BRANCH SOLUTION Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres

Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

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Page 1: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi


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Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres

12025-4_Branchenloesung Lager- u. Logistik_GB.indd 112025-4_Branchenloesung Lager- u. Logistik_GB.indd 1 17.06.14 17:0117.06.14 17:01

Page 2: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

GOODS+ASSETSjust in time

In recent years, logistics services have become increasingly important for the success of businesses and have

expanded continuously. This is due to the globalisation of the markets and supply chains, the evolution from a

production-oriented to a service-oriented society, the continuous decrease of product life cycles and the inte-

gration of information and communication technology into the process chain. Today, logistics comprises the

process of planning, implementation and control of the effective fl ow and storage of goods and products and

the related information from the point of delivery to the point of receipt in accordance with the requirements

of customers. “Just in time” depends on the absence of hitches throughout the entire process chain.

Many goods = high risk of fire

Logistics businesses characteristically store large

amounts of goods - and thus a high volume of assets -

in a comparatively small area. The total sum of fi re risks

and the quick spreading of fi re combine to form

extreme hazard potentials. As a result, a fi re can quickly

threaten the survival of an entire business. Especially in

the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous

crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi re

protection. In a fi rst step, the various storage types -

from high-bay warehouses to vertical-carousels - must

be distinguished. The type of moved and stored goods

also plays a signifi cant role, since these may differ

greatly in their composition and characteristics. Special

risks, such as the storage of paper rolls or tyres, often

require specifi c fi re protection solutions. And fi nally, the

commissioning area, the server room and other periph-

eral areas have to be taken into consideration. Accord-

ingly, a great number of diverse fi re risks associated

with logistics businesses must be carefully analysed and

properly prevented by a tailor-made fi re protection

system designed for the specifi c requirements of the

situation concerned.

When opting for fire protection –

choose the right one

More than one third of all large-scale fi re damage in

commercial operations and industry occur in storage

and logistics areas. Protect your investments and secure

the future of your business - with a Minimax fi re protec-

tion solution optimally designed for your business and

meeting all applicable safety requirements. This is

warranted by strict compliance with applicable guide-

lines, the use of tried and tested components as well as

planning and installation by qualifi ed and certifi ed

installers. Insurance companies value the high reliability

of Minimax fi re protection systems by granting as a rule

substantial premium discounts for the use of Minimax

systems. Certain storage risks are not even insurable

without plant-specifi c fi re protection. Requirements for

the installation of extinguishing systems are also defi ned

in construction laws and regulations. In this regard, we

assist you in detecting fi re hazards at an early stage and

in designing and installing fi re protection solutions that

are tailor-made for storage and logistics areas. "We are

burning for action to prevent your premises from

burning down" – based on this philosophy, we carry out

full scale fi re tests in our fi re protection research centre,

and are thus able to prove the functionality of our

extinguishing systems under life-like conditions. With a

comprehensive range of services, we also provide

assistance after installation of the fi re protection system.

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Page 3: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

Refrigerated storage

Emergency power generator

FIRE PROTECTION Fire protection systems

recommended by Minimax

Warehouse types High-bay warehouse • •Refrigerated storage/cold storage units • • •Block storage • •Storage of hazardous substances/ substances covered by VbF*

� • • • � • •Vertical carousels • � •Special risks

Small /heavy load carriers • � • •Textile warehouses • • •Paper roll depots • • • •Tyre depots � • • •Peripherals

Incoming goods/commissioning/dispatch • � • • •Loading bays • •Offi ces and administration • • •Server and switch rooms • � • • •Emergency power and cooling units • • • •


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1 With antifreeze agent added, where appropriate. * VbF = Regulation on fl ammable liquids.

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Page 4: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

Paper roll depot


Small load carriers


Server and switch roomsHazardous substances


Tyre depot

High-bay warehouse

Vertical carousels

Block storage

Loading bays

Optimal fi re protection in warehouse buildings and for logistics centres requires specialist solutions for each

area to prevent the loss of valuable assets or operational interruptions that can threaten the existence of the

business. As a comprehensive supplier for fi re protection solutions, Minimax offers a uniquely full range of tried

and tested as well as innovative fi re protection systems and components that meet the highest standards in

every detail and complement each other to form a very effi cient and value-for-money overall solution.

Sprinkler systems: Universal protection

In a wide range of applications where human lives and

material assets are to be protected against the damag-

ing effects of fi res, Minimax sprinkler systems offer

reliable fi re protection. They are the most common form

of extinguishing systems used in warehouses and

logistics centres. In the event of a fi re, here, the system

is automatically activated during the initial phase, thus

preventing the fi re from spreading. Only those sprinklers

are opened which are in the vicinity of the fi re. At the

same time, an alarm is transmitted to a permanently

staffed post. A fi lm-forming foaming agent is added to

the sprinkler system in certain risk areas to reinforce the

extinguishing effect.


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Page 5: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

Minifog water mist extinguishing systems:

Extinguishing with water mist

The innovative and effi cient Minifog water mist extin-

guishing systems provide a highly effi cient fi re protec-

tion for certain applications, while reducing water

consumption at the same time. In warehouses and

logistics centres, such water mist extinguishing system

are used in certain peripheral areas, such as offi ce and

administrative areas or for emergency power units

operated with diesel fuel.

Water spray systems:

Fast, with overall coverage

Minimax water spray extinguishing systems are suitable

for use in areas where a fi re can spread particularly

quickly, e.g. in vertical rotary racks or tyre depots.

Equipped with hydraulic, pneumatic or electric triggers,

water spray extinguishing systems start fi ghting the

fi re immediately due to the open nozzles. They prevent

re-ignition by cooling down the burnt materials.

In certain risk areas, a fi lm-forming foaming agent is

added to the sprinkler system to reinforce the extin-

guishing effect.

Foam extinguishing systems:

Large scale dampening

Minimax foam extinguishing systems are in many cases

an interesting alternative for warehouses intended for

the storage of hazardous substances, of fl ammable

liquids and in certain special risk areas. The foam added

via the automatic extinguishing system dampens the

stored goods extensively, thus compounding the

smothering effect

Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems:

Highly efficient in many situations

The extinguishing effect of carbon dioxide is caused

by the fast displacement of oxygen in the vicinity of the

source of the fi re. The high heat absorption capacity of

the gas also withdraws energy from the source of the

fi re, thus compounding the extinguishing effect.

Due to its special extinguishant properties, Carbon

dioxide extinguishing systems also protect stand-alone

equipment in rooms. Carbon dioxide extinguishing

systems only need little space for storing a supply of

the extinguishant – large volumes of carbon dioxide can

be stored cost-effectively in low pressure containers.

Carbon dioxide is a natural component of the ambient

air and electrically non-conductive.

MX 1230 fire extinguishing systems:

Maximum protection for server rooms

MX 1230 fi re extinguishing systems using the innovative

extinguishant Novec™ 1230 by 3M™ were specifi cally

developed for rooms containing electrical and elec-

tronic equipment. These systems, too, extinguish fi res

without leaving residue on the protected objects, while

ensuring a high level of personal and environmental

protection at the same time. An additional benefi t of

MX 1230 fi re protection systems is the very small space

required for the storage of the extinguishant.

Oxeo Prevent oxygen reduction systems: Prevent

the occurrence of open fires in the first place

Oxeo oxygen reduction systems reduce the oxygen

content in the ambient air by the controlled admix-

ture of nitrogen to such an extent that no open fi re

can occur in the fi rst place. The use of such systems

requires, however, that no persons are permanently pre-

sent in the storage facility, that the building shell of the

storage facility is well-sealed and that the infi ltration

of fresh air by bringing in and removing goods from the

storage facility is limited. Fire prevention systems are

used, among other things, in refrigerated storage and

hazardous substances storage.

Fire detection systems and extinguishing system

controls: Optimum overview and high flexibility

Flames, smoke, gas emissions, heat – a spreading fi re

is a multi-faceted fi re. Minimax has the right type of

fi re detectors for every kind of fi re. All fi re detectors

transmit their signals to the FMZ 5000 fi re detection

control panel – taking the short way, via a loop. The

FMZ 5000 panel controls alarm devices and transmits

alarm notifi cations to a permanently staffed post and

to the fi re department. Moreover, it can monitor the

available extinguishing systems continuously for proper

functioning and can trigger these systems – except

for sprinkler systems – electrically in the event of a fi re.

The FMZ 5000 also offers additional features such as

communication with hazard or facility management

systems or via web interfaces with Internet-capable


WAREHOUSESand logistics

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Page 6: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

WhWhWhWhWWWWWWW etetetetheheheheer r r a a HHiHiHighghghgh-b-b-b-bayayyayayay wwwwwwwararararararararaaaaaaa eeheheeehehhhhhehehehoououououooooooo sesesese ooooooorrrrrr r rrr aaaaa stststststtstsstorororooooooo aggggageeee ee ofoofofofofff hhhhhhhhhhhhazazazarararraa dodododoooususususususs sssssububububububububbbubbbbububsstststss ananaa cecces,s,s,s wwwwwwwhhheeh ttththththhheeeererererereree iiiinnncncccncomommmommmmmmininninnninii gggggg gogogoggg odododdddddds s s s sss orororoooo tttttthehe

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Page 7: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

Water shield Omega

Top side of sprinkler pipe

Stored goods

Pressed sprinkler pipe

Flat welding socket

Small build, type 21 sprinkler

Spray characteristics of flat-spray sprinkler

Optimised rack sprinklers – InRackPack

Volume usage rates in high-bay warehouses are determined by the top clearance between the stacked goods in the

high racks - the less, the better. For this reason, Minimax has optimised its rack sprinkler system. By using sprinkler

pipes that are pressed at the socket joint, special fl at welding sockets and Minimax sprinklers of Type 21 with a very

small build, we have reduced the distance between the top side of the sprinkler pipe and the defl ector of the sprinkler

to a minimum. In addition, we are using sprinklers with a fl at-spray spraying characteristic, which serves to reduce the

distance between defl ectors and the stored goods. The combined effect of these features is to reduce the minimum

distance between the top side of the sprinkler pipe and the stored goods, to make more usable space available for

the stored products and goods.

High-bay warehouse shelves are up to 50 m high and

are mostly designed for the intake of Euro-pallets. Their

capacity ranges from a few thousand to several hun-

dred thousand pallet storage positions. On a very small

surface area, they offer space for an extremely large

quantity of goods and products. Between

every two rows of storage shelves there is an alley in

which rack feeders move up and down.

Risks: Fires spread particularly quickly in a vertical

direction and thrive on pallets stacked on top of each

other. The 'stack effect' compounds the spreading of

the fi re: The air ducts forms by stacking the stored

goods draw the fl ames and gas emission upwards like

in a chimney.

Fire protection: Sprinkler systems have proven to work

well in high-bay warehouses. In the classical version,

sprinklers are installed both under the ceiling and in

the rack. However, the installation of sprinklers in the

racks can be avoided by using ESFR (Early Suppression

Fast Response) sprinklers. Fire detection systems for

the early detection of fi res are also used to supplement

sprinkler systems in high rack storage facilities.

In these cases, Minimax recommends the use of HELIOS

AMX5000 aspirating smoke detectors with a vertical

installation of the suction lines in the shelves and

mounting the evaluation units in easily accessible loca-

tions. The advantage of such a solution over punctiform

smoke detectors is, for example, that they can be

serviced very easily without having to interrupt

business operations.

N IN A HIGH-BAYwarehouse


*Detailed Minimax product i nformation.

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Page 9: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

Refrigerated storage is widespread especially in the food industry and in the related, down-

stream commercial operations. The goods and products are stored for this purpose at tem-

peratures of up to -40°C. The necessary heat insulation often consists of non-fl ammable or

fl ammable insulation materials with varying fi re performance, in many cases also in the form

of sandwich elements. Rack storage prevails in refrigerated storage facilities.

Risks: The very dry air in refrigerated storage facilities facilitates the spreading of fi res.

The use of fl ammable insulating materials compounds the fi re hazard. Extinguishing water

without antifreeze additives will freeze over very quickly.

Fire protection: Oxeo Prevent oxygen reduction system are the ideal solution for refrigerated

storage facilities, since the conditions for their use – no permanent presence of people in the

storage facility, a well-sealed building shell and very low infi ltration of fresh air caused by

bringing in and removing goods – are also required to maintain the

desired temperature level. Moreover, they offer perfect protection

for the storage of foodstuff that is sensitive to smoke and tempera-

tures. Oxeo Prevent oxygen reduction systems are mostly used in

combination with HELIOS AMX5000 aspirating smoke detectors

with a highly sensitive setting to ensure earliest fi re detection.

Heated aspirating outlets ensure their proper operation in refriger-

ated areas. Though Oxeo Prevent can only prevent a smouldering

fi re from turning into an open fi re, the fi re and the cause of fi re

would remain permanently undetected in the absence of an earli-

est fi re detection system. Alternatively, sprinkler systems can be

installed in such conditions – ideally fi tted with ESFR sprinklers.

If there is a suffi ciently spaced, non-frost intermediate area above

the ceiling available, we recommend pendent Viking ESFR dry

sprinklers. Combined with a Minimax PipeGuard Antifreeze system,

sprinkler systems can be used in refrigerated storage facilities at

a temperature of up to -40°C.Pendent Viking

ESFR dry sprinkler



How does the Oxeo Prevent oxygen reduction system function?

Cross section of a hollow fi bre membrane outlet air residual gases O2, Ar, others normal air

from outside is compressed, dried and cleaned, then separated into the components nitrogen

and residual gases in hollow fi bre membranes. While the remaining gases are released, the

nitrogen replaces part of the room atmosphere in the protected area, thus reducing the

proportion of oxygen to below that required for independent combustion. In most cases a

reduction in volume from 21% to 15% is suffi cient to prevent the occurrence of fi re. Sensors

continuously measure the oxygen level of the air in the protected area. The supply of nitrogen

is adjusted by a solenoid valve regulated by the monitoring

and control unit. Once the

required level of oxygen

concentration is

reached, the Oxeo

Prevent oxygen reduc-

tion system automati-

cally switches to

stand-by operation. It

then only recommences

operation if the oxygen level begins to rise, e.g.

through unsealed points in the building or open

doors and gates.

REFRIGERATEDSTORAGE optimally protected

Air inlet (natural atmosphere)

Compressor and drier Filter


Hollow fibre membranes

Cross section of a hollow fibre membrane


O2 , Ar

Outlet air residual gO2 , Ar, others


Supply to roomN2


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Page 10: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi

BLOCK STORAGEoptimally protected

In block storage facilities, goods and products are stored

in crates, boxes or pallets on top of each other and next

to each other, piled up in blocks without using shelves.

The individual blocks of a storage facility are often

subdivided into smaller units - so-called cells. This in turn

ensures a very dense arrangement of the storage units,

and thus a very high rate of space and volume usage.

Risks: Very high fi re hazard, since the goods and

products are stored very densely.

As a rule, fi re protection in block storage facilities can

be ensured by using a sprinkler system. In this case, the

sprinklers – either conventional sprinklers or ESFR

sprinklers, depending on the type of stored goods,

packaging and the height of the building – are installed

only in the ceiling. For block storage facilities, this

system is supplemented by a fi re detection system for

early fi re detection. The suction lines of the HELIOS

AMX5000 aspirating smoke detector are installed under

the ceiling, with sections descending down to evalua-

tion units in easily accessible locations to facilitate

maintenance works. A further advantage of the HELIOS

AMX5000: Owing to very sensitive settings it is possible

to compensate – at least in part – the fact that it is not

possible to monitor the intermediate levels as in the

case of high rack storage facilities.

ESFR sprinklers (Early Suppression Fast Response) are equipped with very fast responding release

elements and use larger quantities of water per sprinkler head than conventional sprinklers. The

droplet spectrum generated by the sprinkler heads is specifi cally adjusted to the use in storage

areas. For this reason, ESFR sprinklers only have to be installed in the ceiling – without

requiring installation in the shelves. This feature allows a very fl exible positioning of the

stored goods – in particular with varying levels of the stored goods or mobile racks. There are

however some restrictions on use according to directives and regulatory requirements. Thus, for

example, they can only be used in storage buildings with a maximum height of 13.5 m. But in

any case very precise planning is required to ensure that all necessary boundary parameters

are taken into account.


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Page 11: Fire protection solutions for warehouses and logistics centres · the fi eld of storage and logistics there are numerous crucial criteria for the selection of the best type of fi


Hazardous substances are materials or mixtures that are

explosive, combustible or damaging to human health or to

the environment. Warehouses where such substances are

stored have a great variety of typical designs; subject, how-

ever, to specifi c laws and regulations applicable to their

construction. Such provisions require e.g., fall-safe storage,

soil protection in the form of collecting reservoirs and

extinguishing water retention systems as well as the preven-

tion of operational sources of ignition.

Risks: The fi re risks in hazardous substance storages are as

varied as the hazardous substances themselves. In extreme

cases, a fi re in such a storage facility may cause a devastating


Fire protection: As a rule, the planned fi re protection system

for hazardous substance storage is determined in particular

by the characteristics of the stored goods. Accordingly, nearly

the full range of fi re extinguishing systems is being used

in such facilities. For this type of storage, Oxeo inert gas

extinguishing systems are often the preferred solution: they

extin- guish fi res quickly without leaving residues on the

protected objects, and reactions between the burnt materials

and extinguishants are precluded. Alternatively, Oxeo Prevent

oxygen reduction systems or foam extinguishing systems can

be used. UniVario fl ame and heat detectors are often used

in these cases.

UniVario intelligent industrial fi re detectors can be used

even in the most extreme conditions, thanks to their sturdy

casing and assembly technology. They respond to infrared or

ultraviolet radiation or to heat. Thanks to their modular

concept and use of the latest signal processing technology

these devices meet individual specifi cations in an extraordi-

narily wide range of uses. They can be used indoors as well

as outdoors, and can be directly integrated into a loop.


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Vertical carousels are vertical, fully metal plate encased

rotating racks of up to 30 m in height, where all goods

are typically moved over a single outlet for inserting or

removing goods – an ideal form of storage for small

parts. They also offer the ergonomic advantage of

moving the stored goods towards the operator, and not

vice versa.

Risks: Friction in the integrated technical drive systems

as well as introduced ignition sources that can trigger

fi res. Quick spread of the fi re, since it is a closed system

with a density of stored goods. Systems designed to

protect the building cannot effectively fi ght a fi re that

occurs in a vertical rotary rack system.

Fire protection: Minimax recommends the Viking

protective system for automatically closed storage

systems – a spray water extinguishing system with

special extinguishing nozzles that can be connected to

a sprinkler system already in place. Alternatively, if the

vertical carousels is particularly high, if particularly

sensitive goods are stored in the racks or if the use of

water may lead to extended business interruptions, an

Oxeo inert gas extinguishing system, using nitrogen as

an extinguishant, may be more appropriate. Using nitro-

gen, as opposed to other extinguishing gases, has the

advantage that it is somewhat lighter than air and

therefore escapes – in the event of a fi re – gradually via

the low-lying outlet for inserting or removing goods

after the rack system has been fl ooded. For both fi re

protection systems, we recommend combining it with

the HELIOS AMX5000 aspirating smoke detector


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When are oxygen reduction systems best used?

From a mere fi re protection perspective, the following

principle applies: The Oxeo Prevent oxygen reduction

system is highly advisable in situations where water can-

not be used as an extinguishant by reason of the stored

goods themselves (e.g. in a hazardous substance storage

facility) or the storage conditions (e.g. in a refrigerated

storage facility), if even a small open fi re may cause the

loss of the entire stored goods (as may be the case in tex-

tile warehouses). However, this system may not be used

in areas intended for the permanent presence of people.

Furthermore, the system can only be used in spaces with

a well-sealed building shell and with a low infi ltration of

fresh air when bringing in or removing stored goods,

e.g. through air locks. Otherwise, it would not be possible

to run this operation economically due to high energy

costs. With a view to these conditions, fi re protection

systems are best used in automatic storage facilities, and

especially in refrigerated storage facilities. However, in the

fi nal instance, the decision for or against a fi re protection

system must be taken in each case having regard to the

actual, project-specifi c conditions.






0 5 10

Oxygen reduction

21 %

15 %

Oxygen O2





in t

he r


in %




Operation Stand by

Nitrogen N2


*Depending on the room size.


SMALL & HEAVYload carriers

Very often the small and heavy load carriers used to store

and transport goods for industrial purposes are made of

plastic. While small load carriers (SLC) are very often used

in automatic high rack storage facilities, heavy load carri-

ers (HLC) are rather used in block storage facilities.

Risks: As a rule, like in high rack or block storage facili-

ties. What’s more: The rather limited means to wet SLCs

and HLCs with water, and the blocking effect of storage

and transport containers stacked on top of each other,

obstruct effective fi re fi ghting measures.

Fire protection: In principle, the same fi re protection sys-

tems described for high rack and block storage facilities

can be used in these cases too. However, if a sprinkler sys-

tem is used, we recommend using a fi lm-forming foaming

additive to enhance the dampening effect on SLCs and/or

HLCs. When using SLCs in automated high rack storage

facilities, Permatec fi re prevention systems combined with

earliest fi re detection features of HELIOS AMX5000 aspi-

rating smoke detectors often present an interesting



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As a rule, paper rolls are stored in block storage facilities.

Some warehouses are equipped with mechanical gripping

systems - in other words, automatic paper roll depots.

Risks: In principle, the same as in block storage facilities.

What’s more: Stack effect caused by the air ducts between

the paper rolls, like in high rack storage facilities. The use

of water as an extinguishing agent is impeded in cases

where absorbent sanitary paper is stored.

Fire protection: In principle, the same fi re protection

systems described for block storage facilities can be used

in these cases too. Protection concepts based on ESFR

sprinklers or – in the case of high-rise warehouses – an

carbon dioxide systems are viable alternatives for

situations where the storage of absorbent sanitary paper

prevents the use of water-based fi re extinguishing systems.

In this case, too, carbon dioxide has the advantage –

compared to other extinguishing gases – that it is also

suitable for fi ghting deep seated fi res. In large-dimension

storage areas that require large quantities of carbon

dioxide, we recommend using low-pressure containers to

store the extinguishant for cost reasons. Oxeo Prevent

oxygen reduction systems combined with the earliest fi re

detection features of HELIOS AMX5000 aspirating smoke

detectors also present a viable alternative for automated

paper roll storage facilities.

The HELIOS AMX5000 aspirating smoke detector

is an active smoke detector system of the

latest generation; it offers the

possibility of adjusting the

sensitivity in accordance with the

unit’s use in a range from "highly

sensitive" to "normal". It consists

of one or two independent

suction lines with suction open-

ings and one highly sensitive

smoke sensor. A high-power fan

sucks air from the area to be

monitored through the suction

line to an evaluation unit. Here,

the air is constantly evaluated by

the smoke sensors. The display and operat-

ing fi elds of the evaluation unit show the smoke concentra-

tion in the aspirated air, in addition to other alarm, fault

and status notifi cations. Three pre-signals and one main

alarm can be programmed and transmitted to the fi re

detection control panel by conventional or analogue



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TYRE DEPOTAs a rule, tyres are stored in block storage facilities.

However, sometimes they are stored in transport

pallets designed specifi cally for the storage of tyres.

Risks: In principle, the same as in block storage or -

when transport pallets are used - in high-bay ware-

houses. What’s more: Limited ability to wet the tyres

with pure water. Quick spread of tyre fi res.

Fire protection: In principle, the same applies as for

high rack storage and block storage facilities. In view

of the limited ability to wet the tyres and the risk of a

very fast development and spreading of the resulting

fi re, this fi re risk is best addressed with a spray water

extinguishing system with a fi lm-forming foaming

additive or a foam extinguishing system. In this regard,

Minimax offers a variety of protection concepts

designed for individual storage conditions and tried

and tested in fi re tests, e.g. the use of open Viking

large drop sprinklers. In tyre depots, the extinguishing

system is triggered ideally electrically by means of

a fi re detection system.

optimally protected

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Preaction sprinklers

If a sprinkler is damaged accidentally, for example, during

works on building facilities, water may escape, causing

damage to the building or equipment. Preaction sprinklers

prevent precisely this type of unintentional damage. For

safety reasons, each preaction sprinkler unit consists of

two sprinklers. Extinguishing water is only released if both

sprinklers of a unit are activated.



The commissioning area includes storage spaces

required to prepare the removal of goods from storage

or to prepare goods for shipping. This means that es sen-

tially the same goods and products are stored here –

often in block storage – as in the actual storage area.

Risks: Similar to those of the corresponding storage area.

Fire protection: In principle, the same fi re protection

solutions as those used for the corresponding main stor-

age area can be used for the commissioning area. How-

ever, since commissioning mainly takes place in large,

open areas with many people being present on a per-

manent basis, water-based extinguishing systems are

used as a rule in these areas.

Offices and administration

Risks: Defective electric devices that may trigger a fi re by

overheating. Negligence of people present.

Fire protection: Sprinkler systems, as well as fi re detec-

tion systems, provide proper protection for offi ce and

administrative areas. Water-conserving Minifog Econ-

Aqua water mist sprinkler systems that can be connected

to an existing sprinkler system are also an option.

Server rooms

Maintenance of all processes controlled by computers and

servers are of crucial importance to guarantee the uninter-

rupted functioning of the supply chain. Thus the fi re

protection system for your server room deserves special


Risks: Defective or overcharged electronic components can

trigger fi res.

Fire protection: MX 1230 fi re extinguishing systems are

ideal fi re protection systems for server rooms. If no crucial

data are processed and stored in the server room, the

server room can also be equipped with preaction sprin-

klers, provided a sprinkler system is already in place.

Emergency power generators

In the event of power failure, emergency power generators

ensure that the essential processes can continue to run.

Risks: Fuels, overheated engines and technical defects.

Fire protection: Minifog ProCon water mist sprinkler sys-

tems with open nozzles, connected to an existing sprinkler

system, limit the damage quickly and effectively. Fire

detection can be ensured, for example, by UniVario fl ame

or heat detectors.


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IN CHECKalso in the peripheral areas

Wall-mounted hydrants and fire

extinguishers and: For immediate

manual fire-fighting

Fire extinguishers and wall-mounted

hydrants are used to extinguish fi res

that are detected at an early stage –

ideally by a fi re detection system.

They can be used quickly and to the

point by fi re brigades, operating staff

or users of the building. As a rule,

both fi re extinguishers and wall-

mounted hydrants are located in the

vicinity of escape and rescue routes.

By virtue of its extremely narrow build, the space-

saving narrow wall hydrant cabinet is an ideal alterna-

tive for use in storage areas. Wall hydrants are the

visible terminal points of a reliable extinguishing water

supply. Behind it, there are extinguishing water transfer

points adapted to local conditions, e.g.

fi lling and draining stations. Such products

of the Minimax maximat extinguishing

water technology series ensure the ade-

quate supply of extinguishing water for

the wall hydrants. The FMZ 5000 mod S fi re

detection control panel monitors and

controls the fi lling and draining station.

Due to the density of the foam structure,

Minimax CAFS (Compressed Air Foam

Systems) fi re extinguishers offer excellent

adhesive properties especially on vertical

surfaces. With a projection span of up

to 10 m, it is also ideal for use in storage


Maintenance and servicing:

Service for sustainable safety

Regular inspections are a fundamental requirement to

guarantee the perfect functioning of the fi re protection

systems whilst ensuring full operational readiness at all

times. Minimax Service offers the prompt inspection

of all fi re protection and extinguishing systems in

strict compliance with the

applicable legislation.

Such equipment is

checked, maintained and,

in the event of a fault,

repaired with meticulous

care by specially trained

Minimax staff members.

In addition to system

servicing, specifi c measures

and programmes exist to

ensure that all protective

equipment continues to

function correctly and

corresponds to the latest

technological developments even after years on

standby. Legal provisions usually require operators to

carry out continuous monitoring procedures on their

fi re protection systems. If faults are identifi ed, rapid

reactions are called for. Minimax offers round-the-clock

safety with a sophisticated fault detection management

system to ensure that errors and faults are always

remedied at top speed, regardless of their location.

Sprinkler pump unit Compact Comfort

The sprinkler pump unit Compact Comfort

consists, among other things, of a diesel motor,

tank, batteries and switching cabinet including

piping. These coherently designed components

are pre-assembled on a common base frame.

By directly connecting the pumping unit, the installation

time at the construction site is reduced considerably.

The sprinkler pumping unit is available in various confi gu-

ration versions and can be lifted with a crane directly

into the sprinkler control system or outside of the building.

For outdoor installation, the unit is delivered in a

frost-safe container or a prefab garage.

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Other references will be provided upon request.

REFERENCESof our fi re protection solutions

AL 1








We reserve the right to make technical changes.

Minimax GmbH & Co. KGIndustriestrasse 10/1223840 Bad OldesloeGermanyPhone +49 4531 803-0Fax +49 4531 803-248E-mail [email protected]



d i

n G



Based on our experience and expertise, many companies

with logistics operations have placed their trust in us.

Here are just some of our references:

Overview of our services:

Fire protection advice

Fire protection planning

Sprinkler systems

ESFR sprinklers

Minifog water mist systems

Water spray systems

Foam extinguishing systems

Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems

Oxeo inert gas extinguishing systems

MX 1230 fi re extinguishing systems

Oxeo Prevent oxygen reduction systems

Fire detection systems

HELIOS smoke aspirating systems

UniVario fl ame and heat detectors

Hydrant systems

Maintenance and servicing

Training courses


Cover Duravit / Duralog Logistik GmbH

P. 2 Bartels-Langness

P. 6 Tchibo

P. 8 Edeka

P. 10 Fotolia / Stefan Albrecht

P. 11 Fotolia

P. 12 Viking SupplyNet

P. 13 Jungheinrich

P. 14 Fotolia

P. 15 ATU

P. 16 ATU

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