Session 9: (Mis)conception: What Freedom is (not) and for? First Quarter - Grade 6 CLE l 2015-2016 Lesson 3: We are Given Freedom and Conscience

First Quarter Grade 6 Lesson 3- Session 9 Freedom Padlet Activity

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Freedom and misconceptions

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  • Session 9: (Mis)conception: What Freedom is (not) and for?First Quarter - Grade 6 CLE l 2015-2016

    Lesson 3: We are Given Freedom and Conscience

  • 1.

    Copy HW ROADMAP: Are we there yet?


    Group Activity: FREEDOOM!

    with Padlet



    Does freedom mean doing

    whatever I like to do or say what I

    want to say?4.

    Closure: 1 Thing I have learned today

  • ROAD MAP: Are we there yet?

  • Where we are right now

    We are Gifted as Special Creations of God

    We are called to find God in all things: creation,

    experiences, moments of sin

  • new lesson

    We are Gifted and Special Creations of God because we are free and we have conscience.

    We are called to find God in all things using our freedom

    and conscience.

  • one2one activity with padlet

    double tap on the screen to enter your ideas

    read what your classmate have written on the wall

    listen to the discussion in class

  • What will we do with the padlet wall?

    ACTIVITY: Why do you say that?

    - Each group will be assigned to a question.

    - Each member in the group will answer the question through writing a note on the padlet wall.

  • Assignment of Questions

    Cluster 1, 2, and 7: What do you think is freedom?

    Cluster 3, 4, and 8:What do you think is freedom not?

    Cluster 5 and 6:What do you think is freedom for?

  • lets figure out the writings on the wall.

    Are there similarities or differences? What are they?

    Do you agree with what your classmates have written on the wall?

  • At this point, any questions, comments, or thoughts?


  • Does Freedom mean doing whatever I like to DO or Say

    what i want to SAY?

  • Freedom is not doing what ever you want. If it

    violates the rights of other

    people, then that act is not of


  • Can Rules Help Us Become FREE?

  • Rules and laws Guide us to do what is right and good for

    ourselves, others, and God. Rules helps us

    to be free.

  • What have you learned to day? 1 thing about freedom


  • How will I now define freedom? Am I truly free?


  • Session 9: (Mis)conception: What Freedom is (not) and for?First Quarter - Grade 6 CLE l 2015-2016

    Lesson 3: We are Given Freedom and Conscience