2015 Issue No. 5 Fall Issue Oct - Nov 2015 2015 - Our 55th Year First Presbyterian Church 482 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, FL 33469 561-746-5161 Page(s) 2-3 3 4 5-8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 17 18 19 Description Jack Noble - The more you put in... World Communion Sunday and Wednesday suppers Preschool News Ministries with Families Music Report Fellowship and Special Events Presbyterian Women Heartwarming Mission Story Session Report and Deacon Doin’s Pastor Nominating Committee and Great Banquet New Members New Jim Snyder Book is on the way Beacon Highlights Birthdays UPCOMING EVENTS: Sunday October 4 - Sunday October 18 - Friday October 23 - Tuesday November 17 - November 20 - 22 - Sunday November 29 - World Communion Zern reception after church Church Picnic Trunk - r - Treat Beacon Deadline - last day to submit December - January inputs Cedarkirk Family Retreat First Sunday of Advent Communion Hanging of the Greens In This Issue

First Presbyterian Church 2015 - Our 55th Yearfirstpresbyteriantequesta.com/newsletter/OctNov2015.pdf2015 Issue No. 5 Fall Issue Oct - Nov 2015 2015 - Our 55th Year First Presbyterian

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Page 1: First Presbyterian Church 2015 - Our 55th Yearfirstpresbyteriantequesta.com/newsletter/OctNov2015.pdf2015 Issue No. 5 Fall Issue Oct - Nov 2015 2015 - Our 55th Year First Presbyterian

2015 Issue No. 5 Fall Issue Oct - Nov 2015

2015 - Our 55th Year First Presbyterian Church

482 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, FL 33469



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Description Jack Noble - The more you put in... World Communion Sunday and Wednesday suppers Preschool News Ministries with Families Music Report Fellowship and Special Events Presbyterian Women Heartwarming Mission Story Session Report and Deacon Doin’s Pastor Nominating Committee and Great Banquet New Members New Jim Snyder Book is on the way Beacon Highlights Birthdays


Sunday October 4 - Sunday October 18 - Friday October 23 - Tuesday November 17 - November 20 - 22 - Sunday November 29 -

World Communion Zern reception after church Church Picnic Trunk - r - Treat Beacon Deadline - last day to submit December - January inputs Cedarkirk Family Retreat First Sunday of Advent Communion Hanging of the Greens

In This Issue

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Page 2 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

The more you put in...      There’s a story that I love, told by a friend of mine that bears repeat‐ing.  It seems that a certain pastor was on vacation, when one Satur‐day morning he got a call from a member of a local congregation.  It was a small and struggling commu‐

nity of faith.  Their pastor had been taken sud‐denly ill, and they needed our man to preach the next day.  He said, “But of course…”  That Sunday morning he and his young son ventured to the church, where he preached to about twenty people.  Following the service, the last person in the line was a deacon, who was most complimentary about his sermon.  And ex‐plained that since they were such a small group and the church was struggling so they would be unable to pay him anything.  The minister said, “Not to worry…I was honored to be here.”   As everyone seemed to have exited, the min‐ister went back into the little chapel to pick up his things.  On the way through the narthex he noticed that the offering plate was empty.  So moved by the poverty of this little congregation he dropped a twenty dollar bill in the plate.  Taking the hand of his little boy they left the building and got in their car.  As they were 

backing out the same deacon they had met earlier came running toward them motioning for them to stop.  Stopping he rolled down the window and the deacon handed him an enve‐lope saying, “we couldn’t let you leave without giving you something.  The minister protested saying, “No…no…it’s not necessary.”  The dea‐con said, “You must take it, we all want you to have it.”  After they had driven out of the parking lot he asked his son to open the enve‐lope, and there inside was a twenty dollar bill.  The minister asked his son, “Did you learn any‐thing this morning?”  To which the boy re‐sponded, “I sure did.  If you had put more in you would have gotten more out.”   And isn’t it true.  The more we put in to al‐most any effort the more we take.  This is cer‐tainly true with our spiritual life.  The more we put into our faith the more we take away.  As we begin another new year, here at First Pres‐byterian Church I invite you to remember a simple formula: “Worship plus 2.”  What does this mean?   I am suggesting that we all get into the habit of worshipping regularly, plus finding two outlets for spiritual growth – a place to inhale God’s love and one to exhale God’s love in a hurting world.  Think of a place where we can inhale the love of God. Obviously in wor‐ship or in a Bible Study, or the Women’s Asso‐ciation, or a fellowship group like the one that meets on Saturday nights.  Then, I urge us to find one area where we can exhale God’s love.  This might be in teaching Sunday school, stay‐ing one night with families from Family  

Rev. W. Jack Noble

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The more you put in … Continued Promise, serving Meals on Wheels.  (I’ll also let you in on a secret, our Family Ministries  Division is exploring opportunities for us to  offer “hands‐on” ministry in one of the  poorest areas of Jupiter.  So be on the look‐out.)   As I observe people growing in their faith, again and again I find that they are taking the time to get involved in the life and ministry of 

their congregation.  Don’t wait to be asked,  find your place at First Presbyterian Church.  And be assured…it’s really true…the more we put in to our faith, the more we get out!  

Beacon, October– November 2015 Page 3

World Communion Sunday - October 4 During the darkest days of the Great Depression in the United States, in 1933 at Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh a tradition was begun, something we now call World Communion. By 1936 the entire Presbyterian Church had taken to the idea, and on one given Sunday in October every congregation was celebrating the Lord’s Supper together. Soon other denominations were joining in. In 1940 with the clouds of war spreading across Europe the Federal Council of Churches (now the National Council of Churches) under the leadership of Jesse Moren Badder established the first Sunday in October as World Wide Communion Sunday. On this one single Sunday, setting aside all of the divisions that are so present and active in the Church universal, Christians of every nationality and creed join in this celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It is in the taking of this sacrament we note the centrality of that which unites us – the person of Jesus Christ – and we set aside all that divides us. So maybe for one moment, one wonderful moment, we become what Christ prayed for,

…so that they may be one.

Plan now to be in worship on Sunday, October 4.

Wednesday Night Suppers and Study to Resume Back by popular demand are our Wednesday Night Suppers and Bible Study. Except something new is being added this Fall. In addition to our Supper and Reverend Noble’s Bible Study, there will be a Comparative Religion Course taught by our very own Reverend David Thomas. In this exciting, not-to-be-missed, new course offering, Reverend Thomas will be giving participants a side-by-side comparison and contrast between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Additionally, Reverend Noble will be teaching from Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians. Watch now for opportunities to sign-up on Sunday morning September 27 or October 4.

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Penny Rogers, Preschool Director

Preschool News ! Page 4 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

School began with extra warm temperatures and the threat of tropical storm “Erika” but we began on time with all of our families excited to begin a new school year! Our little school is full to overflowing with so many happy children anxious to learn!

It was so nice to have Pastor Jack and Janet Waterman and even one of our parents/elders scoop ice cream at our beginning of the year Ice Cream Social! A yummy time was had by all!

We have already begun the planning of upcoming events in our preschool like the Book Fair and the annual Country Western BBQ. And we all know Christmas is right around the corner!

The children are learning of God’s love and provision in chapel and in their classrooms and growing into young Christians!!

It’s been a good beginning! We can’t wait to see what God will do next!

We had a great first day

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Another school year is upon us and we con-tinue to grow in our faith and fellowship.

At the end of the summer we re-connected with our church friends at the Beach Bash. On July 22. We were blessed with an absolutely beautiful day at DuBois Park.

Several families gathered for some fishing, swimming, a barbeque and some good old-fashioned water balloon fun. We welcomed Preschool families back to campus on August 27 with a welcome gathering in the sanctuary. Chapel started Sept. 8 and we are having fun learning about the Bible and God’s amazing love for us every Tuesday and Wednesday morning. This year we are very excited to have several of our Sunday School students graduate into Youth Group! Our Youth Group got off to a rockin’ start this year on Sept. 12 as we travelled to Orlando to Universal Studios

for Florida’s largest contem-porary Chris-tian music festi-val, Rock the Universe. We took a group of 11 for an inspir-ing and fun-filled evening. We also had the opportunity to attend a Sunday morning wor-

Crystal Botha Director of Family


An Honor to serve

Mary Helen Cone with her mother

Clayton and Parker at Beach Bash

Ruby enjoying water balloon


Youth at Rock the Universe Cabana Bay and worship


Beacon, October– November 2015 Page 5

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ship service in the park this year. It was a very touching experience, enjoyed by all. We had several youth from our congregation volunteer to help out this year at the Family Promise Anniversary Dinner on Sept. 24. Each year this is a wonderful service opportunity for youth all over the North/Central Palm Beach interfaith community. This is an annual fundraiser for Family Promise. Youth Group is back in full swing again. Currently the makeup is mostly Middle School students. We are meeting every Sunday evening at 5:30 for activities, dinner, and faith formation classes. Family Ministries is offering a Couples Workshop Sept. 27 presented by Jemma Coleman, a local licensed marriage and family therapist. This is a free workshop titled “How to take control of conflict and improve your relationship.”

Our Children’s Choir started again at the end of September. Although we had several of our members graduate to youth group, we look forward to hearing new voices! Children’s Choir rehearses every Sunday morning at 9am in the Sunday School room. This group is open to all interested children ages Kinder-garten – 5th grade. Our Sunday School classes continue to flourish each week. We are very excited to offer a brand new curriculum, “Holy Moly” to the classroom. The Holy Moly curriculum engages students through audio-visual and hands-on activities that generate practical applications of Bible principles into the lives of kids today. So far the response has been outstanding. You may notice a little more laughter coming from the Sunday School hallway and some really cool creations they are making. We are so grateful for our dedicated team of Sunday School teachers, for the time they put

in, but most of all for the heart of God they pour into our children each week. The Acolyte Training Course was on Sept. 13. Jocelyn O’Neill coordinates our Acolyte program. During the course, the acolytes are taught the proper technique for handling and lighting the candles, as well as all the proper meanings for the symbols in the church and what their role is in bringing the light of Christ to worship each Sunday. The Acolyte program is open to interested children 2nd grade and up. We welcome Sarah Harn to our acolyte group! Casey Davis also attended the training course because she was interested in learning more about her role as an acolyte. Trunk-r-Treat this year will be held on Friday evening, October 23 at 6:00 p.m. If you’ve never been to a Trunk-r-Treat you don’t know what you’re missing! Everyone is invited to pack the church parking lot with decorated cars and fill the trunk with goodies! Each year this event has grown, and we are looking forward to this annual event for the 4th year in a row. All the kids come out in costume for a chance to experience a safe and very fun Halloween alternative. Admission is free!

Family Ministries Continued….

Children’s Choir

Acolyte Training

September 13

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Our efforts with the Souper Bowl of Caring last year did not go unnoticed! We collected nearly 600 food items to donate to CROS Ministries between the church and preschool. First Presbyterian will be featured on the Souper Bowl of Caring website the week of November 15 and will go live on social media Nov. 23. Check us out at www.souperbowl.org for a feature story on our contributions. We look forward to participating in this nationwide youth-driven effort again this year on Super Bowl weekend.

We will be making our annual journey to Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center for a Family Retreat on Nov. 20-22. This is a favorite meeting spot for many of our children and youth, as well as their parents. It is a chance to break away from the daily grind and appreciate God’s beautiful world in a natural setting. While we are there, we enjoy

Family Ministries Continued…. Beacon, August - September 2015 Page 7

Souperbowl of caring partners Crystal Botha and Penny Rogers

2014 Cedarkirk on the porch

Cedarkirk - view from lodge

Rally Day recognitions

Rally Day Luncheon

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home-cooked meals at the lodge, hayrides, campfires, daily devotionals, canoeing, riding the zipline, and hiking. As I look back on my five years as serving this congregation all I can say is that it has been an absolute honor. I look forward to a wonderful fall season full of the traditions we have come to love and the many blessings God has in store for our church family.

Tim O’Neill and Krissy Overfield help serve at Rally Day Luncheon

New books in the FPC library. Endangered by C.J. Box

Radiant Angel by Nelson DeMille

The Fixer by Joseph Finder

Crash and Burn by Lisa Gardner

The Bone Tree by Greg Iles

The Murderer's Daughter by Jonathan Kellerman

14th Deadly Sin by James Patterson

NYPD Red by James Patterson

Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight

Every 15 Minutes by Lisa Scattoline

Crystal Botha and daughter Bailey Rigsby at Rally Day Luncheon

Page 8 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

Rally Day Luncheon

Children and Youth table

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Your music de-partment and all our musicians send out special greetings to each of you. Thank-

you for your support, encouragement and special requests. We appreciate seeing you in church and hearing from you! Significant thanks go to the many singers and musicians who provided inspirational music for us during these past summer months. They included a septet (George Sullivan, Rob Jacoby, Ron Fenaughty, John Rich, Lyn Snyder, Nadene Watson, Allison Sullivan and Lynne Spotts); Robin Sykes, flute soloist as well as a member of the flute trio; Ann Nelson on trombone; our Men's Chorus; two fabulous duets by Lynne Spotts and George Sullivan; and Crystal Davis on piano. Others were mentioned in the previous Bea-con. Choir returned to regular Thursday evening rehears-als in August and resumed regular Sunday worship/music leadership on September 13. Hand Bells resumed rehearsals on the September 13 for their weekly Sunday morning rehearsals at 11:30 a.m.. We welcome new members to both groups and encourage you to consider being part of our music ministry. Coming up in the next weeks are some exciting and inspiring anthems and other musical offerings. For example: jazz trio; trumpet; and Dixieland band to accompany a fabulous arrangement of “When the Saints Go Marching In” are planned. In December, the departments of Family Ministries and Choral Music will combine for a Christmas celebration on DECEMBER 6! Concert at 5:00 p.m., Dinner at 6:00 p.m., silent Live Manger display at 7:00 p.m. Please plan to join us for this wonderful welcome to the Christmas season! Keep a song in your heart. Join us on Sundays to praise and worship God. Love,

Fall is here. The choir is back. That can only mean Christmas is right around the corner. This year our musicians will present a collection of your seasonal favorites. The program is still developing, but this much we know, there will be choirs, instruments, bells, solos, ensembles, traditional carols and new favorites, too. And we’ll give you a chance to join in the celebration. The concert will be Sunday, December 6. The time will be 5:00 p.m. There will be food after the music in the fellowship hall and a Live Manger display at 7:00 p.m. Put it on your calendar now before the time gets crowded by the competition. Bring a friend for a festive beginning to the Christmas Season.

Fall has arrived - the music program is in full swing

Marlyce Pedersen Music Director and


George Sullivan Choral Director

Planning ahead: our Christmas concert will be at 5:00 p.m. on December 6. Please mark your calendar!

Beacon, October - November 2015 Page 9

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Fellowship and Special events

As Fall approaches, so does the increase in activities. Here are the latest:


To kick off the season Fellowship joined the men’s group to offer a Pot Luck Dinner on September 16. Everyone really enjoyed the delicious pork roast that was graciously provided and prepared by our men. The attendees brought a fabulous selection of side dishes and desserts. For this event we assigned each guest to random tables to encourage folks to meet new people. After dinner everyone shared something funny or interesting they believed was unknown to their table mates. We all learned a little something new about each other while enjoying a great meal.


It’s with much sadness that we say goodbye to long-term members Mike and Susie Zern who will move in October to Land O Lakes, FL to be nearer to family. In addition to serving as Elder, Susie was a paid staff member (Youth Director and Fellowship Director), then volunteer staff from 1996 to 2014. To say thank you and wish them well the Fellowship and Special Events Committee is hosting a light lunch reception after church

on Sunday, October 4. We hope everyone will stop in to say goodbye – and enjoy a snack!


This year we’re going to try a new location for our picnic that has more comfortable seating, good fans and is right on the beach! It will be Sunday, October 18 at the Jupiter Civic Center Building in Carlin Park. Because there are no grills we’ll replace the burgers with Sloppy Joe’s but will still also offer hot dogs, chips and beverages. Picnic-goers can bring side dishes to church before the service or over to the Center after the service. We hope the young folks will enjoy a fun sand castle building contest. The

‘older’ of us will be provided a selection of board games – something for everyone!


To prepare for the birth of our Lord we’ll be asking the congregation to help adorn the church with Christmas decorations. Look for the details of this wonderful event in your Sunday bulletins!

In Faith and Fellowship…

Co-Chairs, Cherrie Hires and Linda Kelly

Pot Luck Dinner

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Presbyterian Women in the Congregation

By Jane Speak PWC Moderator

Mondays October 12 and November 9

Presbyterian Women in the Congregation (PWC) meetings resume at 11 a.m. on Monday, October 12 in the Harrington Parlor. If you are a regular or affiliate female member of our church, you have a say and a vote at our meetings. We need your input and participation and welcome your smiling face. At 12:30 p.m. on October 12, the Ladies’ Lunch Bunch dines at Sal’s Pizza Bistro, 201 N. US Highway One, Jupiter in the Shoppes at Jupiter – just left of the new movie theater. Lunch is hosted by Linda Kelly (phone 561-745-7788). Please let her know that you’re coming, so she can plan for enough seating. This is a new location for us. For $5.99 you get 2 slices of pizza and a beverage or their soup and salad. They also have burgers and other salads. WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH TEQUESTA PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN THIS FALL

Check your Sunday bulletin for information about our November 9 events. We will not hold a PW Bible study this fall. Look for a speaker to be added to our meeting/lunch schedule in the next few months. At our October meeting, we will finalize plans to get Session approval for a fund-raising raffle of some special Christmas items. Look for more information on this fun event

What is the Tequesta Presbyterian Women in the Congregation? Pick up our updated purple brochure at the Visitor’s Table on Sundays to learn

about our role in the Presbyterian Church (USA).


Beacon, October - November 2015 Page 11

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Jim - I imagine you've already gone to press with the Beacon by now. I just feel bad that I did not think of this story earlier. When Jill Rippe returned from the South Af-rica mission trip she told a small group of us a touching story during our refreshment break after the church service. She said that during her SA visit she had the honor of helping a lo-cal woman, known to the Webb family, who had taken it upon herself to arrange for a daily feeding of indigent children in the area. Jill was told that there were about 100 who came each day to receive a very small amount of food which would likely be their only meal that day. Jill was awestruck when she witnessed over 150 children politely line up for what was a piece of hot dog and a wedge of orange. Because there were so many more than expected, Jill and the crew quickly cut up the hot dogs into enough pieces to serve them all. She said there was no pushing or shoving and the children respectfully and gratefully accepted this pittance of food. When Jill told us all that the cost was only $200 to feed 100 children for a month everyone asked her how they could help. Jill arranged for a fund to be set up to help this woman, who had told her how difficult funding was to keep the program going. As of last Sunday, Jill told me

she had collected and sent a check for $2500 - enough to feed the children for a whole year - all from our little church!! What a miracle worker Jill is. She's a blessing to us all!

by Linda Kelly

A Heartwarming Mission Story Editorial Note

I received the following note from Linda Kelly after the deadline for Beacon submittals. It was such a heart warming and touching story that I decided to add another page and include Linda’s comments just as I received them. Jim Scalf

Page 12 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

The Great Banquet Schedule

The next Great Banquet weekends will be:

Men - October 22-25

Women - October 29-Nov 1

These sessions will be held in Ft. Myers but transportation can be provided. If interested in at-tending one of these sessions, or to get more infor-mation, contact Jocelyn O’Neill at 561-889-6185

Jill Rippe in South Africa Settlement

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In a September meeting that focused on a busy fall schedule of activities, the Session voted to launch an alto-gether new program.

Proposed by the Committee on Evangelism and Mis-sions, the "Great Banquet" consists of a series of weekend retreats designed to help attendees better know Jesus Christ and each other as Christians. Although mentored by the non-profit Lampstand Ministries, the Great Ban-quet is largely lay-driven and operated by volunteers in local sponsoring churches. For more, please read the articles in the last two issues of the Beacon.

Here are some more nuggets from the Session meet-ing:

Solvent in summer! The July and August doldrums are usually when our financial folk wring their hands, squeeze the checkbook, and pray for Snowbirds to return early. This year Treasurer Scott Rippe was able to report that year-to-date pledge and plate income was $48,000 over budget projections. Preschool net income exceeded budget forecasts by $25,000. Overall, we were "beating budget" by $65,000 at the end of August.

The search revs up again. Rosemarie von Zabern, who chairs the Pastor Nominating Committee, was on hand to report on progress in re-starting the search for a permanent senior pastor. With the recent resignation of Matt Melendy as a committee member, Rosemarie sought and received Session permission to keep total member-ship at eight rather than add a replacement.

Web geniuses wanted. In her Pastor Nominating Committee report (see above), Rosemarie von Zabern noted that ministerial candidates are quick to go to a church's web site to get a feel for its "personality" and ac-

tivities. She said our web site could use some sparkle, which led to an admission that no one around the Session table had much web tech talent. Result: Rev. Jack Noble agreed to head an ad hoc group and put the call out to any church members who have web site development talents. Hello out there.....!?

Help support your Presbytery. Finance Chair Janet Waterman reminds all members that they've received let-ters requesting an annual per-capita assessment of $31.86 to support the Presbytery of Tropical Florida.

Building and Grounds help needed. For decades our physical plant has been lovingly kept up to date by a corps of dedicated retirees. But with age and move-aways taking their toll, Chairman Gene Mayer says he'll be forced to start relying on a roster of paid plumbers, elec-tricians and the like if we don't get a new generation of volunteer handymen - or even handypersons. If you're willing to share a skill, call Gene at 747-7350.

New Session members. Due to the recent passing of Dick Anschutz and the move to Virginia by Beverly Scanlan, we need to fill two positions on the Session. The Congregational Nominating Com-mittee has nominated Linda Kelly and Dennis Plante. Both names will be proposed during a special Congregational Meeting follow-ing the worship service on September 27.

Jim Snyder,

Clerk of Session

Session Report

The summer flew by and the Deacons did not have meetings in June or July. We still kept up with our duties and our assignments. The Deacons met again on September 15 which was the third Tuesday of September and we will be meeting on the third Tuesday of each month thereafter. The Deacons hope to plan a “meet

your deacon “social after church in the near future. This way we can all put a face with a name and share some time together. See you in church.

Deacon Dave Chandler

Deacon Doin’s

Beacon, October– November 2015 Page 13

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In August, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) began meeting to resume the search for our next pastor. These are the actions taken to date: Added members - Because two of the original PNC members had resigned, the Session tasked a nominating committee to name two new members to represent the sector of the congregation that those original members represented. Rob Jacoby and Lois Kirk were nominated and subsequently elected by the congregation and have since joined Fred Cone, Laura Cunningham, Jocelyn O’Neill, Krissy Overfield, Matt Rippe and Rosemarie von Zabern to form the current PNC.

Elected Chairs - First, we elected Rosemarie von Zabern chairperson and Laura Cunningham vice-chair. We also met with representatives of the Presbytery who offered guidance as we resumed our work.

Updated the Information on our Church for the Search - Because much has changed in our church in the two years since we first drafted the Church information form (CIF) that describes our church and our requirements/preferences for a future pastor, we next updated it. The Session has approved the revised CIF, and we have subsequently submitted it to the Presbytery Committee on Ministry for review at their October meeting.

Next Step: Beginning the Search - Once the Church information form is approved by the Presbytery, we will post it on a Presbyterian online site. The site matches it with Pastor’s information forms (PIFs). We then will begin reviewing the pastor’s forms, meeting weekly to discuss and narrow down potential pastors.

We will keep you informed as we progress to the next stages of this very important process: reviewing, narrowing down, researching, reference checking, interviewing and ultimately submitting the candidate for Presbytery, Session and your approval as a congregation. Although we will not be able to share details along the way, we will tell you where we are in the process.

Please keep us in your prayers. This may sound like a typical business hiring process, there’s one huge difference: God. He is guiding us to a very special pastor

Pastor Nominating Committee update Page 14 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

A little humor for a very serious process:

The Perfect Pastor

The perfect pastor preaches exactly 10 minutes. He condemns sin roundly but never hurts anyone's feelings. He works from 8 AM until midnight and is also the church janitor. The perfect pastor makes $40 a week, wears good clothes, drives a good car, buys good books, and donates $30 a week to the church. He is 29 years old and has 40 years experience. Above all, he is handsome. The perfect pastor has a burning desire to work with teenagers, and he spends most of his time with the senior citizens. He smiles all the time with a straight face because he has a sense of humor that keeps him seriously dedicated to his church. He makes 15 home visits a day and is always in his office to be handy when needed. The perfect pastor always has time for church council and all of its committees. He never misses the meeting of any church organization and is always busy evangelizing the unchurched. The perfect pastor is always in the next church over! If your pastor does not measure up, simply send this notice to six other churches that are unhappy with their pastor, too. Then bundle up your pastor and send him to the church at the top of the list. If everyone cooperates, in one week you will re-ceive 1,643 pastors. One of them should be perfect. Have faith in this letter. One church broke the chain and got its old pastor back in less than three months. This humorous note was found on the internet by Marlyce Pedersen

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The Beacon Highlights...

New Members

Allison Sullivan Connie Crowley

Tom and Jane DeBoe David DeMent

Beacon, October– November 2015 Page 15

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The Beacon Highlights… New Members Continued...

Kim Miller with son Lucas

Bill Cooper

Page 16 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

Rosemary Ritt

Page 17: First Presbyterian Church 2015 - Our 55th Yearfirstpresbyteriantequesta.com/newsletter/OctNov2015.pdf2015 Issue No. 5 Fall Issue Oct - Nov 2015 2015 - Our 55th Year First Presbyterian

The Beacon Highlights...

If you love our river, you'll want to know about a new book on the way from our Jim Snyder. A Trip Down the Loxahatchee is a four-color coffee table book with artistic works from 52 of our area's leading painters and photographers. It celebrates both the beauty and his-

tory of our federally-designated Wild and Scenic River by taking the reader on an imaginary boat trip from the 140,000 acres of headwaters all the way past the lighthouse and into the Inlet.

Says Jim: "In a previous book, Five Thousand Years on the Loxahatchee, it was mostly my words and old photos depicting the history. But this book adds a new dimension: 52 artists using their own imagina-tions and impressions in full color. Some of the paintings were commis-sioned to show historic scenes never before cap-tured by photos or paint-ings."

The book will make its de-but when the Jupiter Light-house and Museum holds its annual fund raiser, "Lighthouse River Rendez-vous," on Nov. 21 at 6 pm. Other book signing and speaking dates will be held during the holiday season after Thanksgiving.

Beacon, October - November 2015 Page 17

Our resident author has done it again!

You can’t buy it yet, but get ready!You can’t buy it yet, but get ready!

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Beacon Highlights Continued...

The Bloodmobile will be at the First Baptist Church of Tequesta on Saturday, October 31, from 6:00 p.m.to 9:00 p.m. The church will be having its fall festival at the same time so anyone giving blood can attend the fall festival. In addition, the Bloodmobile will be at St. Judes Catholic Church in Tequesta the next day, Sunday, November 1, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The Knights of Columbus will be serving pancakes that day and anyone giving blood can get free pancakes.

From Dave Wallace

Page 18 The First Presbyterian Church, Tequesta, Florida

Bloodmobile Scheduled

Writings of Dave Wallace

New York

Maze of walls

Maze of testimony

Mays Maris and Mantle

Men’s breakfast

THE MEN’S BREAKFAST meets on Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. at the Corner Café and Brewery, 289 S. US Hwy One, Tequesta, in Village Square. Come join us for good food and fellowship.

Precious Grandchildren of new members Tom and Jane DeBoe

Ron and Katie DeBoe during children’s sermon on September 13.

Page 19: First Presbyterian Church 2015 - Our 55th Yearfirstpresbyteriantequesta.com/newsletter/OctNov2015.pdf2015 Issue No. 5 Fall Issue Oct - Nov 2015 2015 - Our 55th Year First Presbyterian

Happy Birthday !!! October November

Katie Choy Kenly Drummond Lynnan Riddle Andrew Cunningham Rogelio Choy Hannah Hires Ann Nelson Jane Speak Joyce Sykes Jeff Piddington Ken Sloan Susan Cooper Jack Reid Beverly Scanlan Beverly Reid Robert Britton Donald Hires Bill Dennis David Sloan Robert Parker Lois Arntzen George Ludwick Cherrie Hires Fran Islin Ian Eyeington Kristine Overfield Bronwyn Eyeington Misty McClain 

Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 

Oct 10 Oct 12 Oct 12 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 16 Oct 16 Oct 17 Oct 18 Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 24 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 27 Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 31 

Colette Marie Muff Poundstone George Sharp Nicholas Wayne Duane Belden Martha Parker Kathy Sullivan Susan Glenn Marian Itzen Jim Hawkes Ginny Willoughby Sydney Chase Brenda Simanski Clayton Smith Jeff Smith Chery Hires Martha Ause Christine Von Zabern Nikki McTernan Bob Schaefer Claire Cross Kathy DeGrasse Trey Hawkins  Sierra Maihack Mary Lou Hawkes Bradley Young Patrick Mazzella Fred Cone Kevin Cone Raiden Wayne Allen Whitesell 

Nov 2 Nov 2 Nov 2 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 8 Nov 9 

Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 15 Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 22 Nov 22 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 27 Nov 27 Nov 27 

Beacon, October– November 2015 Page 19

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The Beacon The First Presbyterian Church

482 Tequesta Drive Tequesta, Florida 33469

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid West Palm Beach, FL Permit No. 1894

Rev. W. Jack Noble, Interim Pastor Crystal Davis, Director of Family Ministries Penny Rogers, Preschool Director Marlyce Pedersen, Music Director and Organist George Sullivan, Choral Director Jim Scalf, Beacon Editor Church office 561-746-5161 FAX 561-746-7709 Dial-a-Ride 746-5161 ext 10 Email : [email protected]

Address Service Requested

October - November 2015