A FEISTY one ! .. He peeped a few months early with a wide wide grin, He let his parents know he was here to win! They said He was tiny to go home with his love, Mom wasn't well to hold her little dove. Their heart they shared by kissing cheek to cheek They grew strong and brave just every week. His stomach, they said needed to heal, But his jaundice thankfully, quickly lost its yellow peel. Mommy was saved by the Angels high, From losing the birthing organ above her thigh. They claimed he was tiny, b’cos Mommy had tumors that had gone awry His mommy didnt party or smoke, she was dumbfounded how hell lose broke? The nurses had not seen such a bundle of energy akin the sun, They aptly named Mama’s joy the FEISTY one! After several weeks when they rang the discharge bell, Mommy was Ecstatic! Finally together they could dwell! Their joy grew but before it could blossom, Mom developed mastitis in her bosom, While they got mommy to rest and heal, Poor little baby struggled to pee Off to the hospital he was rushed again,With painful pricks and tubes to mom’’s disdain If you thought their misery ended here, Not really They told mommy she better fear, “Your son is born defective in his genitals my dear’, As one can imagine, this was not pleasure to mom’s ear Deep in her heart she heard loud and clear, “Your gift from the Universe is perfect, just cheer” Did their story come to an end? Nope the drugs failed to heal and mend, Soon enough, few more weeks at the hospital they had to spend. The doctors hit a dead end. The gory repeated in every deed, They wouldn't provide mommy a chance to breastfeed Completely ignoring her pleas,They told her, its antibiotics and tests the baby will need Poor mom went wild with rage, She stuck to her Ask and took the stage. The doctors had their verdict in hand, It wasn't what mommy had ever planned “Circumcision will solve the problem we believe, If you don't take our offer, NOW you can leave” Mommy replied, “Medical literature does not support your plan, A better explanation, I demand!” Pat came the reply in reprimand, ‘You read too much, you talk too much, you are banned’ Let me walk you out the door, so you can keep your stand. Go tout your educated ideas to the land. Daddy’s insurance offered to help, Mom & Dad thanked their higher Self A better hospital took care of the little guy right away, the baby had an infection they did say, BUT No! surgery was required, they clearly did convey, Dark clouds drifted quickly away, the sun shone brightly from that day!.. For the Feisty one, life was child’s play. Destiny didn't stop quite right there, for the brave little guy, reflux was a nightmare. All his food flew from his stomach right into the air. It made mommy split her hair. We’ve got drugs, dont despair, the doctors offered in his care. They do have sideeffects, just beware, BTW, we are not responsible, just to be fair. Its time! Mommy decided to take things in her hands, she wanted healing that she could understand. “I will not limit wellbeing to mere science, In my approach mind, body and spirit will be in alliance.” This life changing blessing made mom think a lot, She thanked the Spirits for the strength they had brought, She began to redefine what medical care for her family was and was not. The doctors had astounding faith in their judgement she thought, More than her Intuitive wisdom or the medical literature she had sought, We are missing the whole and focused on the part, Wellbeing is both a science and an art Health is in the body, happiness in the heart, the spirit ignites the healing to spark! WellBeing from the InsideOut for my family is my goal, Creating an integrated approach is my role. Surgery & drugs have their due place, Its missing in the equation wisdom and Grace. Which one is better ? Ah! Healing is no race, Let us use Mind, Body & Spirit to save our race.

Fiesty One

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A FEISTY one ! ..   He peeped a few months early with a wide wide grin, He let his parents know he was here to win! They said He was tiny to go home with his love, Mom wasn't well to hold her little dove. Their heart they shared by kissing cheek to cheek They grew strong and brave just every week. His stomach, they said needed to heal, But his jaundice thankfully,  quickly lost its yellow peel. Mommy was saved by the Angels high, From losing the birthing organ above her thigh. They claimed he was tiny, b’cos Mommy had tumors that had gone awry His mommy didnt party or smoke, she was dumbfounded how hell lose broke? The nurses had not seen such a bundle of energy akin the sun,  They aptly named Mama’s joy ­  the FEISTY one!  After several weeks when they rang the discharge bell,  Mommy was Ecstatic! ­ Finally together they could dwell! Their joy grew but before it could blossom, Mom developed mastitis in her bosom, While they got mommy to rest and heal, Poor little baby struggled to pee Off to the hospital he was rushed again,With painful pricks and tubes to mom’’s disdain  If you thought their misery ended here, Not really ­ They told mommy she better fear, “Your son is born defective in his genitals my dear’,  As one can imagine, this  was not pleasure to mom’s ear Deep in her heart she heard loud and clear, “Your gift from the Universe is perfect, just cheer” Did their story come to an end? Nope the drugs failed to heal and mend,  Soon enough, few more weeks at the hospital they had to spend. The doctors hit a dead end.  The gory repeated in every deed, They wouldn't provide mommy a chance to breastfeed  Completely ignoring her pleas,They told her, its antibiotics and tests the baby will need Poor mom went wild with rage, She stuck to her Ask and took the stage. The doctors had their verdict in hand, It wasn't what mommy had ever planned “Circumcision will solve the problem we believe, If you don't take our offer, NOW you can leave” Mommy replied, “Medical literature does not support your plan, A better explanation, I demand!” Pat came the reply in reprimand, ‘You read too much, you talk too much, you are banned’ Let me walk you out the door, so you can keep your stand. Go tout your educated ideas to the land.  Daddy’s insurance offered to help, Mom & Dad thanked their higher Self A better hospital took care of the little guy right away, the baby had an infection they did say,  BUT ­ No! surgery was required, they clearly did convey,  Dark clouds drifted quickly away, the sun shone brightly from that day!.. For the Feisty one, life was child’s play.  Destiny didn't stop quite right there, for the brave little guy, reflux was a nightmare. All his food flew from his stomach right into the air. It made mommy split her hair.  We’ve got drugs, dont despair, the doctors offered in his care.  They do have side­effects, just beware, BTW, we are not responsible, just to be fair. Its time! Mommy decided to take things in her hands, she wanted healing that she could understand. “I will not limit well­being to mere science, In my approach ­ mind, body and spirit will be in alliance.”  This life changing blessing made mom think a lot, She thanked the Spirits for the strength they had brought, She began to redefine what medical care for her family was and was not. The doctors had astounding faith in their judgement she thought,  More than her Intuitive wisdom or the medical literature she had sought, We are missing the whole and focused on the part, Well­being is both a science and an art Health is in the body, happiness in the heart, the spirit ignites the healing to spark! WellBeing from the Inside­Out for my family is my goal, Creating an integrated approach is my role.  Surgery & drugs have their due place, Its missing in the equation wisdom and Grace. Which one is better ? Ah! Healing is no race, Let us use Mind, Body & Spirit to save our race.