First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week, 2nd February 2009.

First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

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Page 1: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module

Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk

Liquid Argon week, 2nd February 2009.

Page 2: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,


• Writing analysis program capable to sum up signals using reasonable selection criteria;

• Identification of noisy channels and data quality assessment of runs;

• Study of dependence of signal shape in calorimeter on beam intensity.

Page 3: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

EMEC module

Page 4: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

Problems with some EMEC low gain channels

• Till run 338: no signal, only the noise in 1st low gain channel (both direct and delayed);

• 339-344 – bad runs;• After run 344: no signal, only the noise in 1st low gain

delayed channel, and in 4th low gain channels (both direct and delayed);

The reason is unclear: nobody touched neither the hardware nor channel maps in between…• Moreover, there seems to be the mismatch in channel

numbering between analysis program for beam runs and software used in calibration runs (where the only problematic channel was always 3rd), despite of the fact that the channel maps seem to agree;

• More work is needed to clarify the situation;• All right with high gain channels.

Page 5: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

Noise (ADC counts) in EMEC channels with delay = 0 (ADC channels 9:16)

Chan+gain 4 Low 4 Med 3 Low 3 Med 1 Med 1 Low 2 Med 2 Low

ADC # 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

12 Nov 08 0.6 4.2 1.7 28.5 3.8 1.8 3.4 0.8

15 Nov 08 5.3 3.4 1.2 20.6 3.3 0.6 3.0 0.7

Noise (ADC counts) in EMEC channels with delay = 12.5 ns (ADC channels 41:48)

Chan+gain 4 Low 4 Med 3 Low 3 Med 1 Med 1 Low 2 Med 2 Low

ADC # 43 44 41 42 47 48 45 46

12 Nov 08 0.7 4.1 1.6 28.9 3.9 0.6 3.4 0.6

15 Nov 08 0.6 3.3 1.3 20.9 3.4 0.6 3.1 0.6

Noise measured in calibration runs12 Nov 2008: Calibrations taken before any data run written15 Nov 2008: Calibrations taken at 06h20’ (after data run 347)

1) (pink) Permanent problem in channel EMEC_3 (both gains and delays) -> the origin is probably inside the cryostat2) (blue) Problem with (low gain, delay=0) channel seem to jump from channel 1 to 4 and become more serious

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Page 8: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

EMEC gain#0, run №338, HV_EMEC = 1000 V Intensity = 6*108, Summed up signal

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EMEC gain#0, run №406, HV_EMEC = 600 V Intensity = 3.7*1011, Single event

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EMEC gain#0, run №406, HV_EMEC = 600 V Intensity = 3.7*1011, Summed up signal

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EMEC gain#1, run №406, HV_EMEC = 600 V Intensity = 3.7*1011, Summed up signal

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EMEC gain#1, run №411, HV_EMEC = 1400 V Intensity = 4*108, Summed up signal

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EMEC gain#1, run №436, HV_EMEC = 1400 V Intensity = 2*1010, Summed up signal

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EMEC gain#1, run №408, HV_EMEC = 1300 V Intensity = 4.5*1011, Summed up signal

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Some fixes in calibration analysis software done

• There where even compile problems -> . Makefile was modified (but see the disclaimer there) . At least one Root header (TCollection.h) was missing -> copied from BINP ATLAS computer thanks to the same linux distributive and Root version (5.20.00)• The constructor in TEvent.C was not properly written, causing quite often the segmentation fault -> fixed• fill.C also modified• Checked with April 2008 data (where both .raw and .root

are present) that the chain “.raw -> .root” works properly (see next slide), now start to look at November 2008 data

(where mainly .raw files only exist for the moment)

Directory ~/calib/anal at [email protected]

Page 16: First look at November 2008 data for EMEC module Maslennikov Alexei, Khoroshilov Andrey Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk Liquid Argon week,

Calibration analysis software (continued)

Getting .root file from .raw (example)cd ~/calib/anal

cat ~/caldata/081115/calib/117_127/d2ta005000_081115.raw | ~/bin/r2a | fill d2ta005000_081115.root 100 25 > d2ta_005000_081115.out

Analysis in root session:root –l d2ta005000_081115.root // start root and open the root file

.L libcal.so // to load the dictionary for class TEvent describing the event data structure

_file0->ls(); // to see the contents of the root file connected

TTree *t=(TTree*)_file0->Get("Delay 0"); // get pointer to tree “Delay 0”

TEvent *tev=0; // pointer to instance of TEvent class

t->SetBranchAddress("event",&tev); // link branch “event” to pointer tev

t->GetEntry(ievent); // fill data structure for event “ievent”

printf("%d\n",tev->GetNumSlice()); // to read the number of time slices

printf("%u\n",*(tev->GetChanData(ich)+isl)); // ADC value for channel “ich” and time slice “isl” in event “ievent”

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Monitoring R of inc resistors

R 26 Mar 2008 10 Nov 2008

R1 168 k 829 k

R2 138 k 368 k

R3 144 k 710 k

R4 156 k 706 k

R5 231 k 754 k

R6 231 k 760 k

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• Analysis program is written. It is capable to summarize signals using selection criteria (at this moment – the height and width of signals);

• Problems with 1st and 4th EMEC low gain channels are observed;

• Some fixes are done in calibration analysis software;

• Study of dependence of signal shape in calorimeter on beam intensity is in progress.

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