acre. Applytreatments weekly until the water clears.

Both gypsum and alum treatments willlower the pH of water and may reduceyields of fish.

In some cases, cloudy water is actuallycaused by growth of microscopicorganisms called plankton. This can beeasily determined by holding a glass ofpond water up to a strong light.Plankton can be observed movingaround the glass of water. Planktonblooms can be reduced using chemicalapplications (see “Chemical Controls”section), but these treatments mayreduce the overall productivity of thepond.


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Hardness is a measure of the mineralcontent of water, especially calcium andmagnesium. Ponds with hard water havea high mineral content and are usuallymore fertile. These ponds are morelikely to support a dense growth ofaquatic plants and algae. Soft water hasa low mineral content, which results inlow fertility. Ponds or lakes containingsoft water often have sparse vegetationand clearer water.

Hardness measures are especiallyimportant for the use of some aquaticherbicides, especially the coppercompounds used for algae control.Hardness concentrations above 50 mg/Las CaCO

3 can interfere with the

effectiveness of some of these chemicals,requiring increased dosage.

Hardness also may cause a buildup of awhitish solid known as scale in pipes,watering troughs, and plumbing thatuse pond water. This is an aestheticproblem that will not harm animalsdrinking the water.


Ponds that are located near farm fields,golf courses, or yards may be susceptibleto pesticide pollution from surfacerunoff or drift during application. Manypesticides, especially insecticides, arehighly toxic to all forms of aquatic lifeand could also be dangerous for pondsused for animal watering. Pond ownersshould be especially cautious aboutusing pesticides near ponds or streams.A fish kill from pesticides may bedifficult to detect, and minute amountsof a pesticide can cause losses over along period. Read and follow pesticidelabels carefully and apply them as faraway from ponds as possible. Since fishare generally much more susceptible topesticides than livestock are, fish killsare often apparent before problemsoccur with animals.

Nutrient runoff

Chemical Water Quality

Chemical water quality in ponds isimportant not only for fish but also forother pond uses like animal wateringand swimming. Changes in chemicalwater quality also are usually responsiblefor excessive growth of aquatic plantsand algae. Brief descriptions of some ofthe most important parameters aregiven below.


The pH of a pond is a measure of thewater acidity. The pH scale runs from 0to 14, with values less than 7 indicatingacidic water and values greater than 7indicating alkaline water. Most fishspecies prefer a pH in the range of 6 to9, although values as low as 5 may besuitable for brook trout. Ponds with apH less than 6 are common in northernPennsylvania and may result in stuntedor reduced fish populations. Ponds usedfor animal watering also should have apH between 6 and 9.


Excessive nutrients such as nitrogen andphosphorous are a common problem inPennsylvania ponds. These nutrientsusually originate from fertilizers oranimal wastes applied within the pondwatershed. They cause excessive growthof aquatic plants and algae that plaguemany ponds during summer months.Nutrient levels in pond water can bemeasured by testing for ammonia,nitrate, and phosphate. Measurableamounts of ammonia or phosphate maybe problematic. Nitrate levels in excessof 100 mg/L may be dangerous foranimal watering.

Nutrient management techniques andbest management practices such asvegetated buffer strips and limited useof fertilizers and manures near pondsare necessary to reduce nutrient levelsand restore the pond ecosystem.

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Aquatic herbicides

A variety of herbicides are registered foruse in Pennsylvania ponds to reduce oreliminate aquatic plants and algae. Theuse of aquatic herbicides is generallycompatible with other uses of the pond,but limiting certain uses for specifictime periods may be recommended.Always read and carefully follow productlabels. Warnings regarding other uses ofthe water should be taken seriously.Some herbicides, especially the copper-based algaecides, are highly toxic to fishand other aquatic life if applied in doseshigher than those indicated. Others mayrequire that swimmers or animals bedenied access to the water for someperiod of time to allow the herbicide tobreak down naturally. The repeated useof copper-based algaecides also may leadto excessive concentrations of copper inpond sediments.

Acid mine drainage

Ponds in western Pennsylvania also aresusceptible to pollution from acid minedrainage. Runoff from mined areas cancarry high concentrations of iron,manganese, aluminum, and sulfate.Metals like iron and manganese impartan objectionable taste to water that maycause intake problems for livestock. Ironconcentrations above 0.3 milligrams perliter and manganese levels above 0.05milligrams per liter may be sufficient toreduce water palatability to livestock.Iron is also toxic to fish at low concen-trations. Aluminum is toxic to fishspecies, especially trout, when theconcentration exceeds about 0.2milligrams per liter.

Biological Water Quality

Coliform bacteria

Coliform bacteria are a large group ofmany species of bacteria that canoriginate from animals, plants, and soil.A subgroup, fecal coliform bacteria,represent species that originate fromanimals, including humans. Many ofthe bacteria in this group are harmless,but their presence indicates the poten-tial for disease-causing bacteria also tobe present.

Some coliform bacteria are present in allponds, but bacteria levels are highest inponds that receive runoff containinganimal or human waste. Ponds locatednear barnyards or septic systems aremost vulnerable. High densities ofwaterfowl also can contribute toexcessive bacteria levels. Pond watercannot be treated efficiently to reduceexcessive bacteria numbers. Rather,reduction must be accomplished byremoving the source of the bacteria,whether by diversion of polluted runoffor reducing direct access by animals andwaterfowl.

The acceptable levels of bacteria willdepend on the intended use of thepond. Ponds used for swimming shouldcontain fewer than 2,000 total coliformbacteria and 200 fecal coliform bacteriaper 100 milliliters of water. Adultlivestock should not drink pond waterwith fecal coliform bacteria above 10per 100 milliliters, and calves shouldhave water free of fecal coliformbacteria.

Toxic algae

Algae growth is common in manyponds when nutrient and temperatureconditions are favorable. Algae growthnormally occurs between May andOctober, with a peak in late summer. Atleast six species of blue-green algae thatoccur in Pennsylvania may producetoxins that are harmful to animals.

Toxic algae poisoning of livestock andpets is rare in Pennsylvania. Symptomsinclude muscle tremors, diarrhea, lackof coordination, collapse, laboredbreathing, and death. If these symptomsappear, animals should be denied accessto algae-contaminated water.

Toxic algae blooms can be treated usingapplications of copper sulfate asdescribed later in this publication.Again, this is a rare problem in Pennsyl-vania, but it should not be overlooked ifsymptoms appear in animals with accessto a pond with algae.


The most common parasite problem inponds is swimmer’s itch. It is caused bya small, free-swimming parasite thatburrows under skin, where it dies. Thiscauses an itching that lasts for about aweek. A brisk rubdown with a towelimmediately after the swimmer emergesfrom the water will minimize theirritation caused by this parasite. Themost practical way to control theseparasites is to control the snails thatserve as their intermediate hosts, bydraining the pond and letting it dry forseveral months. Stocking of redearsunfish also may be effective, since theyare a natural predator of snails. Nochemicals are registered for controllingsnails.

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Testing Your Pond Water Quality

Your pond water can be tested easilyand inexpensively for many of theparameters listed above. Temperature,dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia,hardness, and various other waterquality parameters can be tested usingkits available at most local pet stores forless than $10 each.

Measurement of total coliform bacteria,fecal coliform bacteria, pesticides andmetals, and identification of toxic algaewould require more sophisticatedtesting by certified laboratories. Tests fortotal and fecal coliform bacterianormally cost $10 to $30 each at acertified lab. A list of certified labs bycounty is available from your local PennState Cooperative Extension office.

Routine water testing for pollutants thatare important for your pond will helpidentify problems before they becometoo serious. The following guidelinesprovide some testing recommendationsfor the most common pond uses inPennsylvania. They indicate only themost common pollutants that should betested for. When doing additional

testing, pond owners should evaluatethe symptoms of their pond, keeping inmind the other special water qualityproblems described above.

Fishing—test the water frequently,especially during the summer, fortemperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH.Test kits from a local pet store areadequate.

Animal Drinking—test the waterannually for pH, nitrate, and fecalcoliform bacteria at a certified water-testing laboratory.

Swimming—test the water annually fortotal and fecal coliform bacteria at acertified water-testing laboratory.

Pond FisheriesManagement

Whether for fishing or for aestheticenjoyment, most pond owners areinterested in developing and managing apond fishery. The success of fish in apond depends on the water quality, thepond’s construction, and the manage-ment of the fish populations. Thefollowing sections give some guidelinesfor the stocking and management ofsome common fish species in Pennsylva-nia ponds.

Warmwater Versus Coldwater

Ponds may be stocked with warmwaterfish such as largemouth bass andbluegills, or with coldwater fish such astrout. The decision of which type of fishto stock is determined primarily by thetemperature regime of the pond and thedesire of the pond owner. Other waterquality factors such as pH may beimportant to fish survival and reproduc-tion. Consult the water quality sectionof this publication for more informationabout other water quality concerns forfish.

Coldwater fish like trout grow andsurvive best when water temperaturesare 55 to 60°F. Trout may be able towithstand temperatures of 80°F for afew hours, but long periods withtemperatures exceeding 75°F will causedeath. Many ponds get too warmduring the summer months to supporttrout, but they may still support a put-and-take trout fishery during coolermonths. Most ponds in Pennsylvaniaare better suited to the temperaturerequirements of warmwater species likebass and bluegill. These species willgrow well when water temperaturesremain above 80°F for several weeks inthe summer.

Water testing

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Warmwater Pond Management

Many fish species combinations havebeen tried in small artificial ponds, butlargemouth bass and bluegills have beenthe most successful in all parts of thecountry. Pennsylvania experiences withlargemouth bass and bluegill sunfishrange from outstanding successes tocomplete failures. The difference is inthe management. Recent investigationsat Mansfield University of Pennsylvaniahave confirmed that this speciescombination is capable of providingexcellent sportfishing in Pennsylvania.

Basic ecology

Largemouth bass spawn the first springthat they reach 9–10 inches in lengthand the water temperature reaches 60°F.Bluegills spawn at a younger age thanbass, but not until later in the summerwhen the water temperature reaches 67to 80°F. Unlike bass, bluegills mayspawn several times during the summerin fertile ponds if they are not toocrowded.

Bass feed effectively on bluegills as largeas one-third their own body length.Although bass guard their eggs and fry,bluegills prey upon them in a density-

dependent manner; that is, thenumber of young bass recruited

into the population isinversely proportional to

the number ofbluegills present.Thus, bass andbluegills controleach other by theirpredatory habits.If bluegills are toonumerous, theycan totallyeliminate bassreproduction,resulting inelimination ofbass from thepond. In the

absence of bass predation,bluegills become overcrowded andstunted. When bass are able to spawnsuccessfully, bluegills will be adequatelycontrolled. When bass become toodominant, very few bluegills survivetheir predation and the bass becomecrowded and stunted.

Population structures

Bass are often stocked alone in farmponds in Pennsylvania. The result is aself-sustaining population of small bass.In bass-only ponds, the fish stopgrowing, regardless of age, at lengthsfrom 9 to 12 inches, depending on thefertility of the pond. Very few small bassand no large bass are present in bass-only ponds.

A population that contains about 3pounds of bluegills for every pound ofbass is bass-crowded and results inrelatively slow-growing bass but verylarge bluegills. The adult bass in thissituation will be larger than in the bass-only pond because of the forageprovided by the bluegills when theyspawn, but still rather small becausenearly all the young bluegills producedwill be eaten soon after they hatch. Thefew bluegills that survive predation willgrow very rapidly because the inverte-brate food supply will be divided amongrelatively few individuals. The bass-crowded condition provides excellentbluegill fishing. Many bass will becaught, but few will be larger than 2pounds.

A community containing about 8pounds of bluegills per pound of basshas relatively few large bass present, buta more equal representation of differentsize classes than in the bass-crowdedsituation. The bluegills are crowded,and few will exceed 6 inches in length.This condition provides a great deal ofbass forage and allows them to achievetheir maximum growth potential. Bassin Pennsylvania ponds like this oftengrow a pound per year, resulting in realtrophy fishing.

Bass and bluegill

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Stocking bass-bluegill ponds

When small bass and bluegills of thesame age were stocked simultaneously inAlabama, balanced populations alwaysresulted. When this stocking strategywas followed in the North, the resultnearly always was a stunted bluegillpopulation and a bass populationunable to spawn successfully. Researchat Cornell University showed that toachieve successful bass-bluegill popula-tions in northern states, the initialstocking must consist of bass that are atleast 1 year older than the bluegills. Thiscan be achieved by stocking yearlingbass 1 year ahead of yearling bluegills orcombining 2-year-old bass (over 6inches) with yearling bluegills less than2 inches long. Researchers currentlybelieve that the proper number offingerling fish to stock is 100 bass and200 to 500 bluegills per surface acre.This stocking strategy has been shownto be successful in Pennsylvania ponds.

Bass and bluegill fingerlings usuallygrow quickly during the first few yearsafter stocking (Table 2). Actual growthrates will vary considerably dependingon food availability, population struc-ture, and many other pond characteris-tics. The numbers in the table above aregiven only as broad averages and shouldnot be expected in any given pond.

Pond owners in Pennsylvania com-monly stock their ponds with adult fishobtained from other ponds. At least 6bass over 10 inches and 100 bluegillsover 5 inches should be stocked perpond, or per acre in ponds larger than 1acre. This stocking strategy has beenvery successful. Properly stocked pondsshould result in balanced populationsthat will become bass-crowded if theponds are not fished. Removal of bass(and their predation on the bluegillpopulation) allows the bluegill popula-tion to increase. Excess harvest of bassby angling will shift the populationtoward the bluegill-crowded condition.In this case, bluegills eventually becomeso numerous that the few remainingbass are unable to spawn successfullyand the abundant bluegill are stunted intheir growth.

Determining the bass harvest

Little was written about the possibilityof bass overharvest before 1970,possibly because of the slowly changingnotion that fisheries must be consump-tive to be successful. Today, nearly allbiologists working with largemouth bassrecognize overharvest as a chief reasonfor unsuccessful bass-bluegill ponds.Regulation of bass harvest is applied tomaintain an adequate bass populationwhich, in turn, regulates the abundanceof small bluegills. The remainingbluegills then grow to a harvestable sizewhile converting forage biomass insmaller bluegills to valuable bass flesh.In most small ponds under privateownership, the fishing can be closelymonitored. As a result, a pond managercan easily implement a quota to regulatenumbers of bass removed from thepond and stop bass harvest when thequota is reached. A 15-inch size limit, inaddition to a quota, appears to benecessary to protect bass in small ponds.Since enforcing a quota on public lakeswith uncontrolled access is very diffi-cult, if not impossible, the bass harvestis controlled with a size limit.

Based on research from other states, itappears that a proper quota for bassharvest in Pennsylvania is about 30percent of the adult bass per year. If thisfigure is exceeded, the population shiftstoward crowded bluegills, and if theharvest is less than 30 percent, thepopulation shifts toward crowded bass.If the bass harvest exceeds 50 percentper year, irreversible bluegill crowding islikely to occur.

Bass-bluegill ponds in Pennsylvania willcontain 50 to 300 pounds of fish peracre, depending on the fertility. Supposea 30 percent quota of bass is sought fora pond of average fertility containing250 pounds of fish per acre. The ratio ofbass to bluegills is defined by thepopulation structure. A pond contain-ing small bass and large bluegills would

Table 2. Average bass and bluegill size in ponds.

Years after stocking

1 2 3 4 5


Length (inches) 8 10 12 14 15

Weight (ounces) 5 10 15 20 24


Length (inches) 5 6 7 8 8

Weight (ounces) 2 4 6 7 8

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contain approximately 1/4 bass and 3/4bluegills, by weight.

Therefore, the total weight of bass inthe pond would be: 250 x 0.25 = 62.5pounds. The average size of the adultbass in this bass-crowded pond wouldbe about 1.5 pounds. Thus, the annualbass quota would be: 62.5 pounds ofbass ÷ 1.5 pounds each x 30 percent =13 bass per acre of pond per year.

In a bluegill-crowded pond, the propor-tion might be 1/9 bass to 8/9 bluegills,or only 28 pounds of bass in ourexample of 250 pounds of fish. Theaverage adult bass is probably 3 pounds.The annual harvest quota is thencalculated as: 28 pounds of bass ÷ 3pounds each x 30 percent = 3 fish peracre per year.

Calculating these harvest rates revealsthe importance of carefully monitoringthe number of bass removed from farmponds, especially small ponds. Catch-and-release fishing for bass and fishingbluegills for an occasional meal of freshfish is appropriate management forsmall warmwater ponds. It should beremembered that even with catch-and-release fishing, some of the released bassmay die. Those fish must also becounted in any harvest quota for bass.

The pond manager can fine-tune thefish populations by regulating the bassharvest to provide the desired type offishing. Increasing the bass quota willmake the bluegills more numerous, butsmaller, and the bass fewer, but larger.Decreasing the quota will provide largerbluegills and smaller bass. Satisfactoryfishing is defined differently by differentpeople. Catching many small bass ratherthan occasional large ones may bedesirable for one angler but not another.Bass-only ponds do not providesatisfactory fishing for most anglersbecause of the small size of the fishcaught. Research at Mansfield Univer-sity has shown that stocking of adult

bluegills in these ponds can successfullyestablish bluegill populations. Bluegill-only populations and ponds that areirreversibly bluegill-crowded aregenerally drained to remove all the fishand then restocked. It may be possible,however, to obtain enough adult bassfrom another pond to establish bass inbluegill-only populations, especially invery small ponds.

Other fish species for warmwaterponds

Many pond owners stock several speciesof fish in their ponds; in fact, somepeople stock every fish they can get theirhands on. This practice is undesirable,because the resulting species interactionsmake management much more difficultand unreliable. However, some otherfish show promise as candidates forpond management. Many ponds inPennsylvania contain bullheads. Whilethey do not seem to interfere orcompete with bass or bluegills, bull-heads can become stunted and over-crowded in ponds containing few bass.In some bass-crowded ponds, bullheadshave been eliminated by bass predation.If bullheads are desired, they should bestocked.

Some biologists recommend stockinggolden shiners or fathead minnows withbass. These forage species give bass agood start in a pond, but experience hasshown that such forage fish are sooneliminated by bass predation. Theforage fish never grow large enough toavoid being consumed by the bass, andeventually the population of these fishdeclines to a very low level.

Other sunfish species are not as satisfac-tory as bluegills for pond stocking. Thecommon and colorful pumpkinseeddoes not grow as large as the bluegill,and the redear, popular in the South,cannot reliably survive Pennsylvaniawinters. Green sunfish should beavoided.


Dark blotch on rear of fin

Mouth small

Black ear flap

Redbreast sunfish

Black ear flap longer than broad

Rounded pectoral fin

No dark spots

Pumpkinseed sunfish

Ear flap broader than long

Red on ear flap

Green sunfish

Mouth large Body slim

Dark blotches

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Yellow perch may be a suitable substi-tute for bluegills as a forage for bass,especially for anglers who like to icefish.Researchers have found ponds whereperch successfully coexisted with bassand other ponds where they werecrowded and stunted. Further researchis necessary to evaluate yellow perch as apond fish in Pennsylvania.

Although both white and black crappieare often of interest to pond owners,these species seldom are successfullymanaged in a small impoundment. Thetypical end result of their stocking willbe stunted crappie and decreased successof largemouth bass reproduction.Crappie spawn before bass in the spring,and both the adults and young competefor food with similar sizes of bass.Crappie below about 7 inches alsocompete with bluegills to some degree.Because of these characteristics, intro-ducing crappie into farm ponds isdiscouraged.

For several reasons, it is generally moreeconomical to manage ponds forwarmwater species than for coldwaterspecies.

● Warmwater species are not asexacting in their water qualityrequirements as trout. All ponds thatwill support fish life permanentlywill support warmwater species, butnot necessarily trout.

● Most properly managed warmwaterspecies develop a self-sustainingpopulation. Trout usually must bemaintained through periodicrestocking.

● Warmwater species are generallymore tolerant of herbicides foraquatic vegetation control when theherbicides are used correctly. Troutare very sensitive to copper sulfate, aherbicide often used for algaecontrol, and may be killed by thechemical.

Nevertheless, many pond owners arestill interested in managing their pondas either a seasonal or annual troutfishery. Tips for managing trout inponds are discussed in the next section.

Management of Trout Ponds

Trout occupy a highly favored positionamong Pennsylvania game fishes. Theyare generally easy to catch, making theman outstanding sportfish, and they makegreat table fare. Water temperatureconstraints normally determine whethera pond owner desiring trout shouldimplement put-and-take versus year-round trout management.

Put-and-take versus year-round

In Pennsylvania, most ponds are able tosupport trout in spring and fall, andsome pond owners may choose a put-and-take trout program. This is notnecessarily efficient, economical, orrecommended for most ponds, but it isdiscussed here for completeness. Such aprogram is governed more by economicsthan by biology. The pond owneracquires trout of an acceptable catchablesize, stocks them in the pond, andbegins to fish for them immediately.The number of fish stocked should notexceed the number needed to providethe desired level of sportfishing until thewater temperature is no longer suitablefor trout (usually sometime in June).Under such a program, it is desirable toharvest as many of the stocked trout aspossible if they cannot survive throughthe summer.

The pond owner should bear in mindthat adult trout will compete for foodwith other insect-eating fish (includingyoung bass) present in the pond. This istrue even though the trout will bepresent for a relatively short period oftime. Artificial feeding of trout mayalleviate the competition for naturalfood, but care must be exercised so thatartificial feeding is not overdone.Excessive amounts of feed could resultin water quality deterioration. Minnowsshould not be stocked as a food sourcefor trout.

Yellow perch

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Some ponds in Pennsylvania cansupport a year-round trout fishery.These ponds may be supplied by agroundwater spring that supplies coolgroundwater even during the summermonths or may be small and shadedduring most of the day. When free fromcompetition with other species, troutthrive in an insect-rich pond thatremains cool during the summer.

Species of trout

Brook trout and rainbow trout are bestsuited for small lakes or ponds. This isespecially true if the pond owner wantsto establish a permanent fishery of troutonly, but also true if occasional put-and-take trout fishing is an objective.

Brook trout are easier to “fish out,”making them a good option for a put-and-take trout pond. Rainbow trout aregenerally considered to be morespectacular fighters. A mixture of thesetwo kinds of trout can be stocked in apond to provide variety in fishing. Ifboth species are stocked, they should beabout the same size so one group willnot prey heavily upon the other. Browntrout are generally more difficult tocatch than brook or rainbow trout.

Stocking year-round trout ponds

Either spring fingerlings (2 to 3 incheslong, 2 to 3 months old) or fall finger-lings (5 to 6 inches long, 7 to 8 monthsold) may be used in stocking troutponds. Both types reach catchable sizeabout the same time; that is, in thespring following stocking. However,results with spring fingerlings are muchmore variable and unpredictable thanwith fall fingerlings.

When trout are obtained from commer-cial hatcheries, fall fingerlings usuallyprovide considerably more catchable-sized trout per dollar than springfingerlings. It is economically unwise topurchase trout longer than about 6inches for pond stocking, unless theyare to be fished out within a year.

A stocking rate of 600 fall fingerlings(or 2,000 spring fingerlings) per surfaceacre of pond should produce the bestyield and satisfactory growth. Highlyproductive trout ponds on limestonesoils may accommodate 700 fallfingerlings per acre, while ponds locatedon more acidic soils probably willsupport fewer fall fingerlings per acre.

To minimize losses, stock trout only inthe cool or cold weather of spring andfall. If the weather is warm, ice shouldbe packed around the transporting tankto keep the water below 55°F. Do notput ice made from chlorinated water inwith the fish, because chlorine is toxicto fish. Oxygen-producing tablets,available in sport or bait shops, may beused when transporting trout. Do notrelease the fingerlings near the overflowstructure of your pond.

Brook trout

No tail spots

Wormlike markings on back fin

White edge on lower fins

Rainbow trout

Spots throughout tail

Pink or reddish band on sides Black spots on sides and back

No tail spotsNo wormlike markings

No white fin edges Red spots on sides and back

Brown trout

Blue halos around red spots on sides

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Fishing trout ponds

Natural losses of trout will reduce thepopulation of unfished ponds by 90percent in two years. For this reason,pond owners should harvest as manytrout as possible during this period. Thetime interval between stocking andinitial harvest is a matter of ownerpreference, but the longer the ownerwaits before harvesting trout, the lowerthe total harvest.

Pond trout generally are much easier tocatch in spring and fall than in thesummer. Successful methods of fishingmay vary with the season and with theskill of the angler. Minnows should notbe used as bait when fishing troutponds. If they escape and reproduce,they may eventually ruin the pond fortrout production.

Restocking and feeding trout

Because trout have a relatively shortsurvival time, a pond should be re-stocked with trout every 2 years tomaintain adequate fishing. Fall finger-lings should always be used for restock-ing. “Holdover” trout are less likely toprey on them than they are on springfingerlings, because fall fingerlings arelarger than spring fingerlings. Fallfingerlings for pond restocking must bepurchased from commercial sources.

At stocking rates of 600 fall fingerlingsor 2,000 spring fingerlings per acre,trout grow rapidly on natural foodproduced in an established pond.Supplemental feeding may increase thegrowth rate an inch or two per year, butit is expensive.

Some pond owners feed trout as ahobby or to maintain much larger troutpopulations than the 600 per acrerecommended for stocking. Feeding isone way to increase the fishing poten-tial, especially in a small pond. Pelletedtrout food is available through farmsupply stores. Trout usually come to thesurface for pellets and become condi-tioned to feeding at the same area of thepond.

Use only as much food as the trout willeat immediately. Excess food will settleto the bottom and decompose, remov-ing dissolved oxygen from the water andpossibly causing fish kills. Feedingshould be done only in ponds that havea year-round supply of good water.

Growth, survival, and spawning

Brook and rainbow trout in ponds growat about the same rate, although growthmay vary considerably from one pondto another. Growth generally slows asfish become older, and usually is fasterin summer than in winter. Growth maybe slower in newly constructed ponds,since aquatic insect life may be limited,and in soft (acid) water. Table 3 illus-trates average growth rates.

In general, it is best not to fertilize troutponds. A single application of 10-10-10fertilizer at 300 pounds per acre mayhasten the establishment of a naturalfood supply in newly constructedponds. Heavier fertilization may harmthe trout and cause summer or winterfish kills.

Pond trout survival rates depend on thesize of fingerlings stocked and manyenvironmental factors. Survival ratesmay vary considerably from pond topond and from year to year. Larger fishgenerally have better chances forsurvival. During the summer immedi-ately following stocking, the survivalrate of spring fingerlings in pondsaverages 30 percent. In each subsequentyear, the rate averages about 50 percent.At the end of the second year, only 5 to10 percent of the original numberremain. Few trout remain in a stockedpond after 3 years. Fish death fromnatural causes is a gradual and continu-ous process, even though dead fishseldom are seen.

Table 3. Average trout size in ponds after stocking as fall fingerlings (5–6 inches).

After 1 year After 2 years After 3 years

Length (inches) 10 12 14

Weight (ounces) 8 14 22

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Total poundage of trout in a pond atany time following stocking depends ontwo opposing processes: growth, whichincreases poundage, and death or fishlosses, which reduce the poundage.Total poundage rises rapidly the firstyear after stocking, then decreases. In anunfished 1-acre pond stocked with 600fall fingerlings or 2,000 spring finger-lings, an average of 230 trout willremain after 1 year. They will weigh atotal of about 110 pounds. Two yearslater, only 45 trout will remain and theywill weigh a total of about 41 pounds.

Most ponds lack suitable spawning sites,so trout rarely reproduce in Pennsylva-nia ponds; however, they may gothrough the act of spawning. A suitablespawning site for trout is a gravel areathrough which well-oxygenated watercirculates during the incubation period.In ponds with exceptionally large,heavily flowing springs, limited troutreproduction may occur naturally ormay be achieved by development ofgravel beds in suitable locations.Reproduction is usually limited tobrook trout because rainbow and browntrout require tributary streams forspawning. So far, no economicalmethod has been developed to achieveadequate natural reproduction in theaverage spring-fed pond.

Sources of Fish for StockingPonds

Ponds may be successfully stocked withfish caught from other water. If this isdone, it must be in accordance with allstate regulations. Both warmwater andcoldwater fish species also can bepurchased from dozens of privatecommercial hatcheries throughoutPennsylvania. A list of licensed privatefish hatcheries showing the addressesand the species each has available can beobtained from the PennsylvaniaDepartment of Agriculture. Hatcheriesshould be contacted directly for otherspecific details.

For a list of commercial fishhatcheries, contact:

Pennsylvania Department ofAgricultureBureau of Market Development,Aquaculture Coordinator2301 North Cameron StreetHarrisburg, PA 17110-9408Phone (717) 783-8462http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Agriculture/bureaus/market_development/aquaculture/index.html

Once the pond, either warmwater orcoldwater, and its fish populations areestablished, it is important to regulateactivities involving the pond. Regula-tions probably constitute the pondowner’s most valuable managementtool.

Regulations and Laws AffectingFish Ponds

The Pennsylvania Fish and BoatCommission has the chief regulatoryand legal responsibility for fisheryresources of all waters in the state. Forthe most part, anglers over the age of 16are required to have a valid Pennsylvaniafishing license to fish in any Common-wealth water, including privately ownedponds. The Fish and Boat Code doescontain a provision allowing landownersand their families to fish in privateponds on their own lands without alicense. This license exemption does notapply to guests, employees, temporaryresidents, or tenants on the land.

A separate statute applies to “farm fishponds,” which are defined as artificialponds on a farm holding “water, thesource of which is wholly within thelimits of the farm.” On farm fish ponds,the resident owner or lessee of the farm,members of his or her family, andpersons who are regularly employed onthe farm, all of whom must perma-nently reside there, are exempt fromlicense requirements and other fishingregulations (including season, size, andcreel limits) when fishing in the farmfish pond.

In addition to existing state regulations,pond owners should carefully managethe harvesting of fish from their pond.Ponds have a finite capacity to producefish biomass. The amount that can beharvested by anglers is controlled anddetermined by the amount of fishproduction in the pond, and the twoprocesses must be in balance. The needfor pond owners to regulate harvestcannot be overemphasized. Stateregulations provide pond owners with aframework for effectively managing theharvest of the pond’s fish resources, butowners may establish their own regula-tions and restrictions on fishing, as longas they are not more liberal than thestate laws. Enforcement of personalregulations is the responsibility of the

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pond owner. Pond owners especiallymight want to consider additionalregulations for ponds with a great dealof fishing pressure.

If fish are transported from a pondduring a closed fishing season, the pondowner must provide a written statementincluding the date, place, and by whomthe fish were taken; the number andspecies of fish; the name and address ofthe person transporting the fish; and thedate they were transported.

Special permits

Regulations require pond owners toobtain appropriate permits before usingtraps, seines, or chemicals for weed orfish control. Propagation permits arerequired for fish culture in ponds as awhole or in cages. A permit is alsonecessary to operate a fee-fishing pond.Applications for permits may beobtained from regional offices of thePennsylvania Fish and Boat Commis-sion or at its home page (http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Fish_Boat/pfbchom2.html).


State regulations relevant to fishponds are always subject tochange. Consult your localPennsylvania Fish and BoatCommission office or visit theCommission’s Web page for up-to-date regulations.


Aquaculture is the husbandry of aquaticorganisms. Fish culture, a specific formof aquaculture, varies from raisingbaitfish for sportfishing to producingfish for human consumption. Certainkinds of fish culture can be conductedwithout interfering with other plannedpond uses, while others require thepond to be dedicated to aquaculture.

Commercial fish culture, like any othercommercial venture, has rewards andrisks. Both should be investigatedthoroughly by a prospective entrepre-neur. Persons contemplating commer-cial fish culture will need a basicunderstanding of biology and waterchemistry, as well as business skills. Fishculture has too many ramifications fordetailed treatment in this publication.

For more information onaquaculture, contact:

Pennsylvania Department ofAgriculture2301 North Cameron StreetHarrisburg, PA 17110Phone: (717) 787-4737http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Agriculture/bureaus/market_development/aquaculture/index.html

For applications to start a fishculture operation, contact yourlocal Pennsylvania Fish and BoatCommission office or downloadthe application from its homepage (http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Fish_Boat/pfbchom2.html).

Aquatic Plants and Algae

Aquatic plants and algae occur to somedegree in most Pennsylvania ponds.Under normal circumstances, they arebeneficial to the pond ecosystem inmany ways. They take up carbondioxide and release oxygen duringphotosynthesis, and they provide foodand cover for a variety of microscopicorganisms, fish, amphibians, andwildlife. In many cases, however, pondplants and algae can become overabun-dant, creating unwanted or undesirablepond conditions.

The desirable level of aquatic plant andalgae growth depends on the point ofview of the pond user. For example, apond that is overrun with plants andalgae may be desirable to waterfowlenthusiasts for attracting ducks andgeese, while the same pond would bedispleasing for swimmers who wantclean, clear water. Pond owners need toevaluate their objectives when decidinghow to manage their pond’s aquaticplants and algae.

Pond plants can be either planted orreduced to the level desired by the pondowner. In recent years, the aquascapingbusiness has grown in response to pondowners interested in creating aquatic“gardens.” Several commercial nurserieshave opened to provide many types ofaquatic plants, and many can beaccessed on the Internet. More often,pond owners are interested in control-ling or eliminating unwanted oroverabundant plants and algae, espe-cially during the summer months. Thisis a complex subject that is given properdetail in other publications. Theremainder of this section gives a briefoverview of identification and control ofaquatic plants, along with references tothese more detailed resources.

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Identification of Plants and Algae


Algae are the most common and widelydistributed of all aquatic plants. Theyoccur in some form in all ponds. Algaecan be separated into three categories,including plankton algae, filamentousalgae, and attached-branched algae.Plankton algae are the most importantplants in all natural bodies of waterbecause they serve as the beginning offood chains that support higher formsof aquatic life. Plankton algae may“bloom” under the right conditions,turning the pond water brown, yellow,pea-soup green, or even red.

Filamentous algae are especially familiarto many pond owners in Pennsylvania.They usually occur in large floatingmasses, filaments, mats, or scums thatcan quickly cover the pond surface.

Attached-branched algae are oftenmistaken for an aquatic plant. Theyhave an erect central main stem withwhorls of branches at various intervals.Chara and Nitella are types of attached-branched algae that have a strong,musky odor and are sometimes en-crusted with rough, gritty, calciumdeposits.

Aquatic plants

Flowering aquatic plants usually aredivided into submergents, emergents,and floaters, based on their growthcharacteristics. Submergent plantsgenerally grow underwater (except atflowering time) and are attached to themuddy bottom. Flowers protrude ashort distance above the surface, where

wind and insects aid in pollination.Pondweeds, common elodea, coontail,and watermilfoils are among thecommon submergents. Emergent plantsgrow along the shoreline in shallowwater and are sometimes called marshplants. The most common emergentsinclude cattails, arrowheads, rushes,reeds, and sedges. Floating plants havemuch of their structure floating on thesurface of the pond, but most are rootedto the bottom. Common attachedfloaters are waterlilies, watershield, andspatterdock. Other floaters such asduckweed have small dangling rootsthat obtain their nutrients directly fromthe water.

Identification of the plants and algae inyour pond will be necessary before theycan be properly managed. Dozens ofaquatic plants and algae occur inPennsylvania ponds. Specific identifica-tion can be very difficult and is beyondthe scope of this publication. For helpin identifying specific plants and algae,consult the following resources:

Aquatic Plant and AlgaeIdentification

● Identification guides are for salethrough the North AmericanLake Management Society.Phone: (608) 233-2836http://www.nalms.org/

● Experts at your local extensionoffice may be able to helpidentify aquatic plants.

● Penn State CooperativeExtension publication AGRS-76, Pond Management andAquatic Plant Control ($6.00),provides pictures and descrip-tions of some of the mostcommon aquatic plants inPennsylvania.

Emergent plants


Submerged aquatic vegetation


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Causes of Plant and Algae Growth

Excessive plant and algae growth isusually caused by nutrients entering thepond from the surrounding pondwatershed. The primary materials thatstimulate growth are nitrates andphosphates from agricultural fertilizers,lawn and golf course fertilizers, animalwastes, and septic system discharges.

In addition to available nutrients, pondswith dense aquatic plant and algaegrowth usually have several of thefollowing characteristics: shallow depth,gently sloping shoreline, stable bottoms,warm water, clear water, and highfertility. In contrast, factors that inhibitaquatic plant growth are deep water,moving water, steep shoreline slopes,unstable bottoms, cold water, colored ormuddy water, and low fertility. Pondswith soft water (low mineral content)tend to have low fertility and sparsevegetation while hard water ponds (highmineral content) often support a densegrowth of many species. The composi-tion of the mud on the lake or pondbottom influences the number andspecies of plants that will grow. Mostaquatic plants grow best in a mixture ofsand and organic soils. Soft, mucky soilsmay be unfavorable to aquatic plants.


Preventing Plant and AlgaeGrowth

Like most problems, preventingexcessive aquatic plant and algae growthis more desirable than attempting tocontrol it after it has become a problem.Prevention can be accomplished inseveral ways. Deepening shallow pondsor lakes offers the most permanentmethod of preventing aquatic weeds. Inponds where most of the water is over10 feet deep, submerged vegetationseldom becomes a serious problem.Sunlight penetration at this depthusually is not sufficient to stimulatevigorous growth of aquatic plants. Pondembankments and steep sides that sloperapidly into deep water usually limitaquatic plant growth to the very edgesof the pond, where emergent plants maybe cut or removed easily by othermechanical means. Steep sides, however,may create a safety hazard to smallchildren, equipment operators, andswimmers.


Drawdown or partial draining can beused to prevent the growth of somespecies. This is achieved by partiallydraining the pond beginning in late fallor early winter. Plants usually are killedor rootstocks frost-heaved if the bottommud freezes to a 4-inch depth for aperiod of 3 weeks or longer. Use cautionin prolonged drawdowns, becauseoxygen depletion is more likely to occurwhen fish and organic debris areconcentrated in a smaller volume ofwater.

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Nutrient management

Nutrient management practices aredesirable for controlling aquatic plantand algae growth because these activitiesattempt to reduce or limit nutriententry into the pond. Reducing nutrientswill not immediately reduce plantgrowth, but it will have a long-termbenefit. Nutrient reductions can beaccomplished by reducing fertilizer andmanure applications near the pond,diverting nutrient-rich runoff awayfrom the pond, or creating vegetativebuffer strips to trap nutrients. If surfacewaters entering the pond are passedthrough a vegetated drainage channel orbuffer strip, nutrients, turbidity, andmany chemical concentrations may bereduced.

Although in some cases an initialapplication of a balanced fertilizer willhelp new ponds become productivefaster, it will also make a pond moresusceptible to later problems withsurplus nutrients.

Barley straw for algae

In recent years, the use of barley strawhas been suggested to prevent growth ofalgae in ponds. Although this practice isstill not completely understood, enoughevidence appears to exist to suggest thatit is beneficial.

Remarkably little straw is needed—approximately two to three bales persurface acre of water. Too much strawcan deoxygenate the pond and possiblycause fish kills. The straw should beapplied loosely or in cages at severallocations in the fall or spring. It isimportant to note that barley straw doesnot kill existing algae, so it must beapplied before the algae appears.

One of the greatest difficulties with thistechnique can be locating barley straw.Your local Penn State CooperativeExtension office or another farm-relatedorganization may be helpful in finding alocal barley straw supplier.

Control of Plant and Algae Growth

Although prevention techniques arepreferable, it is often necessary tocontrol existing aquatic plant and algaegrowth. No easy cure-all exists forcontrolling undesirable aquatic vegeta-tion. Each of the methods describedbelow can be effective, but manyfactors—including cost, effectiveness,side effects, and difficulty—must beconsidered when deciding whichtechnique to undertake.

Mechanical removal

Mechanical removal methods consist ofcutting, mowing, raking, digging, orpulling plants and algae. As you mightexpect, these methods are physicallydemanding but inexpensive if you dothem yourself. They are most efficientfor small quantities of plants nearshorelines. Mechanical treatments oftenmust be repeated several times during ayear to eliminate new growth as itappears. Cutting or pulling may beundesirable for some submerged plants,because stem fragments left in the watermay establish new plants. If you arephysically able, consider mechanicalremoval methods because they may besafer, less expensive, and longer lastingthan chemical controls.

Chemical controls

Herbicides offer a solution to manyotherwise difficult aquatic weedproblems. But chemical control ofaquatic weeds must be undertaken withadequate planning and considerablecare. The correct chemical must beselected for the identified problemplant, and precise measurements ofwater volume and chemicals must bemade. Small errors in application ratescan cause inadvertent damage to fishand other aquatic life in your pond. As aresult, permits are required before youapply algaecides or herbicides to yourpond. These permits are issued withjoint approval of the Pennsylvania Fishand Boat Commission and the Pennsyl-vania DEP.

You can obtain a permit to applyaquatic herbicides from thefollowing:

● Your local Fish and BoatCommission office

● Your local DEP Office● Some local Penn State Coop-

erative Extension offices● Downloadable form available

on-line athttp://www.fish.state.pa.us/

Once you’ve obtained a permit, carefullyfollow the label instructions on theherbicide including any water userestrictions. The following tips andcautions may be helpful.

Many herbicides are toxic to fish andother animals, including human beings,but the amounts needed to kill aquaticweeds are usually tolerable to fish andanimals. Newly hatched fish appear tohave less tolerance to herbicides than doolder fish. In some areas, minor fish killsmay occur when safe dosages areinadvertently exceeded because of anuneven distribution of the chemical.

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A fish kill also may occur as an indirectresult of chemical weed control, becauseoxygen is consumed by the rapid decayof plants. To minimize this danger, treatonly one-third of the pond at any onetime, even when plants are present inthe entire pond. Make applications atleast 1 week apart, or as specified on thelabel, so that rapid plant decay will notreduce oxygen content of the water to adangerously low level.

Waters should be treated for aquaticweeds in late spring or early summerwhen plants are young and activelygrowing. Treatment at this time of yearusually gives best control with the leastamount of chemical. Applications inlate summer or early fall require morechemical and usually give slower, erraticcontrol. If a problem becomes apparentduring the late summer, treat it thefollowing spring, rather than immedi-ately. This probably will reduce yourcost and increase the effectiveness of theapplication.

Aquatic plant control with chemicalscan be successful and satisfactory. Oncea weed problem is under control,diligent treatment of regrowth isnecessary to maintain control. It ismuch easier and less expensive toconduct periodic maintenance or tomake spot treatments than it is to waituntil treatment of the entire area isnecessary. Using chemicals for controlof certain plant species, even thoughsuccessful, is not likely to end all plantproblems.

For more detailed information onchemical control of aquatic plantsand algae, see Penn State Coop-erative Extension publicationAGRS-76, Pond Management andAquatic Plant Control, available for$6.00 from your local Penn StateCooperative Extension office.

Grass carp

Biological control (grass carp)

In recent years, grass carp have becomea popular choice for controlling sometypes of aquatic plants. Grass carp canbe very effective in controlling manyspecies of submergent plants. Theygenerally are not effective at reducingfilamentous algae or emergent plantgrowth.

Because grass carp are not native toPennsylvania, their sale and use areregulated by the Fish and Boat Com-mission. All grass carp sold and stockedmust be triploid, meaning they cannotreproduce, and pond owners mustobtain a permit before stocking them. Apermit and list of commercial hatcheriesthat sell triploid grass carp are availablefrom your local Fish and Boat Commis-sion office. Take care not to overstockthe pond with grass carp; too many canstrip a pond of all vegetation andmuddy the water as they search thebottom for more plants. The permitprocess will be helpful in determiningthe correct number for your pond. Pondowners should purchase grass carp atleast 8 inches and preferably 12 incheslong. These large fish usually can avoidpredation by other pond fish and will belarge enough to begin consumingunwanted plants immediately. Stockingrates for grass carp range from 1 to 15

fish per acre depending on the amountand type of unwanted plants. Othertypes of fish such as koi or other speciesof carp are not recommended foraquatic plant and algae control, sincethey are relatively ineffective in control-ling aquatic plants and tend to producemuddy water problems.

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Miscellaneous Troublesand Treatments

Fish Kills

Fish kills resulting from a lack ofsufficient oxygen occur occasionally inPennsylvania ponds. Ponds that arepoorly constructed, shallow, overpopu-lated, or have excessive aquatic vegeta-tion are most likely to suffer fromoxygen depletion. Most die-offs areobserved during an extended period ofhot, calm, and cloudy days in summer.Die-offs may also result from the decayof plants and algae after an applicationof an aquatic herbicide. Occasionally,fish kills from oxygen depletion occurduring extremely cold winters when apond is covered with ice and deep snowfor prolonged periods.

The best insurance against a fish killfrom oxygen depletion is a well-constructed pond. Spring-fed ponds orponds with running water where longcold winters are not the rule shouldhave depths of 6 to 8 feet over at leastone-fourth of their total area. Pondswithout running water or those locatedin areas with long cold winters shouldhave depths of at least 10 to 12 feet overat least one-fourth of the total area.

Occasionally, fish kills occur from otherwater quality problems. Most notableamong these would be runoff and driftfrom terrestrial applications of pesti-cides. Although most of the chemicalsdegrade quickly, they can be highlytoxic to all forms of life, especially fish.

By following a few basic guidelines, youcan reduce the likelihood of a fish killoccurring in your pond. Stock only fishthat are capable of surviving the watertemperatures in your pond. Obtain apermit before using an aquatic herbicidein your pond, and carefully read andfollow the label directions. Do not treatmore than one-half of the pond with anaquatic herbicide. In ponds where fishkills occur frequently because of lowdissolved oxygen levels, installingaeration devices may be helpful. Finally,be especially cautious using pesticideson land adjacent to the pond.


Snapping turtles occasionally inhabitlarger ponds. They seldom causeproblems, but are considered undesir-able by many pond owners. Other kindsof turtles are usually desirable. Ifsnapping turtles become a problem,they may be removed by fishing. Uselarge turtle hooks (1 inch betweenshank and point) attached to a wireleader and heavy cord. Bait the hookwith dead fish or other meat. Placebaited hooks in shallower parts of thepond.

Ducks and Geese

Many pond owners wish to attractwaterfowl to their pond for viewingpleasure. For example, wood ducks canbe encouraged by building nestingstructures. However, while smallnumbers of waterfowl may be desired,large flocks can create numerousproblems. In recent years, the largeresident population of Canada geesehas been especially problematic inPennsylvania. The waste associated witha large concentration of waterfowl candegrade water quality by increasingboth nutrients and bacteria concentra-tions. To prevent problems, no morethan a few waterfowl should bepermitted per acre of pond. Short-termvisits by larger flocks during spring andfall migration are generally not aproblem.

Waterfowl can be discouraged for ashort period of time using decoys ofnatural predators such as hawks andowls. Vegetative barriers of tall grassesor cattails around the pond mayprovide a longer-term solution. Sincegeese like to eat most lawn grasses,planting the pond perimeter with lessdesirable grasses such as tall fescue maydiscourage geese from inhabiting yourpond. A mowing schedule that allowssomewhat taller grasses and weeds togrow in the vicinity of the pond willalso reduce the use of that area byCanada geese. Tall weeds can createother problems, though, such asattracting water snakes (see nextparagraph). Maintaining a relativelysmall closely mowed area immediatelyadjacent to the pond will reduce thearea attractive to geese, thereby reduc-ing their numbers around the pond.

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The most practical way to eliminatesnakes from a pond is to make itunattractive to them. Keep the pondfree of weeds and debris in which theycan hide. Keep the banks closely mowedand clean. A few water snakes mayoccasionally inhabit the pond, but thesedo little or no harm.


Leeches are flat, dark-colored parasitesthat attach themselves to animals in thewater and suck blood through punc-tures made in the skin. They will attachto swimming humans, but their bite isnormally painless. Leeches are rarelyabundant enough in Pennsylvaniaponds to warrant any concern, but theycan be eliminated, if desired, by treatingthe pond with a very high concentrationof copper sulfate (5 parts per million). Itis important to note that such atreatment will likely kill all of the fish inthe pond and will require a permit fromthe Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Com-mission. Spot treatment of only theswimming areas in the pond may bepossible to avoid a large fish kill, but theleeches will slowly return from theuntreated portions of the pond. Anychemical treatment to eliminate leechesis a drastic step that will greatly affectthe pond fish and other aquatic life.Given the side effects of treatment,elimination of leeches can be justifiedonly where fish are already absent fromthe pond.


Prepared by:

Bryan R. Swistock, extension associate,School of Forest Resources, Penn StateUniversity

Richard W. Soderberg, professor,Department of Biology, MansfieldUniversity of Pennsylvania

Harry Blanchet, county extensiondirector, Forest County, Penn StateCooperative Extension

William E. Sharpe, professor, School ofForest Resources, Penn State University

Adapted from R. D. Heaslip, Hesser, R.B., Hock, W. K., Rader, T. D.,Soderberg, R. W., and Wingard, R. G.,1985. Pennsylvania Fish Ponds. PennState Cooperative Extension. 40 pp.

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research,extension, and resident education programs arefunded in part by Pennsylvania counties, theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U. S.Department of Agriculture.

This publication is available from the PublicationsDistribution Center, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, 112 Agricultural AdministrationBuilding, University Park, PA 16802. For informa-tion telephone (814) 865-6713.

Where trade names appear, no discrimination isintended, and no endorsement by the Penn StateCollege of Agricultural Sciences is implied.

The Pennsylvania State University is committed tothe policy that all persons shall have equal access toprograms, facilities, admission, and employmentwithout regard to personal characteristics not relatedto ability, performance, or qualifications asdetermined by University policy or by state orfederal authorities. The Pennsylvania StateUniversity does not discriminate against any personbecause of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap,national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexualorientation, or veteran status. Direct all inquiriesregarding the nondiscrimination policy to theAffirmative Action Director, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, 201 Willard Building, University Park,PA 16802-2801: Tel. (814) 865-4700/V, (814) 863-1150/TTY.

© The Pennsylvania State University 2000


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