» THK ONLY PAl .U ? i r r u lal »•<! lai'iiijy * i IN It VltITAN 'ioW .NSlIll'. « *. VOL. XIII. NO 2 DON’T BUY A PHONOGRAPH. Until you get «wlse to th t new Ulan recently put in operation Ay It. Mon- talvo, Tf.V m e talking machine j»ml Bluet music dealer of NellfibU streetv opiicsito Christ church. !.. II you would buy a talkfng.machine g* t the lest and remember that Mon- talvo toils genuine Rdlaon Phono- graphs for cash at a lowef price than the same machines can be purchased for elsewhere on installments. The Metuchen Httrdwaru company have a fine line of silver plated arti- cles, carving Bits, pocket knives, sleds, skates, etc., suitable for Christmas gifts. Music roils. Low prices at Monlal- BTJSINE88 CARDS B. U. TAPKEN, • JEWELER. COIL CHURCH AND NHILSOH HTIttil.'tff. ____ _ DR. HEMAN ANDEP.SON dentist . PMUOfllee -Building, PERTH AMBOY, N Office8 Hours: a. in. to 8 p. nt. lundaya. 9 n. in. to 4 p. m. IN AND AROUND THE VILLAGE BALL?. The Independent. Order-of at e making preparations for be held on the. ■ ening of Janun CAKE SALE. The Ladies’ aid society of C m tenap M. E. church will hold' t next Saturday afternotm. COMMUNION. A communion service Centenary M. E. church morning, and s were received! ROYAL, ARCANUM. The council of the Royal Arpa was favored at their meeting o day night w^h the pres-m e superior officers. Each of Hie ifficers made a pleasing address. cake siftc held in Sunday members FIRE. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning Ue whistle-sounded an alarm and ChTe: Sltiith" with both companies promptly resi otided. The fire proved dwellffig oil the New Dunham longing to C. F. Rreece and by the family of Mr. Renningt nearest fire plug was too far (onnection to be rn^de and tin ing and contents sumed. Theere w on the premises. Fred Ret it Reekskil., ........... . Atkinson ’hr rent illness. Kirk is temporarily tilling ti the High school, i Edwards has been <3 McCann. /illicit,’of Brooklyn, i ting her daughter, Mrs. Hay. Mrs. Charles Ay jus has been ainlng ‘Mrs. Huntt of New York. Clifford Ayies has \returned ■chc.ol after the holiday Vacation. Mrs. C. A. Ij loom lipid and Mi83 Bloomfield sailed last. John Iloss, of ;ilest of frien-efe i and Mrs. Mctzner. of TJertn here Decker, of Newark, has ecu visiting her sister, Mrs. Wheeler ‘lark. _____ _______ __ ^ . -Mrs. E. It. Dana anX^Tt,s7~Thorlin taining Mil Italy. ....... nfield, was the uesi oi i nciriTO-iii town .on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mctzner, of.Terth Ara- Tnt Sunday- with relative- ' il KTtANiMJLRil STU DIO. Have your -photograph taken you can’t come in the duytin cn M md.iy, Wednesday an enlncs. 7 to 9 o’clock. entirely con small fiisuram- Studio All th WEEK OF PRAYER. TUe- union services have been well attended during the week ot< prayer, The concluding services will he IK Id in the Presbyterian' church tomorrow night. Theh opening service ^in the Method st church last Sunday night | was well attended by a large coTigrfe- :. KELLY & SON, deahrs In Coal | gatlun an d.th.f sermon by Rev| ti. M. • ia carload or sn^U lots. g imp.xon tho past()ri waa f,m of prac- tical suggestions for a devoted'Chris- tian life. spend the ;e Placid, Tappen has .been spend- visiting friends out ■ bl M t.4. G. W. Lillerst gave a luncheon . a few of her ;inothrr’s friends on Mbs ^Ducksia ler,, o::e o our popular ■acheLS, has resei[gned, owing to ill- and Lumber la carioaa or »»**■» ,o best Coal kept In stock, also all f sewer and drain pipe, glazed NMazeri. Trap T ’s Y'a- and uftglazed. Trap flues and pool brick, __ Port Reading " •115. T e l 222. Office,, Tun« j O. DR. E. F. POTTER DENTIST. Office at residence, Hillside Avenue, 1 : ~r METL’CHEN, N. J. Office hours: 8:30 a. in-, to 4:00 p. Wednesdays. n C. CAMPBELL. fiox ST> FRANCIS CHURCH. An impressive and beautiful service It ok plac at St. Francis R. Cr church on 1is,' Sunday afternoon.. Bishor McFaul blessed the bell, which is soon to-be placed in the tower. The bishoi explained the meaning of the ceremtmy and in his address welcomed all pres- ent, wishifftg Ihem many blessings dur- ing the year. A mission has been heU in the church every night this week, conducted by two Paulist fathers. The m ssion will be brought to a close u morrow night QUIET HOUR. The Quiet, Hour club met at Mrs Howard Bloo.mfield’s on Thursday af- ternoon. Mr3. Ayres was the leader ti*r thf. flay. 'Several of the ladies oi rsad a paper on Rablala, Spear read Mrs. .Searles' paper o n to , Ronlastance. The music, vocaf anr. n tnmrenfal, was by Mesdames Man- ning, Strong and ‘Prlcklttr.----:Refresh ^ aat,s We' e SerVe(l' An' ndditiona blrthdav o?3,‘ho 1 ’emen,b™nce of th q.c mi. . I , x- . * , eurnciay of the hostess. The nr>Yi .315, Metuchen N. J. vClean and meeting will be with M ° n **1 Estate aml low TTie t compare*. Cumfceuil tee mr an-i gei joui . .rty inaur^l. Street. MiTuehtfn. N. j. N o ta ry , PulfilC. Tiep-iriuns Colleclert. iLUL iess in her family. x ^ Al’en Burroughs has b:en.appointed no of the pages for the^gijlature for Mrs. R. A. McDonnell, of New Ha en, who has been visiting Mrs. C. A ’flekltt, returned home tin Tuesday. J. W. Barwcll has rented one of he Poole houses on Essex avenue a;.d vi!l soon occupy it with his family. iMesdames Lewis, Ayre's, Strong, W il- ' on and Morris have been Uected the ntcrirfinmcnl committee of the Club. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. E. Molineux are i’s- eiving congratulations over the ar- rival of a baby boy at their home last iunday. ALMANAC. The editor. acknowledges receipt ©l \ copy o fthe/vnew 1906 Kodol alm a- lac and 200 year calendar. Its' most important feature Is without doub; he very simply constructed 200 Year •Uendar. when by with absolute ac- uracy you can tell the day ofvthe-week »n ,^hich any event occurred during ne hundred y There is#V itch intc. Hie coming reqv^’St slate entomologist, ure pass a bill .apjL.. for the final exWrrmli quite from the state. Professor Sr »i th be] campaigu is p,uagainst the breeding^ quito along the Hue#! demonstrated to*be of New Jersey c freed of this intol< points out, warfare sance is no longer complete x/ ceess has ed in the Newark j|p<l! at Elizabeth, along river, at ^jasUio Perl •laces. The' import the state from this not only from the Ig and rotpfort. bin »Vi |p0,nt „f health dollars, that the staK rtom tfc to Kive generous al* ca„ well a„ ()r(1 ments m prosecuting I 0, io0a, ^ v„rn. pons, that some of th le ^ a, X( ,rcas of marsh are in, mogt extraelvp st municipalities, w, ,cd ta.thf, hope to grapple will rtl (,a r ^ f,ver oblem without sub. the formlllabl, - bl1 w, n t)e ^ sntial state atil next week, carrying I , uraili probabl ideas into effect. r/rfessor iSmltfi.s The state ©ntoraqiS careful estimate da 1 „ t, has made a would eosC to clean gI wha(. |( breeding p l f t c e a 'a l e « ^ ^ mosquito base, upon a, tuaL3^ r , bn , h(ire liw ■-.tc-y and uptft 0( the entire Uclati. Diamondi, Watchwiand 45 iA arch Street, New Hri^iMiwIal OHARLK3 HARTMAN. Fl.aving and llaircutting. Cigars and Tobacco. , . | MAIN 8T. NED LORENSON, ----- - of the past, or on ^ieh any date will, occur during *ne icxt . hun^r^d^^a ai^, thus gp1 work done alrei NTcw York, d-le- cent of all the _ breed in the salt; coast and migrate per c«nt erf ihe dhci - ind those in the pii breeuerg.” The problemi tt»' the breedkeg placet mosquitoes. He eefck,^ of -doing this Tho professor's eatl mosquito breeding ity to Cape May t Salem cr^gk, lity, he estimatM jut the breeding he marshes there *j 'lontinulimg: Bayoi rnprsli lands betw orth, Carteret «oi Linden on ........ marsh ex\t*Ru to PerUi to Woodbridge 'w m \' * cost of similar lew Jersey and “ninety per fsey mosquitoes ihes along the Ninety-five ?sort mosquitoes are salt marsh »ro, is to destroy lese salt marsh 1kthat the total be $315,550. 'cover every [rom Jersey Delaware at Jersey of wiping ?he pest on !500. Then, lows, $500;’ Ibeth on the [ur Kill east, dng, $4,500; Carters! Arthur Kill pure spring water ice. Daily ’delivered. Gontracta for the season, dre-p ^ postal. H. D. OLIVER, Mygienio Ice. Daily delivery, Drop a Postal. James A Duane, CONTRACTOR, Carpenter aud Ruilder. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTKNDED. . O. Box 352. Metuchen, N. J. TELEBlUONE-171, gar, January 25. Harold Ed- lca‘h, marriag* or ' a„y T S p o n ^ 'c u t ,may have happened Messrs. E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Ch,- lchcrs J,re J°>e owners and pub- mender K j,d° alraanac »«'! L-UU eaiendar, and will be pi a copy of this booklet <losing a two-cent atei: est for same, proyjUa# THE N. Of cou re . TIIIHUNE ALMANAC, possible .. FURS, nan ?!ll"? “f M- Schwarts William A. Bennett * A NT T A M ENGINEER IMuinbing, Steam.and Tinning, Esti- mates cheerfully given on wopR. fobbing anil fepair work promptly attended to. T Work done by experiejioed workmen. JlatfiSlrear. Moluclien. MOVING WANS; I hate a large weather proof, dean, ran. aoodi movel any dletauee, Rea- nonable ratee. Drop a postal. PETER LOTT, ..METUCHEN, N.J. BAKERY. The Old Eatabllahed Bakery. BREAD. ROLLS, CAI£ES AND 1*IES. BERT M.WALDRON, MAIN, STREET . , —** FL»esaiuie to W'om wirough life- Without keeping a TrU I nan, 84 C h u m h " ^ Xr M* scnwartz- bune Almanac at your xdhow, but h U h T K ^ T m e ir^ H & ~ ^ --Brunswlck. it worth while—does It nav’ d-J i p « (,k .. ^ y*es at lowest prices STRENGTH comes up X u , U U d t t ‘. T l? ^ ?°r or Veer or I ated „ ,n always In c ^ S s ',^ h t“ Kodol railroad- "S from the rl»„ rf the %ait ma_ . , between-South L ja area south o! Law-Vence Harbor -Jonville, 12,500: ' rence harbor to ea taper-la. between Matawand lan b®y. 11,500; tl Sast Keyport on ;ower house on area by area late, extend to the ena Jthe meadows •tMorgan, gflDQl' Statio n to p east of Jack- )uth of Law- , $^,000; area Jport and Rari- Jeadows between iniwest and electric »w And so on, OWLO il ‘uiues up ab< °r I flea - -<•'.»» ln ,acc' sporting records. lau, anything else of record worth know- Tidivnne .haW ne'rer examined the Tribune Almanac just Invest a quarter f"r °“ an,d 801 how well Pleased you'll be. The 1906 one will be on sale Jan- uary 1 and may be- had from your 1'itablo «n,i .. at and enablo the digestive orgabs to ■■ milate and iransliorm all foods in- MO° " Kod°l rl anTa.i r ma°h' l>e)chi,1B’ ^art and a0/ ” 8 °/ "'“‘nation, pal- and strengthenifig. Sold by .. . • -ah trolD y cars ih q , k M-etucllen *n l New prunswick II!,! ' Ut ,‘he Publl< Service corpora- i r. wtr© brought tt a star.d3till Sa4- urrlay by on,. Qf the ’dfcd wires becom- g short-eireujt^j iear here an(j Jt f«i.M°Ker an ^our •fore the service i ^ resumed.^1 *he cause of the roul . was singulai and baffled -Ue .• 1 l^e company as tney heV ^ looking to find Ladies and Gents FINE ' TAILORING Finest work done; both ladies and gents. Suita made to order and guaranted. Garments cleaned, dyed ana scoured. Reasonble prices. F inancial statement Of expenditures in the late union meetings.. The Presbyterian church asHutried the financial responibllty for soothing and comforting .1 *De w m ^ 'w it’ clf (Ha^|0U l'S ^ church I !ubduestaaIine9,iSOreS’ cuts.*•»»«Te™ required expenses. Afterward t’he I T 'Ve llraws 01 ,B ^.d etatelur0^ ^ and gM.| and acts „ r S e f c . erously helped!.......... sen- 1 ,e„t, , _ , RECEIPTS, through the diseased parts permit Reformed church ........... . ,. “r nature t„ perman’eM^T * Pretbytepian church " '' ’ 92 05 ,lle tro',b,e •«'lr»ly. So“d b V * * S w * £»ie of book, from L. E. kiddie ' harma"- " w. A. Morris and others Total ..... , .......... TtTSBTTRSEMEhiTS Mr Smith for prlntlnr I. Perry, for printing Songs of Praise Hoard of evangelist and singi .alary of singers ........ .. Travelling expenses ......... Balance ............ ,,s Paid to Dr. Smith, free'will uffcrlng ................ I w;See the UPiversal Bread and Cake .*lC5.8o]|atcr3San^ l'®fil’nirier8al Coffee Perco- ■any ZL SU,tuotu^ Hardware e«m- ^ “ [christmas gift ' he thlnS for * J817i> 1 39.00 70.00 ll.lW ■JH6.30 19.50 't\ Yea limb 61 a >f the v.Tnd lying on e men covered teie emtre oistan between New Brunsy lek and Oak Tr without disc5v«rlng - •• vmerrtiption to the tree of something ------ ^..«6 wu the fe<>d wires. »»u!l™ t^C0«ered * ent,re distance lek and Oak Tree the cause of the rct.’T T ---- “ lu-lueJ circuit, and were of 'th ng Mtewick whpn one valk qulvkiy, friend; 1 our might while lasts our Ami ln-lp some Baiting comrade on" The And may God guide ns. friend! ~Lillian Gray, in the Young Id,ea. l)r.Torreyrwhose success as an evan- Seiis! hMJwen. g r e a tly .: "A revival cap ho field -in any church tiiat will 5* •• 1 nalT* true, and 1 , 0 ,ias *J°on no revival in yoitr himh it ls because you have not pak) , e Prlce. (j0|l has one price only, anil fie always sends tho revival when, Ihe price has been paid. - METHOD fST KUISL'OKAL fill'UCH IL -M. fc'ltnpson, paxtor-Sur.daj . king, 10.45 a. m. ami 7.45 p. dny sclr- bi, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting Wed- <‘Silay evening at 7.45. PIU'ISB YT EJH AN CHURCH. Rev. J. (}. Maaon, D. D., pasttir- Sun- day school. 10 a. in.-; preaehhtg.' U a. m. 7.45 p. m.;Christian Endeavor, 7 p. prayer service. Wudnesduy. 7.15 p.m HKFORMED CHURCH., ev. E. V. V. Seans, pastor—Sunday school, p.45 a. m.J preaching 11 a. \m 45, p- ‘P-; Christian Endeavor prayer esday e,yv«iug„.7.45 p,.m. leeting, .6.45 p. m.fUprayer service Wed t'T. l Okr S chckck . Rex. J. F. Fenton, rector—Sundays, Holy (oa.inunlon, 8.00; morning gray, m u riD it1 : zrz1 Fiist Sunday of the month, holy cqm- tnimion at 8.00 and 11.00; Fridays, eveDjrig'|pi*S>,el*, 4;<mrHoly d^rs, holy ■ommunion, 9.00. - Theodore Van Aulen, a huckster ot Somerville, was arrested Wedhesdaj night by Detective Totten on com- plaint of John Hulsiz^r, proprietor oi the Millstone hotel, who charged him with siea.tiig a pocketbocfk containing $9. iHulsizer alleges that Van Aulen (nteied his h8tel Wednesday mormrifc and sold him some produce^, wnich hi paid for from a pocketbook which he had afterward laid bqhincl'the bar. Ilulsizer says tiiat when he went out of the room Vaii Aulen went, bfhint bar and stole the pockebbook an r then left the place. When Kulsizer missed the pockstbook he telephone, .to Detective Totten at Somerville, whe kstructed him to follow Van Aulen t( Harlingen, hotel ahdad of Van Aulen and when thd latter made his appear-, nice there Uulsizer pounced upon him and threatened him with vengeance nless he hahdbd Over the stolen pock- book. Hulsizor gays that Van Aulen eakened and confessed that he. stoic the money, afUr which he took off tu uoe and handed him $9, which he had oncealed, and then went back over tin oad with him and recovered- the po’ ck- tbook which he had thrown away. ?' “I ’ ™en spied wt like { horneti' nest _J< looked tQ him IBClging from the powe* wire; An t jrtrestlgatrion was made. a„d It w u d aSoverefi th a t in- Stead Of a haaa' na. lx ___ x.C *aao. 5 < j Total to Dr. Sm ith.,.. think this is a credliki,,'^"'!0: -1 ----- - Will L n.* , : r 01* *re ftMowl Iwm nnw. f/111 Overcoats A good overeqat ls probabIy Trha, stead of o f aim o w l. The bird had eVk the heavily chnrgsd trocut«d. The e Jhe owl'i body; _ 'iCdttrf*" bird's body blacK as . i bird has runtion to ^ !ey-company*J ow] must :h m of Friday i ” feathers-mi for th* el€^. could not fly Wire. D®®#’ n $j| J t was the body James Cocks Builder * Hcdses for sale, finislied suit purchasers. MPTUCUFf? to if cr wjn u/than? |Hwish |C°Up8e m ®9*nething m0re than ° ' t:n,y "■a r m ,h - y° U we Offer our Chairman of Exee MA8« ^ '0"* Ras,an8’ Mgdium c -c. r 11” “ ■*i'" “*•" - - « . Real..a,Ute and Insurance k /' yOU B0W>^ one of The best, companies. Low ra, N ' he“ ' ,U '75- t»ry public. Pension, ePUeeted ^r' garry, plate glass, boilers and ,1 Plnycs liahUlty Insurance. Tel " $1 00 Fountain Pens, Montalvo's wins m JLB At tho meeting of borough council 1 « • Archer urged-*e at committee to take seeing that the i from every house -M. 'erting day. The i * since th® system lHr, , fect it has workai l®te' he lias j tWftAfrom the l*te *he lias r e n t's - th^.r feou*®R have tn J® hmmissed l® Highland Park night, Mayor ( and roadq p the matter of Ms collected t Pnrki on col- said that put into et- ^ well, but oi ft complaint or there, that The system * m Charle Rogers, wh Inaugurated by ift place on the health board was fiF 8 led. last night by f mf- JuHus Nelson.T * The fletuehen National Bank of rietuchen, N.J. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: '^€SSCt CORBIN, President. R. D. KENT. Vice President. F. E. BARNARD. Vice President. ~ AyC. LITTERS^’, Seo'y and Casduler. cT a . BAY NON. R. B. CORBIN. E. J. ERAKE. R. M. KELLOGG. E. KRAMER. !. , G. W. LITTERST. —A t'T ’ W. T. McADAMS. W, WILSON. AEBX C. LITTERST, Cashier, The Metuchen Nationai Bank is carrying $20,000 Burglary Insurance ato. has purchased the bj ■<* "1 J. W. R. Crawford on the Id road and will make it his 'n t hbme. R. Crav^Tord has . purchased «Elizabeth ahd intends ltavi soon, to the regret of his are softy to lose such an ‘sident. The holiday trade was excellent in li Pottery business of Charles Volk- nan & Son. The kilns were kept hot light and day for weeks, and the dis- i.aj of their wares in the find art dores of pw York city was tly* best ney i ver ^ad, art connoisseurs say. ors of the Meuchen Na- sct aside $10(X). in the sur- plus at their last, mfeeting. This is a tuo beginning and-the officers of thr nstitutlon are proud of the record and rateHil to an appre.-iative and p'uniic- 11 -‘ ‘’ommunlty. It. is the inten- ion o i t he directors to add* as..much .8 possible to the. surplus for the ben- , °f |’h® depoitors, instead of pay- ii'K dividends for tho benefit of the stockholders.. Rather hard on the stockholders. Heavy Lusiness i the' report of the * oeis o fthe Metuchen Building and Loam association. Nothing so success- .ul as success, ln both our .financial in- HitutioiiSn » Ihe boar (jof trustees-.df'the Hresby-. -erian church held a meeting for busi - ness last Saturday afternoon. C. C. C^.mpb^ll has, secured a tenant for one of Mrs. Poole’s houses,on Es- slreL' .He ha rented it to J W Harwell. It ~~~ A LIQUID COLD CURE.' For coughs and colds no remedy is dual to Kennedy’s laxative Honey ind Tar—the liquid cold cure. I t Hi (iifrerent from all others—better, be- caim ij; expels aLI cold from the sys- tem by acting as a cathartic on th® bowels. Gives shtrength to weak A. Affords immediate relief in croup, coughs, colds, whooping cough, etc. Childrt n love it. Sold by Me- tuchen Pharmacy. Decker reported that Mr L has purchas'd Uir u5t with the adjoining lot on the corner ot Woodbridge avenue and 'Bounty street ind after Improving it, wil occupy it is his residence. . The fact that the Metuchen National nank has increased its Inirgiarly lnsur- tnce to $20,000 is causinggenuine sat- isfaction. INDIGESTION"OVERCOME. Indigigtion is a3i.y overcome by the s.-A .x'JSscfs a * giws the stomachr a rest—allows it to recuperate and grow strong again. Ko- Jol relieves indigestion, belching of gas sour stomach, heart burn, etc,, and en- ables the digestive organs to trans- form all roods into the kind of rich red hiood that-makes health and strength Sold by Metuchen Pharmacy. * NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Edward Rowell, executlr, of Ida Baker iMaliory, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of the County of Mid- dlesex, hereby gives notice to the creditors 67 |fhe said Ida Baker Mal- lory to bring in their debts, demands ad claims against the estate of tba said deceased, under path or off!cm a. tlon, within nine months from this date, or ’they will be forever barred ot any action therefor against the said executor ...Dated December 18. 1905. I EDWARD ROWELL, Executor. FOR CROCKED HANDS. Rough skin and cracked hands are not only cured by De W itt’s Witch Hazel Salve, but an occasional appli- cation will keep the skin soft and smooth . Best for eczema, cuts,-burns, bo:i=s, etc. The genuine De W ltt’a Witch Hazel Stlye^ affords immediate relieef In all forms of blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by Metuchen Pharmacy HENRY SIEGEL & CO., PRIVATE BANKERS Main Floor. IR T E lrtE R T INTEREST Paid On Deposits from fl to 83,000. Money deposited on or before jan. 20th will draw Interest from Jan. 1st. Money, can be, deposited or drawn xfc any 7ime without giving notice. An account can be opened and husi- ?ss transacted very convenienffy by mail. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Hours: 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. F. L. CHAMPION, Cashier. WHAT ARE sYOU GOING TO DO IN 19067 .. This is a question which presents itself to YOU now. WHY NOT GET A GOOD BUSI- NESS EDUCATION? There is no better place to get . it \than - TRAINER’S PRIVATE SCHOOL. Perth Amboy, N. J,’ Three Excellent Teachers. Every graduate baa been located. HE* BRUNSWICK, If. J., Offers to de|««itons every facility ioi their business, Balance and responsibility warranted Issues Foreign'Exchar. <$e, RENTS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. SOLICITS ACCOUNTS v Large and Small. Garden tools, wT166lDarruws, glass, putty, oils and varnish** can t>* had at the store of Tfle Metuchen Hard- TOtice to creditors : Elzira A. W hittier, executrix of PhinsaS P. Whittier, deceased, by di- rection of the Surrogati> o fthe County of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the (Iitors o fthe said Phineas P. Whlt- t to bring in the debts, demands 1 claims against the. estate of the il deceased, under oath or affirma- l. within nine monthB from this e, or they will be forever barred or therefor against the said Oat«’d December 28, 1905. E lzira a . vvhittier , Executrix. GIFTS FOR MEN AN^BOYS. Bath robes and house cd’ats, $4 and 3. Drees suit cases and bags, $3.50 to 12.00. Dress protectors, $1 to $2. Um- 1el las, $1 to $5. Suspended sets, 50c ) $1. 'Cardigan jackets, white, black and grey, $1.50 to $5. Boys’ and . sweaters, $i to $6. ' Scarf pins. Cult Units. Plain and fancy half hose. Un- ’ ’wear. Suits. Overcoats, eta. xarge variety of goods to please those receiving them and at prices to Suit the givers. ~r- LYGNS & PARKER, New Brunswick. B. T. WENDOVER, Metuchen manager eady made department. Violin strings, etc. Preih stock. Low prices at Montalvos. CENT-A-WORD-COJLUn 1 OPPORTUNITY for permanent even- ing work. The T. C. Rice-Wray Co., 164 iMarket street, Newark, N. J., desire i representative for Metuchen who is arnest, energetic and an experienced salesman; position worth from $500 to $1000 per. year, with steady increase; business already established; three houis in evening sufficient; communi- cate promptly. FOUND-t-A gold pin, of a secret order. Owner may have it by calling p,l this office, describing ft and paying,tor this notice. Wanted —A second hand cookstove. \pply at this office. WANTED—Party wants to buy a bi- cycle; second hand; not over $10. Address P . O. Box 314. Metuchen,N.J, WANTED — Situations Rt general housework, plain cooking, etc., for women with babies or small childrw; Small wages expected. Apply to “Joint Committee for Securing Situations for Destitute Mothers with Infants," 10 Acadamy street, Newark. N. J. B LACK &M I THING AND WOODWORK- lng of all kinds. Rubber tires from 91C-M All work guaranteed. Only the beet of material used. N. O. CHRI0TBNMM No. 71 New Brunswick avenue, parts Amboy, N, J. CE88POOLB and Vaults cleaned at reas- onable'prieeS^jbet me bid on your work before it ia given out. Prompt attention given. T, M. Ingraham, F. O'. B&ft ft* Metuchen. METUCHEN BUILDING LOANr- ThirteeiUhueerles of 'stock opened In Sep- tember. li eetings second and fourth Tuesdays. T ITnnrj' rnn hu herrewed h**r time. Assets over ftiftOW. Managers tL H. WUaon.R. B. Corbin. F. E. ftamnrd, Utteret. c. 8. Edgar. G W. Qvaa* 3. Kramer, G. W. m T. McAdams, J. T. Marshall, b. T. Fsek, “W. i. Marah^^L. T. Peck, 1 TtIK R. O. CHAR COMfOTti Geneva. N. T . PhllnMpkttL ft. Malden, M en, Grower, el I Healthy, High Grade Nan Addijde., Nuraery, Bm O. Mm TRUflAN T. PIERSO Fire, Life. Health, Accident, Burglary IfliureSce. Real Estate bought and sold. Rents' Coheotsd, M E 3 T U O H B M . IS

FINE ' TAILORING 1 39.00 wins m - digifind-it.com · vi!l soon occupy it with his family. ... would eosC to clean gI wha(. | ... sporting records. lau,

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Page 1: FINE ' TAILORING 1 39.00 wins m - digifind-it.com · vi!l soon occupy it with his family. ... would eosC to clean gI wha(. | ... sporting records. lau,

» T H K ONLY P A l .U? i r r u lal »•<! la i 'i i i jy *

i IN It VltITAN 'io W .N S lI ll '. « *. •

V O L . X I I I . N O 2


Until you g e t «wlse to t h t new Ulan recently p u t in operation Ay It. Mon­talvo, Tf.V m e talk ing m ach in e j»ml Bluet m usic dealer of NellfibU streetv opiicsito C h ris t church. !..

II you w ould buy a ta lk fng .m ach ine g* t the l e s t a n d rem em ber th a t Mon­talvo to ils genu ine R dlaon Phono­graphs fo r ca sh a t a low ef price than the sam e m ach ines can be purchased for elsew here on in sta llm en ts .

The M etuchen H ttrdw aru company have a fine lin e of silver p la ted a r ti­cles, ca rv in g Bits, pocket kn ives , sleds, skates, etc ., su itable fo r Christm as gifts. ■

Music ro ils. Low p rices a t Monlal-

B T JS IN E 88 C A R D S

B . U . T A P K E N ,


H T Ittil.'tff. ____

_ D R . H EM A N A N D EP.SO Nd e n t i s t .

PMUOfllee -Building, PERTH AMBOY, N

Office8 Hours: a. in. to 8 p. nt.

lundaya. 9 n. in. to 4 p. m.


BALL?.T h e Independent. O rder-of

at e m ak in g p rep a ra tio n s for be held on the. ■ en ing of Janun

C A K E SALE.T h e Ladies’ a id society of C m te n a p

M. E. church will hold ' t n e x t Saturday afternotm .

COMMUNION.A com m union service

C en ten a ry M. E. church m o rn in g , and s w ere received!

ROYAL, ARCANUM.T h e council of the Royal Arpa

w as favored a t th e ir m eeting o d ay n igh t w ^ h th e pres-m e su p e rio r officers. Each of Hie ifficers made a pleasing address.

cake siftc

held in Sunday

m em bers

FIR E.At 10 o 'clock yesterday m orn ing U e

w h istle -sounded an alarm and ChTe: Sltiith" w ith bo th com panies p rom ptly re s i otided. T he fire proved dw ellffig oil the New Dunham long ing to C. F. Rreece and by th e fam ily of Mr. R enningt n ea re st fire plug was too far (o nnec tion to be rn^de and tin in g and con ten ts sum ed. T heere w on the prem ises.

Fred Retit R e e k s k i l . , ...........

. A tk inson ’hr r e n t illness.K irk is tem p o rarily tilling

ti th e High school, i E d w a rd s has been <3 M cCann./ i l l ic i t , ’of B rooklyn , i

tin g her d a u g h te r , Mrs. H ay.Mrs. C h a rle s Ay ju s has been

ain lng ‘Mrs. H u n tt of New York.Clifford A y ies has \re tu rn ed

■chc.ol a f te r th e holiday Vacation.Mrs. C. A. Ij loom lipid and Mi83

Bloomfield sa iled last.John Ilo ss , of

;ilest of frien-efe iand Mrs. M ctzner. of TJertn

hereDecker, of N ew ark, has

ecu v is it in g her s ister, M rs. W heeler‘lark. — _____ _______ __ .-Mrs. E. It. Dana an X ^T t,s7~Thorlin

ta in in g Mil

■ Italy........nfield, was the

uesi oi i nciriTO-iii town .on Saturday. Mr. and M rs. M ctzner, o f .T e r th Ara-

Tnt Sunday- w ith re la tiv e -

' il KTtA N iM JLRil STU DIO.

Have your - photograph taken you can’t come in the duytin cn M md.iy, W ednesday an enlncs. 7 to 9 o’clock.

en tire ly con sm all fiisuram -


All th

W E E K OF PRAYER.TUe- union serv ices have been well

a ttended d u rin g the week ot< p rayer, T h e conc lud ing services will he IK Id in the P resb y te rian ' church tom orrow night. T heh opening serv ice ^ in the M ethod s t chu rch la s t Sunday n ight

| w as well a ttended by a la rg e coTigrfe- :. K E LLY & SON, d e a h rs In Coal | g a tlun an d.th .f serm on by Rev| t i . M.

’ • ia c a r lo a d or sn^U lo ts. g imp.xon tho past()ri waa f,m of p rac­tica l suggestions for a d e v o te d 'C h r is ­tia n life.

spend the ;e Placid,

Tappen h as .been spend- visiting frien d s out ■ bl

Mt .4. G. W . L ille rst gave a luncheon. a few of her ;in o th rr’s friends on

M bs ^D ucksia ler,, o::e o ou r popular■acheLS, h a s resei[gned, ow ing to ill-

and L um ber la c a r io a a o r »»**■»,o b e s t Coal k ep t In stock, also a ll

f sew er and d ra in pipe, g lazed NMazeri. T ra p T ’s Y'a-and uftglazed. T ra p

flues and poo l brick,__ P ort R ead in g "

•115. Tel 222. •

Office,,Tun« j O.

D R . E. F. P O T T E RD E N T I S T .

Office a t residence, H illside Avenue, 1 : ~r METL’C H E N , N. J.

Office hours: 8:30 a. in -, to 4:00 p. W ednesdays.



ST> FRA N CIS CHURCH.An im pressive and beautifu l serv ice

I t ok plac a t St. F rancis R. Cr church on 1 is,' Sunday a f te rn o o n .. B ishor M cFaul blessed the bell, w hich is soon to-be placed in the tow er. T he bishoi explained the m eaning of th e cerem tm y and in h is address welcomed a ll p res­en t, wishifftg Ih em many b lessings d u r­ing the y ear. A m ission h as been heU in the ch u rch every n ig h t th is week, conducted by two P au lis t fa th e rs . The m ssion will be b rought to a close u m orrow n ig h t

QUIET HOUR.The Quiet, H our club m e t a t Mrs

Howard Bloo.mfield’s on T h u rs d a y af­ternoon. Mr3. Ayres w as th e leader ti*r thf. flay. 'S everal of th e lad ie s oi

rsad a p ap er on R ablala,Spear read Mrs. .S earles ' p a p e r o n t o , R onlastance. The music, v o ca f anr. n tnm ren fa l, was by M esdam es M an­

ning, S tro n g and ‘Prlcklttr.----:R efresh^ a a t,s We' e SerVe(l' A n ' n d d itio n a

— blrthdav o?3 , ‘ho 1’em en ,b™ nce o f thq .c mi. . I , x- . * , eurnciay of the hostess. T h e nr>Yi.315, M etuchen N. J. vC lean a n d m eeting will be with M ° n ’

**1 Estate a ml low TTiet compare*. Cumfceuil tee mr an-i gei joui . .rty inaur^l. Street. MiTuehtfn. N. j .

N o ta r y , PulfilC. Tiep-iriuns Collec lert.

iL U L

iess in h e r fam ily. x ^Al’en B urro u g h s has b :en .ap p o in ted

no of th e pages fo r t h e ^ g i j l a t u r e for

M rs. R . A. M cDonnell, of New H a en, w ho h as been v is itin g Mrs. C. A ’f lek ltt, re tu rn ed hom e t i n Tuesday.

J . W. Barwcll h a s rented one of he Poole houses on Essex avenue a ;.d vi!l soon occupy it w ith his fam ily.

iM esdam es Lewis, Ayre's, Strong, W il- ' on a n d M orris have been Uected th e n tc rirfin m cn l com m ittee of the C lub.

Mr. an d 'Mrs. L. E. M olineux a re i’s- e iv ing co n g ra tu la tio n s over the a r ­

rival o f a baby boy a t th e ir home la s t iunday.

ALMANAC.T he e d i to r . acknow ledges receip t ©l

\ copy o fthe/vnew 1906 Kodol a lm a- lac an d 200 y ear calendar. I ts ' m ost im p o rta n t feature Is w ithout do u b ; he v e ry sim ply constructed 200 Y ear •U endar. w hen by w ith abso lu te ac- u racy you can tell th e day ofvthe-week »n ,^ h ic h any ev en t occurred d u rin g ne h u n d red y

T h e re is#V i tc h in tc .Hie com ing reqv^’St s la te en to m o lo g is t, u re pass a bill .apjL.. fo r th e final exWrrmli q u ite from th e s ta te .

P ro fesso r S r »i th be] cam paigu is p,u— a g a in s t the b r e e d in g ^ q u ito a long th e Hue#! d em o n stra ted to*be of New Je rse y c freed of th is intol< p o in ts out, w a r fa re san ce is no lo n g e r com plete x/ c eess h as ed in the N ew ark j|p<l! a t E lizabeth , a lo n g riv e r, a t ^jasU io Perl •laces. T h e ' im p o r t

t h e sta te fro m th is n o t on ly from th e Igand ro tp fo rt. b in »Vi |p0,nt „f health do lla rs , th a t th e s taK rtom tfc to Kive g enerous a l* ca„ well a „ ()r(1 m en ts m p ro se c u tin g I 0 , io0a, ^ v„rn . pons, th a t som e o f th le ^ a , X( „ ,rc a s of m a rsh a re in, mogt extraelvp s t m u n ic ipa lities , w , ,cd t a . thf,

hope to g ra p p le w ill rtl (,a r ^ f,ver oblem w ith o u t sub . the form lllab l,

- bl1 w, n t)e ^ sn tia l state atil next week, c a r ry in g I , uraili probabl ideas into effect. r/rfessor iSmltfi.s

T he s ta te ©ntoraqiS carefu l e s tim a te d a 1 „ t, has made a would eosC to c lean gI wha(. |(breeding p l f t c e a ' a l e « ^ ^ m osquito base, upon a, tu a L 3^ r , b n , h(ire l iw

■-.tc-y a n d u p tft 0( the en tire

Uclati. Diamondi, Watchwiand45 iAarch Street, New Hri iMiwIal

O H A R L K 3 H A R T M A N .F l.av ing and lla irc u ttin g . Cigars a n d Tobacco. , . | M A IN 8T.

N E D L O R E N S O N ,

----- - o f the past, o r on^ i e h a n y date w ill, occur d u rin g *ne icx t . hu n ^r^d ^ ^a a i^ , th u s g p 1 —

work done a lre i NTcw York, d-le- cen t of a ll th e _ breed in th e s a l t ; coast and m ig ra te per c«nt erf ih e dhci - in d those in th e pii breeuerg.”

T he p rob lem i tt»' the breedkeg p la c e t m osquitoes. H e eefck,^

of -do ing th is Tho p ro fe sso r 's eatl m osquito b reed in g

ity to C ape M ay t Salem cr^gk, lity, he e s tim atM

j u t the b re e d in g he m a rsh e s th e re *j

'lontinulimg: Bayoi rnprsli la n d s betw orth , C a r te r e t «oi

Linden o n ........m arsh ex\t*Ru to PerUi to W oodbridge' w m \ ' ’ *

cost of sim ilar lew Jersey and

“n in e ty per fsey mosquitoes ihes along the

Ninety-five ?sort mosquitoes

a re sa lt m arsh

»ro, is to destroy lese salt m arsh 1 kth a t the to ta l

be $315,550. 'cover every [rom Jersey

Delaware a t Jersey of w iping

?he pest o n !500. Then, lows, $500;’

Ibeth on the [ur K ill east, dng, $4,500;

C arte rs! A rth u r K ill

pu re sp ring water ice. Daily ’d elivered . G ontracta for the season, dre-p ^ postal.

H . D . O L IV E R ,M ygienio Ice. D aily delivery, D rop a Postal.

James A Duane,C O N T R A C T O R ,


. O. Box 352. Metuchen, N. J.TELEBlUONE-171,

gar, Ja n u a ry 25.H aro ld Ed-

lca‘h, marriag* o r ' a„y T S p o n ^ 'c u t ,m ay have happened M essrs. E. C. D eW itt & Co., o f Ch,-

lch c rs J ,re J°> e ow ners an d pub-m e n d e r K j ,d° alraanac »« '! L-UU eaiendar, and will be pia copy of th is booklet

<lo sin g a tw o-cent atei: e s t fo r same, proyjUa#


possible . . FURS,nan ? ! l l " ? “ f M- S ch w arts

William A. Bennett* A NT T A M E N G I N E E RIMuinbing, Steam.and Tinning, Esti­

mates cheerfully given on wopR.fobb ing anil fe p a ir work p ro m p tly

a tte n d e d to. T •W ork done by experiejioed w orkm en.

J la t f iS l r e a r . M oluc lien .

MOVING WANS;I h a t e a large w e a th e r proof, d e a n ,

r a n . a o o d i m o v e l a n y dletauee, R ea- n onab le ratee. D rop a postal.


BAKERY.The Old Eatabllahed Bakery.



, —** FL»esaiuie to W'omwirough life- Without keep ing a TrU I nan, 84 C h u m h " ^ Xr M* s c n w a r tz- bune A lm anac a t your xdhow, bu t h U h T K ^ T m e i r ^ H & ~ ^ - - Bru n sw lck. it w orth w hile—does It n a v ’ d- J i p « (,k .. ^ y*es a t lowest p rice s


com es u p X u , U U d t t ‘. T l ? ^ ? ° r or Veer or I a ted „ , n alw ays I n c ^ S s ' , ^ h t “

K odol

ra ilro ad -"S from th e r l » „

rf the % ait m a _ . , b e tw e e n -S o u th A« L ja a re a so u th o!Law-Vence H a rb o r

-Jonville, 12,500: ' rence h a rb o r to ea

taper-la. between M a taw an d lan b®y. 11,500; t l Sast K e y p o r t on ;ower h o u se on

area by a r e a

la te , ex tendto the en a

J th e m eadow s •tMorgan,

gflDQl' Station to p east of Jack-

)u th of Law- , $^,000; a rea

J p o r t and R ari- Jeadow s between iniwest and electric » w And so on,


‘ uiues u p ab<

°r I f lea - - < • '. » »

ln ,acc 'spo rting records. lau ,an y th in g else of record w orth know-

Tidivnne .haW n e 'rer e x a m in ed the T ribune Alm anac ju st In v est a q u a rte rf" r ° “ an,d 801 how well P leased you'll be. T he 1906 one will be on sa le J a n ­ua ry 1 and m ay be- had from your 1 'itab lo «n,i ..

at and enablo the digestive orgabs to ■■ milate and iransliorm all foods in-

MO°" Kod° l r la n T a . i r m a° h ' l>e)chi,1B’ ^ a r t

and a0/ ” 8 ° / " ' “ ‘n a t io n , pal- and strengthenifig . Sold by

.. . • -a h trolD y carsih q , k M-e tuc llen *n l New p runsw ick II!,! ' Ut ,‘he Publl< Service corpora- i r . wtr© b ro u g h t tt a star.d3till Sa4- urrlay by on,. Qf th e ’dfcd wires becom-

g sh o r t-e ire u j t^ j iea r here an(j Jt

f«i.M°Ke r an ^ o u r • fo re the service i ^ re su m ed .^ 1 *he cause of the

roul . w as singulai and baffled -U e .• 1 l ^ e company as tneyh e V ^ looking to find

Ladies and Gents


F in e s t work d o n e ; both lad ies and g en ts .

S u ita m ade to o rd e r and g u a ran ted . G a rm en ts cleaned , dyed ana scou red . R easonble prices.

F i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n tOf expend itu res in th e la te union

meetings.. T he P re sb y te rian church asHutried the financial re sp o n ib llty for

s o o t h i n g a n d c o m f o r t i n g

.1 *De w m ^ 'w i t ’c lf (H a ^ |0 U l 'S ^

church I !u b d u e s t aaIine9,iSOreS’ cuts. *•»»«T e ™requ ired expenses. A fte rw ard t’he I T ' Ve llraw s 01

, B ^ . d e t a t e l u r 0^ ^ an d g M . | and a c ts „ r S e f c .erously helped!..........— s e n - 1 , e „ t , ,_ , RECEIPTS, th ro u g h the diseased p a rts perm itR eform ed church ........... . , . “ r n a tu re t„ perm an’e M ^ T *P retbytep ian church " ' ' ’ 92 05 ,lle t r o ',b ,e •« 'lr» ly . So“ d b V * * S w * £»ie of b o o k , from L. E. k id d ie ' h a rm a " - "w . A. M orris and o thers

T otal . . . . . , ..........TtTSBTTRSEMEhiTS

Mr Sm ith for p r ln tln r I. P e rry , fo r p rin ting Songs o f P ra ise Hoard o f evangelist and singi.a la ry of singers ........ ..T rave lling expenses .........

B alance ............ , , sPaid to Dr. Smith, f re e 'w il l

uffcrlng ................

I w;See th e U Piversal Bread a n d C ake .* lC 5 .8 o ]|a tc r3 S a n ^ l'® fil’n ir ier8al Coffee Perco-

■any Z L SU,tuotu^ H ardw are e«m - ^ “ [c h r is tm a s g ift ' he th ln S fo r *

J817i>1 39 .00

70.00 ll.lW

■ JH 6 .3 0


't\ Yea lim b 61 a >f the v.Tnd ly ing on

e m en covered t e i e em tre o is tan between N ew B runsy lek and Oak T r w ithout disc5v«rlng - ••vm errtip tion to the

tree o f som eth ing------ ^ . .« 6 wu th e fe<>d wires.

» » u ! l™ t^ C0«ered * en t,re d istance lek and Oak Tree th e cause of the

rct.’T T ---- “ l u - lu e J circuit, and wereof 'th ng Mtewick whpn one

valk qulvkiy, friend;1 ou r m ight while la s ts our

Ami ln-lp som e Baiting com rade on" The

And m ay God gu id e ns. friend!~ L ill ia n Gray, in the Young Id,ea.

l)r .T o rrey rw hose success as an evan- Seiis! hM Jw en . g r e a t l y . : "A revival c a p ho field -in any church tiia t will 5* •• 1 n a lT * tru e , and 1

, 0 ,ias *J°on no revival in yoitrh im h it ls because you have not pak)

, e Prlce. (j0 |l has one price only, anil fie a lw ays sends tho revival w hen , Ihe price has been paid. -

METHOD fST KUISL'OKAL fill 'U C H • IL -M. fc'ltnpson, paxtor-Sur.daj

. king, 10.45 a. m. ami 7.45 p. dny sclr- bi, 3 p. m.; prayer meeting Wed-

<‘Silay evening at 7.45.PIU'ISB YT EJH AN CHURCH.

Rev. J. (}. Maaon, D. D., pasttir- Sun­day school. 10 a. in.-; preaehhtg.' U a. m.

7.45 p. m .;Christian Endeavor, 7 p. prayer service. Wudnesduy. 7.15 p.m

HKFORMED CHURCH., ev. E. V. V. Seans, pa sto r—Sunday

school, p.45 a. m.J preaching 11 a. \m 45, p- ‘P-; C hristian Endeavor prayer esday e,yv«iug„.7.45 p,.m . leeting, .6.45 p. m.fUprayer service Wed

t'T . l Ok r S c h c k c k .Rex. J. F. Fenton , rec to r—Sundays,

Holy (oa .in u n lo n , 8.00; m o rn in g gray ,

m u r i D i t 1: z r z 1F iis t S unday o f th e m o n th , holy cqm- tnim ion a t 8.00 and 11.00; Fridays, eveDjrig'|pi*S>,el*, 4;<m rH oly d ^ rs , holy■ommunion, 9.00. - ‘

T heodore Van Aulen, a h u ck s te r ot Som erville, w as arrested W edhesdaj n ight by Detective T o tten on com­plain t of Jo h n H ulsiz^r, p ro p rie to r oi the M illstone hotel, who charged him w ith s iea .tiig a pocketbocfk containing $9. iH ulsizer alleges th a t Van Aulen ( n te ied his h8tel W ednesday mormrifc and sold him som e produce^, wnich hi paid fo r from a pocketbook which he had a fte rw ard laid bqhincl'the bar.

Ilu ls ize r say s tiia t w hen he went out of the room Vaii A ulen w ent, bfhint

bar and stole the pockebbook a n r then le f t the place. W hen K ulsizer missed th e pockstbook he telephone, .to D etective T o tten a t Som erville, whe k s tru c te d him to follow V an Aulen t( H arlingen , hotel ahdad of Van Aulen and w hen th d la tte r m ade h is appear-, n ice th e re U ulsizer pounced upon him and th rea ten ed him w ith vengeance

nless h e hahdbd Over th e stolen pock- book. H ulsizor gays th a t Van Aulen eakened and confessed th a t he. stoic

the m oney, a fU r w hich he took off tu uoe and handed him $9, w hich he had oncealed, and then w ent back over tin oad w ith him and recovered- the po’ck- tbook w hich he had th ro w n away.

? ' “ I ’ ™en sp ied w t like { h o r n e t i ' nest

_J< looked tQ him IBClging fro m the

powe* w ire; A n t jrtrestlgatrion was m ade. a „ d It w u d aSoverefi th a t in-Stead Of a haaa' n a . l x ___ x.C

*aao. 5<jT otal to Dr. S m i th . , . .• th in k th is is a c re d lik i,, '^ " '!0 : - 1 ----- -

Will L n.* , : r 01* * re ftMowl Iwm nnw.

f / 1 1 1Overcoats

A good overeqat ls probabIy Trha,

stead o f of aim ow l.

The b ird h a d eVk the h e a v ily chn rgsd trocut«d. T h e e Jhe o w l'i body; _

'iCdttrf*"bird 's body

blacK a s.

i bird h a s run tion to ^ !ey-company*J ow] m ust :h m of F r id a y i ” ‘ feathers-mi for th* el€^. could not fly Wire.

D®®#’ n$j| J t w as the body

James CocksBuilder *

H cd se s for sale, finislied suit purchasers.

M P T U C U F f ?

t o

i f cr wjn

u/than? |H wish |C°Up8e m ®9*ne thing m0re than

° ' t:n,y "■arm ,h - y° U — w e Offer our

Chairman of Exee MA8« ^ '0"* Ras,an8’ Mgdium

c -c . r 11” “ ■*i ' " “* •" - - « . ™R e a l..a ,U te an d In su ran ce k / ' yOU B0W> ^ o n e of

The best, companies. Low ra , N ' he“ ' ,U '75- t»ry public. Pension, ePUeeted ^ r ' g arry , plate glass, boilers and , 1 Plnycs liahUlty Insurance. Tel "

$1 00 Fountain Pens, Montalvo's

wins mJLB

At th o m ee tin g o f borough council 1« • A rcher u r g e d - * e at “ com m ittee to ta k e seeing th a t th e i from e v e ry h ouse -M. 'e r tin g d a y . The i * since th® sy stem lHr, , fect i t h a s w o rk a i l®te' h e l i a s j tWftAfrom th el*te * h e l i a s r e n t ' s -

th^ .r feou*®R h ave tn J® h m missed

l® H igh land Park n igh t, Mayor ( and roadq

p the m a tte r of M s collected t Pn rk i on col-

s a id th a t p u t in to et-

^ w ell, b u t oi ft co m p la in t or

th e re , th a t

T he sy s te m * mC harle R ogers, w h

Inau g u ra ted by ift place on the

health b oard was f i F 8 led. la s t n ig h t by f m f- Ju H u s N elson . T *

The fletuehen National

Bankof rietuchen, N.J.


R. D. KENT. Vice President.F. E. BARNARD. Vice President. ~A yC . L IT T E R S ^ ’, S eo 'y a n d Casduler. cT a . BAY NON. ’ ■R. B. CORBIN.E. J. ERAKE.R. M. KELLOGG.E. KRAMER. !. ,G. W. LITTERST. —A t 'T ’W. T. McADAMS.W, WILSON.


The Metuchen Nationai

Bankis carrying


In su ran ce

ato. has purchased th e bj ■<* "1 J. W. R. C raw ford on the Id road and will m ake it his 'n t hbme.

R. Crav^Tord h as . purchased « E lizabeth ahd in te n d s ltav i

soon, to th e reg re t of his are so fty to lose such an


The holiday trad e w as excellen t in li P o tte ry business o f C harles Volk-

nan & Son. The k iln s w ere kept hot light and day for w eeks, and the dis- i.a j of th e ir w ares in th e find a rt dores o f pw York city w as tly* best ney i ver ^ad , a r t conno isseu rs say.

ors of th e M euchen Na- sct aside $10(X). in the sur-

plus a t th e ir last, mfeeting. T h is is a tuo beg inning a n d - th e officers of t h r n stitu tlo n are proud of th e record and rateH il to an appre.-ia tive and p'uniic-

11 -‘ ‘’om m unlty. It. is the in ten- ion o i t he d irecto rs to add* as..m uch .8 possib le to the. su rp lu s for the ben- , ° f |’h® depoitors, in stead o f pay- ii'K d iv idends for tho benefit of the stockholders.. R a th e r h a rd on the stockholders.

H eavy Lusiness i th e ' repo rt of the * o e is o fthe M etuchen B uild ing and Loam association . N o th in g so success- .ul a s success, ln bo th ou r .financial in- HitutioiiSn »

Ih e boar (jof tru s tee s - .d f 'th e Hresby-. -erian church held a m eeting for busi­ness la s t Saturday afte rnoon .

C. C. C^.mpb^ll has, secured a tenant for one of Mrs. P oole’s ho u ses ,o n Es-

s lreL ' .He h a ren ted i t to J W Harwell.

It ~~~

A LIQUID COLD C U R E .'F o r coughs and colds no rem edy is

dual to K ennedy’s la x a t iv e Honey ind T a r—the liquid cold cure. I t Hi (iifrerent from a ll o th e rs—better, be- c a im ij; expels aLI cold from th e sys­tem by ac ting as a ca th a r tic on th® bowels. Gives sh tre n g th to weak

A. Affords im m ediate re lief in croup, coughs, colds, w hooping cough, etc. C h ild rt n love it. Sold by Me­tuchen Pharm acy .

D eckerreported th a t Mr L h as p u rc h a s 'd Uir u5 t

w ith th e ad jo in ing lot on the corner ot W oodbridge avenue and 'Bounty stree t ind a f te r Im proving it, wil occupy it i s h is residence.

. T h e fact th a t the M etuchen N ational nank has increased i ts In irg ia rly lnsur- tnce to $20,000 is causinggenu ine s a t­isfaction .

IN D IGESTION"OVERCOM E. Ind ig ig tion is a3i.y overcom e by the

s.-A .x 'JS scfs a *g iw s the s tom achr a r e s t—allow s it to recupera te and grow s tro n g again. Ko- Jo l relieves ind igestion , belch ing of gas sou r stom ach, h e a r t bu rn , etc,, and en­ab le s the d igestive o rg an s to tra n s­form a ll roods in to th e kind o f rich red hiood th a t-m a k e s h e a lth and streng th Sold by M etuchen P h arm acy . *

NO TICE TO C RED ITO RS.E dw ard Rowell, execu tlr , o f Ida

Baker iMaliory, deceased, by direction of the S u rroga te o f the County of Mid­dlesex, hereby gives no tice to the c red ito rs 67 |fhe sa id Ida B aker Mal­lory to bring in th e ir deb ts , dem ands ad cla im s ag a in st th e e s ta te of tba said deceased, un d e r p a th o r off! cm a . tlon , w ith in n in e m o n th s from th is date , o r ’they will be fo rev er barred ot any ac tio n th ere fo r a g a in s t the said e x e c u to r

...Dated Decem ber 18. 1905.I EDW ARD R O W E L L , E xecutor.

FO R CROCKED HANDS.R ough sk in and c racked h ands are

n o t on ly cured by De W itt’s W itch H azel Salve, b u t an occasional ap p li­ca tio n will keep th e sk in soft and sm ooth . Best fo r eczem a, cu ts,-bu rns, bo:i=s, etc. T he genu ine De W ltt’a W itch Hazel Stlye^ affords im m ediate re liee f In a ll fo rm s o f blind, bleeding, itch in g and p ro tru d in g piles. Sold by M etuchen Pharm acy


M ain F loor.

I R T E l r t E R T IN T E R E ST Paid On Deposits from f l to 83,000. Money deposited on or before ja n .

20th will draw In te re s t from Jan . 1st.M oney, can be, deposited o r drawn

xfc a n y 7im e w ith o u t g iv ing notice.An account can be opened and husi- ?ss transacted very convenienffy by


Hours: 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.F . L. CHAM PION, Cashier.

WHAT ARE sYOU GOING TO DO IN 19067.. T his is a qu estio n which presents

itself to YOU now.


There is no be tte r place to get . i t \th an — -


Three Excellent Teachers. Every graduate baa been located.


Offers to de |«« itons every facility ioi th e ir business, Balance and

responsib ility w arran ted

I s s u e s F o r e i g n 'E x c h a r . <$e,


S O LIC ITS A CCO U N TSv Large an d Small.

Garden tools, wT166lDarruws, glass, putty, oils and varnish** can t>* had at the store of Tfle Metuchen H ard-

TO t i c e t o c r e d it o r s : “E lzira A. W hittie r, executrix of

PhinsaS P . W hittie r, deceased, by di­rection o f th e Surrogati> o fth e County of M iddlesex, hereby gives no tice to the

(Iitors o fthe said Phineas P. W hlt- t to b rin g in th e debts, demands 1 c la im s aga inst the. e s ta te of the il deceased, under o a th o r affirma- l. w ith in nine monthB from th is e, o r they will be forever barred or

there fo r a g a in s t the said

Oat«’d December 28 , 1905.E l z i r a a . v v h i t t i e r ,

E xecutrix .

G IFT S FOR MEN A N ^B O Y S .B ath robes and house cd’a ts , $4 and

3. Drees su it cases and bags, $3.50 to 12.00. D ress pro tectors, $1 to $2. Um- 1 el las, $1 to $5. S uspended sets, 50c ) $1. 'C ard igan jacke ts , w hite, black

and grey , $1.50 to $5. B oys’ and . sw eaters, $ i to $6. ' S carf pins. Cult Units. P la in and fancy h a lf hose. Un- ’ ’w ear. Suits. O vercoats, eta.

xarge varie ty o f goods to please those receiv ing them and a t prices to Suit th e givers. ~r-

LYGNS & PARKER,New Brunswick.

B. T. WENDOVER, Metuchen manager eady made department.

V io lin s trings, e tc. P re ih stock.

Low prices a t M ontalvos.


O PPO R T U N IT Y for p e rm an en t even­in g work. T he T. C. R ice-W ray Co.,

164 iM arket s tree t, N ew ark , N. J., desire i rep re sen ta tiv e for M etuchen who is a rn e s t, energetic a n d an experienced

sa le sm an ; position w o rth from $500 to $1000 per. y ear, w ith s tead y increase; business a lread y e stab lish ed ; th ree h o u is in evening suffic ien t; com m uni­ca te prom ptly.

FOUND-t-A go ld pin, o f a secret order.O w ner m ay have i t by ca lling p,l th is

office, describing ft a n d p ay in g ,to r th isno tice .

W a n t e d —A second h and cookstove. \p p ly a t th is office.

W A N TED —P a rty w an ts to buy a b i­cycle; second hand ; n o t over $10.

A ddress P . O. Box 314. M etuchen,N .J,

W ANTED — S itua tions Rt general housew ork, p la in cooking, etc., for

wom en w ith babies o r sm all c h ild rw ; S m all wages expected. Apply to “ Jo in t Com m ittee fo r Securing S ituations for D estitu te M others w ith In fan ts ," 10 A cadam y stree t, N ew ark . N. J.

B LACK &M I THING AND WOODWORK- lng of all kinds. Rubber tires from 91C-M

All work guaranteed. Only the beet of m aterial used. N. O. CHRI0TBNMM No. 71 New Brunswick avenue, p a r ts Amboy, N, J.

CE88POOLB and V aults cleaned a t reas­onable 'prieeS^jbet m e bid on your work before it ia given out. Prompt atten tion given. T, M. Ingraham , F. O'. B&ft f t* Metuchen.

METUCHEN BUILDING LOANr- ThirteeiUhueerles of 'stock opened In Sep­tember. l i eetings second and fourth Tuesdays. TITnnrj' rnn hu herrewed h**r time. Assets over ftiftOW. Managers tL H. WUaon.R. B. Corbin. F. E. ftam nrd,

U tte re t. c. 8. Edgar. G W. Qvaa* 3. Kramer, G. W. m T .

McAdams, J. T. M arshall, b . T. Fsek, “W. i . M a ra h ^ ^ L . T. Peck, 1 “

T tIK R. O. C H A R CO M fO T ti Geneva. N. T . P h lln M p k ttL f t .

M alden, M e n , G ro w er, e l I H ealthy, H ig h G rad e N an Addijde., N uraery, Bm O. Mm

TRUflAN T. PIERSOFire, Life. Health, Accident, Burglary IfliureSce.

Real Estate bought and sold. Rents' Coheotsd,

M E 3T U O H B M . I S

Page 2: FINE ' TAILORING 1 39.00 wins m - digifind-it.com · vi!l soon occupy it with his family. ... would eosC to clean gI wha(. | ... sporting records. lau,



V e r w o f S u b sc r ip t io n , f l . o o P e r Y ea r <• fedTM ce; S in g le Copion, S cen t* . A d v e r tis in g l is te n M a d e K n o w n

fcawctd St the Metuehen, N. J . Pumofflce “ ^ • c la a *

TMs Recorder’ will be found on Bale- hi the standi of Union News Cc*. J. Perry, end st the office of publication, eu Main street, Metuehen.




Plaiafleid, Jan. 10.—*ln th e cen ter of town, at an hottr yrb(n pedestrians were still out in early evening num bers Mr*. J. P. Burd, a m illiner, Was robbed by a footpad last „ n ig h t T he tn ie i got away with a handbag co n ta in ing $161. The hold-up occurred a t W atch- ung avenue and Fifth s t r e e t w ith in a few feet of the v ictim 's home. F ro m behind -a tree the m an sprang a t the Woman and snatched the pocket bpok.

In d ig e s tio n C a u se s C a ta rr h o f th e

Stom ach.Par many years it has been supposed that Cstswh el tiie Stomach caused indigestion end dyMfffia, but the truth Is exactly the

1 eppoeite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re­peated attach* of indigestion Inflames the Mooes membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus cau*- tef the glands to secrete mucin Instead of tfca ialoes of aatural digestion. This is •MW4 Catarrh of tbs Stomach.

M il ttftpifsia Curen m ajl taflaminnHM of tho mucous SMmbratm lining th« stomach. protects th« w i n . t a t opres bad breath, sour risings, ■ SIMS of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia end ell stomach troubles,

1 D ixM ta W h a t Y o b E « tMakotbo Stoanach Sweet.

■eels* Ressfarqlie, IT .00, hoidtnc timeslit* trial dm. which mil* for SO cents.

arsd by K. a M W ITT A 00., Ohtcego, Mk•*T’At Metuehen JPlturmucy.




The T w elve Acre Store

Hahne & CoB r o a d , N e w a n d H a lse y S t * . , N e w a r k • i


H o tw furnish ini'.

, T i n s W EEK

1 |

America’s Greatrst Furniture f^toreIS NOW CONDUCTING ITS

January Furniture ta le


ht dulo in f-ffi'ct Nov mix r 26, 19U«'»

Sundays'. VI 11.; 12.-15. :11.50

21, U

. i ,

ill valid i l l . .70

T h is is w ithout question th e b iggest trade m ovem en t this o r an y o th e r house in Nev its in fluence 'on the home lives of the people of th e State, In i ts effect on ttad e , in m oofy Involved, fn th e positive sav in g s to the public, th is sale has an im p o rtan ce th a t c a n n o t UsT

ey undertake.- [yalue of the

ir-estl m ated.

250.000 worth of FurnitureOn Sale a t Decidedly Reduced •icesThere is a constan t procession of tra in s b r in g in g fu rn itu re to th is estab lishm ent,

daily. T he stock is a lw ays im m ense alw ays com plete, alw ays u nm atched and w ell nigfc, now, on the eve of th is g rea t J a n u a ry m ovem ent, the holce is m o re diversified th a n m om ent w haat it m eans to have two acres of floor space crow ded w ith fu rn itu re—

1 are new a rr iv a ls [poafitchahle. But,

ever. <1 jon tem pltte fo r a

No Two Pieces Afike; Every Piece DifferentAnd—m ost no tew orthy f a c t—evrry piece in the wonderful, co llection Is d esirab le , depe ^ aWc up. t0.dale

T he Btock surpass®) in com pleteness, in q u a lity ,'In variety th e com bined stocks o f th e fu rl |tu rc j to r ( s of th(, state, N o-Store in New York C ity surpasses it in any respect. N o departm en t s to re anyw t |re equals tl,e dls- play we m ake and one sell a t lower prices. « | ^

Every Piece in the House RedW ith b u t the insign ifican t exception of P ra ir ie Grass F u rn itu re , every piece of furnitu:

offered a t a redued price—a reduction th a t is as real as i t is reaso n ab le

icedin th is s to re Is









.! _7, MS. ; .‘.It and ft 1 .HI p. in. wo. la y s ; Siiiiflllys, 12.37, s 17 am i flu.:!? II.; 12 1.7, .2.21, 4.UU, tT.ot ami 111.:

71, 7*10- thus, S.5S and days. Sundays—f l . i , 1.11, 2.20,6.laril.OS and

W hen Your Policy n a tu re sin The Prudential it may be payable in one sum; or in from two lo twenty-five annual in stalments; or in continuous in­stalments during lifetime of beneficiary or insured.

The PrudentialINSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. Home Office- Newark,M.J.

lntorporatwtl as a Stock Company by the Stale of New ^Jfrsey.'— JOHN 1 ItRYDKN, President EDGAR B. WARD, 2d Vice PresidentLESLIE D. WARD. Vice President FO RItEST F. DRYDEN. 3d Vice Pro*.

WILBUR 9. JOHNSON, 4th Vice President and Comptroller. EDWARD GRAY, S e c re ta ry

JAMES A. EDGAR, D istrict Manager Ordinary Department Middlesex .County, 34ft George Street, New Brunswick, N. J.

J. S. Deli ART, Superintendent, Welngart Building, Np. 2 Church 8t.Tel. 252-J New Brunswick, N. J.

EDWARD CHRISTIANSON. Asst. Suptf, Decker Office. North Side,Main -Street, Wood bridge, N. J.' ______ ______________ J179

Useful Articles for Christmas Gifts

—all in such generous v a rie ty as to a lm ost bew ilder.you—will., frfl^ toe.. at reduced prtet T hhe sale lasts th ro u g h o u t January , b u t prospjeetive b u y e rs a re urged t’o take

come in, look over the stock , m ake com parisons, make selections, th in k it over, ta lk and wife; f ln a ll^ b u y to y ou r profit.

hne & Co. ^j|rWt.


u V * Showing n largo Stock of special Itood values In Underwear and Hosiery. Hbndrhade Woolen Goods, Shaw ls,. Fms-

Yarn*. GermA^own‘Flowi, fiuxony and lo5* Wool, it stock; a#-'colors and shkdess.

w Outflttlngs.- j - -tilamped Goods. Materials for Art Em-

broadary, Novelties in Neckwear and Leather Goods,

A1I the beat styles In Corsets arid Cor- , pat Waiata.


Im proved S t r e e t c a r 8 erv ice Between the D esbrosses S treet S ta tio n of the P en n sy lv an ia R ailroad, th e New Y ork W holesale D istric t, an d E ast­e rn D istric t of Brooklyn (lren o r a<*ul&T h ere , Is now ru n n in g on Grand ^®nnei

s tree t. N ew York, a th ro u g h : s tre e t

FR E SH AND GOOD s tock of G roceries. P e rh ap s you

th in k i t m akes bo difference w here you buy your G roceries, b u t it does. You don’t know how m any leak s yotf m ight cu t off w ith the p en n ies aaved 7 buying your Groceries here . '

Our G roceries have been carefu llv

______ and T a r—th eline betw een the D esbrosses s tre e t1 sta- 8ym p a n ^ tion of th e P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad ejcPeJs a U: ..£91,4 com pany and the B rooklyn end of the s tre n g th e n s th< new W U llam sburgh ■ b ridge ov er the hronchxttl tubes, E ast riv e r. This new. line, w h ich tra ils- $ e a n £ chUdreH1 fers w ith all north and so u th Tines in M etck en Pharmi New Y ork city, affords c o n v en ien t se r­v ile to th e great wholesale d is tr ic t o f ____________lower New York city, B roadw ay, the T he Metuehen ^ a s t Side shopping d is tr ic t , aDd ^he ca rry a flnq asi

■tyeat E aste rn distric t o f B rqoxiyn boys' gloves

A LIQUi C roup, cougl

ough, etc., h a v | n o te r ro rs to r chil- oP’ v a c u a te tne .bow

b a x a tlv e Honey g i»*i la x a tiv e cougu ctirre. T h is rem edy

7)fh th e sy ste tm and th ro a t, lu n g s and

(T he m o th e r’s favor sa fe g u a rd . Sold by

ftaW w are compaqy i*nent o f m ens’ and


A'. W. ATTERBL'ilY,.G.ep’l Mgr.

L u h ig ii V a l l e y T ta i ir o a d .

Tii Tab! jt Effect D ec 3, 1905. LEAVE MEl'L 'Cll EN AS FOLLOWS:

Daily except Sundays.G;23 a. m., local fur New York.10.09 a in., E xpress for Buffalo anu

principal in te rm ed ia te stations;:14 p. miik,

Mami iiUermediate points, con-

-Ung at South Plainfield for New York i intermediate stations.MU p. m.. express for Wlfkesbarre, •anion, Hazleton, Pottsvllle and prln- :*l intermediate stations.

TRAINS FOR PERTH AMBOY.0.09 a. m., 3.52, 5.09 ami 7.57 p. in.


10.09 £SUNDAYS.

. m.. exp ress fo r Buffalo, N iagara Falls, Chicago. St. Louis, and principal Intermediate stations. -*

1:44 p. m., 'ocal for Easton only. ,G:28 p m., connects ^iith solid vestibule

express for Buffalo, N iagara Falls, Chica­go, St. Louis and .principal intermediate points.

F o r P erth Am boy—10.39 a. m.,*5.'09, 7:R7 p. m.

F o r Nqw Y ork—2.Q2 and 6.28 P. m.For further information apniy to tlckst


Grocery Campbell & Morris,Cor. IAIN ST M T tod AIBOY AVENUEHiring purchased the In terest of my

former partner, I Will h e jea fU r con­

tin u e th e business as sole proprietor.

1 T h e b ee t fo o d s a ( reasonable prices,

Tcrar patronage solicited;


low W are, ardw are. P a in ts, Oils, V arn ishes, G lass and P u tty .


5. J D R A K E , nrauaeqt.

M a i n S t .

Hardware Co.^ _ T . F. V A X S IC L K N , Manager

M e t u o h e n , N . J ,

CLLB SUBSCRIPTIONS. prlcfe $1.75) and th e Recorder, o n eUur subscribers can save a little by j^ear. $2.25.

o rdering th e ir periodicals fo r the com- Review of R eview s. CoBmopolitan, ^ ro u 8h onr office. W e have W o m an ’s Home C om panion reg u la r

made a rran g em en ts for low est ra tes p rice fo r all th ree $4.00) and the R e- w ith-m agazines and the lead ing daily corder. ono year. 3.25. (and weekly papers. Your a tten tio n is We can also ofTer you a com blna-

J-f< l,he llst: w ith any rep u ta b le publication1 he T rl-W eek iy T ribune (reg u la r you m ay wish, a t a reduced rate, ice 41.50) and the M etucheh Recor- . A ll subscribers w ill receive Hie R e -

|c o rd e r the balance of th is year free .t i nnf o n t arn!er (regulRr Pric« I A» subscrip tions payable In advance.31.00) and the R ecorder one year. $1.25 __________________ r

The C oun try G en tlem an , (regular1 Lam ps and lamp goc>di blue and


IN CHAMClSRY OF NEW JE R S E Y Between The M utual ^ i f e In su ran 'Co. of Vew Y ork, C om plainant, and F ra n c e /C . Condor, c t als., D efend­ants, Fi. Fa., fort-ffiale of m ortgaged jpramis^s, dated Jan u a ry 11, 1906.By v irtue of the above s ta ted w

to me 'directed and delivered, I w ill expose to sale a t p u b ll^ ^ e n d iie o i\ W EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY FO U R ­


a t two o’clock in the afte rnoon of the said day, at. the Sheriff’s Office, Ir the City of New B runsw ick, New J e r ­sey :

All th a t c e rta in T b t v o r pareel- of land s itu a te in, the Village of Me- ’’ iM.hen, Middlesex- County, Nei sey, Beginning a t a post in the n o r th ­e rly line of th e M iddlesex and Elssfx TurnpiHe, a t a po in t there in V here th e Same is in te rsec ted by £he P e rth Amboy T u rnp ike and run n in g th fn c e north fifty -three and th ree -q u a rte rs degrees e a s t fou r chains one lin k to the line of N fw m an A. Woods land run n in g thence a long his line n o rm

'th irty -five degrees th irty -five m inu tes west six c h a in s forty-five "UiBks t-o "a hickory tree, thence norrti e ig h t'e ti and one-half degrees w est six chains tw en ­ty-one links to a brook, thence still w ith N. A. Woods line (being the m id ­d le o f the brook) fcorth s ix teen de­grees th irty -five mjfau tes west two, chains two links fg; a...stjaker in the same, th en ce - sm ith seventy-n ine ' de­grees forty m inu tes wtsL)4)fbe 'eh a ids f ifty -th ree 'lin k s to a stake in the line of Sarah A. Redftelds land, then'ce with her line s o u th 'th r e e and a q u arte r degi*€es west, one eh lin fifty links, bhfijrce south te ir degrees fo rty m in. utds w est - eleven cha ins fifty-eight links to the n o rtherly )lne ()f th e P erth Amboy T urnp ike, the pee 'along the sffid n o rtherly line sm ith seventy-six; and th ree-quarte rs d e^ re ts east e ig h t, TdmtTTS TritTety-fe u f n-rtrf n trr-hn!f ti-tvks- to the n o rtherly line of the M iddlesexJJ a^d Essex T urnpike and place o f tm- g inning c o n ta in in g ten- and acres of la n d l?e the sam e.m ore o r less being th e »-aine prem ises conveyed to said Frances C. Connor by .the said T he Mutual Life Insurance C om pany of New York by deed te a r in g d a te the E leven th -'day of Deceifilfer, E ighteen hundred and,..ninety:seven.

T ogether w ith ail and singular the 'r ights, .liberties, privileges, h e rn liia - m rn ls and appurtenances thereunto- le long ing o e ln , anyw ise appertain ing .

A N i f E W S. -CHU RC H,.

prige,1'60) !''d..^!..R. ? >rde.';-_on.! w*r,‘ jtiiuaffi. i n kRTitTrS riimpinion ^ {regular ^Hardware companr.

The Largest Department Store between Newark and Philadelphia


JA N U A R Y Clearance Sale


Winter Goodsin combination with the — ± ' - —

WHITE SALEof the best Undermuslin made.

5ale starts Saturday, Jan. 13, 1906, and will continue for two weeks, ending Saturday night, dan. 27,

The Greatest Sale of A llA w hirlw ind event th a t is bound to » « a record breaklM B a r n in pace, m ason we buy m any (roods than we really need in order that yon mayiaiKe and nneualled asw irtm enU from which tb.choone. At the begln-

UUiit.w!, a new y ia r we a re obliged to to (Sacrifice this surplus stock for lesa ban erst, on January 13th we start ojir Annual Sale. A Grand Jubilee of

ntr muM-wonderful price cu tting and va|ue giving ever held tn-Nevr Brun-

We m ay use e x tra v a g a n t lan g u ag e In describing this sale, but. mart Ih'i well (HWh ng else ra rd d do juattce t, th is slupenduoug sale. When we' a 'e able to hold a yearly (v en t so rich actual savlnga a t this, tt Is our

make you understand i t s true Importance. It |g alto your frirfeds to te ll them ab >ut th is grand occasion, spread tbaduty to all yyur

glad then come and ;

FR ED ERICK G. BURNHAM,, ' Solicitor.

jany 12,5tfrdy $12.4-2.

CHOICEST*..... OF..... - .



of F u rn itu re i n ‘t )n a to#OF

gft your Hfiape of the splendid economies.

URNlTUREThird nr . .1,1 I ............. ................ " " j c * " be *acriat«<l, during thin O ne-,

wnr / J mf'an9 you ral* lve a 4 '11 tlollar’* worth for «« !-3c.1 o r ^Xlit llu^r n a r l lnula;etl .rsf I r a m o n ___ ___ ______ . . . . .d«|io

Page 3: FINE ' TAILORING 1 39.00 wins m - digifind-it.com · vi!l soon occupy it with his family. ... would eosC to clean gI wha(. | ... sporting records. lau,

ferfum es, StationeryIf n. co ld you have taken,And i t has not "Eton shaken Anil yo u r ebssL La a ll a« hini?And y our Health is fast b rack ing , D o n 't lose any tim e Uut try our W h ite p rn e ; ' - For it is Perfection.\Ve advise its* selection.I t .w i l l cure you up quickly, W h<n your fee ling quite sick ly ,

frisky ,And will not m ak e L ike quinine and r‘»iskey

METUCHBN PHARMACYl * o s t Office Building:

H. W. K E IM , M anager.C H A R L E S A. PR IC K IT T , P rop

Telephone Telegraph Tabard li n Library



StapleL McADAHS,

and Fancy Groceries.AND V K UKTAHI.IIS IN SKASO.N

O btain relief by i . v l n i our .7® «p#c tnllit prescribe for you. n B F K C T lv .. o S . U. ,r ‘ " ' lb * C . r t « l t h , „ s s l , b t by y l u m end .be bM d etf ■** * th ing of the p u t

STILES & eo.Philadelphia B y e Specialist*.

.y JO,LlUiuiukL .T.* *• IJ17 Jjist Plajjifield, , “»» ’«»«>»«,

’ rose. M dO U IV S, 1L15 TO

eral Assembly:I congratulate you or

It of our. people moves to' ernment and better laws vanep In thought and mo

Senate And Uerv

the promising meet. The spir- ra id better gov- with every ad-

•aIs, and In. thl* d national d

science calls for higher-ideals, It finds not halting laggards, but nlready enlisted to execute the demands of right and Jus­tice. Our legislation h a s ‘kept pace with the best thought of the times ap’d has led rather than followed the trend of events. Indeed, the work of this session will be largely the continuance of policies pre­viously outlined. "With prophetic patlon the last legislature opened the way by providing for the appointment of missions to Investigate and secure Infor­mation upon many of the questions that will come before you. It" is your good ft tune to have the opportunity of settling those questions una of associating your­selves with measures tha t will keep New Jersey an example for emulation.

S ta te Finances.The finances of our sta te continue In f

cellertt condition. An income w ithout sta te tax sufficient to pay the s ta te e ponses and help defray municipal e penses is a source of satisfaction. It It not. ‘however, a Justification of axtrava* gance either In expenditure or appropria­tion. Economy must continue to be our policy. The advertised surplue in the treasury has invlte-d many large and of­ten ,-thoughtless demands upon the stats piirse. Oct, 31, the close o f the fiscal year, finds a large balance on nand. This Is an overnight, balance, however, and is absorbed by Its debts the next morning.

On Oct. 31, 1905, the overnight balance, in the treasury was $11,858,398.13. Nov. 1,‘ the next morning, it was confronted by Ob­ligations in the way of appropriation* au­thorized by the legislature amounting to $4,301,738.57, so that tire treasury balance at its highest boint is less than two- thirds of tffio annual authorized expendi-

of the tate. This

for i

etlcqj purp.’o financiering


rtltunCar® In Legislation.

I had occasion last year to request th* legislature to exercise greater care In the preparation and consideration of bills. Som? bills were evidently never- read by the introducers. A vast m ajority of the- h ,,|s showed great carelessness In capi­talization ahd-punctuation; in som'e to such an extent th a t the m eaning of the language was obscured. There is no reason why a public ac t should not.be so phrased and (to punctuuted th a t it *111 stand th e s e s t . . o f . good English find be easily understood-by the ordinary reader.

The titles of a Uyge nurtiber of the bills were defective. l l n d a c thn decisions of the cohrts defective titles are not neces­sarily Taiah h> an act, For th a t reason I did npt feel w arranted |q ' rejecting meas­ure* solely, on tha t account. There I* no vwtuugn,./ however, why the titles to bills should not be correct, and, having mad® this suggestion to the legislature In ad­vance. I shall feel w arranted In insisting

•4vupon Its observance.Cognate ^p-fhls subject Is the growing •nriency to multiply laws, to the confu-



SaleO F A L L

Winter GoodsS u ch as

/Clothing, Overcoats, Ladies’ Coats ami 5kirts, Underwear, China, Glass and Tinware; ■*==>/

Prices Reduced — — More Than Hah

■ * rvs \

Don’t Miss This Saleaf

E. K R A M E R ’S.

For ten years the legislature has aver­aged 250 separate acts a year. This in­creasing mass of undigested und conflict­ing legislation, much rof it passed for specific purposes, without regard to its relation to our general system of Juris­prudence. ma^es it well nigh impossible to knqw the law and t q o j . f i , , to-in­terpret the law. This burdens the people with litigation, noi so much to settle dte- Rutes as to ascertain what the law is. It m akes difficult the performance of offi­cial duty and especially the financing of municipal expenses. Such a systemIn lime fall of Its own w eigh^jO ov Clrigg* laid down a» the*j

*ts necessity wit* unqiTestloftMv . „ rule I* mors applicable today than wh. he sta ted It fen years ago.

Dependents.In my Inaugural I called attention to

tho work of the s ta te In Ahe care of its dependents. About 30 p |r_ c a n t o f the s ta te s are given to this

today caring for or nlds In the cars of 5,267 lruuitk»ersons 596 feeble minded. 35 blind. anSW fddltlonthAthp*iV'there af,e *n 8tftte pr,80n and Th« « r<' f° rmaWry • 1*«« Inmates,in e s ta te Home F or Girls contains 154 Inmates and the S tate Hppie* For Boys

To provide for a more darefu t'super­vision of the sta te ’s charities the 'last leg­islature created a departm ent of chorj-

and corrections. The work o( that departm ent has fully Justified its crea­tion. Its expenses have amounted In Its eight months of existence to $5,350.22. Un- 2®r lho f jm e r system tli«, arcMt*ct'» foes n o n . upon (he Hum appropriated by the leglalnture for Improvements would have amounted to IZ6.im.35, *17.138.02 more than

The reform ory |S The Ini ai

the useful trade* in ehool tary drill a.id by

of their tlwa control and self flCend

•in to go out Into I e hundred and lift

reived since the Ini |tu ti,,n 420 of wImJiii have U* y, - ■ and provided With e 77 per cent have reit tried law

The present cnpa< -y c f the I affords space for 2G0. pr

amount* a 401. s than 150 are now ttthou t sleeping on cots tef-th? ct preservation of o rd« under lions is difficult, am the Lie break has occurred speaks discipline ma}ntaiq |(. j t , mfcmbered that off tders a to th is reformutor Jby the management h number It shall ret tween f,he courts' c ten* and t h e c of the Institution should lr- )l( E ither the law sho d be amended dltlonal capacity pi yided.

Tenem ent Hi »• D opartm ent.The wo. k of th. j ta tc board of

m ent house superv on, {whose anmi. port has been su aitted to you mends itself. This lepiptm ent has In existence for a > u t*one vc.ir 1 half. It exercises , certain sup n over nil the teneme rfiohses li Of these there ufe bout 35,000 is ting houses. T hl mork of t m ent is divided h iqq,i-ovingold houses and see; g that the new a re erected In aecoi anco with the la

The board has ten men, eight of new building worff cover the entire I g , ” Ttlfs Venves' men to devote th# , tteIltlon th(.000 existing teneme „ located |n ,,n , of the state. Mat, violations of Mfe have been remeSl | |n the tenement houses b of notices to tb.i a. ,n tB or , board requires a c. ,*|derably large for personal^ inspe< |on \Vork **

The report of board sh S„. much has been-#! mmpllshed tow;.,., moving tenement ,vlls and the low self Is a guaranty th a t th ,.y become moj-e e x t i , , , , Th„ 0nlf-ia! oroval of the bo; „ necessary to Li, erection of nny ae 'tenem ent house, Th! being the. case, t w Jersey should In few years heeom, , , t» te of m bdel.ton. ments During t » ilr endlng 0 cl. ill liWi. plans for~ tr ’ /-,crncn .t8 ,cstirfl,rt!i to cost more thar were approi'iR,by tbe l)oar-d. T • shows th a t the litv is practicable an doea not haR lnVP8t, ment in this ela*i property. The w'orl !s most essentia & the health, morale .and. hupp!ness of large num ber of pen pie, and the boari J ^ j id bo-provtded"-with th* necessary for o t roen to carry it on

Riparian Li >nd Fisheries.In my iimugur j called the attenilor

of the le g is la tu r e v h a t ( deemedthe unfortunateparting p e rm a n e l^ wlth ,ta r iputhlands. 1 renew n t* reeomm=mt;itl,Inst year that tha V lsln lu re provl some practical way Cm not be disposed of In Umple. but shall be

Vhich at proper t f ta f

ty candidate*. Pnder Its provisions '! Individual or orga

equal chance mid < u

board of equall; mendation upoi property, and tl fore you in a vide*. In brief,

f rallroac erty a t the aver;

Railroads shot tlon of ino moFe,

's*kld, "EtAbbe

Ifich ,the . legislature ftfety, however, Is *tlU

tJ ' mptor vehicles. B’or [ " - T r i - i be assigned—failure

A1141 reckless driving, b u r y leglslutljL Jtft,Vt»lon should tx

mde to r c .n e d y . l ^ / Ju8t Kr,.uml 0( (,om.a with the use of au-

higbways. The dam- of these

•laljim. In connect omoulle* upon t ■se done thromi hines nd gravel roods or and m eans t<

provide?!, o the speed of th nd devoted to HmKadwn yH.•on a defined

the total cost of this departm ent year a t its present ratio of expense.

forThe legislature ap^ldprlated $558,7

*w wing to the state the S tate t hospital a ' building a t the 8tate

the erection of prison, for oneTrentop, for a __ _____ ^ owHome For Girls and for varlpus Improve­ment* Ir, the way of lighting and heating. Ordinarily deficiency appropriations are required to complete contemplated im- provemfint* I ’nder the supervision of this department the purposes of the legls

**? appropriating the sum above i .to w,lll be carried ou t a t an e

pense of $503,267 and a saving of $55,499.The dopartment has not yet had,.time

to thorough* investigate- the.questlon of w het Imposition the state m ay be suffer- "}* V? t4he care of « s wards. I t is proba- ble thaL a•’considerable num ber of those

malktalned by the sta te should be ^ 'h0,e or ,n purt by their Im­

mediate relatives. enrollment of the inm ates of ail our penal, reform atory and charitable institutions is now under-n When this Is finished the sta te will If not onljr a complete record of every < of i ts dependent*, but will be able to certain how many are otp tate’k bounty and h o ^ m any .hould cared for a t the expense of relative®, who have a fcgal as well as a moral duty to fa in ily^U< ub^o rlu n a t!1 members of their

A conference of the heads of the varl- —u—- sta te institutions Is hold u nor tort, or more frequently a t the discretion of tho commissioner of charities and correcttShg At these conferences are discussed, oues- *.?.n‘..UIIeotln.* ,he managemfent of our In- •tltutlon* an d , the welfare of their In- mate*. J®r*ey, I* unique among theg 3&£o,h>. th^ p^ tttA n a r feature, which wouM^Beem to provide Mil the advantage* of a sta te board of control w ithout any of

weaknesses.A number of the penal Institutions of

the country are not on ly .self supporting but add to the revenues of the state. The commissioner of charities and corrections, »t my request, made a report upon th e -

of maintenance of our penal lnstltu-< Ifoh*. which witi -M- nrana m h i. »nnu«j report. I commend It to your ebnsldet*. Bon. The rommlaflloner has had ^ y r rHcoAferenroa w<»h th a . 7

t lw ««j face of our ma udishould be compensated prevent reckless drlv-

icense fee in proportion ear should be charged repair of our damaged Bye^etvgineeis who run I'ltre required to servf

... m^Byprenttceshlp before rm itte | t a ^e CHarg;e of ai.

itoblle capable of run " L , " lyieventy-five miles an

_ , k. i th i r rSfbt o f way upon oui and highw., fAai,a l8 driven In som.

'’ f » h o have had little ci handling and nmn-

pow crlul m«ictrtnejr defective and who fo> r-he en tirely’ 'incapable mi responitlbllity . the\

Woi’ld jeehi thqt-, th< ibllea or chauffeur, w ith , a license aftei , ar.d this licenst

upor. the violst

iprlsonment, and "eonvictlon Would be m ore eaflly secured. If th is punishment d id not prove effective a second offense should! be punished by Imprisonment aa well" Wt disfranchisement. I would pro­vide that the Informer, w hether he be the bribe giver or th e bribe taker, should be exempt from punishment.

OUr laws should be more comprehensive In the deflnititfr of bribery. Thfe actual giving of money o r the promise of n poslT tion are not the only forms of corrupting

r. There are other ways equally baneful and more insidious. The English corrupt practices act forbids any form of entertainment, even the providing . of meat-or drink, e ither oh the p art of can­didates or o£ any One el^e in the in terests of candidates or parties. The entertain­m ent or equipping of clubs and contribu­tions thereto a re _ likewise forbidden, aa well as the employment, of carriages to in- flUenc& Vtltew-to come to the polls in ,the

in terests of any particular candidat

proiidi•per ''xuniinall-

jAiild be revoke< provision* und) •Ulons. The revi - far tovvsrd halt!

. would dfepri cans of Itvelih

of his v provided g In Injury to ecpunlshed by

l*‘p roper rules and rog tion of a license will

Feckless driving, ns i chauffeur of his d the pleasure drlv

ecreatkm . It might *s driving, result- ir property, should Unent.

s ta te offices as cotn- ofllcials has already fbnkfnend ftfrfi It be th e *tate, that the

clerk. *urregate s made salaried

pm*t of odr Ju- racter and m

conferences with th e asso^ated labor or- ganisatlons qf th f . state w ith a view to devising some m ean* by which better re- tyn ts can be obtained from th« labor of our prisoners without Competing with th* honest labor of the state. It I* not an easy problem. HI* suggestion that semo

the, proceed* of The labor of the pria- pners oe devoted to the support or tttei* pnfortunate families has mef with aN m ost unlveiMl upprqv,! ,n d has a ttrac t, •d tha attention of: neighboring itatea. i ho , .r U7,‘,U^ ' .lbou* h <l""nult « w lu tto J Is or,s Of greal Imporlancs, as* whll, fi cannot be —ttlewl h .» t |l , bc jtJ^c sV eM

I reform demand that it be SnSdars*!*

'b a rtv . ^Anti-bribory laws to l>e effect!1m lift cov?l^lT^w>n's~TTV"wbrtch -m oney ^M'be used to sedhcn.lht! voter. tS w W ro re m in ty

To these suggestions add publicity In connection with election expenses. There

legitimate expenses. These should be Refined by law. and the candi­dates and their agen ts.,likewise defined by law, shoul/l be compelled to render an ac­counting of the money expended and for what purposes. I recommend the English find M assachusetts corrupt practices acts

. for elections, caucuses and prlntiarles as ne basis of legislation on th is subject.

F o re s try Reservation*.Among New lersey's valuable resource*

ire her wooJlands. Fortyrslx per cent of the upland a rea of New Jersey is better adapted loathe production of forests than to grazing or tillage. A frtan for the utili­sation of this territory for the growth of timber and t^ie reclamation Of our waste lands for purposes of tree culture was in­augurated a t the last session 6f the legis­lature. Under the provisions of that act * forestry commission was appointed.

The commission's a|m Has been, first, to secure a tracr^where tree culture coujd be exemplified and Btudled in a practical way and. thu* spEyp as an Incentive to In­dividual! a ri^ p riv a te . Interests to engage In thl* work on their own account; sec­ond# to eecurdT’a traejt containing Um- kef^peady for cutting, th a t the sta te might a t ence derive revenue from this source

the unbiased Jury du ty

political aerv- politlcal p a |

free froir.- n the p a r t either f o r

-**The profession a 1 *)*tem of justice.■ agitated the bai * Bar a isodatlo;

!p the m eth

of drawlng jurle lists of j.iro r re*pe<-lively ; jury Inumbers; that

■y list be design iat in the drawing tit jurle* by la* only the numbei

h It designates or %ould ipem to reduce Chance of favoritism

on .however, tha t the

common plea* l»e party In the sclec-

i*trict«. passed undcf ad-

and at the sam e time be growing tr take the places of those cut and removed, third, to secure a tract- capable Of grow­ing timber, even though i t ’1 reqi*4re a gen­eration OT more for it* development These three objects seem to oover. a com paratlvely wide field of forestry work;

Ten thousand dollars w as appropriated for these purpose*.. A tra c t oi 268.94 acre* gear Mays la n d in g was purchased for the apm of $1,075.76, to which has been *dded jw ,4 gcres, the gift of jJehn Gifford, and a tract of 597 acres or young timber in f)aas River township, Kurliqgton county, has been secured at a cost o f ’ $879. Tho aggregate aereuge now acquired Is 970.5 acres at a cost of $1,964.76 for the land and~ P93.50 for surveys and m aps required by law.

Negotiations are In progress for tracts of larger acreage, subject to the approval of the legislature In the way of sufficient aggmpriaHf»n Among them Is Weymouth tract of 24,700 acres, well timbered, tying near Mays Landing and Egg Harbor City, which has been offered a t $5 an acre. The tra c t contains a pond of> 200 acre* and a water .power already develop­ed, with fu tu re possibilities of 450 horse­power. ’ T he average flow Is 199,000,000 gallon* daily_and the minimum 32,250,000 gallons. W ith storage, 128.000,000 gallons dally may be collected. The tract also contains deposits of v clay, gravel and ■tone, a fully equipped sawmill, a paper mill, a sto re and tw enty-four house*.

Arrangements are pending between the ,Jpr«8try commission and the board,of wa­ter commissioners of E ast Orange where­by tho forestry commission onn .take

| fllmrge of a tract nf 6T>i) acres located In

sonal property In the ounting to $533,000,000, and to this Jded Intangible personal property

consisting of tru st company, bank stocks and insurance values amounting to $120,- 000.000. making the total over $650,000,000 us against an assessment of $153,244,987, apd this does nqt include over $200,000,000 of cash deposits; which some hold merely represent other form s of property. Ap­parently nearly $500,000,000 of tanglhlfi.per­sonal property escapes the assessor. This is abqutSO per cent of the presen t assess­ed valuations of all property in th e state and If assessed should result In reducing the tax rates 33 1-3 per cent on the pres ent basis of expenditure. R eal esta te lt> clearly bearing an unfair share of taxa tion and persons of small m eans a larger proportion of taxes than the w^ell to do. vast deal of property now escapes through lack of courage o r through t&vorkUecu on the part of official*.

The claim th a t It Is impossible to find and list property tha t now escapes the tax. assessors is the cry of Incompetence. W hat the census taker can find the as­sessor surely can find. R ecent event* have ihown th a t other reform s olfice said

Impossible can be accom pl’iihed. is direction is n o exception M assachusetts, w hich

pial burdens and equal rights for all, corporations as well as Individuals, are the principles that should control our tax leg islation.", In order to produce this ©quality w it only the rate, but; valuation, must be weighed. One class of property may pay the same rate as another, but If It Is .iubject to a lower o r higher valua­tion the principles of equal taxation are

Th«re are two distinct methods by which this class of property may he taxed—one by t&xing It locally, the other by taxing It by the sta te . '

T axa tion by Local Assessor*.The taxation of the main stem by local

assessors involves the cu tting up of this class of property into sections, contermi-

wlth the boundaries of the taxing districts through which It passes. This would destroy for purposes of taxation the value which it derives by virtue of its continuity from term inal to terminal and would* result in a corresponding loss In revenue.- .As I said In my inaugural: "Property of this kind is valued as a whole. Divide it and you destroy It.”

One, mile of the main stem of a railroad Is as valuable as any o th e r mile for the purpose for which it is designed, and yet under a system of local assessments one inITe~ of railroad would be valued at one

another a t another. One mile, for example, .ir ght be valued a t $10,000, an ­other a t $25,000, another a t $60,000. The mero sta tem ent of th is fac t shows the possible Tnequaltty-of-sueh a scheme.

T axation by th e 8tat*.The main stem is a c lass of property

m eet ^particularly fitted to be set aside for tax- busl- atlon by the state. If belongs to no one

city or county, but extends through the various m untfes and municipalities of the state. Its pntronag©'is derived not from one section, but from nil-section* of tha state, and the Interstate traffic, which adds g reatly to the vhlue of our Valiroad highways, cannot be claimed by any one section, but by all section* of the state. Tiie revenues out of w hich the taxes are pakl are either contributed by the people of the s ta te 'o r derived from a source in which they can all claim equal right. I n ­deed. the authority of the railroad to do business is granted by the legislature, representing all sections of the state. Equitable considerations therefore would *®em to regard this c lass ’of property a* a source of revenue fo r all tiie people of the commonwealth. I f the main stem should be., taxejl in th is .way the applica Hon to this property of the average tax rate of the state would seem to be logical and complies fully with the requirements of equal taxation.

The average tax rate"’• of this sta te lt» about 2 per cent. The m ain stem. Includ­ing franchises which »Pe figured the valuo of the main stem, together with the personal property, produces a revenue to the sta te of a little over $961,000. I f the average rate of the sta te Were applied thl* class of property. Instead Of paying $961,000, would pay, subject to equalisation of valuation, about $3,800,000, within $800,- 000 of the present to tal state Income from all sources. The railroads now pay taxes

$1,140,000 a year, which is turned directly over to the municipalities, so tha t this would make the to tal taxes paid by raUrpads for all purposes about $4,940,000, ojpfnearly. 25 per cent of the total taxes UO f paid by all the property of (the state.

Methods of D istribution.The distribution of the tax derived from

the main stem is a .separate and distinct proposition from t h e ; o f ta c t io n .

Reformto the'-'TjjIe. ___ _____ _ _____ _Pares with our sta te In many particulars, finds - $597 worth o f personal p roperty per capita for assessm ent. New Je rsey should be able to find more than $72.

The lack o f uniform ity in Valuations and assessments Is well known!? This is largely due to a system that depends upon tka-xarying Judgments of 500 o r more dif­ferent tax-assessors with as many-differ­ent views; In apme states uniform ity Is secured by a s ta te board o r county board making a complete v a lu a tio n qf ai] property at periods of from th ree to n** years. Inequalities grow up In th© In­terim, but a readjustm ent of values cor- rects these Inequalities a t each recurring

state assessm ent. The adoption of some such method a s this In

ur own state is worthy of consideration.Taxpayer* and Tax 8pend*r*.

Th* economical adm inistration of state affair* and ih e Increase In the state. r^ve-, nues under wise legislation have enabled the state to ass is t in the relief of local taxation. New Jersey dtfes th is with a liberal hand. Sh8 la not only paying part of the expense* ’of city and county, but she contributes , large sums th a t would otherwise be ra ls^ i through local taxes. This year such aid to the various taxing districts Amounts to ovei^ $2,320,00(1 fro this should be added $486,000, th e proceeds of the ac t *bf -last year, tax in g second- class railroad property a t local rates, making a- total of over $2,800,000.

Nearly all of this annual re turn ha* come wlthip the last ten years, yet dur­ing this 'period of ^Increased income from th e stale-local taxes have Increased.'•The taxpayer in the m unicipalities haq a right to ask to what purpose is this vast

contributed if he derives no benefit* therefrom in reduced tax bilLs.' Our bd"as£*’ ed^ystem of corporate taxa tion fails,if itconstitutes only an km'ftfljyed- ‘ fund for

spender and affords no .dividend* tqujhe taxpayer. There a re 50 taxing dis­tricts in the sta te wi;th tax tea between $2 and $2.&*36 with rates betw een $%ffi,.g£id $2,50. 53 with ra tes between $2.50 gn<± fit. Sh with rates between. $3 and $3.50 and (TWlfh rates above $5)[50. As I sa id In my in­augural, the expenditure* In twefity-slx cities In th is fixate increased In ten yeaTs 75 per cent, wljjile the valuations increased only 40 per oerjk, so: that such tax rhtes as these, if valuations are honest and the listing of rataL les complete, mean confis­cation of property. They m u st be capable o£ reduction {with g reater economy and wiser bpsine** method* In municipal .a f­fair*. Otherwise we a re forced to the confession trnkt confiscation o f property J* necessary no raise the m oney to carry on our. m unicipal governm ents. That economy is possible Is show n in the case of Hunterdon county. A change In the method Of" management e f county affair* from that of [a board of freeholders-to a more compadt board of county commis­sioner* has in one year resulted in a re- duction- of $46 9© 4n county expenditures,

reductlojfi In expenses has been suc- Ttqn 'riiuii In owe plan* it I*

worthy, of effjbrt in others.Taxation of M a in Stem.

Th* last legislature passed an act pro­viding that fjeeOlfdTlnr.s railroad property ■hould be td'xed at lotal rate* i\nd that the revenue!.;from this source ahould as theretofore Im-lurned Into the treasuries • f the raunldipaiUics w here auch property’ la situate. This law increased by $485,000 the ©mount Jbf taxe* annually to be pafd" by the rallrajids. The *ame legislature, in- p’tirsuance of the policy inaugurated two year* ago. deferred to the sta te bon rdjof equalization of tajees under a joint reW lutlon, ‘‘the ifurther consideration of- the taxation of Valiroad p roperty .” This re­ferred to th* main stem, o r right of

M ta^ktlThe sta te might % porti<ra[of the

tax and distribute tft J j lice to Win m u­nicipalities through the main stempasses, according toJtriW'pro port ion of the m ain stem lying wftfein each municipal! ty. Thl* tax mitfht be iJhVoted t§ the

by the state under th e act'ftf 1M0, aa now, to the various tax ing districts for the payment of school tax es and the elim ina­tion of the state school tax. Thla would reduce the tax ra te in every tax ing d is­tric t 17% points. The present adTount re­ceived by each d istric t would of course be proportionately increased. Hudson coun­ty now receives from thl* source 9189,670; It would receive about $719,466. Jersey City now receives from thla source $89.- 563; It would receive about $340,338. E s­sex county now receives from th is source $386,468; it would receive about $888,546. N ew ark now receives from th is source $163,848; It would receive about 1680,722. Monmouth epunty now receives from this jmurce $54,022; it would receive about $306.- 2ft. Mercer county now receives from th is ’ source $52,08o: It would receive about $187,- MK. Trenton now receives from this

(Continued 4 , f « u r f . v ..

Every Two Minutes

Physicians tell us thsit all the b lc> 9 d in a healthy human body passes thfeugh" the heart once in every two minutes. I f this action be­comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott’s Emulsion, makes the blood pure. O ne reason why

SCOTT'SE M U L S I O Nis such a great aiejij' because it passes so q u iA ty "tito the blood. It is partly -.di­gested before it enters' the, stomach; a double advan­tage in this. Less w ork for the -stotflach; quicker and more direct benefits. T o get the greatest slnount c f good with the le # t pos­sible effort is the desire ofeveryone in poor health.Sw » t ’« K m n i l . i rm A i m j i i . f

that. A change for the better takes place e v e if be­fore you expect i t

We « a

picoiK h <k M a <f i l W . H i k i M f , p r * t w ay k m t f t Iw M n j m t * .

Scott I t * u « M QheialMS

. 4:0^ 'Wsri

Page 4: FINE ' TAILORING 1 39.00 wins m - digifind-it.com · vi!l soon occupy it with his family. ... would eosC to clean gI wha(. | ... sporting records. lau,

jturday morning, Jan. iBth€ inuagurate ihe Annual Sale of Undermuslir g and

idred Lines of White Goods, namely Sheets a id Pil ldw Cases, Men’s Shirts, Aprons, Towels, Toy 'eling, Napkins, Table Damasks*- Counterpanes, Ne r Em broidery, White W aists and 1906 White Fabric .

This sate will last but 8 day si ending Monday evening, fan. 22QUITE THE LARGEST STOCKS WE HAVE EVER GATHERED FOR A W H ITE SALE ARE REA DY. IN VIEW' OF THE IN




Message Continued.t w ould receive a b o u t $154.-

izatlon of v

a cc u ra te to, t

1,10 and T.§5 Chemise, Corset Cov- J ers, Petticoats, Night Qowns

N ig h t Gown* w orth $1.25 square, surplice, high necks, yokes of em b ro id ­e ry In se rtio n s and tucks, som e square, som e round yokes. > D R A W E R S W O R T H fl.2 5 . H ost of unique styles, nainsook, b eau tifu l trim m ing of lace U ld • ■ b ro id e ry , easy choosing .asso rtm en t, e isy buy ing prices D E I L'j- 0 0 A T 8 W O RTH $1 .25, cam bric, flounce of good em broidery , new p t a m u , b lind and open, w ith tucks, a very a ttrac tiv e g ro u p ..........

COR8BT Q 0V B R 8 W ORTH |T.25, da in ty to e lab o ra te , lacp, em bro idery t i i ft|iiabx fine na insook . A g re a t -collection a t th is price.

C K B M K V W ORTH lace add etfl broidery T rim m ed , most n A ^o f nainaook, choice o f all ..................... .............................. ......................... O a f C


55c and 59t; Corset Covers, Short Petticoats, Night

(X)RSET COVERS W O R T H 55c and 59c. m any styles, embroidery a n d ribbon. D R A W E R S, REG U LA R 55C AND brie, ruffle o r hem stitched tu ck s , feome w ith va l laefe. N|G! GULAR 55c A N D 5?cu a sso rte d s ty le s , high an d low ery and tu c k e d yokfs, som e so lid tucked y o k es . . . .

rawers lowns

m ed with lace , m ad e of eam- GOW NS, HE*

k. e lab ro id - j44cSHORT PETTICOATS. R EG U L A R 55c a n d 59c, made W ith hem stitched

iuc k&i -flminre,.-flJLhcriLwith.Jine t u c k s a n d em broidery, a tiufck 8el ling g a th e rin g . Your pick of a ffT .. • T T . rJ'fT." . .V C * f^ T T r 44c

“ Dorset Covers, many specials at at- 4 tractive prices.

«c OORflBT ROVERS, w o rth 12c, of good m uslin , round neck, a c o rs tt ©over th a t And* ready sale a t 12c.;i. ^4® OOROTTl COVERS, w orth 20c, trim m ed With fine em broidery, h igh

M e k .m ade o f good muslin ; one of th e features of th e sale.^ CORSET COVERS, fine value, close fitting, h igh neck, tr im m ed w ith

r broidery, a \o y round lace trim m ed.,86c CORSET COVERS, of fine nainsook, low neck, w ith fine val lace.

] 4*® CORSET COVERS, w orth 85c; several s ty le s o f nainsook, trim m edV W ith vaL lace in sertin g , and ribbon w ith 16 tu tfk i - ....**

Drawers, e x t r a variety exjra fine specials. f"

< -i . « . . . Ik21c D R A W E R S , w orth 29c; deep flounce hemstitched at^i five tucks, un ­

usual b a rg a in . * 'T k '. '35c D R A W E R S, w orth 45c; o f flue m u slin , w ith ruffle o ' fin e law n tr im ­

med w ith f o u r rows of h e m stitch in g .' 69c. D R A W E R S ; of fine cam bric law n, ruffle trim med. |m lk va l lace and

inserting; w o r th 75c. ^ * |t>5e C H E M IS E ; reg u la rly w o rth '6 9 c ; of good qualty o f *I«ih&lin, yoke ot

.iUfikfL. W h ile they last, 5oC;,-6$t C H E M IS E ; a d a in ty s ty le , m a le of nainsook, ’

ery and ribE on . **


people of tho preserving; the

t i l "

lited .Franchi:

oTtTe^YniH'hj^which jt shallIt Shall he ti n.The trolleys h: tors in the dove

Vftyance. ami lit to the length <• oRIsePli a v e-1) ee Ipcrensed, and streets, forbe ; (slon

3 flu th e couditjons

tlo attention has been pa time for which the fra

i granted. " Pnprrhrt+oTrhi . the Use of the . publ e purposes has proved

- J M w i i i t f r i f t t * ; r ....

Particular Special Sale of Embroid- Beautiful Gowns ® in Petticoats . , * \ .w .............. , \ R eg u la r priqe 1;.%■» ■ vtuwoio t eries at a saving’ **« night gowns..;*■ * h t t l w U , w ort* »1, deep full r t f _ _ „ . tus.ked y okes, m ade of goo d m uslin , J’™ ” \ \, t u n a * , o t law * an d em broidery. I O f 2 5 D C T C t f l t made n e r j f u l l , 'a good 59c value. 1 ^ !}

Dae m uallu, 89c N IG H T GOWNS, w o rth |1 , m ade'•fc* th e Anaat grade* of doe-Wlelfc,

thorn 8t. G all. There a re th e m agic “ <* h e n ia t l t e h e f f " J i . W prices th a t w ill orlng the w om en w ho 95c N IG H T GOWNS m ade o f cam bric M <n's N igh tsh irts , appreciates th e new and do n o t le t a Wl'.h f oke of_em brol(lerjr In sertion ,]. 4 'M ens Night shirts,

a. . . w ------ each, w o rth ll.i-,'.*.1» F attlceata . value $1 .50 , m ade of

f jS R t mPSiln, rtlflle of tu ck s and em -

n n ! c n o d ^ lf168 m u new ,n tl do n o t le t a tucks,^em broidery beading and ribbon . M ens Unlaunderede r f *ttU rljr w orth s lip by to g e t l(. f U ^ - N I G I H T GOWNS reg u la rly bands, reinfo,

ae,U ,W - S ' *° 10-c K m broiderlee ......................,5c worth $1.50. m ade of na insook t r 4 f o n t, reg p r i c ^• 1 M P e ttico a t, vein a , =n ' , , , !o 15° E m broideries ......... 9c med with fin e .la c e and in se r tio n . r y -jA

With d eep ' nlffte o [ g } g £ »' « GOWNS, m ade o f nain- T O W C l « g Tlaw k trim m ed '-w ith val. naertton and 35c to «oc E m b ro d fr le s ................... 9^ ;UOk' ,r m m rtl w ith .to rchon lace inset- All our 8c Toweling ijtlo cad to

. « c t o « c KmtJJSZ Z 8 ....................» “ d r ," b<™' » •'X ’O » '• « All o u r l«c Towelln, ‘ '. ■ ' • — -9-------------------:----------------------------------------------• ” 1“'- All b u r 121 -2c Towell

nlcipallties. hov. potual franchise

1. if tho hi8 business purpose

jji'vays.wshoul mand an Inc leas ty beco

3 their probei . Ju*t as ck is abl.

thoowner of thy bus raise the rerjt thereon in proportion as •Increased trade and traffic center about,it. This of course cannot be done if the streets are leased for an unlimited term of years, but if the lease or franchise is limited its expiration Vould permit new terms to be made In proportion to the In­creased value of the grant.,

Ifow far tho power of municipalities to grant franchises to public utility corpora tioiis should lie 'lim ited 'Should he deter­mined solely by the interptfls of the peo-

.65c .-..89c. .$ 1.1

p e‘ Thc*r interests11.29 by a destructive pofley. No revenue

be d e r l ] ^ ^ td p r laws go harsh thatdevelopment of enterprises

Kdc 41c 1 Th* 'v W f f f f i t l l t l o n whould ° nc’ bo considei-a. Under too restricted oondi-75Cf a t 69c tions new and IIUO concerns cannot cofh-

linen basam pete with those holding perpetual and \ k and I restricted frunchises. Nor should it

price , ' **““43q ^forgotten th a t terpis that might

lated' center! veloped

6 l-2c gate this sv: reduced to . .-8c itaMoa of th g reduced to 12c

Children’s Aprons iIto d a o f line whim law n. 60 Inches I Made of fine lawn hem stitched hth

Sheeting and Pillow CasingRROWN.

48 Inch, w o th 14c, sale price .4& inch , w orth 15c, sale price .C M nch , w orth J8c. sale price M , w orth 25c, safe price . . . . .9-4 w ortk , 27c, sale price . . .

w o rth 29c «ale Price . . . .


. .111-2

..12 1-2


BLEACHER.42 inch, w o r th -15c a a le -p r ic e ...........12c45 inch, w orth 16c, sale p rice ...........13c54 inch, w orth 21c, aale p rice . . . . 17c8- 4, w orth 27c, salq price9- 4,- w orth 29c, sa le price . .10- 1, w urth 31c,: sale price

R' , * p - N-. c ' B - A m ertr | All the heat makeian i-auy a n d o ther m akes of C orsets, m odels, Jean Coutlle aliiea up to 65c, all reduced fo r this up t o '$1.19, for ths sa i

lo n g and sh o rt id ba tis te , w orth

Sheets and Pillow Casj r , BLEACHED.22c I5* in c h e s , worth 45o, sa le price 39c 24c I!? !0 ln ch ® ^ w0rth 50c, s a le price 41o 54x90 inches, worth 2dca J?11!? ‘!loKP!,> w orth 66('. fcale Prlce 48c 63290 inches, worth.»

81,90 'n c h ta , worth 61c,-sale p r lce -S le 81xSn"' m clics-w orth 5j

Counterpanes• f s a s z a t e a t a ,a*KrssKfrrs. *

sale price 3 f t sale price 4 lc

i / s a l e - pride 46^

The commission legislature to invc II recommend a I of municipal offleia

to public utlll'tleiThat, tills limitation may not restrict « terprises or arrest progress in the ru dLstrict'k it might bo provided that ordinance gran ger" period tha be submitted to a vote a limitation us to a

Provision should bo Th the granting of fr regard to the a tions and the pre the passage of ' poses.

Overcapitalization and Its Renfedy.Limited franchises, however. Vemodj

only one hhano of evils complained of It coHnectlori with public utility corpora tions. The opposition • to public ' utility corporations as now conducted grow

tang’sNew Brunswick's Leading Dry Goods Store


Muslin UnderwearMeans Good Money- Saving for Buyers.

T uos of M uslin Underw ear bough t now by m erch an ts a re 20 per 1*!.*>her th an th'ey wen tw o m onths ago. T h is fact would n a tu r-

;<*;ul you to txpeet’ a co rresponding sk y ro ck e tin g o f prices in the I s to res; and such must be th e inevitable effect , wh<re dealers

to buy a t th e prevailing m ark e t rates. T h a t is one side of the , the u n p lea san t side for w om en who usua lly depend on th e Win­nies for th e ir yearly supply; b u t listen to th e o th e r Side of the , the p leasan t side, our side. H ere it is: T he goods offered a t th is were bought, w ith our accustom ed en te rp rise , before the recent ice in the prices of cotton an d labor responsib le for th e p resen t aped cost of production and in the dull season w hen the m ills were ig to m ake price concessions to get o th e rs to keep them busy. Our g ihcn m eans a saving fo r you now, and u p d e rw ta r buying a t la s t n s low prices, but of ou r w onted high c h a rac te r, made in the

ry, hpgienic factories o f Ne

CORSET COVERS121 2' TO $1.48

E xeelen t q u a lity of goods, d a in ti ly trim m ed w ith eipbroid- ery . tu ck in g and lace, o.-yjKeially good values a t th e pricek fro


Made of good m uslin , cam bric and law n; a nice line of them from the p lain, du rab le garm en ts in th e low est prices, up to tine em bro ich ry and lace trim m ed s ty le s of the m ore expensive k inds:

Y on w ill tiff pleased ' with th e - n u m b ers from 75c to |1.Y5; th e r e ’s so muph .value for y o u r m oney.


DRAWER329< TO $125 UP

Good q u a lity of m ateria ls and w orkm ansh ip ; we all p a rticu la r a ttn tlo n to th e good priced 49c 59c, 69, 75c, etc., dain ty rufflas, em broidery, etc.


A very a ttra c tiv e line o f sty les m ade of m uslin , cam bric and nainsook, very tas te fu lly t r im ­med w ith em broidery, lace and tucks. T h e re is a good ran ^ e of prices, 4Scr-5$c, 75c, 88c, -9«er fl.19, |1 .25, 11-48 (a s t r in g line of p re tty s ty le s a t th is p rice): 11.75 up to 42.98.

PRRTTY LINE 0 FCHEMISE, 50y75", 88c, 98' TO $1.48

This is Harvest Time for Bomestics, Muslins, Table Linens, Towels and Towelings, Etc., Too

I t 's the season of the year w hen the s lock iip« to the h igh tide or goodness and when the priefs a r e down to the low est notch of all the y fa r . You know th is is the so-ealed dull season w ith m o s t sto res; and It’s ou r aim to keep it lively here if tem p tin g off( rings fo r th r if ty housekeepers can accomplish i t . ----------------------------


2 P1 a lso T * J t j?ondi- Ph'Y lie 260-1 ' "41

90x90 in c h e s w orth 67c, s a le p rice 5(jc. 90x9QJnche8. warth fit sa le price 51c

12x36 inches, worth 3 15^36 inchfk, worth 1

P1I.I.OW C 48ES.% ■ ’*► 1C, sale

A t 22e full bloaceded D am ask, 6 iucheswide, w orth 3Pc.M Me full bleached Damask. 60 itie-ties wide, several, paterns, v a lu e 50c. At 45c full bleached Damask,.a lt linen, 62 Inches wide.At M e Table Dam ask, ail linen , 66 inches wde, w o rth 8.5c. 'At 8K Table Damask, pu re linen, 72 inches wide, value $1.19,

-At 8e, H u e k Towels, size 18x36 incllea, w orth Hie At 10c, H ucK ToweiSj s ize 18x36 Inches worth 121-2 ' At 16c, H u ek TowfIs, s ize 19x36 inches, w orth 20c At t ic , T u rk is h Towels, good size and heavy, value llie At t i c , T u rk is h Towels, la rge size! veltie 14c At 15e. T u rk ish Towles, la rg e sze, ex tra h e a v y ,.

Goods of merit only.


for a District court in P laln lield re ­ceived a whack from the board of trade

] Thursday night, in the discussion by the members, -the -sentiment generally being

1 to the establishment o f wHi a

testing, ngnihst the-oxtumse oi her dis tn c t cou rt .and had o ften so u g h t-to hav« the coupty aliaro some of the ex* peiise since cases; from nl! over thecounty come there for tria l.

T~ F. It. Sm ilh 's suggestion th a t the council chambers'could l>e utilized for a court room to save rent, Mr. Coricll said tnc common cuunsdi would b a ld ly etaiidfor IlMlt, to ha VO thn fnrnitneo

for diaeuuhm Charles VV. to ijpaa a t anna rearerked: “ I doq’t sec

■ o t a d iatric t court, they 1

lim t, to have the fu rn itu re used’ tlic way i t would .naturally be used il court'-room. • •

When the snhiert 11|||'l |l|1' ^ r t js s io n . clos*d with the<>t Mr. Owi'ieU

com m ittee to look up the cost of0 district court.

u ro too ax pensive.1 Forrear . Sheriff Onrieil, where | Perfection can only be at-tained

r e J T l ' i . f ^ r , e , |* o Ul'' I,hf s cal by allow ing n a tu re to ap- w ith coorta wae listened to w ith p roprlate and npt d issipate her owiM-c-

■ uch in tereht, thought Plginfield would sources. C a thartics g rip e w<*arfn-^ to a taad for th is dissipate, w hile De 5Vitt’s 'u tM e ^ t r ty

bnam ee. He H irers s im p ly expel‘ all pu irM 2M a ju d g e . aaU ry would be and bit . thum allow ing the li.ver m „ , a ------ — «

* y“ r ' *nd thl! sl,mc uorn tg i activity- Good for th e ' r t i11"* llreml8e8 h e re in a f te r parti. ^a-TWOO, to which-AWBtscbmplexl.on: Suld .lfy 'M et-uchen ^Phar' S - 5''. d .e.sc r '1i?"‘1' ly in g a»dt w room and jan itor aer- roacy. , '

would eaeily bring i t up to __ __________'


IN C H A N C ER Y O f N E W JE R S E Y B etw een the Mount M o rtis Co-op­e ra tiv e Building and l.o an Associ­a tio n . C om plainant, 'a n d E m ily M, Marble, ami Eiigar M. M hrble. h<r

, h u sb an d , defendants, FI. Fa ., tojr ra le o f mortgaged .p rem ises, .dated

29, 1905.By v i r t u e |o f the above statwd writ

T anil ( le llv .ru l, I pose, to o i public vendue, bn


at two o 'c lo ck intho a fte rn o o n , o f the said day a t t ha S heriffs offlee in fhb City of N ew Brunswick, New Jersey:

t h ^ t certain . tra c t-o p .parcel of

a year. Tiiis nioney wanM rn th e r soe appli^l to

He said that Elizalwth I,.

said he Montalv

being In th e Town.ship of R a rita n the C o u n ty of Midlesex, and stat< New Je rs e y


1 '''G E T A P O R T L A N D R A N G E —A N D R E S T CONTENT**1


S a l a t Of Made-Up Car-ISSi pets and Rugs!Made up of this season’s best selling weaves and patterns; In some cases, of patterns not to be “continued" another year. Superior qualities. Wide variety of color effects, and POPULAR room sizes in plenty. t

ahuaes.The presentix of 2 per <■

gordless of tie* (Inarnli earning capacity of th** <• would seem 10 be a deal tween the value of the fn 11c utility corpornttons th a t lay tb'elr pipes or wires o r consults underground or that use only, so nnieh of the street afeove ground as is necessuo: to string wires on poles ^nd that of franchises like those of trotle^ eompahle# .li^e a large , por­tion, f it the streets a n d ’highways. J f .a 5 per cent tfix on the gross receipts is Im­posed upon the first class of public utility franchises, the latter class tff franchises Stfohicl justly be expected

A franchise-Bax >;pon^1thc gyxtss receipt has the advtptugJvof being levied ticcb’rd- ing t,o it n):ithen',atical rule. _ The | y iw r on tro vergy an Lo valuations can be no dispute to the^fairnedisinterestedtYcss of the' bfffrrd that levies thf* tax. Corporations the people know, the ta> aiithorltlcs Just how tlte tax Is to be calculate no disputes as to favoritism., can An extension-of the pjeseui franchise

Patterns to be Discontinued That’s the Only “WHY”MADE-UP CARPETS!


Increasing* t!.e by trolley or street would 'preserve tills pr greater revenues'to ti:

Buch frierease of

paidilway comytanles •iple and produi municipalities, should ho based


On*B ru sse ls . 5.00

O ne la rg eIrk,rain, . . . . . . lt.OO O ne £ * t r «

B ru n e i* . . . .* 7 . . 7.46One Extra^Super 12.00 O ne E x tra

Brttasels 18*49One E x tra Super i.4 no One '

i c * n nlu p , a , u ...................... ,

Q ncfeest Alkwool " Iu g f k in ................ 13-75 One

A x tp in * te r* .tf. . . 22.00One Best All-wool

** 15.00 O ne ”* " Axm inW br.k*. 29.92

OneA xm insteTS... 30.76

lllJn minutes hi ty -^ed 1 tffThe avenue, and t-hence n o rth twenty degrei dred and nlng-

I "eluding all the [ P^tTty of 4he firstIxnmffiiniz s'aftl5,

Togatber- wltfi- a T iKhta, lll)S-(i,.Si j . 1 ,

antl apparienai"KBig or in anywis

• io g u ta r thei i f e d i t a

th f re u n lo be- •p p arU ln ljig .

1X1 H I E # # 8. CHURCHS heri (T.

H or

upon ho dewteuetlv# policy graded up to a reasonable max as not to preverjt tlie propur, (let of ths tran sit f.rellitles of the state.

There Is another thought well worthy af the consideration, of_the Icg-bHijlreaaaehnsotts \r.\q ailo;division of dividends declared by puhlli utility corporations in e: bis amount. Such a plan, if adopted here, would, *meh -empp^nies grew prosper­ous, provide a sjlll further source of mu- nlelpal revenuo.

Invested capital should 'be permitted to ' Have a fa ir undv^ven liberal return for Its hazard. The..pjpnleipnUties Should partic­ipate In thd excess over/ such, retul'h.' I j recommend,, Jthut a ^commission be 'ap- | pointed to investigate this question and report thereon. ^

A. newspaper of our stale, In discussing ; the questions that would Confront this , legislature, said In a recent editorial that 1 "they should he acted on only after Hu- broadest discussion ami the most- * ohm I entlous dt'lib* r..im- I ,o - ,

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