Fibonacci tradingstrategy

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  • 8/7/2019 Fibonacci tradingstrategy



    Learn how to trade EUR/USD, USD/CAD, GBP/USD or

    any other major currency pair by mastering a system

    that combines top level mathematics with the

    fundamental principles of human behavior - simplified

    in such a way that even a high school dropout can

    quickly start profiting from it...

    by Quantum Globe Inc.

    A crack team consisting of a top level PhD

    mathematician, a computer wizard and a behavioralpsychologist is put together by a street smart trading

    professional to produce...

    A lethal knee to the groin, thumb to the eye Forex

    Trading Strategy that transforms any average person into

    a ruthless money making predator that makes even the

    most hardened trading sharks spin their heads indisbelief...

    Copyright 2005 All rights reserved

    First Edition 2005. ISBN 0-0997773-04

  • 8/7/2019 Fibonacci tradingstrategy



    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1 Introduction ________________________________ 3

    1.1. Why should you trade forex market?........................................................ 4

    1.2. Which strategy should you use?................................................................ 5

    1.3. The ICWR phenomenon............................................................................ 6

    1.4. Simplified trading example ....................................................................... 8

    Chapter 2 Scientific Research _________________________ 19

    2.1. Market signals based on the ICWR phenomenon ..................................21

    2.2. The proper long-term filter...................................................................... 26

    2.3. Consistency checks.................................................................................. 29

    2.4. Why is our entry strategy so profitable? ................................................. 34

    2.5. Why is our exit strategy so profitable? ................................................... 35

    Chapter 3 The Intraday ICWR Trading Rules ___________ 41

    3.1. Market signals generated by ICWR........................................................42

    3.2. When to enter a trade...............................................................................55

    3.3. When to exit a trade.................................................................................56

    Chapter 4 Intraday EUR/USD Trading Example _________ 58

    Chapter 5 Intraday CAD /USD Trading Example_________ 75

    Chapter 6 The Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules _________ 89

    6.1. When to enter a trade...............................................................................90

    6.2. When to exit a trade.................................................................................90

    Chapter 7 Long-Term EUR/USD Trading Example _______ 91

    Chapter 8 Long-Term GBP/USD Trading Example ______ 113

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  • 8/7/2019 Fibonacci tradingstrategy



    A question that I hear the most from aspiring traders is Which market should I trade? -

    Stocks, Futures, Commodities...? Well, with the right attitude and dedication there ismoney to be made in every market. However, there is one market that is still largely

    neglected by smaller traders even though it offers great profit potential and numerous

    trading opportunities. It is Forex or Foreign Exchange market.

    1.1.Why should you trade forex market?

    Simply said, no other trading instrument comes even closely to forex market when it

    comes to liquidity, 24hr market environment and last but not the least, profit potential.

    Forex (currency) market is the largest (most liquid) financial market in the world, with an

    average daily volume of more than US$ 1.5 trillion, which is more than all of the global

    equity markets combined.

    Forex trading day starts in Wellington, New Zealand followed by Sydney, Australia,

    Hong Kong and Singapore. Three hours later trading day begins in Dubai (UAE) and

    other Middle Eastern countries. In couple of hours they are followed by Frankfurt, Zurich,

    Paris, Rome London is the last one to open in Europe and five hours later it is followed

    by New York, Chicago and finally the West Coast. The busiest hours are early European

    mornings because at that time major Asian exchanges are still open and European

    afternoons because at that time major US markets are open at the same time as Europe.

    Therefore, wherever you live and whatever your work hours are you can always find

    I do agree with the statement that financial markets are efficient. They are very

    efficient in one thing - transferring money from bad and naive traders/investors to

    the pockets of those that know what are they doing. You are now probably asking

    yourself What am I doing in this field? Do I have any chance to succeed? The

    answer is Yes, you do.. The system that we are about to reveal to you is a fail

    proof entry and exit strategy that will put you on equal level with big investment

    firms and with experienced professional traders.

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    some time to participate in forex trading as opposed to stock market where you are

    usually limited to the regular business hours.

    Another property of forex market that makes it an excellent trading instrument is use of

    leverage. Many beginning traders dont fully understand the concept of leverage.

    Basically, if you have a start up capital of $5,000 and if you trade on a 1:50 margin you

    can effectively control a capital of $250,000. However, a two percent move against you

    and your capital is completely wiped out. If you are a beginning trader you should not use

    more than 1:20 margin until you get comfortable and profitable and then and only then

    you can attempt to use higher margins. What does 1:20 margin mean? It means that with

    your $5,000 you will control a capital of $100,000. Lets say you are trading EUR/USD

    and by using our entry strategy you have decided to enter the trade on a long side. That

    means that you are betting that USD will depreciate against Euro. Lets say current

    EUR/USD rate is 1.305. Again, if your trading capital is $5,000 and you are using 1:20

    leverage you will effectively be exchanging $100,000 to Euros. If the current rate is 1.305

    you will receive 100,000/1.305 = 76,628 Euros. If the trade goes in your direction the

    margin will work in your favour and 1% decline in USD will mean 20% increase in your

    start up capital. So if EUR/USD rate moves from 1.305 to 1.318 you will be able to

    exchange your 76,628 Euros back to $101,000 for a profit of $1,000. Since your start up

    capital was $5,000 it is effectively a 20% increase in your account. However, if the trade

    went against you and USD appreciated 1% vs. Euro your account would be reduced to

    $4,000. That would not have happened as our strategy has built in hard stops to prevent

    such outcome.

    And the third and equally important property of forex market is the fact that trends in

    forex market last longer and are more clearly defined than in any other trading instrument.

    1.2.Which strategy should you use?

    Another question that is often asked by aspiring traders is What kind of trading approach

    should I use day trading, swing trading, position trading? How many indicators should I

    use? Should I follow the TV news channels?...

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    If you are facing similar dilemmas let me try to make an analogy. If you were attacked in

    a dark alley and you felt that your life was in real danger what kind of defence technique

    would you attempt to use. Would you attempt to kick your assailant with some fancy

    kung fu move that you saw in a movie? Or would you use some basic but brutally

    effective knee to the groin, thumb to the eye technique that is easy to implement andthat you are 100% certain will have an effect? When you have your hard earned money

    riding on your trades maybe your life is not at stake but your and your familys livelihood

    is. The goal of all the other traders in the market is to take your money. And if you are

    going to play around with some fancy tools and indicators that you dont even understand

    you can be assured that your hard earned money will be paying someones BMW lease


    1.3.The ICWR phenomenon

    Regardless of how strong a long-term market trend is, the market never moves only in the

    direction of the long-term trend there are always minor movements against the long-

    term market trend. These deviations usually dont last very long and after them the market

    moves again in the direction of the long-term trend.

    The major market movements in the direction of the long-term market trend are called

    impulsive waves and the minor market movements against the long-term market trend

    are called corrective waves.

    The picture below (Figure 1.1) shows a snapshot of a EUR/USD candlestick chart.

    Although the market shows both upward and downward market movements it can be

    easily recognized that the long-term market trend is clearly bearish as between 07:00 AM

    If you want to get to the top of the forex market food chain you have come to

    the right place. The strategy that we are about to reveal to you is a completely

    new, efficient and reliable trading strategy that comes as the result of years of

    forex market research using sophisticated mathematical methods and is based on

    a fundamental property of financial markets.

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    and 11:00 AM the price failed around 140 pips (from 1.3500 at 07:00 AM to 1.3360 at

    11:00 AM, that is 1.3500 - 1.3360 = 0.0140 = 140 pips). The waves (1), (3) and (5) are

    the impulsive waves; the waves (2) and (4) are the corrective ones.

    Figure 1.1.

    Our main observation, until now disregarded by all traders in their trading strategies,

    is that when putting into relationship the height of a corrective wave and the height of

    the prior impulsive wave, the corrective wave tends to retrace the prior impulsive

    wave in Fibonacci ratios. Frequent relationships are 25%, 38%, 50%, 61% and 75%. Up

    to now we will refer to this effect as the Impulsive/Corrective Wave Retracement

    (ICWR) phenomenon. For example in the picture below (Figure 1.2) the corrective wave

    (2) retraces the impulsive wave (1) in the Fibonacci ratio of 0.382.

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    Figure 1.2.

    The ICWR phenomenon is a typical self-similarity effect of a complex system. For all

    kind of complex systems in nature as social, chemical or physical systems such self-

    similarity effects can be found. Self-similarity is a fundamental property of self-organized

    complex systems and is a matter of recent intense investigation by physicists and


    1.4.Simplified trading example

    Before going into the details of our strategy we will introduce it to you by showing you a

    simplified, shortened version and in the later chapters you will be shown how to put it to

    use and immediately start taking advantage of it. Our strategy gives the best possible entry

    as well as exit moment. In the example below we will show you only the part that is

    usually neglected by most of the trading strategies currently in use how to find out the

    We have used the phenomenon described above as a starting point to develop a

    completely original and until now unpublished trading strategy that combines

    basic principles of Elliot Wave theory together with well-known properties of

    Fibonacci ratios. The result is amazing, as you will soon find out. We have named

    the strategy Impulsive/Corrective Wave Retracement (ICWR) Trading Rules.

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    best moment to exit the trade. For the purpose of making the example easier to follow

    we will assume that we have already found the best moment to enter the trade.

    Here is an example of a GBP/USD trade exit by using our strategy.

    Note: All of the elements of the strategy are clearly explained in the later chapters. The

    purpose of the example below is to give you a glimpse into the exit part of the strategy.

    Suppose we entered the market short at point A (07:00 AM, 01/04/05) buying 10,000

    USD at the entry price of 1.9075 (see Figure 1.3).

    While going through the trading example below you will realize that the part of

    our strategy related with the exit signal follows the fundamental trading rule cut

    the losses short and let the profits run - in a way that was never accomplished


    And, why is this fundamental trading rule so important?

    Because not letting the profits run will make your trading unprofitable in the long

    run: two losses of 50 pips followed by a win of 80 pips results in a net loss of 20

    pips. In contrast two losses of 50 pips followed by a win of 250 pips, reachable with

    our strategy, results in a net win of 150 pips! Im sure you get the point.

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    Figure 1.3.

    For the first moment (see Figure 1.4) the market moved into our direction and reached the

    point B. At that point the market reached a value of 1.9028. That means 48 pips in our

    direction. So far, so good.

    Figure 1.4.

    However, after the point B (see Figure 1.5) the market starts an upward movement. What

    to do now? Inexperienced trader would close the position as a scared rabbit, happy to take

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    even small profit from the trade. But this would be the wrong decision. Why? Remember,

    we have to let the profits run, if we want to make trading profitable in the long run.

    Figure 1.5.

    So what do we do?

    The essential question is:

    When do we decide that our trade has run out of steam and should be exited?

    This is where our strategy comes into play. By using the Impulsive/Corrective Wave

    Retracement Trading Rules we will find the best possible time to exit the trade and

    extract maximum profit from each trade.

    In order to apply our trading strategy the following trading setup has to be done.

    First of all the highest and the lowest value of the downward movement are determined.

    For this purpose we draw a line connecting both extreme values. In our case the extreme

    values of the downward movement are point A (around 07:00) and point B (around

    08:00). We will connect them with the thick blue line (see Figure 1.6).

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    Figure 1.6.

    Further on we draw the Fibonacci levels using the lowest value of the downward

    movement (point B) as the starting point (level 0.000) and the highest value of the

    downward movement (point A) as the ending point (level 1.000). As we are only

    interested in the 0.000, 0.250, 0.382, 0.618, 0.750 and 1.000 levels, only these levels will

    be drawn (see Figure 1.7).

    We are going to exit the position only in the case that the price goes beyond the 0.750

    level, i.e. if it happens that a whole candlestick is above the 0.750 Fibonacci level.

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    Figure 1.7.

    The upward movement retraced at the 0.618 Fibonacci level approximately at the point C

    at 08:50 AM. As the price didnt move beyond the 0.750 Fibonacci level we remain in the

    trade. Ok, lets look what happens next. After point C the market moves again downwards

    in our direction until it reaches a low point around 11:10 at the point D. After that the

    price starts to rise again (see Figure 1.8). Nevertheless letting the profit run did pay off, as

    the distance to our entry point is already around 100 pips (at point B the distance was only

    around 50 pips).

    Figure 1.8.

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    Again it is the Impulsive/Corrective Wave Retracement Trading Rules, which are

    helping us decide whether to remain in the trade or not. Again the trading setup is done: a

    line is drawn connecting the extreme values (C-D) of the downward movement and based

    on this line the Fibonacci levels are drawn (see Figure 1.9). And again: we are only going

    to exit the position if the price goes beyond the 0.750 Fibonacci level.

    Figure 1.9.

    The upward movement retraced at the 0.618 Fibonacci level approximately at point E at

    12:25 AM. As the price didnt move beyond the 0.750 Fibonacci level we remain in the

    market. Lets look what happens next. After point E the market moves again downwards

    in our direction until it reaches a low point around 14:25 at the point F. After that, again

    the price starts to rise (see Figure 1.10). The distance to our entry point is now around 120


    Again we set our trading setup: a line is drawn connecting the extreme values (E-F) of the

    downward movement and based on this line the Fibonacci levels are drawn. Remember,

    we are only going to exit the position if the price goes beyond the 0.750 Fibonacci level.

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    Figure 1.10.

    The upward movement retraced at the 0.750 Fibonacci level approximately at point G at

    14:40. As the price didnt move beyond the 0.750 Fibonacci level we remain in the

    market. Lets look what happens next. After point G the market moves again downwards

    in our direction until it reaches a minimum around 17:30 at the point H. After that, again

    the price starts to rise (see Figure 1.11). The distance to our entry point is now around 200


    Again we set our trading setup: a line is drawn connecting the extreme values (G-H) of

    the downward movement and based on this line the Fibonacci levels are drawn.

    Remember, we are only going to exit the position if the price goes beyond the 0.750

    Fibonacci level.

    Figure 1.11.

    The upward movement retraced at the 0.250 Fibonacci level approximately at point I at

    20:25. As the price didnt move beyond the 0.750 Fibonacci level we stayed in the

    market. Ok, lets look what happens next. After point I the market moves again

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    downwards in our direction till it reaches a minimum around 20:40 at the point J. After

    that, again the price starts to rise (see Figure 1.12). The distance to our entry point is now

    around 270 pips.

    Again we set our trading setup: a line is drawn connecting the extreme values (I-J) of the

    downward movement and based on this line the Fibonacci levels are drawn. Exit signal

    occurs if the price breaks the 0.750 level.

    Figure 1.12.

    After 21:00 the market trend starts to turn bullish. As of 01:15 the price has gone beyond

    the 0.750 level (the whole candlestick is above the 0.750 level at point K) we exit thetrade selling 10,000 USD at the price of 1.8838 (see Figure 1.13).

    Figure 1.13.

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    For this trade a profit of 1.9075 - 1.8838 = 0.0237= 237 pips was realized. Using a

    leverage of 1:20 it means a profit of 10,000 x 0.0237 x 20 = 4,740 USD.

    That means a profit of 4,740 USD after one trading day!

    Figure 1.14.

    As you can see from the Figure 1.14 above our exit strategy was able to determine thebest possible time to exit the trade and extract maximum profit from it.

    In order to show you how efficient our strategy actually is, we will compare the result we

    achieved with the result we would have achieved if we had used a trailing stop instead.

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    Figure 1.15.

    As you can observe from the Figure 1.15 above after entering the position the market was

    clearly going in our direction (at the point D a profit spread of almost 150 pips was

    already reached). However, the trailing stop doesnt give the trade enough space to run.

    If we would have used a trailing stop to exit the trade we would have achieved a

    profit of only 90 pips and our trade would have finished too early. Instead, using

    our strategy a profit of 237 pips almost three times more is achieved!

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    Chapter 2Scientific Research

    Note: We have included this chapter in our manual in order to give our reader a glimpse

    into the making of a profitable trading system. Some of the technical language that isincluded may be new to some of our readers. However the understanding of this chapter

    is not necessary for the successful implementation of our strategy (which is fully

    explained in the latter chapters).

    In our quest to find the most profitable and at the same time for a small trader feasible

    trading system we have tested and analysed many different trading strategies. The

    strategies that we have tested were ranging from simple combinations of TA indicators to

    more complex trading systems that were utilizing support/resistance levels, pivot points,

    chart patterns etc However in order to reduce the number of systems that were later

    scrutinized more closely, we have developed our own system selection criteria. Basically

    the system that we were after had to have following properties: Simplicity, Efficiency and



    As we all know forex trading strategies are becoming more and more complex and

    sophisticated. What does it mean for our average independent trader? It means that our

    simplicity factor when developing a trading strategy gains in importance. What usage

    could an average person make from a strategy that requires or presumes a profound

    knowledge in mathematics at a PhD level and a computing power beyond that of the

    newest personal home computer? A type of highly complex strategies commonly used by

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    investment companies are neural networks1. A neural network is, in short, a model of

    interconnected neurons (also known as nodes) that is inspired by the logical neurons in

    human nerve system. Like the human brain a neural network can acquire, store and utilize

    experiential knowledge in order to improve its performance day by day. Regrettably, to

    consistently use a strategy based on neural networks one requires the complex knowledgeof how to feed a neural network with history data as well as excessively high computing

    power not affordable to our average forex trader. Therefore we have set ourselves with a

    goal of finding a trading strategy that is comparable in its profit potential to the most

    complex professional trading system and at the same time is feasible and understandable

    to our average trader.


    Efficiency of a trading strategy is basically a measure of profit that is realized using the

    strategy during specified period of time. When comparing different trading strategies,

    those strategies that show more profit during specified period of time are said to be more



    Once we have found a system that is efficient and simple to use our next most important

    selection criteria becomes consistency. What does it mean for a strategy to be consistent?

    It means that when the financial market behaviour changes slightly or even drastically, as

    often happens in times of political and financial crisis, the strategy is still able to make


    It means that a strategy with high efficiency and high consistency is a much better and

    safer strategy than a strategy with high efficiency but lower consistency. It is theconsistency of a strategy that permits traders to plan for capital draw downs and potential

    profit build up.

    A consistent strategy shows the following properties:

    1 V.V.Kondratenko and Yu. A Kuperin, Using Recurrent Neural Networks To Forecasting of Forex,

    Condensed Matter, (2003)

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    The strategy is profitable even in turbulent times, as for example directly afterSeptember 11.

    The strategy retains positive efficiency if the financial market behaviour changesslightly. This can be simulated changing slightly the parameters of the strategy. For

    example if a strategy has worked well in the past with a hard stop order of 50 pips it

    should also perform well if the stop order is changed to for example 55 pips, or 45


    The probability of losing all the trading capital during specified period of time needsto be extremely small, that is almost non existent. I dont think that the importance of

    this property needs to be explained any further.

    We came to the result that our new developed strategy based on the ICWR phenomenon

    was the most powerful trading strategy, as it was the most efficient and most consistent

    strategy from all the tested strategies and at the same time feasible and understandable for

    our average trader. We had to put a lot of effort and time into forex market research to

    come to this conclusion. In the following we want to give you only a short look into our

    long way to our strategy.

    First of all we will show you some of the milestones of the strategy development. That is

    how to define reliable and consistent market signals based on the ICWR phenomenon (see

    chapter 2.1.) and how to find the proper long-term filter for enhancing the performance of

    our strategy (see chapter 2.2.).

    Finally we will give you some remarks regarding the high consistency (see chapter 2.3.)

    and high efficiency (see chapters 2.4. and 2.5.) of our strategy.

    2.1.Market signals based on the ICWR phenomenon

    Well, as told in the introduction (see chapter 1.3.), our strategy bases on the observation

    that when putting into relationship the height of a corrective wave to the height of the

    prior impulsive wave, the corrective wave tends to retrace the prior impulsive wave in

    Fibonacci ratios. Frequent relationships are 25%, 38%, 50%, 68% and 75%.

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    Our task was to define consistent and efficient rules for generating bearish and bullish

    signals based on the ICWR effect.

    The open points were the following:

    1.To find out the proper Fibonacci levels to be used.2.To find out the proper triggers for identifying an impulsive or a corrective retracement.As you can imagine there exist really a lot of possibilities of defining rules for generating

    signals based on the ICWR phenomenon. The problem of making the rules too simple is

    that they dont cover all of the possibilities that may arise when markets behave


    Such an unusual behaviour is for example a candlestick being greater 3 times or more

    than its immediate neighbours. That means that there is a huge difference between the

    highest and the lowest value of that period. Such a candlestick represents a highly volatile

    time period. For example in the Figure 2.1. below, such a volatile time period at 08:00 on

    the 02/07/05 is recognized with the candlestick having a height around 60 pips, while

    around it, the other candlesticks have a height of 10-15 pips.

    Ok, suppose that the rule for recognizing a bullish signal in the case of an upward

    movement is the recognition of the price bouncing off any Fibonacci level (0.750, 0.618,

    0.500, 0.318 or 0.250). After the upward movement starting at 06:10 and ending at 07:35

    we could (following the former simple rule) make around 08:00 following market

    reading: around 08:00 we see the price clearly above the Fibonacci levels after having

    bounced off at the 0.382 Fibonacci level (around 07:50) and in consequence this would

    represent a bullish signal (see Figure 2.1).

    But such a bullish signal makes no sense, as such an isolated and highly volatile

    candlestick has nothing to do with the impact of the ICWR phenomenon into the market.

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    Figure 2.1.

    Another factor that we had to take into account is a sideways market, which can very

    easily generate false signals. For example in the Figure 2.2. below, after 17:00 the market

    doesnt show any clear trend.

    Ok, suppose the used rule for recognizing a bearish signal in the case of an downward

    movement is again the recognition of the price bouncing off any Fibonacci level (0.750,

    0.618, 0.500, 0.318 or 0.250). After the downward movement starting at 11:00 and ending

    at 16:00 we could (following the supposed simple rule) make around 18:00 the following

    market reading: the price is below the 0.250 Fibonacci level after having bounced off it

    around 17:00 and in consequence this would represent a bearish signal.

    However it would make no sense, as such a sideways market has again nothing to do

    with the impact of the ICWR phenomenon into the market..

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    Figure 2.2.

    For the sake of completeness let us just remark that in the shown examples (Figures 2.1

    and 2.2) we get the right market signals when using our ICWR Trading Rules.

    Because of that, the main effort had to be put into finding efficient and at the same

    time reliable rules (that is immune to the other effects of the market) for

    generating market signals based on the ICWR phenomenon. You will find these

    rules to be defined in detail in the chapter 3. Intraday ICWR Trading Rules.

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    Figure 2.3.

    In the example with the high volatile candlestick at 08:00 in Figure 2.3 no signal is

    generated when using our ICWR Trading Rules for two reasons. First, because the whole

    candlestick is not above the upper confirmation level (0.750). And second, no retracement

    channel is entered; even if the whole candlestick at 08:00 was above the 0.750 level no

    bullish signal would have been generated. Not only a false bullish signal is avoided, but

    also later the ICWR Trading Rules generate a correct bearish signal corresponding to the

    real market trend.

    Figure 2.4.

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    In the example of a sideways market in Figure 2.4 no signal is generated, as no whole

    candlestick is below the lower confirmation level (0.250).

    2.2.The proper long-term filter

    When developing a trading strategy, it makes sense to search for a proper long-term

    indicator in order to filter out the entry signals from the short-term scale. The reason is

    that such long-term filters make the strategy considerably more powerful (meaning more

    efficient and more consistent). In our case the short-term time period for intraday trading

    is five minutes candlestick and for long-term trading time period is four hours candlestick.

    2.2.1.Enhancing the Intraday StrategyIn order to enhance the intraday strategy based on the ICWR phenomenon the following

    TA indicators and rules were tested:

    MA(x): The 20-period simple moving average from the x-period candlestick chart is used.

    The long-term signal is bullish if the actual value of the moving average is above the

    actual price. The long-term signal is bearish if the actual value of the moving average is

    below the actual price. X represents 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and 1 day. For example

    MA(1h) stays for the 20-period simple moving average from a one hour candlestick chart.

    RSI(x; 50/50): The x-period Relative Strength Index (RSI) is used (calculated using the

    last 14 values). The long-term signal is bullish if the actual value of the RSI is above 50.

    The long-term signal is bearish if the actual value of the RSI is below 50. X represents 30

    Why do long-term filters make a strategy more efficient? The reason is quite

    simple. Suppose we are doing intraday trading. As we want to let our profits run,

    we are going to stay in the market typically for a couple of hours and sometimes

    even for a couple of days. Basically long-term filters are filtering out those entry

    signals that are not in the concordance with the long-term market behaviour.

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    minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and 1 day. For example RSI(4h; 50/50) represents the 14-period

    Relative Strength Index from a four hours candlestick chart.

    RSI(x; 60/40): The x-period Relative Strength Index (RSI) is used (calculated using the

    last 14 values). The long-term signal is bullish if the actual value of the RSI is above 60.

    The long-term signal is bearish if the actual value of the RSI is below 40. X represents 30

    minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and 1 day.

    CCI(x; 0/0): The x-period Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is used (calculated using the

    last 20 values). The long-term signal is bullish if the actual value of the CCI is above 0.

    The long-term signal is bearish if the actual value of the CCI is below 0. X represents 30

    minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and 1 day.

    CCI(x; 50/-50): The x-period Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is used (calculated using

    the last 20 values). The long-term signal is bullish if the actual value of the CCI is above

    50. The long-term signal is bearish if the actual value of the CCI is below -50. X

    represents 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours and 1 day.

    In the Figure 2.5 shown below you can see the result 2 of using the different long-term

    filters. The red thick line represents the result of the trading without a long-term filter

    (around 2700 pips of net profit).

    2 The net result shown in the pictures is the average net profit, when trading five months in parallel thecurrencies EUR/USD, GBP/USD and CAD/USD using the ICWR Trading Rules. The average is calculatedbased on two years historical back-testing.

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    Analysis of different TA indicators for filtering 5 min ICWR signals



























































    Used Long-Term Filter


    Figure 2.5.

    As you can observe from the red line shown on the Figure 2.5 above our strategy is

    already highly profitable even without long-term filter, however when combined with

    some of the long term filters it becomes even more profitable. For example, when usingthe RSI(1 day; 50/50) long-term filter a profit of around 3900 pips is achieved which is

    56% more profit than without this filter!

    The proper long-term filter was found to be the RSI(1 d; 50/50) as it was the one with the

    highest efficiency.

    2.2.2.Enhancing the Long-Term StrategyIn order to enhance the long-term strategy based on ICWR phenomenon the long-term

    filters MA(1d), RSI(1d; 50/50), RSI(1d; 60/40), CCI(1d; 0/0) and CCI(1d; 50/-50) were


    In the Figure 2.6 shown below you can see the results of using the different long-term


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    Analysis of different TA indicators for filtering 4h ICWR signals








    M A (1 d) RSI (1 d; 50/50) RSI (1 d; 60/40) CCI (1 d; 0/0) CCI (1 d; 50/-50)

    Used Long-Term Filter


    Figure 2.6.

    The red thick line represents the result of our strategy without a long-term filter (around

    2450 pips of net profit). Again, as in the intraday trading the ICWR strategy is already

    highly profitable however when combined with long term filters it becomes even more

    profitable. For example when using the RSI(1 day; 50/50) long-term filter a profit of

    around 2625 pips is achieved (before only around 2450).

    For our trading rules the RSI(1 day; 50/50) was chosen as the long-term filter, as it was

    the one with the highest efficiency.

    2.3.Consistency checks

    Earlier in this chapter we have mentioned how important it is for a strategy to be

    consistent. In the long run it is the consistency of a strategy more than its efficiency that

    will make you successful in the trading business.

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    The parameters of our strategy are:

    The minimum height of a movement to be considered as an active wave (used is 40pips for intraday, 150 pips for long-term trading)

    The distance between the entry price and the hard stop order (used is 40 pips forintraday, 100 pips for long-term trading)

    The minimum RSI value for the market considered bullish (used is 50 both forintraday and long-term trading)

    The maximum RSI value for the market considered bearish (used is 50 both forintraday and long-term trading)

    These parameters are part of our trading rules, which are defined latter in detail in the

    chapter 3. Intraday ICWR Trading Rules.

    As you can see from the Figures shown below (Figures 2.7 till 2.12), our strategy

    performs equally well when parameters are slightly changed. Both for the Intraday ICWR

    and the Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules.

    The strategy presented in this book is highly consistent. Showing you all the

    analysis done in order for us being able to make this statement would go clearly

    beyond the scope of this chapter, as we would be forced to bore you with pages

    and pages full of complicated statistical stuff. As this is not relevant for your

    trading we decided to show you only an extract from our analysis. That is the

    graphs showing that our strategy is immune to small changes in the given

    parameters which simulates a slight change in the forex market behaviour.

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    Consistency Analysis of the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules

    Minimum Height of Active Wave











    30 35 40 45 50

    Minimum Height of Active Wave [pips]


    Figure 2.7.: Net result [pips] in dependence of the minimum height of the active wave for

    the intraday ICWR trading rules

    Consistency Analysis of the Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules / Minimum

    Height of Active Wave








    100 125 150 175 200

    Minimum Height of Active Wave [pips]


    Figure 2.8.: Net result [pips] in dependence of the minimum height of the active wave for

    the long-term ICWR trading rules

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    Consistency Analysis of the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules

    Distance of Hard Stop Order from Entry Price











    40 45 50 55 60

    Distance of Hard Stop Order from Entry Price [pips]


    Figure 2.9.: Net result [pips] in dependence of the distance of the stop order from the

    entry price for the intraday ICWR trading rules

    Consistency Analysis of the Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules / Distance of

    Hard Stop Order from Entry Price








    50 75 100 125 150

    Distance of Hard Stop Order from Entry Price [pips]


    Figure 2.10.: Net result [pips] in dependence of the distance of the stop order from the

    entry price for the long-term ICWR trading rules

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    Consistency Analysis of the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules

    Mimimum RSI for Bullish / Maximum RSI for Bearish











    60/40 50/50 40/60

    Mimimum RSI Value for Bullish Signal / Maximum RSI Value for Bearish Signal


    Figure 2.11.: Net result [pips] in dependence of the minimum/maximum RSI value for the

    market considered bullish/bearish for the intraday ICWR trading rules

    Consistency Analysis of the Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules / Mimimum RSI

    for Bullish / Maximum RSI for Bearish








    60/40 50/50 40/60

    Mimimum RSI Value for Bullish Signal / Maximum RSI Value for Bearish Signal



    Figure 2.12.: Net result [pips] in dependence of the minimum/maximum RSI value for the

    market considered bullish/bearish for the long-term ICWR trading rules

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    2.4.Why is our entry strategy so profitable?

    If you look at the entry signals that our strategy produces in Figure 2.13 you can see that

    our entry signals are able to predict the main direction that the market will take. This

    enables us to catch up a long-term intra-day wave after entering the market and therefore

    pick up a considerable number of pips.

    Figure 2.13.

    Instead, if you look at the entry signals that would for example have been generated by a

    commonly used entry strategy, that is the crossing of the 20-period moving average with

    the 5-period moving average, one recognizes that a lot of the entry signals generated by

    MA crossings are of really poor quality, as they are not able to predict what will be the

    main market trend (see Figure 2.14).

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    Figure 2.14.

    2.5.Why is our exit strategy so profitable?

    Most traders make a mistake by thinking that entering the trade is more important than

    exiting the trade, and if they have found an entry strategy with positive expectations, the

    job is done. Nothing could be further away from the truth. Exit strategy is equally if not

    more important than entry. In majority of strategies that are used by average traders a

    trailing stop is used. A trailing stop is definitely better than a hard stop, however our

    strategy goes way beyond regular trailing stops when determining the place of exit.

    Before we go on, for the ones not knowing the meaning of a trailing stop, we will show

    you what a trailing stop is and how it works.

    A trailing stop order with a moving rate of 30 pips works as follows: suppose you are

    entering long a position at the closing price of 1.2456 at 10:10 AM (see Table 2.1). Using

    the above defined exit strategy you will then put your stop order at 1.2426 (30 pips below

    1.2456). If the next closing price is at least 30 pips greater than the last stop order, the

    new stop order will be the new closing price minus 30 pips. For example at 10:15 AM the

    closing price of 1.2490 is 64 pips greater than the last trailing stop. Because of that the

    new trailing stop is set to be 1.2460 = 1.2490 0.0030. Also at 10:25 AM the closing

    price of 1.2495 is 35 pips greater than the last trailing stop. The new trailing stop is set to

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    at 16:00 on the 10/15/04 at the price of 1.2461 (see Figure 2.15) and also that we will be

    using a 150 pips trailing stop, which is an appropriate moving rate for long-term trading.

    Figure 2.15.

    At 04:00 on the 10/26/04 the closing price reached the price of 1.2802 (see Figure 2.16).

    That means according to the rules of a trailing stop, the new stop order is placed 150 pips

    below. That means at 1.2652 = 1.2802 - 0.0150.

    Figure 2.16.

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    Figure 2.18.

    The basic error of the strategy with the trailing stop was, that although the market was

    clearly going in the direction of the trade (on the 10/26/04 a profit spread of almost 400

    pips was already reached) the trailing stop didnt give the trade enough space to run. In

    particular if a profit spread of 400 pips was already reached it makes sense to risk, lets

    say 200 pips to give the trade a bigger chance to double or even triple the profit (at the

    end 723 pips were reached!).

    Basically the greater the profit spread is the more pips we can risk, in order to

    gain even more. Again, one should not forget, that not every position will make

    profit and in order not only to come even with the losses but also to make

    considerable profit, one needs to milk every possible cent out of every profitable

    trade. This is where our strategy comes into play.

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    We hope you could get some impression of the research done behind our trading

    strategy. We understand that this chapter was complicated and maybe sometimes

    a little bit boring; however we had made it as short and concise as possible. If wehad included all of the tests and calculations that were needed to produce the

    ICWR strategy we would had needed at least several hundred pages In the next

    chapter you will be shown every aspect of ICWR strategy that you need to know

    in order to be able to implement it successfully. Thank you for your patience.

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    Chapter 3

    The Intraday ICWR

    Trading Rules

    For the purpose of explaining our trading strategy we will be using Esignal charting

    software. Which software and which trading platform you will be using is entirely up to

    you, however our setup will give you a general idea of what capabilities should your

    software have. Our examples will deal with EUR/USD, USD/CAD and GBP/USD.

    Basically if you live in Canada we would encourage you to trade USD/CAD, if you live

    in Australia you should trade USD/AUD, if you live in East Asia you should trade

    USD/JPY, if you live in UK you should trade either USD/GBP or EUR/GBP, if you live

    in European Union you are best off trading EUR/USD and finally if you live in the United

    States you should trade USD against the currency that you are most familiar with. (EUR,JPY, GBP, CAD, SFR). Trading the currency that you are familiar with has lots of

    advantages vs. trading currencies that you have never used. For example, a person who

    lives in Canada remembers approximate range of CAD vs. USD during past ten years or

    more and has much better understanding of those currencies than average person from

    Japan. Principles and rules that are explained in this strategy can be used to trade any of

    the above currencies.

    The Intraday ICWR Trading Rules are composed of:

    entry signals generated by impulsive/corrective wave retracement breakouts using afive minutes candlestick chart

    entry confirmation filters generated by a 1-day based 14-period Relative StrengthIndex (RSI) momentum indicator in order to confirm the bullish or bearish entry

    signal from the five minutes candlestick chart

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    exit signals generated by impulsive/corrective wave retracement breakouts using afive minutes candlestick chart or by a hard stop order of 50 pips using a five minutes

    candlestick chart

    As you can see our strategy places equal importance on entry and exit signals and this is

    where it greatly differs from most of the strategies out there. First of all we will show you

    how to recognize the market signals generated by impulsive/corrective wave retracements

    (see chapter 3.1). Then we will show you when to enter a trade using the market signals

    generated by impulsive/corrective wave retracements filtered with the 1-day based 14-

    period RSI momentum indicator (see chapter 3.2). Finally we will show you when to exit

    a trade due to either an exit signal generated by an impulsive/corrective wave retracement

    or by a hard stop order of 50 pips (see chapter 3.3).

    3.1.Market signals generated by ICWR

    Before starting to apply the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules, the first thing to do is to

    recognize from the candlestick chart the actual candidate for being an impulsive or a

    corrective wave. This candidate we will call from now on the active wave. How to

    recognize the active wave from the candlestick chart is shown in chapter 3.1.1.

    After having recognized the active wave we apply the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules.

    Based on these rules our strategy generates bullish or bearish signals that can be used for

    entering as well as exiting the trade either on a long or a short side. How to apply the

    Intraday ICWR Trading Rules once an active wave is recognized is shown in chapter


    3.1.1.Recognition of the active waveThe active wave is the nearest market movement to the actual time of our trading with a

    height greater than 40 pips. In order to find the active wave from the candlestick chart

    the following steps are to be done:

    First identify all possible upward and downward waves that seem to be close to or greater

    than 40 pips on the candlestick chart as shown in Figure 3.1.

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    Figure 3.3.

    Afterwards read the extreme values of each wave and calculate its height.

    Wave 1:

    High = 1.3493; Low = 1.3439;

    Height = High Low = 1.3493 1.3439= 0.0054 = 54 pips

    Wave 2:

    High = 1.3495; Low = 1.3448;

    Height = High Low = 1. 3495 1. 3448= 0.0047 = 47 pips

    Wave 3:

    High = 1.3499; Low = 1.3450;

    Height = High Low = 1. 3499 1. 3450= 0.0049 = 49 pips

    Finally identify the nearest movement to the actual time position with a height equal or

    greater than 40 pips. In this example it is the wave 1. This is now the active wave (see

    Figure 3.4).

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    Figure 3.4.

    If none of the waves has a height greater than 40 pips you have to go further in the past

    until the active wave is found.

    As the time goes on a new movement with a height greater than 40 pips will occur. In that

    case the previous active wave gets inactive, and we get the new active wave (see Figure


    Figure 3.5.

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    3.1.2.Applying the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules to an active waveEvery time a new active wave is recognized the Fibonacci levels are to be drawn (see

    Figure 3.6). We will draw only the 0.000, 0.250, 0.382, 0.618, 0.750 and 1.000 levels.

    The level 0.000 is defined by the lower extreme value, the level 1.000 by the higherextreme value. The Fibonacci levels start at the ending points of the wave. Most of the

    software packages will do this automatically for you, however if your software doesnt

    have such a feature you can do it manually. In the example below you would subtract the

    low value from the high value (1.3317 1.3257) and you would get a height of 0.006 or

    60 pips. You would then use the following formulas to get the Fibonacci levels.

    0.25 Level = Low Value + 0.25 * Height

    0.25 Level = 1.3257 + 0.25 * 0.0060 = 1.3272

    0.382 Level = Low Value + 0.382 * Height

    0.618 Level = Low Value + 0.618 * Height

    0.75 Level = Low Value + 0.75 * Height

    Figure 3.6.

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    The level 0.382 defines the lower retracement level, the level 0.618 the upper

    retracement level. The retracement channel is the channel between the upper and the

    lower retracement levels:

    Figure 3.7.

    The level 0.250 defines the lower confirmation level, the level 0.750 defines the upper

    confirmation level:

    Figure 3.8.

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    The levels 0.000 and 1.000 have no trading relevance. They are only drawn for

    confirming that the Fibonacci levels are drawn properly.

    The Intraday ICWR Trading settings are done, now we need to see what the market is

    telling us. First we will concentrate only on the retracement channel. We wait until the

    retracement channel is triggered. Only then we can use the confirmation levels.

    The retracement channel is triggered when the closing price of a candlestick is inside

    of the retracement channel.

    Figure 3.9.

    Once the retracement channel is entered we will forget about it and concentrate only on

    the confirmation levels. The following four cases are now possible:

    Case 1. Downward impulsive wave

    If the active wave goes downwards and the whole candlestick goes below the lower

    confirmation level (0.250) we identify that wave as an impulsive wave. According to the

    chapter 1 the impulsive waves go in the direction of the market trend. As the trend of the

    wave is bearish (as it goes downwards) it is giving us the information that the actual

    market trend is also bearish. This is a bearish signal. Such a bearish signal is shown in the

    Figure 3.10. below.

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    case the trend of the wave is bullish (as it goes upwards) it is giving us the information

    that the actual market trend is also bullish. This is a bullish signal.

    Figure 3.12.

    Case 3 Downwards corrective wave

    If the active wave goes downwards and the whole candlestick goes above the upper

    confirmation level (0.750) the active wave is a corrective wave. According to the chapter

    1 the corrective waves go against the direction of the market trend. As in this case the

    trend of the wave is bearish (as it goes downwards) it is giving us the information that the

    actual market trend is opposite to the trend of the active wave and therefore bullish. This

    is a bullish signal. Such a bullish signal is shown in the Figure 3.13. below.

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    Figure 3.13.

    Case 4 Upwards corrective wave

    If the active wave goes upwards and the whole candlestick goes below the lower

    confirmation level (0.250) the active wave is a corrective wave. According to the chapter

    1 the corrective waves go against the direction of the market trend. As in this case the

    trend of the wave is bullish (as it goes upwards) it is giving us the information that theactual market trend is opposite to the trend of the active wave and therefore bearish. This

    is a bearish signal.

    Figure 3.14.

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    Ok, we know this stuff is a little bit complicated. But dont be discouraged! Things,

    will become more clear for you now. We will now explain to you again in the most

    simplest manner the rules for recognizing bearish or bullish signals. That means, what

    in the end you have really to understand for trading.

    In our strategy there are two different bullish signal scenarios and two bearish signal


    A bullish signal occurs if the active wave is recognized as a downward corrective

    wave (see Figure 3.15. below). That means the active wave was downward and the

    whole candlestick was found above the upper confirmation level (0.750).

    A bullish signal also occurs if the active wave is recognized as an upward impulsive

    wave (see Figure 3.15. below). That means the active wave was upward and the whole

    candlestick was found above the upper confirmation level (0.750).

    A bearish signal occurs if the active wave is recognized as a downward impulsive

    wave (see Figure 3.15. below). That means the active wave was downward and the

    whole candlestick was found below the lower confirmation level (0.250).

    A bearish signal also occurs if the active wave is recognized as an upward corrective

    wave (see Figure 3.15. below). That means the active wave was upward and the whole

    candlestick was found below the lower confirmation level (0.250).

    Please note that each time we need to make sure that the retracement channel has been

    entered. This is quite obvious for the corrective waves but not for the impulsive waves.

    So please pay attention to it.

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    Figure 3.15.

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    3.2.When to enter a trade

    In short, we are going to enter a trade, when a signal generated by an impulsive/corrective

    wave retracement (as shown in chapter 3.1) is confirmed by the 1-day 14-period Relative

    Strength Index.

    In the Figure 3.18. below we can see the two screen set up. On the left side there is a 5

    minutes candlestick chart. On the right side there is 1-day candlestick chart with the RSI

    signal below. At 11:30 on the 11/23/04 the candlestick is above the upper confirmation

    level (Fibonacci level 0.750). Since the active wave had a downward movement and the

    candlestick is above the upper confirmation level we identify the active wave as a

    downward corrective wave. As explained before this is an ICWR bullish signal. This

    bullish signal must be confirmed with the Relative Strength Index (RSI). As the RSI (blue

    line in Figure 3.18) is above the 50 centerline (black line) we enter long the market.

    Figure 3.18.

    If the signal generated by an impulsive/corrective wave retracement is bullish we

    ask for the RSI to be greater than 50.

    If the signal generated by an impulsive/corrective wave retracement is bearish we

    ask for the RSI to be lower than 50.

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    3.3.When to exit a trade

    Ourmain exit strategy is to look for an opposite market signal (opposite to our entry

    signal) based on impulsive/corrective wave retracements (in the same manner as for the

    entry warning signal). Additionally (only for the sake of security) after entering a

    position we place a stop order of 50 pips, because we do not want to lose more than 50

    pips in one trade.

    In the Figure 3.19. below the market was entered short as both the signals generated by

    an impulsive/corrective wave retracement (ICWR) and the RSI were bearish. The position

    was entered at 08:20 on the 09/29/04 at the price of 1.8091. Immediately after entering the

    position a hard stop order of 50 pips above the entry price (in this case at 1.8091 + 0.0050

    = 1.8141) is placed. In this trade the stop order is not triggered. The position is exited

    because a bullish signal is generated by an impulsive/corrective wave retracement

    (ICWR) at 13:45 on the 09/30/04.

    If the market was entered long a position will be exited either because a bearish

    signal is generated by an impulsive/corrective wave retracement (as shown in

    chapter 3.1) or because of the hard stop order of 50 pips below the entry price.

    If the market was entered short a position will be exited either because a bullish

    signal is generated by an impulsive/corrective wave retracement (as shown in

    chapter 3.1) or because of the hard stop order of 50 pips above the entry price.

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    Figure 3.19.

    In this chapter you were introduced to our Intraday ICWR Trading Rules. Now

    its time to go step by step through real trading examples using our strategy so

    that you can see our Intraday ICWR Trading Rules in action.

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    Chapter 4

    Intraday EUR/USD

    Trading Example

    In this example we are going to trade EUR/USD.

    Ok, before we start our trading day we need to set up our screens (see Figure 4.1). On the

    left screen we are going to place a five minutes candlestick chart and on the right screen a

    one day candlestick chart together with the 14-period RSI (thick blue line). The charting

    software usually pictures the RSI automatically together with the 30 and 70 lines (below

    30 represents oversold, above 70 overbought). In our case we are not looking for oversold

    or overbought signals. We are looking for the market being bullish or bearish. This is

    represented by RSI being above 50 (bullish) or below 50 (bearish). So we only need to

    draw the 50 centerline (black line).

    Figure 4.1.

    Now we are ready to start. Suppose you started your trading day on the 11/23/04 at 08:00.

    At that time the price was 1.2995. As you can see from the right screen the RSI is above

    50 and therefore bullish. So we are looking for a bullish signal for entering long the


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    Figure 4.2.

    Next thing to do is to recognize the active wave. For that, we are going to look for the

    nearest market movement to our starting position with a height greater than 40 pips.

    Ok, in order to find the active wave the following steps are to be done:

    First all possible waves (black lines) are drawn connecting the high value of the starting

    point with the low value of the ending point and then the waves are enumerated starting

    with the nearest wave to the actual time (see Figure 4.3).

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    The wave 4 is now our current active wave (see blue line in Figure 4.4).

    Figure 4.4.

    The task is now to apply the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules.

    That means, first the Fibonacci levels 0.000, 0.250, 0.382, 0.682, 0.750 and 1.000 are

    inserted using the low as the starting point (level 0.000) and the high as the ending point

    (level 1.000). The levels between 0.382 and 0.618 define the retracement channel. The

    levels 0.250 and 0.750 define the confirmation levels. See Figure 4.5.

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    Figure 4.5.

    Ok, the Fibonacci levels are placed, now its about to see what the market is telling us

    At 11:30 on the 11/23/04 the candlestick is above the upper confirmation level (Fibonacci

    level 0.750). Since the active wave had a downward movement and the candlestick is

    above the upper confirmation level we identify the active wave as a downward corrective

    wave. As explained in the chapter 3. Intraday ICWR Trading Rules this is a bullish

    signal. See Figure 4.6.

    Figure 4.6.

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    This bullish signal must be confirmed with the Relative Strength Index (RSI). If the RSI

    is greater than 50, its bullish and we enter the market. If RSI is less than 50, its bearish,

    so its opposite and we do not enter the market. The RSI (blue line in Figure 4.7) is above

    the 50 centerline (black line) and therefore bullish.

    Figure 4.7.

    As both signals are bullish we enter the trade at 11:30 on the 11/23/04 at the price of

    1.3032 (see Figure 4.8). For example we sell 10,000 USD for the price of 1.3032.

    Figure 4.8.

    Ok, now its about to find how far we will let the market move before we exit our


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    First of all we place a stop order 50 pips below the entry price. That means at 1.3032 -

    0.0050 = 1.2982. Its represented by the thick red horizontal line in the picture below

    (Figure 4.9). Please notice, as said before, that the hard stop order is only for the sake of

    security, because we do not want to lose more than 50 pips in one trade.

    Figure 4.9.

    In fact, our main exit strategy is to look for an opposite signal generated by an

    impulsive/corrective wave retracement (in the same manner as for the entry warning


    In this example we are looking for a bearish signal as we entered long the market. The

    task is to look for a whole candlestick being below the lower confirmation level (after

    having entered the retracement channel in the case of an impulsive wave). If this happens

    we exit the position. Every time a new wave is recognized, new Fibonacci levels aredrawn and the old Fibonacci levels get inactive. This procedure is repeated until an exit

    signal occurs.

    Ok, lets look to our opened position at 11:30. Between 11:30 and 13:00 no bearish signal

    occurs. So, we dont exit the trade.

    Remember the bearish signal is in this example the exit signal.

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    Around 13:00 we recognize a new active wave represented by the upward movement

    starting at 10:55 and ending at 12:00 on the 11/23/04. The beginning and the end of the

    new active wave are marked with red arrows in Figure 4.10.

    Figure 4.10.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn . The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 4.11).

    Figure 4.11.

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    For this active wave no exit signal occurs. Instead around 14:00 we recognize a new

    active wave represented by the upward movement starting at 13:05 and ending at 13:40

    on the 11/23/04. See Figure 4.12.

    Figure 4.12.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn and the old ones removed (see Figure 4.13). Now we are

    again looking for a candlestick going below the lower confirmation level.

    Figure 4.13.

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    Once again around 12:00 on the 11/24/04 a new active has been recognized before an exit

    signal occurs. The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting at

    08:20 and ending at 11:35 on the 11/24/04. See Figure 4.14.

    Figure 4.14.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn and the old ones removed (see Figure 4.15).

    Figure 4.15.

    This happens now several times.

    Around 13:00 on the day 11/25/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit

    signal occurs. The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting at

    11:10 and ending at 12:35 on the 11/25/04. See Figure 4.16.

    Figure 4.16.

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    Figure 4.19.

    Once again around 00:00 on the day 11/26/04 a new wave has been recognized before an

    exit signal occurs. The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting

    at 20:00 and ending at 22:55 on the 11/25/04. See Figure 4.20.

    Figure 4.20.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn and old ones removed (see Figure 4.21).

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    Figure 4.21.

    Again around 07:30 on the day 11/26/04 a new wave has been recognized before an exit

    signal occurs. The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting at

    02:40 and ending at 07:15 on the 11/26/04. See Figure 4.22.

    Figure 4.22.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn and the old ones removed (see Figure 4.23).

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    Figure 4.26.

    Because of the bearish signal the position is exited at 09:00 on the11/26/04 buying 10,000

    USD for the price of 1.3280.

    At the end using the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules a profit of

    248 pips= (1.3280 1.3032) = 0.0248

    was achieved (see Figure 4.27).

    Using a 1:20 leverage this means

    10,000 USD x (0.0248 pips) x 20 leverage = 4,960 USD!

    A profit of 4,960 USD for three trading days using the Intraday ICWR Trading


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    Figure 4.27.

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    Figure 5.2.

    Next thing to do is to recognize the active wave. For that, we are going to look for the

    nearest market movement to our starting position with a height greater than 40 pips.

    Ok, in order to find the active wave the following steps are to be done:

    First all possible waves (black lines) are drawn connecting the high value of the starting

    point with the low value of the ending point and then the waves are enumerated starting

    with the nearest wave to the actual time (see Figure 5.3).

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    Figure 5.3.

    Second read the extreme values of each wave and calculate its height.

    Wave 1:

    High = 1.2282; Low = 1.2239;

    Height = High Low = 1.2282 1.2239= 0.0043 = 43 pips

    Wave 2:

    High = 1.2282; Low = 1.2241;

    Height = High Low = 1.2282 1.2241= 0.0041 = 41 pips

    Wave 3:

    High = 1.2273; Low = 1.2236;

    Height = High Low = 1.2273 1.2236= 0.0037 = 37 pips

    Wave 4:

    High = 1.2271; Low = 1.2244;

    Height = High Low = 1.2271 1.2244= 0.0027 = 27 pips

    The nearest movement to our starting position with a height greater than 40 pips is the

    wave 1. So thats our active wave now. Throughout our trading we are not going to pay

    attention to movements with a height below 40 pips.

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    Figure 5.5.

    Ok, the Fibonacci levels are placed, now its about to see what the market is telling us

    At 11:10 on the 11/03/04 the candlestick is below the lower confirmation level (Fibonacci

    level 0.250). Before, the retracement channel was entered at 08:30. Since the active wave

    had a downward movement and the candlestick is below the lower confirmation level we

    identify the active wave as a downward impulsive wave. As explained in the chapter 3

    Intraday ICWR Trading Rules this is a bearish signal. See Figure 5.6.

    Figure 5.6.

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    This bearish signal must be confirmed with the Relative Strength Index. If the RSI is

    lower than 50, its bearish and we enter the market. If RSI is greater than 50, its bullish,

    so its opposite and we do not enter the market. The RSI (blue line in Figure 5.7) is below

    the 50 centerline (black line) and therefore bearish.

    Figure 5.7.

    As both signals are bearish we enter the trade at 11:10 on the 11/03/04 at the price of

    1.2243. For example we buy 10,000 USD for the price of 1.2243. See Figure 5.8.

    Figure 5.8.

    Ok, now its about to find how far we will let the market move before we exit our


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    Around 12:00 we recognize a new active wave represented by the downward movement

    starting at 10:05 and ending at 11:25 on the 11/03/04. The beginning and the end of the

    new active wave are marked with red arrows in Figure 5.10.

    Figure 5.10.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 5.11).

    Figure 5.11.

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    For this active wave no exit signal occurs. Instead around 16:00 we recognize a new

    active wave represented by the downward movement starting at 13:05 and ending at

    15:30 on the 11/03/04. See Figure 5.12.

    Figure 5.12.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn and the old ones removed (see Figure 5.13). Now we are

    again looking for a candlestick going below the lower confirmation level.

    Figure 5.13.

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    This happens now several times.

    Around 21:00 on the day 11/03/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit

    signal occurs. The new active wave is represented by the downward movement starting at

    19:00 and ending at 20:10 on the 11/03/04. See Figure 5.16.

    Figure 5.16.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn and the old ones removed (see Figure 5.17).

    Figure 5.17.

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    Chapter 6

    The Long-Term

    ICWR Trading Rules

    The Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules are very similar to the Intraday ICWR Trading

    Rules (see chapter 3.), as only the values of some parameters are changed. Because of thatfact we will not repeat all the explanations as done before for the Intraday ICWR Trading

    Rules. Basically, we are only going to repeat the basics of the strategy, pointing out the

    main differences between the Long-Term and the Intraday ICWR Trading Rules.

    The Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules are composed of:

    Entry signals generated by impulsive/corrective wave retracements using a fourhours candlestick chart. The condition for an active wave is a height of 150 pips or


    Entry confirmation signals generated from a 1-day based 14-period Relative StrengthIndex (RSI) momentum indicator in order to confirm the bullish or bearish entry

    signal from the four hours candlestick chart (acting as a filter for entry signals)

    Exit signals generated by impulsive/corrective wave retracements or by a hard stoporder of100 pips using a four hours candlestick chart. The condition for an active

    wave is a height of150 pips or more.

    Using the 4 hour candlestick chart doesnt mean that you have to look every 4 hours at the

    candlestick chart. It is enough that you check the chart once per day. For example, when

    you return from work, or when you get up, or before you go to bed

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    Chapter 7

    Long-Term EUR/USDTrading Example

    In this example we are going to trade EUR/USD.

    Ok, before we start our trading day we need to set up our screens (see Figure 7.1). On theleft screen we are going to place a 4 hours candlestick chart and on the right screen a one

    day candlestick chart together with the 14-period RSI (thick blue line). The charting

    software usually pictures the RSI automatically together with the 30 and 70 lines (below

    30 represents oversold, above 70 overbought). In our case we are not looking for oversold

    or overbought signals. We are looking for the market being bullish or bearish. This is

    represented by RSI being above 50 (bullish) or below 50 (bearish). So we only need to

    draw the 50 centerline (black line).

    Figure 7.1.

    Now we are ready to start. Suppose you started your trading day on the 10/14/04 at 08:00.

    At that time the price was 1.2363. As you can see from the right screen the RSI is above

    50 and therefore bullish. So we are looking for a bullish signal for entering long the


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    Figure 7.3.

    Second read the extreme values of each wave and calculate its height.

    Wave 1:

    High = 1.2433; Low = 1.2223;

    Height = High Low = 1.2433 1.2223= 0.0210 = 210 pips

    Wave 2:

    High = 1.2433; Low = 1.2243;

    Height = High Low = 1.2433 1.2243= 0.0190 = 190 pips

    The nearest movement to our starting position with a height greater than 150 pips is the

    wave 1. So thats our active wave now. Throughout our trading we are not going to pay

    attention to movements with a height below 150 pips .

    The wave 1 is now our current active wave (see blue line in Figure 7.4).

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    Figure 7.4.

    The task is now to apply the Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules.

    That means, first the Fibonacci levels 0.000, 0.250, 0.382, 0.682, 0.750 and 1.000 are

    inserted using the low as the starting point (level 0.000) and the high as the ending point

    (level 1.000). The levels between 0.382 and 0.618 define the retracement channel. The

    levels 0.250 and 0.750 define the confirmation levels. See Figure 7.5.

    Figure 7.5.

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    Figure 7.7.

    As both signals are bullish we enter the trade at 16:00 on the 10/15/04 at the price of

    1.2461. For example we sell 10,000 USD for the price of 1.2461. See Figure 7.8.

    Figure 7.8.

    Ok, now its about to find how far we will let the market move before we exit our


    First of all we place a stop order 100 pips below the entry price. That means at 1.2461 -

    0.0100 = 1.2361. Its represented by the thick red horizontal line in the picture below (see

    Figure 7.9). Please notice, as said before, that the hard stop order is only for the sake of

    security, because we do not want to lose more than 100 pips in one trade.

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    Figure 7.10.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.11).

    Figure 7.11.

    For this active wave no exit signal occurrs. Instead around the 10/29/04 we recognize a

    new active wave represented by the upward movement starting on the 10/26/04 and

    ending on the 10/28/04. See Figure 7.12.

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    Figure 7.12.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.13).

    Figure 7.13.

    Around the 11/01/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 10/28/04

    and ending on the 11/01/04. See Figure 7.14.

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    Figure 7.14.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.15).

    Figure 7.15.

    Around the 11/03/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 11/01/04

    and ending on the 11/03/04. See Figure 7.16.

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    Figure 7.16.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.17).

    Figure 7.17.

    Around the 11/08/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 11/03/04

    and ending on the 11/07/04. See Figure 7.18.

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    Figure 7.18.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.19).

    Figure 7.19.

    Around the 11/12/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 11/07/04

    and ending on the 11/10/04. See Figure 7.20.

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    Figure 7.22.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.23).

    Figure 7.23.

    Around the 11/29/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 11/23/04

    and ending on the 11/26/04. See Figure 7.24.

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    Please remember that movements with a height less than 150 pips are not taken into


    Figure 7.24.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.25).

    Figure 7.25.

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    Around the 12/02/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 11/30/04

    and ending on the 12/02/04. See Figure 7.26.

    Figure 7.26.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.27).

    Figure 7.27.

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    Around the 12/03/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 12/02/04

    and ending on the 12/02/04. See Figure 7.28.

    Figure 7.28.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.29).

    Figure 7.29.

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    Around the 12/06/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 12/02/04

    and ending on the 12/03/04. See Figure 7.30.

    Figure 7.30.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.31).

    Figure 7.31.

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    Around the 12/09/04 a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal occurs.

    The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the 12/07/04

    and ending on the 12/08/04. See Figure 7.32.

    Figure 7.32.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.33).

    Figure 7.33.

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    The same day a little bit later a new active wave has been recognized before an exit signal

    occurs. The new active wave is represented by the upward movement starting on the

    12/09/04 and ending on the 12/09/04. See Figure 7.34.

    Figure 7.34.

    New Fibonacci levels are drawn. The old ones are now inactive (see Figure 7.35).

    Figure 7.35.

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    The market trend starts to reverse. At 12:00 on the 12/10/04 the candlestick is below the

    lower confirmation level (Fibonacci level 0.250). Since the active wave had a upward

    movement and the candlestick is below the lower confirmation level we identify the

    active wave as an upward corrective wave. As explained in the chapter 3. Intraday

    ICWR Trading Rules this is a bearish signal. See Figure 7.36.

    Figure 7.36.

    Because of the bearish signal the position is exited at 12:00 on the12/10/04 buying 10,000

    USD for the price of 1.3184.

    At the end using the Long-Term ICWR Trading Rules a profit of

    723 pips= (1.3184 1.2461) = 0.0723

    was achieved (see Figure 7.37).

    Using a 1:20 leverage this means

    10,000 USD x (0.0723 pips) x 20 leverage = 14,460 USD!

    A profit of 14,460 USD after two months using the Long-Term ICWR Trading


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    Figure 7.37.

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    Chapter 8

    Long-Term GBP/USDTrading Example

    In this example we are going to trade GBP/USD.

    Ok, before we start our trading day we need to set up our screens (see Figure 8.1). On the

    left screen we are going to place a 4 hours candlestick chart and on the right screen a one

    day candlestick chart together with the 14-period RSI (thick blue line). The charting

    software usually pictures the RSI automatically together with the 30 and 70 lines (below

    30 represents oversold, above 70 overbought). In our case we are not looking for oversold

    or overbought signals. We are looking for the market being bullish or bearish. This is

    represented by RSI being above 50 (bullish) or below 50 (bearish). So we only need to

    draw the 50 centerline (black line).

    Figure 8.1.

    Now we are ready to start. Suppose you started your trading day on the 11/19/04 at 08:00.

    At that time the price was 1.8490. As you can see from the right screen the RSI is above

    50 and therefore bullish. So we are looking for a bullish signal for entering long the


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    Figure 8.2.

    Next thing to do is to recognize the active wave. For that, we are going to look for the

    nearest market movement to our starting position with a height greater than 150 pips.

    Ok, in order to find the active wave the following steps are to be done:

    First all possible waves (black lines) are drawn connecting the high value of the starting

    point with the low value of the ending point and then the waves are enumerated starting

    with the nearest wave to the actual time (see Figure 8.3).

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    Figure 8.3.

    Second read the extreme values of each wave and calculate its height.

    Wave 1:

    High = 1.8636; Low = 1.8464;

    Height = High Low = 1.8636 1.8464= 0.0172 = 172 pips

    Wave 2:

    High = 1.8636; Low = 1.8435;

    Height = High Low = 1.8636 1.8435= 0.0201 = 201 pips

    Wave 3:

    High = 1.8596; Low = 1.8435;

    Height = High Low = 1.8596 1.8435= 0.0161 = 161 pips

    Wave 4:

    High = 1.8596; Low = 1.8372;

    Height = High Low = 1.8596 1.8372= 0.0224 = 224 pips

    The nearest