Mammals History By Bianca Alomar 4 th grade level

Final project for geography

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Mammals History

By Bianca Alomar

4th grade


Filed Trip Preparation

• Make sure to have all student permission slips signed and turned in before our filed trip day.

• Arrange for bus to take us to, 900 Exposition Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90007 Natural History Museum by 8:00 am and to pick us up at 3:00pm to take us home.

• The drive will takes us 1 hour and 51 min if the bus driver takes the I-10W.

• Arrange for lunch to be at 1:00pm


• Talk to the students about what they might see.

• Why we are going to the Los Angeles Natural History Museum ?

• Informed them about the tour we will be given by the “Docent” then define docent by telling your class it is what you call a tour guide.

• Explain to the students that they don’t need to bring their backpacks that they can bring a water bottle and to pack a lunch .

• Remind them they must all wear their school shirt

Field Trip Rules

• Stay with your group and your tour guide as well as your chaperon.

• All students require a chaperone with them in the museum, cafe and gift shops.

• Use quite voice when we are walking inside the museum.

• Don’t touch exhibits only when invited, and when you are invited to touch remember to tell your students to touch gently.

• Go over the School Bus rules:

1. Always obey the driver.

2. Do not push or shove.

3. Do not yell or shout.

The Halls We Will Be Visiting

North American Mammals Hall Level 1 & level 2

African Mammals Hall Level 1

Age of Mammals Level 1


• Life Science 3a: Students know ecosystems can be

characterized by their living and nonliving components. Life


• 3b: Students know that in any particular environment, some

kinds of plants and animals survive well, some survive less

well, and some cannot survive at all. Life Science

• 3c: Students know many plants depend on animals for

pollination and seed dispersal, and animals depend on plants for

food and shelter.

17 Geographic contexts (the human and

physical characteristics of places and

environments) are the settings for events

in the past

Physical System 8. The Characteristics and Spatial

distribution of ecosystem on Earth’s


Mammal Hall

National Geography Standards

State Standards

English/Language Arts Standards: Speaking

Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics)• 2.1 Make narrative presentations: a. Relate

ideas, observations, or recollections about an event or

experience. b. Provide a context that enables the listener to

imagine the circumstances of the event or experience. c.

Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is



• Students will be able to compare and contrast between African and North

American mammals in their natural environment by using a map to locate were they are from.

• Students will be able to understand more about present and ancient mammal

• Students will be able to define and understand key vocabulary before our visit to the museum.

Materials:• Handout of our vocabulary

• Pencil and Paper

• Books and Internet

• Map of North America and Africa America

Pre Fieldtrip Activity


• Ecosystem: An area within the natural environment in which physical factors of the

environment, such as rocks and soil, function together along with organisms, such as

plants and animals, within the same habitat to create a stable

• Climate: Temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, rainfall, and numerous

other meteorological elements in a given region over long periods of time.

• Predator: An animal that is hunting.

• Prey: An animal that is hunted.

• Extinct : Food sources Geology Fossil

• Adaptation: A physical or behavioral feature which is especially important for an

animal’s survival. For example, the adaptation of horses' teeth to the grinding of grass,

or their ability to run fast and escape predators.

• Extinct: A species becomes extinct when the last existing member of that species dies.

• Food Source: Where and how animals find their food.

• Geology: A science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks.

• Fossil : Any evidence of pre‐historic life.

Video First

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApsCGttW2Us&


What they will learn by watching the video:

• They will see how the continents where

once together and how they start to


• How mountains start to form

• How land Bridges start to form

• You will see how climate change impacts

the Earth

• They will see how mammals have



• Divide class into small groups have them pick their favorite mammal.

• Then have them as a group work on this questions

• Where does this mammal live? What is the climate like there? (this will be done on the map they receive)

• What other plants and animals live in the same ecosystem?

• What does this animal eat?

• As a group they will present to the class the mammal they picked.

• Finally I will tell them to hold on to their map and information because after our filed trip we will see if we saw the mammal they picked.

Field Trip Day

What They Will Learn

• “What is a Mammal?” “Where does this animal

live?” “What other plants and animals live in the

same ecosystem?” “What is the climate like

there?” “What does this animal eat?” “Does this

animal still exist? Why or why not ?

What They Will See

Next Day in Class

• They will have to write one paragraph telling me

what they learned about the mammals in the

museum and what they liked about the trip.

• Then they will get into their groups and they will

tell the class if they saw the animal they had

picked the day before we went on our trip and

what they learned.


• On the website you will see how schools can visit.

• http://www.nhm.org/site/explore-


• http://www.nhm.org/site/explore-


• http://www.nhm.org/site/explore-




The End

Thank You