Finance Act (No.2) Act, 2009 Amendments

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  • 8/8/2019 Finance Act (No.2) Act, 2009 Amendments





    Sect ion Ame ndmen t Effect ive Date

    Basic Conce pts o f Inco m e Tax Law


    Definition of income include s

    Voluntary Contribution received by an Electoral Trust.

    Money or Valu e of Proper ty u / s 5 6(2)(vii). 01 .04 .2010Analysis of Exemptions

    10(23C)Ins titutions seeking approval u / s 10(23C) can ma ke application on or

    before 30th Septem ber of the relevan t as sess men t year.01 .04 .2010


    Any income received by any person for or on behalf of the New

    Pension System Trust es tab l ished on 27 .02 .2008 under the

    provisions of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.01 .04 .2010

    10A Exemption u / s 10A available till Asses sm ent Year 201112. 01.04.201 0

    10B Exemption u / s 10B available till Asses sm ent Year 201112. 01.04.20 10

    10AADeduction shall be computed with reference to the Total Turnover of the

    u nderta king in SEZ and not w.r.t. to the Total turn over of the Asses see.01 .04 .2010


    Voluntary contributions received by an Electoral Trust shall not be included

    in the Total Income if it distributes to any political party 95% of aggregate

    donations received by it during the previous year along with surplus.01 .04 .2010


    10(10C)/ 89If deduction is claimed u / s 1 0(10C), then VRS Compens ation will not

    be eligible for relief u / s 8 9(1).01 .04 .2010


    Perquis ites taxable in the hands of the em ployees

    Securities offered u nder ESOP schem e

    Em ployers Contribu tion to ap proved Su peran nu ation Fun d inexcess of Rs.1 Lakh MASTERMINDS

    Valu e of an y oth er p rescr ibed fringe bene fit.01 .04 .2010

    Profits an d Gains o f Busines s o r Profess ion


    Any sum receivable in cash or kind, on account of any capital asset

    (other than land or goodwill or financial instrument) being

    demolished, destroyed, discarded or transferred, if the whole of the

    expenditure on such capi ta l asset has been al lowed as a deduct ion

    u/ s 35AD sha ll be chargeable to tax un der Business income.

    01 .04 .2010

    32 Definition of block of as sets provided in Expln.3 to Sec.32 deleted. 01 .0 4. 20 10


    All assessees engaged in any business of manufacture or production

    of an y article or th ing, not being an art icle or th ing specified in t he list

    of the 11 t h Schedule eligible for weighted deduction for scientific

    research expenditure .

    01 .04 .2010


    Asssessees engaged in the business of Cold chain facility,

    Warehousing facility, Cross country natural gas network can claim

    deduction in respect of capital expenditure incurred for the specif ied

    business. Capital expenditure incurred during the previous year prior

    to commencement of operation can be claimed as deduction in the

    yea r of commencem ent of opera tion su bject to fu lfillment of conditions .

    01 .04 .2010

  • 8/8/2019 Finance Act (No.2) Act, 2009 Amendments



    Sect ion Ame ndmen t Effect ive Date

    36(1)(iiia)Scheduled Bank entitled for deduction in respect of discount on zero

    cou pon bonds.01 .04 .2010


    For claiming dedu ction u / s 3 6(1)(viii), th e spe cified ent ity sha ll carr y

    on t he eligible bu sines s of providing long-term fina nce for-

    indu str ial or agricultu ral developm ent; developmen t of infras tru ctu re facility in India; or development of housing in India. MASTERMINDS

    01 .04 .2010

    40A(3)Maximu m perm issible cash paymen t for the pu rposes of plying, hir ing

    or leas ing goods carriages increased to Rs.35,000.01 .10 .2009


    Determination of actu al cost of Capital ass et allowed as a d edu ctionu / s 35AD.

    If th e Total Incom e of an as ses see inclu des Agricu ltur al income,depreciation shall be computed as if entire income is chargeable

    u n der th e hea d Profits an d Gains of Bu sines s or Profess ion .

    01 .04 .2010

    44AA and


    Asses sees declaring income lower th an specified u / s 44 AD an d whose

    Total Income exceeds Basic Exemption shall maintain books of

    accou nts a nd get them au dited .

    01 .04 .2011


    Presumptive taxation of 8% of Gross receipts extended to all

    bus inesses except bu siness covered u / s 44AE.

    However eligible assessees restricted to Resident Individual, Resident

    HUF, Residen t Firm (oth er th an LLP)

    01.04 .2011


    Increase in presum ptive incom e:

    For Heavy Goods Vehicle from Rs.3,5 00 t o Rs.5,00 0

    For Other than Heavy goods vehicle Rs.3,150 to Rs.4,500

    01.04 .2011

    44AF Presum ptive Taxation u/ s 44AF withdra wn. 01 .04 .2011

    Capital Gains

    2(48) Schedu led Ban ks eligible to issu e zero coupon bonds. 01.04.20 10


    Cost of acquisition of sh ares / secu rities allotted un der ESOP sha llbe th e FMV determ ined u / s 1 7(2)(vi).

    Cost of acqu isition of property ta xable u / s 5 6(2)(vii) sh all be th evalue determ ined u / s 56(2)(vii)

    01 .04 .2010

    50BCost of acquisition of capital assets which have been allowed as a

    dedu ction for the pu rposes of slum p sa le sh all be nil .01 .04 .2010


    Scope of Section 50C extended to assessable transactions also.

    Assessable means the price which the Stamp valuation authority would

    ha ve adopted or ass essed for the p u rposes of payment of sta mp dut y.01 .10 .2009

    Inco me under the he ad Other Sources

    5 6 / 1 4 5A

    Gift in kind r eceived by an Individu al / HUF is taxa ble. Interest received on compensation or enhanced compensation

    taxab le in th e year of receipt u nd er the h ead other s ources

    01.10 .2009

    01.04 .2010

    57Dedu ction sh all be allowed to the exten t of 50% of interes t received on

    accou nt of compen sat ion or enha nced compensat ion .01 .04 .2010

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    Sect ion Ame ndme nt Effect ive Date

    Set off and carry forward of losses

    73ALoss arising from Specified Bus ines ses u / s 3 5AD eligible to be carried

    forward for th e pu rposes of set off agains t income from specified bu sines ses .01 .04 .2010

    Deductions under Chapter VIA


    Definit ion of Manufacture: Manufacture with i ts grammaticalvariations, means a change in a non-living physical object or article

    or thing

    resulting in transformation of the object or article or thing into anew a n d distinct object or a rticle or th ing having a different na me,

    chara cter and us e; or

    bringing into existence of a new and distinct object or article orth ing with a different ch emical compos ition or integral stru cture.

    01 .04 .2010


    Deduction u / s 10A / 10AA / 10B / 80H to 80RRB shal l not exceedprofits an d gains of the u ndert aking / eligible ass essee.

    Transfer of goods and services between the eligible undertaking andany other undertaking shall be determined at the Market value of such

    goods and services for the purposes of claiming deduction.

    01 .04 .2003

    01.04 .2010


    Benefit of dedu ction u / s 8 0CCD extended to a ll Individuals.Maximu m dedu ction s ha ll not exceed 10% of Gross Total Income.

    Assessee shall be deemed not to have received any amount if theamount is used for purchasing an annuity p lan in the same

    previous year.

    01 .04 .2010

    80DDDeduction to assessees having dependants with severe liability

    increased from Rs.75 ,000 to Rs.1,00,000.01 .04 .2010


    Higher Education means any course of study pursued after passingthe Senior Secondary Examination or its equivalent from any School,

    Board or University recognised by the Central or State Government or

    Local au th ority or by an y other Auth orized Au th ority.

    Relative in relation to an Individual includes stu dent for whom theindividual is a legal guardian.

    01 .04 .2010


    Where a n Ins titution or Fun d h as been a pproved u / s 80 G(5)(vi) forthe Previous Year 200708, such an institution or fund shall be

    deemed to have been established for charitable purposes and

    ap proved for the Previou s Year 200 809.

    5 year time limit will not be applicable to approval accorded byCommissioner.

    01 .04 .2010

    80GGB /

    GG CDonations m ade to Electoral Tru st eligible for dedu ction. 01.04.20 10

    80IALas t d at e for com m en cing a ctivity u / s 8 0IA (4)(iii) / (iv) / (v) / (vi)

    extended u pto 31 .03 .2011.

    80IBFor Undertakings engaged in commercial production of mineral oiland natural gas last date for commencement of operations extended

    u pto 31 .03 .2012.

    80UAssessee suffering from severe disability eligible for deduction upto

    Rs.1,00,000.01 .04 .2010

    Taxation of Partne rship Firm s

    2(23)Definition of Firm in cludes Limited Liab ility Par tn ers h ip as defined in

    Limited Liab ility Par tn ers h ip Act, 20 08.01 .04 .2010

    2(23)Definition of Partner includes Minor who has been admitted for

    benefits of part ners hip a nd a Partner of limited liability par tners hip.01 .04 .2010

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    Sect ion Ame ndme nt Effect ive Date

    40(b)Increase in ceiling limit on allowability of deduction w.r.t.

    remu nera tion p aid to Working Partner of a Partn ersh ip Firm.01.04 .2010

    167BLiability of Part ne rs of a LLP in res pect of the t ax du es of th e Lim ited

    Liability Partnership Firm.01.04 .2010

    Taxation of Companies

    115J B MAT rate in creased from 10% to 15%. 01.04.20 10

    1 15 J A / J B

    Book Profits sh all be increa sed a ny am oun t set as ide as provision for

    diminution in the value of any asset. Supreme Court Ruling in CIT

    VS HCL Comn et System s & Services Ltd 305 ITR 409 overru led.

    01 .04 .2001

    115 J AA MAT credit can be car ried forward for 10 Ass ess m ent Year s. 01.0 4.20 10


    Dividends liable for Dividend distribution tax shall be reduced by

    dividend payable to any person for or on behalf of New Pension

    System Trus t .

    01 .04 .2010

    Charitable Trus t


    Definition of Charitable purpose in clud es preservation of environmen t

    (including watersheds, forests and wildlife) and preservation of

    mon u men ts or places or objects of artistic or historic interest.

    01 .04 .2010

    115BBCAnonymous donations to the extent it exceeds higher of 5% of Total

    dona tion s received or Rs.1,00,00 0 s ha ll be ta xable @ 30%.01.04 .2010

    Taxation of Nonres ident s

    90Central Government empowered to enter into agreements with non

    soverign t erritories.01 .10 .2009


    When more than 1 pr ice is determined by the most appropr iate

    meth od, ALP sh all be the a rithm etic mean of the prices.

    If the variation between ALP and the Actual Price does not exceed 5%

    then Actu al Price sh all be taken as ALP.

    01.10 .2009

    92CB Safe Harbou r Rule sh all be prescribed by the Board. 01.04.20 10


    Constitution of Dispute Resolution Panel for resolving disputes in

    cases on a ccou nt of TPOs order u / s 9 2CA.

    TDS and TCS

    194AInterest payable on Zero Coupon Bond issued by a Scheduled Bank

    exemp t from TDS.01.04 .2010


    Contract includes su bcontra ct . MASTERMINDS Rates of TDS revis ed as follows

    Payment m ade to Individua l / HUF 1%

    Payment m ade to person other th an Ind ividual / HUF 2%

    If m at erial value sep ar at ely me nt ioned in the invoice th en TDS on

    Invoice value exclud ing valu e of m ate rials.

    Exclusion s from TDS:Contractor in the business of plying, hiring or leasing goodscarr iages on fu rn ish ing of PAN.

    If the Contractor purch ases su ch mater ials from a person o ther

    tha n the customer , then su ch Man ufacture or su pply is not

    work for TDS purposes.

    Specified Person includes Government of a Foreign State or a ForeignEn terprise or an y Association or Body established ou tside Ind ia.

    01 .10 .2009


    Rat e of TDS revised a s follows

    Use of an y Mach inery, Plan t or Equ ipment 2%

    Use of an y Lan d, Bu ilding (includ ing Factory Bu ilding) or lan d

    appu r tenan t thereto , Furni ture or Fit t ings 10%

    01.10 .2009

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    Sect ion Ame ndmen t Effect ive Date

    197ANo TDS sh all be m ade from an y payment to an y person for or on

    beh alf of New Pen sion System Tru st .01 .04 .2010

    200 A Procedu re for process ing of TDS Retu rn s filed. 01.0 4.20 10


    No Order shal l be passed deeming an assessee as , assessee in

    defau lt for non dedu ction of ta x from a Residen t a fter th e expiry of

    2 years from th e end of the Fin an cial Year in which theStatement u / s 200 is filed [s ta temen ts in Form 2 4Q / 26Q],

    4 years from the en d of the Financial Year in which th e paymen t is made.For periods u pto Fina ncial Year 2007 08, order can be pas sed on or

    before 31.03 .2011.

    01 .04 .2010


    206A/ 206C

    Periodicity of TDS Retu rn filing to be pre sc ribed .01 .10 .2009


    Requirement to furnish PAN in applications made for obtaining No or

    lower deduction of tax at source Certificates and in Self Declaration

    forms. In case PAN is not furnished to the Deductor TDS to be

    dedu cted at th e rate of 20%.

    01.04 .2010

    TDS on payments o ther than Salar ies to Domest ic Compan y and a ny

    other person being resident in India has to be deducted on the Basic

    Rate. Surcharge, Education Cess, Secondary and Higher EducationCess is not a pplicable for such paymen ts.

    01 .10 .2009

    Fringe Bene fits Tax

    115WM FBT not applicable from Asses sm ent Year 201011. 01.04.20 10

    Income Tax Authorit ies

    132Additional Directors / Additiona l Comm issioner ha ve p ower t o issu e

    authorization.01 .06 .1994

    132AAu th orised Officer includes Additional Director / Addln.

    Commissioner.01 .06 .1994


    Notice, order or any correspondence issued or received by any

    Income Tax Authority without a computer generated Document

    Ident ification Num ber s ha ll be trea ted a s invalid.

    01 .10 .2010


    Central Government, Board or Income Tax Authority vested with

    powers to grant app roval sh all also h ave power to with draw a pproval

    at any time after providing an opportunity of being heard to the


    01 .10 .2009

    Asses sm ent Procedure


    In case of Limited Liability Partnership Firm Signatory shall be

    designated Partner. If there is no designated Partner or the

    designa ted Partner is not able to sign th en an y part ner.


    The Assessing Officer may assess or reassess the income in respect

    of any issue which has escaped assessment which has come to h is

    notice su bseque ntly in th e cou rse of th e proceedings u/ s 147 even if

    reasons for such issue have not been included in the reasonsrecorded u / s 148(2).

    01 .04 .1989

    Advance Tax, Collec tion and Reco very of Tax

    208Person shall be liable to pay advance tax if the tax payable on his

    Total Income exceeds Rs.10,000.


    Time limit for validity of at ta chm en t to exclude period du ring which

    the proceedings for assessment or reassessment are s tayed by an

    order or injunction of an y cou rt.

    01 .04 .1988

    282Mode of Service of Notice, summon, requisition, order or any other

    communicat ion .01 .10 .2009

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    Sect ion Ame ndmen t Effect ive Date

    Appeals and Revisions

    246AOrder pas sed by AO u/ s 1 43(3) in pu rsu an ce of direction of Dispute

    Resolution Panel not appealable before CIT (A).01 .10 .2009

    253Order passed by AO u/ s 143 (3) / 147 in pu rsu an ce of d irect ion of

    Dispu te Resolut ion Pan el app ealab le before ITAT.01.10 .2009


    FINANCIAL YEAR 2 0 0 9 -10 ASSESSMENT YEAR 2 0 1 0 -11

    Tax RateTaxable Inc om e

    (Rs.) IT SCEC +


    Inco m e Tax (IT) TP = IT + SC + EC

    + SHEC


    Upt o 1, 60 ,0 00 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

    1,6 0,0 01 3,00, 00 0 10 % Nil 3% IT= (TI Les s 1,6 0,0 00 ) 10 % TP = IT+ 3% of IT

    3,0 0,0 01 5,00, 00 0 20 % Nil 3% IT= 14 ,00 0 + [(TI Less 3,0 0,0 00) 20% ] TP = IT + 3% of IT

    Above 5,0 0, 00 0 30 % Nil 3% IT= 54 ,0 00 + [(TI Les s 5, 00 ,0 00 ) 30 %] TP = IT + 3% of IT


    Upt o 1, 90 ,0 00 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

    1,9 0,0 01 3,00, 00 0 10 % Nil 3% IT= (TI Less 1, 90 ,0 00 ) 10 % TP = IT+ 3% of IT

    3,0 0,0 01 5,00, 00 0 20 % Nil 3% IT= 11 ,00 0 + [(TI Less 3,0 0,0 00) 20% ] TP = IT + 3% of IT

    Above 5,0 0, 00 0 30 % Nil 3% IT= 51 ,0 00 + [(TI Les s 5, 00 ,0 00 ) 30 %] TP = IT + 3% of IT


    Upt o 2, 40 ,0 00 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

    2,4 0,0 01 3,00, 00 0 10 % Nil 3% IT= (TI Less 2, 40 ,0 00 ) 10 % TP = IT + 3% of IT

    3,00 ,001 5,00 ,000 20% Nil 3% IT= 6,00 0 + (TI Less 3,0 0, 00 0) 20 % TP = IT + 3% of IT

    Above 5,0 0,0 00 30 % Nil 3% IT= 46, 00 0 + [(TI Less 5, 00 ,0 00 ) 30 %] TP = IT + 3% of IT