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Submitted to:Electronics and Communication Department,

Thapar Institute Of Engg. & Technology, Patiala

For the partial fulfillment of degree ofBachelor of Engineering

inElectronics & Communication

Harbans Lal(Project Incharge)Deputy DirectorZone 3, TBRLChandigarh

Nidhi Jain1000636

Thapar Institute ofEngg. & Technology




SECTOR-30, CHANDIGARH, INDIA-160020FAX: 91-172-657506



This is to certify that Nidhi Jain, Roll No. 1000636, of Thapar Institute of Engg. and

Technology, Patiala has undergone six months project semester industrial training from

Jan 1, 2003 to June30, 2003 at Terminal Ballistics Research Lab (TBRL), Chandigarh.

She was assigned the project titled “Design and development of shock velocity


The work reported meets the standards necessary for partial fulfillment of requirement of

degree of B.E. Electronics & Communication awarded by Thapar Institute of Engg. and

Technology, Patiala.

Place: Chandigarh


Harbans Lal

Deputy Director,Zone-III



SECTOR-30, CHANDIGARH, INDIA-160020FAX: 91-172-657506



This is to certify that the project report titled ‘Design and development of PC based

firing control unit’ submitted by Rajwinder Singh, Roll No.9902758, student of B.E

Electronics & Instrumentation , IITT College of Engineering, Pojewal is a record of the

student’s own work. The work presented has been done by him under my supervision and


The reported work is of desired standards and has not been submitted in any other

university or institution for the award of any other degree or credentials.

Harbans Lal

Project Incharge


I would like to express my sincerest thanks to the director of TBRL, Padam Shri

Sh.V.S.Sethi, for permitting me to undergo 6-months industrial training in this institute.

It is with deep affection and appreciation that I acknowledge my indebtedness to

Mr. Harbans Lal, Deputy Director (Zone 3), not only for his enlightening guidance and

enthusiastic interest but also for his ever available help, cooperation and confidence at I

gained under him.

I sincerely thank Mrs. Rajesh Kumari, Mr. I.P.Singh, Mr. Pankaj Sajan, Mr.

Jatinder Pal, Mrs. Shalini Mahajan, Mr Dhanparkash , Mr Vijay Kumar and all the others

in the lab for their timely help and cooperation.

In the end I would like to thank my family who provided me help backstage and

whose blessings I always treasure.

Nidhi Jain


1. About the Organization Terminal Ballistic Research Laboratory.

1.1 Aim of the Laboratory

1.2 Historical Background

1.3 Specialized Facilities

1.4 Areas of Work

1.5 Achievements

2. About the Blast and Damage Studies Zone.

2.1 Free Air Explosion

2.1.1 Blast Wave

2.2 Underwater Shock Study

2.3 Underground Shock Study

3. Project

3.1 Study of Instrumentation

3.1.1 Sensors

3.1.2 Signal Conditioners

3.1.3 Gauge Calibration Static Calibration Dynamic Calibration

3.1.4 Sensors used in Underground Trials Geophone Accelerometer Blast Mate Etna Accelerograph

3.1.5 Cables used for Data Transmission

3.1.6 Other Instruments used in Blast and Damage Study LCR Meter Strain Meter

3.1.7 Data Recording Instruments Digital Storage Oscilloscope Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Magnetic Recorder Graphical Multimeter

3.1.8 Interfacing the Hardware Parallel Port Serial Port

3.2 Multi Channel Shock Velocity Recorder

3.2.1 Introduction

3.2.2 Aim of Project

3.2.3 Components Used Comparator LM 339 Multivibrator 74121 J-K Flip Flop 7473 NAND Gate 7400

3.2.4 Circuit Diagram

3.2.5 Working of the System

3.3 Study of Analog to Digital Converter

4. Trials in the zone




To conduct basic and applied research work in detonics, energetic materials, blast

& damage, defeat of armour, immunity, lethality; design, development and performance

evaluation of new armament stores.


Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL) was envisaged in 1961 as one of

the modern armament research laboratories under the Department of Defence Research &

Development. The laboratory became fully operational in 1967 and was formally

inaugurated in January 1968 by the then Defence Minister. While the main laboratory is

situated in Chandigarh, the firing range, spread over an area of 5000 acres, is located at

Ramgarh, 22 km away in Haryana. Over the past three decades, the Laboratory has

grown into an institution of excellence and has become one of the major technical bases

in the field of armament studies in DRDO.

The Laboratory facilitates basic and applied research in the fields of high

explosives, detonics and shock waves, evolving data and design parameters for new

armament stores and assess terminal effects of ammunition under indigenous

development or of foreign origin.

The Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, Chandigarh has been equipped with

a set of sophisticated instruments/techniques to obtain accurate and reliable data on

terminal ballistics. By well thought of design of experiments, the laboratory is capable of

getting a complete picture of the complex phenomena of weapon-target interaction. The

data obtained has immensely helped the armament designer and has also provided very

useful information to the engineers in designing protective structures immune against

weapon attacks.

The range is divided into eight specialized technical zones, which have been so

designed to conduct trials independent of each other. The instrumentation techniques

installed in this lab can be broadly categorized into three groups namely oscillographic,

radiographic and photographic.


High speed and ultra high speed framing and streak cameras.

High velocity pin oscillographic techniques.

Flash radiography.

Blast instrumentation.

Multi channel spark photography technique.

Electron microscope and allied instruments for metallographic studies.

Fragment launching gas gun for hyper velocity impact phenomena studies.

High speed data acquisition systems.

Precision casting and machining of explosives.

Warm isostatic press for plastic bonded explosives.

Pilot plants for HMX and PBX.

Rail Track Rocket Sled – a national test facility.


1.4 AREAS OF WORK: Performance of armour defeating projectiles and immunity profiles.

Studies of ground shock, blast damage, fragmentation and lethality.

Preparation of safety templates for various weapons.

Studies of underwater detonics and pressure wave propagation.

Explosive forming, cladding and welding.

Detonics of high explosives.


1.5.1 High Explosives

Development of new HE compositions and filling techniques.

Establishment of wounding criteria of incapacitation and evaluation of body


Generation of immunity data for various types of tank armour.

Preparation of safety data around guns and safety templates for various


Evaluation of lethality of ammunition in terms of Mean Area of Effect.

Generation of basic lethality design data for warheads/ammunition.

Development of techniques like explosive forming, cladding and welding.

Development of shaped charge warheads for different targets and tactical roles.

1.5.2 Instrumentation

Digital Blast Data Recorder.

Impulse Noise Generator for evaluation of earplugs.

Evaluation of wooden missiles for mob disposal for Bureau of Police Research &

Development (BPR&D).

Equipment for ground shock studies.

1.5.3 Ballistic Studies and Performance Evaluation Trials

A number of projects relating to performance and basic input data evaluation have

been completed successfully. Some of the recent important studies relate to:

Performance evaluation trials of Prithvi, Trishul & Akash warheads.

Assessment of lethality of 155 mm HE shell and mortar HE 51 mm MK-I and II.

Assessment of fragmentation pattern and blast parameters of 1000 lb MC MK-9

bomb, HD/LD 450 kg MC/HE bomb and mortar HE 51 mm MK-I and II.

Determination of safety distances for 122 mm D-30 a gun, 155 mm HE M107, HE

77B and HEER shells, mortar HE 51 mm Mk-I and II and ricochet trace for 122

mm D-30 A gun.

Safety in peace for firing of 160 mm Tempella mortar.

Generation of immunity data of armour for Main Battle Tank against attack of KE

Projectiles and small arms fire.

Assessment of fragmentation pattern and blast parameters of HS/LD 450 kg

MC/HE bomb under development at ARDE.

Determination of safe angle of inclination of armour plates under the attack of

improved T-72 FSAPDS ammunition.

Computation of safety distance in respect of infantry weapons for battle

inoculation training.

1.5.4 Zeroing of T-72 Tanks at 1600 m Range

Safety template with the danger zone depth of 35 km permitted conduct of field

trials/exercises, including zeroing of T-72 tanks with 125 mm FSAPDS


Acceptance of introduction of Reduced Safety Template leading to opening up of

ranges at Babina, Naraingarh and Ahmednagar for zeroing trials of T-72 tank

guns by the Armoured Regiments.

1.5.5 Baffle Range for Small Arms

The TBRL design for the baffle range has been accepted by the Army and the first

baffle range has come up at Infantry School, Mhow within an area of 2 hectares,

without compromising on safety.

1.5.6 Indigenous Plastic Bonded Explosives

Developed Plastic Bonded Explosives (PBX), the latest class of HE compositions

with high VOD and higher detonation pressures.

1.5.7 Indigenous Digital Blast Data Recorder

Developed based on a new design technique, for direct measurement of important

blast wave parameters.

1.5.8 Indigenous Transducer for Blast-Measurement

Developed a free air blast pressure transducer for measuring pressures up to 14

kgm cm2. It has a sensitivity of 1400 pc/kgm cm2 with a natural frequency of 200

KHz. These transducers are in regular production and use in the Laboratory.

1.5.9 Impulse Generator

Developed for the simulation of impulse noise (=190 dB) and testing of artificial

earplugs developed by Armed Forces Medical Services.

1.5.10 Bund Blasting Device (BBD)

Designed and developed Bund Blasting Device as per GSQR-573 for breaching

operation; it has been accepted for introduction in service. The device is man-

portable with a total weight of 24.5 kg.

1.5.11 General Purpose Anti-personnel Grenade (GSQR-459)

Designed and developed ‘Multi-mode’ grenade system replacing the existing 36-

M grenade for use as an offensive, defensive or rifle grenade.


During my training, I was associated with “Blast and Damage Studies” zone,

which is engaged in instrumentation studies carried out for assessment of response and

damage pattern of variety of structures. These structures may be above ground,

underground or underwater and hence are subjected to air blast, ground shock and

underwater shock. Various types of instrumentation techniques are employed to record

the terminal effects of explosives. Blast and damage study is related to effects and kill

mechanisms of blasts. It takes into consideration the various parameters related to blast

like peak over pressure, duration, impulse and shock. Damage due to blast is defined as

kill mechanism of the blast.

Various kill mechanisms of air blasts are:

Primary blast effect.

Tertiary blast effect.

Blast generating fragments.

Similarly are the kill mechanisms of underground blast:

Minor or major cracks.

Broken windows.

Fallen of buildings.

For the underwater blasts the important effects are:

Shattering effect.

Heaving effect.

The zone also deals with various sensors, signal conditioners and computer-based

data acquiring systems for measurement and analysis of intense shock and structure

response. I was associated with both lab and field activities for studying the effects of

free air explosions.

The detonation of explosive convert the original material into gases products at a

very high temperature (3000oC) and pressure (150Kbar) .The conversion takes place at

very high speed releasing a large amount of energy into the atmosphere in very short

duration. The measurement of these events requires very accurate and sophisticated

instruments, having time resolution of the order of microseconds. I was involved in use of

various types of equipments and sensors to record the transient events occurring at the

time of explosion. During the training period I was associated both lab as well as field

activities for studying the effects of

Free air explosion.

Under water explosion.

Under ground explosion.


Blast damage and evaluation studies are essential activities for assessment of

terminal effects of high explosive bombs /warheads. These studies also play a major role

in design and construction of blast resistant structures using innovate concept of shock

observing techniques and construction materials.

When there is an explosion in atmosphere a system of shock waves called blast waves

are generated. In explosion blast wave is formed due to release of high pressure gases

into atmosphere at a supersonic speed, surrounding atmosphere gets compressed due to

this and results in formation of blast wave. To study the blast profile at a particular

distance the following instruments are involved.

Blast gauge (Transducer).

Charge to voltage converter.

Charge to voltage amplifier.

Filter stage.

Analog interfacing.

Analog to digital converter.

Charge simulator.

The measurement of blast events requires very accurate and sophisticated

instruments, having time resolution of few microseconds. In all the instrumentation

techniques, the basic system consists of a suitable transducer such as pressure sensor,

strain gauges, PZT gauge; a signal conditioner such as charge amplifier, strain meter etc.

and recording equipment such as an oscilloscope, or a magnetic tape recorder.


One of the most significant measurements in experimental study of an explosive

is the blast wave, generated in surrounding medium when charge is detonated. Blast wave

originates at the charge and is propagated outwards and away from the charge at a

velocity which depends on nature of the charge i.e. geometry, size, type of explosive.

Initially, the pressure rises abruptly at the leading edge of the wave (shock front),

and then decreases continuously. This decrease may reduce the pressure to below the

ambient pressure; phases of continuous increase may also be observed .The primary

shock moves with a velocity greater than the velocity of sound in the medium ahead of it.

Eventually the pressure at any point must revert to the measurement, dependent on

pressure being recorded.

Involving above mentioned instrumentation systems we have evaluated following

blast parameters.


This is the pressure jump of blast wave phase measured by excess pressure above the

atmospheric pressure. It is also defined as the maximum pressure above the atmospheric

pressure level of the positive phase of the blast wave.


It is a measure of time period elapsed between the arrivals of shock wave at the point up

till the peak over pressure becomes zero i.e. equal to atmospheric pressure.


This is the important parameter to determine extend of damage. In pressure time curve, it

may be defined as area under the curve i.e. specific impulse (impulse/unit area). It

depends on peak over pressure, duration and decay constant. The blast parameters

calculated from blast profile contribute to define the damage on different targets.

Blast wave showing various parameters

If the response time of the structure is high compared to blast duration then,

impulse is taken as damage criteria. If the response time is small compared to duration of

load then peak over pressure is the criterion for the damage. In case both are compared

the peak over pressure and impulse are considered for accessing the damage in structures.

Some typical damage effect of blast, based on pressure criteria is obtained by using above

set of instrumentation: -

Pressure Damage

14 Kg/cm2 Severe internal injury to human beings.

2.5 Kg/cm2 Lungs injury.

1.6 Kg/cm2 Damage to brick structure.

1 Kg/cm2 Eardrum burst.

0.02 Kg/cm2 Damage to windowpanes.


When an explosive is detonated inside the water, the blast wave takes place in an

uncompressible medium. So unlike air blasts, there are two distinct phenomena:

Shock Wave.

Bubble Wave.

Peak-over Pressure



Negative impulse

The two different phenomena produce two different effects on the target. While

the shock wave is responsible for producing a shattering effect, the bubble phenomenon

produces a heaving effect. The damage is caused by the cumulative effect of these two


Under water techniques are used for studying the following phenomenon.

Comparison of explosive performance used in different types of naval warhead.

Heat of detonation /energy of unknown explosives can be determined.

Shock energy in primary & secondary shocks is estimated, for the performance

evaluation of explosive related with its shattering and heaving power.

Under water explosion facility in T.B.R.L consists of tank fabricated from 20 mm thick

mild steel plate. Tank is 6 m diameter & 6m in depth. 1/3 of tank is embedded in ground,

to make it able to with stand high pressure. Small spherical charge up to the weight of

100g of explosive can be carried out in the tank. Pressure transducers are required to

position at required depth and at predetermined distance from point of explosion to

record the blast profile.

Water tank used in under water trials

The figure above shows the water tank of TBRL in which underwater trials are



Underground shock studies are conducted for the following objectives:

The assessment of damage due to creating & ground shock effects to structures by

under ground explosive and optimization of depth of burst for maximum damage.

Used to calculate the safety distance for the structures

To define different damage on structures subjected to ground shocks.

In underground explosions most of the energy is released is irreversible, transferred to

the immediate neighborhood of explosion. In the near region it results in formation of a

crater depending on depth of burst. At far of region stress level falls off below the elastic

limit and it degenerates into seismic waves. These waves carry small amount of energy,

about 2-3%.

Depending on the proximity of the target from the point of explosion the ground motion

results in the damage of buildings and other structures. In evaluating the structure-ground

motion interaction, the work is divided under as

Measurement and prediction of ground motion.

Measurement and prediction of damaged structures as a result of ground shocks.

In close vicinity of underground explosion the particle acceleration is of the order of 10 4

g to 105 g. As this shock travels in the surrounding soil it decays very fast into ground

motion. The dominant frequency in ground motion lies between 1-30Hz.

The instrumentation system used for capturing ground motion in this region is as




Blast mate

Etna accelerograph


My Project at BDS zone, TBRL has been divided into two parts:

The Study of Instrumentation in the zone.

Design and Development of Shock Velocity Recorder.

Study of Analog to Digital Converter.




The fact that some materials produce an electrical charge on their faces when

subjected to a mechanical strain along certain axis and thereby exhibiting the phenomena

known as piezoelectricity has for a long time been used in the construction of pressure

transducers. The choice of this type of transducer for air blast gauges is fairly obvious as

it is probably the most robust, reproducible and linear. These advantages have to be paid

for in terms of low signal output and need to pay considerable attention to electrical

insulation but this is considered worthwhile in order to make accurate measurements of

air blast parameters.

The choice of piezoelectricity type of transducer for free air blast gauges is fairly

obvious as it is

Mechanically robust.

Offer the highest frequency response.

Non - pyroelectric.

Chemically stable.

Insensitive to humidity.

No hysterisis effects.


Linear response.

Pyroelectric effects (the appearance of the charge on the faces of crystal due to a

change in temp of crystal) are observed with materials such as Barium Titanate and

Tourmaline. Other materials such as lithium Sulphate, Rochelle salt, are very brittle and

sensitive to humidity conditions.

Advantages in selecting the quartz crystal as sensing element:

Chemically stable.

Free from hysterisis.

Mechanically stable.

Available as a high quality material.


Disadvantages of quartz crystal:

Low piezoelectric constant.

It is not sensitive to hydrostatic pressure.

These disadvantages can be obviated by using multiple crystal piles and by ensuring that

pressure is applied only to certain faces of crystal.

A quartz crystal is oriented with respect to three orthogonal axes designated X, Y

& Z. Z-axis is one of the optical symmetry. Light passed through crystal along this axis

suffers no change in polarization. X and Y-axes are polar axis, mutually perpendicular to

each other and perpendicular to Z- axis. When the crystal is strained in the direction of a

polar axis only, charge separation occurs. Equal and opposite charges are induced in the

conductors placed on surfaces cut perpendicular to a polar axis and the charge is the

linear function of the strain.

Components required for the construction of a pile are

12 X-cut quartz crystals

13 Copper foil electrodes

2 Dural pistons

Locking rings and neoprene pads

Prior to assembly the quartz crystals are checked for polarity and faces are

marked accordingly. Essentially this involves placing the crystal on a grounded plate and

applying the pressure on a metal electrode placed on the other surface. The polarity of

charge collected by the electrode is determined by connecting the crystal to DSO and

observing the deflection.

The blast gauge consists of pile of 12- octagonal x-cut quartz crystal of

approximate 0.01-inch thickness, 1.0-inch diameter. The crystal faces are of evaporated

aluminum or gold. The pile is formed to increase the gauge sensitivity. All 12 crystals are

assembled with proper polarity axis marker with copper foil electrodes. Both sides of

copper foil are coated with a solution of pure bitumen dissolved in benzene and allowed

to dry. This assembly is kept in a temperature-controlled oven at 140oC for two hours.

The pile is cooled in vacuum for 24 hours after which it is cleaned with benzene to get

extra bitumen out.

The following figure shows a gauge pile assembly.

Crystal and electrodes used in gauge.

Copper foil tabs, which form the alternate electrode, are grouped and soldered. The

insulation resistance measured from insulation tester is more than 50000 - 60000 M ohm.

Gauge pile construction








Secondary Explosive

A test pressure of 1kg/cm2 is applied at each side of the pile to confirm the proper

adhesion to crystal electrode .The complete pile is assembled in a brass body, having an

aerodynamic shape. The gage has sensitivity of 100pC/psi, and natural frequency of 200

kHz. It can be used for pressure measurement in the range of 1-200psi.

Blast gauge for measuring blast pressure

The figure above shows a typical blast gauge used for measuring the pressure produced

during blast.

Various gauges used for measuring blast parameters

Various other gauges used are Lollipop gauge, under water gauge and PZT gauge

normally called as shock arrival gauge. Figure above shows the four gauges generally

used in blast and damage studies.

3.1.2 SIGNAL CONDITIONERS Charge amplifier:

The charge amplifier, which is the heart of blast instrumentation, converts charge into

voltage and is useful for carrying out field blast measurements. It can be used for

measurement of both free air as well as under water explosive pressures. Charge

amplifier consists of following stages:

Block diagram of Charge amplifier Charge to voltage converter stage uses an Operational-amplifier as input stage.

The configuration of the Operational-amplifier with the capacitor of different values in

the ratio of 1:10:100 in the feedback loop operates as an integrator and integrates the

current at the input. This input current is the result of charge developed across the high

impedance piezoelectric elements inside the gauge. The amplifier works to nullify this

current and thus produces output voltage proportional to the charge. The low frequency

cut off limit of 1Hz is determined by feedback resistance placed parallel to the feedback

capacitors. These resistances are in the ratio of 100:10:1 with references to the capacitors.

Charge to Voltage







Amplifierand gain control

Low PassFilter


Low passFilter

150 KHz

O/P Transducer Sensitivity Control: It is a voltage amplifier stage. The sensitivity

control varies the gain of this stage inversely with the transducer sensitivity, which

establishes a direct relationship between the applied pressure and the amplifier output

making it independent of the transducer sensitivity. The transducer sensitivity can be set

accurately up to three decimal places over a range of 1pc/psi to 110pc/psi (14.22 pC per

Kg/cm2 to 1564.20 pC per Kg/cm2)

The sensitivity of charge amplifier is not affected by the change in capacitance caused by

changing cable length. When very long cables are used, the high frequency response is

slightly attenuated. Amplification and Gain Control: The output of the second stage is further

amplified nearly ten fold so that it can be measured easily and accurately. The output is

normalized at 1 volt for minimum range settings. It can deliver the output voltage ten

times of the normalized value. Thus it allows the measurement of pressure over a wide

range extending from 1psi to 10000 psi (0.703 Kg/cm2 to 703 Kg/cm2). Filter stage consists of two low pass filters having –3db cut off frequency at

14KHz and 150KHz. With the introduction of these circuits, the charge amplifier is made

capable of measuring free air as well as under water explosive pressures. The low

frequency response of a charge amplifier is determined by the time constant set by the

feedback circuit along the operational-amplifier and is unaffected by change in the input

load condition. Varying the feedback resistance changes the lower limiting frequency. Charge simulator: The feedback capacitors put in the input stage must be

accurately set in the ratio of 1:10:100 in the three ranges. Practically there is slight

variation in this ratio due to tolerance limitation of capacitors. Therefore to maintain the

accuracy of the system, it must be calibrated for the particular range in use. For this

purpose calibration facility has been created with in the instrument itself. A charge

simulator has been in corrupted, which provides calibration signal in five steps from

10pC to 10000pC at frequency of 1 KHz. The calibration signal can be fed internally to

each channel one by one through a channel select control. The output of charge simulator

system is also available externally in voltage form.


It is necessary to determine the gauge sensitivity before the gauge is used in the

field. There are two types of calibration processes: static and dynamic. Static calibration

is done in the laboratory using a static calibration setup as shown.

Quasi-static calibration of blast gauges



Blast Gauge

SolenoidCharge Amplifier

Cellofin Sheet

Release valve




The gauge is fitted inside a small chamber, which is mounted on a bigger chamber. The

two chambers are separated by a cellophane diaphragm, which is pre-heated in an oven to

avoid sagging when pierced. The big chamber is filled with air to a pressure of 10 psi.

The diaphragm is punctured by a solenoid with a pointed pin. The gauge senses the

sudden release of air pressure. The signal from the gauge is fed to a charge amplifier, the

output of which is fed to an oscilloscope.

The sensitivity of the gauge is calibrated from the relation:

G= (total charge in pc x gauge deflection)/ (Cal. Deflection x chamber pressure)

The deflection due to gauge and calibration signal is measured from the records. The

chamber pressure is taken from a mercury manometer, just prior to puncturing the

diaphragm. Total charge in Pico-coulomb is obtained from the chart prepared from

measurements of the components of the preamplifier and calibration voltage. DYNAMIC CALIBRATION:

The blast gauges are subjected to dynamic calibration trials to determine errors in

measurements and spurious response of the gauges due to defective assembly. Standard

spherical explosive charge are utilized with blast gauges symmetrically positioned as

shown in figure below:

Field set up of free air blast.

Distance of gauges from the charge:

G1: One Meter G3: Three Meters

G2: Two Meters G4: Four Meters

In practice a minimum of four gauges are mounted around the explosive charge

either at the same distance or at different distances in a line, all depending upon the

experimental requirements.


The geophone is velocity transducer consists of a permanent bar magnet, which

moves up, & down within a long coil of two windings. When frequency of vibration is

higher than natural frequency of suspended system, the seismic mass remains in fixed

position and the case with the coil vibrate about it. The sensitivity is constant above the

resonance frequency.

The typical transducers used for measurement of ground particle velocity are triaxial

geophone of sensitivity 29V/m/s are:

Vertical uniaxial geophone of sensitivity 20V/m/s and natural frequency of 10Hz.

Uniaxial horizontal geophone of sensitivity of 19V/m/s, with a natural frequency

of 10Hz





A transducer used is a geo phone, which measures ground particle vibrations. Geo-

phones can be categorized as uniaxial transducers and triaxial transducers. Uniaxial

transducers measure particle velocity in one direction. Triaxial transducers measure

particle velocity in three directions i.e. x ,y ,z .


Functionally a geo-phone sensor is a coil of wire suspended around a magnet. The

magnet is free to move in a field of magnetic flux lines. By Lenz’s law induced voltage is

proportional to the speed at which flux lines are traversed. Induced coil voltage is

therefore proportional to the relative velocity of the coil to the magnet. In practice, it does

not matter whether the coil or the magnet moves only the motion and speed relative to

each other are important.

Geo-phone sensor specifications give a number known as the ‘‘Intrinsic voltage

sensitivity”. It is the coil voltage induced for a given coil versus magnet speed with units

of V/in/sec. In seismic applications, the magnet is moved by the blast energy because it is



Direction of motion of magnet

Relative to coil


coupled to the particles of the surrounding terrain. The coil, because of its inertia, doesn’t

move and the resulting magnet versus coil motion induces a voltage, which is

proportional to particle velocity. ACCELOROMETER:

Accelerometer is an instrument used to measure shock and vibration. It can be

initialized by mass element connected to the case by spring and a damping medium. The

transducing elements produces an electrical output proportional to the displacement of

the mass element relative to the case and also proportional to the acceleration applied to

the case.

Accelerometer uses a sensing method in which acceleration acts on a seismic

mass (proof mass) that is restrained by and whose motion is usually damped in a spring

mass system.

When acceleration is applied to accelerometer case the mass moves relative to the

case. When acceleration stops, the spring returns the mass to its original position. If

acceleration is applied in opposite direction to the transducer case, the spring would be

compressed rather than extended.

Under steady state conditions displacement of seismic mass is given by equation

We have F= k X Where , K =spring constant

X = displacement of seismic mass BLASTMATE:



Simplified model of accelerometer

Blast Mate is used to record full field analysis of an event i.e., peak particle

velocity, peak acceleration, peak displacement, peak vector sum, zero crossing frequency

and peak air (sound) pressure.

Using the Blast Mate we can do event monitoring. Event monitoring measures

both ground vibrations and air pressure. Blast mate measures transverse, vertical and

longitudinal ground vibrations. Transverse ground vibrations agitate particles in a side to

side to motion. Vertical ground vibrations agitate particles in an up and down motion.

Longitudinal ground vibrations agitate particles in a forward and backward motion

progression outward from the event site. Events also affect air pressure by creating what

is commonly referred to as ‘‘air blast”. By measuring air pressures, we can determine the

effect of air blast energy on structures measured on the linear “L” scale or as perceived

by the human ear, measured on the “A” weight scale.


The microphone measures air pressure. There are two types of microphones, linear ‘‘L”

(standard) and ‘‘A” weight (optional).


The Blast Mate supports two sound pressure measurement scale: linear ‘‘L” and ‘‘A”



Linear measurement is generally used to measure the effect of low frequency air pressure

on buildings. The linear scale records sound pressure without modification in the 2 to 300

Hz range. Measurement units may be in absolute, Pascal or relative dB scales.


‘‘A” weight measures noise levels people may consider an annoyance. The signal is then

converted to root mean square (RMS).

Units are measured using the decibel scale dB (A).


The Blast Mate III calculates two sound pressure parameters i.e., peak sound pressure and

zero crossing frequency, recorded by the microphone.

Peak sound pressure (psp):

The Blast Mater III checks the entire event waveform and displays the largest

sound pressure called the peak sound pressure, also referred to as the peak air


Zero crossing frequency (zc freq):

The zero crossing frequency calculates the event waveform’s frequency at the

largest peak for sound pressure.


Full waveform event analysis.

Multiple record modes---single shot, continuous, auto record.

300 full waveform event capacity.

Full PC compatibility.

Variable sample rates.

On-line Help.



Etna is used for the measurement of the ground particle acceleration at the time of under

ground explosion. The block diagram of the Etna is as shown.

Oscillator Capacitive



CalibrationCoil Functional

Test PulseAnalogOutput


Block Diagram Of Etna


The oscillator applies an AC signal of opposite polarity to the two moving capacitor

plates. When the accelerometer is ”zeroed” and when no acceleration is applied, these

plates are symmetrical to the fixed central plate and no voltage is generated.

Acceleration causes the coil and Capacitive sensor plates, (which are a single assembly

mounted on mechanical flextures), to move with respect to the fixed central plate of the

capacitive transducer.

This displacement results in a signal on the center plate of the capacitor, which become

unbalanced, resulting in an AC signal of the same frequency as the oscillator being

passed to the amplifier. The amplifier amplifies this AC signal. This error signal is then

passed to the demodulator where it is synchronously demodulated and filtered, creating a

DC signal in feed back amplifier. The feed back loop compensates for this error signal by

passing current through coil to create a magnetic restoring force to balance the capacitor

plates back to their original null position.

The current traveling through the coil is thus directly proportional to the applied

acceleration. By passing this current through a complex impedance consisting of a

resistor and capacitor, it can be converted to voltage output proportional to acceleration

with a bandwidth of approximately 200 Hz. Selecting a particular resistor values are

determined by a high accuracy network, so the range can be set at 0.25g, 0.5g, 1g, 2g and

4g without re-calibrating the sensor span. The capacitor and overall loop is selected along

with resistor to ensure an identical transfer function on each range. The voltage output of

the resistor capacitor network is set at 2.5volts for the acceleration value corresponding to

the particular range. This voltage is then applied to the amplifier. The low power

amplifier amplifies this signal by either 1 or 4 to give a single ended output of either 2.5

or 10volts. A second amplifier is also present which inverts the signal form the first and

can be connected to the negative output lead. The system is used to study the ground

acceleration; it has built in triaxial forced balanced accelerometer, which has a range of

4g, with a nature of frequency of 100 Hz. The system has built ion 2Mb flash memory

with an addition of PCMCIA memory card to extend its memory capacity up to 8Mb. The

system has internal battery of 12V and 6.5 Ampere-hour and the sample rate of the

system is 100-250 cycles per second with 18- bit resolution. The system has three

channel frequency response is DC-80Hz Features:

(1) Each coil is equipped with a calibration coil. Applying a current to this simulates the

effect of acceleration applied to the sensor.

(2) The calibration coils are open circuit in normal, to prevent cross talk and noise pick

up. To utilize this, the enable signal must be activated by a DC voltage 5 volts to 12

volts with respect to ground.


Full scale range: + 4g

Frequency response: DC to 80 Hz @sps

Resolution: 18-bit resolution @sps

Sampling rate: 100, 200, 250 sps

Input range: + 2.5volts


The signal from the blast gauge is brought into the control room using special

coaxial cables. The cable used in blast and damage study is “anti micro phonic low noise

cable”. It has special graphite coating above the inner signal carrying wire to ground any

noise signal if present.

The important specifications of the cable used are:

Characteristic impedance: 75 ohm at 1MHz frequency in unbalanced condition

Frequency rate of operation: 1 MHz at 3dB gain

Breakdown voltage: 2.7KV

Nominal capacitance: 69pF/m

Nominal attenuation: 0.46 dB/100ft for 1MHz

Inner diameter: 0.193mm, 14 strands

Plain annealed copper polythene insulation: 5.08mm

Graphite conducting layer: 5.59mm

Outer conductor plain annealed copper: 6.48mm

Overall diameter with outer PVC sheath: 8.0mm



The LCR meter bridge is an instrument used to measure the inductance, capacitance,

resistance and Q-factor of any component. In blast and damage study, this meter is used

to calculate the parameters of anti-micro phonic cables

There is a special input probe connected to the crocodile clips that hold the component.

The digital display on the meter directly gives us the value of the selected parameter. We

can select whether we want absolute values or relative values (with specified reference)

as percentages.

There are three modes in the instrument

AUTO MODE : This means that the instrument will itself select whether the

device is an inductor, capacitor or resistor. The value is displayed in Henry, Farad

or ohm.

LC MODE : In this mode only the inductance or capacitance of the component

will be reported and not its resistance, even if it is predominant.

R MODE : This mode displays the resistance of the component, be it a capacitor

or inductor.

Other selections that are available are:



This LCR meter is actually an AC bridge with the component under test forming one of

the arms. As each component has its own resistance, capacitance and inductance it can be

denoted and tested as any of the following two ways.







The low value components are measured in series combination and the higher valued

components in parallel.

Frequency selection: There are four frequencies to choose from as the bridge source.

1. 100Hz

2. 1KHz

3. 10KHz

4. 100KHz

There are certain optimum recommended values by the manufacturers for the various

combinations. Polarizing voltage can also be given to electrolytic capacitors for providing


If a metal conductor is stretched or compressed, its resistance changes on

account of the fact that both length and diameter of conductor changes. Also there is a

change in the value of resistivity of the conductor when it is strained and this property

is called piezoresistive effect. The strain gauges are used for measurement of strain

and associated stress. The gauge factor of strain gauge is given by the following


Gauge Factor, K= R/R/L/L

Where, R = change in resistance

R = Initial Resistance

L = change in length

L = Initial length of element.

Strain meter is used to show corresponding voltage or current for the strain

produced. Method of measuring strain uses a bridge composed of one strain gauge and

other resistances of same resistance value i.e. 120. This has an advantage of higher

output so it is widely applied to strain gauge based system.

In the quarter bridge with two wires, the affection to the lead wires due to change in

ambient temperature is roughly estimated as a strain of 5210-6/oC, when 10m long 2

parallel cables are used with 120 strain gage. This can be avoided by connecting bridge

as a quarter bridge in 3-wire system using three parallel cables. The third line is used for

connection to dummy arm of the bridge formed in bridge box to compensate the affection

of ambient temperature to lead wires.











Quarter 3-wire bridge connections.

Other connections in which gages can be connected are Full bridge, Half bridge etc.


High frequency response ranging from DC to 200KHz.

Built in low pass and high pass filter.

Output can be obtained as voltage or current.

Digital sensitivity setting method: First select rated output of instrument from the

range of 1 to 10V. Secondly set the strain value corresponding to the output with

digital switch provided.


Pressure can also be measured by measuring the sound pressure level. The

transducer used in this technique is a microphone, which converts sound pressure into

electrical signals.

The basic principle of a microphone is that when pressure is incident on it, its

membrane starts vibrating. This vibration is picked up and is transduced into an

electrical signal. Pressure level is calculated in decibels where the threshold level of

sound intensity, 2x10-10 bar is taken as the reference level of 0 dB. The formula used

for conversion of dB level to actual level is

dB = 20 log10(P/P0)

Where P = pressure in bars

P0 = 2*10-10 bar

The sound level meters used in the lab measure the dB level of blast. Using above

formula the actual pressure level obtained from the blast can be found.

The important considerations in using the sound level meters are:

Choosing the correct microphone: A choice has to be made between free-field

and diffused-field microphones. The usage depends on where the microphone

is to be used and what their application is. Other options include pre-polarized

and non-polarized microphones. A good knowledge of these is necessary

before one can get a good result in actual conditions.

Frequency weighting : Depending on the expected frequency response of the

explosive, the correct frequency weighting on the SLM has to be used. This is

essential to make sure that the required response signals are not attenuated.

Octave filters: Accessories such as octave filters are also required if a detailed

analysis of the response is to be made.

The SLM used in the lab is Bruel and Kjaer make. It is a portable device and can be

operated on a 6V battery for 8 hours. The important specifications of the unit are:

Maximum peak level: 153 dB

Frequency weighing: A, C, linear, all pass

Resolution: 0.1dB

Polarizing voltage: 0V, 28V, 200V

Storage rate: 1 value/sec

8KB ROM and 64KB RAM, total 99 memories

The microphone used is ½” free field prepolarized condenser microphone. It has a linear

frequency response till 10 KHz and has a sensitivity of 50mV/Pa.

The unit gives a direct display of the dB level of the ambient pressure. Additional values

reported include maximum pressure level, over range and under range.


The information about the quantity under measurement has to be conveyed to the

personnel handling the instrument or the system for monitoring, control, or analysis

purposes. This function is done by data presentation element called recorders. In blast

instrumentation this job is assigned to high-speed oscilloscopes as below: -

Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (D.S.O.).

Dual Phosphorus Oscilloscopes (D.P.O.).

Magnetic Recorders.


Digital storage oscilloscope is a tool for acquiring, displaying, and measuring

waveform signals. The DSO provides simultaneous multi-channel operation, as well as

measurement automation and waveform storage. Digital storage oscilloscope is available

in processing and non-processing type. Processing type include built in computing power,

which take advantage of the fact that all the data is ready in digital form. The inclusion of

interfacing and a microprocessor provides a complete system for information acquisition,

analysis and output. Processing capability ranges from simple functions (such as average,

area, rms, etc.) to complete Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) spectrum analysis capability.

DSO contains a hard copy plotter, which serve as digital scope high-speed recorders.

Non- processing digital scopes are designed as replacements for analog instruments or

both storage and non storage types. Their many features seen set to replace analog scope

entirely (within the bandwidth range where digitization is feasible).

A unique facility provided by the DSO is waveform math for inverting, adding,

subtracting and multiplying of waveforms. The TDS oscilloscope provides a means to

mathematically manipulate the waveforms. For example, if we have a waveform, which

is clouded by background noise, we can obtain a clear waveform by subtracting the

background noise from original waveform.

The scope operating controls are designed such that all confusing details are

placed on the backside and one appears to be using a conventional scope. Some digital

scope provides the facility of switching selectable to analog operation as one of the

operating modes.

The basic advantage of digital operation is storage capability, the stored

waveform can be repetitively read out, thus making transient appear repetitively and

allowing their convenient display on the scope screen.

The voltage and time scales of display are easily changed after the waveform has

been recorded, which allows expansion (typically to 64 times) of selectable portions, to

observe greater details.

A cross hair cursor can be positioned at any desired point on the waveform and

the voltage/time values displayed digitally on the screen.

Pre-triggering capability is also a significant advantage of DSO. Pre-triggering

recording allows the input signal preceding the trigger points to be recorded An

adjustable trigger delay allows operator control of the stop point, so that the trigger may

occur near the beginning, middle or end of the stored information.

Digital Oscilloscopes look at an input signal at discrete ‘sampling’ instants, rather

than continuously like an analog real time oscilloscope. They are therefore only aware of

the state of the signal at these instants and are completely ignorant of what happens in

between the samples.

The Digital Oscilloscopes offer unheard of bandwidth when compared to analog

oscilloscopes. The bandwidth limiting factors are Input Attenuator, Y-Amplifier, Y-

Deflection Plate and of course the CRT itself. The Digital Oscilloscopes avoid all these

limitations at one fell swoop by simply not attempting to deal with the whole signal in

real time. Instead it takes samples of the instantaneous voltage of the input signal on

successive cycles and assembles these samples to form a picture of the complete


Thus the main requirement for a sampling oscilloscope is a circuit capable of

accurately sampling the input waveform at regular intervals.

Block Diagram of Digital Storage Oscilloscope

The first input stage of DSO is a Vertical Amplifier. Vertical Attenuation controls

allows to adjust the amplitude range of this stage. Next the Analog to Digital

Converter (ADC) in the acquisition system samples the signal at discrete points in

time and converts the signal’s voltage at these points to digital values called Sample

Points. The Horizontal System’s sample clock determines how often the ADC takes a

sample. The rate at which the clock “ticks” is called the Sample Rate and is expressed

in samples per second.

The sample points from the ADC are stored in memory as waveform

points. More than one sample point may make up one waveform point. Together the

waveform points make up one waveform record. The no of waveform points used to

make up a waveform record is called the Record Length. The trigger system






determines the start and stop points of the record. The display receives these record

points after being stored in memory.

The DSO’s signal path includes a Microprocessor. The measured signal

passes through this device on its way to display. In addition to processing the signal ,

the microprocessor co-ordinates display activities , manages the front panel controls

and more. This is known as”Serial Processing” architecture.


Bandwidth: 100MHz

Memory: 1K/channel

Sampling rate: 400MS/s

High resolution, high contrast LCD displays with temperature compensation and

replaceable backlight.

Setup and waveform storage is possible in non-volatile memory.

Auto set for quick setup.

Waveform averaging and peak detection.

RS 232 communication port available for printing.

IEEE-488 interface available.


1. FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS: The FFT computes and displays the

frequency contents of a waveform, which is acquired on a math waveform. FFT is used in

the following applications:

Testing impulse response of filters and systems.

Measuring harmonic content and distortion in systems.

Identifying noise sources in digital logic circuits.

2. WAVEFORM DIFFERENTIATION: This capability allows us to display a

derivative math waveform that indicates the instantaneous rate of change of the

waveform acquired. The derivative waveform is used in the measurement of slew rate of

amplifier and in analytical applications.

3. WAVEFORM INTEGRATION: This capability allows display of integral math

waveform as an integrated version of acquired waveform.

Integral waveforms find use in the following applications:

Measurement of power and energy, such as in power supplies.

Characterizing the mechanical transducers, as in integration of output of

accelerometer to obtain velocity. DIGITAL PHOSPHOR OSCILLOSCOPE

Digital Phosphorous Oscilloscope is used for high-speed acquisition. The DPO

acquisition is made to produce a display that provides intensity information. DPO

acquisition mode reduces the dead time between waveform acquisition that normally

occurs when digitizing storage oscilloscope (DSO) acquires waveforms. The dead time

reduction enables DPO mode to capture and display transient deviations, such as glitches

or pulses often missed during longer dead times that accompany normal DSO operations

DPO acquisition mode differs from the normal acquisition mode used by digital storage

oscilloscope. A normal DSO mode follows a “capture waveform-digitize waveform –

update waveform memory – display waveform” cycles. Normal modes misses short-term

deviations occurring during the long dead times. Typical waveform capture rates are 50

waveforms per second. DPO mode increases the waveform capture rate to 200,000

waveforms per second, updating the waveform array many times between displays. This

very fast capture rate greatly increases the probability that runts, glitches and other in

frequent events will accumulate in waveform memory.

Digital Phosphorous Oscilloscope.

The digital phosphor oscilloscopes offer a new approach to oscilloscope

architecture. Like the analog oscilloscope, its first stage is vertical amplifier; like the

DSO, its second stage is an ADC. But after the analog to digital conversion, the DPO

looks quite different from the DSO. It has special features designed to recreate the

intensity grading of an analog CRT.

The DPO combines the best of the analog and digital worlds while going beyond

both technologies. With one instrument, it’s now possible to capture all of salient

information about a waveform in three dimensions: amplitude, time and the intensity axis

that reveals amplitude distribution over time. It offers all the traditional benefits of the

DSO, from data storage to sophisticated triggering. It answers, as, well the need for

analog-like-characteristics, such as intensity-graded display and real-time behaviour, by

digitally emulating the chemical phosphorescence process that creates the intensity

grading in an analog oscilloscope’s CRT.

The DPO is able to continuously acquire and display three-dimensions of

information because of its parallel processing architecture that integrates the display and

acquisition systems. The microprocessor is devoted to measurement automation and

analysis. This is very different from the typically DSO in which every bit of data going to

the display must pass through the processor, which is also carrying out computations,

managing the oscilloscope’s user interface, etc. This parallel processing enables the DPO

to support an exceptional waveform capture rate that provides a real-time display of

signal activity. Conventional DSO’s acquire signals only a small fraction of the time –

less than 1 percent. The rest of the time is spent processing the acquired waveform data

and creating the display, and, incidentally, ignoring all the signal activity occurring while

that is being done. In contrast, the DPO creates the waveform image directly in the

acquisition system as fast as the signal can be triggered. As a result, the image responds

to waveform activity in real time, and an abundance of data accurately represents the


Rather than relying on a chemical phosphor as an analog scope does, the DPO has

purely electronic Digital Phosphor that’s actually a continuously updated database. This

database has a separate “cell” of information for every single pixel in the scopes display.

Each time a waveform is captured it is mapped into the Digital Phosphor database’s cells.

Each cell representing a screen location that is touched by the waveform gets reinforced

with intensity information. When the digital phosphor database is fed to the

oscilloscope’s display, the display reveals intensified waveform areas, in proportion to

the signal’s frequency of occurrence at each point-much like the intensity grading

characteristics of an analog oscilloscope (unlike an analog scope, though, the DPO allows

the varying levels to be expressed in contrasting colors if you wish). With a DPO, it’s

easy to see the difference between a waveform that occurs on almost every trigger and

one that occurs, say, every hundredth trigger.

Importantly the DPO uses a parallel processing architecture to achieve all this

manipulation without slowing down the whole acquisition process. Like the DSO, the

DPO uses a microprocessor for display management, measurement automation, and

analysis. But the DPO’s microprocessor is outside the acquisition/display signal path,

where it doesn’t affect the acquisition speed.

The digital phosphor oscilloscope surpasses the strengths of analog and digital

oscilloscopes. Its integrated acquisition and display architecture gives the DPO the real-

time intensity-graded, alias-free display expected from an analog oscilloscope, plus the

storage and analysis capabilities of a DSO. The resulting measurement tool is greater than

the sum of its parts, providing never-before-seen insights into signal behaviour.


Bandwidth: 500MHz

Memory: 50K/channel

Maximum sampling rate: 1GS/s

Computer compatible: waveform storage in floppy

Other display features also available MAGNETIC RECORDER:

In recent years, need for recording and analyzing ultra wide-band measurements

such as acoustic data higher than the audible frequency are increasing rapidly in various

fields. Data recorders with ultra wide band frequency characteristics, portability,

compatibility etc are available. These have 4 channel * 160 KHz * 16 bit ultra-wide band

high-speed data recording capability. They apply new AIT technology, which enables

them to record 4 channel * 160 KHz measured data on the one cartridge in digital format

for 2 hours continuously.

AIT (Advanced intelligent tape) is new standard for high speed, large capacity

streamers (computer data backup). Today high-density magnetic recording technology

has achieved 25GB of storage capacity and 24 Mbps data transfer rate. The newly

developed AME (Advanced metal evaporated) tape assures remarkable output with

reliability and durability. The table of contents (TOC) information and file position

information is written into the in built memory.

The difference in the operation of magnetic recorders and digital storage

oscilloscopes is that a DSO is a trigger-based device. It would not store the signal if it is

not triggered. But the magnetic recorder is always ready and stores all the signals that are

input without any need for triggering.


Multichannel with analog wide band.

LSB digital channels with some sub channels.

Large capacity of AIT cartridge.

Error free recording.

Compatible i.e. data can be read out directly using computer.

Easy operation.

High quality recording and playback with low power consumption i.e.

1.6A at AC 100V and 7A at DC 12V. GRAPHICAL MULTIMETER:

The most widely used device in an instrumentation lab is a multimeter. The Fluke

863 GMM used in our lab has a wealth of new features that makes taking measurements


It has different displaying modes such as Combo mode, View mode, Meter mode


It also provides Auto Diode Test Mode.

It has one important key namely "Save and Print". GMM can use an optical serial

interface cable to communicate with a PC or printer.

Frequency display can be obtained in many ways such as Hz, duty cycle, pulse

width or period.

It provides a component test mode: It is used to measure the characteristics of

passive components in or out of circuit with no power applied. On connection

with the component it results in a pattern, which provides information about that


The Fluke graphical multimeter.

The specifications of GMM are listed below:

Input Impedance: 10Mohm

Accuracy: 0.05% of reading + 2 digits

Battery operating time: 6hrs

Battery recharge time: 16 hours minimum from full discharge

Measurement range: 3V – 1000V


All IBM PC and compatible computers are typically equipped with two serial

ports and one parallel port. Although these two types of ports are used for communicating

with external devices, they work in different ways.

PARALLEL PORT : A parallel port sends and receives 'n' data bits at a same time

over (n+1) lines along with common ground line. This allows data to be

transferred very quickly; however the cable required is more bulky. Parallel ports

are generally used to connect PC to printer and are rarely used elsewhere.

SERIAL PORT: A serial port sends and receives data one bit at a time over one

wire. While it takes eight times as long to transfer each byte of data this way, only

few wires are required. In fact, two-way (full duplex) communications is possible

with only three separate wires - one to send, one to receive, and a common signal

ground wire. PC PARALLEL PORT

The original IBM-PC's Parallel Printer Port had a total of 12 digital outputs and 5 digital inputs accessed via 3 consecutive 8-bit ports in the processor's I/O space.

8 output pins accessed via the DATA PORT.

5 input pins (one inverted) accessed via the STATUS PORT.

4 output pins (three inverted) accessed via the CONTROL PORT.

The remaining 8 pins are grounded

25-way Female D-Type Connector

The PC parallel port adapter is specifically designed to attach printers with a

parallel port interface, but it can be used as a general input/output port for any device or

application that matches its input/output capabilities. It has 12 TTL-buffer output points,

which are latched and can be written and read under program control using the processor

In or Out instruction. The adapter also has five steady state input points that may be read

using the processors instruction.

Parallel Port Connector.

This port allows the input of up to 9 bits or the output of 12 bits at any one given

time, thus requiring minimal external circuitry to implement many simpler tasks. The port

is composed of 4 control lines, 5 status lines and 8 data lines. It's found commonly on the

back of your PC as a D-Type 25 Pin female connector. There may also be a D-Type 25

pin male connector. This will be a serial RS-232 port and thus, is a totally incompatible



IBM originally supplied three adapters that included a parallel printer port for its

PC/XT/AT range of microcomputers. Depending on which were installed, each available

parallel port's base address in the processor's I/O space would be one of 278, 378 and

3BC (all Hex).

Most contemporary PCs, shipped with a single parallel printer port, seem to have the base

address at 378 Hex.

The PC parallel port adapter is specifically designed to attach printers with a parallel port

interface, but it can be used as a general input/output port for any device or application

that matches its input/output capabilities. It has 12 TTL-buffer output points, which are

latched and can be written and read under program control using the processor In or Out

instruction. The adapter also has five steady-state input points that may be read using the

processors in instruction.

In addition, one input can also be used to create a processor interrupt. This interrupt can

be enabled and disabled under program control. Reset from the power-on circuit is also

ORed with a program output point, allowing a device to receive a power-on reset when

the processor in reset.

The input/output signals are made available at the back of the adapter through a right-

angled, PCB-mounted, 25-pin, D-type female connector. This connector protrudes

through the rear panel of the system, where a cable may be attached.

When this adapter is used to attach a printer, data or printer commands are loaded into an

8-bit, latched, output port, and the strobe line is activated, writing data to the printer. The

program then may read the input ports for printer status indicating when the next

character can be written, or it may use the interrupt line to indicate "not busy" to the


The output ports may also be read at the card's interface for diagnostic loop functions.

This allows faults to be isolated between the adapter and the attached device.


The printer adapter responds to five I/O instructions: two outputs and three inputs. The

output instructions transfer data into two latches whose outputs are presented on the pins

of a 25-pin D-type female connector.

Two of the three input instructions allow the processor to read back the contents of the

two latches. The third allows the processor to read the real time status of a group of pins

on the connector.

A description of each instruction follows


Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Pin 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

The instruction captures data from the data bus and is present on the respective pins.

These pins are each capable of sourcing 2.6 am and sinking 24 am. It is essential that the

external device not try to pull these lines to ground.


Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Pin - - - - 17 16 14 1

This instruction causes the latch to capture the least significant bits of the data bus. The

four least significant bits present their outputs, or inverted versions of their outputs, to the

respective pins shown above. If bit 4 is written as 1, the card will interrupt the processor

on the condition that pin 10 transitions high to low.

Open collector drivers pulled to +5 Vcc through 4.7 k resistors drive these pins. They

can each sink approximately 7 Amp and maintain 0.8 volts down level.


This command presents the processor with data present on the pins associated with the

corresponding output address. This should normally reflect the exact value that was last

written. If an external device should be driving data on these pins (in violation of usage

ground rules) at the time of an input, this data will be ORed with the latch contents.


This command presents real-time status to the processor from the pins as follows.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Pin 11 10 12 13 15 - - -


This instruction causes the data present on pins 1, 14, 16, 17 and the IRQ bit to be read by

the processor. In the absence of external drive applied to these pins, data read by the

processor will exactly match data last written to the corresponding output address in the

same bit positions. Note that data bits 0-2 are not included. If external drivers are dotted

to these pins, that data will be ORed with data applied to the pins by the output latch.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Pin - - - - 17 16 14 1


REGISTER DB-25 I/OSignal Name Bit Pin Direction

Strobe C0 1 Output

+Data Bit 0 D0 2 Output +Data Bit 1 D1 3 Output +Data Bit 2 D2 4 Output +Data Bit 3 D3 5 Output +Data Bit 4 D4 6 Output +Data Bit 5 D5 7 Output +Data Bit 6 D6 8 Output +Data Bit 7 D7 9 Output -Acknowledge S6 10 Input +Busy S7 11 Input +Paper End S5 12 Input +Select In S4 13 Input -Auto Feed C1 14 Output -Error S3 15 Input -Initialize C2 16 Output -Select C3 17 Output

Ground 18-25 - (Note again that the S7, C0, C1 & C3 signals are inverted)

IBM-PC Parallel Printer Port Female DB-25 Socket external Pin layout

So it's also the Pin layout on the solder side of the Male DB-25 Cable Connector that plugs into it

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14

Hardware inverted means that line is active low or in other words the signal is inverted by

the parallel card's hardware. The above table uses "n" in front of the signal name to

denote that the signal is active low e.g. error. If the printer has encountered an error then

this line is low. This line normally is high, should the printer be functioning correctly.

The "Hardware Inverted" means the signal is inverted by the Parallel card's hardware.

Such an example is the Busy line. If +5v (Logic 1) was applied to this pin and the status

register read, it would return back a 0 in Bit 7 of the Status Register.

The output of the Parallel Port is normally TTL logic levels. The voltage levels are the

easy part. The current you can sink and source varies from port to port. Most Parallel

Ports can sink and source around 12mA. However these are just some of the figures taken

from Data sheets, Sink/Source 6mA, Source 12mA/Sink 20mA, Sink 16mA/Source 4mA,

and Sink/Source 12mA. The best bet is to use a buffer, so the least current is drawn from

the Parallel Port.


The Parallel Port has three commonly used base addresses. These are listed in

table 2, below. The 3BCh base address was originally introduced used for Parallel Ports

on early Video Cards. This address then disappeared for a while, when Parallel Ports

were later removed from Video Cards. They has now reappeared as an option for Parallel

Ports integrated onto motherboards, upon which there configuration can be changed using


When the computer is first turned on, BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) will determine

the number of ports the computer has and assigns device labels LPT1, LPT2 & LPT3 to

them. The BIOS first looks at address 3BCh. If a Parallel Port is found here, it is assigned

as LPT1, and then it searches at location 378h. If a Parallel card is found there, it is

assigned the next free device label. This would be LPT1 if a card wasn't found at 3BCh

or LPT2 if a card was found at 3BCh. The last port of call is 278h and follows the same

procedure than the other two ports. Therefore it is possible to have a LPT2, which is at

378h and not at the expected address 278h.

In the MS-DOS operative system three parallel ports, called LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3, are

supported. So we can find three addresses dedicated to these ports in the memory map of

the PC.


3BCh-3BFh Used for parallel ports, which were incorporated into video

cards and now commonly used for ports controlled by BIOS.

378h-37Fh Usual address for LPT1 (Line Printer)

278h-27Fh Usual address for LPT2


The first circuit I made to use the parallel port is shown on next page.

This port operates the LED’s when the computer gives the command. The LED’s are

connected to the data pins and grounded with the port. TTL levels of the port generate

enough current for the LED to glow brightly. The corresponding software is written


3 3 0

3 3 0

3 3 0

3 3 0

3 3 0

3 3 0

3 3 0

3 3 0

P 1

C O N N E C TO R D B 2 5

1 32 51 22 41 12 31 02 292 182 071 961 851 741 631 521 41

Simple circuit to operate parallel port.


** Illustrates simple use of printer port for LED glow in binary.

** Nidhi Jain



void main()


for( int i=0; i<128; i++)


outport(0x378, i);




My objective was to control switching of the relays using the parallel port and also

ascertain the dynamic parameters of the hardware like voltage levels at certain points.

This required both data input and output from the computer.

To understand data input and output from port, I used the following circuit. The

controlling software was written in C/C++.

Practical application of parallel port.

This typical application shows a normally open push button switch being read on the

BUSY input (Status Port, Bit 7) and an LED, which is controlled by Bit 0 on the Data

Port. A C language program causes the LED to flash at the rate of 5 times per second

when the push-button is depressed. The following code is used with the above circuit.


** Illustrates simple use of printer port. When switch is

** Depressed LED flashes. When switch is not depressed,

** LED is turned off.

** Nidhi Jain

#include <iostream.h>

#include <dos.h> /* required for delay function */

#define DATA 0x03bc

#define STATUS DATA+1

#define CONTROL DATA+2

void main()


int in;

while(1) /* condition is always TRUE */


in = inportb(STATUS);

if (((in^0x80)&0x80)==0)

/* if BUSY bit is at 0 (switch is closed) */


outportb(DATA,0x00); /* turn LED on */


outportb(DATA, 0x01); /* turn it off */






/* if PB not depressed, turn LED off */




This program helped me understand how to output data and use the hardware inverted


The serial port is harder to interface than the parallel port. In most cases, any

device you connect to the serial port will need the serial transmission converted back to

parallel so that can be used. Still there are many advantages of the serial port. They are:

Serial cables can be longer than Parallel cables. The serial port transmits a ‘1’

as ‘-3’ to ‘-25’ volts and a ‘0’ as ‘+3’ to ‘+25’ volts where as a parallel port

transmits a ‘0’ as 0 volts and a ‘1’ as 5 volts. Therefore the serial port can

have a maximum swing of 50 volts compared to the parallel port, which has a

maximum swing of 5 volts. Therefore cable losses are much less in serial


Lesser number of wires are needed for the serial communication as compared

to parallel communication.

Microcontroller’s have in built Serial Communications Interfaces (SCI),

which can be used to talk to the outside world. Serial communication reduces

the pin count of these MPU’s.

Devices, which use serial cables for their communications, are split into two

categories. These are DCE (Data Communication Equipment) and DTE (Data Terminal

Equipment). Data Communications Equipment are devices such as modem, adapter,

plotter, etc while Data Terminal Equipment is the computer or terminal.

The electrical specifications of the serial port is contained in the EIA (Electronics

Industry Association) RS232 Standard. It states:

A “Space” is logic0 and will be between +3 and +25 volts.

A “Mark” is logic 1 and will be between –3 and –25 volts.

The region between +3 and –3 volts is undefined.

A short circuit current should never exceed 500 mA.

DTE to DCE is the speed between your modem and computer, sometimes referred

to As your terminal sppeed. This should run at faster speeds than the DCE to DTE speed.

DCE to DCE is the link between modems, sometimes called the line speed.

Serial port is preferred where the requirement is of very fast data acquisition rate.

RS-232 C: RS-232 stands for Recommended Standard number 232 and C is the latest

version of the standard. The full RS-232C standard specifies a 25-pin D connectorof

which 22 pins are used. The RS-232 standard states that DTE devices use a 25-pin male

connector and DCE devices use a 25-pin female connector. The user can therefore

connect a DTE device to a DCE using a straight pin-for-pin connection.

25 Pin Connector on a DTE device:


1. Protective Gound

2. Transmitted Data(TD) Outgoing Data (from a DTE to a DCE)

3. Received Data(RD) Incoming Data (from a DTE to a DCE)

4. Request To Send (RTS) Outgoing flow control signal controlled by DTE

5. Clear To Send(CTS) Incoming flow control signal controlled by DCE

6. Data Set Ready(DSR) Incoming handshaking signal controlled by DCE

7. Signal Ground Common reference voltage

8. Carrier Detect (CD) Incoming Siganl from a Modem

20. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Outgoing handshaking siganl controlled by DTE

22. Ring Indicator (RI) Incoming signal from a modem

In a perfecet world, all serial ports on every computer would be DTE devices with 25-

pin male ‘D’ connectors. All other devices to would be DCE devices with 25-pi female

connectors. This would allow you to use a cable in which each pin on one end of the

cable is connected to the same pin on the other end.

The TD (transmit data) wire is the one through which data from a DTE device is

transmitted to a DCE device. This name can be deceiving , because a DCE device to

receive irs data uses this wire. The TD line is kept in a mrk condition by the DTE device

when it is idle. The RD(receive data) wire is the one on which data is received by a DTE

device and the DCE device keeps this line in a mark condition when idle.

RTS and CTS lines are used when hardware flow control is enabled in both the DTE and

DCE devices. The DTE device puts RTS line in a mark condition to tell the remote

device that it is ready and able to receive data. If the DTE device is not able to receive

data(because eit is full), it will put thisline in the space condition as a signal to the DCE

to stop sending the data

CTS is complement of RTS wire. The DCE device puts this line in amrk condition to tell

the DTE device that it is ready to receive the data.

DTR(Data Terminal Ready) and DSR(Data Set Ready) are used by some serial devices to

simply confirm that a device is connected and is turned on.

CD(Carrier Detect) is used by a modem to signal that it has made a connection with

another modem.



When an explosive charge is detonated in air, the gaseous products expand

rapidly and compress the surrounding air so that it moves outward with a high velocity,

thus initiating a shock wave. This layer of compressed air is bounded by an extremely

sharp front called shock front in which pressure rises abruptly. The shock front moves

outward with an initial velocity much greater than that of sound but after a short distance,

velocity decreases rapidly. The gaseous products of detonation move as a strong wind

behind shock front and are prevented by their own inertia from decreasing as rapidly as

pressure at point of detonation. As a result, there is produced a rarefaction effect and a

point of reduced pressure, which condition trails the shock front. When pressure becomes

less than the atmospheric pressure, the wind reverses in direction and blows back toward

point of detonation. The shock front, high-pressure area behind it and trailing rarefaction

condition form a complete wave, which is called blast or shock wave.

Mach wave is formed by combining of reflected wave with the incident wave and

the point where the three waves meet is called the triple point. At this point, peak

pressure and impulse are maximum.

A SHOCK WAVE is a violent disturbance moving with a loud bang along a

medium (such as air, water or earth) at a speed greater than that of sound (supersonic


A shock wave is an integral part of a detonation wave, which is a combination of a

shock wave and a chemical reaction. Shock waves formed by supersonic motion of

projectiles are usually weaker than those generated by powerful explosives and latter are

sometimes called blast waves.

The initial shock wave in air from a detonation has apparently only a very short

life, being superseded or swallowed up by another more energetic waves after

propagation of only a few diameters from charge. The wave that finally emerges from

expanding gas cloud comprising products of detonation is moreover, quite different than

initial shock; while it has a much lower peak pressure, it is much broader and much more



Pin Oscillographic Technique has been extensively used for determination of

velocity of detonation in high explosives, velocity of strong shock waves in solids, shapes

inclination of strong shock and detonation waves and rates of deformation under

explosive loading. These studies are important in the understanding of detonation

phenomena and the dynamic properties of materials under intense transient stresses.

This technique consists in recording the arrival of a fast coming event at

predetermined positions defined by locations of short contact probes. In general the

probes act as normally open switches whose contacts are shorted by the arrival of the

event at the respective probe locations. The shorting contact then discharges a condenser,

which produces an electrical impulse, which is subsequently recorded on oscilloscope

after passing through a system of cables.

POT is very much prone to noise in the field set-ups. Therefore a project

was undertaken to design a system with which detonation phenomena and dynamic

properties of materials under intense transient stresses can be studied with better accuracy

and reliability. Latest ultra fast IC-devices have been used in designing the systems. Thus

came into being the idea of SHOCK VELOCITY RECORDER.

This system can read time intervals directly in digital form. It is a six-

channel equipment with which velocity can be measured at six different pre-determined

locations by directly measuring the time intervals. Time intervals can be measured with

an accuracy of 100 nsec, with this equipment. Each channel’s data is stored in its

semiconductor memory, which can be displayed on a single common display. This

equipment has also been provided with Test facility. With which operation of all the

channels can be tested before firing. Each channel of the equipment also has an overflow

indication to show the instant the channel’s data exceed the maximum limit the

equipment can record.

The equipment has got six independent inputs. Arrival of shock/detonation wave

at a specified location is sensed by a sensor probe and after passing through cables, it

produces a transition at the corresponding output. Therefore, corresponding to six

different inputs, six output transitions are generated and these are recorded on a DSO.

Each channel of this equipment consists of a monostable circuit, which produces a fixed

duration pulse corresponding to an event sensed at its input terminal. This pulse in turn

triggers a JK flip flop through a NAND gate, during a selected fixed time interval only

and thus places the channel in the INHIBIT mode and also puts the glowing LED in the

OFF state thereby indicating that the event has been sensed and properly recorded. The

output of the JK flip-flop is fed to an output terminal for further recording on the transient


A single channel consists of the following IC’s:

LM339 (Comparator)


7473(JK flip flop)

7400(NAND gate)




The LM339 consists of four independent precision voltage comparators with an

offset voltage specification as low as 2 mV max for all four comparators. These were

designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of





voltages. Operation from split power supplies is also possible and the low power supply

current drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. The LM139

series was designed to directly interface with TTL and CMOS.


Wide supply voltage range

Very low supply current drain (0.8 mA) — independent of supply voltage

Low input biasing current: 25 nA, Low input offset current: ±5 nA

Offset voltage: ±3 mV

Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage

Low output saturation voltage: 250 mV at 4 mA

Output voltage compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS logic



High precision comparators

Eliminates need for dual supplies

Allows sensing near GND

Compatible with all forms of logic

Power drain suitable for battery operation

The LM339 series are high gain, bandwidth devices that, like most comparators, can

easily oscillate if the output lead is inadvertently allowed to capacitively couple to the

inputs via stray capacitance. This shows up only during the output voltage transition

intervals as the comparator changes states. All pins of any unused comparators should be


The output of the LM 339 series is the uncommitted collector of a grounded-emitter

NPN output transistor. Many collectors can be tied together to provide an output OR’ing

function. An output pull-up resistor can be connected to any available power supply

voltage with the permitted supply voltage range and there is no restriction on this

voltage due to the magnitude of the voltage which is applied to the V+ terminal of the

LM 339 package.

One of the Comparators of LM 339 is used to sense the input coming from a field

event. The comparator compares the input signal with the reference input voltage, which

is set to some value determined by the requirement, field setup, charge, and level of noise

in the field. The reference voltage can be set accordingly with the help of necessary

resistor combination.

The comparator then decides whether to give a high or a low at the output depending

upon the condition that input signal is greater or smaller in magnitude than the reference

input. If the input signal is more than the reference signal then the output will be a high.

If the input signal is less than the reference signal then the output will be low. MUTIVIBRATOR 74121

The multivibrators feature dual negative-transition-triggered inputs and a single

positive-transition-triggered input which can be used as an inhibit input. Complementary

output pulses are provided.

Pulse triggering occurs at a particular voltage level and is not directly related to

the transition time of the input pulse. Schmitt-trigger input circuitry for the B input

allows jitter free triggering from inputs with transition rates as slow as 1 volt/second,

providing the circuit with an excellent noise immunity of typically 1.2 volts. A high

immunity to Vcc noise of typically 1.5 volts is also provided by internal latching


Once fires, the outputs are independent of further transitions of the inputs and are

a function only of the timing components. Input pulses may be of any duration relative to

the output pulse. Output pulse length may be varied from 40 nanoseconds to 28 seconds

by choosing appropriate timing components. With no external timing components (i.e.

Rint connected to Vcc, Cext and Rext/Cext open), an output pulse of typically 30 or 35

nanoseconds is achieved which may be used as a dc-triggered reset signal. Output rise

and fall times are TTL compatible and independent of pulse length.

Pulse width stability is achieved through internal compensation and is virtually

independent of Vcc and temperature. In most applications, pulse stability will only be

limited by the accuracy of external timing components.



A1 A2 B Q Q(BAR)










Jitter-free operation is maintained over the full temperature and Vcc ranges for

more than six decades of timing capacitance (10 pF to 10 F) and more than one decade

timing resistance (2k to 40k for the SN74121). Throughout these ranges, pulse width

is defined by the relationship t=Cext.Rt (ln2)=0.7Cext.Rt. In circuits where pulse cut-off

is not critical, timing capacitance upto 1000F and timing resistance as low as 1.4 K

maybe used. Also, the range of jitter-free output pulse widths is extended if Vcc is held to

5V and free air temperature is 25 deg Celsius. Duty cycles as high as 90% are achieved

when using maximum recommended Rt. High duty cycles are available if a certain

amount of pulse width jitter is allowed.


Supply Voltage: 7V

Input Voltage: 5.5V

Input pulse width: 50ns

External timing Resistance: 40k(maximum)

tPLH : 45ns

tPHL : 50ns

Operating Free air Temperature: 0oC to 70oC

Storage Temperature Range: -65oC to 150oC

External Timing Capacitance: 1000F J-K FLIP FLOP 7473:

Any device or circuit that has two stable states is said to be bi-stable. For instance,

a toggle switch has two stable states. It is either open or closed. The switch is said to have

memory since it will at set until someone changes the position of the handle. A flip-flop

is a bi-stable electronic circuit that has two stable states- i.e., it’s output is either 0 or +5V

dc. The flip-flop also has memory since it’s output will remain as set until something is

done to change it.

In a J-K Flip Flop the variables J and K are called the control inputs because they

determine what the Flip Flop does when a clock edge arrives.

11 22

1 3














X 0 0 Qn

0 1 0

1 0 1

1 1 Toggle

The 7473 contain two independent J-K Flip Flop with individual J-K, clock, and

direct clear inputs. The 7473 are negative edge triggered flip-flop. The J and K inputs

must be stable one set up time (Set up time is the minimum amount of time that the data

bit must be present before the clock edge hits) prior to the high to low transition for

predictable operation. When the clear is low, it overrides the clock and data inputs

forcing the Q output low. Also, there should be some minimum amount of time for which

the data bit must be present after the clock edge arrives, called the hold time for

predictable operation.


Supply Voltage: 5volts

Input set up time before CLK rises: 20ns

Input hold time data after CLK falls: 0ns

Operating free air temperature: 0oC to 70oC

Maximum clock frequency: 20 MHz

Storage Temperature Range: -65oC to 150oC

tPLH : 15ns

tPHL: 15ns NAND GATE 7400:

7400 contain 4 independent 2 input NAND gates. They are characterized for

operation over the temperature range of 0oC to 70oC.





Operating Conditions:

Supply voltage: 5 volts

Operating free air temperature: 0oC to 70oC

tPLH: 11ns

tPHL: 7ns




The comparator gets the input at pin number 7 through a resistor of value 1k.

The input value is compared with the reference value, which has been set to 2.5 volts by

using the voltage divider network of resistors. Two resistors of values 1k divide the

voltage supply of 5 V in the ratio of 1:1 i.e. 2.5 volts is input as reference voltage. The

input value is compared with this reference value. If it is a noise signal then it will give a

low at output signal at pin number 1(because noise signals have a low magnitude). When

the blast pressure input comes at pin 7 it gives a high at pin 1(because blast pressure input

have magnitude of nearly 5 volts. The other used pins of the comparator are pin number

3, which has been given a supply of 5 volts, and the other pin used is ground at pin

number 12.

The output from the comparator is fed as input to the multivibrator. The

multivibrator has three inputs out of which one is given by the comparator, one is made

permanently high and the last one gets its input from the flip-flop. The purpose of the

multivibrator is to produce a pulse as soon as it encounters a high to low pulse at its

input. The multivibrator I have used is a monostable one which means that it has only one

stable state; here it is the low state. As soon as it goes high, it is tempted to go back to its

stable state i.e. low. So the output of the multivibrator is a pulse that goes from low to

high and then high to low. The pulse width is determined by resistances and capacitances

connected to the IC. The pulse width is given by t=0.7*R*C where R, C are the external

resistances and the capacitances. Pin number 7 is grounded and the 14 to the supply

voltage. The output at pin number 6 goes from high to low but we want that once our

circuit is triggered it should not be triggered again. But in this condition it will be

triggered again and again.

To stop this re-triggering we use the inhibit circuit consisting of J-K flip-flop and a

NAND gate. They also work for the resetting of the system. It works as follows: As our

J-K flip-flop is negative edge triggered, we use the output bar (Q bar) As an input to

clock pulse of the J-K flip-flop. The J input is kept at permanent high and the K input at

permanent low. So whenever a pulse is given to the J-K flip flop the output comes out to

be high at the falling edge of the pulse. So the input signal at the comparator gives a low

to high transition at the flip-flop. To stop the re-triggering the output of the system is

connected as an input to the multivibrator (a low to high edge). Hence no condition is

satisfied from the truth table of the multivibrator to give a pulse again at the output of

multivibrator. Hence no re-triggering occurs.

The system is reset by the clear signal from the NAND gate. The inverse output

(Q bar) of the J-K flip flop is sent as an input to the NAND gate whose output gives input

to the clear of the J-K flip flop. A low signal makes the clear signal active (because it is

active low). A de-bouncing circuit is made out of NAND gate and a SPDT mechanical

switch. When the switch is pushed there is a low signal at the clear input, which makes

the J-K flip flop inactive.

The coming of the signal on the system is notified by the switching off of the LED which

otherwise remains glowing. The low to high pulse is recorded on the Oscilloscope in

single sequence mode. As the system is multi channel the six records are taken on a logic

analyzer (32-channel). For the different channels there is some delay between

occurrences of events at recorder. This difference is due to the placement of the various

gauges in the field. As pressure arrives at the gauges at a time delay, so the records of the

various channels varies in time interval of microseconds. We know the distance between

the various gauges and also the time interval between the arrivals of events at these

gauges. So using the basic formula of speed=distance/time, we can calculate the velocity.

1st Gauge




So Velocity is the respective distance divided by the respective time, e.g. distance

between the first and second gauges is to be divided by T1, distance between the second

and the third gauges is to be divide by T2, and so on. Then the mean of these different

velocities is calculated to get the average figure.


Another system can be also designed which can be used for the same purpose of

recording shock velocity after explosion. The alternative is to use a bistable multivibrator

which gives a high from a low as soon as it is triggered but remains in this state unless

2nd Gauge

3rd Gauge

4th Gauge

again triggered; if triggered again it goes to low. But the problem is with the resetting of

the system, which can be done by using a J-K flip flop and NAND gate only.


Analog-to-Digital conversion is a very important aspect of digital data processing.

The process of changing an analog signal to an equivalent digital signal is accomplished

by the use of an A/D converter. For example, an A/D converter is used to change the

analog output signals from transducers (measuring temperature, pressure, vibration, etc.)

into equivalent digital signals. These signals would then be in a suitable form for entry

into a digital system. An A/D converter is often referred to as an encoding device since it

is used to encode signals for entry into a digital system.

A number of different methods have been developed for this conversion process.

Following are some of the most commonly used:

Simultaneous Conversion

Counter Method

Continuous Conversion

Single Slope Conversion

Dual Slope Conversion

Here I have studied IC having successive approximation method of

conversion. So we will discuss this method in detail.

If multiplexing is required, when successive approximation convertor is most

useful. The convertor operates while successively dividing the voltage ranges in half. The

counter is first reset to all zeroes and the MSB is then set. The MSB is then left in or

taken out, depending on the output of the comparator. Then the second MSB is set in and

a comparison is made to determine whether to reset the MSB flip flop. The process id

repeated down to the LSB, and at this time the desired in the counter. Since the

conversion involves operating on one flip flop at a time beginning with the MSB , ring

counter maybe used for flip flop selection.

The successive approximation method, thus is the process of

approximating the analog voltage, by trying one bit at a time beginning with the MSB.

Each conversion takes the same time and requires one conversion cycle for each bit.

Thus, the total conversion time is equal to the number of bits, n, times the time required

for one conversion cycle. One conversion cycle normally requires one cycle of the clock.

As an example, a 10 bit convertor operating with one megahertz clock has a conversion

time of 10X10-6 =10-5=10s.

When dealing with conversion times this shot, it is usually necessary to

take into account the other delays in the system (for example, switching time of the

multiplexer, settling time of the ladder network, comparator delay and settling time).

Another method for reducing the total conversion time of a simple counter

convertor is to divide the counter in the sections. Such a configuration is called a Section

Counter. To determine how the total conversion might be reduced by this method,

assume that we have a standard 8-bit counter. If this counter is divided into two equal

counters, of four bits each, we have a section convertor. The convertor operates by setting

the section conaining the four LSB’s to all ones and then advancing the other sections

until the ladder voltage exceeds the input voltage. At this point all the four LSB’s are

reset, and this section of the counter is then advance until the ladder voltage equals the

input voltage.

A maximum of 24=16 is required for each section to count full scale. Thus

this method requires only 32 counts to reach full scale. This is a considerable reduction

over the 256 counts required for the straight 8-bit counter. There is, of-course, some extra

time required to set the counters initially and to switch from counter to counter during the

conversion. This logical operation time is very small, however, compared with the total

time saved by this method, this type of convertor is often used digital voltmeters. Since it

is very convenient to divide the counters, by counts of 10. Each counter is then used to

represent one of the digits of the decimal number appearing at the output of the voltmeter.

AD0809: The ADC data acquisition component is a monolithic CMOS device

with an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter, 8-channel multiplexer and microprocessor

compatible control logic. The 8-bit A/D converter uses successive approximation As the

conversion technique. The converter features a high impedance chopper stabilized

comparator, a 256R voltage divider with analog switch free and a successive

approximation register. The 8-channel multiplexer can directly access any of 8-single-

ended analog signals.

Easy interfacing to microprocessors is provided by the latched and decoded

multiplexer address inputs. The ADC offers high speed, high accuracy, minimal

temperature dependence, excellent long-term accuracy and repeatability and consumes

minimal power. These features make this device ideally suited to applications from

process and machine control to consumer and automative applications.


Easy interface to all microprocessors

Operates with 5 V dc

No zero or full scale adjust required

8-channel multiplexer with address logic

0 to 5 V input range with single 5 V power supply

Outputs meet TTL voltage specifications

Standard 28-pinpackage


Resolution: 8bits

Total unadjusted error: ½ LSB and 1 LSB

Single supply: 5Vdc

Low power: 15mW

Conversion Time: 100s

The device contains an 8-channel single-ended analog signal multiplexer. A particular

input channel is selected by using the address decoder. The address is latched into the

decoder on the low-to-high transition of the address latch enable signal.

The heart of this single chip data acquisition system is its 8-bit analog-to-digital

converter. The converter is designed to give fast, accurate and repeatable conversion over

wide range of temperatures. The converter is partitioned in to 3 major sections: the 256

ladder network, the successive approximation register and the comparator. The

converter’s digital outputs are positive true.

The 256R ladder network approach guarantees no missing digital codes.

Additionally, the 256R network does not cause load variations on the reference voltage.

The successive approximation register (SAR) performs iterations to approximate the

input voltage. For any SAR type converter, n-iterations are required for an n-bit


The A/D converter’s successive approximation register is reset on the positive

edge of the start conversion pulse. The conversion is begun on the falling edge of the start

conversion pulse. A conversion in process will be interrupted by receipt of a new start

conversion pulse. Continuous conversion may be accomplished by tying the end-of-

conversion output to the start conversion input. End-of-conversion will go low between 0

and 8 clock pulses after the rising edge of start conversion.


During the training period I was also involved in the fieldwork. Some trials in which I

was engaged are:

Anti- Mine Boot Trials.

Anti-Mine Vehicle Trials.


The aim of trial was to evaluate the performance of shoe if worn while walking on

mines. The shoes were to be tested against pressure released during explosion. The

boots are designed in such a way that wearer should feel comfortable while walking

on plains, deserts/ semi-deserts. The body of the shoe is made of very hard leather

with a complete inner lining of a poly-matting cloth. The sole is thick and made of

hard ballistic material wedge with vulcanized rubber covering. The sole material is

designed to absorb the blast. The shoe flexibility is minimal due to thickness and

rigidity of material and hampers the normal walking.

The trial was carried out in the field by arranging the set up as shown in the

figure. Pressure gage used is Kistler type 6215, whose sensitivity is 1.479 Pc/bar and

range is up to Kbar. The recording instrumentation used inside the lab includes Digital

Storage Oscilloscope, Digital Phosphorous Oscilloscope, Magnetic Recorder, and TTL

device called pulse generator.

The charge was placed under the muddy surface. Four blocks of 18 Kg each were

placed above the gauge holder of 3 Kg. This means that the total weight on shoe was 75

Kg. Sensor was placed inside the pipe filled with sand and was hold by the gauge holder.

Gauge holder was fitted into the shoe. The shoe was placed above the mine and below the

mine detonator along with TTL probe was placed. TTL probe is an aluminium foil, which

is pasted upon two wires. Normally connection is open but on arrival of detonating pulse

it gets shorted, indicating a high pulse. This helps in calculating the delay between the

supplying of high voltage from firing unit and energizing of detonator.

Setup of Boot Anti-mine trial.

Field set-up for Anti-Mine Boot Vehicle


An Anti-Mine Vehicle designed and developed by Ordnance Factory, Medak was

brought to the BDS zone of TBRL for blast evaluation and testing it’s strength. The

vehicle can house 12 occupants including driver and is designed to withstand the blast

effect from a land mine with an explosive content of 10 kg TNT. A prototype of this

vehicle was tested on 27/03/2003 at TBRL Range , Ramgarh to assess it’s effectiveness

and damage performance against design blast load.

A TNT cast cylindrical charge of weight 10.4 kg was placed in a small cavity made in the

ground underneath the vehicle at a distance of 1.75m from the rear end of the vehicle. It

was detonated by using the electrical detonator. The front wheels of the AMV were

provided protection by stacks of sandbags. Sandbags were also placed inside the vehicle

on the seats to simulate the weight of the personnel and ammunition. A live pig of about

60kg was tied inside the vehicle to test effect of blast on a living being.

Following sensors and recording instruments were used.

Gauge housing

Pressure sensor

Electric detonatorAPNM-14 mine/ CE Pallet


Rigidly fixed fixture


MS Block 18 Kg each

Blast Gauges placed around the vehicle at various distances to record the incident

pressure on the vehicle as a result of explosion.

Sound Level Meter placed inside the vehicle to monitor the sound pressure level.

Thermocouple placed inside the vehicle to record the temperature rise at the time

of explosion.

Accelerometers mounted inside the vehicle to record acceleration observed by

the vehicle at the time of explosion.

Cameras were placed at distance of 80m to measure the vertical uplift of the



It was observed, that the rear door of the vehicle remained closed during the trial.

Also, there was no damage observed on the rear tyres. The blast proof window panes

were intact after the blast. But the side rear view mirrors of the vehicle got damaged. The

rear portion of the vehicle was vertically lifted upward by about 40cm during the trial and

the vehicle remained engulfed in the fire zone for about a second. A crater was formed

under the belly of the vehicle. The pig survived the Blast loading and had no visible mark

of injury and it behaved normally after the trial. The vehicle was made road worthy

within a few hours by the skilled personnel from the Ordnance Factory , Medak.


Acquisition: Process of sampling signals from input channel, digitizing samples into data

points and assembling data points into a waveform record.

Attenuation: A decrease in signal voltage during its transmission from one point to


Bandwidth: The highest frequency signal the oscilloscope can acquire with no more than

3 dB attenuation of the original signal.

Blast: Blast is the principle mode of transferring explosive energy to the target,

producing damage by giving a crusting blow, displacing and tumbling the target.

Detonation: The explosion is initiated through the process of detonation. A reaction can

be initiated if sufficient energy is provided at one point in the explosive. This is done by

means of a heated wire, which acts directly upon a small amount of especially sensitive

material thus generating a small low energy impulse (shock).

Digitizing: The process of converting a continuous analog signal such as a waveform to a

set of discrete numbers representing the amplitude of signal at specific points in time.

Equivalent time sampling: A sampling mode in which the oscilloscope constructs a

picture of a repetitive signal by capturing a little bit of information from each repetition

Explosive: An explosive is a substance or a mixture of substances which undergoes

rapid oxidative decomposition, producing a large volume of gases, accompanied by the

liberation of substantial thermal energy, in a very short span of time, when suitably

initiated. This process is known as explosion. Equivalently an explosion maybe defined

as chemical reaction wherein the original substance is converted into a gas at a very high

temperature and pressure within a very short interval of time with the evolution of

substantial quantity of heat..

Graticule: The grid lines on a screen for measuring oscilloscope traces.

Interpolation: A “connect-the-dots” processing technique to estimate what a fast

waveform looks like based on only a few sampled points.

Lethality: Lethality is the antipersonnel efficiency of a high explosive, that is, the ability

of an explosive to cause damage to others. It is measured in terms of MAE, that is, mean

area effect. In this the area of damage is calculated and the number of targets is known,

by which lethality is calculated.

Qauntizing: The process of converting analog input that has been sampled to a digital


Real time Sampling: A sampling mode in which the oscilloscope collects as many

samples as it can as the signal occurs.

Record Length: The number of waveform points used to create a record of the signal.

Rise Time: The time taken for the leading edge of a pulse to rise from its minimum to its

maximum values (typically measured from 10% to 90% of these values).

Sample Interval: The time interval between the successive samples in a time base. It is

the reciprocal of sample rate.

Sample point: The raw data from an ADC used to calculate waveform points.

Sampling: The process of capturing an analog input at a discrete point in time and

holding it constant so that it can be quantized.

Single Shot: A signal measured by an oscilloscope that occurs only once (also called a

transient event).

Terminal Ballistics: Terminal Ballistics is defined as study of effect of blast or

explosion on a particular target.