Filipino Photographers in South Korea FILIPOS By-Laws 2010 ARTICLE I Identity Section 1 The name of this organization shall be Filipino Photographers in South Korea , henceforth known by its abbreviation of FILI POS, for brevity. It shall be known to be a non -profit and non-government related organization for the ful fillment of its own objectives and purposes, in response to the growing demand of a uni fying body for Filipino photography enthusiasts in the Republic of Korea. Section 2 2.1. The purpose of the not-for-profit organization shall be to educate, encourage, and expand the photographic knowledge and capabilities of its members, through participation and education and regardless of the presence or absence of skills, by: a) furnishing a meeting place where its members and interested parties of related nature may associate b)presenting lectures, courses of study, and demonstration of techniques c) providing information for member participation in exhibitions and con tests d) sponsoring activities which further the purpose of the organization 2.2 The objective of this by-laws is to provide a comprehensive description of the framework by which FILIPOS functions. The organization shall function as empowered and recognized by the communities it aims to serve, particularly the duly interested and recognized Korean and Filipino communities. As such, the pur poses of this organization is furthered by the objectives in ligh t of its members’: a) Practice of photography b) Promotion of learning activities and sharing of photography knowledge a nd experience c) Promotion of Filipino values and cultures through photography, simultan eous to its promotion of other cultures to the Philipp ines d) Promotion social awareness e) Continuous recruitment of volunteers for organization ac tivities Section 3 3.1. The organization’s Board of Officers shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor. 3.2. A Director shall be chosen by the B oard of Officers to oversee and guide the decisions and actions of the officers. 3.3. Committees and their respective chairs shall also be nominated and elected by the same proces s and election period as the Board of Officers. ARTICLE II Officers’ Specific Duties and Responsibilities  Section 1 Director 1.1. Sits as a member of the Board of Officers’ election 1.2. Provides assistance in the formation of tr aining modules for the officers and members 1.3. Provides assistance in the observation and evaluation of progress of the officers and the members, in both their functions and responsibilities as well as their skills as contributory members of the organization 1.4. Renders administrative assistance and answers queries related to the functions of the orga nization Section 2 President 2.1. Represents FILIPOS on all functions 2.2. Coordinates with the Director and the Board of Officers on all official requirements of FILIPOS 2.3. Presides on all meetings and other related activities 2.4. Approves the FILIPOS budget 2.5. Approves the preparations for the implementation of activities and projects of the officers for the members, or other interested and related external parties in activities involving the organization


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2.6.  Prepares for the regular twice a year General Assembly of members and officers, presenting reports of proposals, planned projects

and achieved projects and performance reports.

2.7.  Monitors the working relationships of the Board of Officers

2.8.  Conducts performance evaluations on all the officers

Section 3 – Vice President

3.1. Conducts performance evaluations on all the committee chairs

3.2.  Performs other functions pertinent to FILIPOS as assigned by the President

3.3.  Represents FILIPOS on all functions in the absence of the President

3.4.  Accept applications of interested parties and community members

3.5.  Prepares the officers and members’ directory 

3.6.  Facilitates the election of the new incoming officers once the terms of the Board of Officers have expired, or if a member of the

Board of Officers is/are lacking (Refer to Article V)

3.7.  Along with the President, prepares for the regular twice a year General Assembly of members and officers, presenting reports of

proposals, planned projects and achieved projects and performance reports.

3.8.  Presides on all meetings and other related activities in the absence of the President

Section 4 – Secretary


Documents the minutes of FILIPOS Board of Officers meetings and General Assemblies4.2.  Keep all documentations and seal of the organization, in relation to the approval of activities and official documents4.3.  Conduct all the correspondence of FILIPOS with external interested parties4.4.  Coordinates with the Vice President in the recruitment and election of new officer/s should a member of the Board of Officers

is/are lacking (Refer to Article V)4.5.  Keep updated documentation of the current eligible and recognized members of the organization, and coordinate with the Vice

President and Treasurer with renewing and updating of memberships.4.6.  Performs other functions pertinent to FILIPOS as assigned by the President

Section 5 – Treasurer

5.1. Pay the bills authorized by the Board of Officers to be paid5.2. Keep an account of all the receipts and expenditures of the organization, including a monthly report to the Board of Officers to be

made at the meetings5.3. Report on the condition of the Treasury on the General Assemblies scheduled5.4. Accept payments for dues and other fees pertinent to the organization5.5. Performs other functions pertinent to FILIPOS as assigned by the President

Section 6 – Auditor

6.1.  Certifies that the documented minutes of meetings of the Secretary is valid and reliable

6.2.  Certifies that the documented and reported budget and expenditures submitted by the Treasurer is valid and reliable

6.3.  Provides an assessment and certification of the president’s performance evaluation of the officers 

6.4.  Certifies and provides updates on the quality and modernity of services provided by the Board of Officers to the members of the

organization pertinent to FILIPOS functions and objectives


Officers and Members’ Termination, Resignation, Grievance and Removal of Membership

Section 1 – Termination and Removal of Membership

1.1  An officer may be removed from his/her position in the Board of Officers on the grounds of gross misconduct and misdemeanorunbecoming of an officer of FILIPOS.

1.2  Rights of member / officer to be terminated, acceptance o f resignation and/or removal of membership:

1.2.1 He/ she may raise his/her concern to the rest of the Board of Officers and/or concerned members, be given the right to due

process, such that there is sufficient conveyance of information for his/her suspension;

1.2.2 He/she may be given the chance to plead his/her case before the Board and/or the Director.

1.3  The case shall be decided upon by the Board with the exception of the concerned member or officer within a period of two (2)


Section 2 – Resignation

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2.1 Officers of the Board may resign from their posts on the following grounds:

2.1.1 He/she has been terminated or impeached from his/her position in FILIPOS

2.1.2 He/she has reasons, personal, medical, or academic in nature, that are recommended by the recognized authorities to be

given immediate attention.

2.2 The Board shall subject the resignation into consideration.

Section 3 – Grievance

3.1 Officers of the Board or members of the organization may submit grievances concerning another Officer or member on the grounds of

gross misconduct and/or misdemeanor unbecoming of an officer or member of FILIPOS.

3.2 The people concerned with the said matter shall be accorded the process stated in Section 1.2.

3.3 The Board shall subject the grievance into consideration.



ARTICLE VElection of Officers

Section 1

The election of FILIPOS Board of Officers shall take place on the second Sunday of June every year.

Section 2

Registered and recognized members of the organization can take part in the election.

Section 3

The Board of Officers shall take care of the election preparations and procedures, specifically the Vice President, until a new President of

the Board has been elected. When a President has been elected, s/he shall take over the rest of the election process.

Section 3

3.1 Nominations

3.1.1 Nomination can be done by any member of the organization.3.1.2 For the position of President, only a member of the previous Board of Officers may be nominated.

3.1.3 For all other positions of the Board, any member can be nominated.

3.2 Votes

3.2.1 Each vote will be counted individually by count of hands by interested participating members. No block nor group votes

shall be accepted.

3.2.2 Votes will be counted according to those who are present during the selected day of election.

3.2.3 The individual who submits a nomination automatically counts for that vote.

3.2.4 An individual is allowed to abstain from voting if s/he does not want to vote.



Vice President

Secretary Treasurer Auditor

PRO Liaison Membership Workshop and



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3.2.5 Secret ballot voting. In case of a tie for a certain position, a secret ballot voting shall be implemented. The secret ballot

voting shall be done by individuals writing the name of their nominated officer, to be tabulated by the previous FILIPOS


3.3 Any question or grievance regarding the results of the election should be made in accordance to the grievance procedure.


FunctionsSection 1

FILIPOS represents the group of Filipino individuals in Republic of Korea interested in photography.

Section 2

The FILIPOS Board of Officers assists members in the preparation and implementation of photography workshops and other photography-

related projects.

Section 3

The FILIPOS Board of Officers assesses the performance and provides recommendations for the development of their members.

Section 4

The FILIPOS Board of Officers shall form a grievance committee that will handle problems shall form a grievance committee that will

handle problems internal to the organization.

Section 5 The FILIPOS Board of Officers shall meet at least once a month as scheduled by the incumbent Board members, and the Board of Officers

should meet the members of the organization at least twice a year in a General Assembly, also as decided by the incumbent officers.



Section 1 – Individual Memberships

1.1  Any recognized and legal Filipino or Filipino-Korean dual citizen currently residing in the Republic of Korea with a camera, whether

it is manual or digital in nature, and with an interest in photography regardless of skill level or knowledge is eligible to join.

Individuals under the age of 18 years should include a parent consent form with their application form.

1.2  Interested individuals will have to pay the membership fee of KRW 20,000 (approx. $17 or Php750, depending on the Treasurer’s

latest assessment of conversion from the legal financial assessment of the market), utilized for the members’ activities as deemed

useful to further the goals of the organization. The fee may be changed by the current administration, as deemed suitable andappropriate for the budgeting purposes of the organization to further its objectives and goals.

1.3  Membership shall be renewed every year, with its expiry and renewing dates being dependent on the period when the member

decided to join the organization. Notification for renewing membership shall be given to members during the first week of the

month when they are due for membership renewal, thereby being given the chance to decide.

1.4  Membership to the organization entitles every member to workshops and organization privileges as accounted for by their

membership fee, as well notices and updates for exhibits, competitions and other informative materials, as well as the privilege of

knowledge having access to their rights and responsibilities stated in the organization’s bylaws. 

Section 2 – Local Chapters Inclusion

2.1 The formation of local chapters are accepted, on the following criteria:

2.1.1 The number of interested individuals from a particular region has found at least 15 committed core members to manage

the local chapter.

2.1.2 Along with the interested chapter’s written application, the group should also submit their lists of members and

interested individual and a one-year project plan for the members and officers.

2.1.3 The local chapter’s officers shall submit to the main official and umbrella FILIPOS chapter an official declaration that

they shall abide, respect and subscribe to the bylaws established by FILIPOS.

2.2 The application for the formation of local chapters shall be reviewed by the Board of Officers, and a decision shall be made within a

period of two (2) weeks from the date of application and official meeting of the officers.

2.3 The local chapter’s officers are to be notified of regular General Assemblies, in which they are required to attend at least once out of

two General Assemblies organized by the main umbrella organization.


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Section 1

The working fund of FILIPOS shall be depository in nature, as contributed by:

1.1 The membership fee paid for by the members of the organization upon expression of interest to join the group

1.2 Donations of concerned and interested partners, such as institutions and/or individuals, as per deemed fit by the Board and

members of the organization

Section 2 Interested institutions and/or individuals may opt to deposit an amount of any value from the minimum value of KRW 35,000 (or approx.

Php1,300 or $30, depending on the Treasurer’s latest assessment of conversion from the legal financial assessment of the market) or of a

higher amount, which can be deemed useful for the organization’s activities. 

Section 3 Any other amount deposited into the account of the organization shall be decided upon by the concerned partners. Both the amount and

the nature of the said donation shall be accounted for by the Director, President, Treasurer and Auditor.

Section 4 The fund made available for the usage of the organization will only be allotted and considered for the activities deemed developmental

and official FILIPOS activity for the members and/or for the assembly members, by the Board of Officers, such as workshops, seminars

exhibits and/or outreach activities.