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Page 1: Fillers
Page 2: Fillers


Filming one of our models on a running machine (which can be sourced from the

school’s gym) for a filler in the documentary will act as supportive imagery for

our documentary’s message as it will connote and emphasize the addiction

individuals with eating disorders are known to hold when it comes to exercise

in order to get thin.

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The tape measure is as icon of loosing or a fixation on weight as its used

conventionally on the waist to check your measurements. Using it as a filler

will further connote an obsession on weight and looking thinner.

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Many teens are accessing social networking sites through their phones as it’s

easy, cheap access, so this filler will further connote the easy accessibility of

new media that we are bombarded with (as its adjacent to the digital native

era) and thus easy access to pro ana websites and pro ana behaviour and

language on social networking sites such as Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook

(which is the focus of our documentary,)

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Clothes clearly displayed that are loose connote that the person has lost a

considerable amount of weight and it showing it off. Often on Tumblr blogs

people do this themselves, making a competition out of loosing weight and

keeping the item to show how much they have lost and encourage them to

loose further. This kind of competition is what we want to hinder, and by

putting a negative tone on it in our documentary hopefully this can be


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Such mirrors connote childhood, and often images of funhouse mirrors have

children in them. These fillers will connote an innocent distorted as a result of

what is reflected (represented by the mirrors that distort the body) in society

(the online-society more specifically)

So these added fillers will hopefully space out the documentary in general, as

well as the interviews and we can’t until the last pieces are added and we can

see the completed piece getting closer and closer.