Backwards Arches Backwards arches open the joints. As well as stretching the “clenching” muscles, they increase the flow of blood to joints, and prevent calcium deposits along the outer joint surfaces. Many backwards arches can be performed against a surface. Often your thigh can be used – but any surface will do. Backward arch : wrist Opening the hand should normally begin with the wrist. The fingers should not be extended at the same time – that’s a different pose.

Finger Yoga

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Backwards ArchesBackwards arches open the joints.

As well as stretching the clenching muscles, they increase the flow of blood to joints, and prevent calcium deposits along the outer joint surfaces.

Many backwards arches can be performed against a surface. Often your thigh can be used but any surface will do.

Backward arch : wrist

Opening the hand should normally begin with the wrist.

The fingers should not be extended at the same time thats a different pose.

Backward arch : index finger : first knuckle

The first knuckle is the first that should be opened up.

Here force is applied beyond the second knuckle but stretching that in incidental the idea behind applying force far from the joint is to get leverage.

Backward arch : index finger : second knuckle

The second knuckle is more delicate than the first. Do not apply so much force and exercise caution.

Backward arch : index finger : third knuckle

The third knuckle is the most delicate. However its not easy to get enough leverage to apply excess force accidentally.Backward arch : index finger : all joints

This is a compound stretch involving all the knuckle joints and the wrist. It is intended to stretch long muscles rather than individual joints.

You have a fair bit of leverage here and the stretched muscles are relatively few exercise some caution.

Compound stretches dealing only with two or three consecutive joints are worthwhile but are not illustrated here.


The stretches on this page all show the left index finger for illustrative purposes. However they should be practiced on all the digits of each hand.

Stretching the fingers one at a time gives maximum leverage. However, stretching several fingers at once saves time and can be attractive because of this.

Few of your hand joints are hinges you will find most of them multiple degrees of freedom.

This is of most relevance here because it allows back arches to be forformed at different angles.

The most important is straight backwards but backwards-and-to-the-left and backwards-and-to-the-right are also possibilities and they should be practiced as well.

One of the main reasons the different directions are significant is that they allow different joint surfaces to be pressed together preventing calcium deposits arising.

Forward FoldsForward folds close the joints.

They squeese blood out of the joint allowing it to return when the joint is returned to a neutral position.

As well as stretching the extensor muscles, these poses prevent calcium deposits on the inner joint surfaces.

Many of these poses can be done by pressing the relevant digits against a surface. Sometimes the upper thigh can be used but any convenient surface will do.Forward fold : wrist

The wrist is the largest joint, deserves preferential treatment and is usually dealt with first.

The fingers should not be flexed at the same time thats a different pose.Forward fold : index finger : first knuckle

The first knuckle when healthy will take a good deal of force.

Forward fold : index finger : second knuckle

Forward fold : index finger : third knuckle

One method here is to keep the proximal and distal phalanges parallel, and slide them parallel to one another to stretch the third joint.

Forward fold : all joints

This is a compound stretch involving all the knuckle joints and the wrist. It is intended to stretch long muscles rather than individual joints.

You have a fair bit of leverage here and the stretched muscles are relatively few exercise some caution.

This should normally be performed last. If time is tight you can skip ahead to it but then take it more gently.


Stretching the fingers one at a time gives maximum leverage. However, stretching several fingers at once saves time and can be attractive because of this. SplitsSplits poses move adjacent digits in opposite directions.

While there are muscles affecting this action, a substantial proportion of the effect involves stretching the associated connective tissues.

Connective tissues such as ligaments do not stretch easily and are difficult to stretch correctly. Go very gently. You have significant leverage here, and connective tissue does not take vigorous stretching at all kindly.

Do not be discouraged by apparent lack of progress. It is better to go too slowly than too rapidly here.

Splits are often done against a surface frequently the upper surface of the thigh.Front splits, trailing finger forwards

Front splits, leading finger forwards

Side splits


The poses on this page can all be repeated for each pair of consecutive fingers.

Combinations of finger splits are possible with fingers alternating forwards and backwards. However there are too many combinations to enumerate here.

Like many other digit poses, finger splits can usefully be performed at different angles as well as forwards and sideways as illustrated here.

Knots Many of the best yoga poses are passive poses.

Poses that can be maintained passively often take the form of knots.

A knot hools parts of the body together in such a way that they can remain in a fixud position without additional effort being applied to sustain the pose.

Relaxation in poses is important since it facilitates reflection and meditation.

Knots illustrate the technological aspect of yoga.

Not all the poses on this page are perfectly passive, but they seem to belong here anyway.

Yin-Yang pose

Work your hands towards each other to the point where you can touch your thumbs and little fingers together.

This pose is asymmetrical perform it on both sides.

Nanu-nanu pose

This pose is asymmetrical perform it on both sides.

Bitches brew

This pose was made famous by the Mati Klarwein illustration to the Miles Davis album Bitches Brew.

It is asymmetrical perform it on both sides.


This pose is asymmetrical perform it on both sides

Reverse interlace

This pose is asymmetrical perform it on both sides.

Sideways Stretches These are less important than backward arches and forwards folds but can still be useful.

Wrist : sideways stretch : abduct

One of the better-known meditative mudras.

Wrist : sideways stretch : adduct

All joints : sideways stretch : abduct

Wrist : sideways stretch : adduct

ThumbForward fold : thumb side of wrist

A simple forward fold of the thumb side of the wrist.

Forward fold : thumb, first knuckle

A simple forward fold of the first knuckle of the thumb.

Backward arch : thumb

A back arch which goes almost as much sideways as backwards.

Try to keep your whole hand in the same plane.

Backward arch : wrist and thumb

A composite back arch covering the wrist and all the thumb knuckles.

One Handed One-handed poses are very convenient to do and can consequently be practiced more frequently..

Index finger : forward fold

Middle finger : forward fold

Ring finger : forward fold

Little finger : forward fold

Middle finger : sideways stretch : abduct

Index finger : sideways stretch : adduct

Thumb : second knuckle : forward fold

Mudras Mudra is the traditional term for yoga poses involving the hands.

Mudras have a range of traditional uses from meditation aids to symbolic gestures; from healing poses to dance moves; from invocations to prayers.

However relatively few of them correspond closely to the asanas of hatha yoga.

Much of the literature associated with healing and therapy using mudras deals with effects of mudras on distant parts of the body in a manner rather reminiscent of reflexology. It seems unlikely that much of this material is very well founded.

While the yoga asanas map fairly closely to effective stretching and strengthing exercises, mudras covered by the existing literature do not appear to cover this ground very effectively.

Jnana mudra

One of the better-known meditative mudras

Surabhi mudra

Kalesvara mudra

Kalesvara mudra (inverted)

Move your middle fingers downwards and try to keep their tips together.

Miscellaenous The poses on this page didnt fit neatly into the other categories.

Backwards arch : all fingers

A simple convenient back arch.

Your first knuckles are not all in a straight line. This means you will probably need to rock backwards and forwards to stretch all fingers to their maximum.

Youre doing something like a thumb-index finger split at the same time.

Forward fold : all fingers

The position of the thumbs in this pose is not critical. I moved them out of the way for the sake of more clearly showing the other fingers. Index finger : backwards and forwards

One of the more rewarding combinations of backwards and forwards stretches. This is mainly doen as a back bend at the first knuckle with a slightly unusual stratgey for applying force.

Dragons teeth

Press your palms firmly together.

Move the third joints of your fingers away.

Tray to make your middle finger bones parallel to one another.