First Sentence in Treaty Draft is to Give the Golan Heights Back to Syria: America & Russia trying to undermine Israel………… By Pastor Gary Boyd

First sentence in treaty draft is to give the golan heights back to syria

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Will this action trigger the Psalm 83 War predicted in scriptures? Is America now cursed due to the actions of a vindictive American president? What is in store in 2017? Read on...

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First Sentence in Treaty Draft is to Give the Golan Heights Back to Syria: America & Russia trying to undermine Israel…………

By Pastor Gary Boyd

In the early 1960s Syria was firing rockets and missiles from the Golan Heights into Israel that eventually contributed to the 1967 Six Day War. Israel sent in

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troops, captured the Golan Heights and vowed to never give them back. They were living in a constant world of terror and had enough. Flash to today!

For several weeks, Russia and the U.S. have supposedly been working on a peace treaty to end the civil war in Syria. They even circulated a draft copy of a treaty in mid-April of this year.

Israel not Interested

Israel’s leaders were stunned to learn that the first sentence of their draft treaty to end Syria’s civil war says Israel will have to give the Golan Heights back to Syria. Israel was not even included in the discussions! This rank disregard by Obama for Israel has had a divisive nature and strain on the relationship between the two countries, bigtime.

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On April 17, 2016, Prime Min. Netanyahu held a cabinet meeting on the Golan Heights where he vowed that the Golan Heights “will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty.”

On April 18, 2016, the U.S. State Dept. said, “The U.S. does not consider the Golan Heights to be part of Israel.”

Enemies Believe

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Syria, Iran and Hezbollah started celebrating. They believe Israel will have to give the Golan Heights back to Syria or the U.S. and Russia might go to war and force Israel to give them back. Of course the only reason Syria wants the Golan back is because Israel, after many years of drilling, has struck oil in that particular area.

On April 21, 2016, Prime Min. Netanyahu and several Israeli military leaders went to Russia. Mr. Netanyahu stood next to Vladimir Putin and said, “The strategic plateau (Golan Heights) will always remain part of Israel.” He further said: We cannot return to the days and times when our villages were shot at from the Golan Heights, therefore, whether within the framework of an agreement or without one, the Golan Heights will remain part of (Israeli) sovereign territory.

The way I understand it, Mr. Netanyahu told Mr. Putin it doesn’t matter what the U.S. and Russia put in their treaty—Israel will not sign it nor withdraw from the Golan Heights.

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It is important to understand that we are talking about a draft copy of a treaty and not a final copy. The opening sentence could be omitted; the present negotiations could fall through without producing a treaty. Or they could drag on for months and not be a problem—for a while, which is the most likely scenario.

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However, this writer wonders if Russia and /or the U.S. will be given authority to enforce a treaty. Would Russia use her newfound power in the Middle East to assist Syria in an effort to retake the Golan Heights?

Is something shaping up that will lead to a war between Syria and Israel instigating the Psalm 83 War? It is cause for concern.

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The Obama Snubs

Here is more, but it is along a different line. In March 2016, Pres. Obama traveled to Cuba. Raul Castro who has gone to the airport to greet other dignitaries didn’t go to the airport to greet Pres. Obama.

In April 2016, Pres. Obama traveled to Saudi Arabia and King Salman who has gone to the airport to greet other dignitaries or sent members of his royal family to take his place didn’t do any of this for Pres. Obama, another obvious snub.

He was obviously expecting Pres. Obama because he sent the governor of Riyadh. And, in addition to that, the TV cameras that are usually there to show the arrival of dignitaries were absent on this occasion.

Reaping What He Has Sown

I believe Pres. Obama could be reaping a harvest for what he has done to Prime Minister Netanyahu over the last seven years (Obad. 1:15). His ugly habit of snubbing

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our best ally appears to be coming back on him bigtime making him look like a weak vacillating meaningless leader who the world now does not respect.


Scripture says God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that will curse Israel. With only eight months left of this repugnant leader left my question is what ready trap is he setting up for the next President of the United States? Whoever the president is will have to be on top of his game from the get go or negative actions

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could take place in America concerning the stock market, breakdown in society, attacks on our country from abroad, etc. Just giving everyone a heads up, the Obama regime is the Muslim Brotherhood and Valerie Jarret, Obama’s main advisor, is an Iranian with Marist leanings. Look for landmines planted for a 2017 surprise. These enemies of the United States are not to be trusted!
