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I am a great admirer of Allama Iqbal, the poet of the east. He is not only the great poet of our age but also our national hero. He was a scholar and a philosopher. He was well versed in philosophy both eastern and western. His poetic fervour inspired the Muslims from one end of South India to the other with a new life. Iqbal called the Muslim youth back to the Holy Quraan. He was a true Muslim who loved God and His Prophet. His famous lectures at Madras and Aligarh brought a revolution in the thinking of young people. His poetry inspires us to struggle against the forces of evil. He was a political leader as well. He was a member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly and attended the Round Table Conference in London to safeguard the interest of the Muslims. He had real love for Islam and was completely devoted to it. Both his prose and poetry reflect his devotion towards Islam.



There are so many functions held in our school. But the prize distribution function of our school is celebrated every year and is always unique and unforgettable. The prize distribution ceremony of our school took place at Bhitai Hall on 15 th March, 2010. The hall was decorated with pink and yellow flowers. They presented a view of a beautiful garden. All the students were in their school uniform. All the teachers were alert to their duties given to them. The Director of the school arrived at 10:00 p.m. The Principal and the teachers received him at the main gate. As he entered the hall, he was cheered by the students and the guests. He was garlanded by the student of class I. The programme began with the recitation of Holy Quraan and Naat-e-Rasool (Peace be upon him), followed by speeches and songs performed by the students. The result of each class was announced after every two items. The prizes were distributed by the director.

In the end, the Principal gave a highly educative and purposeful speech. The prizes were given to the best participants. Then everyone took their result and went home. I was declared to be the 2nd position holder of my class. I was awarded a shield, a certificate of appreciation and some gifts. I was very happy and excited that day. That was a wonderful event and unforgettable day of my life.



On last summer vacation, I spent a day at the Hawks Bay with some of my friends. It was a happy union. We set out for the sea-side merrily. As we reached the sea-side at about 9:00 a.m. we were in mood to enjoy ourselves as much as possible. We carried enough food and fruit. First of all, we had refreshment. Then we decided to relate jokes to each other. By the time the sun grew hot, we decided to come out of our hut. We wandered on the seaside and collected pebbles and shells. After that we bathed in water and played various types of games while we were in water. It was now lunch time, each of us carried best of dishes prepared at home. We enjoyed every morsel of it. After the lunch, some of our friends entertained us by singing songs and telling funny stories. They almost made us roll with laughter. We enjoyed every moment till the sunset. We were now quiet tired and returned home at 9:00 p.m A wave of happiness which touched my heart, will always remain fresh in my memory, as it was the happiest day of my life.



Science has been a great blessing to man. It has conquered nature. With the help of Science, man has controlled the greatest forces. In every field of life Science has enabled man to lead an easy and comfortable life. It has helped the deaf to hear and lame to walk. Science has made wonderful machines which do most of his work for him. Science has made our travelling comfortable. Modern transport and communication have made the world shrink almost to the village The journey that once took one month can now be covered in a few hours by aeroplane.

Electricity has done the greatest service to man. It has lighted our paths, houses, factories and mills. Atomic energy is yet another recent scientific achievement. This helped us in producing continuous electricity at a cheaper rate. Science has provided with a great stock of knowledge, as a result of this, we have more knowledge and skill. Science is perhaps Gods greatest gift to humanity, it is gift which has given man pleasure and happiness from the day he received it and will continue giving him more and more pleasure as long as man does not misuse it.



Every human being, whether a boy or girl, man or a woman has an aim in life. Some want to be rich, some want to be healthy, some want to be great leaders, scientists, doctors etc. Being a human I also have an ambition in life. I do not want to be wealthy or healthy in the sense of harassing others. I am a Muslim and I have learnt many good things from my religion, from the Holy Book and from the Sunnah. So, I have pitiful heart and I like to serve and help the suffering, the helpless, the needy, the week and all the human being at large. If we study the world with pitiful eyes, we shall find so many people who have been suffering from different kinds of anxieties, problems and tyrannies and there is nobody to help them. This bitter fact has compelled me to look towards those people who are my own brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. If they are not my kith and kin, they are connected with the relation of religion and humanity. For this service, I have decided to be a social worker. I have planned to establish a social welfare society in my area. In which more and more social minded young and old residents of our area will be invited to take part in the social service and to help the poor, the suffering and the needy people who actually want our help. I am sure, I shall be successful in my aims and objects and will very soon expand the society far and wide and will beg the rich people of our city to contribute their shares in solving the problems of the sufferings of our city. Thus, my aim in life will be fulfilled, abiding by the instructions of the Holy Book and Sunnah of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). May God bless me and all the Muslims in prevailing love, help and brotherhood among the human being at large.



Computer is now-a-days very widely used in every field of human activity. Computer stands for accuracy and speed. Now it has become common property of mankind. It saves human labour and time. A computer gives answer to our problems by taking information from database. It has now being used in all walks of life. Science, education, commerce, medicine, communication, amusement and management. A computer can solve mathematical problems, engineering problems of building and electric power direction. In hospitals, it is used to arrange and control laboratory, hospitals instruments and medicines. It is used to guide and control the movement of ships. In education field it is also playing a role of teacher. Computer typing is very fast and accurate. It can be programmed to produce music in different styles. So, the computer can save our time in solving our technical and social problems and in keeping records and making teaching easy.



A Book Fair was being held in the Town Hall. So one morning our teacher said that we were going to visit it. We cheered loudly for it meant that there would be no lessons for the day. We lined up outside the classroom. Then we marched in pairs out of the school, up the pedestrian bridge, down the other side of the road and into the Town Hall just a few hundred meters from our school. At the Town Hall we were told if we wanted to buy any book, we were to take it to our teacher. There were so many books there. It was impossible to look at all of them. So I spent my time browsing mainly among the books on wildlife and nature which are my favourite. As much as the books were wonderful, the prices were discouraging. I could not afford to buy any of them. I would have to ask my mother to buy one for me later on. Time flew. Two hours seemed like two minutes. Soon our teacher told us to assemble at the front door. There she helped those buying books pay at the counter at a special discount. Not many of us bought books. They were too expensive. I did not buy any. After paying for the books we lined up and marched back in pairs to school.



Press plays very important role in national life. Newspapers and magazines make up the Press. They contain both news and views. When Pakistan came into being there were only a few newspapers. Now the number of newspapers and magazines has grown in hundreds. There are both Urdu and English newspapers and magazines. They give good mental food to the readers. By reading them we can know what is happening around the world. They increase our general knowledge. Newspapers build public opinion. They fight against social evils like ignorance, poverty and social injustice. They keep a check on the government policies. People can ventilate their views through them. Press can build goodwill and unity among the people. They help the traders, business men and industrialists. They popularize national products. They are good guides for sportsmen and sports fans. There is matter for all, teachers and students, government and the public, women and children in the newspapers. So press has been called 4th house of the Parliament.



Games have very great importance in the scheme: To keep fit. All human beings, animals and birds take part in some way or the other. The beating of hands and legs of infants, the jumping and gamboling of young ones of animals are part of play. The fights of the kittens and cubs, the hopping and singing of birds, are part of the same activity. Play is an instinctive activity. Games are good means of exercise. They make our bodies strong. Playing produces rhythm in movements. Both Lungs and the muscles become strong. Games are must for students. It is correct that sound body has a sound mind. Games give outlet to surplus energy. Games make our mind fresh. They develop habit of correct thinking. By playing games we form habit of quick decisions. Games teach us sportsman spirit, fair play and honesty. Games have great moral value. By playing we learn good qualities like justice, co-operation mutual help and obedience. They foster spirit of competition. Above all games are best for discipline. They make us good citizens.



Unity means feeling of oneness. It is the spirit born out of common past and historical heritage. The past is firmly rooted in Islam. It is our faith in the unity of God, his Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) and His book The Holy Quran. It is the foundation of national Unity. No country can survive without national Unity. It is born out of collective thinking and spirit of compromise. This sense united us on one plate form and under one flag of the Muslim League. The politics of land and Language is enemy of national unity. The present wave of nationalism in the country has done great harm to national unity. Nationalism was responsible for the break up of Pakistan. Unity binds us to Muslim. We are like limbs of one body. National unity is reflected in thoughts, in dress and actions. We must put our hearts together. Our national aim should be, One for all and all for one. The great words of the Quaid show us the way to survive. They are: Unity, faith and discipline.



It is said that a friend in need is a friend indeed. A good friend is one of the great blessings of Allah. It is difficult to spend life without friends. Friends share our joys and sorrows. They bring joy and happiness in life. Pervaiz is my best friend. He is my next-door neighbor. He is also my class fellow. His father is a leading doctor of this city. He was selected Chairman by the basic Democrats of the locality. He is also the president of the municipal committee. Despite all these things, he does not feel proud at all. He is very kind to the poor. He also pays his fee. He is the top most student of my class. He obtains the highest marks in English, Urdu, Mathematics, Science and Islamiat. He is a very good player of Hockey. He is also a good swimmer and a fine athlete. He is an ideal student, and all his teachers like him very much. During examination, I go to his house. We study together. He helps me in my weak subjects. In the school we sit on the same desk. He shares his secrets with me. Pervaiz is a decent boy and a faithful friend. I am proud of him.



Every thing has uses and misuses. The use of every thing depends upon its user. T.V. is being generally misused by the people. It has done more harm than good for the students. They sit sound the T.V. and neglect their studies. My favourite T.V programme is Iqra. It is a religious programme. It is good and instructive both for the children and the grown ups. It is presented twice a week. The programme is conducted by Qari Shakir Qasimi and an Arabic teacher. Groups of children both boys and girls are given lessons in reading and reciting the holy Quran. The teacher also gives lessons in Arabic conversation. We are shown how to do wadu (ablution) and how to perform the prayers in right way.

Iqra is a Ayat in the Holy Quran. It means to read. It is the first wahi (revelation) by Allah. Music dances and other unislamic things shown on the T.V. are against Islam and Islamic culture. We learn many moral lessons from the programme. It is not a waste of time.



Pakistan is specially famous for its historical places and sights. Bambore, Thatta, Multan, Lahore are famous. Large number of foreign tourists come to see them. In the last summer vacation I visited Lahore. It is the capital of Punjab province and the second largest city of Pakistan. I stayed with my uncle at Pak Nagar. Next day, we hired a taxi and went to see the historical sights. First, I purchased tickets and entered the Lahore Fort. It reminded me of the Mogul glory. I was particularly impressed by the Sheesh Mahal and Dewan-e-Khas. I read the sign boards and made some notes. After one hour, I went to the grand Shahi Mosque built by Emperor Shah Jahan. The work on the Stones impressed me. I did not fail to go up the Minar-e-Pakistan. The Pakistan Resolution was passed there on 23rd March 1940. On return I visited the Data Darbar. After one day gap, I visited Jahangirs Tomb, the Shalimar Gardens, Queen Noor Jahans Tomb. Then we drove to see Hinar Minar built by the Mogul King. On way home I dropped to see Lahore Museum. I learnt past history of Lahore and returned home happily.



Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan. It was the first capital of Pakistan. Before 1947, it was a small city with less population. The city was clean, peaceful and less crowded. But now, Karachi has a population over one crore. Majority of the people has to use public transport for going to offices, on duties, schools and colleges. All men, women, and children have to face great problems about transport. There is heavy traffic on the roads. The Omni buses and mini buses are generally overloaded. They try to overtake one another. Overtaking and rash driving result in many accidents. Valuable lives are lost in road accident. The traffic police is unable to control the traffics. People are late on duties, students are irregular in the classes, Functions are missed or unattended. It is all due to transport problems.



Any unexpected and harmful incident is called an accident. It has always an element of chance. But in Karachi traffic accidents are caused due to carelessness and rash driving on the part of the drivers. Moreover, they have no respect for laws. Yesterday, when I was going home after school, there was a heavy rush of traffic on Jinnah road. All of a sudden, I heard a loud sound. Two Mini buses coming from opposite directions collided near Sabilwali-Masjid. The impact was so great that both the buses were badly smashed. One of them turned turtle. There was great hue and cry, wailing and weeping. A large crowd had gathered around the spot. A driver and a passenger died on the spot. About one dozen people were badly injured. People pulled them out. The injured were crying and groaning. The cause of the accident was overtaking on the part of B/2. The eye witness recorded their statements to the police. The Edhi ambulance removed the dead and the injured to the hospital.



Fourteen of August is our independence day. On this date Pakistan came into being on the map of the word. Pakistan was established by many sacrifices and untiring efforts of the Muslims of the sub-continent and the Muslim leaders. So, we love our motherland from the core of our hearts. This year, on 14th August, a function was arranged in our school/college. We reached our school/college at 07.00 a.m. All the teachers and the principal were present there. The principal hoisted flag and we sang National anthem. After that, we hurriedly got into the bus to attend the flag hoisting programme by the Chief Minister at the tomb of our national hero; Quaid-e-Azam. We reached at the tomb of the Quaid, where thousands of people were gathered and the Chief Minister was to arrive. The Police, Army and security guards were standing in rows. In the meantime, the Chief Minister arrived and the function started. National flag was hoisted by the Chief Minister and all the present people saluted the flag and sang national anthem. After that the Chief Minister delivered a thoughtful speech. After his speech, the flag hoisting programme ended and we walked to the tombs of Quaid-eAzam and offered Fateha. We also visited the tombs of Quaid-e-Millat. Madar-e-Millat, Abdur Rab Nishter and Noorul Amin and offered Fateha. In the afternoon, we again assembled in our school/college. A colourful dais was made and chairs were arranged under a tent. The Principal and other teachers were present. The function started with the recitation of the verses from the Holy Quran. After that, some teachers delivered speeches and at the end, the Principal delivered very effective speech on the problems faced by our national leaders in making Pakistan and how the Hindu and

the British opposed it. He also threw light on the tyrannies of the Hindus. He advised the young people to be united, disciplined and faithful to the nation and the homeland so that our country may prosper. We promised to follow his advice to shed our last drop of blood for our dear motherland.



Cricket is a popular game in Pakistan. Our national cricket team is one of the best in the world. Large numbers of cricket fans watch cricket matches. Our school played cricket final against Habib High School on Youth Centre, on 1st January. Our captain Khurram won the toss. He elected to bat. The match started at 10. a.m. The weather was fine. Our team was all out for 195 runs. Khurram hit four fours and a sixer. The boys played fast and clean cricket. After lunch, Habib school started its innings with Talha and Owais. They gave a good start. After their departure none could face our fast bowlers Shahbaz and Jibran. Their whole team was out for 190 runs. Shahbaz and Jibran took six and four wickets respectively. We won the match by five runs. It was a well contested match to the end. Large number of spectators watched the match. They clapped whenever any four or six was hit . It was an interesting match. The boys were well disciplined. Our principal declared holiday on the next day.



We know that Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan. It has a great fame among the international cities. But it is confined with highly pollution. A number of many factories are set up here. The smoke coming out from their chimneys pollutes the fresh air near and so far. The chemical factories give out dirty and filthy water containing poisonous mixture which spread open from drains. The unhygienic water pollutes the atmosphere and also merges into drinking water pipes. It causes a great danger to human life. The vehicles on the road, moreover, give out constant poisonous smoke. It pollutes the city through out day and night. The garbage, rubbish and filth are not lifted from the residence by the authorities concerned for long days. It gives the mark of danger of epidemic diseases. Manholes and sewerage lines are overflowing in which dirty water represents ponds and mosquitoes residence. It may cause maladies, typhoid and cholera. At the end, both the government and people need to learn the factors of pollution by following the hygienic principles. In this way we can avoid the existence of pollution.



Muslims of the whole world are passing through a very critical and hard period now a days. The need for Muslim unity now is greater that at any other time. After the World Trade

Centre blast on 9th September the Muslims are suspicious in the eyes of the western countries. Every Muslim in the west is now critically watched as if he is a terrorist. The Muslim countries are facing sanctions, restrictions and difficulties under the influence of western super powers. This is a time for Muslim of the whole world to get united with each other. Unity is strength. This unity will have great fruit in the future. Their economy will become strong. It will alsostrengthen their deferences needs. They will stand as strong nations before, the world and the western powers will consider the Muslims and Muslim countries with respect and regard. It is high time that all the leaders of the Muslim countries should sit together and think about this important matter. Otherwise one by one every Muslim country will become a target of aggression by U.S.A and its Alliances. The need is that Muslim countries should solve their differences and help each other in their progress. Then they can stand at their own, not at the mercy of the west. It is truly said that unity is strength.



Unity means feeling of oneness. It is the spirit born out of common past and historical heritage. The past is firmly rooted in Islam. It is our faith in the unity of God, his Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) and His book The Holy Quran. It is the foundation of national Unity. No country can survive without national Unity. It is born out of collective thinking and spirit of compromise. The sense united us on one plate form and under one flag of the Muslim League. The politics of land and Language is energy of national unity. The present wave of nationalism in the country has done great harm to national unity. Nationalism was responsible for the break up of Pakistan. Unity binds us to Muslim. We are like limbs of one body. National unity is reflected in thoughts, in dress and actions. We must put our hearts together. Our national aim is to be. One for all and all for one. The great words of the Quaid show us the way to survive. They are. Unity, faith and discipline.



United we stand, divided we fall. It is known from history that unity is strength. This fact is true both in the history of countries and in the life of common man. The need for unity, today, is more than at any time in the past. Our country consists of people from different origin, cast and creed. The way of thinking, culture and customs are different. But all are parts of the country. Pakistan which was sought from the British and Hindu politicians after great sacrifices in the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. We had wars with India in the past and the European nations did not willingly tolerate the existence of Pakistan. In such conditions there are internal threats also, due to religious

extremist, terrorism and other factors. The need for unity is indispensable for the existence of this country. Hence we should forget and keep aside our differences and should get united, to combat with external and internal threats. The importance of unity is equally important in the life of common man. We in Pakistan, mostly live in joint families, where people of different relations live under one roof. Only love and co-operation among the members can provide a successful family life. The elder members need to show love and sympathy with the old and weak person of the family. The young boys and girls must respect their parents and other elders of the family. A united and loving family will give good and responsible citizen, who will be loyal to their country.



Health is wealth is an old proverb. Good health is one of the blessings of God. For good health, it is necessary that we try to keep ourselves neat and clean. We should make a habit to take bath daily and trim nails once a week. Morning walk and fresh air is very beneficial for our health. Sports and games are also necessary to be played for good health. The food we eat must be cleaned and properly covered. We should try to take balanced food as diet, which contains all vitamins, minerals and proteins such as vegetable, fruits, meat, butter and milk etc. Wealth is useless if health is not good. We must take care of our health. Health is a great treasure and a healthy person is an asset of out society because health once lost is not easy to regain. In short, Wealth has no value if there is no health



Television is bimodal. It means: we see as well as hear. Tele means far or distant. Vision means seeing. It has the advantage of showing pictures. This makes television more interesting. It has the magic of sound and sight. Colours have made T.V more attractive and pleasant. Like Radio, T.V. plays an important role in our life. We can see and know what is happening around the world. It brings news and photographs from all over the world. We can watch dramas, musical programmes and pictures on the television. It telecasts world events and international business conditions. Television shows the natural scenes and sights of those which historical places we can not afford to travel and see them. It telecasts live matches of hockey, cricket and football. The Asian and Olympic Games are also shown on T.V.

Television has great educational value. Great scholars and experts shared knowledge on T.V. and students can learn a lot by watching it. It adds to our general knowledge. It has some bad points. Students sit round T.V. sets and neglect their studies. Some programs add to crimes and immorality. It is being used for political propaganda instead of social reforms.



Science has made several advancements in human life. With the invention of electricity things become easy in every path of our life. There are several ways to produce electricity like solar energy, waves of wind, and by burning coaly. But unfortunately, very few of these ways are applied in our country. Therefore, we are facing shortage of electricity due to its shortage, we are facing load shedding. Now the situation is going so worse. Due to these load shedding life has become worse in our country. Every single person whether he is at home, in office, in shop or in school, no matter where he is, has become a victim of this load shedding. Pakistan is the seventh nuclear power in the world. By using Nuclear energy we can generate electricity. Pakistan has many rivers. By building dams on these rivers, we can get sufficient electricity. Pakistan is among those warm countries where sunshine throughout the air, solar energy can be resource like coal in vast quantity by burning coal we can also produce electricity. We have all the required resources and technology but as a nation we should be ashamed of ourselves that we are not utilizing these resources. By load shedding our economy is going down day by day. Government should take steps to solve this problem in early stage in order to progress our country major this problem can harm our country very badly.



Any unexpected and harmful incident is called an accident. It has always an element of chance. House on a fire has become simple sentence which we hear in daily life. One day, I was going to Urdu Bazar to buy some books. When I was passing through a street, I saw a house on fire. The clouds of smoke were rising to the sky. It was a terrible scene. The men, women and children in the house were crying for help.

The people in the street were running and shouting, Fire! Fire! Some of them were bringing the buckets and pails full of water and throwing water on the fire and trying to put it out. Someone rang up the fire brigade and it arrived after a few minutes. Some of its members started throwing water over the flames with their hose-pipe. Others went up by means of a ladder. They brought down the women and children one by one. The fire was brought under control in an hour or so. There was no loss of life. But the whole building burnt into ashes.



Good citizens are those who fulfil their responsibilities. They are loyal and patriotic to their country. They do their duties honestly and selflessly. They do not keep talking about their rights. Instead they are busy doing their duties. Good citizens are a model of discipline. They show discipline in everything. It may be talking, walking, eating, sitting, standing and in everything. We can not become good citizens without discipline in life. If we follow discipline in life, we can change our fate and our countrys fate too. It is the responsibilities of good citizens to understand the problems facing their country and must co-operate with the government in solving them and pay their taxes promptly, fully and honestly. Civilized and educated nations must have discipline in their life. They are called good citizens because of discipline. Our five times prayers a day also teach us discipline. We can be good citizens if we obey the law of our country. If we understand the importance of discipline and love for our dear homeland, INSHALLAH we will become good citizens and a good nation of our country.



The 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup is the tenth cricket world cup and was played in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. It is first time that Bangladesh has got the honour of being co-host of a world cup tournament. All the matches in the world cup were played according to One Day International status. Fourteen international cricket teams participated in the tournament, including ten full members and four associate members. The world cup took place between February to April 2011, with the first match played on 19th February 2011 with co-hosts India and Bangladesh facing off at the sher-e-Bangla national stadium in Mirpur, Dhaka. The opening ceremony was held on 17th February 2011 at Bangabandhu national stadium, Dhaka, two days before the start of the tournament. The fourteen teams were divided into two groups. Group A and Group B In group A the teams participating were Australia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Canada

and Kenya and in group B the teams participating were India, South Africa, England, West Indies, Bangladesh, Ireland and Netherlands. In this world cup Pakistani cricket team performed very well. They played their first match with Kenya on 23rd February. Pakistan won by 205 runs. In the 2nd match, Pakistan played against Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan team was hard to defeat but our Pakistani team played very well and won the match by 11 runs. 3rd match was played againts Canada. Pakistan on the match again. In the 4th match, Pakistani team played against New Zealand and this time the luck did not give chance to Pakistani team and they lost the match by 110 runs. In the 5th match, Pakistani team played against Zimbabwe and won the match by 7 wickets. In the 6th match Pakistani team played against the worlds most popular and favourite team that had already won 3 World Cups. There was not any chance of winning but Pakistani team worked hard and won the match by 4 wickets and became the leader of Group A. After winning the Australian team our team reached at quarter Final and played against West Indies our team showed great efficiency and won the quarter final by 10 wickets. Pakistani cricket team reached at Semi-Final and this time our team was facing the Indian cricket team. The whole nation was thinking that Pakistan would win this Semi-Final and win the world cup too. Keeping in view the passion of the nation, the prime minister of Pakistan announced the half-day holiday across the country. Not only this, but also in Sindh, a complete public holiday was announced by the authorities. The match was witnessed by more than 28,000 people including the prime ministers of both the countries. Unfortunately our team lost the match and eliminated from the tournament but this match has brought two nations and there public together. We hope that both the prime ministers would have decided to resolve many issues. The final match was played between Sri Lanka and India but Indian team was in form and beat the Sri Lankan team by six wickets and proved themselves a truly world champion team.