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  • 8/17/2019 FINAL SSM PROJECT (1).doc



      Submitted to Sir Imran Qurashi MBA 1.52014

    Strategic MarketingManagement

    Submitted by:

      Zaihum Abbas

      Munib A!am

      Zahid "han A#ri

    I N T E R N A T I $ N A % I S % A M I & U N I ' E R S I T ( I S % A M A B A )

  • 8/17/2019 FINAL SSM PROJECT (1).doc


    History of N.M Furnishers

    The *om+an, bean -ith the humbe roots o# #urniture and -ood in 1/00 and has been a

    su**ess#u name in the domesti* maret e2er sin*e. N.M. is the arest sine #oor sho-room o#

    3aistan.&om+an, has a -e manaed +rodu*tion ine *om+risin dedi*ated sta##4 sied abor4 the most

    modern ma*hiner, and a sto* o# uait, seasoned -ood. N.M Furniture’s started themse2es in 1/00 b, ate Su#i Na!ar Muhammad as a sma #urniture

    manu#a*turin *om+an, -ith a sma #a*tor, and on, one dis+a, *enter at Sarodha road

    6u7rat.In 1//8 Mr. Abid Faroo the +resent &E$ o# N.M Furniture’s too *ontro o# the business. N.M Furniture’s o+ened its #irst modern dis+a, *enter -ith their ne- #a*tor, -here the,

    introdu*ed atest ma*hiner,4 te*hniues and modern seasonin +ant. This dis+a, *enter -as

    o+ened on 6.T Road 6u7rat.In 1/// N.M Furniture’s started e9+orts to U"4 USA and Midde East.In 8::0 a ne- #a*tor, #or 3,-ood and 'eneer Board -as o+ened.In 8:11 N.M Furniture’s ha2e aun*hed the Euro+ean S+rin Mattresses under the name o# Euro

    Mattresses. N.M. Furniture’s ha2e buit the ne- dis+a, in )ubai4 ear, o# 8:1;4 under the tite o#

     N.M. Internationa Furnisher’s )ubai.In 8:1ust trust our ser2i*es. ?e sure, @Mae ,our home s+e*ia’

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    Products and Services

     N.M #urnisher is one o# the most +rominent names in the #urniture industr, o# 3aistan. The

     +rodu*ts and ser2i*es N.M Furniture’s 3ro2ide are as #oo-s

    • &A) desin dra-ins4 s+e*i#i*ations

    and #inishin s*hedues.

    • 3ro#essiona ad2i*e on the atest

    desin trends.

    • S+e*ia a,outs

    • &oor see*tion interior -a

     +aintin and *oor s*hemes reardin

    *urtains and u+hoster, o# #urniture

     b, interior desiners.

    • Furniture +a*aes &ontem+orar,

    and traditiona *ustomer desin


    • So#t #urnishins4 te9tures and


    • Furniture home dei2er,

    • Foorin

    •?a treatments

    • )oors

    • "it*hens

    • &eiins

    • Rus

    • %am+s


    • Isamabad

    • %ahore

    • 6u7rat

    • "ara*hi

    • Mir+ur 

    • Siaot

    • )ubai Internationa

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    There are man, *om+etitors as a the *om+anies -hi*h are into #urniture manu#a*turin

     business are *reatin *om+etition but some o# the most *om+etiti2e *om+anies are

    •  Nationa Furnishers

    • &haudhar, Sons

    • ?ood i2e

    • ?ood ?ord

    • Idea’s Furniture


    • 3rodu*tion )e+artment

    • uman Resour*e )e+artment

    • Saes )e+artment

    • Ar*hite*ture )e+artment

    • Interior )esinin )e+artment

    • U+hoster, )e+artment


     NM Furniture’s e9*e in uait, be*ause o# their modern +ur+ose buit #a*tor, -hi*h uses

    industr, standard +ro*edures and +ro*esses. Their manu#a*turin +ro*esses are a**ordin to

    ree2ant internationa standards and their sour*es o# materias are #rom uait, a++ro2ed

    su++iers. Some o# these are e, #a*tors -hi*h mae N.M Furniture’s +rodu*e an e9*eent

    uait, +rodu*t are as #oo-s

    Purchasin& of 'ood

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     N.M Furniture’s +ur*hase is Sheesham 'ood -hi*h is aso no-n as $aa(i. It is a *ommon

    *on*e+t that as od as the -ood is the better it is so at the time o# +ur*hasin this is e+t in mind.


    A#ter a*uirin o# -ood is done it is *ut into are and -ide +ans than these -ide +ans are

    e+t in o+en air under suniht to dr, the moisture. This is done throuh s+e*iai!ed ma*hines to

    mae sure that ess -astae is done and uait, is maintained.


    A#ter doin the abo2e these +ans o throuh the +ro*ess o# oiin and a#ter doin that the, are

    aain e+t in suniht. The on, reason do this is to mae -ood ihter4 stroner4 and #ree o#

    termite to retain the best uait,.


    To +reser2e the uait, there are s+e*iai!ed ma*hines and s+e*iai!ed -orers Car*hite*ts anddesinersD hired in this de+artment. In this de+artment the -ood is moded as +er the reuired



    In assembin de+artment uait, is maintained throuh the ad2an*e ma*hiner, -hi*h N.M

    Furniture’s ha2e and be*ause o# the s+e*iai!ed -orers -hi*h +er#orm these dut,. In assembin

    de+artment -or is done a**ordin to the standardi!ed measures so there is a ess *han*e o# error 

    and #aut. A the +arts are *ose, monitored to mae sure that the, are a**ordin to the desin

    and a#ter that assembed +rodu*ts o throuh sandin to mae the sur#a*e smoother.


    There is a se+arate de+artment #or  *ushionin at N.M Furniture’s and at this de+artment uait,

    is s+e*i#i*a, maintained as eminen*e uait, *oths are +ur*hased to +reser2e the su+erior

    uait, o# the #urniture.


    ih uait, +aints and ubri*ants are used to maintain the e9*een*e o# #urniture. Fa*tors ie

    thinner4 dr,in and dust #ree o*ation are e+t in mind. A#ter the +rodu*t is dei2ered to the

    *ustomer N.M Furniture’s send a *ar+enter -ith them to do the +oish aain at the a*tua o*ation

    so uait, is maintained and *ustomer et an e9*eent +rodu*t.

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    #nventory Mana&ement

    In2entor, manaement is not 2er, e##i*ient o2er here as manu#a*turin is not on, done on

    *ustomers demand. Their in2entor, s,stem is manaed as #oo-s

    *a' Materia(s:

    Ra- materia o# N.M #urnishers in*ude ma7or, -ood4 +aints4 +oishes4 ubri*ant4 nais4 #oams

    and #abri*ated materia. Ra- materias are handed not 2er, e##i*ient, as -ood remains amost

    unta++ed #or 1 and ha# ,ears and then it *omes into use but this is need o# the business to

    maintain e9*eent uait,.

    +or, in Process:

    ?or in +ro*ess de+ends u+on the order +a*ed b, *ustomer but minimum time the, i2e to an,

    *ustomer is t-o and ha# months. ?or in +ro*ess is a *ru*ia stae #irm has to +reser2e the

    uait, and aso has to mae sure that +ro*ess is oin to a**ordin to the desin.

    Finished -oods:

    As soon as Finished 6oods are *om+eted the, are e+t in dis+a, *enters and store. The

    *om+an, bears hea2, +ri*es in storin the #inished oods as it needs a ot o# *are to hande and

     +reser2e it so *ustomer *an et the riht uait,.

    "ayout Strate&y


    Molding forMolding forMolding for Molding for other

    CarvingCushioning Polish &Leang and

  • 8/17/2019 FINAL SSM PROJECT (1).doc


    Pest ana(ysis of NM Furniture


    Administration #a*es ots o# +robem be*ause o# ee*tri*it, issues in 3aistan.

     N.M. Furniture is -itnessin a *ontinuous *hane in s,stems4 manaement *utures and

     +hioso+h, due to the oba ainment.

    &orru+tion4 +oiti*a inter#eren*e4 a* o# a**ountabiit,4 and +atron*ient #orms o# beha2ior

     +ro2ides sini#i*ant e9+anation o# the +oor state o# o2ernan*e in 3aistan.

    Auto*rati* reimes ha2e a-a,s been a threat to the industr,.

    3oor a- and order situation is a serious threat #or 3aistan industr,.

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    &hanin ta9 rates are aso a##e*tin business se*tor.

    An im+ort and e9+ort restri*tion is barrier #or the de2eo+ment o# business se*tors.

    )ue to the ra+id *hane in o2ernment e2er, o2ernment sets its o-n trade +oi*ies.


    In#ation rate o# 3aistan is 0./; in 8:1

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    The &om+an,s a*tua +rodu*tion on dai, basis is 1 set o# do-r, a++ro9imate,. The set o#

    do-r, in*udes the #oo-in

    • A bed -ith t-o side tabes and a dressin tabe +ri*e is Rs 15:4:::

    • A dinin tabe -ith si9 *hairs +ri*e is Rs 1

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     N.M. Furniture im+orts their ma*hiner, #rom Ita,.

    %atest ma*hiner, instaed to in*rease the +rodu*tion *a+a*it, and redu*es the +rodu*tion *ost.

    )ue to obai!ation *ustomers are mu*h a-are o# +rodu*ts so to o2er*ome this +robem the,

    introdu*e onine +ur*hasin s,stem.

    BC- Matri/

    Data co((ection:





    %ears 0122 0120 0123

     N.M Furniture

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    Idea’s Furniture 55 01 H1.H

    -ro'th for year 0122 to 0120:

     N.M Furniture ;H.85 K

    &haudhar, Sons =/ K

     Nationa Furniture 1:.;< K

    Idea’s Furniture 8/.:/ K

    !vera&e mar,et &ro'th:

    1H5.G =15< L 1:: J 8:.58 K


    *e(ative mar,et share for year 0122 to 0120:

     N.M Furniture :.0H

    &haudhar, Sons :.;H

     Nationa Furniture :.

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     Nationa Furniture 15.G K

    Idea’s Furniture 15.81 K

    !vera&e mar,et &ro'th:

    81/.5 =1H5.G L 1:: J 1H.8G K


    *e(ative mar,et share for year 0120 to 0123:

     N.M Furniture :.H:

    &haudhar, Sons :.

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    -raph: 8:11=8:18

      ;H.85K N.M

      8/.:/K Ideas




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    =/K &h Sons

     N.M Furniture and Idea’s #urniture stand in stars has hihest maret ro-th and hihest maret

    share as *om+are to others.

     Nationa #urniture stand in )os be*ause the, ha2e o- saes as *om+are to others and o-

    maret share.

    &h Sons Furniture stands in )odos be*ause the, ha2e no atest st,e o# #urniture as +er *ustomer



    -raph: 8:18=8:1;

      8H.8:K &h Sons

      1H.H:K N.M


      15.GK Nationa

      15.81K Ideas

      Reati2e Maret Share

    Maret 6ro-th

      : :

    1.8< :.H: :.0; :.

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    In this ra+h on, N.M Furniture stand in stars has hihest maret ro-th and hihest maret

    share as *om+are to others.

    &h Sons stand in uestion mar CD there maret ro-th in*reases be*ause the, start deain in

    rod iron #urniture to e9+and their +rodu*t ine.

    Idea’s #urniture stand in &ash *o-s and eneratin more *ash but ha2e o- maret ro-th as

    *om+are to N.M Furniture.

     Nationa #urniture stands in )os be*ause their saes oes do-n as *om+are to others4 the, needto in*rease their +rodu*t ine or introdu*e ne- inno2ati2e desin.

    S'ot !na(ysis


    #S4 511260111:

     N.M Furniture *erti#ied under IS$ /::1=8::: and so it meets the reuirement o# internationa

    standard and has a 2aue in the mind o# *on*erned +eo+e.

    Hi&h 7ua(ity product

     N.M Furniture usin ad2an*e te*hnoo, ie the, ha2e modern ma*hiner, b, -hi*h the uait,

    o# +rodu*t +rodu*ed is 2er, hih.

    Qua(ified and s,i((ed staff 

    The manaement o# N.M Furniture is sied the, ha2e hired +ro#essiona &A) desiners #or

     +ro2idin inno2ati2e desin to their taret *ustomers.

    Stron& distribution net'or, 

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    The, ha2e their o-n *aro 2ehi*e throuh -hi*h the, *an dei2er their #inished +rodu*ts at

    *ustomers door ste+.

    4n(ine order

    The, ha2e a -ebsite in -hi*h ,ou *an easi, order +rodu*t -hi*h ,ou -ant to +ur*hase and a#ter 1 to 8 month ,ou *an re*ei2e it at ,our door ste+.


    Hi&h cost of production

    3rodu*tion *ost is hih and resour*es are not +ro+er, utii!ed.

    "ess promotiona( activities

    The ad2ertisin and +romotiona a*ti2ities are o- due to this sma number o# em+o,ee a-are

    about their +rodu*ts.

    "ac, of benefits and re'ards for the emp(oyees

     N.M Furniture doesnOt +ro2ide medi*a4 trans+ortation ao-an*e and other bene#its to its

    em+o,ees -hi*h resuts in a* o# +rodu*ti2it, o# em+o,ees.


    nterin& into rod iron furniture

    &urrent, N.M Furniture is not deain in rod iron #urniture so the, ha2e o++ortunit, to

     +rodu*in it.

    /pandin& internationa((y

    The, ha2e o++ortunit, to start their businesses in Asian maret as the, ha2e aso 1 #ran*hise in

    )ubai Internationa.

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    Chan&e in (ife sty(e

    &hane in i#e st,e *an *hane the taste o# *ustomers so N.M Furniture needs to +rodu*e

     +rodu*ts a**ordin to maret trend and *ustomer need.

    S'itchin& of customers

    S-it*hin o# *ustomers #rom -ood to #iber or road iron #urniture *an a##e*t them.

    #ncrease in petro( price

    In*rease in +etro +ri*e e##e*t their trans+ortation *ost be*ause the, ha2e their o-n trans+ortation

    2an #or dei2erin +rodu*ts.

    Po(itica( instabi(ity

    3oiti*a instabiit, a##e*ts businesses -hi*h *reates 2unerabiit,.

    S+4$ Base Strate&ies

      4 $











  • 8/17/2019 FINAL SSM PROJECT (1).doc


    S$ Strate&ies

     N.M Furniture +rodu*es hih uait, +rodu*ts #or their *ustomers be*ause their tareted

    *ustomers are hih and midde in*ome *ass. As our *om+an, has ots o# in2estment so to a2oidthreads our *om+an, needs to +rodu*e #iber and rod iron #urniture be*ause *hanes in i#e st,e

    *hane the taste o# *ustomers.

    Scorpio $echni7ue


    $ur tareted *ustomers are hih and midde in*ome *ass. )ue to this strate, our *ustomer

    in*reases be*ause -e *ome u+ -ith a ne- +rodu*t -hi*h is #iber and rod iron #urniture it is esse9+ensi2e so e2er,one a##ord it easi,.

    Se&mentation and $ar&etin&

    (es our tareted *ustomer aso *hanes be*ause o# this strate, -e taret those *ustomers -ho

     +re#er to bu, #iber and rod iron #urniture as *om+are to -ood #urniture.


    There is a stron imae in our *ustomer mind be*ause our *om+an, +rodu*es hih uait, and

    uniue +rodu*ts #or their *ustomers.


     N.M Furniture aread, o##er *aro ser2i*e at *ustomer door ste+ and #ree instaation ser2i*e #or

    their *ustomers so I thin there is no need o# an, ne- o##er.

    #ndustry and Mar,et orientation

     N.M Furniture is Maret oriented be*ause the, +rodu*e uniue +rodu*ts a**ordin to their

    *ustomer need and maret trend.


     N.M Furniture need to dea -ith their *ustomer in ood -a, to retain their ne- tareted

    *ustomers and i2e them #ree a#ter sae ser2i*es so the, be*ome o,a -ith them.

    4r&ani8ation process and cu(ture

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     N.M Furniture shoud ha2e and o+en *uture #or their manaement so that the, *an share their

    ideas and the, need to treat their em+o,ees as an asset so that their +rodu*ti2it, in*reases.