Project  Trigger PDD for MSD.03.03 Invoicing Saichand Dade, Srinivas Punati, Kiran Kumar Potti, Ajay C Mehta Date: 01/01/2009

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Project Trigger

PDD forMSD.03.03


Saichand Dade,Srinivas Punati,Kiran Kumar Potti,Ajay C MehtaDate: 01/01/2009

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Project Trigger SAP ERP, ISU, EP and BI Implementation

Process Definition DocumentMSD.03.03 Invoicing

Version 1.0 (Draft)January 2009

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1 Document Control:

Author  Saichand Dade, Srinivas Punati, Kiran Potti, Ajay C Mehata

File Name and Path PDD_MSD.03.03_Invoicing


Last Edited




Author/Process Owner 


1.0 27.01.2009 Initial Draft Saichand Dade,

Srinivas Punati,Kiran Kumra Potti,

 Ajay C Mehta

Target Readership

Project Team Members

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2 Introduction

2.1 What is the Business Blueprint?

The Process Definition Document is the main deliverable of the Business Blueprint phase.The purpose of this document is to verify that a proper understanding of requirements hasbeen communicated. The blueprint also finalizes the detailed scope of the project.

2.2 Developing and Updating the Business Blueprint

The Business Blueprint will be created in the Business Blueprint Phase. This deliverable is acentral grouping of various disciplines. Blueprint deliverables and strategies will be thefundamentals for development and management in the on-going phases of the project.

 After sign-off as been obtained from the relevant parties involved, a copy of the Business

Blueprint will be stored for reference only.2.3 Document Availability

This document is readily available to all staff on the project through a read only access to thecontrolled environment or through a hard copy. Please note that the master copy is held inelectronic format under the document reference.

2.4 Document Sign Off 

Process Definition Document will be submitted to process owners for final sign off. Processowners are requested to respond with in three (3) business days from the date of submission,after which a discussion on the changes required will be initiated. The document must be

signed-off within five (5) business days after the same is submitted to the process owner for the first time. If no response is received from the Process Owner within five (5) business days,then the document will be deemed signed-off.

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3 Document Sign-Off Sheet

Location: Ahmedabad/Surat/Bhiwandi

(Duplicate sign off sheet in case there are more than one location process owners involved

for signoff)

X Torrent Power Limited:

Process Owner, Designation:

X Torrent Power Ltd:



Process Lead

Process Teams:

Trigger-TPL Trigger-IBM

 Aajay C Mehta Saichand Dade

Jayendra patel Srinivas Punati

Manish G Panchal Kiran Potti

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5 Process Description

Enterprise Area: MSD SAP-ISUScenario: MSD.03 Manage Billing and Invoicing

Process Group: MSD.03.03 Invoicing

Process: MSD.03.03.01 Individual Invoicing

MSD.03.03.02 Mass Invoicing

MSD.03.03.03 Outsorting

MSD.03.03.04 Simulation

MSD.03.03.05 Reversal & adjustment Reversal

MSD.03.03.06 Individual Printing & Duplicate Bill

PrintingMSD.03.03.07 Mass Printing



In SAP ISU all billing documents are invoiced using this component,

which generates an invoicing document. The invoicing document

generates financial entries. Multiple billing documents of a customer

can be invoiced together (Joint invoicing). While invoicing, all un-

invoiced billing documents, arrears (outstanding balances),

discounts and DPI (Delay payment interest), Individual bills

generated and other accounting rectification entries (FICA) are

considered. At least one billing document is required to generate an

invoicing document.

Other than ISU billing documents all the service bills from sales and

distribution (SD) which are transferred to ISU can be invoiced


For more details on Account Maintenance, DPI and Discounts

calculation refer: PDD MSD.04.05 & MSD.04.08.

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Invoicing offers variety of selection and control options. Forexample, the component enables:

• Invoicing of LT, LTMD and HT customers.

• Invoice simulation – customer request, Invoice presentation


• Validation (outsorting) of invoicing documents.

 This document, as mentioned earlier in the Section 2.1, records andensures that a proper understanding of requirements of the existing

process has been communicated and will be addressed by the

 TPL/IBM Teams responsible, through the To-Be Processes. This PDD

is therefore, a basic detailing that becomes a ground framework for

mapping them to the relevant functionalities in the SAP system.

 Therefore, to get a complete understanding / detailed information at

a later point in time, it is recommended that this PDD document be

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Billing Order

InvoicingInvoicingCreation of 

Meter Reading Order

Creation of 

Meter Reading OrderEntry of 

Meter Reading Data

Entry of 

Meter Reading DataBillingBilling

Billing DocumentBilling Order Print Document





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 read with three other Blueprint phase project documents. These

other documents further detail / deal with the TPL requirements and

the configuration / customizing required to support them. These

documents will be initiated and finalized later with-in the Blueprint

Phase, after the milestone of PDD sign-off is achieved. Any changes

effected thereafter will be required to be included in the PDD. The

three other documents of the Blueprint Phase are:

1. TPL_ISU Billing & Invoicing Key Data Structure document

2. TPL_ISU Billing & Invoicing Developments document

3. TPL_ ISU Billing & Invoicing Gaps and Solutions document

 You may also need to refer other documents that detail the “Changeand Authorization Management” and “Configuration Management”.

 These will be deliverables of the end of next Phase of the projectknown as “Realization”.

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6 Process Design

6.1 Business Process Description:


 The actual contract billing (Like Energy Billing of Residential,

Commercial etc) component creates billing documents, credit memos

etc, are grouped into invoicing, so that they can be invoicedtogether and displayed on a bill (invoice document/print document).

Invoice links IS-U component with the Contract Accounts

Receivables and Payables (FICA) component. Posting documents are

created in FICA and are taken into account by invoicing during

account maintenance.

Business Requirements:

1. Billing :

After the billing order gets the status “billable”, billing can be

executed individually or mass which will generate billing documents

for each contract and transfers information to invoicing. The billing

document will contain details like, billed quantity billing price data,rate data, device data and meter reading data etc.

For further details refer: PDD MSD.03.02 energy billing.

1.1.1 Individual Invoice:

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 By using this transaction a single invoice can be created. It is

possible to select the billing documents on the level of Contract,

Installation or contract account.

For example, certain HT high value and VIP customers need to pay

additional attention, such customers billing and invoicing needs to

perform individually. The customer registers his/her move-out from

the service territory and wants to be billed immediately, otherwise

customer complaints that his consumption bill is incorrect, resulting

in an immediate reversal of the bill. The executive can perform the

functions required for each of these cases individually.

It is possible to perform checks that are similar to the mass

invoicing process, individual simulation (EASISI). Since this

functionality is standard, no configuration is required. In order to

create an individual invoice at least one billing document has to beselected.

1.1.2 Mass Invoicing:

 This transaction performs the mass invoicing for all the selected

billing documents that are ready to be invoiced. The result of this

transaction is the creation of invoice documents.

 The selection of Billing Documents will be made on the level of 

business partner, contract account or collective bill account (Group

Cluster Billing) within the selected portion. The selection criteria will

be saved in variants to promote them to reuse every time a billing

cycle is performed. It is recommended to run this transaction in


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1.1.4 Joint Invoicing: Joint invoicing groups multiple billing documents of single contract

account. For example a customer may have residential and motive

power connection in the same premise itself. In this scenario billing

for each installation/contract done separately and invoiced billing

documents jointly. In SAP ISU we can assign joint invoicing key at

contract level, where we have three options as listed below.

1. Must be invoiced jointly.

2. Can be invoiced jointly.

3. Must not be invoiced jointly.

If first option (Must be invoiced jointly) is selected, system will not

allow to invoice unless all the billing documents (of different

contracts) are available for invoicing.

1.1.5 Invoice rounding:

Invoicing amount will be rounded off and the excess or less amount

will be carried forward in subsequent invoice. Rounded amount will

be posted as a separate line item.

While invoicing the total invoice amount will be rounded to nearest

integer (+/-50 paisa). The rounding amount will be carried forward

to the next bill.


1.1.6 Outsorting:

While performing invoicing, the invoice amount  is checked against

certain limits (Maximum and Minimum amount). These limits can be

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 implemented for different outsorting check groups (Contract


An invoicing outsorting check group can be assigned to a contract


Concerned executive / employee can display the outsorted invoicing

document and can check line items. He can release that document

for further processing or he performs full reversal or invoice reversal

for necessary corrections.

1.1.7 Simulation:

Simulation is a tool to preview an invoice before the actual invoice is

issued. This is performed mainly for checking and reference

purpose, e.g. to check invoice presentation etc.

1.1.8 Reverse Invoicing document:

If the analysis of the outsorted invoicing document result some

errors, for example in DPI calculation, the invoicing document has to

be reversed before changes are made. Using this transaction the

user is able to select one invoicing document and reverse it.

Reversal will be done in case of bill is incorrect. These are three

types of reversals happening in SAP IS-U.

1. Full Reversal (Billing Document & Invoice Document).

2. Invoice Reversal (Only Invoice Document).

3. Adjustment reversal (only billing document )

Full reversal:

During full reversal billing documents will also be reversed along

with the invoicing document. This is done when there is any wrong

calculation in the billing document or wrong meter reading. After full

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 reversal concerned executive / employee can change the necessary

data and perform billing as well as invoicing.

Invoice reversal:

During invoice reversal we can reverse the invoicing document

without reversing the billing documents. This is performed in cases

like wrong DPI / improper arrears (outstanding) etc... After invoice

reversal concerned executive / employee can do the necessary

changes and perform invoicing without doing billing.

Adjustment reversal:

Adjustment reversal is a special type of reversal. You can use this

type of reversal in cases that do not call for a full reversal, such as

when a print (Invoice) document contains only one incorrect billing

document. In this case you can reverse the incorrect billing

document and correct the bill.

After adjustment reversal, all the invoicing data that results from

the invoicing of a billing document remains unchanged. Adjustment

reversal enables you to reprint the bill the period of the billing

document that was reversed for adjustment, in order to create a

correction bill.

1.1.9 Bill Printing:

Present practice of bill printing process will be continued. To prepare

input file to printer from SAP a development is proposed, with input

parameters Portion, MRU, Business Partner, Document Date and

Posting Date. This development will generate a flat file in the format

required by TPL. Printing activity will be carried out using the flat

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 file. Generated PDF files while printing will be stored in DMS server

and are attached to respective Business Partner.

While generating the flat file from SAP invoices will be sequenced

automatically for easy distribution. Invoices will be sequenced MRU

wise, MR order sequence wise. The invoices which are to be sent

through post, collective bills (group cluster) will be sequenced and

printed after normal invoices (sent through distributer).

Whenever there is need to view or print the bills, these bills can be

accessed from DMS server through Business Partner.

Based on the current requirement 4 flat file formats will be


1. Used for SEP customers

2. Used for LT customers

3. Used for LTMD customers

4. Used for HT customers

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6.2 Flow Diagram

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StartCreate meter reading/Billingorders

Upload to Data


Enter meter readings in Data


Download Dataloggers toSystem.



Check readings


Make necessaryChanges in meter 








Invoice Document


Display documentCheck BillDocument



Make necessarychanges

With correctionsImplausible

In meter readingsIn meter readingsPlausible


Other than meter readings






Display Invoice

documentCheck InvoiceDocument




Is Full



Make necessarychanges


SD, FICA, Manual Bill,

Manual postings, etc

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6.4 Exception and Variations

Not Applicable6.5 Key Performance Indicators


6.6 Integration Points


PDD MSD.04.05 & MSD.04.08

6.7 Interface

Not Applicable

6.8 Gaps and Solutions:



Gaps Workaround Enhancements

1. Preparation of FlatFile for printer input.


6.9 Configuration:

1. Invoicing document types

2. Number ranges for document types

6.10 Reporting Requirement:

1. Revenue Summary Portion wise, Tariff wise etc. Shown in as-is- MIS

2. AMC LT/Street Light /LTMD/HT and Street light of Gandhi nagarBill details

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 6.11 Change Management

1. For collective billing automatic posting of accounts will happenafter invoicing.

2. SEP bill format will be as LT billing format.

6.12 Authorization:

Transactions T-Code Roles

Manager (IT/FI) Asst Manager (IT/FI)

Executive II/ I (IT / FI)

Systemoperator (IT)

Create individual invoice EASIBI, EA19Y Y Y Y

Display print document EA40Y Y Y Y

Mass Invoicing EA10Y Y Y Y

Collective invoicing EA10_COLLY Y Y Y

Create Bill - ParallelProcess


Individual Simulation EASISI, EA00Y Y Y Y

Mass Simulation EA10Y Y Y

Outsorting EA05Y Y Y

Individual - Full reversal EA13Y Y Y

Reverse bill – Mass EA15Y Y

Full Reversal – Mass EA14Y Y

Reverse Bill - Parallelprocess


Full Reversal – Parallelprocess


Print out Print Document – Mass EA60 Y Y

Print Collective Bill –Mass


Print out print document – Parallel


Print Collective Bill –Parallel process


 Analyze Billing Order/Un invoiced BillingDocuments


 Adjustment reversal EABICOY Y Y Y

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6.13 As-Is Reference•  As-Is.SD.07.02 & SD.07.08 (Control and Reports)

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