Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. 16320 Roscoe Blvd., Suite 100 • P.O. Box 10003 Van Nuys, CA 91410-0003 alfred.com Fighting Falcon March By Todd Stalter INSTRUMENTATION Grade Level: 1 (Very Easy) 1 — Conductor Score 10 — Flute 2 — Oboe 6 — 1st B b Clarinet 6 — 2nd B b Clarinet 1—E b Alto Clarinet 2—B b Bass Clarinet 2 — 1st E b Alto Saxophone 2 — 2nd E b Alto Saxophone 2—B b Tenor Saxophone 1—E b Baritone Saxophone 4 — 1st B b Trumpet 4 — 2nd B b Trumpet 2 — F Horn 5 — Trombone (Baritone B.C., Bassoon) 2 — Baritone T.C. 2 — Tuba Percussion — 4 players: 1 — Bells 3 — Percussion (Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Crash Cymbals) WORLD PARTS available for download from www.alfred.com/worldparts E b Horn 1st Trombone in B b T.C. 1st Trombone in B b B.C. Euphonium in B b B.C. Tuba in B b T.C. Tuba in B b B.C. Tuba in E b T.C. Tuba in E b B.C. Fighting Falcon March was written for the Eureka Middle School 6th Grade Band of Eureka, Illinois. It is a simple yet tuneful and inspiring march that is ideally suited for young musicians learning to play in a march style. Care should be taken not to play the march faster than the indicated tempo in order to preserve the noble character of the piece. In his youth, the composer was fascinated by aircrafts of all kinds, and happened to live near an Air National Guard base that hosted a squadron of F-16 “Fighting Falcons.” The nimble and sleek jets could regularly be seen flying over the area, and they never failed to stir feelings of awe and patriotism in him as they knifed through the air. Preview Only Legal Use Requires Purchase

Fighting Falcon March - Alfred Music

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24654_SAlfred Publishing Co., Inc. 16320 Roscoe Blvd., Suite 100 • P.O. Box 10003 Van Nuys, CA 91410-0003
Grade Level: 1 (Very Easy)
1 — Conductor Score 10 — Flute 2 — Oboe 6 — 1st Bb Clarinet 6 — 2nd Bb Clarinet 1 — E b Alto Clarinet 2 — Bb Bass Clarinet 2 — 1st E b Alto Saxophone 2 — 2nd E b Alto Saxophone 2 — Bb Tenor Saxophone 1 — E b Baritone Saxophone
4 — 1st Bb Trumpet 4 — 2nd Bb Trumpet 2 — F Horn 5 — Trombone (Baritone
B.C., Bassoon) 2 — Baritone T.C. 2 — Tuba Percussion — 4 players: 1 — Bells 3 — Percussion (Snare Drum,
Bass Drum, Crash Cymbals)
WORLD PARTS available for download from www.alfred.com/worldparts
E b Horn 1st Trombone in B b T.C. 1st Trombone in B b B.C. Euphonium in B b B.C. Tuba in B b T.C. Tuba in B b B.C. Tuba in E b T.C. Tuba in E b B.C.
Fighting Falcon March was written for the Eureka Middle School 6th Grade Band of Eureka, Illinois. It is a simple yet
tuneful and inspiring march that is ideally suited for young musicians learning to play in a march style. Care should be
taken not to play the march faster than the indicated tempo in order to preserve the noble character of the piece.
In his youth, the composer was fascinated by aircrafts of all kinds, and happened to live near an Air National Guard
base that hosted a squadron of F-16 “Fighting Falcons.” The nimble and sleek jets could regularly be seen flying over
the area, and they never failed to stir feelings of awe and patriotism in him as they knifed through the air.
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Copyright © MMVI by Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
To purchase a full-length recording of this piece, go to alfred.com/downloads
(Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Crash Cymbals)
Fighting Falcon March CONDUCTOR SCORE Duration - 1:30
To Bill Anderson, in honor of his career as a music educator
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