FIRAT EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL The New Educational Journal of Houston Sponsored by Firat Educational Solutions, LLC Back to school: It is time to learn By Ibrahim C. Firat Welcome to Firat Educational Journal (FEJ), the most exclusive and informative online educational journal of Houston. When we first published our journal back in 2008, it included articles from education professionals and up-to-date educational news from around the nation. We received such positive feedback from our community that we now felt the need to expand the scope of our journal by including student highlights, local high school and college features, interviews, and educational event promotions. While doing so, we are considering the environment and publishing the FEJ online only. With the 2010-11 school year fast approaching, FEJ aims to inform you by presenting you the most up-to-date educational news in light of your local high school, junior high, and college students, counselors, teachers, professors, and administrators’ insights. Occasionally, we will supplement these insights and news by consulting local Houston industry professionals, such as doctors, athletic coaches, lawyers, and such. On behalf of FEJ, our editor-in-chief, contributing writers, and interviewees, I would like to welcome you to a whole new, and improved FEJ. It is time for us to be tru- ly informed about the educational environ- ment in Houston, around the nation, and the world. SEPTEMBER, 2010 VOL 3 ISSUE 3 Ibrahim C. Firat is the President, Founder, and Chief Academic Coach of the Firat Ed- ucational Solutions in Houston, TX. He ob- tained his undergraduate degree in History and Mathematics, and his Master’s in Busi- ness Administration degree from the Uni- versity of St. Thomas, Houston, TX. He has influenced academic decisions and careers of more than 200 students in the last 6 years. He can be contacted at Ibra- [email protected]. Educating our future with solutions for life. ™ www.firateducation.com 1


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FIRAT EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL The New Educational Journal of Houston

Sponsored by Firat Educational Solutions, LLC

Back to school: It is time to

learn By Ibrahim C. Firat

Welcome to Firat Educational

Journal (FEJ), the most exclusive and

informative online educational journal of

Houston. When we first published our

journal back in 2008, it included articles

from education professionals and up-to-date

educational news from around the

nation. We received such positive feedback

from our community that we now felt the

need to expand the scope of our journal by

including student highlights, local high

school and college features, interviews, and

educational event promotions.

While doing so, we are

considering the environment and publishing

the FEJ online only. With the 2010-11 school

year fast approaching, FEJ aims to inform

you by presenting you the most up-to-date

educational news in light of your local high

school, junior high, and college students,

counselors, teachers, professors, and

administrators’ insights. Occasionally, we

will supplement these insights and news by

consulting local Houston industry

professionals, such as doctors, athletic

coaches, lawyers, and such.

On behalf of FEJ, our editor-in-chief,

contributing writers, and interviewees, I

would like to welcome you to a whole new,

and improved FEJ. It is time for us to be tru-

ly informed about the educational environ-

ment in Houston, around the nation, and the



Ibrahim C. Firat is the President, Founder,

and Chief Academic Coach of the Firat Ed-

ucational Solutions in Houston, TX. He ob-

tained his undergraduate degree in History

and Mathematics, and his Master’s in Busi-

ness Administration degree from the Uni-

versity of St. Thomas, Houston, TX. He has

influenced academic decisions and careers

of more than 200 students in the last 6

years. He can be contacted at Ibra-

[email protected].

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www.firateducation.com 1


Reaching a Healthy life at


By Ingrid Furtado

Going to a college is a dream for

the majority of high school students. But

how can one achieve success into the new

life in a healthy and conscious manner?

Once in the university, students can lead

very hectic lives.

Striving to reach good

grades and also balancing extra-

curricular activities can escort

the kids to stress. So,

prevention is the key to join

two qualities that should be

inseparable: brainpower and the

physical structure of a person.

In order to help our

future freshmen to have a great and

vigorous life in college, Firat Educational

Journal, LLC interviewed experts in

different areas to show an easy and

inexpensive path to succeed in staying fit

and safe at the university and also avoid

getting the frightened “freshman 15”. This

article is the first one from the new series

Strong Mind, Strong Body.

Mens sana in corpore sano is an

antique and famous Latin quotation which

means “healthy mind in a healthy body” or

also “A sound mind in a sound body,” which

shows how important it is to maintain the

steadiness between body and mind. Nutrition

Coordinator for the bounce Program at

University of Houston, Kara Menefee, explains

that even a student running out the door can

have a quick and health breakfast.

Therefore, there are no excuses. The

secret to maintain energy for the duration of the

day is easy and simple: “Breakfast

is the most important meal of the

day. Having a bowl of fiber-filled

cereal with skim or 1% milk will

help to keep you full until the next

meal and help sustain energy.

Smoothies are also a great way to

start off the morning and take

little preparation time. Blend

together some fresh or frozen fruit

and non-fat vanilla yogurt for a quick breakfast,”

says Menefee.

She points out a quick and easy guide on

how to make healthy meals using carbohydrates

and sources of protein together: it is a great

combination for an energy-pack. “Whole grain

bread with peanut butter, a slice of fruit and

cube of cheese, or also a handful of nuts are

perfect for an energy boost,” she said.

Furthermore, Meneffe suggests that

staying active is the key in preventing the

freshman 15. Instead of driving or riding in a


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“Whole grain bread

with peanut butter, a

slice of fruit and cube

of cheese, or also a

handful of nuts are

perfect for an energy


Kara Menefee-Nutritionist



car, the student can take the opportunity to walk

to classes and do some activities at the campus

recreation center. “Instead of going out to eat

with friends, try getting together a game of

basketball or tennis to have fun.”

The nutrition coordinator strongly

believes that staying away from junk food is a

potential calorie saver. “Avoid stopping by

vending machines to grab a snack between

classes. Prepare snacks ahead of time and have

them in your bag for when you

need a quick bite.”

Getting adequate rest

and limiting late night eating

and drinking are some healthy

ways to keep in shape.

“Definitely, limit late night

eating and drinking.

Consuming an excess amount

of calories daily will lead to

weight gain,” be aware.

Running low on money

forces students to choose pizza and fast food as

their most common cheapest meal since most

restaurants have dollar menus. As an alternative

of ramen (that is cheap and fast), there is a great

hint which is also simple: “Instead of adding the

seasoning packet to the noodles for a one-

serving meal, try using only half of the noodles

and add a frozen package of mixed

vegetables to make a two-serving meal. Forego

the seasoning packet by adding a little salt and

pepper to taste or using marinara sauce for

flavor,” Meneffe says.

Even though inside of a fast food

restaurant, a person can lead to a healthier

choice meal. The nutrition coordinator

suggests that the grilled chicken sandwich is

always a good alternative to the hamburger.

“Skipping any sort of “secret sauce” will take

off several calories and fat grams, as well. And

now, many fast food restaurants offer a fresh

fruit for a side instead of

the greasy French fries.

Staying hydrated and

drinking water is always

better than the sugary soft

drinks loaded with extra

calories. One soft drink

can have up to 120

calories,” she sighed.

But don’t be fooled

by salad sold in fast food

eatery. “Watch out when

ordering salads at restaurants because it seems

like a “healthier” option. A lot of these salads

are doused with full-fat dressings that can have

just as many calories as a burger with fries. If

you go for the salad, make sure the dressing is

low-fat or fat-free and the salad is free of

bacon, cheese, or fatty meats such as fried

chicken”, explains Meneffe.

However, throughout the day, the

undergraduate may get hungry, which brings

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Image courtesy of http://themehybrid.com/demo/hybrid-news/?page_id=3


up the question, what to do when he or she

is surrounded by French fries, hot dogs and

can-food storage? Meneffe give us some

ideas in these situations. “A handful of

almonds can give you the boost you need in

between classes and they are easy to carry

with you wherever you go. They now sell

almonds in individual 100-calorie packs for


“Rice cakes with peanut butter are a

good healthy snack maybe paired with an

apple. Instead of eating “empty calories”

from a bag of chips or crackers, try a half of

a turkey sandwich and a glass of milk.

Snacks such as this will keep you full

longer and give you more energy,” she


For those who are looking for a

healthy diet plan, here is a suggestion. “If

possible, eating smaller meals throughout

the day is a great way to maintain energy

throughout the day. Food gives us energy,

so if we eat smaller meals that are packed

with good sources of calories, we can keep

up our energy level”,concludes Menefee.

Student Highlight

He looks like a typical high school

student. But if you get to know him closely, you

are going to find out several curiosities about his

character. The Firat Educational Journal’s

student of this month is Christopher Brown, a

12th grade student at St Thomas High School.

Here are some of Chris`s answers about life!

FEJ Do you play any sport(s) in school?

What are they?

Yes, I play basketball.

FEJ Are you in any school organizations?

I'm in the Spanish Club, and the STH 4

Darfur club.

FEJ What is your favorite subject and

why? Math, because there's always a right and

wrong answer. There is no in between or almost

answers. It's either right or wrong. I enjoy the




Image courtesy of Christopher Brown

"Educating our future with solutions for life" ™




objectivity of Math.

FEJ What is the best thing you like and

dislike about school?

I love going to school and seeing my

friends and of course I hate homework. I enjoy

certain classes that teach me about life. For

instance, each time I take a history class, I tend to

relate today’s events to what happened back in the

days; I always find a connection, and this alone

makes me enjoy school.

FEJ What are your top

three choices for college if you

have any?

George Washington

University, UCLA, and San Diego

University. I prefer an urban

campus, combined with high

diversity of students and faculty,

balance of academics with social

life, and of course high value of life

the college of my choice will

provide me after I graduate.

FEJ What do you want to achieve your

degree in and why?

Business or Finance, because I have a strong

background in Math and a pretty strong feelings and

tendency towards the stock market and U.S.

economy. What I will choose to focus on

(accounting, marketing, finance, economics) may

still depend on the first few classes I will take in


FEJ Who was the most influential person

in your life and what did they do or say to inspire

you? Nelson Mandela because he's had to

overcome so much in his life, but he's always had a

positive attitude. He kept his focus for an

independent S. Africa, and he made it happen

despite all the challenges and drawbacks.

Mandela’s persistence makes me believe that I can

accomplish my goals (for as long as they are the

right goals for me) with high levels of

determination. I should not be discouraged along

the way.

FEJ If you had a million dollars what

would you do with it and why?

I would probably spend half of it on the

dumbest things. The other half… Hmm… I will

have to take a out a piece of paper and a


FEJ What do you like to do on

your free time?

I'm always in the gym working on

basketball and I love to watch movies and

hang out with friends. Lately, I have also

started to daydream about college, and I

keep bugging my college counselor about

how the life is, what do you do in your

spare time? What do you do on campus

when you are in between classes? What

kinds of organizations can I participate

in? And the questions go on and on and


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“Mandela’s persistence

makes me believe that I

can accomplish my

goals (for as long as

they are the right goals

for me) with high levels

of determination”

Christopher Brown-

Student Highlight

Image courtesy of http:// www.makara.us/04mdr/01writing/03tg/bios/Mandela.htm

Nelson Mandela, an anti-apartheid activist and the

first South African president to be elected in a fully

representative democratic election, is the most in-

fluential person in Chris Brown’s life. F


Planning a Bright Future

By Roberto Noce

Do you have a clear vision for your

success? Many young people do, although

they might not realize it. A vision isn’t al-

ways a conscious plan; in fact, it is very of-

ten expressed in the form of hopes and

dreams, wishes and fantasies. If you have

ever dreamt about what your future will be

like, then congratulations: you have a vi-


Your mind has naturally led you

through the first step of achieving a brilliant

future, but dreams will only take you so far.

Next, you need a plan. This combination of

dreams and planning is what gives you vi-

sion - and this is the most certain path to

future success.

Regardless if your vision is to travel

the world as a volunteer, become a business

tycoon, or have a large family, you have to

think ahead. Letting the winds of chance

blow you this way and that will only result

in exhaustion and frustration. However,

good planning will allow you to navigate those

winds, ultimately landing where you wish to go.

You can ensure that the events and accomplish-

ments of your life reflect your values and your

character. Success in both short term goals such

as an upcoming test or a summer job as well as

long term goals such as your career and family

life will require proper preparation. In short, you

need a plan.

Most people are confounded by the plan-

ning process because it is counterintuitive: You

start at the end (goal) and work your way back-

wards to the beginning (current situation).

First, it is imperative to establish Criteria

for Success: What exactly does success entail? If

you are planning a career, for instance, you

would need to answer questions about that ca-

reer. How much money you expect to make?

What type of work you intend to do? How do

you expect to make a difference? What type of

colleagues do you expect to have?

With these criteria established, you can

now go back to the beginning and start estab-

lishing the milestones that will lead you to that


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"Vision without action

is a daydream."

- Japanese proverb

"Try not. Do or do not.

There is no try." - Yoda, Jedi Master



vision of success.

When you look carefully at the goals you

wish to achieve in academics, your career, or

your life, you will find that there are many ob-

stacles along the way. Don’t be intimidated! Re-

member that you don’t have to do it alone.

There are academic organizations, school coun-

selors, life coaches, parents, teachers, and others

who are there to assist you in everything from

admission test preparation to tips on acing inter-


You can get assistance in applying for

college, using your summers wisely, overcom-

ing test anxiety, and learning how to use a day

planner to stay organized and on top of your


If you wait until the last minute,

There may not be enough time to realize your

vision. As a young person, time is your great-

est asset. Also, you are surrounded by people

who believe in you and want you to succeed.

So take advantage of all the help that is availa-

ble. Be bold about stating your dreams of suc-

cess, and be willing to invest your time and

effort into transforming those dreams into a

unique and bright vision for your future.

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"The young do not know

enough to be prudent, and

therefore they attempt the

impossible - and achieve it,

generation after generation.

- Pearl S. Buck, Author and recipient of

the Pulitzer Prize

"Of course I'm ambitious.

What's wrong with that?

Otherwise you sleep all day."

- Ringo Starr, Musician

"Obstacles are those frightful

things you see when you take

your eyes off your goal."

- Henry Ford, Inventor and Entrepreneur

Roberto Noce is recognized as an

accomplished and respected executive with

nearly two decades of marketing and

management experience spanning the globe.

Born in Italy, Roberto holds a Bachelor of

Science degree in Mechanical Engineering

from the University of Notre Dame, a Master

of Science degree in Industrial Engineering

from Texas A&M University, and a Master in

Business Administration degree from the

University of Houston. He has also completed

extensive continuing education on coaching

and executive development. He can be contact

at [email protected]


3701 W Alabama St.

Suite 390

Houston, TX 77027

If you have any questions or com-

ments concerning the Firat Educa-

tional Journal, please email us at

[email protected]


Educational Headlines

The following are headlines found in international, national, and local newspapers and magazines concerning

education in today’s world.

Educating our future with solutions for life. ™


As Private Tutoring Booms, Parents Look at the Returns by The New York Times

University place shortage 'hitting 150,000 students'

by BBC

Books offer updated advice on navigating college

By USA Today