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Shivanshu Dixit1 (Author) [email protected] mini unmanned warfare vehicle with the capabilities to Intelligence, Surveillance & reconnaissance (ISR)

Anupam Rajvanshi2(Author) [email protected]

Kali Mittal3(Author)[email protected]

Presentation at-An International Conference & Exhibition on Cutting Edge Technological Challenges in Mechanical EngineeringIn sync with MAKE IN INDIACETCME 2015 March 21 & 22nd

3/22/20151Mechanical engineering dept. Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India

Birth of unmanned vehicles:The earliest attempt at a powered unmanned aerial vehicle was A. M. Lows "Aerial Target" of 1916.The true inventor of a radio controlled aircraft that could fly out of sight was Edward M. Sorensen as evidenced by his US Patent's .The birth of UAVs began in 1959 when United States Air Force officers, concerned about losing pilots over hostile territory.The first major mobile robot development effort named Shakey was created during the 1960s as a research study for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for Artificial Intelligence (DARPA-AI) to test its obedience with commands.3/22/20152

3/22/20153The four major components of systemPlatform Control PayloadPropulsion Design and Addition RequirementDimensional Restrictions (length, width & height)Gross Weight Loiter timeFully autonomous operation(out of sight operation) & ability to operate in all weather conditions Low DetectionDefinition For Unmanned system

Introduction:Unmanned systems with high levels of autonomy have the potential to provide new capabilities, apart from traditional roles such as surveillance and data collection.


3/22/20155Future vision of unmanned micro system i.e. HYBRID MICRO SYSTEM

Hybrid Unmanned Systems are vehicles which can be operated either on air, land, water or either in some situation and that utilize technologies, replacing on-site human presence in their operations.

airLandSystem to operated in land, water and air

System monitoringSystem utilize in attackwaterHierarchy of hybrid unmanned system

System integration:Making a integrated system which make hybrid system which can be operated in land, water, and air is the main concern. This system will help in variety of operations as they operational capabilities is increased.Current technology and future advancements can and will enable single platforms to perform a variety of missions across multiple capability areas.



Or these type of system may includesAutonomous mother robotic micro system carrying hovering air vehicles, hopping robots, crawling robots and legged robots Operator commands signals to mother ground robot to move quickly Communication between each robot Provides tactical situational awareness


3/22/20158The current challenges in the unmanned system are as follows:

EnduranceSensing and deconflictionSurvivability in an unforgiving environmentLaunch and recoveryCommunication technology for dynamic tasking, querying, and data disseminationOut- of sight requirement to controlMiniaturization: structural joints and frictionMicro Actuators and Sensors: high performance, light weight, large stroke

Challenges for unmanned system


Purpose:The main purpose of unmanned vehicles:SurveillanceIntelligenceReconnaissanceMilitary missionsSensing and deconflictionCommunicatingData collectionHigh levels of autonomy Civil Applications


Classification:Unmanned systems are generally classified namely as: Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV).Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).Unmanned Surface Vehicles(USV).Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV).The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are further classified as :Fixed wingRotary wingFlapping wing


Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV):Anunmanned ground vehicleis avehiclethat operates while in contact with the ground and without an onboard human presence.Unmanned Ground vehicle we are interested in technology enablers to allow the autonomous operation in adverse weather, urban as well as cross country terrains.These systems support a diverse range of operations including manoeuvre, manoeuvre support, and sustainment.3/22/201511


ContdMilitary :SurveillanceReconnaissanceCombat services support

Civil:Include mitigating natural and artificial obstacles and hazards.Leverage maintenance.


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV):An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot.Drone stands for Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment.Its flight is either controlled autonomously by computers or under the remote control of a pilot on the ground.Unmanned air vehicles meet a wide array of surveillance and security needs, serving organizations in need of reliable, affordable unmanned systems for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance missions and experimentation purposes.


ApplicationsUnmanned Aerial vehicles: Military applications:Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.Attack Mobile Targets.Air-to-Air Combat.Combat Support Missions.Civil applications:Navigate complex shaped passageways.Avoid obstacles monitor the traffic flowBiochemical sensing.


Unmanned Surface and underwater Vehicles:Unmanned underwater vehiclesknown asunderwater drones, are any vehicles that are able to operate underwater without a humanoccupant.USVs operate with near-continuous contact with the surface of the water.USVs, along with UUVs, will have an important role in the conduct of MCM [mine countermeasures] as they are particularly well suited for the dirty - dull dangerous tasks that MCM entails.3/22/201515

Contd.applicationsUnmanned Underwater vehicles: Military:Minesweeping missions.Test the radioactivity of water after each atomic bomb test. Civil:Natural resource disputes.Drug trafficking.Piracy.Mine hunting and sweeping coverage.


3/22/201517UWV mission priority

Mine countermeasures(MCM)Anti-submarine warfare(ASW)Maritime Domains Awareness Maritime SecurityUWV mission priorityDescription Of Mission

Indian Scenario :The Indian Army was the first service to acquire drones, in the late 1990s from Israel, and the air force and navy followed.Open Briefing has identified at least 21 different UAVs (plus variants) now in use or in development by India with four of these being UCAVs.The Indian Army employs about 16 Israeli Herons and at least a dozen Searcher I/IIs for their longer-range surveillance needs.The Indian Navys aviation arm has stood up three surveillance squadrons since 2006, with a fourth reportedly forming.


3/22/201519S.No.UCAV DesignationManufaturerPrimary Role1AuraDefence Research and Development OrganisationAttack stealth UCAV2HaropIsrael Aerospace IndustriesSEAD3HarpyIsrael Aerospace IndustriesLoitering (anti-radar) attack UAV/UCAV4Rustom-2Defence Research and Development OrganisationMALE UCAV

Summary of UCAVs identified as in use or in development by India, W., Berg, M., and Ljungqvist, D., 1999, Flapping and Flexible Wings for Biological and Micro Vehicles, Prog. Aerosp. Sci., 35, pp. 455506Douglas W. Gage, A brief history of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) development efforts, Special Issue on Unmanned Ground Vehicles, Unmanned Systems Magazine, 1995.Consistent with US Navy USV Master Plan, 2007. R J Boncal, A study of model based maneuvering controls for autonomous underwater vehicles, M E Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, Dec 1987.McMichael, J. M. & Francis, M. S., "Micro Air Vehicles - Toward a New Dimension in Flight" DARPA, USA. 1997.Ashley,S., Palm-size Spy Plane, 1999.Inderjit Chopra, Rotor based Micro Air vehicles: challenges and opportunity Presentation US Rotorcraft Centerat First US-Asian Demonstration & Assessment of Micro-Aerial & Unmanned Ground Vehicle TechnologyU.S. Navy Information Dominance Roadmap for Unmanned Systems, December 26 November 2009. India to Develop Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle: DRDO. Accessed 3 September 2013. Wars UK. Who Has Drones? Accessed 18 August 2013. Tur, Jatinder. 2013. DRDO Gizmos Add More Power to Forces' Armoury. The Times of India, 17 August 2013. Accessed 3 September 2013. armoury/articleshow/21870530.cms?prtpage=1


3/22/201521THANK YOU