The Perry Christian First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) August 12, 2018 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) 701 Holly Street Perry, OK 73077 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.fccperryok.com Rev. Joshua Bell Senior Minister 620/491-3488 Codi Hodge Administrative Assistant Paula Shryock Director of Music Nancy Wells Organist Sharon Worrell Custodian CHURCH OFFICE (580) 336-4576 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ****** SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:15am or 10:30am SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15am Sunday August 5&12, 2018 ATTENDANCE 5th& 12th: 8:15 worship 45 10:30 worship 99 8:15 worship 51 10:30 worship 83 TITHES & OFFERINGS: General Fund (5th) $6,004.00 General Fund (12th) $3,168.10 Did you know that on August 17 th I will have been here a year? I think back on how far we have come in the last year and am speechless! Well not really, I mean have you ever known a preacher that was speechless? I have learned so much about you, and your families, and our family as a church. You have also started to figure my idiosyncrasies and my picadilloes and still have some how contin- ued to extend love and grace towards me! I am so excited what God has in store for us this next year! One of those new moments is hiring a Director of Christian Education and Youth! Her name is Sara Halpin and you will get to know more about her in the upcoming newsletters. Her primary task is to coordinate, imple- ment, plan and execute programming for our k-12 programs. When you have young families coming to church we want to have safe, organized, spirit-led, quality program- ming for their children so they will want to come back. We want our kids to know Jesus. We want to have goals for their spiritual development and programs that assist with that. I feel extremely confident in the Executive Committees decision and cannot wait to see what God does with this moment! This time of year is always exciting and can be extremely overwhelming! School is starting, and people are trying to create some semblance of order in the chaos of school/work schedules. In a lot of cases churches are starting to dust off the programs that have laid dormant over the summer. Churches start to feel the impact of people re- turning from vacations. We also, as churches, tend to introduce new ideas and while you are trying to find the balance between work and school schedules we add to the mix as well. We are going to try something different this year! The first week of every month is going to be focused on Mission/service. You are proba- bly asking yourself self, dont we always focus that way at church?You would be right except for churches tend to have sign-up sheets all year long and the reality is people get overwhelmed and exhausted be- fore they even get to church. When they arrive at church it can feel like it is yet just one more thing to help/volunteer for and most of the time we always end up with the same people all over again. There is nothing wrong with having consistency with volunteers although there is something wrong with those same volunteers getting worked to a frazzleAnother issue churches face is what is the best way to get people to volunteer?Do, we have sign-up sheets? Do we do everything through sign-up genius (the online stuff)? The thing that I want us to keep in mind is the more you do the more people are needed to make it happen. The good news is we are at a point again as a church where we have programs being created for youth/children and adults, new faces coming to church, and a lot of service opportunities coming! In short, our church is growing again, and we want to create an environment where people can assist in a way that they feel called and not obligated! We are going to need a lot of assistance this year both financially and physically. My hope is that in the spiritual side of things you are already praying for God to move, guide and direct us as we all try to find ways of walking in the footsteps of Jesus! Shalom, Joshua Bell

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

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Page 1: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

The Perry Christian First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

August 12, 2018


(Disciples of Christ) 701 Holly Street Perry, OK 73077

E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.fccperryok.com

Rev. Joshua Bell Senior Minister 620/491-3488 Codi Hodge

Administrative Assistant Paula Shryock

Director of Music Nancy Wells

Organist Sharon Worrell



(580) 336-4576 Monday - Friday

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.





Sunday August 5&12, 2018

ATTENDANCE 5th& 12th: 8:15 worship 45 10:30 worship 99 8:15 worship 51 10:30 worship 83 TITHES & OFFERINGS: General Fund (5th) $6,004.00 General Fund (12th) $3,168.10

Did you know that on August 17th I will have been here a year? I think back on how far we have come in the last year and am speechless! Well not really, I mean have you ever known a preacher that was speechless? I have learned so much about you, and your families, and our family as a church. You have also started to figure my idiosyncrasies and my picadilloes and still have some how contin-ued to extend love and grace towards me! I am so excited what God has in store for us this next year! One of those new moments is hiring a Director of Christian Education and Youth! Her name is Sara Halpin and you will get to know more about her in the upcoming newsletters. Her primary task is to coordinate, imple-ment, plan and execute programming for our k-12 programs. When you have young families coming to church we want to have safe, organized, spirit-led, quality program-ming for their children so they will want to come back. We want our kids to know Jesus. We want to have goals for their spiritual development and programs that assist with that. I feel extremely confident in the Executive Committee’s decision and cannot wait to see what God does with this moment!

This time of year is always exciting and can be extremely overwhelming! School

is starting, and people are trying to create some semblance of order in the chaos of school/work schedules. In a lot of cases churches are starting to dust off the programs that have laid dormant over the summer. Churches start to feel the impact of people re-turning from vacations. We also, as churches, tend to introduce new ideas and while you are trying to find the balance between work and school schedules we add to the mix as well.

We are going to try something different this year! The first week of every month is going to be focused on Mission/service. You are proba-bly asking yourself “self, don’t we always focus that way at church?” You would be right except for churches tend to have sign-up sheets all year long and the reality is people get overwhelmed and exhausted be-fore they even get to church. When they arrive at church it can feel like it is yet just one more thing to help/volunteer for and most of the time we always end up with the same people all over again. There is

nothing wrong with having consistency with volunteers although there is something wrong with those same volunteers getting worked to a frazzle… Another issue churches face is “what is the best way to get people to volunteer?” Do, we have sign-up sheets? Do we do everything through sign-up genius (the online stuff)? The thing that I want us

to keep in mind is the more you do the more people are needed to make it happen. � � � The good news is we are at a point again as a church where we have programs being created for youth/children and adults, new faces coming to church, and a lot of service opportunities coming! In short, our church is growing again, and we want to create an environment where people can assist in a way that they feel called and not obligated!

We are going to need a lot of assistance this year both financially and physically.

My hope is that in the spiritual side of things you are already praying for God to move, guide and direct us as we all try to find ways of walking in the footsteps of Jesus!

Shalom, Joshua Bell

Page 2: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

The month of September is focused on “coming home.” Like; “welcome home from your long and arduous journey. Lay your head down and find peace in the sanctuary that God has provided.” You have heard me talk about it for an entire year about the word “sanctuary.” My hope is that the concept is embedded enough that we are finding new ways of inviting people to find peace and solace in the place of worship that has been provided for us. Here are some things we are trying to provide in the upcoming months.

September: Homecoming Month!!! (we still need help finding volunteers to help teach

High School Sunday School, and choir starts back this month) Sara will be on her way!!! 2-Mission fair: this is where we will have sign-up sheets for the events taking place

that we know we will need help for the month. Plan on bringing your calendar!!! (pay particu-lar attention to our Wednesday program…)

9- 8:15 worship, 9:15 Sunday School and the first week of Caraway Street, 10:30 wor-

ship. Homecoming Extravaganza!!! Starting at 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. we will have inflatables (an obstacle course and a bouncy house), Homemade ice-cream (we are shooting for 20 people to make it!) Hotdogs (which we are providing and are wanting some people to help cook and serve it (think simple)), and tours of the building to anyone who

wants to go on the World-renowned tour of our facility � (we are hopefully going to have

shirts for sale at this event and if not we hope to have them for the parade� 15-Participating in the parade!!! We will be handing out flyers of our programs and

throwing candy at people I mean…throwing candy for the people HAHAH. We will be build-ing some sort of float and trying to participate someway to promote our after-school program starting the following week

19- Disciples Kids 3:30-5:15 Which we are expecting to grow this year! (a.k.a. After-school program) We need volunteers to help serve snacks on the first, third, fourth, and the occasional fifth Wednesday. We already have a team that has volunteered for the second Wednesday of every month. We will also need some teacher assistants, Craft helpers, and all of the positions we will need help with will be on the board during the mission fair.

23 & 30 – tons of families of all ages coming in swarms to our church looking for a place to find peace and solace…We must be ready to have the sanctuary full! Yes, I am excit-ed! The truth is if we had everyone come to church right now that claim us we wouldn’t have enough chairs!!!

October: 7-Mission Fair 14-Masses of people flooding our building 21-Masses of people flooding our building 28-31 Somewhere going to have our Trunk or treat party! We need to be ready. Last year we had over 300 people that came through our building!

Page 3: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

Please pray for….Kenneth & Peggy Mittasch (brother of Janice Hansen is sick & his wife Peggy is taking care of him), Joshua Bell procedure and family while he recovers, Chris Dillon (burst appendix-emergency surgery), family of Don Klinglesmith, Larry Mistier, Bud Avery, Layli and Avery (fevers), Wilber Keith is being moved to nursing home (Tammy Bolay’s father), Larry Cameron, Gordon Cargill & Gayland Sandy, children,, teachers, and parents as school is back in session, Kim McClain’s friend, Jack Thompson, family of Bob Casper, family of the Ponca City plane crash, families in the fire and floods, Ted Carden (Brother-in-law of Marilyn Ewy), Ewy’s son is hiking Yellowstone, Larry Stringer, Ethan in the National Guard, family of Bill Wilda, Babe Dickson’s friend Larry Ray, Gary Ridley (ICU), Izzy (Tonsillectomy), Doris’s friend, Don D Miller, Michael Wells, Marilyn Ring’s Aunt Frances Hardy, Ronnie Mack, Carson Green continued prayers for healing (Jay & Sherry Debord’s nephew),

Kelli (Sherry Debord’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Sandy), Nancy Zavodny, Debbie Beasley’s son & grandchil-dren, Janet Prickett (cancer- Norma’s niece), Tracey Klingaman (cancer), Amanda Giesinger (eye complica-tion), Larry (Hattie’s son—heart), Rose Knight (heart issues), Tommy Young (lung cancer), Tina Kilmer, Jerry & Dana & family (death of 5yr old grandson), Kenneth Cheney, Todd Hatchett.

Larry Cameron’s van was hit by and a train, but he was with us in church Sunday and sang beautifully!! Praise God for keeping him safe! Praise God for the rain! We are full of joy & excitement welcoming our new Director of Education, Sara Halpin.

Cancer Survivors:

David Riggs, Joyce Bailey, John Taylor, Karen Bigbee, David Tharrington, Wayne Speer, Duane Dickson, Marilyn Goforth, Kristie Cook, Gerald Payne, Gary Moore, Kate Yost, Becky Hammock, Bonnita Foster, Misty Leeper, Jim Taber, Gene Zavodny, Jim Gall, Beverly Klingaman, Randy Beeman, Keli Schweer, Branen Kirtley, Norma Hughes, Marilyn Ewy, Jim Ewy, Cathy Wells-Drury, Gary Wells, Barbara Habina.

Serving our Country:

Nehemiah Scott-Navy, Ethan Stringer-Army National Guard, Anthony Moore, Austin Moore, Devin Blansett-Marines, Shelby Schultz-National Guard, Colonel Stephen Lightfoot-Marines, Thomas Henke-Marines, Jared Mann-Navy, Ryan Padilla, Bryson Run-ning-Navy, John Maehs, Scott Collins, David Collins, Chip Collins, Jr., Jeremiah Givens, Lindsey Bishop, Trevor Schultz-National Guard, Kyle Thomason, Ryan Rosu—Navy

Nursing Home/Assisted Living/Homebound:

Doris Edwards, Dick Sullins, Ilene Branen, Colleen Robison, Jean Yeager/Stillwater, Barbara St. Clair, Kenny Cheney


Z family, Southeast Asia, Andrew & Reilly Bowers (granddaughter of the late Faye and Mary Odell), West Africa, Lauren Anderson-Park, Thailand

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your request to God.” Philippians 4:6

Page 4: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

It was so nice to have Nancy Wells back playing for our church services today! I also want to say a big “Thank You” to Sally Frazier for playing the piano during the worship services while Nancy was gone. Sally does such a wonderful job and willingly gives of her time and talent. I hope you enjoyed and were blessed by Madeline Bell playing “Abide With Me” on her clarinet last Sunday and by Larry Cameron singing today the well-known Gaither tune, “He Touched Me.” Thank you to both for sharing their talents with us! This Sunday, Nancy Wells and I will be playing an organ-piano duet, “All Glory, Laud, and Honor.” On Sunday, Aug. 26, Josh and I will be singing “I’ve Just Seen Jesus,” another well-known Gaither tune. See you Sunday! Paula

Youth Group 5:30pm Sundays

Office Closed Friday Aug. 31st & Monday Sept. 3rd

Choir is on break until September

Caraway Street will resume September 9th

Homecoming Extravaganza

September 9th at 5:00pm

Fire Truck/Float in the parade on September 15th

Like us on Facebook First Christian

Church of Perry Ok

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The week of August 5, 2018 Total needed for the week: $5,170.00 Received this week: $6,004.00 Over weekly budget: $834.00

The week of August 12, 2018 Total needed for the week: $5,170.00 Received this week: $3,168.10 Under Budget: $2,001.90

Total Amount

Total needed for the month: $22,298.00 Received for August $9,172.10 Under monthly Budget: $13,125.90

Page 5: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

Servers for Sunday, August 19th, 2018 ELDERS: Fred & Joniece LeValley WORSHIP LEADER: Larry Voise 8:15 DEACONS: Cecil Loveless, James Meier 10:30 DEACONS: Robbie Frazier, Helen Fuller, Shelley Hawkins, Deah Stubbs COMMUNION PREPARER: Cindy St. Clair 8:15 GREETER: Velma Shelton 10:30 GREETER: Nila Nuttle Servers for Sunday, August 26th, 2018 ELDERS: Cindy St. Clair, Larry Voise WORSHIP LEADER: Johnny Fuller 8:15 DEACONS: Diana & Nicole Noteware 10:30 DEACONS: Madeline Bell, Matt & Kassy Groom, Larry Hansen COMMUNION PREPARER: Willa Coker 8:15 GREETER: Cecil & Joyce Loveless 10:30 GREETER: Arlie & Marilyn Goforth HOMEBOUND: Norma Hughes, Tammy Kelly Servers for Sunday, September 2, 2018 ELDERS: Jay & Sherry Debord WORSHIP LEADER: Jim Lightfoot 8:15 DEACONS: Freddie Nichols, Randy Parrish 10:30 DEACONS: Barry & Kristi Cook, Ashleigh & Tucker Wheatley COMMUNION PREPARER: Willa Coker 8:15 GREETER: Verna Skouby 10:30 GREETER: Kim Sheets

13 – Brandon Box 14 – Frank Inabnett

18 – Jim Henley 18 – Lavona Niles 19 – Nila Nuttle

19 – Dick Postelwait 22 – Janet Wilhelm 23 – Ryan Wilson 23 – Donna King

27 – Raymond Coker 31 – Ed Russell

Please let us know if we missed

your special day!

14- Jim & Pam Lightfoot 18 – Dick & Phyllis Postelwait

22 - Johnny & Helen Fuller 25 – Gerald & Nancy Wells

28 – Arlie & Marilyn Goforth 30 – Larry & Suzanne Voise


To glorify God by leading people to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


Nichi Whiteley, Stillwater Nathan, Tara, Landree &

Reed Smith, Spring, TX Penny Subketkaew, Perry

Jo Ewy & Jan Harney, Edmond Raquel & Cody LeValley

Ashley & Cooper Fuller, Piedmont Merritt Fuller, Mustang

Page 6: First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)fccperryok.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/August_12_Newsletter.… · 08/08/2018  · Caraway Street will resume September 9th Homecoming

Disciple kids after school program

Starting September 19th afterschool until 5:15pm

We need Volunteers for the Wednesday After School Program! The kitchen volunteers will be in charge of coordinating & serving 50 kids.

We will need volunteers for the 1st week, 3rd week, 4th week and occasionally the 5th week (We already have the 2nd week covered).

We will also need 4 volunteers weekly to help with crafts and possibly games. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office 336-4576.

Sign up sheets to come!

Homecoming Extravaganza September 9th at 5:00pm

Obstacle Course & Bouncy House Homemade Ice Cream

Cold Drinks & Hotdogs T-shirts ($15.00 a piece)

We will have sign-up sheets soon!