Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1 st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores (Odonata: Libellulidae) Virgílio Vieira 1 & Adolfo Cordero-Rivera 2 1 Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, Rua de S. Gonçalo, Apartado 1422, PT-9501-801 Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, and CE3C – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, PT-9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal; <[email protected]> 2 Grupo de Ecoloxía Evolutiva e da Conservación, Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Universidade de Vigo, EUE Forestal, Campus Universitario A Xunqueira s/n, ES-36005 Pontevedra, Spain; <[email protected]> Received 26 th December 2014; revised and accepted 18 th February 2015 Abstract. A male of Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) was collected on São Miguel island, Azores, on 02-xi-2014. is specimen constitutes both the first record of the species in the Azores and its northernmost record in Macaronesia. e distribution of the species in the Macaronesian islands and the possible origin of the Azorean specimen is briefly discussed. Key words. Dragonfly, Anisoptera, migration, island, Macaronesia

First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

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Page 1: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9

1st June 2015

First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Virgílio Vieira1 & Adolfo Cordero-Rivera2

1 Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, Rua de S. Gonçalo, Apartado 1422, PT-9501-801 Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, and CE3C – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes,

Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, PT-9501-855 Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal;

<[email protected]>2 Grupo de Ecoloxía Evolutiva e da Conservación, Departamento de Ecoloxía e Bioloxía Animal, Universidade de Vigo, EUE Forestal, Campus Universitario A

Xunqueira s/n, ES-36005 Pontevedra, Spain; <[email protected]>

Received 26th December 2014; revised and accepted 18th February 2015

Abstract. A male of Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) was collected on São Miguel island, Azores, on 02-xi-2014. This specimen constitutes both the first record of the species in the Azores and its northernmost record in Macaronesia. The distribution of the species in the Macaronesian islands and the possible origin of the Azorean specimen is briefly discussed. Key words. Dragonfly, Anisoptera, migration, island, Macaronesia

Page 2: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

Habitat choice of Cordulegaster vanbrinkae in Iran 11

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 11-20

1st June 2015

Habitat choice of Cordulegaster vanbrinkae in Iran (Odonata: Cordulegastridae)

Otakar Holuša1, Vojtěch Dalecký1 & Javid Imanpour Namin2

1 Department of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno,

Zemědělská 3, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic; <[email protected]>2 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan,

P.O.Box 1144, Someh Sara, Iran

Received 25th November 2014; revised and accepted 2nd March 2015

Abstract. The occurrence of Cordulegaster vanbrinkae was studied in Gīlān and Māzandarān provinces in northern Iran in July 2014. Ten localities demonstrated the occurrence of C. van-brinkae at elevations from 169 to 1,424 m a.s.l. Larvae were found at seven localities and ovi-position was observed at two localities. A total of 65 males, five females, 95 larvae, and 32 exu-viae were found. Habitats were classified into the following types: a) narrow, shallow streams in forests at middle and higher altitudes; b) boulder-stepped shaded forest streams; c) deep cut forest streams with gravel banks, drying to intermittent pools; and d) broader sunlit rivers.Key words. Dragonfly, Anisoptera, faunistics, new records, habitat preference, bionomy, Al-borz Mts.

Page 3: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

Habitat correlates of Odonata in northern Western Ghats, India 21

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 21-43

1st June 2015

Habitat correlates of Odonata species diversity in the northern Western Ghats, India

Pankaj Koparde1,2*, Prachi Mhaske1 & Ankur Patwardhan1

1 Department of Biodiversity, Abasaheb Garware College, Karve road, Pune-411004, Maharashtra, India

2 Current address: Sálim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History, Anaikatty (Post), Coimbatore-641108, Tamil Nadu, India;

* <[email protected]>

Received 10 th May 2014; revised and accepted 22 nd February 2015

Abstract. Sixty-two localities from Sahyadri Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra State, India, were surveyed for habitat correlates of Odonata diversity. Proximate habitat variables (canopy cov-er, area of water spread on transect, and altitude) and broad scale environmental variables derived from climate database were used. Seventy species were recorded during the sur-vey. Vestalis apicalis was found to be the most abundant species. Multiple regression analysis failed to resolve relationship among variables. Proximate habitat variables, except altitude, showed slightly higher contribution in shaping species richness and diversity than broad-scale habitat variables. Canonical correspondence analysis based on species abundance data and multiple variables suggested that canopy cover and area of water on the transect are driv-ing species assemblages. Almost all of the Western Ghats endemics recorded during the sur-vey were found to be associated with high canopy forests and streams, suggesting the critical habitat requirement of these species. The study provides baseline and local habitat associa-tion data on Odonata, which can be used as evidence in the conservation of the Sahyadri Tiger Reserve corridor which is under threat of forest felling. Key words. Dragonfly, Maharashtra, canopy cover, endemic, biodiversity, CCA, poisson multiple regression

Page 4: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

Larval community dynamics and conservation of Mortonagrion hirosei 45

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 45-62

1st June 2015

Larval community dynamics in an artificial habitat created for conservation of a local population of the endangered brackish water damselfly,

Mortonagrion hirosei (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)

Mamoru Watanabe

Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan; <[email protected]>

Received 8th October 2014; revised and accepted 28th March 2015

Abstract. Brackish water ecosystems in estuaries are highly threatened due to land devel-opment, the improvement of embankments, and reclamation. Several threatened species of dragonflies and damselflies inhabit these ecosystems. The brackish water damselfly, Morton­agrion hirosei Asahina, 1972, has been an important focus of conservation studies. Here, we describe a conservation project for M. hirosei begun in 2003, and review the data collected in order to quantify details of the species’ life cycle, especially larvae and larval environment. An artificially established reed community was created as a habitat for this damselfly, and water depth, salinity, and water temperature in the reed bed were continuously monitored thereafter. Because this damselfly is univoltine, the number and distribution of the odonate larvae in the experimental habitat in May, or presence of last-instar larvae of M. hirosei, were considered suitable indices of colonisation success. Since many odonate adults, including M. hirosei, visited the habitat in the first year and laid eggs, high larval diversity was found in the second year. Although the salinity of water in the reed bed varied because cyclical tidal fluctuations, the saline water gradually excluded odonate larvae that inhabit freshwater only. However, M. hirosei survived, and the larval population increased year by year. Conse-quently, the odonate larval diversity in the artificial habitat decreased, while the population of M. hirosei was maintained.

Key words. Dragonfly, Zygoptera, salinity, Common reed, Phragmites australis, Japan

Page 5: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

Insecticide use and Sympetrum frequens in Japanese rice paddy fields 63

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 63-80

1st June 2015

Can the use of more selective insecticides promote the conservation of Sympetrum frequens

in Japanese rice paddy fields (Odonata: Libellulidae)?

Hiroshi Jinguji1 & Tetsuyuki Uéda2

1 School of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Miyagi University, 2-2-1 Hatatate, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0215, Japan;

<[email protected]>2 Environmental Sciences, Ishikawa Prefectural University, 1 Suematsu,

Nonoshi, Ishikawa 921-8836, Japan

Received 7th November 2014; revised and accepted 15th January 2015

Abstract. The effect of two relatively selective nursery-box-applied insecticides on Sym-petrum frequens larvae and adults as substitutes for the commonly used insecticides, imida-cloprid and fipronil, was examined using an experimental micro-paddy lysimeter (MPL) system. Fifty hatched larvae were placed on the soil surface of separate MPLs that had been treated with imidacloprid, fipronil, dinotefuran, and cartap hydrochloride, as well as an un-treated control MPL. At 30 days after transplantation, the complete absence of S. frequens larvae and exuviae in the imidacloprid and fipronil-treated MPLs was remarkable. In the control, cartap- and dinotefuran-treated MPLs, the mean number of larvae was 31.0 ± 6.0, 27.0 ± 6.0, and 6.3 ± 1.5, respectively. No S. frequens adults were observed later in the imida-cloprid- and fipronil-treated MPLs. The rate of emergence did not differ significantly among the control, cartap- and dinotefuran-treated MPLs. However, the mean head width of S. fre-quens in the dinotefuran-treated MPL was significantly narrower than that of S. frequens in the control and cartap-treated MPLs. The mean EM50 in the cartap-treated MPL was signifi-cantly longer than that in the control- and dinotefuran-treated MPLs. The findings showed that the ecological impact of cartap on S. frequens was slightly less than the application of fipronil, imidacloprid and dinotefuran to rice paddy fields.Key words. Dragonfly, Anisoptera, microcosm, cartap, imidacloprid, fipronil

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Aeshna vercanica sp. nov. from Iran 81

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 81-106

1st June 2015

Aeshna vercanica sp. nov. from Iran with a new insight into the Aeshna cyanea-group

(Odonata: Aeshnidae)

Thomas Schneider1, Elias Schneider1, Jacob Schneider1, Andy Vierstraete2 & Henri J. Dumont2

1 Arnold-Knoblauch-Ring 76, 14109 Berlin-Wannsee, Germany; <[email protected]>

2 Animal Ecology, University of Gent, and Dept of Ecology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, P.R. of China; <[email protected]>

Received 28th November 2014; revised and accepted 22nd March 2015

Abstract. Aeshna vercanica sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The male holotype and four male paratypes were collected on 15-vii-2013 in the Hyrcanian forest of the Alborz Moun-tains, Māzandarān province, northwestern Iran. A specimen collected on 29-vi-2002 in the Talysh Hills, Lankoran area, Azerbaijan, also belongs to the new species. In July 2014 the spe-cies, including females, was recorded again at the type locality and additionally ca 400 km fur-ther east in Golestān province. Males are similar to Aeshna cyanea in the structure of genitalia and terminalia but differ in head morphology, pterostigma length, colour pattern, and behav-iour. Females have small abdominal blue or turquoise postero-median dorsal spots which are absent on S9 and S10, thin green antehumeral stripes, a less robust appearance than females of A. cyanea, and are more slender and longer. The range of A. vercanica sp. nov. covers the Hyrcanian forest along the southern margin of the Caspian Sea. Analysis of the barcoding COI sequence of DNA confirmed that A. vercanica sp. nov. is separated from A. cyanea by a genetic distance of ca 4 %. The ITS gave a similar result. A haplotype map could not derive A. vercanica sp. nov. directly from A. cyanea. They are thus related but different species, and we suggest the common ancestor lived in pre-Pleistocene times. Analysis of A. cyanea speci-mens from across its range also revealed a western clade from the Maghreb to Central Europe. Populations from the Caucasus to Eastern Europe were polytomous, a common scenario for post-glacial invaders. A molecular comparison of the species pair A. juncea and A. subarctica showed these to be even more closely related than A. cyanea and A. vercanica sp. nov.Key words. Dragonfly, Anisoptera, new species, Alborz Mountains, Caspian Sea, Hyrcanian forest

Page 7: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

Echo candens sp. nov. from western Yunnan, China 107

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 107-116

1st June 2015

Description of Echo candens sp. nov. from western Yunnan, China (Odonata: Calopterygidae)

Hao-miao Zhang1, Matti Hämäläinen2 & Qing-hua Cai1

1) State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430072, China;

<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>2) Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands;

<[email protected]>

Received 27th January 2015; revised and accepted 6th February 2015

Abstract. A new calopterygid damselfly species Echo candens sp. nov. (holotype ♂ from De-hong, Yunnan, China) is described and illustrated for the male sex. The supposed female of this species is shown in a field photograph, taken in Kachin State in Burma. The new species is compared with known species in genus Echo and a key to males of all species is provided. Key words. Dragonfly, damselfly, Zygoptera, new species, key

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Notes on Macromia from Cambodia 117

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 117-151

1st June 2015

Taxonomic and faunal notes on Macromia Rambur, 1842 from Cambodia

(Odonata: Macromiidae)

Oleg E. Kosterin

Institute of Cytology & Genetics SB RAS, Acad. Lavrentyev ave. 10, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia;

Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova str. 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia;<[email protected]>

Received 3rd August 2014; revised and accepted 10th March 2015

Abstract. Five species of Macromia were recently collected in Cambodia. For Macromia aculeata, this is the second finding of the species since its description in 1927. This spe-cies is very close to Macromia arachnomima, described from Borneo, but comparison of the respective holotypes proved them as different species. Records of M. arachnomima from Thailand, Laos, and the Malay Peninsula need to be reconsidered. The closely related species Macromis cincta and Macromia cupricincta have both been found in Cambodia; their diag-nostic characters are discussed. Macromia berlandi is supposed to be a northern subspecies of M. cupri cincta. Variation in Macromia chaiyaphumensis and Macromia septima is consid-ered, and a female of the former is described. Controversies in grouping of Asian Macromia species are discussed. Notes on habitats and behaviour of the species considered are briefly provided.Key words. Dragonfly, Anisoptera, synonymy, Macromia aculeata, Macromia arachnomima, Macromia cincta

Page 9: First record of Pantala flavescens from the Azores ... · Pantala flavescens on the Azores 1 Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 1-9 1st June 2015 First record of Pantala flavescens from

The genus Nososticta Hagen from the Papuan region 153

Odonatologica 44(1/2) 2015: 153-224

1st June 2015

The genus Nososticta Hagen (Odonata: Platycnemididae)

from the Papuan region with descriptions of ten new species group taxa

Günther Theischinger1 & Stephen J. Richards2

1 NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Office of Environment and Heritage, Water Science, PO Box 29, Lidcombe, NSW 1825, Australia;

<[email protected]>2 Herpetology Department, South Australian Museum, North Terrace,

Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia; <[email protected]>

Received 21st January 2015; revised and accepted 24th March 2015

Abstract. The males and, when available, females of ten new species and subspecies of Noso sticta are described from the Papuan region. They are: Nososticta caerulea sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Upper Sepik Basin, 09-vi-2010, ♀ described), Noso­sticta finisterrae satisbona ssp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Goodenough Is-land, 26-x-1953), Noso sticta interrupta sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Indonesia, Papua Province, Kabupaten Asmat, Vriendschap R., 21–25-vii-2009), Nososticta kaizei sp. nov. (♂ holo-type: Indonesia, Papua Province, Yapen Island, Ambaidiru village, 15-vii-2006, ♀ de-scribed), Nososticta azurosignata sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Survey Site 2, Sepik Basin, 25-ii-2010), Nososticta longicauda (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Darai Plateau, 24-vii-2003), Nososticta manuscola sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Manus Island, 23-ix-2011, ♀ described), Nososticta parafonticola sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Upper Sepik Basin, 10–11-xii-2009, ♀ described), Nososticta tri­colo rata sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Upper Sepik Basin, 01-xii-2009) and N.  truncata sp. nov. (♂ holotype: Papua New Guinea, Ivimka camp, Lakekamu, 15-xi--1996). In addition females of N. africana Schmidt, 1944, N. aurantiaca (Lieftinck, 1938) and N. hiroakii Sasamoto, 2007 are described and the morphology and variability of a number of additional species is discussed. Diagnostic characters of the available genders are illustrated, habitat conditions are given and their affinities are discussed. Live photos of selected species are presented. Keys to the males of all Nososticta species known from New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, and to the described females from this region are included. Nososticta lorentzi Lieftinck, 1938 is considered a synonym of N.  nigrifrons (Ris, 1913) (syn. nov.).Key words. Dragonfly, damselfly, Zygoptera, new species, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Aru Islands, Raja Ampat Islands