Finding Juliet Your aim of this adventure is to re-unite Romeo and Juliet after their families have forbidden them to see each other. You must manoeuvre your way through the Capulet's castle to re-unite with Juliet, but don’t worry, Tybalt , you best friend will be with you every step of the way. Your adventure is waiting for you Gentlemen… To begin your adventure, enter castle

Finding Juliet

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Finding Juliet. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Finding  Juliet

Finding JulietYour aim of this adventure is to re-unite

Romeo and Juliet after their families have forbidden them to see each other. You must manoeuvre your way through

the Capulet's castle to re-unite with Juliet, but don’t worry, Tybalt , you best friend will be with you every step of the way. Your adventure is waiting for you


To begin your adventure, enter castle

Page 2: Finding  Juliet

You’ve just entered through the castle’s west courtyard entry, lucky for you the Capulet's rarely use that entry.

So, now all you have to do is get the south east of the castle where Juliet's room is. Easy.

Sh, what’s that? I think I hear the Capulet brothers. Quiet now.

You’ll have to go the long way, they aren’t going anywhere. Tybalt has exposed himself as a distraction so you can go be with Juliet. Run Romeo, Run!...You’re on your own from now, Romeo

Page 3: Finding  Juliet

Remember, the best way to successfully reunite is use the main six dramatic


Time Space



Roles and Relationships


These are your secret weapons on your adventure, use them wisely.

Page 4: Finding  Juliet

It’s dark and gloomy in the west end of the castle, don’t make any subtle movements as there are guards surrounding the place, as well as the Capulet brothers…Be on guard, Romeo. You’ve just been spotted

by a guard! But the fog is covering your disguise, what can you do to effectively escape from the weary guards watch? Run like the w

indAct natural, like you're a Capulet.

Stand still and wait to move until the guards watch is off you

Page 5: Finding  Juliet

Almost Correct

By running like the wind, you are demonstrating great energy which is a great attribute to any great performance, but you could of got yourself caught.

Try again

Return to the beginning of the adventure

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Almost Correct

Freezing on stage while performing isn’t the best option, just move on like nothing happened, although, waiting until the guards have moved on is the safer option, but someone could of got to you before you moved on. Keep your guard up.

Try Again

Return to the beginning of the adventure

Page 7: Finding  Juliet


Acting like you’re meant to be there is a risk but safe. As the guards can’t quiet make out who you are, acting like a Capulet would be ideal to escape the presence of the guardOn stage, acting like something was meant to happen, when it actually wasn’t creates a successful performance. If you act natural, then the audience will suspect nothing

Timing means everything on stage! Return to the beginning of the adventure

Enter the north garden sanctuary

Page 8: Finding  Juliet

In the garden sanctuary, guests of the Capulets have full view of you, be weary of your area..

Although you’re in an open area, it is still quite cluttered with different ornaments and outdoor features. To successfully get through the garden, your best possible move would be?

Get through the garden quickly, regardless of any damage that occurs

Maneuver your way through being careful of the things around you so you don’t cause attention

Crawl, walk and run to make use of getting out of attentions way

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Almost Correct

Don’t attract attention to yourself, one slip and it could of ruined everything

Making use of space on stage is a beneficial thing to do, and plan what space of the stage you will use for a successful, slip up performance

Use the outdoor cellar door and see where it takes you

Try Again

Return to the beginning of the adventure

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Almost Correct

Don’t attract attention to yourself, one slip and it could of ruined everything

Making use of space on stage is a beneficial thing to do, and plan what space of the stage you will use for a successful, slip up performance

Use the garden path and see where it takes you

Try Again

Return to the beginning of the adventure

Page 11: Finding  Juliet


You’ve found Juliet’s balcony, and she’s waiting for you. Go Romeo, go and be with the love of your life!

Return to the beginning of the adventure

Roles & relationships, mood and tension all create the atmosphere of the performance. These three elements coincide with each other depending on whether it is a negative or positive characteristic. For example, a love scene will have a positive relationship, intimate mood and relaxed tension.

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Making use of your space is essential during a performance, one missed step and you could turn your whole performance upside down. Also, use it wisely with positioning, including individual and group performances.

Move fourth to the east of the castle

Return to the beginning of the adventure

Page 13: Finding  Juliet

While passing the horse stables, you can hear Juliet, but it’s very faint. Is there something Juliet can do to help guide Romeo to her?

Nothing without disturbing and creating attention to herself

Use fluent language and voice projection

Stay at the same level of sound

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Almost Correct

Never just speak through a performance, project your voice so you can keep your audience lured.

Try Again

Return to the beginning of the adventure

Page 15: Finding  Juliet


Language and voice projection are vital elements of a performance as these create the setting and gives the insight to the character when they first open the act on stage.

Move fourth to the east courtyard

Return to the beginning of the adventure