First Semester in RISE Program The experience of being in the RISE program from August to December 2012 was excited and helped me to grow in knowledge. Since now it was a literature and bibliography course, I learned the procedure of what a scientist does when writing about his research in order to publish it. For instance, a scientist writes a paper or review paper to present his project or to summarize few papers related to his investigation. For purposes of this course, I did a review paper titled Intermittent Hypoxic Training, its Physiological Effects in Athletes to Improve Performance. One can think that it is easy to write, but the truth is that it entails plenty of information and effort. In order to accomplish it, I search for information in papers related to my topic, summarized them, wrote an annotated bibliography for each one, and finally created and exposed a presentation. The first thing I learned was to distinguish from a primary literature and secondary literature. Primary literature, also known as paper, is a scientific paper that contains introduction, method, results, analysis and discussion. In contrast, secondary literature is a review paper that is written based in previous primary literature. Also, it can be critical and interpretative studies of a particular field. Having known this I started to search primary literature related to intermittent hypoxic training and summarized it to have supporting information for my paper. After completing this search I was ready to write the annotated bibliographies. The annotated bibliography is a paragraph that consists of a summary and an opinion of the primary paper I read. Also, it has to contain a bibliography that tells where and when I found the paper and the names of the author. I did three annotated bibliography for three distinct papers. Then, begins the big task, develop the review paper. I felt like a professional scientist, writing about a field that could be a possible research for me in the future. Inspired on that I put all the information together and divided it as an introduction, the main subject, conclusion and references. It takes time, but it worth it. The review paper

First semester in rise

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First Semester in RISE ProgramThe experience of being in the RISE program from August to December 2012 was

excited and helped me to grow in knowledge. Since now it was a literature and bibliography course, I learned the procedure of what a scientist does when writing about his research in order to publish it. For instance, a scientist writes a paper or review paper to present his project or to summarize few papers related to his investigation. For purposes of this course, I did a review paper titled Intermittent Hypoxic Training, its Physiological Effects in Athletes to Improve Performance. One can think that it is easy to write, but the truth is that it entails plenty of information and effort. In order to accomplish it, I search for information in papers related to my topic, summarized them, wrote an annotated bibliography for each one, and finally created and exposed a presentation.

The first thing I learned was to distinguish from a primary literature and secondary literature. Primary literature, also known as paper, is a scientific paper that contains introduction, method, results, analysis and discussion. In contrast, secondary literature is a review paper that is written based in previous primary literature. Also, it can be critical and interpretative studies of a particular field. Having known this I started to search primary literature related to intermittent hypoxic training and summarized it to have supporting information for my paper. After completing this search I was ready to write the annotated bibliographies.

The annotated bibliography is a paragraph that consists of a summary and an opinion of the primary paper I read. Also, it has to contain a bibliography that tells where and when I found the paper and the names of the author. I did three annotated bibliography for three distinct papers. Then, begins the big task, develop the review paper. I felt like a professional scientist, writing about a field that could be a possible research for me in the future. Inspired on that I put all the information together and divided it as an introduction, the main subject, conclusion and references. It takes time, but it worth it. The review paper seems like one of the springer journal. Thanks to the professors that help me to improve. The assignment did not end here, now I had to do a presentation.

Having the written part completed the next and final step was a bit easier. I created a presentation for my review paper that was going to be presented to professors and companions of the RISE program. I was very motivated to make a good presentation that was understandable and fulfilled the requirements of evaluation. Before the final presentation I did a practice presentation where the professors told me what to improve. After doing the correction and the finals touches I was ready to the last step, the final presentation. The big day arrived, anxiety comes out and positive thoughts come to my mind to calm me. It was the moment; I stood in front of the classroom and began with the presentation. Everything flowed as it had to be and I was happy for that. After all the effort the presentation of my review paper was success.

Now I compared my review paper with the one of scientists that appears in journals. I have to emphasize that it takes time in searching for primary literature that could serve to write the review paper. Also, the annotated bibliographies required specific information that sometimes was difficult to find. Finally, make the presentation and presenting it was the part that I enjoyed the most. I have to say that I take advantage of the literature and bibliography course because it taught me how to develop the scientific

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writing for a review paper. Now I feel confident to face a research, write about it and present my work to anyone.