Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning

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  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning

  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    Table of Contents3 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You

    Continuous Learning

    6Motivating Teaching Assistants Who Have

    Grown Tired Of Playing Second Fiddle

    10 Outgrowing The Child In You ThroughTeaching Jobs London Offers

    13 School Teaching Jobs That Rouse YourHeart Of Compassion

    16Taking On Part Time Teaching Jobs InA Foreign Country

  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous


    In life, you never stop learning. While you think spending

    seventeen years at school from kindergarten through

    college grants you some level of acceptable learning,

    youd soon realize that formal education could very wellbe just a tip of the ice berg in comparison to all that life

    has to teach you.

    We never stop learning because all human beings never

    stop growing as long as they are alive. Growth is what

    differentiates living things from non-living things and even

    when the elderly suffer physical deterioration in old age,they still continue to grow as they continually learn

    through the new experiences of aging which they never

    encountered before.
  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    One of the most pathetic human conditions is for anyone

    who has gone through all the levels of former schooling to

    begin to assume that he has learned everything and thereis nothing left for him to learn. Thats when the real life

    starts to get sucked out of him as he stops to grow and

    experience the kind of deterioration that is worse than

    physical aging and dying.

    Perhaps the truer and better

    learning begins when you

    step out of university and

    experience the real life

    outside the four walls of the

    classroom as you launch

    into hunting for a legitimate

    full time job. This would be

    especially the case when

    you are out to find teaching

    jobs in order to put into

    application what you learned

    in your baccalaureate

    degree in education.

    It has been said that to teach is to learn the same lesson

    twice. School teaching jobs would then make you learn

    the very classroom lessons you learned in college more

    than twice as you teach the same subject to different

    students year after year.
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    In reality though, it is not about relearning algebra,

    literature or physics that truly matters as you repeatedly

    teach on these subjects. Whats more important is youare learning more about humanity and life as a whole as

    you mutually learn from the students you teach each


    When you finally find teaching jobsthat youd enjoy, it is

    essential that as you take your place as a teacher, you

    also take the all-important position and perspective of

    being a fellow learner with your students for your own

    continuing education in the school of life. If you assume

    an arrogant stance as an all-knowing professor, it would
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    be to your disadvantage as continuous learning is vital to

    unceasing growth and fruitfulness in a substantially

    meaningful life.

    Always remember to apply your inherent intelligence

    beyond the futility of mere academic learning via formal

    education into a more practical acquisition of knowledge

    and understanding about people, places and events in

    the University of Life where the ultimate graduation is

    attained in the portals of your grave.

    Motivating Teaching Assistants Who Have

    Grown Tired Of Playing Second Fiddle

    Always the bridesmaid, never the bride- the tone of

    discontent behind these famous line usually reflect the

    disheartened feelings of the so-called second fiddle.

    They have always assumed the assistant role with a

    certain degree of willingness in the past but through the

    passing of time they have somehow reached the sense of

    ripeness that they are ready to assume the lead role and

    yet it remains elusive.

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    Playing second fiddle is an idiom in the English

    language that refers to being in a secondary position or

    role. The origin of the expression comes from the imageof an orchestra where stringed instruments called in the

    days of old as fiddles are set-up in terms of first and

    second violins.

    The first violin players, of course, play the lead role in the

    stringed instrument section of the orchestra while the

    second violin player provide the background boosting of

    the violin section. While the second violin players are

    perceived to merely play the second fiddle role yet the

    orchestra maestro would never belittle their roles in the

    overall aggrandizement of the magnificent orchestra

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    The same principle applies with work assistants especially

    in the area of school teaching. While the primary role of

    teaching kids is the responsibility of the main teacher, henonetheless values the equally important role of his

    classroom assistant.


    assistants are

    employed and

    appointed by the



    because they

    recognize the

    importance of

    their functions in

    helping manage

    the direction of

    the pupils

    learning as well

    as maintaining


    peace and order in the classroom. Without the able help

    of assistants who may be just assuming part time

    teaching jobs, the main teacher would not be able to

    sustain a classroom environment conducive for optimum

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    Perhaps the struggle of the second violin players,

    somehow shared by assistant teachers, is why they are

    prone to discontent is the fact that they play the same

    exact type of instrument as the first violin players. The

    cello and the double base, while still belonging to the

    same stringed section of the orchestra, deliver a very

    distinct musical timbre than the violin which could make

    their players secure in their sense of uniqueness.

    Second violin players, on the other hand, may feel that if

    they bring out the same musical sound quality and equal

    capability as the first violin players then why should they

    be placed on the second fiddle position? While teaching

    assistantswho have the same professional qualificationsas the main teachers may experience the same

    bewilderment yet these second fiddle players could find

    the satisfactory answer to their question in the realm of

    role purpose and service faithfulness.

    People in various positions have particular purpose to

    fulfil for their destiny-given roles. When they have faithfully

    and fully served their purpose in the present roles they

    have played then they would be ready for promotion to

    the greater role that they had long desired. As the good

    Old Book states, he who is proven faithful in little will be

    entrusted with more.
  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    Outgrowing The Child In You Through Teaching

    Jobs London Offers

    You might remember when you were still a little child

    playing and singing together with other children the old

    nursery rhyme London Bridge Is Falling Down. Youused to line up on a single file passing underneath an arch

    of two pairs of adjoining bridge-like arms falling on each

    one of the players.

    Then each of you was asked to make a choice between

    apples or pears. Preferring the taste of apples, you then

    joined the apple team to play tug-of-war against thepear team. Even now as you read this you reminisce

    with some delight the good old kiddie days.

    More than two not-so-long decades after, a few years

    after graduating from university, you still play a similar

    kind of game. You still find yourself lining up, perhaps

    this time, on a much longer single file queuing for your

    international dream job application.

    The choice you are making as you get caught in the

    bridge of professional preference is no longer between

    mere apples and pears but between teaching jobs in

    London or Birmingham. Just like you used to always

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    choose your more favourite apples, this time as expected,

    you have chosen the teaching jobs London has offered

    because you have always wondered for the last twentyplus years how London Bridge really look like.

    Of course by this time as one possessing a college

    degree in elementary education with considerableexperience in teaching kids in your own home country

    you have begun to realize that life in the teaching

    profession is not a simple game. While there still remains

    a similar tug-of-war level of competition, the contest is

    won by those who strive to make it to the top even if it

    means stepping on others to achieve desired victory.
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    This time as an adult professional, you no longer could

    afford to wallow on the ground and cry when the

    opponent drags you down in the tug-of-war games in reallife. You need to always be resolute like the acclaimed

    Flying Scotsman sprint hero of Chariots of Fire, Eric

    Liddell, who quickly rose to continue the race with

    winning tenacity even after getting deviously knocked

    down by a cheating opponent.

    You need the athletic level of determination and courage

    especially if you would be working as a practical stranger

    in a foreign land with prospective teaching colleagues

    who may be more suspiciously hostile than hospitable

    with you. Engaging in teaching jobs Londonhas provided

    for you has now become more than the mere childs

    game you used to play but a real adult challenge that

    hones your ability to make wise choices and take on a

    real mature stance in life.

    As you strive in your work in your new school

    environment, you now know better to play the real-life

    game with strength of character and honest excellencewhich would ensure that the London Bridge of

    contempt would not fall on you. Instead, with your

    unwavering example of commitment, responsibility and

    love, you could even be hailed as Londons fair lady or

    distinguished gentleman.
  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    School Teaching Jobs That Rouse

    Your Heart Of Compassion

    The great wise Confucius once said, Choose a job you love, and

    you will never have to work a day in your life." It was maybe for

    this reason subconsciously instilled in your mind that you

    pursued a college degree majoring in education becauseteaching is your passion.

    You realized quite early in

    life that your inherent

    passion for teaching did

    not just originate from the

    superior intelligence that

    you possess as one born

    to a family and clan of

    academicians. It is actually

    more of your genuine love

    for people and your

    natural desire to see

    people from all walks of life given proper education and due


    You just could not take it to heart when you watch on the TV

    news marginalized people needlessly suffering lack of

    education and consequent poverty. Your heart would always

  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    cry out in compassion for disadvantaged children you see

    roaming your city streets instead of studying in schools.

    The irony of it all, though, is that with such a compassionate

    heart, you step out of college and land in the kind of school

    teaching jobsthat keep you in the confines of the four walls of

    the classroom. Contrary to your natural desires, not only are

    you engaged in a predominantly academic atmosphere that you

    thought you already graduated from, you also end up spending

    the most of your quality time with economically privileged

    students in one of the prime private schools in your city.

    While your passion for teaching remains alive, your natural

    compassion is somehow stifled by the comfortable school

    environment in your workplace. As time goes by, you begin to

    experience a kind of emotional unrest as your heart continues

    to bleed for the underprivileged children you would repeatedly

    see around you.

    Your growing spiritual restlessness then leads you to surf the

    internet for prospects of school teaching jobs abroad. You

    know quite well that where your heart could lead you to go and

    use your teaching talent would not probably offer the same

    lucrative salary and career development you have as prospect

    working in your home country. Nevertheless, you feel that

    going there to teach the more needy and destitute children

    would grant you the inner satisfaction and deep sense of

    fulfilment you have been questing for.
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    With your record of excellent academic achievement and highly

    recommendable teaching performance in your first job, you get

    readily hired to teach English in a public school in some

    underdeveloped Asian country. As you commence work in a

    new and culturally different school environment with students

    whose colour and spoken language are different from yours,

    you are hardly intimated by the strangeness of your


    As you feel your heart beating in love and compassion for these

    people who has already started to show you quite a warm

    degree of fondness, you know quite well in your heart that you

    are launching into your living experience of the words of the

    great Confucius. It thrills your soul to know that you would

    indeed never have to work a day in your life because youhave dared to choose a job you love in teaching the kind of

    love-hungry people that are close to your heart.

  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning



    Taking On Part Time Teaching Jobs In A Foreign


    As a professional educationist, teaching has become your

    career lifestyle for almost two decades in your home

    country. You have taken teaching job assignments in

    various school settings as your means of living.

    You have always been a full time teacher and somehow

    as you begin midlife you feel you are ready for a change

    of career and general lifestyle. After all, life begins at

    forty so they say.

    Without knowing yet what you want to do exactly, youre

    quite sure about one thing. You need a change of workingand living environment at the least if not a full alteration of

    career. Part of your desire to move must be the influence

    of the Discovery Travel episodes you regularly watch on


    Regardless of where your desire for change is coming

    from, you know in your heart you have to transfer

    residence and workplace in the soonest time possible.

    The sense of freedom you have as a single person even

    gives you a stronger push to move out of your comfort


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    As a single adult prone to adventure, you have changed

    residence any way no less than five times in almost

    twenty years of life as a working professional teacher.Your frequent reassignment when you were still a public

    school teacher was actually a welcomed preference for

    one who loves to travel a lot like you.

    But this time you know quite well you would no longer besatisfied with merely getting reassigned to a different

    location but a similar school setting in your home country.

    You are dead sure you want to live and work in a totally

    different set up with a totally different environment among

    a totally different kind of people ideally in a country on the

    other side of the globe.

  • 8/3/2019 Find Teaching Jobs That Grant You Continuous Learning


    Being aware that your primary known skill and occupation

    is teaching, it would be best for you to take on part time

    teaching jobsat the least as a way of supporting yourself

    as you stay in another country. Officially getting employed

    with a government accredited school would grant you not

    just your needed financial provision but the necessary

    visa to legitimately stay as a contract worker in a foreign


    Part time teaching jobs that are usually available for

    foreign teachers include Teaching English as a Second

    Language (TESL) among others. Being a native English

    speaker, not to mention your many years of working as

    professional educationist, would already highly qualify

    you for a TESL teaching job even on a part time capacity.

    Becoming a part time English teacher with an accreditedschool would provide for you the visa and remuneration

    necessary for your long term stay in your chosen foreign

    destination while you continue to seek what exactly would

    grant you the deeper sense of meaning and fulfilment you

    are seeking as you begin life at forty.