February 1953 lJAlTUET FIR~ SIR3N OJanuet Firemen sound mg Off) Issue lJo. I somet ime ago a suggest ion was made atone of the Board of Directors meet i11:6S t ra t an effort be made to make up a news letter for the boys in the service. Those volunteering for the job were Joe Komonchak , J:rnie Muller, Mac Ba.rr and Frank Kemmer, with Donnan Youmans in charge of the mailing. The i)UrDOSeof news sheet is tlVo-fold--to keeo the service men posted" on the event sand hanpen mgs in the fi r e company and in the County on firemanics, as well as what ever local news we could pick up. Also to learn 110'l:[ you boys are doing in the service. Subscription price: Your co-operation in keening us posted i.1S to your latest address, etc. At the outset we want you to kno1!!t hat »ie don! t expect to get the Pulitzer Prize for our efforts (at least not in our first year) a.l1d any simi Lar i ty to any other n8\.18 sheet, periodical, etc~ is not only coincidental but positively ridiculous. At our last meeting two new member's we re elected--T'eter Bonomo lo , who is emnloyed at the sarewav , Pearl River, and Michael J. Higgins, - who is a partner ·wi 1;11hi s bro ther-d n-Law in the under takrng establishment f ormer lv owned by Digger Odell Fluhr. Digger, some of you v-rill recall, sold out a f8\~ months a~o and is now retired. An applicat ion for member shio was received from Arthur 11.. Rose, 29 Demarest Ave., wno works for Dexter Press, Chairman Larry Huller r enor t ed t'··TO ):18.'":1 on the sick list- .... Ted hunter and Big Fritz Faach , Chairman F(1beI'~Ysmilingly report-. sd a profi t of ,a, 15 for the Cooler Som!c1i t tee last month. Chief ',val t Knapp r epor t edvt hat specifications for the new t ruck have been recetve.; and vIil1 be submitted to the Commi s- sioners for inspect ion short Iy , Al so that plans are progressing for the erection of a t\·w-story drill t01:'J8r, whi ch the Chief wan t s erected in back: of the firehouse. He renorted that much of the material.he hopes to get donated. . Wl1ile summer+ Irne seems some.distance a"J~V;·Chairman Gordon Fee announced his ccomt ttee is getting to work very shortly to make plans for the annual carnival, while Larry Huller reported the Band Committee 1'vi1l get together dur mg the mon th , Those of you w110 were home during the County Parade at N8i.'J Ci ty last year will remeqicer that big 7-piece band \118 wound up wi t h. 1'Jell; 've· want to make sure the band '1:.]8 hire this year won't give us the same t reatmen t. . You fel10\111s 'vfi11 remember t hat we put on a Christmas pe.r ty for the kids of the conmurn ty for the past 2 years. 'Juring thi s past Christmas some operatic singers, friends of 3attista Bar- beri, were visiting his home at the time and t'Thent ney heard

FIR~ SIR3N · 2013-05-13 · February 1953 lJAlTUETFIR~ SIR3N OJanuet Firemen soundmg Off) Issue lJo. I somet imeago a suggestion was madeatone of the Board of Directors meeti11:6Strat

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Page 1: FIR~ SIR3N · 2013-05-13 · February 1953 lJAlTUETFIR~ SIR3N OJanuet Firemen soundmg Off) Issue lJo. I somet imeago a suggestion was madeatone of the Board of Directors meeti11:6Strat


lJAlTUETFIR~ SIR3NOJanuet Firemen soundmg Off) Issue

lJo. I

somet ime ago a suggest ion was made atone of the Board ofDi rectors meet i11:6St ra t an effort be made to make up a newsletter for the boys in the service. Those volunteering for thejob were Joe Komonchak , J:rnie Muller, Mac Ba.rr and Frank Kemmer,with Donnan Youmans in charge of the mailing.

The i)UrDOSeof news sheet is tlVo-fold--to keeo the servicemen posted" on the event sand hanpen mgs in the fi r e companyand in the County on firemanics, as well as what ever local newswe could pick up. Also to learn 110'l:[ you boys are doing in theservice. Subscription price: Your co-operation in keening usposted i.1S to your latest address, etc.

At the out set we want you to kno1!!t hat »ie don! t expect to getthe Pulitzer Prize for our efforts (at least not in our firstyear) a.l1dany simi Lar i ty to any other n8\.18 sheet, periodical,etc~ is not only coincidental but positively ridiculous.

At our last meeting two new member's we re elected--T'eterBonomo lo , who is emnloyed at the sarewav , Pearl River, andMichael J. Higgins, -who is a partner ·wi1;11hi s bro ther-d n-Lawin the under takrng establishment f ormer lv owned by Digger OdellFluhr. Digger, some of you v-rill recall, sold out a f8\~ monthsa~o and is now retired.

An applicat ion for member shi o was received from Arthur 11..Rose, 29 Demarest Ave., wno works for Dexter Press,

Chairman Larry Huller renor t ed t'··TO ):18.'":1 on the sick list- ....Tedhunter and Big Fritz Faach , Chairman F(1beI'~Ysmilingly report-.sd a profi t of ·,a,15 for the Cooler Som!c1i t tee last month.

Chief ',val t Knapp r epor t edvt hat specifications for the newt ruck have been recetve.; and vIil1 be submitted to the Commis-sioners for inspect ion short Iy , Al so that plans are progressingfor the erection of a t\·w-story drill t01:'J8r, whi ch the Chiefwant s erected in back: of the firehouse. He renorted that muchof the material.he hopes to get donated. .

Wl1ile summer+Irne seems some.distance a"J~V;·Chairman GordonFee announced his ccomt ttee is getting to work very shortly tomake plans for the annual carnival, while Larry Huller reportedthe Band Committee 1'vi1l get together dur mg the month , Those ofyou w110 were home during the County Parade at N8i.'J Ci ty last yearwill remeqicer that big 7-piece band \118 wound up wi th. 1'Jell; 've·want to make sure the band '1:.]8 hire this year won't give us thesame t reatmen t. .

You fel10\111s'vfi11 remember t hat we put on a Christmas pe.r tyfor the kids of the conmurn ty for the past 2 years. 'Juring thi spast Christmas some operatic singers, friends of 3attista Bar-beri, were visiting his home at the time and t'Thentney heard

Page 2: FIR~ SIR3N · 2013-05-13 · February 1953 lJAlTUETFIR~ SIR3N OJanuet Firemen soundmg Off) Issue lJo. I somet imeago a suggestion was madeatone of the Board of Directors meeti11:6Strat


what we were doing for the kids they thought it was such a won-derful gesture and praiseworthy project that they wanted to showtheir aoprec lat ion, even though tnev di dnt know anyone else inthe co-mum ty, that they offered to put on an ooerat i c concertfor free for the benefit of the fire- company ~ -Someof the starsare Claudio Frigerio, bar i tone of the Hetrop01itan Opera Co, ,Ame1ia firmoi1i, lyric, soprano of the LaScala Di:1ilan Opera CoC)

Josephine Musso, colorature soprano, and Alfred Fabr Lan l andMario Viggiano, tenors. Feb , 2Sth is the date for the concertand we look forward to a memorable evening. This is somethingnew for the Nanuet Fire Company e

Of course there "vas a little horSing a.round , operatically,after the meeting wt tn guys like JJ.tCl'l over.never and a few otherswith cries of Vigoro! Vigcro~ Vigoro~ echot ng trrrough t he build-. ing, until one of the firemen was haa.rd to remark , "Sounds likethe first movement from Castor Oil. If

Chief Kl18.})}; reported that during the recent ice st orn he hadsquads of men sleep overnight at the firehouse' as an emergencymeasure inasmuch as the power 1;'1a8comp l et eLy out in"the conmum w.disabling the siren, etc. If we could only syncroni ze 'SddieMakm1Tski18 snore, no siren wou.Id be nec essu.ry 0 SeeMShe kepteverybody awake.

A rew cellars were also pumped out. The Chief asked thecompany to 1001: into the question of purchasing an auxiliarylighting eqUipment capable of taking care of the siren, lights,etc. in tne event of ano trier power failure.

The Chief also announced four new r:.yctrants had been installed--2 on Lexow AVe 0 and 1 each on C2~rE;;ij"e112L:;o~lC ODd Moran Court.Also that Dave Camobe l I 'exld Don Ro",;L ,harl. t)2"cs-sd their 6-monthsprobationary per t od , Also that :'~·':':':.1ust'i.io1~~li;)8 no st s to theCounty Firemen at thel r March meetmg,

Uncle Sam gained a new e111p10Y88in t118 ner son of Bill Kearney,who was to leave sometime this month. On [)311::blfof the conoany ,President J00 Leo presented hfm wt th a c i.gare t t e lighter. -

The Honor Roll was to be extended and is to include the namesI .

of all you guys in the 8err'iCe.In calling t he roll of 11emenber s pr esent , 1111enNag Le Jr IS.

name was called, the usual "attending 8<;:11001 H cry went up. ~"GitherJoe is f Iunki ng rn s night classes or he's ccmi ng up with a bunchof degrees a yard long. I

Two of our members are tetting a little of that tax relieftne Republicans promised us, although they can't take the creditfor it. Mr. and lvII's. Joh..1'11Kearney announced t he arrival of a newtax deduction, a son, born] jan. 7th, and :lr. and Hrs. Joe Grualike'V'Tise had a son, born Jan. 13tll. Congratulat i ons to the proudparents. I

Hews Around ':'O\\ill

The pupils of the lJanuet school \'Jere excused on Inauguration

Page 3: FIR~ SIR3N · 2013-05-13 · February 1953 lJAlTUETFIR~ SIR3N OJanuet Firemen soundmg Off) Issue lJo. I somet imeago a suggestion was madeatone of the Board of Directors meeti11:6Strat

-3-Day from 11 AM to 1:30 PM to go to the ir homes and view the inaug--uration ceremonies. The pupils 1'1110 did not have access to televi-sion at home were able to view the proceedangs at the School on aset loaned by Tel-A-Fix or ';;pring Valley. The 3 R! s are certainlyprogressing ~

Our Ladies Auxiliary had their annua.I election and came UP "Iit hthe following slate to guide thGI.:1eluring the coming year: PresidentKay Muller, Vice-President Evelyn Lewis, Recording secv , ::LdnaDoerr,Cor. secv, Rowena DeGra1,'IT, Treasurer June Roth•. Hary Faherty, PatSimpson and Anne Hodge mexe up the Soc1al Committee and VirginiaPeper, Mary Villa and PGggy Gale publici ty .. Th2ir annual dinneris to be h131dat Swiss Trudy's on Fdbo 11th. Congratulations totne outgoing officers on a job well done and boat wishes to theincoming officers for a successful term of o:!:fice.

Main. Street is undergoing a little' change. Lou Heydemanhaserect~d 2 stores on his lot across from Perino1s, one to house hisgun shop and the other to. be rent ed out, 'ie al so understand Louis converting the building formerly occupied by the DeCharleroyfamily into office space. .

Judy 1.valker, who has been a cr tpp Le since chi Idriood , and whooperated a small novelty shop on Sout11£lain St., di Gelon Feb. 7th.Cur condolences to heT family~

Don Hibba.rd IS wi f e suffered a li t tLe set-cback and Hill be con-fined for some time. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery ~

Rockland County and Nanuet have been honored this year by theVHldlife Restoration Founda.tl on of lI. y~ by the appot ntment of RayHayes, rormer Pres. of t he County Feder at t on o~ Sportsman Clubs,to the chat rmanslriP of their annua'l C.i:C.w.16r to oe held at Toot sShor r s in li. Y. on Fob. 25th. ':'he dIn.iar is 11eld each year dUT-ing the Annual Sportsman's Shmvat the Grand Centr aI Palace.

Countv FiremanicsBy a vote of 47 to 3, Hillcrest voted to give their firemen

,p3400. for t ne purcbase and installation of radt o ecuroment..

Th8 village fathers and the UpPJr lJyaclc f i r omen are in a hassleover the purchase of a new p i ece of equtpment , 7h0 board members,after inmJecting our quad, suggested to their firemen that a truckSimilar to ours would bo that conmuni ty i S answer for a new t ruck ,but the firemen are pressing for t110purchase of an aerial job ata cost of ,,'>33,000. The. village board feels they can 't spend thatkind of dough because tile COlTI..mum ty (which only has 260 taxpayers)has to erect a ·,?lOO,OOOsewage disposal plant. The firemen want areferendum.

The SUffern firemen and tn.ri r village board turned down federalaid to tha tune of orio-ha.Lf the cost of 2 ne-r nieces of aooa.ra.tu scosting.;33,OOO because, they said, Civilian Def'onao aut hor l tieswourd 1'k"V8 prior:i ty calIon the equipment whenever t he need arose.Maybe somebody ought to tell them t~t the CDauthoritios not onlyhave the right to take any equipment they need but al so manpowerwhenever tha.t need arises •.

Page 4: FIR~ SIR3N · 2013-05-13 · February 1953 lJAlTUETFIR~ SIR3N OJanuet Firemen soundmg Off) Issue lJo. I somet imeago a suggestion was madeatone of the Board of Directors meeti11:6Strat

oidney D. dchimpf, a former past-Pras. of ~Jt3st lJyack and theCounty Firemen I s Association, passed a','JiJ,Yon Feb. 1st. Sid \'\T8.s·vary act i ve .not only in f i rcmam cs but the Boy Scout s as 1:1811.Our deep sympathy to his family.

Spring Valley fireman, who 'tvill be hosts to the 40th annualconvention of t he NJ and NY s ssn, in June, ar e workt ng bard tomake that event a huge success. 7he first convention of this out-fit wasIie Id in Spring Valley. At that t il!lt3 SO%3 of the Countyfiremen and HewJ0rsey firemt3n commuting on the -:Zrie thought itwould be a good idea to form an or gam zat ion of volunt cer f i r ernei.and that IS how the lJJ andi,;Y ~ssn, cane into being" Inctdenta.I Iy ,Joe :;:'~omonchcl.l(t ur nod down the job of Recor drng 800y. for thi s out-fit in place of Charlie Fa.les , who res igned when he t ock over thePrGsidancy of t he BY Statu Assn ,

Pearl 3iver firem0n are to entertain the Rockland County Assn.conv8ntion next September. Haven1t hoard too much activity from.f.nem so far but things 11fi 11 start hunmt ng any day nOH.

The Nyack fi remen recently lost a 2·-stor~i frame building whtchformerly hOUSGdtho offices 01' Peterson ~S Shipyard, at tho foot ofBurd St., and a m0tal storagd building in an early mornin:; fire.The pl ace was just recontj y taken over by Construct ion Aggregates,Inc , , t he out fit construct ing the 1181;,T r:::hrm'JayBridge.

Drill activities 1V0r0confined for the past month to indoors.LecturGs and demonstrations in the use of th0 various types ofapparatus and equl.pment , including rada o, scot t Ail' Paks , et c ,were in charge of Chief Knapp and Lt •. .scarpul.Le.,

Lct t er s of t hanks for the Cigarette lig11~G:L'S ~pr2suntGd at thelast moatmg were recei ved f!'om Pvt e R?vY YCU({lr..•.IlS, U851L99713,Co. B, 148 Inf"6::\Ggto, 37tl1 D~.vq Camo:'olk··, La", a.nd. Pvt. PaulD UN 5110.9 99 C B 1\' ~ -J rt n' -;'7.J-.l D' ,... . " n Lk Temoa, :::;.:; ,0 < • '+u he '0.,/ c~ 0, ) l, 11 .' 1V ., va'19 1: 0 r~, .ua.We1 r e giving you t ne address just in cane ~!OU want to drop eachother a line.

This doesnt pcr ta.In to f i romarri cs but S01:1e of you fellmvs whoattended Pearl River HB 1:lill remonbor Harry Babcock , who pLay odfootball with that t eam, then wen t 0:1 to Goorgia U. ~fa:rry playedin thi s year 1 s J:E1St-~.Jd8tgame and ':1JaS one of tho ou t at anding stars.Word has .just be.m r-.;ct3ived that Harry Has pic}.:c:d by the San Fran-cisco 4ger's and was tlld bonus playaI' of t110 yeu.r ,

~1e'11 be looking for your letters. '10 invi t13 your conment s.c.,brickbats and bouquet s-c-out p l oase remember tho post otrtceauthorities have limitations.

JBK 2-12-53