Finally, A Map of All the Microbes on Your Body_Transcript

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  • 7/27/2019 Finally, A Map of All the Microbes on Your Body_Transcript


    < Finally, A Map Of All The Microbes OnYour Body

    June 13, 2012 3:48 PM

    Copyright 2012 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For

    other uses, prior permission required.


    Scientists unveiled the results of an unusual census today. It's the

    first catalog of the bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that

    populate every nook and cranny of the human body.

    As NPR's Rob Stein reports, researchers hope the advance marks

    an important step towards understanding how microbes help make

    humans human.

    ROB STEIN, BYLINE: The human body contains about 100 trillion

    cells, but only maybe one in 10 of those cells is actually human.

    The rest are from bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

    LITA PROCTOR: The human we see in the mirror is made up of

    more microbes than human.

    STEIN: That's Lita Proctor of the National Institutes of Health. She's

    in charge of a massive project. Hundreds of scientists are exploring

    this invisible world, what scientists call the human microbiome.

    PROCTOR: The definition of a human microbiome is all the

    microbial microbes that live in and on our bodies, but also all the

    genes, all the metabolic capabilities they bring to supportinghuman health.

    STEIN: These microbes aren't just along for the ride. They're there

    for a reason. We have a symbiotic relationship with them. We give

    them a place to live and they help keep us alive.

    PROCTOR: They belong in and on our bodies. They help digest

    our food and they provide many kinds of protective mechanisms.

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    STEIN: They teach our immune systems how to recognize

    dangerous invaders. Martin Blaser at New York University says they

    even produce helpful compounds that reduce inflammation and

    fight off other bugs that could make us sick.

    MARTIN BLASER: These microbes are part of our evolution. As far

    as we can tell, they are very important in human health and

    probably very important in human disease, as well.

    STEIN: These bugs generally don't make us sick, but when we

    disrupt the delicate ecosystems that they carefully construct in

    different parts of our bodies, scientists think that can make us sick.

    Again, Lita Proctor.

    PROCTOR: There can be a disturbance in the immune system.

    There can be some kind of imbalance and then you get a

    microorganism which, under normal circumstances, lives in abenign way and can become a disease-bearing organism.

    STEIN: Things like taking too many antibiotics or obsession with

    cleanliness, even maybe delivering babies by C-sections. So the

    idea behind the Microbiome Project was to get the first map of what

    a normal, healthy microbiome looks like.

    More than 200 scientists spent five years analyzing samples from

    more than 200 healthy adults. The samples came from 18 differentplaces on their bodies, their mouths, noses, guts, behind each ear,

    inside each elbow.

    PROCTOR: This is the only study to date anywhere in the world

    where people's microbiomes across the human body were sampled

    and analyzed. Here was an effort to really investigate the full

    landscape, if you will, of the human microbiome across the body.

    STEIN: The first wave of results are being published in 16 papers

    and four scientific journals this week. Among the results, scientists

    identified some 10,000 species of microbes, including many never

    seen before.

    George Weinstock is working on the project at Washington

    University in St. Louis.

    GEORGE WEINSTOCK: This is like going into unchartered territory,

    going into a forest and finding a new species of butterfly or a new

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    2013 NPR

    type of mammal or something like that, a new kind of bird.

    STEIN: Those 10,000 species have more than eight mill ion genes,

    which is more than 300 times the number of human genes and

    scientists found some very interesting things when they compared


    PROCTOR: People were very different from each other, but skin

    was more like skin and gut was more like gut, so the composition of

    microbes and the kinds of genes they have are very much habitat-


    STEIN: Now that scientists have an idea of what a healthy

    microbiome looks like, George Weinstock says they can start to

    explore this super organism, this complex mishmash of human and

    microbial cells.

    WEINSTOCK: How do they talk to our human cells and how do our

    human cells talk back to them? Because it's really a concert that

    they're playing together and that's what makes us who we are.

    STEIN: Scientists have already discovered some intriguing clues.

    For example, the microbes in a pregnant woman's birth canal start

    to change just before she gives birth. Scientists think that's so their

    babies are born with just the right microbiomes they'll need to live

    long, healthy lives.

    Rob Stein, NPR News.

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    NPR's prior permission. Visit our permissions page for further information.

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