Fill out the Worksheet as you watch this most fun and exciting lesson. Computer Basics I

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Page 1: Fill out the Worksheet as you watch this most fun and

Fill out the Worksheet as you watch this most fun and exciting lesson.

Computer Basics I

Page 2: Fill out the Worksheet as you watch this most fun and

Your computer screen has a certain name…what is it?

Hint 1: It’s not called a monitor

Hint 2: It starts with the letter D

And the answer is……..

(I can feel the excitement building…)

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DESKTOPIt’s what shows up on the computer monitor when it’s running.

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Don’t know?

Look at your desktop (see how I just used the term DESKTOP??)

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See those small pictures on your desktop.

Each of those pictures (Icons) will open a program or file when you click on them.

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Operate means to run something

System is your computer Software tells the computer what to do.

Let’s break the term down:

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So Operating System Software is the software program responsible for running your computer.

Without it, you’re computer wouldn’t turn on.

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What is the combination of the type of computer and its Operating System Software called?

Hardware + Operating System Software = ?

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Does this help-There are only 2 types:

PC (Personal Computer)

and Macintosh

PC’s operating system software is Windows.

Macintosh’s operating system software is OS10.

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The combination of the type of computer and its Operating System Software is called …

Let’s try again.

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Any idea what a GUI is?

What if I told you GUI stands for Graphical User Interface?

Does that help?

Moving on…

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What if I told you Windows is a GUI...

Now do you know?

NO? Give up??

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A Graphical User Interface is a computer program that uses graphics (pictures) to represent programs and folders

Remember: Windows is a GUI

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Let’s break the term down so you understand it.

Graphic means picture

User is who’s using the computer…YOU

Inter means between, and face means surface. So an Interface enables a user to interact with a computer surface (desktop) using graphics (icons).

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Before Graphical User Interfaces came along, there were no graphics on the computer screen.

It was a black screen with text….THAT”S IT!

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When the document opened, it was again, just a black screen with words. No windows, no drop down menus, no toolbars…just a black screen with text…kinda like this.

To get the computer to do something back then, you had to type in the correct command.

For example, to open a document you would type in:

c:\>open assignment.doc

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Ahh, those were the days. Memorizing commands just to open, save, copy, modify, and print documents (to name a few). Only simple documents could be created, and a book listing all the computer commands was necessary.

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Then along came Graphical User Interfaces and mice and the computer world was changed for ever. All we have to do now is click on a picture and the file is opened. Computers are so much easier to use with GUI’s.

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Moving on……..

What does it mean to MULTITASK?

If you said to do more than one thing at the same time, you’re right!

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Computers can

MULTITASK. They can do more than

one thing at a time.

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If Operating System Software runs the computer, what do Application Software Programs do?

I’m glad you asked…

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Applications are software programs YOU yourself choose to put on your computer that perform specific tasks. Examples are Word, Games, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc.

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When you load APPLICATION SOFTWARE PROGRAMS on your computer you are loading instructions.

These instructions tell your computer what to do and what to show on the desktop.

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Let’s talk MENUS-“I’ll have a Veggie burger with fries, please.”

No, not that kind of menu.

Menus give you a list of choices. For example, when you right click on your desktop you get a menu with different options that you can choose from

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PAIR SHARE Finish your worksheet. Then, pair up with another student and

compare answers. Make adjustments to your worksheet

where necessary. Hand in.