Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance_2

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  • 7/29/2019 Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance_2


    Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance

    Graduate Thesis:

    Jasmin Jusufovi

    Mentor: Mehmet Can

  • 7/29/2019 Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance_2




    Explanation of the instrument inconventional finance which are

    blamed for the financial crisis. Inquiry into the crisis and its


    Explanation of the comparablefinancial tools in Islamic Finance.


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    Everyday panic over a financialcrisis seeks for someinvestigation.

    The thesis has worked ontheoretical basis, to present, understand the conventionalfinance and its alternative inIslamic finance

    Theoretical approach is justifiedby the lack of data in Islamicfinance.


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    Our attention goes to...

    Mortgage loans (mortgages)

    How they work, and


    Prime and subprimemortgages

    NINJA loans

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    Mortgage loans - recollection

    Mortgage means a backup forthe financier in real assetprovided by the borrower, in

    case the latter defaults. Differed payment

    Price - interest

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    It is a contract involving twoparties financier andborrower.

    Attention to clientscreditworthiness.

    Good creditworthiness prime

    Poor creditworthiness subprime.

    Mortgages properties

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    They are the result ofloosening the mortgagestandards.

    Initially aimed at exploiting themarket demand for housingcredits.

    Further geneaology gave birthto NINJA loans.

    Subprime mortgages

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    Stands for No Income No Jobor Asset.

    It essentially means thatEVERYONE could be given loan.

    Market demand exploited toits maximum

    High risk involved backupneeded

    NINJA loans

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    Process of transfering illiquidor other assets into amarketable legal documents

    securities. For banks the clients liability

    (in form of a mortgage) is anasset and therefore thesecurity created from it isMortgage-based security.

    Securitization the inventive backup

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    Too much outstanding loans andloan-based securities mean tomuch exposition to risk.

    Hedging is an inventive tool ofselling an excessive risk uponanother client, and thereforediluting the risk through the

    market. Most common hedging is Credit

    Default Swap

    Hedging further insurance

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    Rapackaging the risk in loansinto a hegde to be sold toanother entity in the market.

    Lender faces credit risk anotherparty agrees to insure the risk inexchange for regular periodic

    payments. If the loan defaults, insurer pays

    the remaining debt to the lender.

    Credit Default Swap (CDS)

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    CDSs open door to speculation

    It is an influence on prices inthe market with suspicious

    actions, thus driving the pricesup and down drastically


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    The financial products andinstruments have become socomplex and twisted, that asthings start to unravel, trust inthe whole system started to fail.

    Because derivatives are entirelyunregulated and trade on no

    public exchanges, theiroriginators can deliberately hidetheir vulnerabilities.

    So, what went wrong?!

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    Soaring profits insecuritization market invitedeveryone to take part in it.

    Banks loaned more and more,to have an excuse tosecuritize.

    Running out of primes, thebanks turned to the risky, poorclients.

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    Huge risks were taken, so otherparties were involved to insurethe risk.

    People started realizing what ishappening; a cycle of defaultsoccured, and it all started tocrumble.

    There was no money to sustain

    the derivatives created, andmany market participants filedfor bankruptcy.

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    1938: The Federal National MortgageAssociation, commonly known as FannieMae, is established to purchase andsecuritize mortgages in order to ensure thatfunds are consistently available to theinstitutions that lend money to home buyers.

    1970: Federal Home Loan MortgageCorporation (Freddie Mac) is created by anact of Congress, as a government sponsoredenterprise, to buy mortgages on the

    secondary market, pool them, and sell themas mortgage-backed securities to investorson the open market;

    Major events in the crisis timeline

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    1992: Federal Housing Enterprises FinancialSafety and Soundness Act of1992 required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac todevote a percentage of their lending to supportaffordable housing increasing their pooling andselling of such loans as securities; Office of

    Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)created to oversee them.

    1993: The Federal Reserve Bank of Bostonpublished "Closing the Gap: A Guide to EqualOpportunity Lending" which recommended a

    series of measures to better serve low-incomeand minority households, including looseningincome thresholds for receiving a mortgage,influencing government policy and housingactivist demands on banks thereafter.

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    19952001: Dot-com bubble andcollapse

    1998-2008: With increase in sales ofmortgage-backed securities,companies buy more Credit defaultswaps, unregulated insurancecontracts used to protect debtholders; these increased 100-fold

    from, with estimates of the debtcovered by such contracts, as ofNovember 2008, ranging from $33to $47 trillion.

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    2000-2001: US Federal Reservelowers Federal funds rate 11 times, from6.5% (May 2000) to 1.75% (December 2001),creating an easy-credit environment thatfueled the growth of US subprimemortgages.

    2002-2006: Fannie Mae and Freddie Maccombined purchases of incorrectly rated AAAsubprime mortgage-backed securities risefrom $38 billion to $90 billion per year.

    Lenders began to offer loans to higher-riskborrowers, including illegal immigrants. Speculation in residential real estate rose.

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    2004-2007: Many financialinstitutions issued large amountsof debt and investedin mortgage-backed

    securities (MBS), believing thathouse prices would continue torise and that households wouldkeep up on mortgage payments.

    Fall 2005: Booming housingmarket halts abruptly

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    Throughout 2007 and 2008 home salescontinue to fall.

    Stock market experiences downturns September 2008

    September 7: Federal takeover of Fannie Maeand Freddie Mac. This causes panic becausealmost every home mortgage lender and WallStreet bank relied on them to facilitate themortgage market and investors worldwide.

    September 17: The US Federal Reserve lends$85 billion to American International Group

    (AIG) to avoid bankruptcy. The crisis spreads to Europe in the ending of


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    Our attention will be on:

    Musharakah (Partnership)

    Regular and deminishing

    Mudarabah (Commerce withagents)

    Murabahah (cost-plus sale)

    The Islamic alternative

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    Constracts / Instruments inIslamic Finance

    Contracts / Instruments






    Sale of Rights toUse

    (Ijarah, Istisna)


    Trade financing



    (Ijara / Istisna)



    Intermediation contracts
















    Social welfarecontracts

    Gratuitous Loans




    Sh i h f i

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    It stems from Quran, Sunnahand the interpretations andoppinions of learned jurists(Ijtihad).

    It manifests the faith into day-to-day actions.

    Divided into two components: Ibadat (defining rituals and rites) Muamalat (defining social,

    economic framework andpracticality of day-to-day life.

    Shariah as a source of economicphilosophy...

    N ti i I l i i

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    Justice Property rights Property obligations

    Contracts Trust Personal obligations, rights and


    Work Wealth Risk sharing

    Notions in Islamic economicsystem

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    Islam prohibits the followingnotions know to conventionaleconomists:

    Interest (Riba)

    Gambling (Qimar)

    Ambiguity, uncertainty (Gharar)

    Islamic prohibitions

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    Wide scholar debate exists on whatArabic Ribameans in conventionalterms.

    General agreement is that Ribais

    interest per se, and any add-ups,swelling in value, over certain initialvalue.

    There are: Riba al-Nasiah (excess in money-to-

    money exhange) Riba al-Fadl (deals with hand-to-hand

    goods exchange)

    Interest in Islamic philosophy

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    Comes from Arabih Shirakahwhich means sharing andparticipating together in

    certain activity, project, etc. Branches into

    Shirakatu l-milk

    Shirakatu l-aqd Shirakatu l-emval

    Shirakatu l-amal

    Shirakatu l-wujuh.

    Musharakah (partnership)

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    Two parties combine theircapital to share the generatedprofit.

    Proportions for profit sharingare predetermined beforeentering the contract.

    Losses are borneproportionally to the portion inpartnership.

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    Designed to meet the housingfinancing demand.

    The bank (the owner of the

    major part) rents its portion tothe client.

    Clients installments include rentand amount to buy portion of

    owners equity. Rent is adjusted according to the

    deminishing equity.

    Diminishing Musharakah

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    Musharakah loans aremarketable.

    The important prerequisite to

    be met is that the certificates(or securities) must representthe real asset, i.e. house,

    factory, etc.

    Musharakah in financial market

    Mudarabah (Commerce with

  • 7/29/2019 Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance_2


    Contract that includesfinancier and the agent(mudarib) who invests the

    financiers capital on hisbehalf.

    The profits generated by theproject into which the capital

    was invested is shared amongfinancier and mudarib.

    Mudarabah (Commerce withagents)

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    Profit and loss sharing

    Profit distribution

    Multiple tiers

    Credit risks and defaults

    It cannot be traded in thefinancial market.

    Features of Mudarabah

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    The basis for this model is thetrade.

    The financier is the seller of

    the good, who can sell thegood on deffered payement.

    Since it is a trade, the seller

    can charge a profit margin.

    Murabahah (cost-plus sale)

    Prospects of the trade in Islamic

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    The item in subject must be tangible in themoment of sale.

    The item must be owned by the seller. It must be in a physical or construtctive


    Purchase must be on the spot andimmediate. Item must be a real value. It cannot be used for haram. The item must be known to either party.

    Delivery must be evident and unconditioned. The price, and markup, must be evident,

    clear and well understood.

    Prospects of the trade in Islamicteaching...

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    Includes three parties: Borrower - client

    Bank (financier - seller)

    The innitial seller.

    Ordinarily today, the model iscombined with mudarabah, wherebythe client is hired by the bank toaccept the delivery once the item is

    purchased, namely, creating no needfor banks inventory.

    It is not marketable.

    Murabahah, further notions

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    Islamic economic philosophyrecognizes the importance offinancial markets, but raises

    many issues to be resolved.The debate is ongoing. Notion of limited liability

    Tradability and negotiability

    Speculative trading Short selling.

    As we approach the ending...

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    Are the unbound innovationsbeneficial?

    Could an event such as the

    current financial crisis with itsproperties, happen in theenvironment of Islamic Finance?

    How can Islamic Finance be analternative or a remedy for thecrisis?

    So... What?! (or conclusion)

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    Now, YOU!!!




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    Have a nice day!