Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ

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  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ



    A ProjectReport




    Submitted to

    In partial fulfillment for the course ofPost Graduate Diploma in Management

    Under the Supervision of: Submitted By:


    Faculty(Finance) Batch: PGDM 2009-2011

    Roll No: 0911101037

    Mangalmay Institute of Management Studies (Greater Noida)

  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ




    CH .


    Parti culars Page No.

    Certi fi cate from the Mentor i

    Declaration 4

    Preface 5

    Acknowledgement 6

    Objective of study 7

    1 Introduction 8-18

    1.1 Introduction 9

    1.2 What is Mutual F und 10

    1.3 How is a mutual fund set up? 11

    1.4 What is Net Asset Value (NAV) of a scheme? 11

    1.5 Scope for Development of Mutual Fund 12

    1.6Benefi ts of Mutual F unds

    12-171.7 I nvestment criteria 18

    2 About HDFC Mutual F und. 20-29

    2.1 Why HDFC Mutual Fund 21

    2.2 Sponsors 22-23

    2.3 Trustee 23

    2.4 Achi evements and Awards 24-25

    2.5 HDFC Mutual Fund Product 26-27

    2.6 Product of Mutual Fund Categories Wise 28-29

    3 Research Methodology. 30-33

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    3.1 Research Design. 31-32

    3.2 Data Coll ection. 32-33

    4 Analysis of Data 34-51

    4.1 HDFC Growth Fund 354.2 I nvestment Objective 36

    4.3 I nvestment Pattern 37

    4.4 I nvestment Strategy 38

    4.5 Portfol io - Holdings (as on February 28, 2011) 40

    4.6 Returns 41

    4.7 SIP Returns 41-42

    4.8HDFC Growth Fund - Growth Returns

    43-444.9 HDFC GrowthFund - Growth Holdings 45

    4.9.1 Sectoral Holdings 46

    4.9.2 Asset Allocations 47



    6 Conclusion 54-55

    7 Recommendation And Suggestion 56-58

    8 Biblography 59-60

    9 THANKS 61
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    I, undersigned Mr. Raj Kishor Verma, hereby declare that the project


    MUTUAL FUNAD under the guidance of PROF. MEENU BALIYAN

    submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management, from Mangalmay Institute of

    Management Study is my original workresearch studyCarried out during


    May,2010 to 24th July, 2010 and not submitted for the award of any other

    degree/diploma/fellowship or other similar titles or prizes to any other

    institution/organization or university by any other person.


    Raj Kishor Verma0911101037

  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ



    Practice makes it more perfect

    The customers are very important and play a very crucial role in any process of

    marketing. Today the customers are kings of the market because the customers

    loyalty and customers preference are built by the products and services offered to the

    customers and they seek for more benefits and moneys worth for the amount they

    spend. But these services and products are delivered to the end customers only by the

    Retailers who work as the end medium in the whole chain of sales. That is where the

    concept of Retailers preference and Retailers behaviour comes because the Retailers

    make the marketers rethink about designing their services; because of the important

    role they play in the whole chain. They have to think about the market strategies,

    Retailer behaviour, Retailers taste etc also. Many marketers are smart enough to

    understand Retailers needs, wants and demands and perform beyond their expectation

    i.e. they delight them. it provides them growth , profitability and creativity with lot of


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    It is my pleasure to extend my deep gratitude to Prof. Meenu Baliyan,

    Faculty Guide, Mangalmay I nstitute of Management Studies, Gr. Noida,

    for the help, cooperation and guidance received from her throughout the

    tenure of this project.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all other faculty members at

    Mangalmay Institute of Management Studies, Gr. Noida, U.P, for their


    Finally, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all Executives ofREIGARE Securi ticewho took out time to go through our documents and provideme positive criticism. The project would not have been a value addition without thehelp of the above stated people.

    Raj Kishor VermaMIMSRoll no. 0911101037

  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ




    Indian financial system has been expiring the vast effect of globalization i.e.

    drastic interest rate cut, political disturbances, security scam etc have scattered the

    common investors perception in selecting various investment portfolio. Most of the

    security holders have lost their confidence in newly come-up corporate sectors for

    investment. Looking to the situation, it is quite encouraging to analyze how the HDFC

    Mutual Fund able to trap the deposits by introducing various schemes and how it

    protects the interest of the investors.

    The main study is based on the performance and analysis of various schemes

    with reference to HDFC Mutual Fund that is a leading mutual fund industry in India.

    The total performance analysis of financial instruments with reference to

    the HDFC Mutual Fund has got objectives. This are as follows:-

    To know the performance of the different schemes.

    The comparative study of HDFC Mutual Fund with other mutual


    To know the investment pattern of the investors in different


    The benefits made from the investment on the different schemes.

    To know the ranking of the HDFC Mutual Fund Schemes.

    To know the diversify portfolio of HDFC Mutual Fund.

    To know the service which HDFC Mutual Fund is providing to its

    investors with compare to other mutual funds.

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  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ




    The financial market plays a crucial role in the in the economic

    development of a country b y facilitating the allocation of scarce resources.

    Financial markets essentially involve the allocation of resources. This can

    be thought of as the bra in of the en tire ec onomi c sys tem, the locu s of

    central decision-making; if they fail, not only will the sectors profit be

    lower than would otherwise have been, but the performance of the entire

    economic system may be impaired.

    The efficiency of financial market how ever, depends on the existence of

    active and efficient financial intermediaries in the system. Deposit taking

    institutional investor is the important financial intermediaries involved in

    the task of allocating assets. Structural changes in the financial market

    have induced a reverse trend in financial intermediation, i.e. financial

    disintermediation, in which the central role of banking is being taken over

    by inves tment institutions and ins titut ional inves tors . The shift from a

    credit-based system to a financial has initiated the process of

    disintermediation, and capital market based factors like insuran ce, pension

    funds and mutual funds are increasingly playing the central role.

    The reforms have successfully dismantled the entry barriers, with the

    result that today there are domestic and foreign financial institutions, like

    mutual funds, broking firms and insurance companies, operating in the

    Indian market. The introduction of capital adequacy norms, prudential

    regulation and world class regulatory mechanisms to protect the interest of

    investor, besides the strict requirement of disclosure, have given a boost

    to the confidence of domestic and foreign investors. The Indian economy

    has slowly integrated itself with the global econom y and financial market.

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    1.What is a Mutual Fund?

    Mutual fund is a mechanism for pooling the resources by issuing units to the investors

    and investing funds in securities in accordance with objectives as disclosed in offer


    Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and

    sectors and thus the risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all stocks

    may not move in the same direction in the same proportion at the same time. Mutual

    fund issues units to the investors in accordance with quantum of money invested by

    them. Investors of mutual funds are known as unit holders. The profits or losses are

    shared by the investors in proportion to their investments. The mutual funds normally

    come out with a number of schemes with different investment objectives which are

    launched from time to time.

    A mutual fund is required to be registered with Securities and Exchange Board of

    India (SEBI) which regulates securities markets before it can collect funds from the


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    1.1 - How is a mutual fund set up?

    A mutual fund is set up in the form of a trust, which has sponsor, trustees, asset

    Management Company (AMC) and custodian. The trust is established by a sponsor or

    more than one sponsor who is like promoter of a company. The trustees of the mutual

    fund hold its property for the benefit of the unit holders. Asset Management Company

    (AMC) approved by SEBI manages the funds by making investments in various types

    of securities.

    Custodian, who is registered with SEBI, holds the securities of various schemes of the

    fund in its custody. The trustees are vested with the general power of superintendence

    and direction over AMC. They monitor the performance and compliance of SEBI

    Regulations by the mutual fund.

    SEBI Regulations require that at least two thirds of the directors of trustee company

    or board of trustees must be independent i.e. they should not be associated with the

    sponsors. Also, 50% of the directors of AMC must be independent. All mutual funds

    are required to be registered with SEBI before they launch any scheme. However,

    Unit Trust of India (UTI) is not registered with SEBI (as on January 15, 2002).

    1.2 - What is Net Asset Value (NAV) of a scheme?

    The performance of a particular scheme of a mutual fund is denoted by Net Asset

    Value (NAV).

    Mutual funds invest the money collected from the investors in securities markets. In

    simple words, Net Asset Value is the market value of the securities held by the

    scheme. Since market value of securities changes every day, NAV of a scheme also

    varies on day to day basis. The NAV per unit is the market value of securities of a

    scheme divided by the total number of units of the scheme on any particular date. For

    example, if the market value of securities of a mutual fund scheme is Rs 200 lakhs

    and the mutual fund has issued 10 lakhs units of Rs. 10 each to the investors, then the

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    NAV per unit of the fund is Rs.20. NAV is required to be disclosed by the mutual

    funds on a regular basis - daily or weekly - depending on the type of scheme.

    1.3 - Scope for Development of Mutual Fund

    A Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an

    opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a

    relatively low cost. India has a burgeoning population of middle class now estimated

    around 300 million. A typical Indian middle class family can have liquid savings

    ranging from Rs.2 to Rs.10 Lacs today. Investments in Banks are liquid and safe, but

    with the falling rate of interest offered by Banks on Deposits, it is no longer attractive.

    At best a part can be saved in bank deposits, but what is the other sources of

    investment for the common man? Mutual Fund is the ready answer. Viewed in this

    sense globally India is one of the best markets for Mutual Fund Business, so also for

    Insurance business. This is the reason that foreign companies compete with one

    another in setting up insurance and mutual fund business units in India. The sheer

    magnitude of the population of educated white collar employees provides unlimited

    scope for development of Mutual Fund Business in India.

    1.4 - Benefits of Mutual Funds

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    There are numerous benefits of investing in mutual funds and one of the key reasons

    for its phenomenal success in the developed markets like US and UK is the range of

    benefits they offer, which are unmatched by most other investment avenues. We haveexplained the key benefits in this section. The benefits have been broadly split into

    universal benefits, applicable to all schemes, and benefits applicable specifically to

    open-ended schemes.

    1. Professional Management

    The investor avails of the services of experienced and skilled professionals who

    are backed by a dedicated investment research team which analyses the

    performance and prospects of companies and selects suitable investments to

    achieve the objectives of the scheme.

    2. Diversification

    Mutual Funds invest in a number of companies across a broad cross-section of

    industries and sectors. This diversification reduces the risk because seldom do

    all stocks decline at the same time and in the same proportion. You achieve this

    diversification through a Mutual Fund with far less money than you can do on

    your own.

    3. Convenient Administration

    Investing n in a Mutual Fund reduces paperwork and helps you avoid

    many problems such as bad deliveries, delayed payments and unnecessary

    follow up with brokers and companies. Mutual Funds save your time and

    make investing easy and convenient.

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    4. Return Potential

    Over a medium to long-term, Mutual Funds have the potential to provide a

    higher return as they invest in a diversified basket of selected securities.

    5. Low Costs

    Mutual Funds are a relatively less expensive way to invest compared to directly

    investing in the capital markets because the benefits of scale in brokerage,

    custodial and other fees translate into lower costs for investors.

    6. Liquidity

    In open-ended schemes, you can get your money back promptly at net asset

    value related prices from the Mutual Fund itself. With close-ended schemes, you

    can sell your units on a stock exchange at the prevailing market price or avail of

    the facility of direct repurchase at NAV related prices which some close-ended

    and interval schemes offer you periodically.

    7. Transparency

    You get regular information on the value of your investment in addition to

    disclosure on the specific investments made by your scheme, the proportion

    invested in each class of assets and the fund manager's investment strategy and


    8. Flexibility

    Through features such as regular investment plans, regular withdrawal plans and

    dividend reinvestment plans, you can systematically invest or withdraw funds

    according to your needs and convenience.

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    9. Choice of Schemes

    Mutual Funds offer a family of schemes to suit your varying needs over a


    10.Well Regulated

    All Mutual Funds are registered with SEBI and they function within the

    provisions of strict regulations designed to protect the interests of investors. The

    operations of Mutual Funds are regularly monitored by SEBI.

    11.Understanding and Managing Risk

    All investments whether in shares, debentures or deposits involve risk: share

    value may go down depending upon the performance of the company, the

    industry, state of capital market and the economy; generally, however longer the

    term, lesser the risk; companies may default in payment of interest/principal on

    their deposits/bonds debentures; the rate of interest on investment may fall short

    of the rate of inflation reducing the purchasing power.

    While risk cannot be eliminated, skillful management can minimize risk. Mutual

    fund helps to reduce risk through diversification and professional management.

    The experience and expertise of Mutual Fund managers in selecting

    fundamentally sound securities and timing their purchases and sales help them

    to build a diversified portfolio that minimize risk and maximizes returns.

    12.Tax Benefits

    The incomes under Mutual Funds are much more Tax efficient than any fixed

    income security due to the following benefits:-

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    Section 80L of the income Tax Act ,1961 enables tax free income up to

    rs 15000 and dividends from MF s are eligible for this benefit.

    When you invest for over a year, the tax payable on encashment is

    Long term Capitals gains tax at 20%. Once also get an indexationbenefit which has been approximately 8% per year. This reduces the

    taxable income and thus decreases the tax liability.

    There is also an opportunity to set off capital losses against gains from

    income schemes.

    Full exemption from capital gains tax as it comes under Section

    54EA/EB of the income tax Act.

    One has to pay tax only when he encash units, but have to pay tax on

    the interest earned on other debt instruments every year on an accrual

    basis, even though he receives the interest later. This generates higher

    post tax returns compared to other debt instruments.

    Tax is just like a monster that frightens a number of individuals through out

    the nation. There are just tow way to fight with this monater:

    . Conceal/Depress Income

    . Make tax efficient investments.

    Perhaps the second option is far better than the first as it gives the peace of

    mind together with a feeling that one is a responsible citizen of the nation.

    With increasing amount of awareness that is taking birth in the minds of

    investors, mutual fund has become cynosure of the eye of the several


    The taxes available are two kinds:

    . To the mutual fund- as explained below in No 1

    . To the Investor- as explained below in No 2

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    1. Mutual Fund Taxation

    . Mutual fund is fully exempted from the tax under Section10 (23D) of the

    Income Tax Act1961.

    . It receives all income without deduction at source.

    . Mutual funds do not have to pay tax on trading profit, short term capital

    gain, dividend income, underwriting commission, placement fees, long

    term capital gains, other income, etc.

    2. Benefits to the Investors

    There are number of benefits that the investor of a mutual fund avail.

    These are discussed as follows:

    .Resident Unit Holders- In case of an individual or Hindu Undivided

    Families (HUFs), income by way of dividends, if any from unit of

    schemes of the fund together with other income on specified

    investment/deposit are except from tax within the overall limit of

    Rs.15000/- specified under Section80L of the I.T. Act,1961. Since

    dividends from shares no longer invite dividend tax and hence the whole

    limit is available for mutual fund dividends.

    . Tax deduction at source- as per Section196A of the Income Tax Act,

    1961, no deduction of tax at source is made from any income payable to

    the unit holders. This implies that there is no tax deduction at source for

    redemption up to any limit.

    As per Section194k of the I.T.Act 1961, deduction of tax at source is not

    made if the dividend income from a mutual fund does not exceed Rs10000

    per annum.

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    1.5 Investment criteria

    Lower cost

    It is a lower cost of investment as compare to other mode of investment

    option in the market. Here the investor can invest a minimum of Rs500

    in the scheme of ELSS (Equity Link Saving Scheme).

    Less paper work

    Here less paper work is require than other. The investor give his detail

    information like his/her name,age,address,phone no., pan card no,

    nominee name and address(in case of minor) and three full signature of

    the candided.

    No cash Transactions

    Investor need not require paying cash, instead of cash investor has to

    pay cheque or demand draft. Which help to prevent misappropriation

    and also save the tax. Here the investor just writes the product name of

    mutual fund and sign on it. It also saves the time.

    No Age Bar

    There is no age bar of investor here any age group can invest in mutual

    fund. In case of minor(below 18 year) there is a nominee, so a child can

    invest through his guardian and a person having age of 70 also invest in

    mutual fund ,which is not possible in other investments.

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    Service or any kind of income group

    A service holder or any kind of income group or a student or

    unemployed people can invest in mutual fund but the person is arational human being having sound knowledge of investment company.

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    2.1 Why HDFC Mutual Fund?

    HDFC Mutual Fund is one of the largest mutual funds and well-established fund

    house in the country with consistent and above average fund performance across

    categories since its incorporation on December 10, 1999. While our past experience

    does make us a veteran, but when it comes to investments, we have never believed

    that the experience is enough.

    Our Investment Philosophy

    The single most important factor that drives HDFC Mutual Fund is its belief to give

    the investor the chance to profitably invest in the financial market, without constantly

    worrying about the market swings. To realize this belief, HDFC Mutual Fund has set

    up the infrastructure required to conduct all the fundamental research and back it up

    with effective analysis. Our strong emphasis on managing and controlling portfolio

    risk avoids chasing the latest fads and trends.

    We OfferWe believe, that, by giving the investor long-term benefits, we have to constantly

    review the markets for new trends, to identify new growth sectors and share this

    knowledge with our investors in the form of product offerings. We have come up with

    various products across asset and risk categories to enable investors to invest in line

    with their investment objectives and risk taking capacity. Besides, we also offer

    Portfolio Management Services.

    Our Achievements

    HDFC Asset Management Company (AMC) is the first AMC in India to have been

    assigned the CRISIL Fund House Level 1 rating. This is its highest Fund

    Governance and Process Quality Rating which reflects the highest governance levels

    and fund management practices at HDFC AMC It is the only fund house to have been

    assigned this rating for two years in succession. Over the past, we have won a number

    of awards and accolades for our performance

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    2.2 SPONSORS

    Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC). HDFC

    was incorporated in 1977 as the first specialized Mortgage Company in India. HDFC

    provides financial assistance to individuals, corporate and developers for the purchase

    or construction of residential housing. It also provides property related services (e.g.

    property identification, sales services and valuation), training and consultancy. Of

    these activities, housing finance remains the dominant activity. HDFC has a client

    base of around 12 lac borrowers, around 8 lac depositors, over 1.08 lac shareholders

    and 50,000 deposit agents, as at March 31, 2008. HDFC has raised funds from

    international agencies such as the World Bank, IFC (Washington), USAID, DEG,

    ADB and KfW, international syndicated loans, domestic term loans from banks and

    insurance companies, bonds and deposits. HDFC has received the highest rating for

    its bonds and deposits program for the thirteenth year in succession. HDFC Standard

    Life Insurance Company Limited, promoted by HDFC was the first life insurance

    company in the private sector to be granted a Certificate of Registration (on October

    23, 2000) by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to transact life

    insurance business in India.

    Standard Life Investments Limited. The Standard Life Assurance Company

    was established in 1825 and has considerable experience in global financial markets.

    The company was present in the Indian life insurance market from 1847 to 1938 when

    agencies were set up in Kolkata and Mumbai. The company re-entered the Indian

    market in 1995, when an agreement was signed with HDFC to launch an insurance

    joint venture. On April 2006, the Board of The Standard Life Assurance Company

    recommended that it should demutualise and Standard Life plc float on the London

    Stock Exchange. At a Special General Meeting held in May voting members

    overwhelmingly voted in favour of this. The Court of Session in Scotland approved

    this in June and Standard Life plc floated on the London Stock Exchange on 10th July

    2006. Standard Life Investments is a leading asset management company, with

    approximately US$ 267 billion as at March 31, 2008, of assets under management.

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    The company operates in the UK, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Ireland, Paris,

    Sydney and the USA to ensure it is able to form a truly global investment view. In

    order to meet the different needs and risk profiles of its clients, Standard Life

    Investments Limited manages a diverse portfolio covering all of the major markets

    world-wide, which includes a range of private and public equities, government and

    company bonds, property investments and various derivative instruments

    2.3 TRUSTEE

    HDFC Trustee Company Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act,

    1956 is the Trustee to HDFC Mutual Fund vide the Trust deed dated June 8, 2000, as

    amended from time to time. HDFC Trustee Company Ltd is wholly owned subsidiaryof HDFC

    The Board of Directors of HDFC Trustee company Limited consists

    of the following eminent persons.

    Mr. Anil Kumar Hirjee

    Mr. James Aird

    Mr. Shishir K. Diwanji

    Mr. Ranjan Sanghi

    Mr. V. Srinivasa Rangan

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    2.4 ACHIEVEMENT AND AWARDSCNBC - TV 18 - CRISIL Mutual Fund of the Year Awards 2008 :

    HDFC Prudence Fund was the only scheme that won the CNBC - TV 18 - CRISIL

    Mutual Fund of the Year Award 2008 in the Most Consistent Balanced Fund under

    CRISIL ~ CPRfor the calendar year 2007 (from amongst 3 schemes).

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plan was the only scheme that won the

    CNBC - TV 18 - CRISIL Mutual Fund of the Year Award 2008 in the Most

    Consistent Liquid Fund under CRISIL ~ CPRfor the calendar year 2007 (from

    amongst 5 schemes).

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plan was the only scheme that won the

    CNBC - TV 18 - CRISIL Mutual Fund of the Year Award 2008 in the Liquid

    SchemeRetail Category for the calendar year 2007 (from amongst 19 schemes).

    Lipper Fund Awards 2008:

    HDFC Equity Fund - Growth has been awarded the 'Best Fund over Ten Years' in

    the 'Equity India Category' at the Lipper Fund Awards 2008 (form amongst 23

    schemes). It was awarded the Best Fund over ten years in 2006 and 2007 as well.

    2008 makes it three in a row.

    Lipper Fund Awards 2009 :

    HDFC Equity Fund - Growth has been awarded the 'Best Fund over Ten Years' in the

    'Equity India Category' (form amongst 34 schemes) and HDFC Prudence Fund

    Growth Planin the Mixed Asset INR Aggressive Category (from amongst 6

    schemes), have been awarded the Best Fund over 10 Years by Lipper Fund Awards

    India 2009.

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    ICRA Mutual Fund Awards2008 :

    HDFC MF Monthly Income Plan - Long Term Plan - Ranked a Seven Star Fund

    and has been awarded the Gold Award for "Best Performance" in the category of

    "Open Ended Marginal Equity" for the three year period ending December 31,2007 (from amongst 27 schemes)

    HDFC High Interest Fund - Short Term Plan - Ranked a Five Star Fund

    indicating performance among the top 10% in the category of"Open Ended Debt -

    Short Term" for one year period ending December 31, 2007 (from amongst 20


    HDFC Prudence Fund - Ranked a Five Star Fund indicatingperformance among

    the top 10% in the category of"Open Ended Balanced" for the three year period

    ending December 31, 2007 (from amongst 16 schemes)

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    Equity Funds

    HDFC Growth Fund

    HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund

    HDFC Index Fund

    HDFC Equity Fund

    HDFC Capital Builder Fund

    HDFC Tax saver

    HDFC Top 200 Fund

    HDFC Core & Satellite Fund

    HDFC Premier Multi-Cap Fund

    HDFC Long Term Equity Fund

    HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunity Fund

    Balanced Funds

    HDFC Children's Gift Fund Investment Plan

    HDFC Children's Gift Fund Savings Plan

    HDFC Balanced Fund

    HDFC Prudence Fund

    Debt Funds

    HDFC Income Fund

    HDFC Liquid Fund

    HDFC Gilt Fund Short Term Plan

    HDFC Gilt Fund Long Term Plan

    HDFC Short Term PlanHDFC Floating Rate Income Fund Short Term Plan

    HDFC Floating Rate Income Fund Long Term Plan

    HDFC Liquid Fund - PREMIUM PLAN


    HDFC Short Term Plan - PREMIUM PLAN

    HDFC Short Term Plan - PREMIUM PLUS PLAN

    HDFC Income Fund Premium Plan

    HDFC Income Fund Premium plus Plan

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    HDFC High Interest Fund

    HDFC High Interest Fund - Short Term Plan

    HDFC Sovereign Gilt Fund - Savings Plan

    HDFC Sovereign Gilt Fund - Investment Plan

    HDFC Sovereign Gilt Fund - Provident Plan

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plan

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Call Plan

    HDFCMF Monthly Income Plan - Short Term Plan

    HDFCMF Monthly Income Plan - Long Term Plan

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings Plus Plan

    HDFC Multiple Yield Fund

    HDFC Multiple Yield Fund Plan 2005

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    HDFC Top 200 Fund

    HDFC Core and Satellite Fund

    HDFC Index Fund - Sensex Plan

    HDFC Index Fund - Sensex Plus Plan

    HDFC Balanced Fund

    HDFC Long Term Advantage Fund


    HDFC Long Term Equity Fund

    HDFC Infrastructure Fund

    HDFC Capital Builder Fund

    HDFC Premier Multi-Cap

    HDFC Index Fund - Nifty Plan

    HDFC Arbitrage Fund

    HDFC Equity Fund

    HDFC Prudence Fund

    HDFC TaxSaver (ELSS)

    HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund

    HDFC MF Monthly Income Plan - Short

    Term Plan

    HDFC Multiple Yield Fund

    HDFC Income Fund

    HDFC Short Term Plan

    HDFC Gilt Fund - Short Term Plan

    HDFC Floating Rate Income Fund -Short

    Term Plan

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings

    Plus Plan

    HDFC MF Monthly Income Plan - Long

    Term Plan

    HDFC Multiple Yield Fund - Plan 2005

    HDFC High Interest Fund

    HDFC High Interest Fund - Short term


    HDFC Gilt Fund - Long Term Plan

    HDFC Floating Rate Income Fund - Long

    Term Plan

    CHILDRENS GIFT FUND LIQUID FUNDHDFC Children's Gift Fund - Investment


    HDFC Children's Gift Fund - Savings Plan

    HDFC Liquid Fund

    HDFC Liquid Fund Premium Plan

    HDFC Liquid Fund Premium Plus Plan

    HDFC Cash Management FundCall

    HDFC Cash Management Fund - Savings

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    3.Research M ethodology

    Since the study undertaken by me is related to the PERFORMANCE NANLYSIS

    OF SCHEMES OF HDFC MUTUAL FUND the means adopted for collection of

    various facts and data were in the form of personal observation, officials documents,

    and directly interacting with the officers concerned and also directly interacting with

    the existing customers as well as new customer formed. It was an exploratory

    research. Work is mainly emphasized on the secondary data. The secondary data was

    obtained through the following means for the purpose of the project work.

    Annual reports of companies

    Journals and Magazine. Budgeted manuals

    Audited balance sheet and profit and loss account.

    Companys website

    Previous Performance

    For Every Comprehensive research a proper research methodology is indispensable &

    it has to be properly conceived. The methodology adopted by me is as follows:-

    3.1 Research Design

    Problem Identification

    @ Find out Portfolio - Holdings (as on February 28, 2011)Company wise as well as

    Industry wise.

    @ Find deviation of calculated from standard or Norms

    @ Calculating the Investment Pattern

    @ Information about firms assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditure, bankers,

    Investment etc.

    @ Find out the SIP Return of last 15 years.

    @ Find out the HDFC Growth Fund - Growth Returns of last 5 years.@ Information about firms loan, security, stock level & other financial information.
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    @ Find our Asset allocation and Sector wise holding.

    @ Whether the growth oriented mutual funds are offering the advantages of

    Diversification, Market timing and Selectivity of Securities to their investors

    @ This study provides a proper investigation for logical and reasonable comparison

    and selection of the funds.

    What is Primary & Secondary Data?

    Primary data are those data which are collected for the first time, taking a sample,

    representing a population. It is not a published data, it is problem specific data

    collected by the researcher, first time. When primary data is published by researcher,

    it becomes the secondary data for everybody, other than the researcher.

    Secondary data are those data, which are already published. It may be useful for

    many other person than the researcher who has published it. There are many sources

    of secondary data.

    Informal Interviews.

    Discussions with officer concerned.

    3.2 Data Collection

    My data collection sources was Secondary Data of HDFC EQUITY GROWTH

    Mutual fund i.e:-


    The secondary data was obtained through the following means for the purpose of the

    project work.

    Annual reports of companies

    Journals and Magazine.

    Budgeted manuals

    Audited balance sheet and profit and loss account.

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    Companys website

    Previous Performance

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    4.1HDFC Growth Fund

    HDFC Growth fund, an open-ended growth scheme, applies an investment

    approach based on a set of well established but flexible principles that

    emphasize the concept of sustainable economic earnings cash return on

    investment. The objective is to identify business with superior growth

    prospects nd good management at a reasonable price. The five basic principles

    that serve the foundation for this approach are as follows:

    Focus on the long termInvestment confers proportionate ownership of the business

    Maintain a margin safety

    Maintain a balanced outlook on the market

    Discipline approach to selling.

    The investment philosophy rests on a two-pronged approach. 60-80% of the

    portfolio will aim to stay invested for most of the time in large cap stocks that

    satisfy the above investment criteria. This allocation to large cap stocks also

    ensures greater liquidity in the portfolio. 20-40% of the portfolio will be

    invested in companies of scale that are either large market share holder

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    4.2 Investment Objective

    The investment objective of the Scheme is to achieve capital appreciation.

    Basic Scheme Information

    Nature of Scheme Open Ended Growth Scheme

    Inception Date January 01, 1995

    Option/Plan Dividend Option,Growth Option. The DividendOption offers Dividend Payout and ReinvestmentFacility.

    Entry Load

    (purchase / additionalpurchase / switch-in)


    (With effect from August 1, 2009)

    Exit Load

    (as a % of the Applicable


    In respect of each purchase / switchin of units, an ExitLoad of 1.00% is payable if Units are redeemed /switched-out within 1 year from the date ofallotment..

    No Exit Load is payable if Units are redeemed /switched-out after 1 year from the date of allotment.

    Minimum ApplicationAmount

    For new investors :Rs.5000 and any amount thereafter.For existing investors : Rs. 1000 and any amountthereafter.

    Lock-In-Period Nil

    Net Asset Value


    Every Business Day.

    Redemption Proceeds Normally despatched within 3 business Days

    Tax Benefits

    (As per present Laws)

    Please click for details

    Current Expense Ratio (#)

    (Effective Date 22nd May


    On the first 100 crores average weekly net assets2.50%On the next 300 crores average weekly net assets2.25%On the next 300 crores average weekly net assets2.00%On the balance of the assets 1.75%

    (#) Any change in the expense ratio will be updated within two working days.
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    Plan Name NAV Date NAV Amount

    Dividend Option 25 Mar 2011 46.5160

    Growth Option 25 Mar 2011 275.3550

    4.3 Investment Pattern

    The asset allocation under the Scheme will be as follows :

    Sr.No. Asset Type (% of Portfolio) Risk Profile

    1 Equities and Equity Related Instruments 80 - 100 Medium toHigh

    2 Debt & Money Market Instruments 0 - 20 Low toMedium

    Investment in Securitised debt, if undertaken, would not exceed 20% of the net assets of

    the scheme.

    The Scheme may also invest upto 25% of net assets of the Scheme in derivatives such

    as Futures & Options and such other derivative instruments as may be introduced from

    time to time for the purpose of hedging and portfolio balancing and other uses as may be

    permitted under the Regulations.

    The Scheme may also invest a part of its corpus, not exceeding 40% of its net assets, in

    overseas markets in Global Depository Receipts (GDRs), ADRs, overseas equity, bonds

    and mutual funds and such other instruments as may be allowed under the Regulations

    from time to time. Also refer to the Section on Policy on off-shore Investments by the


    Subject to the Regulations and the applicable guidelines, the Scheme may, engage in

    Stock Lending activities. Also refer to Section on Stock Lending by the Fund.

    If the investment in equities and related instruments falls below 70% of the portfolio of the

    Scheme at any point in time, it would be endeavoured to review and rebalance the


    Notwithstanding anything stated above, subject to the regulations, the asset allocation

    pattern indicated above may change from time to time, keeping in view market

    conditions, market opportunities, applicable regulations and political and economic

    factors. It may be clearly understood that the percentages stated above are only

    indicative and are not absolute and that they can vary substantially depending upon the

    perception of the AMC, the intention being at all times to seek to protect the NAV of thescheme. Such changes will be for short term and defensive considerations. Provided

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    further and subject to the above, any change in the asset allocation affecting the

    investment profile of the Scheme and amounting to a change in the Fundamental

    Attributes of the Scheme shall be effected in accordance with sub-regulation (15A) of

    regulation 18 of SEBI regulations.

    4.4 Investment StrategyIn order to provide long term capital appreciation, the Scheme will invest predominantly in

    growth companies. Companies selected under this portfolio would as far as practicable

    consist of medium to large sized companies which:

    are likely achieve above average growth than the industry;

    enjoy distinct competitive advantages, and

    have superior financial strengths.

    The aim will be to build a portfolio, which represents a cross-section of the strong growth

    companies in the prevailing market. In order to reduce the risk of volatility, the Scheme

    will diversify across major industries and economic sectors.

    Fund Manager:

    Mr. Prashant Jain (since Jun 19, 03)

    Mr. Miten Lathia - Dedicated Fund Manager - Foreign Securities

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    4.5 Portfolio - Holdings (as on February 28, 2011)

    Company Industry+ % to NAV


    State Bank of India Banks 8.22

    ICICI Bank Ltd. Banks 6.36

    Reliance Industries Ltd. Petroleum Products 4.90

    Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Software 4.52

    Infosys Technologies Ltd. Software 4.47

    Titan Industries Ltd. Consumer NonDurables


    Bank of Baroda Banks 4.24

    Coal India Ltd. Minerals/Mining 3.50

    Tata Steel Ltd. Ferrous Metals 2.74

    GAIL (India) Ltd. Gas 2.54

    Total of Top Ten Equity Holdings 45.80Total Equity & Equity Related Holdings 96.38

    Total Money Market Instrument & Other

    Credit Exposures (aggregated holdings in a

    single issuer)


    Cash margin / Earmarked cash for Futures &Options


    Other Cash, Cash Equivalents and Net CurrentAssets


    Grand Total 100.00

    Net Assets (Rs. In Lakhs) 8,27,194.70

    Note : $ Sponsor

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    4.6 ReturnsHDFC

    Equity Fund

    (NAV as at evaluation date 28-Feb-11, Rs.261.288 Per unit)

    Date Period NAV PerUnit (Rs.)

    Returns(%) ^

    BenchmarkReturns (%) #

    March 30,2007

    Last 1431 days 142.602 16.7** 7.96**

    August 27,2010

    Last Six months(185 days)

    274.276 -4.74* -6.67*

    February 26,2010

    Last 1 Year (367days)

    223.385 16.87** 2.88**

    February 28,


    Last 3 Years

    (1096 days)

    188.246 11.54** -1.2**

    February 28,2006

    Last 5 Years(1826 days)

    116.840 17.45** 9.81**

    February 28,2001

    Last 10 Years(3652 days)

    19.880 29.36** 16.14**

    February 28,1996

    Last 15 Years(5479 days)

    7.370 26.83** 12.54**

    January 1,1995

    Since Inception(5902 days)

    10.000 22.36** 9.54**

    *Absolute Returns ** Compounded Annualised Returns # S&P CNX 500 ^ Past

    performance may or may not be sustained in the future

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    4.7 SIP Returns


    Since Inception

    15 Year 10 Year 5 Year 3 Year 1 Year


    194,000 180,000 120,000 60,000 36,000 12,000

    Market Valueas onFebruary 28,2011 (Rs.)









    28.64% 30.07% 30.75% 18.77%




    15.01% 15.81% 18.98% 8.37% 14.13%



    Market Valueof SIP inBenchmark#

    741,123.72 661,528.69





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    15 Year 10 Year 5 Year 3 Year 1 Year

    Returns (Annualised)*(%)

    Benchmark Returns

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    4.8 HDFC Growth Fund - Growth Returns

    Duration MF Returns MF Category Returns

    1 day 01.07 01.14

    1 week -00.61 -00.09

    1 month 02.43 -00.90

    3 months 05.85 01.67

    6 months 06.46 02.72

    1 year 30.45 20.10

    3 years 14.35 03.99

    5 years 24.85 05.82
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    1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years

    MF Returns

    MF Category Returns

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    4.9HDFC Growth Fund - Growth Holdings

    Top Holdings as on 31 Jul 2010

    Company Percentage

    Infosys Technologies 6.82

    ITC 5.99

    ITC 5.86

    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation 5.77

    Infosys Technologies 5.73







    Top Holdings as on 31 Jul 2010

    Infosys Technologies



    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation

    Infosys Technologies

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    4.9.1 Sectoral Holdings

    Industry Percentage

    Banks-Pub Sector 8.19

    Pharma-Ind. BD & Formlns 7.67

    Oil Exploration 7.27

    Ent. Media/Content 6.71

    Computer-SW-Major 5.69






    Sectoral Holdings

    Banks-Pub Sector

    Pharma-Ind. BD & Formlns

    Oil Exploration

    Ent. Media/Content


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    4.9.2 Asset Allocations

    Asset Percentage

    Cash 0.97

    Debt & Money Market 0.76

    Equity 98.27

    Total 100.00



    Debt & Money





    Asset Allocations

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    HDFC Growth Fund - Growth Holdings

    All Top Holdings as on 31 Jul 2010

    Company Percentage

    Infosys Technologies 6.82

    ITC 5.99

    ITC 5.86

    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation 5.77

    Infosys Technologies 5.73

    Infosys Technologies 5.69

    ITC 5.67

    ICICI Bank 5.59

    ICICI Bank 5.53

    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation 5.49

    Oil & Natural Gas Corporation 5.33

    ICICI Bank 5.26

    State Bank of India 5.16

    Bharat Petroleum Corporation 4.98

    Bharat Petroleum Corporation


    State Bank of India 4.82

    State Bank of India 4.69

    Bharat Petroleum Corporation 4.56

    Crompton Greaves 4.51

    Coromandel International

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    Zee Entertainment Enterprises 4.25

    Sun Pharmaceutical Industries 4.23

    Sun Pharmaceutical Industries


    Crompton Greaves 4.16

    Zee Entertainment Enterprises 4.11

    Sun Pharmaceutical Industries 4.10

    Crompton Greaves 4.04

    Housing Development Finance Corporation


    Housing Development Finance Corporation 3.94

    Housing Development Finance Corporation 3.89

    Zee Entertainment Enterprises 3.85

    Bank of Baroda 3.73

    Exide Industries


    Bank of Baroda 3.44

    Bank of Baroda 3.37

    Coromandel International 3.32

    Solar Industries India 3.15

    Biocon 2.97

    Exide Industries 2.90

    Solar Industries India 2.89

    Solar Industries India 2.75

    HT Media 2.70

    HT Media 2.60
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    Bharti Airtel 2.55

    HT Media 2.53



    Biocon 2.34

    Coromandel International 2.30

    Bharti Airtel 2.26

    Nagarjuna Construction Co. 2.23
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    HDFC Growth Fund - Growth

    Fund manager Srinivas Rao Ravuri


    Aims to generate long term capital appreciation from a

    portfolio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity

    related instruments.

    Assets 851.75 ( 31-May-10)

    Fund category EquityDiversified

    Fund Family HDFC Mutual

    Launch Date 11-Sep-00

    Scheme type Open Ended

    Scheme option Growth

    AddressRamon House, 3Rd Floor, H.T. Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay

    Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai400020

    Phone +91-22-66316333

    Fax +91-22-22821144

    Email [email protected]

    Website[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ




    My research is on HDFC GROWTH FUND. From the investors point of


    As far as analysis is concerned, we found out that the HDFC Growth Fund

    was among the best performers fund. Although all the funds are affected by

    the global meltdown, (recession) still HDFC Growth Fund has better

    performed comparing to other funds for its systematic and unsystematic risk. It

    offers advantages of diversification, market timing, and selectivity. In the

    comparison of sample of funds, HDFC Growth fund is found highly

    diversified fund and because of high diversification, it has reduced the total

    risk of portfolio.

    In the last it has given a return of 30.45% ,in last 3 years 14.35% and in last 5

    years 24.85%. So it has a good track record.

    In SIP Plan it has given 28.64% annual return science inscription.

    Further, other funds were found very poor in diversification, market timing,

    and selectivity. For the further clarification, we too studied the portfolio ofHDFC Growth fund.

    One of the findings that I came across is that generally, a good model of asset

    classes is the one that can explain a large portion of the variance of returns on

    the assets and there were some stocks in the fund portfolio, which were not

    aligned with strategy of the fund portfolio.

    The optimal situation involves the selection that proceeds from sensible

    assumptions, is carefully and logically constructed, and is broadly consistent

    with the data while collecting the stocks for the portfolio. The portfolio was

    showing constructive outcome in long time horizon and the results can be

    improved by making the minor changes in fund portfolio.

    Hence, the portfolio theory teaches us that investment choices are made on the

    basis of expected risk and returns and these expectations can be satisfied by

    having right mix of assets.

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  • 7/29/2019 Final Report on HDFC Mutual Fund by RAJ




    Mutual fund has become one of the important sources for investing. It is quite likely

    that a more efficient portfolio can be constructed directly from funds. Thus, the two-

    step process of choosing an asset allocation based on the information about

    benchmark indexes and then choosing funds in each category may be one of the best

    realistically attainable approaches. To use this approach to portfolio selection

    effectively, investors would benefit from estimates of future asset returns, risks and

    correlations, as well as from fund managements disclosure of future asset exposures

    and appropriate benchmarks.

    It has been a great opportunity for me to get a first experience of Mutual Funds. My

    study is to get the feel of how the work is carried out in relation to funds portfolio

    aspect. I got an opportunity in relation to the documentation and also the portfolio

    analysis that have been carrying out in facilitating the investor and the fund manager.

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    Considering the above analysis, it can be noted that the growth oriented mutual funds

    HDFC Growth Fund have performed better than their benchmark indicators. Other

    funds did not perform well even some performed negatively. Though HDFC Growth

    Fund have performed better than the benchmark of their systematic risk (volatility)

    but with respect to total risk the fund have not outperformed the Market Index.

    Growth oriented mutual funds are expected to offer the advantages of Diversification,

    Market timing and Selectivity. In the sample HDFC Growth Fund is found to be

    diversified fund and because of high diversification, it has reduced total risk of the

    portfolio. Whereas, others are low diversified and because of low diversification their

    total risk is found to be very high. Further, the fund managers of these underperforming funds are found to be poor in terms of their ability of market timing and


    The fund manager of HDFC Growth Fund fund can improve the returns to the

    investors by increasing the systematic risk of the portfolio, which in turn can

    be done by identifying highly volatile shares. Alternatively, these can take

    advantage by diversification, which goes to reduce the risk if the same return

    is given to the investor at a reduced risk level, the compensation for risk might

    seem adequate.

    The fund manager can divide all securities into several asset classes and tries

    to construct an efficient portfolio based on expected returns, risk, and

    correlations of indexes representing these asset classes. The investment should

    be done in the bench mark indexes to get an efficient portfolio in such a way

    that no other combination of these indexes would result in a portfolio with a

    higher return for a given level of risk.

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    From Investor point of view:

    For the long time horizon HDFC GROWTH Mutual Fund are almost safe and

    it was given a good return. But it is totally depend upon the market situation

    and fluctuations.

    The previous performance may not be sustain in the future, so there is no

    guarantee that the same performance will continue.

    The Mutual fund are subject to market risk please read the document carefully

    before investing.

    HDFC GROWTH Fund has performed very well in the past and the risk of

    investor is moderate because of good diversification of fund. HDFC Growth

    Fund have performed better than the benchmark of their systematic risk


    So this is a good fund to invest and to get a good return.

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    8. Bibliography

    The Reference Book s

    Author1. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (sixth Edition 1995) by

    Donald E. Fisher and Ronald J. Jordan. Publication: Pearson education.

    2. The Indian Financial System (second edition) by Bharati V. Pathak.

    Published by Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., licensees of Pearson

    Education in South Asia.

    3. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management by Khan and Jain.

    Magazines: Money Outlook (May &June 2009)

    Business world (May & June 2009)

    News Papers- Economics Times, Business Today.

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