FILM/CGI/IMAX/DVD What has CGI brought to the cinema? How has it changed audience experience? How has CGI changed the way we think about ‘reality’ in cinema? What has been the impact of IMAX cinemas? How widespread is the appeal? What is the appeal of IMAX cinemas? What audiences do they target/attract? How has this been marketed? How has DVD changed viewer experience? What impact have DVD technologies had on viewing habits? To what extent has ‘home cinema’ challenged traditional film-going? What are the actual ‘extras’ of DVD technology? Are people simply being Re-sold something they already have? Is VHS effectively dead as a media form? What has been the effect of the new generation of digital cameras, camcorders and editing software? What has changed in terms of home movie-making? Has home movie style penetrated box office films – i.e. Blair Witch? To what extent can people distribute their own films over the Internet? In what ways and to what extent have blockbuster films – Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter – simply become part of an international merchandising enterprise? How popular is downloading/streaming films straight from the internet. Is this going to replace DVD- watching?

Film & new media issues for discussion

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Page 1: Film & new media issues for discussion

FILM/CGI/IMAX/DVD What has CGI brought to the cinema? How has it changed

audience experience? How has CGI changed the way we think about ‘reality’ in

cinema? What has been the impact of IMAX cinemas? How widespread

is the appeal? What is the appeal of IMAX cinemas? What audiences do they target/attract? How has this been marketed?

How has DVD changed viewer experience? What impact have DVD technologies had on viewing habits? To what extent has ‘home cinema’ challenged traditional film-going? What are the actual ‘extras’ of DVD technology? Are people simply being Re-sold something they already have? Is VHS effectively dead as a media form?

What has been the effect of the new generation of digital cameras, camcorders and editing software? What has changed in terms of home movie-making? Has home movie style penetrated box office films – i.e. Blair Witch? To what extent can people distribute their own films over the Internet?

In what ways and to what extent have blockbuster films – Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter – simply become part of an international merchandising enterprise?

How popular is downloading/streaming films straight from the internet. Is this going to replace DVD-watching?