Duterte names new cabinet Philippines President-elect Rodrigo Duterte has named the members of his cabinet from his home town of Davao, a day after a joint session of Congress declared him the winner of the May 9 presidential elections. Carlos Dominguez, an ex-classmate of Duterte, was named on Tuesday as finance minister, while US-educated Ernesto Pernia, a former lead economist for the Asian Development Bank, will assume the role of minister of economic planning. "I can assure you, they are men of honesty and integrity," said Duterte, announcing the 34 new officials at a news conference in Davao City, where he was mayor for more than two decades before he was elected president. Dominguez, who was mining and farm minister in two previous governments, hails from a wealthy family that has interests in mining and hotels. Duterte also named Nicanor Faeldon, MMTV Global goes on line 24/7 Anytime, anywhere, on the go, you can watch our episodes on line. Go to www.mmtv.ca We were never gone –we just changed the way of doing our show since February 1st. When we began our TV show last December 13, 2013, we were on Videotron and Bell Fibe which incurred high costs of production. Without sufficient advertising, the only way to continue our show is to change from cable television to digital media which is now more common than ever before. In fact, many daily activities have become easier and faster on the wide world of the internet. As we want to have a wider audience, and not only in Montreal, we have decided to use only MMTV and added Global to this name. Some people may have not yet caught up with us on line so we decided to publish this information in the North American Filipino Star so that everyone will understand the President-elect Rodrigo Duterte answering questions of the press Mabuhay Montreal TV assumes new name to have global reach MMTV Crew held their taping of the hosting of episodes to be put on line. Seated from left: TV Anchors Tenne Rose Dayandante and Michael Davantes and Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi, Executive Producer. Standing From left: Al Abdon,Program Manager; Cristy Hunter, Reporter & Camerawoman; Edward Ujvary, Cameraman; D.C. Sebelitta, Sound Specialist and Cameraman; Fred Narvas and Jovy Narvas, Sales Reps. Not in photo are: Amy Manon-og, Fely Rosales Carino, Laurisse Cruz, TV reporters, and Derwin Collantes, Business Host. See Page 5 - MMTV Global See Page 4 - Duterte names cabinet Volume XXXIV No. 5 May 2016 Montreal, QC Canada www.filipinostar.org

Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

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Page 1: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

Duterte names new cabinetPhilippines President-elect RodrigoDuterte has named the members of hiscabinet from his home town of Davao, aday after a joint session of Congressdeclared him the winner of the May 9presidential elections.

Carlos Dominguez, an ex-classmate ofDuterte, was named on Tuesday asfinance minister, while US-educatedErnesto Pernia, a former lead economistfor the Asian Development Bank, willassume the role of minister of economicplanning.

"I can assure you, they are men ofhonesty and integrity," said Duterte,announcing the 34 new officials at anews conference in Davao City, wherehe was mayor for more than twodecades before he was electedpresident.

Dominguez, who was mining and farmminister in two previous governments,hails from a wealthy family that hasinterests in mining and hotels.

Duterte also named Nicanor Faeldon,

MMTV Global goes on line 24/7Anytime, anywhere, on the go,

you can watch our episodes on line.Go to www.mmtv.ca

We were never gone –we justchanged the way of doing our showsince February 1st. When we beganour TV show last December 13, 2013,we were on Videotron and Bell Fibewhich incurred high costs ofproduction. Without sufficientadvertising, the only way to continueour show is to change from cabletelevision to digital media which is nowmore common than ever before. In fact,many daily activities have becomeeasier and faster on the wide world ofthe internet.

As we want to have a wideraudience, and not only in Montreal, wehave decided to use only MMTV andadded Global to this name.

Some people may have notyet caught up with us on line so wedecided to publish this information inthe North American Filipino Star sothat everyone will understand the

President-elect Rodrigo Duterte answering questions of the press

Mabuhay Montreal TV assumes new name to have global reach

MMMMTTVV CCrreeww hheelldd tthheeiirr ttaappiinngg ooff tthhee hhoossttiinngg ooff eeppiissooddeess ttoo bbee ppuutt oonn lliinnee.. SSeeaatteedd ffrroomm lleefftt:: TTVV AAnncchhoorrss TTeennnnee RRoossee DDaayyaannddaannttee aanndd MMiicchhaaeellDDaavvaanntteess aanndd ZZeennaaiiddaa FFeerrrryy KKhhaarrrroouubbii,, EExxeeccuuttiivvee PPrroodduucceerr.. SSttaannddiinngg FFrroomm lleefftt:: AAll AAbbddoonn,,PPrrooggrraamm MMaannaaggeerr;; CCrriissttyy HHuunntteerr,, RReeppoorrtteerr &&CCaammeerraawwoommaann;; EEddwwaarrdd UUjjvvaarryy,, CCaammeerraammaann;; DD..CC.. SSeebbeelliittttaa,, SSoouunndd SSppeecciiaalliisstt aanndd CCaammeerraammaann;; FFrreedd NNaarrvvaass aanndd JJoovvyy NNaarrvvaass,, SSaalleess RReeppss.. NNoottiinn pphhoottoo aarree:: AAmmyy MMaannoonn--oogg,, FFeellyy RRoossaalleess CCaarriinnoo,, LLaauurriissssee CCrruuzz,, TTVV rreeppoorrtteerrss,, aanndd DDeerrwwiinn CCoollllaanntteess,, BBuussiinneessss HHoosstt..

See Page 5 - MMTV Global

See Page 4 - Duterte names cabinet

Volume XXXIV No. 5 May 2016 Montreal, QC Canada www.filipinostar.org

Page 2: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 20162 The North American Filipino Star

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The makings of a great president?By NESTOR MATAMALAYA

EVER since Mayor Rodrigo RoaDuterte won the presidential race,droves of business tycoons,celebrities, friends, political turncoats,jobseekers, rebel leaders, and evenforeign ambassadors descended onDavao City to see and congratulatehim or seek favors.

How well do they really know him?What is the personal story of the 71-year-old Duterte, his family roots,beliefs and political background? Anddoes he have the makings of a greatPresident?

Many pundits, political observers andanalysts in print and broadcast andsocial media’s Facebook and twitterblogs have noted that the tough-talking Duterte is “among the rarebreed of politicians who walk the talk,and that his iron-clad leadership hadturned Davao City into the 5th safestcity in the world.”

Duterte’s family was originally fromthe province of Cebu. His late father,Vicente G. Duterte, a lawyer, waselected Cebu provincial governor. Hismother Soledad Roa Duterte, a schoolteacher, was from Agusan province inMindanao, and she descended fromthe Maranao and Camayo indigenous

peoples. His father moved out of Cebuto Davao in the 1950s.

Although he served as mayor ofDavao City for many years, Dutertestill considers himself a Cebuano. Likehis father, he became a lawyer, too. Hegraduated from San Beda College ofLaw in 1972. He first joined Davao’sprosecution office in 1977 where hemade a name for himself handlingcases of abuse perpetrated by bothmilitary personnel and Communistrebels.

Then Duterte became officer-in-charge vice mayor and won themayoralty in 1988 until 1998. After his

three terms as mayor, he ran and wonas a congressman of the city’s firstdistrict. And finally, he became citymayor once again until this year whenhe decided to run for the presidency.

Duterte believes in diversity. He is infact the only politician who allowedgay candidates, along with Muslimand the disabled, in his ticket. Thiswould not be the first and last time hewould express his support for LGBTrights. In 2009, he criticized theCommission on Elections for kickingout Ang Ladlad, a gay rights group,from its party-list slate. He also helpedin the passage an Anti-Discriminationordinance in Davao City whichprohibited discrimination againstLRBT people and members of

minority groups.

He cares for indigenous and tribalpeoples. He was among the firstpoliticians who appointed deputymayors to represent the Muslim andLumad peoples in the citygovernment.

Duterte’s iron fist leadership as citymayor has earned him admirers andcritics. No less than then PresidentGloria Macapagal Arroyo was amongthose pleased by his role intransforming Davao City. In 2002,Arroyo named him as her anti-crimeconsultant, primarily to lead an anti-terror task force in achieving peaceand order in the country.

Oh yes, Duterte has declined severalawards. In April 2014, he wasnominated for the “World Mayor”award, given every two years by TheCity Mayor Foundation to outstandingleaders who served their communitieswell. He politely declined the award,saying “I did it not for my own glory,but because that was what the peopleexpected me to do.”

This was not the first time that Dutertedeclined awards. He once refused toaccept awards for Davao City, such asthe American Cancer Society and the2010 anti-smoking award inSingapore.

Duterte’s somewhat unconventionalleadership as Davao City mayor hasbeen praised by Filipinos who havebeen longing for peace and order. Hewas ranked fifth among all Filipinopoliticians included in the 2010 list ofof most trusted individuals by theReader’s Digest.

And during Duterte’s term as citymayor his community was recognizedfor the third time as Outstanding LocalGovernment Highly Urbanized City,cementing Davao City’s place in theNational Literacy Hall of Fame.

Indeed, as one perceptive politicalobserver of a Manila newspaper put itso well, Duterte has “…told his storymasterfully, with an earthy, myth-making charm that is devastatinglyeffective!”

And, in words of Richard Heydarian, aprofessor and political analyst at theDe La Salle University of Manila,Duterte is “a classical realist” and thathe will be more statesmanlike whenhe becomes the 12th President of theThird Republic of the Philippines onJune 30, 2016.

So, do all this mean that Rodrigo RoaDuterte has the makings of a greatpresident?

RRooddrriiggoo DDuutteerrttee ((sseeccoonndd ffrroomm lleefftt)) aass aa yyoouunngg bbooyy wwiitthh hhiiss ppaarreennttss aanndd ssiibblliinnggss..

The lyrics to O Canada were a hot topicin the House of Commons May 30,2016.

MPs debated an effort by dying LiberalMauril Bélanger to render the nationalanthem gender-neutral, by replacingthe line in the English version "in all thysons command" with "in all of uscommand."

Belanger, a long-time Ottawa MP, hasseen his health deteriorate since helearned last fall he has an incurableand fatal neurogenerative diseasecalled amyotrophic lateral sclerosis —also known as ALS, or Lou Gehrig'sdisease.

'Canada is all of us': Ailing MP MaurilBélanger makes case for change to OCanada. Mauril Bélanger's bid to reviseO Canada to get 2nd hour of debate

May 30. He introduced his privatemember's bill in January using a voicegenerator that converts text intocomputerized speech, the first time onehad been used in the Commons.

The Conservatives thwarted an attemptto pass the bill quickly earlier thismonth, with Liberals accusing theirrivals of killing the chance for Belangerto see his bill pass while he is still ableto enjoy it.

Conservative MP Erin O'Toole says heis sympathetic to Belanger's situation,but is against the bill because he doesnot believe Canada should changeimportant parts of its heritage, evenwhen they have fallen behind the times.

© The Canadian Press 2016

MPs debate changing O Canada to genderneutral languageBBiillll wwoouulldd cchhaannggee ''iinn aallll tthhyy ssoonnss ccoommmmaanndd'' ttoo ''iinn aallll ooff uuss ccoommmmaanndd'' iinn EEnngglliisshh vveerrssiioonn ooffaanntthheemm

Page 3: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 2016 3The North American Filipino Star



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Government of Canada Aimsto Pass Changes toCanadian Citizenship ActInto Law by July 1MAY, 2016image: http://www.cicnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/citizenship-canada-300x245.jpg

Canada is moving closer to bringingnew measures into law that wouldallow immigrants to apply for Canadiancitizenship earlier and more easily thanis currently the case. Changing theexisting Citizenship Act is considered acentrepiece of the new Liberalgovernment’s legislative agenda.

The chair of the House ImmigrationCommittee, MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj,said this month that he hopes the bill,known as C-6, will pass into law in timefor Canada Day, which falls each yearon July 1.

This would have great symbolicrelevance, as Canadians are proud oftheir citizenship and the status, rights,and freedoms that it provides. Canadaencourages new immigrants toconsider becoming naturalizedcitizens and join the Canadian family.Canadian citizens may apply for aCanadian passport, vote in elections,stand for public office, and leave andre-enter Canada freely without beingbound by residency obligations.Canada also recognizes dualcitizenship, allowing immigrants to

acquire Canadian citizenship withouthaving to lose the citizenship theyalready hold.

Among the proposed amendments is areduction in the amount of timepermanent residents have to live inCanada in order to become eligible toapply for citizenship, from four out ofsix years to three out five years.Further, certain applicants who spenttime in Canada on temporary statuswould be able to count a portion of thistime towards the three-yearrequirement. The proposedamendments would also repeal theintent to reside provision and removelanguage proficiency requirements forcertain applicants.

In addition, the new legislation wouldrepeal a contentious provision thatrevoked citizenship from dualCanadian citizens convicted ofterrorism, treason or espionage. With amajority government in place, it isexpected that the proposals willbecome law in the near future. Theonly major potential stumbling block ishow the bill may be treated in theSenate, with Immigration Minister JohnMcCallum among a group ofpoliticians who have expressedwariness over how the Conservative-dominated Senate may handle the bill.

BackgroundIn June, 2014, the previousConservative government of Canadabrought into law the StrengtheningCanadian Citizenship Act (also known

as bill C-24). Among other measures,this controversial legislation madeeligibility requirements for immigrantsmore onerous than had previouslybeen the case. It also allowed thegovernment to revoke citizenship incertain cases.

The now-governing Liberal Party ofCanada, which came into office lastNovember, made a public pledge in itselection manifesto to ‘repeal the unfairelements of Bill C-24 that createsecond-class citizens and theelements that make it more difficult forhard-working immigrants to becomeCanadian citizens.’

Proposed changes to the CitizenshipActThe proposed changes to theCitizenship Act run the full gamut of theact, from how an individual maybecome eligible for citizenship to therights bestowed once citizenship isconferred on the person.

Repeal of revocation provision

Current act: Authority to revokecitizenship for certain acts against thenational interest of Canada. Thesegrounds include convictions ofterrorism, high treason, treason orspying offences, depending on thesentence received, or for membershipin an armed force or organized armedgroup engaged in armed conflict withCanada.

Proposed amendment: Repeal

national interest grounds forrevocation.

Repeal of intention to reside provision

Current act: Applicants must have theintention to reside in Canada if grantedcitizenship.

Proposed amendment: Repeal intentto reside provision.

Physical presence in Canada

Current act: Physical presence for 4out of 6 years before the date ofapplication.

Proposed amendment: Physicalpresence for 3 out of 5 years before thedate of application.

Counting temporary status

Current act: Time spent in Canada as anon-permanent resident may not becounted.

Proposed amendment: Applicantsmay count each day they werephysically present in Canada as atemporary resident or protectedperson before becoming a permanentresident as a half-day toward meetingthe physical presence requirement forcitizenship, up to a maximum of oneyear of credited time.

See Page 12- Changes to Citizenship

Page 4: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 20164


who led an uprising about a decade agoagainst then president Gloria MacapagalArroyo over corruption concerns, as thehead of the customs bureau, thecountry's second largest revenueagency.

Faeldon, a former marine, has the job ofreining in smuggling, which thegovernment of President BenignoAquino struggled to check.

Duterte's cabinet also includes formersoldiers, police officers from Davao Cityand officials from the past fiveadministrations.

Rodrigo Duterte: Guns, Goons and thePresidency

At the news conference, Dutertereiterated plans to streamline thebureaucracy, cut red tape and fightcrime.He said he would recruit two armydivisions and 3,000 police officers tohelp to tackle national security, drugsand crime.

Asked about relations with China,including the topic of the disputedSouth China Sea, Duterte said he wouldpursue an independent foreign policyand not rely on the US, a longtimesecurity ally.

"I will be chartering a course on its ownand will not be dependent on theUnited States," Duterte said.

China and the Philippines are locked ina territorial dispute in the South ChinaSea, a strategic waterway throughwhich $5 trillion worth of ship-bornetrade passes every year. Brunei,Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam alsohave claims.

The challenger

Duterte, 71, will be sworn into office onJune 30.

After being declared the winner of theMay 9 presidential elections onMonday, he snubbed the nationallytelevised event, reinforcing his image ofa challenger of the nation's politicalestablishment.

"I am not attending the proclamation.I've never attended any proclamation(in) all my life," said Duterte, who vowedto wipe out crime within six months.

He pledged to give security forcesshoot-to-kill orders, and vowed thattens of thousands of criminals woulddie. Since the election, Duterte hascontinued to encourage police to killdrug suspects, and said he would bringback the death penalty.

Duterte railed against the elites andpromised to fight for the poor, despitehaving created his own political dynasty inDavao and his own vice presidentialrunning mate coming from one of thenation's richest families.(Source: AGENCIES)

From Page 1 - Duterte names cabinet

OFFICIAL FAMILY President-elect Rodrigo Duterte presents newly appointed members of hisCabinet during a press conference at Malacañang of the South in Panacan, Davao City. TARRAQUISMUNDO

Patricia Lourdes Viray (philstar.com) -May 31, 2016 - 7:11pmMANILA, Philippines (UPDATED 7:29p.m.) — President-elect RodrigoDuterte on Tuesday night announcedthe members of his Cabinet followinga meeting in Davao City.

Duterte and his incoming Cabinetmembers met at the Department ofSocial Welfare and Developmentguest house in Panaca, Davao City.

After the meeting, the incoming leaderemerged to hold a news conferenceto name those whom he chose to bepart of his official family.

Executive Secretary - Salvador Medialdea

Cabinet Secretary - Leoncio Evasco

Secretary of Agrarian Reform - RafaelMariano

Secretary of Agriculture - Emmanuel"Manny" Piñol

Secretary of the Budget &Management - Benjamin Diokno

Secretary of Education - LeonorBriones

Secretary of Energy - Alfonso Cusi

Secretary of Finance - CarlosDominguez

Secretary of Foreign Affairs - Perfecto


Secretary of Interior and LocalGovernment - Mike Sueno

Secretary of Justice - Vitaliano Aguirre

Secretary of National Defense - DelfinLorenzana

Secretary of Public Works andHighways - Mark Villar

Secretary of Science and Technology- Fortunato dela Pena

Secretary of Social Welfare andDevelopment - Judy Taguiwalo

Secretary of Transportation andCommunications - Arthur Tugade

National Security Adviser -Germogenes Esperon

Presidential Spokesperson - SalvadorPanelo

Armed Forces of the Philippines -Ricardo Visaya

Bureau of Customs - Nicanor Faeldon

Bureau of Immigration andDeportation - Jaime Morente

Land Transportation Franchising andRegulatory Board - Martin Delgra

Land Transportation Office - EdgarGalvante

National Bureau of Investigation -Dante Gierran

National Disaster Risk ReductionManagement Council - Ricardo Jalad

National Economic and DevelopmentAuthority - Ernesto Pernia

National Intelligence CoordinatingAgency - Alex Monteagudo

Peace Process - Jesus Dureza

Peace process (communist side) -

Silvestre Bello III

Philippine Amusement and GamingCorporation - Andrea Domingo

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency -Isidro Lapena

Philippine National Police - Ronalddela Rosa

Presidential Assistant for Visayas -Michael Dino

Solicitor General - Jose Calida

The following posts have noappointees yet:Department of HealthDepartment of of TourismDepartment of of Trade and IndustryClimate Change CommissionCommission on Filipinos OverseasCommission on Higher EducationGovernance Commission forGovernment Owned and Controlled


National Commission on MuslimFilipinosMetro Manila Development AuthorityNational Anti-Poverty CommissionPresidential Management StaffTechnical Education and SkillsDevelopment Authority

Duterte admitted that it took him some time to form his Cabinet, saying it wasno simple job to look for "honest"men.

"I can assure you that they are all men

of integrity and honesty," he said. —with Rosette Adel

Duterte bares new Cabinet members


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Page 5: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

5The North American Filipino StarMay 2016



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reasons for the change. Some peoplemay have read about our show havingbeen discontinued, but the rest of thestory has not been reported yet. It isonly now that we are writing aboutMabuhay Montreal TV which we hadproduced for the special ethnic stationcalled ICI that received a new CRTClicense in 2013. We persevered inairing the show for two seasons until

January 30, 2016. To differentiate theshow we produce now on line, we haveadopted the name MMTV Global. It took us a few months before

announcing this new set up as weneed to re-organize our TV staff, andmake some changes. But now, we arehappy to report that we are ready toaccept your business, just call us at514-485-7861, or e-mail us [email protected].

We have new policies andprocedures for public serviceannouncements as well as for paidadvertising for all types of businesses.If you need our services, we can giveyou different options so that you canadvertise your business or associationevent according to your budget.

We thank you for your supportover the past two years we were oncable. We hope you will continue towatch our show on line at anytime andanywhere you may be through yourdesktop or laptop computers, orcellphones.

Your continued interest inwatching our show will encourage usto produce new programs that will notonly be entertaining but alsoeducational, motivational andinspirational. We believe that

promoting our native traditions, socialvalues and culture will have a positiveimpact on our youth and will build asolid foundation for our community tobe united and proud to be Filipino-Canadians.

We thank you for yourpatronage and hope to deserve yourloyalty in watching our show anytimeyou wish to be informed of what isgoing on in our community as well asin other parts of the world.

Zenaida Ferry KharroubiPresident, Filcan TV Productions, Inc.Executive Producer, MMTV [email protected]. 514-485-7861

From Page 1 - MMTV Global

MMMMTTVV GGlloobbaall ccrreeww ffrroomm lleefftt:: EEddwwaarrdd UUjjvvaarryy,, DDeessiiddeerriioo SSeebbeelllliittaa aanndd AAll AAbbddoonn sseettttiinngguupp eeqquuiippmmeenntt iinn pprreeppaarraattiioonn ffoorr tthhee ttaappiinngg ooff tthhee hhoossttiinngg hheelldd aatt GGiillmmoorree ssttuuddiioo,,TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 2266,, 22001166..

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that,

but the really great make you feel that you, too,can become great.”

“ A good leader will motivate and encourage others to greatworks but a truly inspirational leader will help others to discover

themselves and find their own greatness.”

Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte wasdeclared the winner of the Philippines’May 9 presidential election and is setto be sworn into office on June 30,after winning 38 percent of the popularvote.

Duterte’s election brings to a close thesix-year presidency of Benigno Aquino,under whom the Philippines becameone of Asia’s fastest expandingeconomies, growing at an average rateof 6.2 percent a year since 2010.Duterte’s firebrand campaign focusedon crime and corruption with lessattention given to his economic policy,which remained inconsistent andundeveloped throughout the electoralperiod. Foreign investors have beenespecially concerned by Duterte’sreputation for unpredictability anddisregard for the rule of law,

particularly in light of allegations thatextra-judicial killings were carried outunder his authority while mayor ofDavao.

Responding to these concerns, onMay 13 Duterte published an “eight-point plan” of economic proposals,which contained a number ofbusiness-friendly proposals designedto reassure investors:

Continue and maintain currentmacroeconomic policies, whilereforming the tax collection system;Accelerate infrastructure spending toreduce inefficiencies in public-privatepartnerships (PPP);Improve the investment climate byaddressing ownership restrictions toforeign firms;Develop the agricultural sector throughbusiness support to farmers;Address bottlenecks in landadministration and managementsystems;Strengthen the educational system toimprove the skills of the workforce;Introduce a lower or more progressiveincome tax system;Expand and improve the conditionalcash transfer program.Duterte now faces the difficult task ofresponding to pressure from investors

to maintain growth, whilesimultaneously living up to his populistcampaign promises to create jobs andboost wages.

No major shift in economic policy

Given the Philippines’ economicsuccess in the past six years, Dutertehas stated he plans to pursue aneconomic policy that is consistent withthat developed by Aquino and as yetno radical policy changes have beenannounced. The president-elect hasacknowledged he lacks economicexperience and has stated he will relyon a team of technocrats to formspecific economic policies, as was thecase when he was mayor of Davao.Initial proposals outlined in his eight-point plan are in line with those of theAquino government and include plans

to raise infrastructure investment to 5percent of GDP (up from 2.55 percentin 2015), and to streamline the taxcollection process by addressingcorruption and inefficiencies.

On the issue of foreign ownership,Duterte has expressed an interest in anumber of policies that would easeforeign investment in the Philippines.Specifically, he has already revealedplans to increase the cap on foreignownership of corporations from 40percent to 70 percent by amending the1987 constitution. Although the teamruled out similar changes to landownership laws that restrict directforeign ownership of property, Dutertesays he will extend land leasing limitsfor foreign firms from 25 years to 40years. His team also said it plans to cutthe corporate tax rate, which currentlystands at 30 percent, though it isunclear by how much.

Duterte is also looking to incentivizeinvestment in rural areas bystreamlining coordination between thecountry’s four land agencies – theDepartment of Agriculture, LandRegistration Authority, Department for

Philippines: President-Elect DutertePrompts Concern Over Economic PolicyWhat will the Philippines’ president-elect mean for the country’seconomic prospects?

See Page 12 Economic concerns

Image Credit: Flickr/ Keith Bacongco

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May 2016


The North American Filipino Star6

For two decades, thecountry’s premier fashion eventhas relentlessly promoted theFilipinos’ talent in fashion.Philippine Fashion Week haspushed Filipino designers to thefront line of the global fashionarena by providing thema platform to showcase theirlatest collection. This year, theparticipants are: MelchorGuinto, Randall Solomon,

Arnold Galang, NoelCrisostomo, Jerome SalayaAng, Jared Servano, JeffreyRogador, Jun-jun Cambe,Sidney Perez Sio, Amir Sali andCherry Samuya Veric. Eachdesigner is phenomenal –wowing the crowd with theirinnovation in dress design, andproving the world-class talent ofFilipinos. �

Philippine FashionWeek Celebrates20th Anniversary

Page 7: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 2016 7The North American Filipino Star


Tagalog Seksyon

Opinyon/Komentaryo ni Willie Quiambao


Noong nakaraang buwan aymay artikulo sa Gazette tungkol sapang-aabuso sa mga matatanda. Mga4 a.m. nang mapansin ni Josee Blais,pinunong inspektor ng Montreal policeforce, na nagpapatrol sa Ville Emardang isang matanda na naglalabas ngpera sa bank machine. Kasama ngmatanda ang isang teenager.Nagpapakita ng palatandaan nabiktima ng pang-aabuso ang matanda- hindi makatingin nang diretso at hindinagsasalita na parang may itinatago.Sinundan ni Blais ang mga ito atnapag-alaman niya na ang teenager atang kasamang kasapakat na lalaki aynakapangikil na ng $20,000 samatanda.

Ang pulis ay katatapos lamangng pagsasanay na ibinibigay ngMontreal force upang masugpo angpang-aabuso sa mga matatanda,isang problemang hindi masyadongnapag-uusapan at napagtutuunan ngpansin sa ating lipunan. Noong 2014, mahigit 650 namatatanda sa Montreal ang inabuso.Sa 650, mahigit 400 ang nakakikilalasa mga nang-aabuso sa kanila. Kahanga-hanga ang kamakailan ayibinigay na pagsasanay ngpamahalaan sa mga pulis upangmapangalagaan ang kapakanan atkaligtasan ng matatanda. Sinasanayang mga pulis upang makita angpalatandaan ng pang-aabuso samatatanda tulad pananakit, paglalagaysa magulo at maruming tinitirhan atpag-iiwan sa matinding pag-iisa. Ang pang-aabuso ay karaniwangnangyayari sa bahay ng matatanda onursing home. Sa bahay, kahitmiembro ng pamilya ay nang-aabusorin sa kanila tulad ng pagnanakaw sakanilang pera o pagkukulong sakanilang kwarto. Ang mga nursinghome, kung minsan, ay walang sapatna tauhan na tumitingin sa matatandakaya sila napababayaan. Ang mgapangyayaring ito ay hindi nai-ireport sapulis dahil sa takot ng matatanda nagantihan sila ng nang-aabuso sa kanilao kung minsan ay dahil sa kahihiyan. Kahit paano ay nagbunga angpagsasanay at pananaliksik ng mgapulis. Kamakailan ay biglaangdumalaw ang mga pulis sa isangbahay ng matatanda. Natuklasan nilana ang mag-asawang nakatira ayikinukulong ng kanilang mga anak sakwarto. Sino man ang naghihinala ng pang-aabuso ng matatanda, tumawag sa911 o sa -1888-489-2287 mula 8 a.m.hanggang 8 p.m.


Hindi tulad ng dati, Sabadongayon ipagdiriwang ang Araw ngAting Kalayaan dahil lagi na lamangumuulan kapag ginagawa ito ngLinggo. May ilan ding nagtatanongkung bakit malayo ang pagdiriwang satalagang Araw ng Kalayaan, June 12.Ang dahilan ay June 25 angpinakamalapit sa Araw ng Kalayaan.May nagtatanong din kung bakitlagging may dayuhang kasama saating pagdiriwang. Malimit ko ringsinasabi na dahil mamamayan na tayong Canada na tinatawag namulticultrural country, kailanganmatuto tayong makihalubilo sa ibanglahi. Dahil inaanyayahan natin angmga dayuhan tulad ng mga Mexican,Chilean, at Japanese , hindinangangahulugan kinalimutan na natinang ating kultura at tradisyon.Katunayan, ipinakikita natin sa ibanglahi ang mga ito tulad ng atingkakaibang sayaw at hospitality.Tanungin natin ang ating sarili kungbakit tuwing Canada Day,nakikipagdiwang din tayong mgaPilipino at mga ibang lahi – Irish,Chinese, Mexican. Paminsan-minsan, maging bukas atmalawak ang ating isip. Huwag tayongmakasarili.

NAGPAPALUSOT NA NAMAN SI FRED Ang balita ay balita, lalo na

kung totoo. Sa April issue ng The NorthAmerican Filipino Star, isinulat ko angbalitang nahatulan na naman ngpaglabag sa journalisthic ethics si FredMagalanes, ang “mahusay” na writerna nagsabing “Once a writer is caughtlying, that is the beginning of his end.”Nakasulat sa French ang hatol peroayon sa mga nakabasa na nakaiintinding wikang ito, natalo nga si Fred (I-google ang D2015-05-131-Conseil depresse du Quebec o Felix C. Reyes vs.Filipino Forum). Sumagot si Fred saApril-May issue ng Forum, “This istypical of Willie smear. Dont’ believe aword of it.” Isinulat ko rin ang dalawa sa maramingdahilan kaya natalo si Fred:“excessiverelentlessness “ at “defamation” angginawa niya kay Felix. Ang isinulat ko ay ang hatol ng QuebecPress Council na paglabag na namanniya sa journalism ethics. Sa halip naipaliwanag niya kung bakit hindi akodapat paniwalaan, ginawa niyang isyuang mga salitang “excessiverelentlessness at “defamation” naginamit ko. Ang mga ito ay nanggalingsa sulat ng QPC kay Felix nanagsasabing nanalo siya sa reklamo

niya kay Fred. Kapag na-corner mo siFred, i-ibahin niya ang usapan. Nag-defined na naman ng word si Fredna parang hindi nakaiintindi ng Englishang mga bumabasa. “Relentlessnessnormally means occurring withoutinterruption. But relentlessness may beseen as a good thing in the context ofa reporter seeking the truth”. “Seekingfor the truth” - masarap pakinggan.Akala ni Fred ay investigative reportersiya na tulad ni Carl Bernstein at BobWoodward ng Watergate Scandal.Kung naghahanap siya ngkatotohanan, bakit hindi siya kumuhang abogado noon pa upang tanunginsi Felix. Ang totoo, harassment angginawa niya kay Felix. Sa 10 isyu ngForum, sunud-sunod na isinulat niyaang nawawalang $250. Kung hindi itorelentlessness, ano ang tawag niya?Restlessness o recklessness? Iba ang kasong Budz Sarmiento vs.Fred Magallanes/Filipino Forum atFelix C. Reyes vs. FredMagallanes/Filipino Forum. Ang una aylegal matter. Nang isulat ni Fred nanagnakaw ng garbage bags atnaakusahan ng sexual harassment siBudz , kumuha kaagad ng abogadoang huli. Dahil walang makuhangwitness si Fred na magpapatunay sakaniyang akusasyon, siya na rin anghumiling ng out of court settlement.Abala raw siya sa pag-aalaga saasawang may karamdaman (pero maypanahon siyang batikusin angkaniyang mga kaaway). Nagbayadsiya kay Budz pagkatapos humingi ngisang buwan palugit. Ang pangalawaay hindi pa legal matter. Inireklamo niFelix si Fred sa Quebec Press Councilna siyang nagpro-protekta sakarapatan ng tao na panatilihin malinisang kaniyang pangalan. Nang siraan niFred si Felix sa Forum ay napatunayanng QPC na lumabag siya sa journalismethics. KUNG sakaling idemanda siyani Felix, libel ang kaso at ang QPCmismo ang tatayong kapani-paniwalang witness. Wala pang isang taon nang matalo siFred sa demanda ni Budz ay mukhangmahaharap na naman ang una samalaking problema. Siya na mismoang gumagawa ng paraan upang lalopang marumihan ang kaniyangreputasyon at humahanap ng batongipupukpok sa kaniyang ulo.


Ang sabi ni Fred, “He (Willie)has grown so used to being invited to

FAMAS affairs that he lambasts peoplewhen he isn’t. Wala akong interest namagpunta sa affairs ng FAMAS atibang asosasyon para lamangsumayaw at kumain. Hindi akomarunong sumayaw dahil parehong”kaliwa” ang mga paa ko. Hindi akogutom sa pagkain dahil masarap paang iniluluto ko sa bahay kaya isanghitang manok o isang pirasongsalmon. Kahit libre ang tiket(complimentary), gastos pa rin sa akinang pagdalo sa mga party dahilminsan ay kumukuha ako ng taxi onakikisakay ako kay Bert Abiera kapaggabi na. At kung kukuha magsusulatako ng balita, ang gusto ko aymakabuluhan. Kung nagpupunta akosa affair ng FAMAS ngayon, dahilpakikisama lamang kay Bert Abiera atlalo na kay Beth Suarez na kababayanat kaibigan ko. Sila ang tumawag saakin para dumalo sa Christmas Partyng FAMAS at nitong huli, para sa MissGay. Kahit abala ako sa araw na iyon,sinabi ko na sisikapin kong magpunta. So ano ang reklamo ni Fred? Bakamagreklamo rin siya na naglalagay akong The North American Filipino Star saFAMAS centre at Pancitan restaurant.Si Cesar at Tess Manuel mismo angnagtanong kung bakit hindi akonaglalagay ng diaryo roon.

UGALING PILIPINO Ang mga Pilipino ay mahilig

magdaos ng party. Ang mgaasosasyon, sunud-sunod angpagtitinda ng ticket. Kung minsan, angproblema ay iyong pinagbibilhan ngtiket na magsasabing tiyak na dadalopero hindi darating sa araw ng party.Kawawa naman ang host naasosasyon dahil babayaran nila angnaka-reserbang pagkain. Sa kabilangdako, mayroon naman hindi sasagotna dadalo pero biglang nagbabago ngisip at sisipot na lamang sa party.Magbabayad nga sila pero sana,tanungin nila sa host kung puede pangdumalo bago magpunta sa party. Angnangyayari kasi, kung minsan,kinukulang ang mesa at pagkain. Sana, magkaroon tayo ngkonsiderasyon. Dito naman saCanada, halos lahat tayo ay maytelepono. Ang iba, nahihiyangtumawag pero mas lalong nakahihiyakung hindi tatawag sa host parasabihing hindi sila pupunta o biglanghahabol sa party. Kung sa kanila gawiniyon, hindi rin nila magugustuhan. �

Page 8: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 20168


The North American Filipino Star

Ask theVideo Guy

Technological Tidbitsby

Al Abdon

Flying model aircraft hasbeen my passion since I was in highschool. I wanted to become an PALpilot but I end up as a ATC (Air TrafficController) posted in Tacloban, Leyteinstead. Immigrating to Canada gaveme an opportunity to return to mypassion. There is no other place inthe world that has the vast area offlying your toy on a beautiful sceneryand landscape. I bought my firstmodel airplane at ConsumersDistributor (Does not exist anymore)in 1977 and try it on at Long SaultON. The feeling is breathtaking. Asidefrom the noise of an engine, you feelthe power of control when you ziparound a 50 meter radius until thefuel runs out.

RTF (Ready to Fly) Airplanekit did not took off to become apopular pastime for hobbyist until thelate 2011 when Quadcopters arrive inthe market. You can even buy theseQuadcopters or a generic name forDrones anywhere from Bureau EnGros and Best Buy.

Mannix & Lourdes Fabia fromHartistics Production were the firstcouple Ive known who havepioneered using a DJI Drone. Usinga GoPro attached to the belly of thecraft, it took beautiful outstandingvideo and photos at an altitude whennever been done before. Check theirwebsite for a sample of their work.

Types of AircraftTraditionally you have had

your choice between two basics typeof aircraft, either an airplane or ahelicopter. Airplanes are quite fun tofly and are generally pretty easy tolearn how to fly. The downside is thatthey take quite a bit of space to takeoff, fly around, and land. The amountof space they need limits theirusability to large parks, schools, orflying fields. Helicopters used to bevery difficult to fly but have got mucheasier in recent years withtremendous advances in gyroscopesto stabilize them and Coaxial rotordesigns that can be flown with nowprevious flight experience. Thedownside of helicopters, outside ofthe cheap toy versions, are still a littletricky to fly, do not handle wind well,and a poor landing can set you backanywhere from $50 – $80 in parts.

Enter the Quad…AQuadcopters…or multi-rotor copterhas four arms with a motor and

propeller on the end of each arm. Inthe typical configuration the rotorsare arranged with two rotors turningclockwise and two rotors turningcounter-clockwise. This design

provides an inherent level of stabilitywhile the on-board electronics workto keep it level and turn your inputcommands into motion that it needsto fly.

Some advantages ofQuadcopters are that they are verysimple machines consisting of aframe, a receiver, a flight controller,electronic speed controls, motors,and propellers where a Helicopterhas numerous gears, linkages, andservos. This simplicity means thatquads are easier to build, easier torepair, and less costly to repair. Thetypical repair cost from a bad landingor a collision with something isusually the cost of replacementprops which may set you back $5 –$15.

Flying a QuadFlying a Quadcopters is

somewhere in between flying anairplane and a helicopter. The leftjoystick controls the throttle and theyaw. Pushing the stick up willincrease power causing the craft togain altitude. Pushing the stick left orright will cause the craft to spin left orright accordingly.The right joystick controls the pitch ofthe craft. Pushing the stick up willincrease the rear prop speed whichwill lift the rear of the craft causing itto move forward. Push down and itgoes backwards. Pushing left andright causes the craft to pitch andmove in the specified direction.

Why Are Quadcopters becoming

So Popular?The thing that seems to be

the most attractive to many people isa multi-rotors ability to lift decentpayloads. Small quads can often liftup to a pound while larger craft canlift up to 10 pounds or more. For therecreational flyer, this means beingable to life cameras for aerialphotography or FPV (first personview) systems that allow you to fly asif you are sitting inside the craft like apilot.

Many people are looking toactually try and make money withtheir copters but right now there is aban in the USA from the FAA thatprohibits the use of unmannedvehicles for commercial work. Thishas really hurt some small

companies that were just starting tomake some revenue off of aerialphotography. In other countries therules differ greatly so please do yourresearch on this before making plansto be the next great aerialphotographer.Even from a hobby perspective,being able to record video from thepoint of view of the aircraft and play itback later or upload it to YouTube isquite popular. In the $500+ pricerange you can find Quadcopters thatcan lift both a GoPro camera and anFPV rig.

Some models are beingcreated to actually do aerobatictricks like barrel rolls, loops, andflips. Since the Quadcopters todayhave fixed pitch blades, you cannotdo inverted flight but some creativeelectronics programming is allowingsome pretty amazing feats.

SummaryQuadcopters are a great

interim craft that sits in betweenairplanes and helicopters in terms ofdifficulty and they are getting easierto fly all the time. Aside from true 3Dflight, such as inverted flight, quadsare also getting more acrobaticgiving experience flyers more funand excitement.

If you are looking for an aircraft thatoffers a great balance between cost,capability, and performance, then aQuadcopters may be the right aircraftfor you.

Words of caution…makesure you read the Government ofCanada Guidelines regarding flyingdrones.

Happy flying……



LOST OBJECTHP Laptop computer in a black

carrying case withimportant files, portable drive, 2

USBs, cellphone plug and file folders, deposit slips,bank statements, letters, forgotten on the sidewalk

of Jean Talon Westcorner of Cote des Neiges Rd.on Monday, May 23, 2016at around 11:00 p.m.Call 514-485-7861

or return to Police, Stn 26.REWARD TO FINDER

Page 9: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 2016 9The North American Filipino Star



Half or Whole porkCut & Wrapped


Beef Blade steak


Picnic Ham w/bone


Pork loinApproximately

15 lbs


Boneless Pork shoulder -$3.99 lb





Regular smoked bacon

� Frozen pork blood

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� Pork skin

GoatAvailable on order

83 Covey Hill, Hemmingford QC J0L 1H0

Tel.: (450) 247-2130 or (450) 247-3561

Fresh Pork Belly

Mon. Tue. Wed. 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.Thu. Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Sunday Closed



Ground PorkSpecial 2.79/lb

Philippine Cuisineand

Favorite FoodCompiled by Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi

Fresh Pork Leg

Over 20 lbs 5.39 lb


BBQRib Steak $14.99 / lb

French Denver Steak $8.99 / lb

Home smoked meat


Ground Beef

Everyday Chicken Adobo

3 red bird’s-eye chillies, plus extra toserve (optional)1 tsp freshly cracked black pepper1 whole chicken, jointed into 8 pieceswith bone insteamed rice, to serveCook's notesOven temperatures are forconventional; if using fan-forced(convection), reduce the temperatureby 20˚C. | We use Australiantablespoons and cups: 1 teaspoonequals 5 ml; 1 tablespoon equals 20ml; 1 cup equals 250 ml. | All herbs arefresh (unless specified) and cups arelightly packed. | All vegetables aremedium size and peeled, unlessspecified. | All eggs are 55-60 g, unlessspecified.


Marinating time 3 hours

In a large non-reactive bowl, combinethe vinegar, coconut milk, soy sauce,garlic, turmeric, bay leaves, chillies andpepper. Add the chicken and turn tocoat, then cover with plastic wrap andleave to marinate in the refrigerator forat least 3 hours or overnight.

Transfer the chicken and marinade to alarge, deep saucepan. Bring to the boil,then reduce the heat to low-mediumand cook for 25 minutes, or until thechicken is cooked through. Usingtongs, transfer the chicken to a bowland cover to keep warm. Increase theheat to medium-high and cook themarinade mixture for 10 minutes,stirring occasionally, until slightlythickened and reduced. Discard theturmeric, bay leaves and chillies.Return the chicken to the pan andwarm through. Transfer to a servingbowl, scatter with extra chillies, ifusing, and serve with steamed rice.




170 ml (5½ fl oz/� cup) coconut orrice vinegar400 ml (13½ fl oz) coconut milk

60 ml (2 fl oz/¼ cup) soy sauce6 cloves garlic, smashed3 cm (1¼ inch) piece turmeric orginger, peeled and thinly sliced3 bay leaves

SSiissiiggIngredients1 1/2 lbs pig ears2 lbs pork belly1 medium onion, minced4 tbsp soy sauce¼ tsp ground black pepper1 small ginger, minced2 small green chilis, chopped½ tsp garlic powder1 lime6 tbsp butter1/2 lbs chicken liver8 cups water5 tbsp mayonnaise1 1/2 tsp saltInstructions:1. Add water into a cooking pot, addsalt and pepper, and bring to a boil2. Add pig ears and pork belly andsimmer for 1 hour3. Remove pig ears and pork belly anddry with a paper towel4. Grill both sides of pig ears and porkbelly until brown

5. Chop into small pieces7.In a separate pan, melt butter, addonions and cook until soft8. Add ginger and cook for 3 minutes9.Add chicken liver and crush whilecooking10. Add chopped pig ears and porkbelly and cook for 15 minutes11. Add soy sauce, chilis, and garlicpowder and mix12. Add more salt and pepper totaste13. Add mayonnaise and mix wellMove to plate and serve

Nilagang baka;(Beef soup) withvegetables

INGREDIENTSSERVINGS 4-6 UNITS US1 kg beef (for stewing) or 1 kg pork(for stewing)4 small onions (diced)1�2 head garlic (minced)1 pinch salt and pepper7 medium potatoes (cut to the samesize as the beef)10 pieces Chinese cabbage (cut intofour)12 pieces bok choy (cut into 3)2 corn on the cob, chopped (optional)2 tablespoons patis (Asian fish sauce)2 tablespoons oillemon


In a soup pot, brown garlic and onion.Add in beef, water and bring to a boil,lower the fire and let simmer until beefis tender for about an hour or two(longer for more flavor).Remove all the resulting scum that willrise to the top of the pot and keep thestock clear.Add potatoes and bring up to a boil tocook potatoes.Season with salt, pepper and patis.Lower heat and add in vegetables andcook uncovered.Serve hot with rice, soy sauce/patisand calamansi to taste.

Advertise onMMTV Global

24/7 mmtv.ca

514-485-7861and the

North AmericanFilipino Star

Page 10: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 201610 The North American Filipino Star



Gilmore College International students in the PAB program with their teacher,Sophie Toledo, during their break time.

The MMTV crew on the foreground, smiling for the camera while the TVanchors look amused in the background.

Candid shot of the program manager, Al Abdon, seriously checking hiscellphone while others are seemingly enjoying themselves while working onthe set of the MMTV Global and taping the hosting by Tenne and Michael.

Souvenir photo of the Launching of the Canadian Filipino Nurses HeritageGuild at the Plaza Hotel, April 30, 2016.

CHSLD Chateau Westmount on strike for their $15/h minimum wage demandsupported by SQEES and 298 FTQ.

Tenne Rose Dayandante and Michael Davantes, MMTV hosts, reflectingthemselves on a mirror during the taping on May 26, 2016 at Studio G.

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May 2016 11The North American Filipino Star


20140810-CFCDN-Swong-StarAd-PRINT.pdf 1 2014-09-02 9:08 AM

Page 12: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 201612


The North American Filipino Star

The Search for Filipino-Canadian Artist 2016 "The Premiere" isON!

Contest is open to ALL Filipino-Canadian Artist, 7 to 77 years oldresiding in Montreal & Suburbs (withinthe province of Québec, Canada)

Please note that REGISTRATION for the“2nd LIVE AUDITIONS” is Sunday, June12th, 2016 at 10:00 am at the CollègeNotre Dame, 3791 chemin Queen Mary(In front of St. Joseph Oratory).Pls. bring your musicalaccompaniment! (MP4, MP3 version)We will provide ONLY the drum set andkeyboard to band participants. Soundcheck for bass, acoustic & lead guitar isa must! Please come at 10:00 am forsound check.NOTE: Registration is for 2 Divisionsnamely:1. Junior Division (12 years old below)

Please NOTE: Minors (17 years

below) should bring their parents orguardian!2. Adult Division (13 years old to 77

years old)

“LIVE AUDITIONS” follows at 1:00 to5:00 PM, Collège Notre DameAuditorium.

For tickets & inquiries please contact:Michelle Vargas-Lao @ 514.466.5206Franco Sevilla @ 514.730.6015Lene Catedrilla @ 514.298.2478

This event is brought to you by the“Filipino-Canadian Artist Association ofQuébec” (FCAAQ) in collaboration withGilmore College International and “MVLProductions”

The Search for Filipino-Canadian Artist2016 "The Premiere" (All rightsreserved 2016)

Environment and Natural Resources,and the National Commission onIndigenous Peoples. The Philippines’property market is known for itscumbersome bureaucracy, withbusinesses often suffering from a lackof coordination between the agenciesover land ownership registries andunclear land titles between landlordsand tenants. Duterte’s team has,however, revealed few details of howtheir reforms would tackle theseissues, and the failure of previousadministrations to overcome the samechallenges casts doubt on thepresident-elect’s land reform plans.

Uncertainty over PPP program

One area in particular that carriespotential regulatory risks is Duterte’sposition on the public privatepartnership (PPP) program, whichforms an essential component ofinfrastructure development andeconomic growth. Duterte haspromised to fix the bureaucracyresponsible for overseeing PPPs,which has faced repeated criticism fordelays, political interference, andcorruption. The PPP Center, which wasfounded in 2010 to coordinate andfacilitate public investments withprivate partners, has only awarded 12projects, with many more delayed or innegotiation stages.

Although Duterte has promised toimplement PPP projects more quickly,he also plans to rid the PPP Center ofits existing bidding procedures,claiming this will mean contracts canbe awarded on the basis of quality overcost. This would significantly reducetransparency in the procurementprocess as decisions would now bemade by an appointed committee withlittle independent oversight. The reviewof the PPP Center’s processes also hasthe potential to delay the passage ofthe PPP Act, which would strengthenthe legal framework for private sectorinvolvement in public infrastructureprojects, but has faced repeateddelays in Congress.

Congress or Federation

Duterte’s plan to abolish the currentcongressional system and replace itwith a federal government creates afurther degree of uncertainty forinvestors over the course of the nextadministration. The president-elect hascalled for a constitutional referendumwithin two years, with the aim ofestablishing a federal system thatwould transfer more powers andgreater funding to local authorities. It isnot clear what model of federalismDuterte prefers, but he has indicatedthe central government would remainresponsible for foreign affairs, customsand national defence, withoutspecifying what responsibilities wouldbe transferred to state governments. Ifpursued, businesses could facecomplex renegotiation processes forcontracts previously signed withManila which would now fall underregional or state jurisdictions. A poorlycoordinated federal system also riskscomplicating tax policies andinfrastructure projects that run acrossstate borders due to differing localregulations.

The constitutional reform campaign islikely to dominate political debate overthe next two years, requiring Duterte toconsolidate his position in Congressand build a strong coalition behind hislegislative agenda. In the LowerHouse, Duterte’s PDP-Laban hasalready formed coalitions with theNacionalista Party, the Lakas-CMD,and the Nationalist People’s Coalition,and consensus-building in Congresswill remain a core characteristic ofDuterte’s first six months office.Although longer term uncertaintiessurround the federal project, the needto build political consensus both withinCongress and among the generalpopulation will reduce the risk ofradical changes in economic policy inthe short to medium term.

Jack Wagner is an Asia analyst atProtection Group International (PGI),(Reprinted from the Diplomat)

From Page 5 - Economic ConcernsFilipino-Canadian ArtistsAssociation of Quebec’s 2nd liveaudition June 12, 2016

Less burdensome annual physicalpresence requirement

Current act: Minimum of 183 daysphysical presence in 4 of the last 6years.

Proposed amendment: Repeal theminimum 183 days physicalpresence in 4 of the last 6 years.

Fewer people need to provelanguage proficiency

Current act: Applicants aged 14-64must meet language requirementsand pass knowledge test.

Proposed amendment: Applicantsaged 18-54 must meet languagerequirements and pass knowledgetest.

Canadian income taxes

Current act: File Canadian incometaxes, if required to do so under theIncome Tax Act, for four taxationyears out of six years, matchingphysical presence requirement.

Proposed amendment: FileCanadian income taxes, if required todo so under the Income Tax Act, forthree taxation years out of five years,matching proposed new physicalpresence requirement.

Conditional sentence now a bar

Current act: Time spent serving aconditional sentence order can becounted towards meeting physicalpresence requirements. Convictedindividuals who are servingconditional sentence orders(sentences served in the community

with certain conditions) are notprohibited from being grantedcitizenship or taking the oath ofcitizenship.

Proposed amendment: Time spentunder a conditional sentence ordercannot be counted towards meetingthe physical presence requirements;and those serving a conditionalsentence order are prohibited frombeing granted citizenship or takingthe oath of citizenship.

Canadian citizenship oath

Current act: Provision prohibitingapplicants from taking the oath ofcitizenship if they never met or nolonger meet the requirements for thegrant of citizenship, but does notapply to applications received beforeJune 11, 2015.

Proposed amendment: Provisionprohibiting applicants from taking theoath of citizenship if they never metor no longer meet the requirementsfor the grant of citizenship alsoapplies to applications still in processthat were received prior to June 11,2015.

New provision to counter fraud

Current act: No explicit authority forcitizenship officers to seizefraudulent documents related to theprocessing of applications.

Proposed amendment: Authority toseize documents provided during theadministration of the Citizenship Actif there are reasonable grounds tobelieve they are fraudulent, or beingused fraudulently.

The right move at the right time“The public appetite — among

Canadians and current andprospective immigrants alike — isfor a Canada that is open, positiveand welcoming. The very notion ofcitizenship is a big part of that, and itis great to see the new governmenttaking initiative on this within monthsof taking office,” says Attorney DavidCohen.

“Very soon, it is likely that we will beback to telling foreign workers andinternational students that they canland in Canada and think of theirlong-term future here. We will beback to seeing Canadian citizenshipas a global responsibility, rather thanas something that is so fixated onthe person being physically presentin Canada.

“For current immigrants who want toobtain Canadian citizenship, thequestion now becomes one of

preparation. A thorough andaccurate application is required inorder to satisfy the authorities thatyou are eligible to obtain citizenship.

“For prospective immigrants whoare wavering on whether to pursuepermanent resident status, includingforeign workers and students inCanada on temporary status, thesechanges may sway the decision infavour of pursuing that goal moredeliberately than before. I wouldencourage such individuals toassess their Canadian immigrationoptions as soon as possible.”

Read more athttp://www.cicnews.com/2016/05/government-canada-aims-pass-canadian-citizenship-act-law-july-1-058036.html#pvGUvL5viOxrDq07.99

From Page 3 - Changes to Citizenship

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May 2016 13The North American Filipino Star


Fely Rosales Carino

One afternoon inOctober 2013, amidst the gentleautumn breeze at Miss GeneMagalit’s residence, someFilipino Canadian Nurses sat for achat that resulted in the formationof the Filipino Canadian NurseHeritage Guild. They calledthemselves pioneer nurses. Theywere the ones who arrived in the60’s, 70’s and 80’s. This simplechat extended to a lengthymeeting as hey brainstormedabout the goal of the newlyformed organization. Miss EdithFedalizo, one of the advisers,came up with the following goals:The Filipino Canadian NursesHeritage Guild will have aprogram through whichexcellence in nursing will berecognized and awarded.The Filipno Canadian HeritageGuild will document theexperiences andaccomplishments of firstgeneration nurses in Montreal.It is hoped that this documentmaterial be published and will bea reference for future FilipinoNurses in Montreal and/orelsewhere.Their next project was helaunching of the association. Thishappened last April 30, 2016. It asheld at Place Centre-Ville indowntown Montreal. It was a wellattended gala celebration withPhilippine Ambassador toCanada, Honourable PetronildaGarcia as the special guest.

The evenings programbegan with the national anthems,You Raised Me Up, and What aWonderful World by the PadnayTinig Ensemble with Mr. PaulImperial conduction and MissEdith Fedalizo on the piano. TheFilipino Canadian Officersinducted were :Femy Abello, Jaime Aquino, NeliaAquino, Rose Marie Arellano,Hermina Arguilles, MeletonaAtayde, Dolores Belandres,Corazon Boaquina, Jean Borjal,Cirila Carrera, Myrlin Carrera,Elvira Clemente, Lilian Diaz,Romana Diaz, Ninfa Didelis,

Dorothy Duero, GloriaEmboscado, Editha Fedalizo,Bethzaida Foz, Aderlina Garcia,Theodora Isada, Julieta LasPinas, Anita Lo, Clarice Macay,Eugenia Magalit, Amela Manon-og, Myrna Maranan, CorazonOrtiz, Angelita Pealane, ElzaPizon, Maria Quimpo, ElsieReyes, Judy Sevillo, JosefinaToledo, Zenaida Tolentino,Laraine Villaflores, Teresita White

Inducting officer wasHonourable AnthonyHousefather, the MP for the townof Mount Royal. Aside from theinduction, the highlights of thenight were the honouring of Mrs.Carmelita Ongpanco Sideco whowas recognized post humouslyby the officers and members(Mrs. Sideco had a distinguishednursing career as anadministrator, clinician andassistant director of the School ofNursing at the Jewish GeneralHospital, Montreal, Quebec) andthe slide presentation duringdinnertime which depicted therise of the nursing profession bythe nurses pioneers from the1960’s to the present time. Thebusy officers were led by Mrs.Amy Manon-og who also led thebest dressed ladies of the night.The night was made live withdancing. Music provided by D.JPatrick Alcaide and the emceeingof Ms. Terry White, and Mr. DindoMiras.

QACFT Celebrtes 20thAnniversary

The Quebec associationof Canadian Filipino Teachers(QACFT) celebrated its 20thanniversary May 7, 2016 at theCDN Community Center,Montreal, Quebec. This 20 yearsexistence was the culminationinto fruition of the professionalperspectives of its pastpresidents namely : Mrs. NataliePelaussa, Mrs. Carmen Caro,Mrs. Nancy Karides, Mrs. ElsaMontelagre, Mrs. ProcessaGladych, Mr. Joseph Gonzales,and yours truly. Mr. JosephGonzales and his executive

board must be congratulated forvarious activities done this year,among which are: the tutorialsessions for elementary and highschool students, leadershiptraining, the Filipino language,computer skills training, writingand literary contexts. The QACFTi also in the process of selectingneedy school to send money andschool supplies to further help intheir quest for education. Onesuch example is a thank youletter from Mrs. EstrellaBaldorado, Head Teacher of theJP. Laurel High School, Region V,Sorsogon, Philippines. Mrs.Baldorado wrote:

“The undersigned onbehalf of all the teachers and theadministration of JP LAURELHIGH SCHOOL would like toexpress her heartfelt thanks andappreciation for several spans ofconcrete fencing that you havedonated to our school. Theproject that you have chosen asdonation to the school isexpected to improve thediscipline of the students an theupkeep of the school campus. Itsis really our pride and honour tohave you as one of our donorsand supportive stakeholder of theschool”

This year, he QACFT againis in good hands with Miss TransLiganor at the helm. Ms. Liganoris a veteran in communityleadership.

Inducted into the office byHonourable Anthony

Housefather, MP for Mount Royalare:

President – Trans LiganorVice President-Administrative – AlAbdonVice President-Finance –Esperanza ManaogSecretary – Nenita LicayaoAssistant Secretary – LourdesFagsaoTreasurer – Elvira EstopaAuditor – Eppie GeveroDirectors for Communication –John Linden / Arturo JavillonarDirector for Membership –Gliceria DucyogenDirector for Referral and LegalDocumentation – Elma BulataoDirector for Educational Services– Leah BaldelovarDirector for Youth and Sports –Melanie SomejoDirectors without Portfolio –Valentina Datu-Lee / Flora DelaCruz

After the induction, theusual anthems were played; theinvocation was done by Mrs. ElsaMontealegre; the Welcomeaddress of President JosephGonzales; and the cutting of theanniversary cake. In between theline dancing numbers wereintermission numbers providedby Kathleen Pedram, MuntingMutya ng Pilipinas – Montreal2015, Arielle Faith Padill, QACFTchampion declaimer, andLaurenz Mario Gomez, QACFTchampions in oratorical contest.

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May 201614


The North American Filipino Star

Sometime in 2010, Filipino-Irish Coraleen Waddell foundherself in the Philippines wantingto start a career in show business.

She has since signed upwith Viva Films appearing inseveral films including “Diary NgPanget” and “Talk Back And You’reDead.”

Though far from being ahousehold name, Coraleen ishappy where she is.

“Nag-enjoy kasi ako na nai-enhance ko ’yung talent ko,” shesaid in an interview.

The actress-model alsoacknowledged how hermanagement team continues tohelp further her career.

“Viva Entertainment takesgood care of me. They continue togive me roles in movies and I couldonly be thankful. Currently, there’sdiscussion for more projects,” sheshared.

Coraleen wants to do heavydrama soon.

“I have been in the bagetsgenre na eh. Puro kikay, young andfun. So I want to do somethingdifferent, something heavy. I wantto push my abilities,” she said.

She is hopeful aboutlanding one big role that couldhelp her finally make a huge mark,noting, “I want to do something Ihave never done before.”

She considers her being“likable” and “casual” a plus thatcould lead to more projects.

“I really enjoy meetingdifferent people. I also welcomedifferent experiences,” she said.

Coraleen doesn’t want toenter into a romantic relationship

for now, opting to focus on work.“The management told me

to stick with show business and tokeep my focus so, that’s what I’mdoing,” she said.

If she has learned anythingin the past years it is the value ofpatience.

“Success doesn’t comeovernight. It entails a lot of hardwork. Just keep your focus, yourtime will come,” she related.

Of course, looking good isimportant too. Coraleen takes careof her well-being by getting lots ofsleep, drinking lots of water,having a balanced diet and TruLifeCollagen Plus Vitamins, which sheendorses.

“Kasi importante sa workna you don’t just look good on theoutside, you also feel good on theinside,” she said. “I feel veryfortunate to endorse TruLifeCollagen Plus V. It helps.” �


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Everything falls into placefor Coraleen Waddell

Coraleen Waddell

Vic, Pauleen spend time atPalawan beach

Married couple Vic Sotto andPauleen Luna are enjoying the pristinebeach of Coron, Palawan in the lastdays of summer.

In Pauleen’s Instagramaccount, she posted beach photostogether with her husband and thestaff of M-Zet Production, a film/TVproduction owned by Vic.

The couple went to Club

Paradise, which blessed with pristinebeaches, shorelines filled with whitesand and clear blue water.

The two celebrities gotmarried at the St. James the GreatParish in Ayala Alabang, MuntinlupaCity last January 2016. They are alsomainstays at the longtime runningnoontime show ‘Eat Bulaga!’ at GMA7. �

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May 2016 15The North American Filipino Star


Jericho Rosales: I’m a former drug user

Jericho Rosales used to takedrugs when he was a teenager, but

later realized “there’s so much more tolife than that.”

Jericho made this admissionat a media gathering for the#TrueWanderer Philippines adventurerace organized by the clothing brandWrangler, which the actor endorses.

Jericho recalled that he turnedto drugs at the time because hisparents were then having problemsand eventually separated.

“I was thankful that I [stopped]in time, because I had good friends toguide me,” he said.

“The battle with drugs usuallystarts when you’re a teenager,” hepointed out. “Make an effort tosurround yourself with the rightpeople. Be strong; don’t be pressuredto do something just because otherpeople are doing it.”

“I don’t want to soundpreachy, but I want to tell kids that itisn’t cool to take drugs,” he asserted.

He then recommended this

alternative: “They (kids) should enjoylife by going out. They should go tochurch. Churches are cool. Churchesare not baduy.”

He noted that young peopleneed direction. “If they feel that it’sawkward to discuss certain things athome, they can do that to people theywill meet in churches.

In counseling sessions, theyeven get to talk to other teens whomay be experiencing the same thingsand can empathize with them.”

MovementJericho said he would gladly

join any movement to fight the use ofillegal drugs, “because this issomething that should not be takenlightly… I think drugs are prevalentbecause kids these days haveproblems with socializing. Most ofthem are online—they post somethingon the web and they get bullied orcriticized.”

The actor added he supportsPresident-elect Rodrigo Duterte’sprogram of getting rid of illegal drugsin the country.

Duterte earlier said that hisfirst executive order would be todeclare the threat of illegal drugs as anational security issue, and that hewould use two divisions of thePhilippine Army and 3,000 policemenin the fight against it.

“I’m not saying we should killpeople. I just want to tell Filipinos to bemore responsible, and law enforcersto be stricter,” Jericho clarified.

“Drugs is a serious problemthat we should all work on solvingtogether,” the 36-year-old actor saidwhen the Inquirer asked his reaction tothe drug-related deaths at a recentconcert in Pasay City.

“For those who want to docrazy stuff, just ride a bike, instead. Itwill give you a different high,” hequipped. �

Kristine Hermosa to makeTV comeback

While many people would easilyassume she’d be back on ABS-CBN, herhome for several years, Kristine willactually be seen on GMA-7 starring inthe network’s upcoming sitcom “Hay,Bahay,” alongside husband Oyo Sotto.

Airing on June 19, the showalso stars her father-in-law Vic Sotto,comedy actress Ai-Ai delas Alas, JoseManalo, and Wally Bayola.

Kristine and Oyo announced theshow via video post on Instagram.

“Mga Kapuso, totoo ho talagana may post namin sa Instagram naRoom for Rent,” Kristine said, adding,“Lahat kayo imbitado sa aminghousewarming.”

Kristine previously worked with

Vic in several movie projects, includingthe “Enteng Kabisote” series and “MyLittle Bossings.”

Her last teleserye with ABS-CBN was “Noah,” which aired in 2014.

She started her career on“Gimik” in 1996, going on to make hermark on “Pangako Sa’yo” with ex-boyfriend Jericho Rosales in 2000.

In previous interviews, themother of four said she is willing toreturn to acting only if offered a goodproject.

Other new GMA shows are “A1Ko Sa’yo,” which has already startedairing; “Conan My Beautician,” airingJune 26; and “Sa Piling Ni Nanay,” whichairs June 27. �

KC Concepcion on love life:‘God’s timing is perfect’

Things seem to be going wellbetween Kapamilya actress KCConcepcion and football player AlyBorromeo.

It has been a month since KCrevealed they’ve been dating. Photos ofthem together have been posted onsocial media.

“Ang masasabi ko lang is (that)God’s timing is perfect,” KC said on“Magandang Buhay” recently whenasked about Aly and the “status” of herheart.

While many would like to knowmore about what many believe isbrewing romance, KC wants to put a lidon it. She pointed out that Aly is not fromshowbiz and whatever they have is still

relatively “fresh.”“Ayaw ko din kasi masyadong

pag-usapan ’yung guy kasi hindi namansiya showbiz. And super fresh pa eh,”was how she put it.KC expressed hope to keep her privacy,though admitting that’s different fromkeeping a secret.

“Iba ’yung secret sa private,”she said. “Hindi naman secret na mayganyan – na may lalaking ganyan sabuhay ko right now – but I really want tokeep it private this time.”

Aly has seemingly won theheart of KC’s mom, Sharon Cuneta,who’s been reported to approve of thefootball player. �

Kristine Hermosa KC Concepcion

Jericho Rosales

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May 201616


The North American Filipino Star

Actor Benjamin Alves hasalways been baffled that his unclePiolo Pascual remains youthful at 39.The 27-year-old attested that Piolo canstand next to his 18-year-old son,Iñigo, and many will think they’re justbrothers.

Benjamin told reporters, “Ialways ask him (what’s his secret),natatawa na lang siya. Even Iñigothinks that way, parang, ‘Ang dayanaman nito, ang bata naman.’ I needto find out anong sikreto niya bakit siyabumabata. Sinasabi ko po lagi,‘Bampira ka ba?’ Seryoso!”

Benjamin need not ask. AsPiolo divulged, it’s simply all aboutsweating out toxins via gym work.

“Kahit nasa set ako,tumatakbo ako,”he said at the pressconference for “Love Me Tomorrow.”

Also seemingly blessed witheternal youth is Dawn Zulueta, who stilllooks fresh and radiant at 47.

In an earlier report by BulletinEntertainment, she shared her beautysecret. It includes getting eight hoursof sleep, drinking lots of water, andkeeping active by doing ballet andboxing.

“Beauty should be a dailypleasure. You don’t need to feel guiltyin wanting yourself (to) look good,”she said.

Alice Dixson, on the otherhand, has outdoor running to thank forher ageless beauty.

“In Canada… we have naturetrails there and I really love it… That’swhere I first experienced running andall I hear is the sound of my breath, myfootsteps in the gravel and hear twigsbreak and the birds chirp. It’s so

peaceful,” she said in a report onManila Bulletin.

Her exercise programincludes a weekly 15-kilometer run. Nowonder she has maintained a tonedbody at 46.

The 46-year-old actress-businesswoman, who was among Top10 sexiest women of a men’smagazine in 2014, likewise practicesBikram Yoga done in hot and humidtemperature.

“…It causes you to perspire alot and then what happens is that yourmuscles loosen up and you canactually become more flexible… Eachmovement activates a certain gland orsystem, whether it be your circulation,digestion or cardio; each pose willstimulate it so that blood can rush intothat organ and flush it out throughsweating,” she explained.

Meanwhile, in a report onABS-CBN News, Gary Valenciano saidthe love of his wife Angeli Pangilinanand children Paolo, Gabriel, andKeanna keeps him vibrant at 51.

“I guess (the secret is) my wifeAngeli who takes care of me, andbeing with my children also na lagingpumapaligid sa akin,” he expressed.

Other artists tone down theirperformances at a certain age, but notMr. Pure Energy who can still hit thosenotes and groove to the beat like he’sstill 20.

While others spend hours ofhard work exercising, Jean Garciathanks good genes for her youthfulglow.

“Kahit anong kain hindi talaga(ako tumataba), eh. Siguro mabilis parin iyong metabolism ko,” the 46-year-old said.

Note the veteran actress, whonow has a grandchild with daughterJennica, is also into sports includingvolleyball and badminton.

It also helps that she usuallyeats home-cooked meals that sheprepares herself.

Another key is living a simplelife and keeping her privacy.

“’Di ako ma-issue na tao. oncena wala nang camera, I am just thisordinary person (na) very simple angbuhay. Family lang, homebody,nagbabasa,” she said. �

Forever Young

Filipino-French actress and TVhost Solenn Heussaff bid goodbye tobeing single Saturday as she tied theknot with Argentine businessman NicoBolzico.

After five years of being acouple, Solenn and Nico got marriedat Eglise Notre Dame in Combourg, acommune in northwestern France.They held their reception at medievalFrench castle Chateau de Combourg.

The blushing bride wore agown by Israel-based designer LiliHod. In April, Solenn posted a photo ofher visit to Lili Hod’s studio as shepicked up her “dream dress.”

The lovely couple was joinedby their family and close friends,including showbiz personalities AnneCurtis, Lovi Poe, Isabelle Daza,Georgina Wilson, Liz Uy, Tim Yap, RajoLaurel, Rhian Ramos and Bianca King.

They also took to social media toshare photos of the welcome dinnerand wedding.

On May 17, Solenn and Nicoflew to Paris. She posted a photo ofthem together on a plane, saying, “Offto forever.”

Wedding filmmaker JasonMagbanua also showed the pre-wedding video he shot for Solenn andNico. The two looked cozy and sweetas they walked the streets of Paris.Solenn and Nico went to Musée duLouvre, River Seine, Pont des Artesand Notre Dame. Jason complimentedthe couple for being “the easiest”subjects as the shoot went quick andsans fuss.

Solenn and Nico got engagedin December 2014. Nico proposed toSolenn in her family’s home in Makatiafter her US trip. �

Solenn Heussaff, Nico Bolzicotie the knot in France

Alice Dixson

Jean Garcia

Dawn Zulueta

Enchong single again

This could be on actorEnchong Dee’s lips of late, havingadmitted to rumors he has broken upwith girlfriend of two years, model

Samantha Lewis.“Ang dami na naming

pinagdaanan together and this is justone of those. But, yeah, we’re justfriends now,” he said in an interviewTuesday on “Tonight With BoyAbunda.”

He did not discuss details,simply saying, “I love her. Bibihira akomakahanap ng ganoon klaseng babaebut I think there’s just a certain pointthat you have to say stop.”

If anything, he shared theybroke up on amicable terms.

Enchong shared, “I told her,‘Anytime you need me, just let meknow, I’ll be there…”’

The actor-singer is not eagerto jump into another relationship,maintaining he’d rather just “work,work, work, work, work.”

The 27-year-old actor firstmade public his relationship withSamantha in 2014, when he broughther as his date to the 8th Star MagicBall. �

Enchong Dee

Solenn Heussaff & Nico Bolzico

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May 2016 17The North American Filipino Star


Pinoy celebs enjoy Europe

Celebrities who attendedSolenn Heussaff and Nico Bolzico’swedding in Combourg, Francerecently, had fun touring Europeafter.

Couple Anne Curtis and herboyfriend, celebrity restaurateur andfood blogger Erwan Heussaff, visitedSlovenia and Berlin including notedlandmarks the East Side Gallery,Brandenburg Gate, CheckpointCharlie, Berlin Wall Memorial,Prešeren Square and Dragon

Bridge.They also tasted octopus on

truffle mashed potatoes at Špajzarestaurantat. Aside from that, theyate at Mogg, Katz Orange and PraterBiergarten.

Jasmine Curtis-Smith, on theother hand, spent some quality timewith boyfriend Jeff Ortega in Paris,visiting tourist sites such as the EiffelTower, the Grand Palais and theLouvre, among others, this, as seenon their posts on Snapchat.

Also taking in the sights inFrance is Isabelle Daza. She went toSaint-Malo Intra-Muros and Arcetri,Toscana, Italy and tried “the besttiramisu of my life.”

Kapuso star Lovi Poe jettedoff to the French Riviera for anextended vacation with a friend.

Lovi had the time of her lifevisiting Cannes La Croisette, NiceBeach, and even watched aColdplay concert at Stade CharlesErmann.

Before heading back to thePhilippines, Lovi flaunted her beachbod in Saint Tropez.

Celebrity stylist Liz Uyposted photos of her OOTD’s (OutfitOf The Day) while also touringFrance. She visited Saint MaloBretagne, La Perle Noire, Chateaudu Grand Val and Mont Saint MichelAbbey. Liz also shopped for shoes atAcne Studios, and had cheese andwine at Chez Michel. �

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May 201618 The North American Filipino Star


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Angelica Panganiban: Still moving on

Angelica Panganiban admitsshe has not yet fully recovered fromher failed relationship with John LloydCruz.

The two confirmed their splitFebruary this year.

In a recent episode of“Gandang Gabi Vice (GGV),” Angelicawas unable to hold back tears over herdecision to move on.

“Nakita ko ’yung sarili ko na para bangsobra kong down. Kasi hindi ako nag-o-open up sa kaibigan ko, sa pamilyako,” she said. “So nung nakita ko’yung sarili ko na ganun, parang ‘Huygirl, tama na. Nakakaawa ka na. Downna down ka na. Bangon.’”

Angelica admits she is still inthe process of recovering fromheartache following the end of the

relationship.“(Pero) slight na lang. Kasi

mga four hours na akong hindiumiiyak,” she said in jest.

The “Banana Sundae” hostthen joked she will make sure her nextboyfriend is not as popular as her mostrecent ones.

“Lesson learned talaga, huwagsikat. Kung gusto mo ng artista, ’yunglaos or ’yung feeling mong wala ngdirection,” she quipped. “’Yung parangwala masyadong papel sa mundo,tulala lang. ’Yun ang hinahanap kongayon, ’yung lalaking tulala.”

Angelica confessed she is yetto delete photos of them together,either on her phone or on social media.

“Minsan (tinitignan ko pa rin).‘Ito ’yung last picture namin, ang sayapa namin.’ Minsan nasa bahay ka

tapos mabibigla ka, ‘Ano yun parangmay naaamoy ako? Parang naaamoyko ’yung pabango niya. Hala baliw naako,’” she shared.

She intentionally avoids placesmemorable to them.

“Nung una hindi talaga (akopumupunta sa mga napuntahannaming lugar) kasi nag-Bali ako, taposmay stopover sa Hong Kong. Grabe,paglabas ko pa lang, parang nilamonako tapos umiiyak talaga ako mag-isatapos natatawa ako,” she explained.

“Para akong tanga kasiumiiyak ako habang naglalakad taposumupo na ako tapos tumatawa akohabang umiiyak.”

The 29-year-old actresscracked a joke saying she almost leftABS-CBN to avoid John Lloyd.

“Pero dahil may respeto akosa ABS, sige hindi na lang ako lilipat.Magre-retire na lang ako,” she said,laughing.

Friends?Angelica still gets to talk to

John Lloyd from time to time.“Hindi naman (kami) madalas

(mag-text)… Friends (lang) kami. Hindipa nga ako nakaka-move on, hayaanniyo na, malapit na, kaunti na lang.Kaya ko,” she said.

On what they discuss,Angelica shared, “Hindi namansiyempre kami naglalandian sa text.Civil lang. Minsan mangangamusta,‘Hi, kamusta ka na? Saan ka ngayon?’Tapos sasabihin ko ‘Sa work. Ikaw,kamusta ka?’ ‘Okay naman, work din.Ingat ka.’ Ganun.”

They saw each other in HongKong while on Holy Week break.

“Kasi nga tina-try namin angbest namin na maging magkaibigannaman kami. Ang sakit nga ng panga

ko, parang buong gabing masakit.Pinipigilan ko maiyak tapos tatawa ka,”she said.

PositivityDespite the failed relationship,

Angelica looks at life with seemingpositivity.

“Wala akong bitterness. Walaakong ill feelings sa kahit kanino. Hinditalaga (ako galit sa kanya). Kasi ’di bahindi niyo na na-save ’yungrelationship niyo as a couple, why notsave your relationship bilangmagkaibigan?” she said.

While their four-year romancedid not have a happy ending, Angelicahas no regrets.

“Walang katumbas ’yungsayang ’yun sa nangyaringpaghihiwalay niyo. Malungkot lang,pero lagi niyong iisipin na kung bakitnaging ganun kasakit, kasi nagingganun ka kasaya,” she said. “’Yun angnagma-matter, ’yung pinagsamahanniyo, ’yung saya, ’yung respeto nabinigay niyo sa isa’t-isa.”

Angelica – dubbed “HugotQueen” – was asked who among herformer boyfriends she would want toget back with given the chance andshe said, “Wala. Mas magandangayusin muna ’yung sarili para kapagnagkaroon ng second chance, final na’yun kasi maayos na ’yung sarili mo,buong-buo ka na. This time, sure kanang dire-diretso na ’yun. Hindi ko ’yunkayang sagutin hangga’t hindi pa buo’yung sarili ko.”

She added, “Hindi mopuwedeng i-depend ang happinessmo sa ibang tao. Iyan ang pinakanatutunan ko talaga this time. Parakapag nawala ’yung happiness mo,kaya mo.” �

John Lloyd Cruz with Angelica Panganiban

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SHOWBIZ GOSSIP continued from page 17

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May 2016 19The North American Filipino StarThe North American Filipino Star


Marché Duc Thanh6430 Victoria AvenueMontreal, QC

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Celebs on a comeback by Rowena Tan

They were the brightest starswith projects left and right – until theyseemingly just vanished into thin air.

Well, some of them are nowpicking up where they left off.Mindyou, it is not easy staging a comebackwith the industry seeing an influx ofyoung blood eager for a slice of thepopularity pie. But here they are,turning heads with their effort to keeprelevant after all these years.

Princess PunzalanPrincess had no project in

show business for many years beforeher return.

She left the glitz of showbusiness to stay with husband JasonField in the United States. They have atwo-year-old daughter.

“Masarap ’yung medyotahimik, ’yung normal na buhay. Peronami-miss ko rin talaga ’yung showbizkaya tumatangap ako (ng project)every now and then kapagpinapayagan ako ng asawa ko.Masaya ako na nandito ako,” she said

on ABS-CBN News.Princess is currently seen on

the ABS-CBN primetime series “TheStory Of Us.”

Asked if she’s willing to doanother project after “The Story OfUs,” Princess said it will depend onwhat she and her husband will decideon.

Kristine Hermosa-SottoThe 32-year-old actress took a

break from work following hermarriage to Oyo Boy Sotto in 2011.

The couple has three children,Ondrea Bliss, Kristian Daniel andKaleb Hanns.

Kristine is now pregnant but ithas not stopped her from reviving hercareer. She will appear on the GMA-7sitocm “Hay, Bahay.” This is Kristine’sfirst regular television show in morethan five years.

She last appeared in ABS-CBN’s fantasy show “Noah” with PioloPascual in 2010.

Victor NeriNeri took a break from show

business in 2007. He reasoned hesimply wanted to fulfill a long timedream: To be a chef.

And he did. “I went aroundAsia and I became a chef. Studiedabout food all around Asia andcooked in different restaurants. Nag-trabaho naman talaga ako,” he toldABS-CBN News.

But old habits die hard. Nerieventually bounced back, appearingon ABS-CBN’s now-defunct show“Hawak Kamay.”

He has since appeared inseveral independent films namely“Ronda” and “Separados.”

Jaypee de GuzmanSome 20 years since he left

the limelight, Jaypee has returned toacting via the now-defunct GMA series“My BFF.”

Jaypee started with the lateGerman Moreno’s youth-orientedshow “That’s Entertainment.” He alsoappeared on a TV show by LinoBrocka and a few movies like “SaanDarating Ang Umaga,” “Dear Mama,”“Tingting De Sarapen” and “NangMaghalo Ang Balat Sa Tinalupan,”among others.

But Jaypee decided to leftshowbiz and studied CommunicationArts at De La Salle University. Aftergraduation, he worked behind thecamera. He has directed a few musicvideos and did postproduction workfor QTV channel.

JM de GuzmanMore than a year since going

on hiatus, the actor returned to showbusiness in 2014 following completionof a 15-month drug rehabilitationprogram.

Recall that before leaving thelimelight, de Guzman was set to star inthe biopic “Pedro Calungsod: BatangMartir.” He was replaced by Kapusotalent Rocco Nacino.

Upon his return, JM easilyregained leading man status,appearing in the hit movie, “That ThingCalled Tadhana.”

He then went on to headlinethe TV series “All Of Me.” �

Princess Punzalan, Kristine Hermosa-Sotto, Victor Neri, JM De Guzman

JM De Guzman

Page 20: Filipino Star - May 2016 · PDF filecelebrities, friends, political turncoats, jobseekers, rebel leaders, and even ... graduated from San Beda College of Law in 1972. He first joined

May 201620 The North American Filipino Star

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