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Germany Hello, my name is Otto Hitler. I am going to tell you a little bit about our history, daily life, food, and laws. I am going to tell you about the food now. The traditional German meal is called spaetzle. Then Germans had to create a new rich style of cooking because of World War II. In Germany Eintopf means one pot.

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Hello, my name is Otto Hitler. I am going to tell you a little

bit about our history, daily life, food, and laws.

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I am going to tell you about the food now. The traditional German

meal is called spaetzle. Then Germans had to create a new rich style of

cooking because of World War II. In Germany Eintopf means one pot.

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Popular food in Germany is sauerkraut, sausages, potatoes, and rich

desserts. Germans eat bread at almost every meal. When potatoes and fish

are served, Germans don’t cut them with knives.

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Germans eat in the continental style. Pork is prepared according to

regional tradition. Germans eat with their fork in the left hand and their

knife in the right hand.

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Younger generations of Germans consume less alcohol overall than

the older generation. Most Germans prefer beer, wine, or mineral water

with meals. Soft drinks and fruit juices are popular.

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Ok now I’m going to tell you about Daily Life. Germany has one of

the largest populations in the world. Now what I Usually wear has little

more European style but just like what the Americans wear. When you

walk around Germany you should have a water bottle because in Germany

there are NOT any water fountains. I just don’t get it!

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I now I have to tell you about school! School sucked! I went to

school everyday of the week including the weekends. School was 8:00am to

1:00pm. But the good thing is that we get more education so we Germans

are smarter and we are the first country to start school.

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Sports are a big thing here in Germany. The most famous sport is

Soccer. More than 200,000 people attend. But I think that America has

more people for football. I really don’t like soccer that much though.

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Now the last thing I’m going to talk about is the biggest festival of

the year…OKTOBERFEAST! There are a lot of things you can do there,

like go on rides and watch parades. Oktoberfest is a time of fun and

happiness and beer. It’s just a really fun time.

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In Germany you better make sure you are not chewing gum in public.

Why, because chewing gum in public is disrespectful. When you are talking

to someone you better not have your hands in your pocket. Why, because

hands in pockets when talking to someone is inappropriate.

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School in Germany is like America. You must go to school age 6-15.

In school they have to take a test to determine there their grade.

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If you work for the U.S. government, you would do very well in

Germany. If you are thinking of voting you better be 18 years old or older.

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If you want to vote, you only have to candidates. In Germany the

House of Representatives, is similar to the U.S.A. If you were president

you would want a lot of power. It is actually the other way around in


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All right, time to start with my favorite topic for today’s

tour, history. On June 1944, Germany invaded France. The

United States came and pushed Germany back. After World

War 2, 5.3 million people and solders died. Hundreds of

thousands more were seriously injured. The country was in

ruins, in 1945 many people worried they would rise again.

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A week before Election Day the Reichstag building was

destroyed by fire. I don’t remember what started it. The

election of March 5 was the last held in Germany until after

World War 2.

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Within a year, my brother had eliminated not only his

enemies, but also his critics. Back then, Germany was made up

of 230 kingdoms, principalities, and free towns. Principalities

are countries that are ruled by a prince. The empire of the

German nation was the most important power in central

Europe in the middle ages.

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In 1914, Germany allied with Austria and Turkey, after the

assassination of an Austrian official. In 1933, President

Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor after Nazi Party dominated

in the elections. Finally, after the war, Germany was split into

occupations zones to facilitate disarmament and organize a


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I hope you enjoyed your little tour with history, food, daily life,

and laws. I probability should have told you this, but I am died.

