i ffflllt IT 1$fft W i ill lyl IV.-- N0. 310. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1885. PRICE 5 CENTS. guslars auls. Sdwtisemfiits. (Ivcrtiscmcnt$. business ar&s. Stortisniunts. THE DAILY BANKING NOTICE. 8. L. 8TANXKY. JOHN BFBVAMCX. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, 410 Front St., San Francisco. 57 tf AW JOHN TJTSCHXG, Fashionable Boot Maker, No. 3'26 Rush St., San Francisco, Cal. Will fill orders in his line at the shortest postlbl notice. Planters will Hud it te their advantage to cull on MR. UISC1I1G before going elsewhere. t.2 L'Aw S. I?. Taylor & Co., Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietor Pioueer aud San Geroulnio Paper Mills. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal 108 JylO ly Fulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS &. HAYES, " or San Francisco. All kinds of Machinery and Boilers. Specialties ICE AND REFRIGERATING MACHINERY. CORLISS ENGINES, BABCOCK & WILCOX BOILERS, DEANE AIR, VACUUM AND STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN HEATERS, ETC., ETC. ly YOSEMITE ROLLER FLOUR. The undersigned beg leave to announce that they are now manufacturing FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR, By the ENTIRE ROLLER PROCESS, and ar prepared to till orders, guarantlng compleU aatu-factio- n. Our flours have gained an enviable "Pot- ation on the Pacific Coast, and among bakers and general consumers are more popunvr that any other. Address orders to SPLIVALO A FORMA N, No 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal. 107.oct9 JL. I. H-Xi- L & SOIST Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO. SYDNEY. ly Dunham, Carrigan & Co, IROy AND STEEL MERCHANTS; San Francisco, Cal. Demins: Palmer Milling Co., OF THE CAPITOL MILLS. PROPRIETORS 204 Davis street, San Francisco. Manufacturers of and Dealexsln FJour, Grains of all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Cornmeal, Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn,' Buckwheat Flour, OH Cake Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. ly YOLO MILLS, NE. Corner MlsRlon and Main Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Hnlz A Flajremaun, Proprietor. Dealers in all kinds of GRAIN and Manufacturer of MILL FEED, FAMILY FLOUR. MEALS OF ALL KINDS, PEARL BARLEY, SPLIT PEAS, HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Special at- tention is called to our celebrated NORMAL NUTRIMENT for babies, nurtlng mothers and convalescents, highly recommended by leading physicians for its excellent nursing qualities; war- ranted to keep in any climate. Orders wfll be promptly tilled and satisfaction guaranteed. ly SXT ASK FOR Goodyear's Rubber Goods, RUBBER HOSE, PACKING CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Goodyear Rubber Co. 126-nov2- fi San Francisco. Chas. Oppenheimer & Co., Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In . BOOTS AND SHOES'. Salesroom, 113 Battery Street. Factory. Corner Drumm and Washington Streets. 120se22 SAN FRANCISCO. KZLI2STE & CO., Importers of HATS ana CAPS. Nos. 20 and 23 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. Of Pine, !21a22-8- 5 ' SAN FRANCISCO. 1 BUSIliEBB 1 COLLEGE. 24 rott Elrt San Xframebe, Cat. (Send for Circular.) The Full Business Course Includes Single and Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to alt departments ot Dnsiness; Commercial Arithmetic; Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Lectures oa Law; Eu&mess Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Bust-nes- s Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan-dlsn- g, Commission Jobbing, Importing Itall-Toadln- g, Express Business, Brokerage, and Ba&k Ing; English Branches, including Reading', Spell- ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern L'J. gaages, consisting of practical Instruction la French, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman, ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Han- d, Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full Information address. E. P. EfKAEB Ci CO., 1Q3-C2- 3 SAI? FRANCISCO, Cal tial Advertiser G iomiu? Except Sundays. F. ED. SUBSCRIPTIONS : $6 00 00 ,0 50 5 00 kt? .CADViBTI. t (,ncludillg 6 50 fj Corner Town Lots. remarked a sharp faced. w "Dakota is ..lnnkin" passenirer; just come from s r id We will be -- nod towns up hundreds. Tbat s my biw- - new towns. Money in n What do lots bring? 1 fdj ,ir; haven't so!d a lot for Give cm away-ev- ery fjf'w. You can have the life a doen right now if you want r?o .me. the man that tries to ?lotia Dakota gets left, fit in ite world can you make any lijivitgaway town lots?" r-a- as eav as rolling off a log. VlTiliiMQOijO P0PIe iu tLls countrv CrfaVth'.ld of any thing they can fct wtliin:. They swallow town ,3 thev were oysters. I send out a & ol deeds by mail every week to parties who have replied to my Cion .irculars. The lots don't Uta a cent, but they must pay the re- - fees. Mv son in law is recorder. S surveyor's charges must be paid. Touneat sou is the surveyor, rii just a starter, you know, I Merest tie lot owners in their ygit aa it were. That's what t call the preparatory state. Then 'aiereal l uuess part of the trans-l- a Locul im, rovements must be 2i,vA the city ouu.il that's me. my 5ucnm!iW, aud two hired men), 27 via i special assessment. The first !.!s srrad n street. Then comes side-;- i Tkusi-wer- . Aud if they stand u din on a fence, Rut the most of sJion'ts'aiid it. After paying out a iifcadred dollars for eroding and side ie most of em fails to whack up. :ssrsethe city treasurer (that's me), s possession under the law. Why, ikdatf.50 aa acre the recorder's pilose make us even, and the special assents are a regular bonanza. Can f:i ton half a Hn7Pn lota tn-rlav- ?" Cared of Ills Love Craze. IXtw York Letter. Suaslioek to exneetant imao-ina- - list tad a curative effect upon a man twenty years been an pi of the public insane asylum. He :( i German, and in his sane time had i accomplished musician, some--B- f a linguist, and more important -- welfare a furious lover of itistori, ho wa3 then in the prime of Jtnaadart. He saw her as Mary tad immediately went daft with Itistori returned to Italy ai sent to the asylum. Of late wote mania cf love for the mimic i, aii mat ailed him, but it seemed S. 1 5" 1 Donald, the superintendent. . -- ' ".caier. tnat liiston, rjrect farewell tour, had sadly lU into a WfaL-icV- i rlil nrnman jocuf her personal beauty left, he tO take Ill's I nti'ont coq Ita. ViTn "a was her final appearance Si rIa,thtatre. The maniac had ?,ge her act once more and was U&a ,bfInS to1 that he could go. iJmn?! accomPanied him. and go i?ree.per-s- o tbat ay Possible .(iukkly overcoma As s qTI vautlon aSint : a disturbance. . . i"'t IU a private dox. 14 Z:UyinS)y successful me i irmer l.istori ij'iaemanti.i i . "Sail t r a1, aue was uie same S. r wa3 so awakened from iXt .rveam' 80 thorouSly dis-- w e cure was almost in- - t:w-l- . h '1C Cinnn lnnn Air, Soothe asylum. Country Boy. Pi or girl fa face to fact re,lll1llei He see9 bow i'UsC11 "Peneed of econ t '( da' in tbe week; he the h JemPtation of the iiomv.ro?m. and he is not .ifcaio?.w a iady's man be- - asiot tr, - i .v. !aumin0; 5fs 10 scuool bare-- m jnd m 8tKiea in the 'cfi5at ,lead3 the ebap that h'fanov ithlhe staFched sucVi6 lavwn mower in 1 about We knowhatwe r(H. ""i colleges. T1S? of Mexico. CKHs fS ti e.able statistics. Profession en PreParatory tweSvfJ Careers nineteen ,V2?udiS seminariesofec- - anii thirty-on- e Vor, ;tn'cums where, be- may Kbeca merchant ' eeH a'Julied- - besides i Mf'cu tuS rf fine arts. two wr "fecial ior tne Tneaf tes( three of , trade r': r . rt Jr-i- i tQnsirrot-- - - u,eu ana V urmal auemies 2atrofes3ioa S0fhot018 aud colleges cmea.aof teaer is taught ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL SI 0,000.000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Insurance of all descriptions Fire be effected at Moderate Rates of Preml um, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN & CO. 83-dfc- Managers for Haw. Islands TJW TO 2W Fire and Marine Insurance Co. or New Zealand. CAPITAL.. : : 10.000,000 Established an Affcney at Having- - for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted payable. 82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN & CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. SO WALL STREET, NEW VORK above Company haviuer The an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write MARINE RISKS ON Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rates. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., 81-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. C. O. BERGER, GENERAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets fGO.000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Limited). Capital f 10,000 ,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. FlBE AND MAEINE. Combined Capital $20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Asset 14,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fibe and Marine. Capital $200,000 MACNEALE fe URBAN S-- F E S! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance fc Co. O. O. BERGER, 100 ray29 HONOLULU, H. I. Notice to the Public. i TAW. Pi.TT.ASTTKK IN ANNOUNCING Y to the pnblic that, in addition to our j l'ASTRY AJiD CUIt A7HUJNe.tt. Dus;ness, v al open an Ice Cream 3?arlor, Which has been fitted to suit the rtqalrementa cf our first-clas- s trade), on SATURDAY, .APRIL 25TH. nnr Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITY only, bh g made of Genuine Cream, a supply of tt'nicb Avi have securea irom toe wooamwo iirv. From samples furnished tis. W9 are able In cnaranti e the best Quality of Ice Cream. The following t'. wrtment of Ice Creams and Bherberta . v?Ui ne inn aueu on vur ""j jIAY. APRiL 25TI1: ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate, Coffee, line --Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace. SnERBF.IU S Orange, Strawberry. We are fv prepared to furnish Ice Cream to nartte3, dinners, etc., and to customers at their hr.rn-'S- . Our Pailors wul be open every day and evningt except Sunday. Parties desiring Ice their orders for the Crcvra on Sanday must give same on Satur.f.ys before 9 o'clock P.M. The Crean will be dt iivered before 10 A. M. Sunday inomi-gs- , packer: po as to keep hard eight hours. Honias to gt't a share of public patronage in and thanklntr the cublic for tn-- r iroeral favors in the past, we remain 3IELL.ER & HALtBE, Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort z Eotel Streets. LIVERY, BOARDING, AND SALE STABLES. Carriages for hire at ail hours of the dry 01 night; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiee going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Hortes for Ladies and Gentlemen. Vuaraekteetl Gentle. Carriage Nos. 2, 21. 40, 47, IS, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53. Rouble and single teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. Large and small omnibus for picnics aud excur- sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply- ing at the office. The Lous Branch Bathing 'House can always be tsecured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the oilic-- . Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Telephone No. 31. JAS. DODD, Proprietor. . 28tf UNION FEED CO., Queen & Edinburgh Streets, WHOLESALE i BKTAIL Dealers iu HAY AND GRAIN, Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. 91tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Louis, Mo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. News, Flat and Label Papers, Binders Boards, Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 EeidesdorlT Street.fi Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. B.--Spec- lal Attention given to Large Contracts. 58 tffew TELEPHONE 55 IPNTERPEIS PLANING' MILL. Alakea, near 0,een St. C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWArS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood,.Cut and Split. 2l-t- f BUEGESS, 84 Kins Street, Honolulu CARPENTER AND BUILDER. All kinds of Jobbing attended to". BAOGAGE AND GENBKAL EXPRKSS. Draying and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade, Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best In the market. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 99 nov28 JOHN COOK, Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St, Will attend and contract for all kinds of work In his line. REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING old or new buildings. Work to be paid for when complete. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Charges as low as the lowest in the town. Post Office box 135. GASOLINE! GASOLINE ! IN TEN GALLON 1RCMS, Ex MEN DOT A, for sale by Castle & Cooke. 87-- tl H. HAOKFELD & CO., EXERAL C03I9IISSION AGENTS. ii u Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. BANNUJ8. W. kARTEXS. P OPFKB.QKLT HOFFSCHLAEGEB. & 00., Importer &. Commission Mercliauts. Honolulu, II. I. A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., ImporterM and M tiolOMale and Itetail General Merchandise, Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf CLAOS dPRKCKKI.S m. a. irwis. WM. G.'IEWIN & Co., SlUAlt FACTORS and CominiNMion Honolulu H. I. tf m7 PHILLIPS & Co.. Importers and Wholesale Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu, II. I. 13tf-w- tf MAOFARLANE & CO- - WriIOI.EKAI.E DEALE1W AND UEN. eral Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUORS. No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, HONOLULU. 19-- tf M. 8. Grinbaum & Co., IMPORTERS OF General Merchandise and Commit sion Merchants, JIouolulii, II. I. No. 124 California street, San FranHsco, Cal. 104-Jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. 65 t. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 60 Nuuauu Street, tOppo9ite HolUster & Co, Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf FRANK GERTZ, Importer and Manufacturer Jj Of all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES O" Orders from the other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. 20-tfw- tf LIONS. L. J. LEVEY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers AND General Commission Merchants. Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. Sales of Furniture. Stock, Real ELstate General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Affeuts for: Axpericau & European MerelMise. tf ALVIN II. HASEUAN, BOOK j 'INDER, Paper Ruler av. lilaiih nok Uauula! itrer. gtW Bookbinding of all i.-r- . ipUous uoat.'y uiid promptly executed, and at r sonuhle Gazette Building;, 27 tf MER 5 i ANT STliKiJT. J. J. WILLIAMS No. 1055 FORT STHEKT, LeafliiiE Piotograplier of Honcluln. WORK FINISHED IX Water Colors, Crayon. India Ink, or Oil, Photo. Colored, dc. The only Complete Cotlectiou of , Island Views Ferns, Shells Curiosities, &o. CHARGES. MODERATE. 25tf WEMER & CO. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. HVatches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in all its branches. Sole Agents for King's Eye Preserrers. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., a It Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, II. I. Sole Aleuts for this Favorite Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 5Ctf A w "Cordon Kouge" EXTRA DRY DnVvcMFIlAT irinnritinnmii...lPw 184423 C. 6. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Asrents for this Favorite Brand of CHAMPAGNE. 55 tl fe w JLi. M. TOTJSSAINT, Wishes to announce to the. TRAVELING PUBLIC that he will open on Saturday, June G, 1885, An Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where every- thing in the line of LIQUORS WILL BE KEPT IN STOCK. None but the best Wine's, Liquors and Cigars kept. Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCY DRINKS served in best style. 144 dtf&w EAVEO SALOOfJ NO. 7 FORT STREET. Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s) OPEf TOU 3 A. U. TILL 10 P. M FIRST-CLAS- S LCNCBES, COFFEE, TE1, SODA WATEE, GLNGEH ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant BSUKSWICS & CO. BILLIARD TABLE on the Premises. The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from hl3 Friends and the Public generally who may desire a LUNCH. A SMOKE. OR A GAME OF BIIXIABDS. H. J. NOLTE, 26--tf The undersigned have formed a co- partnership under the firm name of Claus Spkeckels & Co., for the purpose of carrying on a Bank of Savings and Deposits, and for trans- acting a general Banking and Ex- change business at Honolulu, and such other place in the Hawaiian Kingdom as may be deemed advisable. Claus Spbeckels. WM. G. iRYttN. Honolulu, April 15, 1885. Referring to the above, we beg to inform the business public that our Banking establishment will be opened for the transaction of business on Monday, May the 4th, when we will be prepared to receive deposits in our Savings Bank. We will also be prepared to make loans, discount approved notes, and purchase exchange at best market rates. We will receive deposits on open account, make collections and con- duct a general Banking and Ex change business. Our arrangements have been com pleted, so that we can draw exchange on the principal parts of the world. 77-- tf Claus Spreckels & Co. Burr & Finck, The Leading Fashionable Tailors OF SAN FRANCISCO. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel. Having already a large trade with Honolulu, thej respectfully solicit further Island patronage, ant are prepared to complete ordrs atone day's no tice. Perfect BatlStacuon guaranieeu, mm im finest stock of latest goods constantly on nana. 61 tffew BRICKS ! BRICKS ! Ex. W. n. DIMOND. 39 OOO norma Hard Bricks FOR SALE BY Castle fe Cooke. 79tf WM. .McCANDLESS, No. 6 (lucen Street, FISH MARKET. DEALER IN CHOICES! Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to 102 tf order. Metropolitan Market KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIKTOR. Choicest Meats from Finest Herd Families and thlpplng supplied on SHORT NOTICE andat the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y chilled immediately after killing by means cf a Bell-Colem- an Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. , 143-- tl Liacoln Block, King street m-tl4- V' fi

fffllltIT W - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.eduExpress Business, Brokerage, and Ba&k Ing; English Branches, including Reading', Spell- ... S surveyor's charges must be paid. Touneat sou

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i fffllltIT1$fftW i ill lyl


guslars auls.Sdwtisemfiits.(Ivcrtiscmcnt$.business ar&s. Stortisniunts.THE DAILY



Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., San Francisco.57 tf AW


Fashionable Boot Maker,No. 3'26 Rush St., San Francisco, Cal.

Will fill orders in his line at the shortest postlblnotice. Planters will Hud it te their advantage tocull on MR. UISC1I1G before going elsewhere.

t.2 L'Aw

S. I?. Taylor & Co.,Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietor

Pioueer aud San Geroulnio Paper Mills.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

441 and 416 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal108 JylO ly

Fulton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SPIERS &. HAYES,



The undersigned beg leave to announce thatthey are now manufacturing

FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR,By the ENTIRE ROLLER PROCESS, and arprepared to till orders, guarantlng compleU aatu-factio- n.

Our flours have gained an enviable "Pot-ation on the Pacific Coast, and among bakers andgeneral consumers are more popunvr that anyother. Address orders to

SPLIVALO A FORMA N,No 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.


JL. I. H-Xi- L & SOIST

Commission Merchants,


Dunham, Carrigan & Co,


San Francisco, Cal.

Demins: Palmer Milling Co.,

OF THE CAPITOL MILLS.PROPRIETORS204 Davis street, San Francisco.Manufacturers of and Dealexsln FJour, Grains ofall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Cornmeal,Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat,Cracked Corn,' Buckwheat Flour, OH Cake Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. ly

YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner MlsRlon and Main Streets, SAN


Hnlz A Flajremaun, Proprietor.Dealers in all kinds of GRAIN and Manufacturerof MILL FEED, FAMILY FLOUR. MEALS OFALL KINDS, PEARL BARLEY, SPLIT PEAS,HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Special at-

tention is called to our celebrated NORMALNUTRIMENT for babies, nurtlng mothers andconvalescents, highly recommended by leadingphysicians for its excellent nursing qualities; war-

ranted to keep in any climate. Orders wfll bepromptly tilled and satisfaction guaranteed.



Goodyear's Rubber Goods,RUBBER HOSE,


Goodyear Rubber Co.

126-nov2- fi San Francisco.

Chas. Oppenheimer & Co.,Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale

Dealers In .

BOOTS AND SHOES'.Salesroom, 113 Battery Street. Factory. CornerDrumm and Washington Streets.


KZLI2STE & CO.,Importers of

HATS ana CAPS.Nos. 20 and 23 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. Of Pine,

!21a22-8- 5 ' SAN FRANCISCO.


24 rott ElrtSan Xframebe, Cat.

(Send for Circular.)The Full Business Course Includes Single and

Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to altdepartments ot Dnsiness; Commercial Arithmetic;Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures oa Law; Eu&messForms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Bust-nes- s

Practice in Wholesale and Retail Merchan-dlsn- g,

Commission Jobbing, Importing Itall-Toadln- g,

Express Business, Brokerage, and Ba&kIng; English Branches, including Reading', Spell-ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern L'J.gaages, consisting of practical Instruction laFrench, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penman,ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Han- d,

Type-Writin- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full Information address.


tial Advertiser


Except Sundays. F.



$6 0000,0

505 00

kt?.CADViBTI. t (,ncludillg6 50fj


Town Lots.

remarked a sharp faced.w "Dakota is..lnnkin" passenirer;

just come froms

r id We will be --nod towns uphundreds. Tbat s my biw- -

new towns. Money in nWhat do lots bring? 1

fdj ,ir; haven't so!d a lot forGive cm away-ev- ery

fjf'w. You can have the lifea doen right now if you want

r?o .me. the man that tries to?lotia Dakota gets left,

fit in ite world can you make anylijivitgaway town lots?"r-a- as eav as rolling off a log.VlTiliiMQOijO P0PIe iu tLls countrvCrfaVth'.ld of any thing they canfct wtliin:. They swallow town

,3 thev were oysters. I send out a& ol deeds by mail every week to

parties who have replied to myCion .irculars. The lots don'tUta a cent, but they must pay the re- -

fees. Mv son in law is recorder.S surveyor's charges must be paid.

Touneat sou is the surveyor,rii just a starter, you know,I Merest tie lot owners in theirygit aa it were. That's whatt call the preparatory state. Then'aiereal l uuess part of the trans-l- a

Locul im, rovements must be2i,vA the city ouu.il that's me. my5ucnm!iW, aud two hired men), 27via i special assessment. The first!.!s srrad n street. Then comes side-;- i

Tkusi-wer- . Aud if they standu din on a fence, Rut the most of

sJion'ts'aiid it. After paying out aiifcadred dollars for eroding and side

ie most of em fails to whack up.:ssrsethe city treasurer (that's me),s possession under the law. Why,ikdatf.50 aa acre the recorder's

pilose make us even, and the specialassents are a regular bonanza. Canf:i ton half a Hn7Pn lota tn-rlav- ?"

Cared of Ills Love Craze.IXtw York Letter.

Suaslioek to exneetant imao-ina- -

list tad a curative effect upon a mantwenty years been an

pi of the public insane asylum. He:( i German, and in his sane time hadi accomplished musician, some--B- f

a linguist, and more important-- welfare a furious lover of itistori,

ho wa3 then in the prime ofJtnaadart. He saw her as Mary

tad immediately went daft withItistori returned to Italy

ai sent to the asylum. Of latewote mania cf love for the mimic

i, aii mat ailed him, but it seemed S.


Donald, the superintendent.. -- ' ".caier. tnat liiston,rjrect farewell tour, had sadly

lU into a WfaL-icV-i rlil nrnmanjocuf her personal beauty left, he

tO take Ill's I nti'ont coq Ita.ViTn "a was her final appearanceSi rIa,thtatre. The maniac had?,ge her act once more and wasU&a ,bfInS to1 that he could go.

iJmn?! accomPanied him. and goi?ree.per-s- o tbat ay Possible

.(iukkly overcoma AssqTI vautlon aSint

:a disturbance.. .

i"'t IU a private dox.14 Z:UyinS)y successful

me i irmer l.istoriij'iaemanti.i i ."Sail t r a1, aue was uie same

S. r wa3 so awakened fromiXt .rveam' 80 thorouSly dis-- w

e cure was almost in- -t:w-l- . h '1C Cinnn lnnn Air,

Soothe asylum.

Country Boy.

Pi or girl fa face to factre,lll1llei He see9 bow

i'UsC11 "Peneed of econ

t '( da' in tbe week; hethe h JemPtation of the

iiomv.ro?m. and he is not.ifcaio?.w a iady's man be--

asiot tr, - i .v.

!aumin0; 5fs 10 scuool bare-- m

jnd m 8tKiea in the

'cfi5at ,lead3 the ebap thath'fanov ithlhe staFched

sucVi6 lavwn mower in

1 about We knowhatwe

r(H. ""i colleges.

T1S? of Mexico.CKHs fS ti e.able statistics.

Profession en PreParatorytweSvfJ Careers nineteen

,V2?udiS seminariesofec- -

anii thirty-on- e

Vor, ;tn'cums where, be-

may Kbeca merchant' eeH a'Julied-- besidesi Mf'cu tuS rf fine arts. two

wr "fecial ior tneTneaf tes( three of

, trade r': r . rtJr-i- i tQnsirrot-- - - u,eu ana

V urmal auemies2atrofes3ioa S0fhot018 aud colleges

cmea.aof teaer is taught



CAPITAL SI 0,000.000


Insurance of all descriptionsFire be effected at Moderate Rates of Premlum, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.83-dfc- Managers for Haw. Islands


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

or New Zealand.

CAPITAL.. : : 10.000,000

Established an Affcney atHaving- -

for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted payable.82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN & CO.



above Company haviuerThe an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write


Merchandise, Freights. Treasure,Commissions, and Hulls.

At current Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,81-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOd&wtf Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Assets fGO.000,000


Capital f 10,000 ,000



Combined Capital $20,000,000


Asset 14,500,000


Fibe and Marine.

Capital $200,000


S-- F E S!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance fc Co.

O. O. BERGER,100 ray29 HONOLULU, H. I.

Notice to the Public.

i TAW. Pi.TT.ASTTKK IN ANNOUNCINGY to the pnblic that, in addition to our

j l'ASTRY AJiD CUIt A7HUJNe.tt. Dus;ness,v al open an

Ice Cream 3?arlor,Which has been fitted to suit the rtqalrementa

cf our first-clas- s trade), on


nnr Creams will be of SUPERIOR QUALITYonly, bh g made of Genuine Cream, a supply oftt'nicb Avi have securea irom toe wooamwoiirv. From samples furnished tis. W9 are ableIn cnaranti e the best Quality of Ice Cream. Thefollowing t'. wrtment of Ice Creams and Bherberta

.v?Ui ne inn aueu on vur ""jjIAY. APRiL 25TI1:

ICE CREAMS Vanilla, Lemon, Chocolate,

Coffee, line --Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

SnERBF.IU S Orange, Strawberry.

We are fv prepared to furnish Ice Cream tonartte3, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhr.rn-'S- . Our Pailors wul be open every day andevningt except Sunday. Parties desiring Ice

their orders for theCrcvra on Sanday must givesame on Satur.f.ys before 9 o'clock P.M. TheCrean will be dt iivered before 10 A. M. Sundayinomi-gs-

, packer: po as to keep hard eight hours.Honias to gt't a share of public patronage in

and thanklntr the cublicfor tn-- r iroeral favors in the past, we remain


Pantheon Stables,Cor. Fort z Eotel Streets.


Carriages for hire at ail hours of the dry 01

night; also, conveyances of all kinds for partieegoing around the Island.

Excellent Saddle Hortes for Ladiesand Gentlemen. Vuaraekteetl Gentle.

Carriage Nos. 2, 21. 40, 47, IS, 49,50, 51, 52 and 53.Rouble and single teams always to be had on

livery at the most reasonable rates.Large and small omnibus for picnics aud excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 passengers, canalways be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply-ing at the office.

The Lous Branch Bathing 'Housecan always be tsecured for picnic or excursion

parties by applying at the oilic-- .

Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.Telephone No. 31.

JAS. DODD, Proprietor.. 28tf


Queen & Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers iu

HAY AND GRAIN,Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.



St. Louis, Mo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. News,Flat and Label Papers,

Binders Boards,Twines, Etc.


205 EeidesdorlT Street.fiTelephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. B.--Spec- lal Attention given toLarge Contracts. 58 tffew



Alakea, near 0,een St.C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood,.Cutand Split.

2l-t- f

BUEGESS,84 Kins Street, Honolulu

CARPENTER AND BUILDER.All kinds of Jobbing attended to".

BAOGAGE AND GENBKAL EXPRKSS.Draying and Steamer Freight carefully and

promptly handled.Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade,

Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best In themarket.

84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.99 nov28


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea St,

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work Inhis line.

REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.

Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest in the town.

Post Office box 135.




Ex MEN DOTA, for sale by

Castle & Cooke.87-- tl

H. HAOKFELD & CO.,EXERAL C03I9IISSION AGENTS.ii u Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.


HOFFSCHLAEGEB. & 00.,Importer &. Commission Mercliauts.

Honolulu, II. I.

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.,ImporterM and M tiolOMale and Itetail

General Merchandise,Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf

CLAOS dPRKCKKI.S m. a. irwis.WM. G.'IEWIN & Co.,

SlUAlt FACTORS and CominiNMionHonolulu H. I. tf

m7 PHILLIPS & Co..Importers and Wholesale Dealer inBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street.

Honolulu, II. I. 13tf-w- tf



No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,HONOLULU. 19-- tf

M. 8. Grinbaum & Co.,IMPORTERS OF

General Merchandise and Commitsion Merchants, JIouolulii, II. I.

No. 124 California street, San FranHsco, Cal.104-Jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I.65 t.


Manufacturing Jeweler,No. 60 Nuuauu Street,tOppo9ite HolUster & Co,

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 tf

FRANK GERTZ,Importer and Manufacturer Jj

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESO" Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.20-tfw- tf


LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers


General Commission Merchants.

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

Sales ofFurniture. Stock, Real ELstateGeneral Merchandise properly attended to

Sole Affeuts for:Axpericau & European MerelMise.



BOOK j 'INDER,Paper Ruler av. lilaiih nok

Uauula! itrer.

gtW Bookbinding of all i.-r- . ipUous uoat.'y uiidpromptly executed, and at r sonuhle

Gazette Building;,27 tf MER 5 i ANT STliKiJT.


LeafliiiE Piotograplier of Honcluln.WORK FINISHED IX

Water Colors, Crayon.India Ink, or Oil,

Photo. Colored, dc.The only Complete Cotlectiou of ,

Island ViewsFerns, Shells

Curiosities, &o.CHARGES. MODERATE.


WEMER & CO.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

HVatches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing in all its branches.Sole Agents for King's Eye Preserrers.




Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, II. I.

Sole Aleuts for this Favorite Brand of


"Cordon Kouge"



184423 C.6. W. MACFARLANE & CO.,

Cor. Fort & Queen Sts.,HONOLULU, H. I.

Sole Asrents for this Favorite Brand of

CHAMPAGNE.55 tl fe w

JLi. M. TOTJSSAINT,Wishes to announce to the. TRAVELING

PUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June G, 1885,

An Elegant Sample Parlor at HILO, where every-

thing in the line of


None but the best Wine's, Liquors and Cigars kept.

Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCYDRINKS served in best style.

144 dtf&w



Opposite Wilder fc Co.'s)

OPEf TOU 3 A. U. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from hl3 Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a


H. J. NOLTE,26--tf

The undersigned have formed a co-

partnership under the firm name ofClaus Spkeckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying on a Bank ofSavings and Deposits, and for trans-acting a general Banking and Ex-

change business at Honolulu, andsuch other place in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

Claus Spbeckels.WM. G. iRYttN.

Honolulu, April 15, 1885.

Referring to the above, we beg toinform the business public that ourBanking establishment will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

We will also be prepared to makeloans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchange at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make collections and con-

duct a general Banking and Exchange business.

Our arrangements have been completed, so that we can draw exchangeon the principal parts of the world.77-- tf Claus Spreckels & Co.

Burr & Finck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors


No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

Having already a large trade with Honolulu, thejrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, antare prepared to complete ordrs atone day's notice. Perfect BatlStacuon guaranieeu, mm imfinest stock of latest goods constantly on nana.

61 tffew


Ex. W. n. DIMOND.

39 OOO

norma Hard Bricks


Castle fe Cooke.79tf


No. 6 (lucen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to

102 tforder.

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meats from Finest Herd

Families and thlpplng supplied on SHORT

NOTICE andat the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y

chilled immediately after killing by meanscf a Bell-Colem- an Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and Is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. , 143-- tl

Liacoln Block, King streetm-tl4- V'



3totrtistmtittA Cottage at lng Branca.OLE V1RGINNY 'POSSUM.THE DAILY.


Cipar and TobaccoEMPORIUM,

Cami bell's Block, Merchant St., Honolulu, IT. I.

tries should not be interchangeableduty free. If this could be accom-plished it would go a very long waytowards building up manufacturingindustries in this country withAmerican capital, because the ad-

vantages of climate which this coun-try offers in the cost of buildings andthe uninterrupted conduct of laborfar more than offset the cost of trans-portation, etc., between these Islandsand the Coast. Money has become adrug in the United States, and wouldbe invested here were the policy wehave indicated carried out.

This predicates a further sacrifice ofrevenue. But as a Government can-u- ot

be carried on without income, itfollows that the necessary fundswould be raised mainly by directtaxation. And here again is an ad-

vantage. This would cause taxpay-ers to take a far livelier interest inpublic affairs than they usually dowhen the revenue is raised hy indi-rect, and therefore unfelt, taxation.It would result in efficient andeconomic administration as a matterof necessity.

This Space is Reserved for


CHAS. J.112 aug5-l- y

Opening Annouae


X.igltt on Lis airy crest his slender head.His body short, his loins luxuriant spread ;Muscle on muscle knots his brawny breast,'No fear alaruia him, no vain shouts mulextO'er his riaht shoulder, floating full and fair,Sweeps his thick mane and spreads it.s pcnipof mjr.Swift works iiis double spine, and earth around


Rings to his solid hoof that wears tlie ground (Yiar.it

."V K- - N T U R E.. .mi,: ii i rr-,.n- :..,. oi..n,v.. i- -

.liiis wcil-uiiu- vr u Aiuuiiin ouimuii in miw siauuiug at Hie COriiLT 01 FuUcLjl

Queen streets, and breeders, horsemen and stock-owner- s should take ijTucUp I

opportunity to obtain his blood while they have the cliance. He u now hifeeling nearly as well as he ever did in his life, and moves u lively and liisejej,and he is as vigorous as a fonr-year-o- ld horse.

It does not requjre a great horseman to discover reat point of m"VENTURE. The ordinary citizen, upon beholding him, will be impressed iisJwith his grand make-up- , magnificent length, and elegant finish. If lie i not

horse that ever came to this eiiiitr, is h one of the snutht, auihuirformer, he towers aw far above them all he dot s above a coll imtta. I

A great deal of importance has lately been attached to the vulueuf ik,ibeing kept for stock purposes, whether he is standard or nut, and the froiiBiNational Association of Trotting Horse liret iN i s in America KtnniRlj adriseij;to patronize stallions that ate not standard bred, and he also advises tlitm lo

not only'standard bred, but if possible one that is standard by hia own perk.;

which is a public record of 2:30, or better, and even more than thin ty the ptrf,j

of his get also. Now, if this rule was rigidly applied, it would ticlude ill ;;!

horses as Electioneer and the sires of Maud S. and Jay Eye See, etc., for wLik lr'become greatly renowned by the performances of their get, they ntrtriwiiformers themselves. ' I

Now, we will see, for curiosity, how near VENTURE comes to poitstaai; lb ;

qualifications, namely : Rreeding, performances and performance of Lisgtl i

As to breeding, he is the peer of any horso on earth, and I don't exept i-

Hermit, who is the most popular stallion in England, and whose serrice fee iif,being the sire of three Derby winners. j

As to his own performances, he meets the requirements, Laving ipnlwtm:2:27 h 2:30 being the standard of admission.

His get are now just beginning to be appreciated in Caltfornii, m m(Vengeance) won a good race quite lately in Sacramento, in atrial tlitsMtrecord of 2:34, and is said to bo able to trot close to 2:20, when calld upon to4.

With these facts before us, VENTURE looms up as one of the graMonly on this but in any other country, and the day is past when ifleiill V

thing but the very best; and while the death of two such great horscn!'1"Bazaar is greats deplored by all tru3 horsemen, still it is a great coiiU;i" i

is so good a horse as VENTTRE to fill their place. f

VENTURE is an aged horse, but he is one year younger than Dif tato,

sold only last year in Kentucky for $25,000, on the strength of his being ttawijEye See. His stud feu-i-s $300 lie is also ten years younger than Volunteer wfJulien), whose fee is $500. All things taken into consideration, I cannot u

TURE is not as desirable a horso to breed from as any ot them, or wlij"

Chicago Times.A new summer "cottage" at Long

Branch shows to what extent of comfortthe modern resort has attained. The in-

terior, of the cottage is finished in naturalwoods, elite, bamboo, chestnut cherry,ash, English oak, and other woods richlycarved by hand. There are no insidedoors on the lower floor, with the excep-tion of thj53e which cut off the butler'spantry ffdta the hall and dining-room- .

Some of the elegancies are large panelscontaining historical scenes in coloredsilk tapestry, a huge Moorish fireplacesurmounted with quaintly-designe- d iron-work, stained-glas- s windows, inlaid floor-ing, an electric bell system through thehouse, and model plumbing. The libraryis fitted up in the Japanese style, and hasa heavy blue silk canopy ceiling, onwhich dragons and othftr fabulous rep-tiles dispor; themselves.

John Brown Jn Maryland.I" Oath's" Letter. ,

The country is full of legends of oldBrown going to and fro; how once atBoonsboro he bought some watermelonsand made all the citizens come up and eat;how he had his horses watered at Funks-tow- n

in the Antietam creek, and whenthe tavern-keepe- r asked him a questionold Brown simply looked at him with hispenetrating gray eyes, and the tavern-keepe- r

asked nothing further; how, whenhe killed hogs at his farm, he made hispoor mountain neighbors come in andhave some pork, or rib, or pig-tai- L Thatstrange, probably old man haswrought himself into the history, espe-cially the local history here, as not evenS.iakespeare himself could have done if hehad written his plays under these moun-tains. ''

Maklnf Natural Ga Odorous.Chicago Times.

A Pittsburg mechanic is reported tohave invented a process for making nat-ural gas odorous, thus removing onegreat danger in its use. The process con-sists in passing the gas as it comes fromthe' well through a receptacle in whichare chemicals that give it quite as strongan odor as that of artificial gas, and whichwill last for twelve hours. The great ob-jection to tho use of natural gas lies inthe fact that there is no means of detect-ing a leak in the pipes until an explosiontakes j lace.

The Sea Cow.Scientific Journal.

Among other forms of animal lifewhich have disappeared from the earth isthe sea cow. This great animal, whichhas been variously classed with thewhales, with walruses and seals, and withelephants was a toothless vegetablefeeder, living along the shore in shallowwater, and often weighing three or fourtons, it was seen alive and described inl; i i, hut in 1780 it appeared to have be-come entirely extinct.

A Seventeen -- Tonguert Echo.(Chicago Times.,'

The ce'ebrated Alderbach echo is atlength surpa-se- d by a seventeen tonguedone disv oveied in Silesia. If a horn issounded ut a point called Garves h'ub,near i LarlotU-ubrun- , there will be heard,after the lapse of a few seconds, a succes-sion of swee . clear notes coming back atbriei' inlr;-- a s. until seventeen in all haveauswered. '

Slnt lo Nervous Women.. nolig'ci?J ur al.J

Late hours, also, are destructive tonerve-healt- h. This is particularly true ofor de' it-at- females, who, as a rule, spendtoo great a part of the early night inreading, amusements, and recreations athome ati.l abroad. Such cannot sleep toomuch, j a; ticularly in the early part of theaight, as much as possible before mid-night, c

A Strange Kaucy."In ( ey Ion," at least ' says Sir James

Tennant. "leopards have a strange fancyfor the I'.csh of small-po- x victims, the sp-ecie odor of the disease seeming tostrongly attract them. "

A lever's Knse.tOhica-j- Tribune.

A bashful young man who was afraidto propose to His sweetheart, induced herto tire at him with a pistol, which he as-sured her was only loaded with powder;and after she had" done so fell down andpre. ended to be dead. She threw her. elfwildly upon the body, calling him herda: ling and her beloved; whereupon heirt. un and married her.



till '


on i n fa ?I I l f 1 V iv 1 S I A 1 V 1


Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. Amarvelof purity.

Btrenjrth vholesouicness. More economicalthan the ordinary kind and cannot be scld in com-petiti- o-i

witft the multitude of lo.vtest, shortveight.alumorphosphate powders. Soldokt.tIHcans. ItOYAL lUKisa rowz-sx- . Co., lOd Wall-S-

N. Y.9 d-- w tf


Benefit Tendered to the



Friday Evening, Sept. 4, .

Under the patrouage and in the presence of TheirMajesties the King and Queen, and Their RoyalHighnesses Princess and PrincessLikelike.

PHICES OF ADMISSION Dress Circle, ?T 25;Other Parts of the House, $1; Children under 12years, 50 cents. H9se4


A Dividend of One Dollar per share will be paidtn th stockholders of the Paia Plantation on Seu- -tember 1, 1S85, at the office of Messrs. CasUe fc

Cooke, Honolulu.

Uncle Sandy Tells the Story of now toKetch. Cook, and Eat 'Em.

Talbotton (Ga.) Era.Long years ago there used to come

through Talbot county a negro trader,iris'eai by name, from whom Hon. HenryPersons gleaned tlie story of "UncleSandy's 'possum, " being the modus oper-

andi of 'possum catching and eating astold in the original language of the olddarky of "Old Virginny neber tire. n

u Jesso, boss, jesso, " says Uncle Sandy,"dat 'possum am cur'ous varmint, shoresyer born, yit hit shorely am de sweetie'of meat"

" How you cotch 'irn and cook an cat'im? lse jess gwine ter tell year. "

" Yer fuss go down dar in de ole pinefiel' whar we clen up about ten years 'go,an' yer cut yer sum er dem fat lighteredroots out de ground from one er demstumps; den yer fotches um hum an' setsum up in de chimly corner fer ter drytwel Sadday night cum. Wen dat nightcomes yer jes tak dem lightered roots andsplit 'em up and lites um, and takes yer axon yer shoulder and goes out de cabin do,calls yer dog, and den gj down de bosslot branch. Yer go long for 'bout er houran' yer tink yer ain't gwine ter ketchnuftin. Bimeby, near 'bout wen sebenstars way up yonder, yer lose yer dog.lie done clean gone fer sho. Yer gitsmiry tired. Y'er tink fer sho yer ain'tgwine ter ketch nuftin'. Yer gits sleepy an' .

yer eyes get hebby. Yer long ways frumhum. Yer start back dar, too, mitylow spereted. Yer call an' ' calldat dog, but he ain't gwine cum no mo;den yer goes on back toards hum, andbimeby yer gets dar. An' yer dun tukyer boy, Sam, wid yer, and when ergits in de yard Sam he stops little wile teilisten; den he 'Daddy, I 'ere dat dog.'Y'er say: 'Oh, hush yer fass, boy, yer doankno what yertalkin.' But he say again:'Daddy, I do "ere dat dog sho.' AS ell, denyer listins an yer 'eres er dog barkin waoff in the woods, pears like about ;.vemiles oft Y'er listins and yer '(.res emagain and dis time pears like hefurder oilden 'fore. Sam said: 'Daddy, less go.Yer stops and tinks. Y'er mighty tired,sho, but de boy beg so, yer hatter go. nrstarts. Yer goe3 on pears like fore milesand yc dos fall down on er log. er - ay.Sam, 3--

cr fool nigger, Pse not gwir.e ernudder step. I doan bleeb dats my dog,and er doan bleeb de enny 'possum dorneeder.' Sam say, 'AY ell, daddy, ef yerdon't I does, l se gwine!' er hattergit up an' go. Dat dog barkin'on des de same; an' yer soongits dar, sho nuff, des likeSam say, de dog is dar, an' dat possum isdar too. De tree whar he up is one al-

dose little simmon trees anil tam'll soonclem it an' fotch brer possum down by detail. Yer look at the possum an" sineckde lips, fer 'e be big fine fellow. Den yertake 'em an' go rite back hum, an' jess foyer git ter de door, yer take yer ax 'audlean' put 'em cross e'ne'k an" bre'k 'e ne'kby pullin' oh 'e tail. Den yer tek im in'ousc, and de ole 'oman done lcil" great bigfireplace heap full hickory ashes. Yertakes de shubble, and opens bJg hole indem pile er ashes and drops dat possum indar, an' when yer take im outer dat Ue

ha'r des pull oil des es easy, an yer put'im in some hot water and scrapes 'im wider casenifc, and he cums clean. Dea yertakes out der intrals, hang 'im up andwash "im good, den yer salts im down,and puts 'im away twel .Monday morning.

"Monday morning cum. de ole 'omantek 'im out an parbile 'im good, den shegit 'bout pek er taters ami den slices demtaters an' piles 'em all over im, an' denshe baks 'im twell de grease run all frudem taters. Den she tcks 'im out an' puts'im in de big dish, an' sets im on de din-ner table wid de taters pile all e.'ocr 'im.

"Yer cum ter dinner fum de liel, an yerwalks in an sets down ter de table, butyer doan eat dat pos:-u- den! Xo, sah,doan yer eat 'im den: Arter dinner yerdc3 takes 'im au der taters an sets 'im'upin de cupbard.

"Bimebye yer cums horn fum de da3r'swork ter supper. Youre mity worn out.fer yer been wuking in de fiel hard allday. Y'er sets down odtside de cabin doand takes yer pipe and smokes. Forelong Sam say: 'J ad :y, reddy.'But yer des set dar. yer do in go in. Yerwait twell de ole onuiu and the chillingit fru eaten and de chilluu go off ter bed.Den yer knocks der ashes out yer pipeand goes in. Yer o es de leetle squartable front de fier and puts yer char closeup dar by it. Den yer goes ter de cupbard and gitsde poss.nn nnd taters. Yerputs 'em on dc t;i-e- . Vcr tells de ole'oman ter go on out a : yer locks de do.Den dar yer is. ou an de possum all byyeerself togedder. . er frows yer ole haton de flo, takes yer seat iu dat char by detable, and gibs yer sole ter yer God I '

H .w linssian Soldier Amuse Themselves.ICor. Lo 1 j i Taper, j

Cn the same evening, on paying a.visitto a major of Cossacks, with whom I wasacquainted, I saw an example of themanner in which' us-ia- n soldiers occa-sionally amuse themselves when in theseremote places. A stake was s.imly plantedin the ground, and two r pes, each sometwenty feet long, were attached to it theextremity of each I eing held by a blind-folded soldier, who tarried in his righthand a stout piece of rope about threefeet long!

Holding the ropes extended to their fulllength, they were placed at opposite sidesof the circle which they would beobliged to follow, and a signal wasgiven. Each listened intently to try if hecould discover the approach of his adversary. If one could steal a march uponthe other, he belabored hirr. with therope's end, a dozen blows. I believe,being the maximum number permitted ata tima The performance seemed to de-light both the major and the remainder ofthe spectators.

I have remarked on all such occasionsthe unfailing good temper with which thesevere knocks, often amounting to down-right are received by thesesoldiers at each other's hands.

Meeting; a leprahaun.P'UncL B.irv N w Y rk Letter.

John YYr. Mackay continues to be oneof the multiple millionaires commonlypointed out to loungers in the hotels andstreet He is here a good part of thetime. I aske 1 him if it was true that hehad been supernaturally helped to wealthby a leprahaun.

"There are thousands of Irishmen whothink so, I have no doubt, " was the ex-Cal- if

ornian'i laughing repl j " The lep-rahaun is a creature of Ireland's mythol-ogy. He is supposed to be a sprite whomakes the fairies shoes, and, notwith-standing his humble trade, he is ac-quainted with all the hidden treasures ofthe earth. He will reveal them to who-ever asks him in a suHiciently captivatingmanner. If you are ever lucky enough tocome across a leprahaun don't let himget out of your sight else -- our chance tointerview him is gone forever. No sec-ond glimpse is ever obtained. YVcll, theIrish peasantry firmly believe in thismyth, and long residence in Amentadoesn't eradicate it from their minds.The Irishmen among the miners of Nevada generally had the idea that my suc-cess in the Comslock lode was due to anencounter with a leprahaun. "

One Out of a Ihotisaud.Cape Ann At'v rtise;;.,

Out of every 1,000 people born into thisworld of sin and sorrow, V99 either do notknow a good story when they hear it, for-get it after they have heard it, or do notknow how to repeat it themselves, orhaven't good judgment about when to introduco it.

Pacific Commercial Advertiser




per annum o 00

six months 3 00

Per month ...... .. 50c

39iub4c?lptioTi4 I'ayaMealHftys inAdvance.

Communlcaiiona from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons residing m any part of the United .Statescan remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

ifatter Intrtvi fur ruMinBtion ia the editorialcolumns she t ... j . . li.

Editor Fauxfio Commehcial apvebtiseb."Business communications and advertisements

hould be addressed simplyP. C. ADVKHTISEK."

and not to individuals.

THEPacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale daily at the Following Places:

J. M. OAT &. CO Merchant streetT. O. THRUM Merchant streetCRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel streetN. F. BUROESS King streetWOLF fc EDVARPS...Cor King and Nunanu sisC. J. MCCARTHY Hotel street.

Five C'enl per Copy. tf

FRIDAY - - - - September 4th.


Everyone must perceive that theoperation of the Reciprocity Treatyis. gradually killing our import tradewith countries other than the UnitedStates. Direct imports from Eng-land and Germany have almostceased, and with the exception of un-important lines of goods, outsidespirits and beer, American importspay no duty. At present, therefore,the Custom House must not be re-

garded as a prolific source of revenue.And by all appearance this conditionis more likely to be permanent thantemporary. The settled policy of thecountry is towards free trade.althoughit is called by another name. But

--whether it be "commercial reci-procity" "free trade," it comes topiecisely the same thing, judged bythe standard of revenue.

We are very far from regrettingthis. On the contrary, we think it asound economic policy, and if we hadOUr W1V. wlllP.h nf ennrso ia imnna.sible, there would not be a CustomHouse -- in the world. Commerce isalways vitalized by the removal ofrestrictions upon it, and in our judg-- -

ment the extraordinary industrialof the United SU.it.pa is not.

due to its protective tariff, but to itsillter-fttat- fi frp T.r.iflp. whinh rorwIprArl

possible the distribution of the variedproducts of its entire continentalarea without toll or embargo of anykind. For this "the Fathers of theCountry," the great men who de-

vised the Constitution and prohibitedthe imposition of export duties aswell, are to be thanked. They werefar-seei- ng statesmen, as far superiorto modern politicians as may well beimagined.

In a small way our own inter-i9lan- d

trade is being developed upon pre-cisely similar lines as the inter-stat- e

trade of the great Republic, has been"developed. Nevertheless, industrialdevelopment proceeds apace, as wit-ness our machine shops, foundry, andallied industries. The great sugarindustry has been built up, singu-larly enough, by sacrificing revenue.In other words, free trade with theUnited States has built up the sugarindustry of these Islands, while a pro-tective policy would have kept it in astruggling condition. These arepoints which must not be lost sightof, and which are very suggestive.Social economists wili not fail to readthe lesson they, teach, although itmay be missed by not a few who areengaged in guiding public opinionand even in the practical work oflegislation.

We see that industrial and com-mercial development is not only pos-sible with free trade, but that so faras our experience goes in this King-dom, it is a direct result of free trade,limited, it is true, to one country, butwhich country is big enough to ab-sorb all our surplus products. Doesit not logically follow, therefore, thatan extension of this policy would stillfurther stimulate the production ofthose special commodities in theraising of which we have decidedlocal advantages? We think thisposition cannot be controverted; butpublic policy is not always guided byrigid logic. Expediency. is the primefactor in State craft. A State expe-dient, while it serves the purpose,may not be exactly logical. As amatter of fact, our relations with theUnited States are of such a characteras to forbid an application of the freetrade principle embodied in the Reci-procity Treaty toother countries, andtherefore that point may be dis-missed without further considera- -

istvi Thn nnlv niipHnn flmr rrV w or " v--

arise in this connection is whetherwe should not be prepared to makefurther concessions to the UnitedStates, that is, whether the productsnd manufactures of the two coun

CENTRAL HAS BEEN OPENED FORTHE accommodation of the lovers of thechoicer arUcle of the weed. I intend to keep atthe Central a fine variety of Cigars and Tobacco,and have made special arrangements with Im-porters from abroad. Trusting a liberal share ofpatronage, I remain, respectfully,

115 tf J. E. WISEMAN.


JJ ises situated at Kalihi, al joining Mrs. Beck- -ley's. The house is 18x24, with every accommo-dation. There is about four acres of land fencedin with stone wall. Terms very easy. Apply toDeputy Marshal Dayton, at the Police Station,from whom all particulars can te obtained.


Vosemite SIAw Buik.

Will be open afternoon and evening asfollowd :



To the public in general.



For ladles and their escorts. '

By request of the ladies and gentlemen whotok part in the last Masquerade at Yo-emi- te

Skating llink, preparations are being made tohave another, September 25th, when we will havethe Grand May Pole Dance also. 142 tf


All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingat the

Pacific Commercial .1. i.i titerOffice will from misdate be presented for pay.ment monthly.

Honolulu, March 2. 18S5.



A Fine Lot ot Red Fish.


Oastle & Ooolte,80-t- t

Benson, 'Smith & Co.,





jVIaile Coloone.113 AND 115 FORT STREET.

pt 27

Notice to Graziers.

xyAXTED-EKO- M 2,500 to S.'.OO HEAD OFI store cattlr, from 'i to 5 years of age, in lots

of not It ss than 2.) la ad. at HououliuliRanch, Ewu, Oadu. Communications as to prictsto be sent to CECIL BROWN,

135 -- sl5 Merchant street, Honolulu.



Lowest Market Rates,

A Large S;ock of the Most FavoriteBrands of





TII1STI.F. DEW WIIISUY.(I ri ca.ses and casks,)


rEI.LISSOJTA HKAI)Y,("Jand 10 yars old,



Budweiser Lager Ber,For which we are the Sole Agents In te Ila--


waiiau Islands, are particularly recommenced.

Town and Country Orders 'Filled

Promptly, and KatiHfactiou Uiiaraii-fecd- .

f j

worthy of the patronage of the public. Relow I will Kve his peuigrw.w j

Why not encourage Scottish crcft-er- s

to come to this country and takeup small farms? The climate is nobarrier to them. They are a strong,vigorous, moral and law-abidi- ng

class of people, and would be a mostdesirable addition to our population.Especially in the raising of sheep andhandling of wool they would be in-

valuable. We do not think theywould do any good in the cane fields,and indeed they would be more use-ful in other and more congenial pur-suits. The crofters of the WesternHighlands of Scotland are also aneducated, thrifty and religious peo-ple, and would thrive and do wellhere. Let some of our large land-owners take the hint and cut up suit-able portions of their estates intosmall farms, holding out inducementsto the victims of Scottish landlord-ism to come here and settle, and theywill soon have a prosperous commu-nity around them, adding enormouslyto the value of the remainder of theirproperty.

The Irrigation Commissioner sentby the Victorian Government to theUnited States has made an exhaust-ive report in which he advises greatcaution to be exercised before adopt-ing American irrigation methods.The natural water supply of Victoriais not nearly so abundant as that ofCalifornia, and a storage systemmust precede distribution. There isno doubt at all that in Californiagreat mistakes have been made inirrigation. The soil in many placeshas been "water-logged- ," so to speak,and where irrigation was deemed anabsolute necessity three or four yearsago, drainage has now become im-

perative. It will cost ten times asmuch to drain the low lying lands inthe great valleys as it did to fill itwith water for the sake of forcing acrop or two. There is danger in thiscountry also of abusing irrigation.

A correspondent writes correct-ing our news item regarding the re-pe- rt

on the Panama Canal transmit-ted to the Navy Department at Wash-ington by "Lieutenant Menocal." Thefact is that Mr. Menocal is a civil en-

gineer and enjoys the rank of Com-

mander in the U. S. navy. Thisgentleman has made at least twosurveys of the Nicaragua canal route,of which he is an able and persistentadvocate. His reports have beenverified and sustained by Britishnaval officers, and by several of themost eminent civil engineers inEngland.


Thursday, September 3d.Gee Ling was charged with larceny of

a horse in 1SS1, the property of Kanalo,and valued at $30. He was remandeduntil the 4th instant. Mr. W. 11. Castleappeared for him.

Kahui, Naneo, John, James Mitchelland Namaile had to pay $6 each fordrunkenness.

Sam, for assault and battery on Fuu- -

honua, was fined $5.Kanakaole was fined $10 and sen

tenced to imprisonment at hard labor forone month for escaping from an officerwhile under arrest.

Wong Tai Poon was brought up on re-

mand for being a common nuisance.Having complied with the order of theAgent of the Board of Health, the casewas withdrawn.

liana (w), an old offender, was chargedwith having opium in possession. Shepleaded not guilty, but the evidence wasclear and Hana was sent to her old

L quarters on the reef for two months audifined $50. . ..

Tlie Steamer Kinau.By the Mariposa, due on Tuesday

next, fifteen machinists are expectedfrom San Francisco to work on thesteamer Kinau. It will be rememberedthat recently the steamer touched on theend of the island of Maui in comingfrom Hawaii, and received slightdamage. The insurance company hasordered necessary repairs to bemade. With the workmen hereat present it would take twenty-on- e

days to repair her. Three new platesare to be put on. The fifteen men, ifthey arrive by the Mariposa, which isalmost certain, will be put to work im-

mediately, eight hours on and off. It isexpected they will have repairs com-pleted so as to return to the Coast by thesame steamer they came in. This willsave fourteen days' time and dockage, amatter of something like $3,000. Whilethe Kinau is laid up the Likelike will runon her route.

a comparison with that of any other horse in the country :

VENTURE, chestnut horse, 10 hands, foaled in 18C4 ; Hired by

American Boy, he by Sea Gull, he by imp. Expedition.1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Roy, Jr.2d dam, by Kenner's Gray Medoc3d dam, imp. Lady Mostyn, by Ttnneirs.4th. dam, Id valid, by Whisker.5th dam, Helen, by Hambletonian.Olh Jam, Susan, by Overteui.7th dam, Drowsy, by Drone.8ih dam, by Old England.9th dam, by CuIJen Arabian.

I 10th dam, Miss Cade, bj Cade.lltli dam, ?iiss Makeh-s-s- , by s n of Greyhound.12th 'darn, hy Pri:er.13th dam, Miss Does, darn by WoodcotL.14th dam, by Crofts Ray Barb.15th dam, Desdeiuonas, dam by Makeiess.16th dam, by Brimmer.17th dam, by Dickey Pierson.18th dam, Burton Barb. Mare.

flTor any additional particulars, terms, etc., apply a

C. B. MILES, Pro?117aul2tf

Chemically Pure AMBER sOAMtofi

Boat "be a 01amCCS


COand be satisfied with inferior articles jurt w "

a ihave used them for years. Wake up inland see what are the latest and hestAVc know that you have heen usin Hapn 1,r '


1 .I1C1

l Jw , , f

in the J



jj lou aid noi Know iiiai inese uim.--u ' :0tn-- -j impure soap hein used in washing you r c ,

83 know you did not. You thought that your w A j

9 ? il i l l irxAnftto rid your. 5

a. its impurities. by taking all kinds ot ineuit- "-. fr,s j

- same time the svstem ha:; been absorbing I J3 your clothes being washed with impure g isi iVnj5" f

The "Amber," Washing and "Tb " c0aPin.i J55 callv Pure, and it is the only. chemicain fated 1

Tf o.ifnMnrl from a rt-e-n-'-

CO market xv ir iiiaJtuiuui'Uivuthe highest medical authorities as a i re



Chemically Pure.-AM- BER SOAP-- C

G. W. MACFAELAflE &Freeth. & Peacock.

23 Nuuanu street, Honolulu. H. I.Telephone No. 46. P. O. Box 3G2.

110 Ja24.dt86'


J40se2 E. M. Walsh, Treasurer.

IDi r


LOCAL AND GENERAL. oiwliscnuiUs.cvrTHOlUTYAm bk Fresco, Capt S E Lewis, from Newcastle,

NSWAm bktne Mary Wickelman, Backus, from San

Franciscoi I Mr. Chas. J. Fishers grand opening Lasbeen postponed until early next week.

Mr. Adams' regular cash sale will be heldthis morning at 10 o'clock, at the salesroom.


T.V...l..t . ... T . 11 . . . .


3d lion s u wuuer, lion w c Farke, Hon II JIWhitney and wife, Major Benson, Dr R McKib-bi- n,

R W Luine, J M Oat, F B Oat, Mr Tucker, EH Allen, J H Paty, J K Wilder, C T Wilder,Chauncey Wilder, C Lucas, II (Junn, T Wall, C SHall, W F Graham, S M Whitman, Thos Wright,J O Young, J Baker. II L Thiron, O W Smith,and about 30 deck passengers.I nureau of In- -

UNDERSIGNED HAS BOUGHT THETHE and the lease of the See WoTJC'rii-pan- y,

who has been carrying on tailor business atNuuanu street, No. 47. The Trustees in the SeeWo Company Ching At, Chnng Hee, Chan Hee,and Tan Bun will settle all claims against theSee Wo Company. The undersigned will con-tinue the business from SATURDAY, September12, 1885. CHUNG TUNG.

Honolulu, September 3, 1385. 155-sep- tll

HOLLISTBE & CO.Have been appointed agents for the Hawaiian Islands for








jrPePmI'atl" commis- -

NOTICE!the awP: -


m under

JJ,aEGHON, loctor General.

, Iuspector of Japanese

Japanese Goods


Messrs. Wm. 6. Irwin &Co's


On Fort Street,

C'OXSULlTK OKXEKALOF THE UNTTED STATES,HoxoLri.tr, H. I., August 27, 1885.

The estate of the late EDWARD L. HARVbeing in the hands of the United States Consul

d sub-Inspect- of' '

nw the IslHDd f MaUl10,'

74-apll'- Fort Streot,Nnuanu Street.and Sub-Inspect- or

lt,, rreter- ". till..ts for the Island ofV -'iK'


M 's.fT It'UClIAs

and President Bureau of

Wednestlaj', August 12th,

for settlement, all persons having claims againstthe said estate are notified to present them, prop-erly verified, at the Consulate within thirty daysafter this date.13i-t- f J. H. PUTNAM, Consul-Genera- l.


" Louvre of Brussels,"Begs to inform h s friends and the public gener-ally that he has moved from the corner of Kingand AlukCii streets to the more central location ofFort street, just below Merchant, where he willopen on MONDAY, August 31st, with an entirenew stock of

Gent Clothing-- , Fnrnisliius Goods,Hat, Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc.,

Novelties in Ladies' Hats, Ru3chlngs, Laces, Em-broideries, Etc.

A decided bargain in Table Linens and Napkins.Hi YARDS CALICO FOR $1.

SHIPPING NOTES.The schooner Josephine brought 200 bags paddy

from Ewa, Oahu, September 3d.

The brigantine Claus Spreckels is at the FishMarket, being repainted. She has not taken inany sugar yet.

The Pacific Mail Steamship Zealaudia may beexpected from Saa Francisco, en route to theColonies, afternoon.

The steamer James I. Dowsett will arrive fromMoloKai this evening, and will be nauled on theMarine Railway to-mrr- to have her damagedfalse keel repaired and recoppered, and the wheelhouse put in position on the hurricane deck.

The German bark C. R. Bishop is now on theway from Bremen to Honolulu. She will arrivenext November.

Messrs. Freeth fc Peacock, agents of the Ha-waiian brig Allie Rowe, expect her to return inabout six weeks' time.

The schooners Nettie Merrill, Emma, steamlaunch Montague and Wailele are lying In thestream.

The American barkentine Kitsap, lately en-gaged in the Hawaiian lumber trade, left Tacoma,W. T., with a cargo of lumber for Australia, latelast month.

The American bark Alden Bessie, CaptainO'Brien, expected at this port early next Novem-ber, was being refitted with berths, and re-rate-

at Portland, Oregon, August 10th. She will callhere, en route for Hongkong, with about 400 Chi-nei- e

passengers. She will take Chinese passen-gers from this port. Messrs. R. W. Laine tfc Co.are agents.

The steamer James Makce returned late Sep-tember 3d from Koolau.

At noon, September 3d, dnring a strong gust of

ir4.sep7-w- 33.

"The requirements for a Brandv likelv to be of any medical use are all present In that supplied byMessrs. J. E. rellison fc Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.Battled at Cognac, for Medicinal and Iomti: Uses, as Anals'ted.

YWe call the attention of all readers to the following extract from the Analysts' Report andOpinions of the Press:

Laboratory, House, 21 Ilolborn Viaduct, London, E. C."This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount of

tannin, derived from storing in oak casks, which Ur.parts to line old brandy one of Its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is the most useful of all medicines.

EDM CM) R. SOLTIIBV, M. R. C. S., F. C. S."The only two qualities shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" can be had in one-doze- n eases.



Japanese Curios,

sole Agents for th Hawaiian Islands.lll-j- a iC

"llbe receded at the Interiori r Friday, the fourth dayKn on

lor furnishing the Oahu Jailwiaui ,1,,ay' SePtember 7

be reared. Allititu.smay" TaVuftbe best quality. .

uch officer as he may des-Ih- el or

requisitions, and all supplies

certain items in theet oppose

fr'are tb approximate requirements

TmerenuininB items must be furnished?SJv.cthe Marshal.


There will be music at the YosemiteSkating Kink this evening. Dancing aftefthe usual time allotted for skating.

There was no meeting of the Directors ofthe Honolulu Library and Reading RoomAssociation last evening, a quorum not be-

ing present.All members of the Honolulu Fire Depart-

ment are requested to be in attendance atthe Bell Tower this evening, at 7 o'clocksharp, in full uniform.

Machinist Daigle, who is suffering fromblood-poisonin- g, and who has been movedfrom the Queen's Hospital to his own home,shows no signs of improvement.

Sealed tenders for furnishing supplies tothe Oahu Jail for one year, must be pre-sented at the office of the Minister of theInterior before noou tor-dn- y.

The ball to be given by Engine CompanyNo. 1, to pay off a debt on the flag-pol- e, hasbeen fixed for Thursday evening, October1st, at the Yosemite Skating Rink.

. This evening Fryer's circus give a bene-

fit for the sick fund of the Honolulu FireDepartment. It is a worthy object and thetent should be crowded on this occasion.

The performance at the circus last even-

ing for the benefit of the KaumakapiliChurch was excellent, but the attendancewas not so large as might have buen ex-

pected.Do not forget the benefit at the circus

this evening for the Fire Department sickfund. Go and tee the clown, play AlohaOe through a fireman's trumpet. The in-

terior of the tent will be decorated withflags and the exterior with lanterns.

Some of the sidewalks on Nuuanu streetbetween Hotel and Beretania streets aresimply in a disgraceful condition, and needrepairing without further delay. We

counted fifteen loose planks in that distancelast evening, and as many more entirelyrotten.

A young native lawyer had a cano iu thePolicu Court on Wednesday afternoon,which was decided in favor of his clients.He felt very much elated, aud after gettinghis fee went out to spend it. Six dollarsof it was paid into the Court next morningto his account.

The following gentlemen have been com-

missioned as Inspectors of Immigrantsunder the Bureau of Immigration: Hon. A.S. Cleghorn. Inspector General; G. A.Nakayama, Esq., Inspector of Japanese Im-

migrants; J. Ito, Esq., Interpreter and Sub-Inspect- or

of Japanese Immigrants for Maui;S. Eimura, Esq., the same for Hawaii.

In G. W. Macfarlane & Co.'s upstairsstore may be seen some very handsomespecimens of needle work just completed byMiss Lisliman. The articles are cushionsfor lounges, and banners. They are in dif-

ferent colors, and there are three kinds ofstitches, if not more. Rarely is such beauti-

ful work seen in this community.A slight change has taken place in the

Supreme Court. Mr. Foster, the Clerk, hasremoved his desk into the large roomadjoining, formerly occupied by the Gov-

ernment Survey, and which will be shortlyfitted up as a law library. Messrs. HenrySmith and Henry Poor, the Deputy Clerks,remain in their old positions.

LEWIS & CO.,AVholesale and Retail Grocers,

G7 and C9 Hotel street. P. O. Uox 07.- Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS Jl'ST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fish,and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.


'wrwiil be required ta file in the Iu.JnJwith approved surety in the

oTtousand Dollars f2,000) for theof his contract.

..... TirATTDTTl

Per Month.food.

THE"SHAMROCK" Ipisl1 Tab,e 1Llne"s

Unsurpassed for Quality, Durability andBeauty of Designs.

One lliindre;! Years Itewiitation.MEDALS Belfast, 1844, 170; London, 1851. 18B2

and (Gold) 1870; Paris (Gold). 1367; Dublin, 1805,1S72; Philadtilpuia, 187CAlso, Huckaback and Fancy Towels, Glass and

Tea Clotlis, Etc.Made of the BEST 1KISII and Courtrai Flax:

spun, woven and bleached in Ireland. Patternsare designed by IRISH AKTISTS, who have formany years .excelled those of any other country.


The Irish Linen Agency.

wind, the schooner Wailele was drifted from heranchorage, near the Fish Marker, towards theQuarantine Station. No one was on board at thetime. Some of the crew ashore saw it, and roweda boat hurriedly to her, arriving Justin time toprevent her drifting ashore. They boarded herand dropped anotheranchor down.

The steamer James Makee lauded 2,0:4 bagspaddy at Koolau. September 3d, andtook in 300 bass rice for this port.

k? '






Ladies' Dressing Gowns,

Ladies' Shawls.


Porcelains,Bric-a-Bra- c,

Elegant Tea Sets,ETC., ETC., .ETC.,

is,ooo as

....700 fl)S

.6,300 lbs,....G bbls

30 tt

....700 tts

.... 60 qts


;llave completed aud oiler fur snle tlie following Boilers, viz:


1 Combination Boiler. 12 ft. x 5 ft. OJin.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 1 ft., also

1 Second-llan- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft, x 4 ft.

Jfttfr. ? r'

f -- -

wM,i,sort''1Otiii?, Etc



134-t- f W. C. SPROULL, Manager.

A doz

Apply to Tlie Honolulu Iron Worlxs Co.,

j&? rJ'jwttUil.fraMf






Proprietors.The above Restaurant haviug recently changed

hands, it will be carried on in future in a mannerto defy competition. Bill of fare best in the city,and prices most reasonable. FRESH FISHEVERY DAY. Our Chief Cook worked in thesame capicity for Hart Bros, during a period ofsix years, giving entire satisfaction to his em-ployers and through them to the public. Wehave therefore every confidence that a fair shareof patronage will be accorded to us. In order tomeet the requirements of these hard times, weoffer 21 rneal tickets for f4 50, order what youplease. Board in the Private Dining Room, asper agreement, all according to the requirementsof customers.

GEO. CAVENAGH, Manager.P. s. Civil and attentive waiters. Customers

promptly served with their order. "No lingering."Try the new deal. 132 tf

All of which articles will be sold at reasonableprices. TERMS CASH. HGseplli'idiniier. V iloz

ii.Jron Buckets V luz.


'M Sfcaeiu?, ? t

& Minister tWs i.t i.ind himself to accept the(riiiy t'.ni-r- .

(. HAS. T. GULICK.iliuisti-- r o Int rior.

iWwOlli-e- August 31, l.St.1. a:il-5- t


Grxiocexies5 Provisions arid. FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. J

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, fresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thcity free of charge. Island orders solicited.. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofllce Box No. 15Telephone No. 92. 70 apl7

miu.jl ...... n- - i i. IJJJi!! L

AVjM. S. WEBSTER,Consulting lEngineexv

Win. G. Irwin & Co.

OFFER FOR SALEThe Board of Immigration prov-

es to make arrangements forit further importation of PACIFIC"


Sugars.Commercial Advertise!

Honolulu Fire Department.The board of representatives of the

Fire Department held their regular meet-ing last evening at the Bell Tower. Therewas a full attendance. Second AssistantEngineer Julius Asch presided in theabsence of the Chief and First Assistant.The roll was called and the minutes ofthe previous meeting were read and ap-proved. Several communications werethen read from the different com-

panies, and a number of bills or-

dered to be paid. The Committee on theChinese effigy was discharged. A longdiscussion next took place with regard tothe bell in the central tower, which cannot be heard at any great distance,owing to its not being properly hung.Foreman Raseman moved that the bellbe fixed so as it could be heard at a muchgreater distance. One member said itcould not be heard so far away as theFort-stre- et Church bell. After furtherdiscussion the matter was left in thehands, of the Executive Committee tomake the necessary repairs. It trans-pired at the meeting that the Chief En-

gineer, curing his visit to the States,will be on the look out for the best gen-

eral alarm system. The Chairman ap-

pointed the following members to assistat the circus this evening on the occasionof the benefit for the sick fund : HenrySmith and C. K. Miller, ticket sellers;F. Hustact, A. Rasemann, G. Norton andP. Souza, dxrkeeiers ; W. W. Wright,Thos. Krouse and Kamauu, ushers. A

letter was read from Mr. Russell Whiti?,Captain of the Fire Patrol, San Fran-

cisco, stating that he had met Chief En-

gineer Nott, and had been showing himaround the dilFerent engine houses inthat city. A vote of thanks was ten-

dered Mr. James Dodd, who intendssending one of his busses round townthis afternoon with the Royal HawaiianBand to give notice of the benefit to-nig- ht

at the circus.A special meeting of the Board was

appointed for Monday evening, Septem-ber 7th.

Drawings, Estimates, Surveys of Boilers, Engines and Mf : uery marie out.New and Second-han- d Machinery of every description r"':;bt and, sold. Planter aud others

having such to dispose of, or requiring the same, would do well u- - .omrnunicate.The following Second-han- d Machinery, in good order, FOR SALE:

One 4ft x 12ft Multitublar Boiler, one Gin x bin Portable Engine, one 14 lti x .'in Slide Valve Engine,one Gft Vacuum Pan, with Engine and Pump complete; three 500 Galls. Claririers, two Weston Cen-trifugals, one Mill 26 in. by 54 in., one Mill 20 in. by 32 in. 109




Half Barrels,And Boxes.

cube--idnaif Barrels

And nd Boxes.


GOLDEN C. (COFFEE)In Half Barrels

And Boxes.


hpse immigrants into thisEagdom and would request thatparties desirous of procuringit service of such contract laborrI forward their applications toh. G. Irwin & Co. the dulyfluted Agents of the Boardir Japanese Immigration,

ft is requested that these appli-aSon- sbe sent in without delay

-'-1 that the parties ordering

ite as definate as possible whatretirements will be for the

st six months, so that the nec--7

arrangements can be madethe introdiiction of these


HIAS. T. GULICK.fctorof Interior and President

i . Bureau of Immigration.'A.en..r Office, Aug. 21, 1885.

Is prepared to do all kinds of

Ill' ' .Commercial & Legal Work" 1 'I



JAPAN,Having just Received a Completo and NewAssortment of

POWCHONG. infer .USM- - ks3ttf !! Mnou nuriuar Septem-ber, ISS.1.

Itelisions Fanatto In Sicily.Cor. Chicago Times.

In Sicily, so long subject to Phoenician inftuence, same of the religious usages are sobarbarous and revolting as almost to makeone wonder whether they may not ba linger-ing memories of the bloody Baal worship.There Is, for instance, a Tillage in the moun-tains above Taormina, where a yearly"fes.ta is held in honor of a saint whoseshrine lies in a little rocky strong hold, ap-proached for- - the last quarter of a mile bya steep path" strewn with loose, sharp-pointe- d

stone?, which makes walking no easymatter, even in the stoutest traveling boots.Yet up this path crowds of r

pilgrinwdrag themselves painfully not even onhands and knees, as at the "Scala Santa,"at Rome, but literally flat on the ground,with open mouths and tongues protruded,to lick the stones which tear the skin andlacerate limbs like so many lancets andknives.

When they have thus struggled up to thealtar of the chapel, and stand once more up-

right they present a ghastly appearance;clothes torn t rags, blood dripping fromgashes on breast, limbs and face; theirswollen tongues refusing to re-ent- er theiimouths. The terrible ordeal i3 undergonewith conscientious rigor, whether by thefather who has made his vow at the bedsideof a dying child, the sailor in imminentperil at sea, the jealous lover, or the assassinin dubious death-grapp- le with his resistingvictim. All alike, after confession, and inconsideration of this terrible penance, re-

ceive absolution and communion.In anothe r village the same sort of peni-

tential vow is --performed by the pilgrimsstanding,4 stripped to the waist, in rows.Each one is armed with one of the formida-ble thistles which are used for wool-cardin- g,

and with which they mercilessly flagellateeach other's shoulders, every flagellantstimulated to fiercer efforts in inflictingpain on another by the pain he feels himself,until at last they drop faint and bleedingfrom the ranks. The strong hold whichthese heathen rites retain on the southernmind is shown by the fact that the govern-ment, however much it may disapprove anddiscountenance them, dares not yet activelyinterfere with them.

Soap.I). H. M.. t ( 4.1 P. U.

Ruins "I Setting of the Sun.BLUE MOTTLED,

FAMILY LAUNDRY.'tilT?,""0 nnmine at 5:42 o'clock.

"'""g'-unn- t at 6:13.3 o'clock

Salmon.W HONOLULU, II. 1.

At the Old Stand, No. 8 KaahumaM c,t"o?v, Honolulu,


Stoves and. Ranges,

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Styles, from the most Cele-

brated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter Heads.Bill Heads,

Circulars.Vote Heads

Statements,Bills of Lading",

Contracts,Mortff aare Blanks,

Leases;Snipping; Contracts,

In Hawaiian & EnglUhj

Calendars.Blank Checks,

ARRIVALS.1 Thursday, September 3.






fUTHi'RDAy, September 3.

H4pne,LoreilIen,for a trial trip to Ka- -

Rubber Ho.se ;

Galvanized Iron and Lead PipeSheet Lead and Copper ;iron-Ston- e Drain Pipe.

Granite Iron Ware, Plain and Nickel-Plate- d ;

Tin Ware, of all kinds;Chandeliers ;

Lamps and LanternsPumps ;Flour.ST-.forEw- a

FAMILY (in'quarter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (In half sacks).

Tlie Ltkelil(e' Trial Trip.Last evening, about (:15 o'clock,

the steamer Likelike of the WilderSteamship Company left her dock on atrial trip to Kahului, Maui, to test hernew boilers, which have recently beenput in. The vessel left in charge ofCaptain J. Tremble and EngineerRoberts. Chief Engineer Tucker of theKinau was on board. There was quite alarge crowd on the wharf to see herdepart. As soon as she reached thelighthouse three whistles were blown inresponse to cheers from the vicinity ofthe marine railway. ' Once outside steamwas put on, and the vessel was makingquick time. The following ladies andgentlemen were on board as invitedguests of Hon. S. G. Wilder, Presidentof the Company, who also went by her :

Mr. E. H. Allen, Hawaiian Consul Gen-

eral at New York ; Hon. H. M. Whitney,Postmaster General, and Mrs. Whitney;Hon. Wr. C. Parke, Dr. Robert McKib-bi- n,

Consul R. W. Laine, Major Benson,Messrs. J. K. Wilder, J. H. Paty, J. M.

Ct!' for Walmanalo

?ioL;S;ior Port Town9end

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,Cases Medium Bread.14 Ext,, "x

b: from Foreign l'orts.C5UHfar.(1, Gtdman. from San Fran.I

OF ALL KINDS, ATTENDE I O.i LZ iuLi,;. r",i--- iiizz' , ra Llverpool, due July 30

eaie, from Glasgow, dueLime and Cement.

71-o- clA Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too various to mention.K 8 Zta?, 0ctober 25- -30

leatam (?ri. Webber, from Sani Monies, due Sept 5

fl&liitShaU0 from 1ort

lut.,? Cutler' Tort town-CU'?u7Aor-

wtson, from Port MANILA

Bonds.Stock certificates.

Business Cards.Meal Checks.

Milk Tickets,Bank Checks,


Marriatre Certificates,Diplomas,

Catalogues,Blottliiif lads.

Druggists Labels,


ShlppiiiST Itecefpts.Call Programmes,

AudSISAL CORDAGE.a Ck fU(f:u,th

t?' Xov Kprll,g' ThiPson, from4 uavie. fn,ni Liverpoo, due

Xrxs Alan Who Overworks.fSan Francisco Chronicle.

Nature is as remorseless in dealing withmen as with the beasts of the field. Thereis nothing kindly in her treatment Ifany of her laws are violated the penaltyfalls upon the offender, often with ten-fold force upon the heads of his children.The man who regards himself as a ma-chine calculated to do a certain amountof work in the course of the year, withno more rest than is given to a bit ofmechanism, is sure to reap the fruits ofhis folly. It may come in great weari-ness of life which leads to suicide, or inimpaired strength, which is a bitter cari-cature of his former feverish energy, orin the total collapse of the whole systemperhaps the most melancholy fate of allin this world.

Iladly Bent BayoneLi.(Chicago Herald. 1

It is reported that great frauds wereperpetrated in the manufacture of thearms supplied to the British soldiers in theSoudan. In battle many bayonet3 weretent out of shape at a moment when thesoldier's life was in deadly peril. Insteadof using steel in their composition, dis-

honest contractors made the bayonets ofsoft iron. In some instances the weaponwa3 driven through an enemy and becameso bent that it could' not be removed tcuse a second time.

St.Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

Wkt,,f.Vpt,'Au "aywurd, from San

if to MnMaxwen' frm,' lwLr o,J,T,e A 27-- iO

Oat and Thomas R. Lucas. The Like-lik- e

will arrive at Kahului at daylightthis morning. The whole party willhave a chance of liding the entire lengthof the Kahului railway, and inspectingthe largest sugar plantation in the world,besides viewing the beautiful Iao Valley.The steamer Likelike is to arrive inHonolulu about 6 o'clock Saturdaymorning.. At twenty minutes to seveno'clock last evening the Likelike was off

Theatre Programmes, 50 KEGS BLACK BLASTING POWDER." 25 A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.) rS)in r im a vt.f s rrvw irAnd in fact everything which a Firxt

Class Office oan do.tMl0p from Bremen, due Diamond Head.

Also, a few Iron Wheelbarrows, butSMI JOSE, CAL, U. 5. A,

Work is being rapidly pushed forward onthe new Chinese club house. It will be

quite an ornament to the vicinity, and isexpected to be ready in about six weeks


little used, will be sold low.HStf 'P. C. A. Job Printing Office


. I cat



May 8tn Per Mariposa, 1,754 pnfi

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 Pacfcag

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packa



"Will be Sold at tlie Lowest Market ft

M:. W. McChesney & g0n


42 and it u ...." "irep


f u rns nmm

.... . i

97-my- 1y


4 feJil:

-- 1

2U3I MAIN ST., r(mm



f.Ex. " HEND0TA," and Other Late !

From New York and Hun Francisco, a I.u.x" an.l Vm i'l .Wornum ul

Merchandise, Snitahlp for

Plantations, Country Stores and Famili- -


London World.A little while my love and I,

Before the mowing of the hay.Twined daisy wreaths and cowslip ball3,And carolled glees and madrigals,

Before the hay, beneath the May,My loved who loved me then, and L

For lonaj years now my love and ITread severed paths to varied ends;

We sometimes meet, and sometimes sayThe trivial things of every day.

And meet as comrades, meet as friends,My love, who loved me once, and L

But never more my love and I"Will wonder forth, as once, together,

Or sing the songs we used to singIn springtime, in the cloudle3 weather.

Some chord is mute that used to ring,Soma word forgot we used to sayAmong the May, before the hay,My love, who loves me not, and I.

Choice of Occupation.Scientific American.

Much is said in "writings for youth n asto the importance of choosing such an oc-

cupation for life as nature's inclinationsappear to favor; and in some instances re-

sort has been made to professional headand face readers to indicate the line towhich the unformed mind should be di-

rected. But it is often the fact that evena thinking and sensible boy is unaware ofany decisive "call" to a articular pursuit.Much of this indecision probably comesfrom the fact that the call for a choice oc-cu- rs

at about the time in years and de-velopment when the subject is unfitted tomake a choice "not a man, nor a boy,but a hobbledehoy, " as an old saw has it.

It is foolish to "strike out, " "map out. "or "arrange" for a boy's future calling bymeans of his expressed desire at the cal-low age; the boy will naturally gravitateto his proper line if the circumstances donot hinder if those who have to dealwith him do not interfere. It is not ditn-cul- t

to ascertain if there is a "bent" in thebo3r's inclination. If it is decided, thenthe influences and circumstances shouldbe brought to bear in that direction.Many make mistakes because they did notunderstand, and sometimes theseearly mistakes extend through thelifetime; but Eurritt was a fair black-smith, Collyer was a good one, Lincolnwas a good rail splitter, and Johnson wasa good tailor. It would be assumptive toto say that the course of these men wouldhave been better if at the beginning theyhad bcc me linguists, preachers, states-men, and presidents. Perhaps it was bet-ter (hat they were what they were at thebeginning.

If there is any moral to facts, as tofables, it might be that the best thing anambitious young man can do i3 to do thefirst thing that comes to him, the firstthing he can reach by going for it, andwatch and wait opportunities for betterthings. '

recullar Wh els fer Man 1 S.JNew York Sun.l

Two novel sulky wheels have beenmade in a Center street shop for the useof Mr. Robert Bonner. The new wheelhas a slender rim of cast steel, fromwhich eight thin lugs project in at regularintervals toward the center. Thin stripsof steel connect the alternate lugs, thusdescribing two squares within the circle.Each strip is a cord which strengthensthe arch of segment of the circle oppositeit. Slender steel wires run from each lugto the hub, which is thus suspended inthe center, its weight and the weight ofthe axle being suspended from the upperarch of thje wheel, instead of restingthrough thick spokes on the under arch.The weight of this wheel is all in the rim,and its strength is great in proportion tothe quantity of metal used. Two wheelsmade for Mr. Bonner cost $300. Theyare expected to lower the record of ahorse at least one second.

A Crazy Car caturistPar .s L ttr.

Poor Andre Gill, the great French caricaturist, who died recently, was for someyears confined in a lunatic asylum, andwhile there he contributed to La Nou-vcll- e

Lune two most horrible sketches.One was a portrait of himself in his mad-ness. The other represented himself inchains, cowering on the floor of his cell,while above him, as if seen in a vision,were a man and woman carousing, and abanker offering him two . huge bags ofgold. These sketches were masterpiecesof careful and powerful drawing. Aftera time Gill was discharged from theasylum, supposed to be cured. He im-mediately painted a terrible picture of amadman in a cage, which was accepted atthe salon but "skyed, " on seeing whichthe artist had a relapse from which he didnot recover. His real name was AndreCosset, Vicomte de Guines.

Where fine Women Are ItaUed.London Truth.

Very beautiful women and fine-lookin- g

men are "raised, " as the Americans wouldfcay, in Persia and the khanates of centralAsia Europe or America never producedsuch a paragon of loveliness as Gen.Nazar Aga's wife. Some of the noblesttypes of the Caucasian and the Semiticraces are still found in the valleys ofcentral Asia. They are physically assuperior to a civilized European as aKhiva steed is to a Parisian cab horse.However, when not in the first bloom ofyouth, the women have a sorrowful, notto say a morose, look, which impairstheir beauty. This is shown in eres-chagin'- s

album of sketches made betweenthe Caspian and the Ganges, which willpoon be exhibited in London.

She Deserve1 a Clildlng.San Francisco C'.u" nicle.

I have heard of a great many peculiar!ties among servants and people who arepaid to work. I have heard of the serv-ant girl who takes music lessons and has aprofessor teach her. I know of the cookwho plays sad melodies on the guitar tothe roast turning gracefully, but uneasily,on the spit. 1 am not ignorant of thehousemaid who touches the mandolin asdelicately aa she does the broom. But alady friend complains of a new and mosteccentric taste of a servant girl she has,who leaves the dishes unwashed on thetable while she lies down on her bed andplays the fiddle. There are few thingsyou are really justified in chiding a serv-ant for, but that strikes me as being oneof them.

Climate of Persia.Philadelphia Call.

Excepting during the three wintermonths, the climate of Persia is warmand dry. For nine months no rain fallsand scarce a cloud is to be seen. One whohas not experienced such a steady climatemight think it would prove monotonous.But those who have enjoyed it are verywell satisfied with it, and never miss thevariable and stormy climate of Europe,and especially that of America.

One Exception.Chicago Lpdr.

It is claimed that the highest faculty oflanguage is to conceal thought It maybe, but wben a man falls over a wheel-barrow in the dark it seems to lose lisgrip somewhat in that particular.

Chicago 'liiurs.jA Buffalo dog under a course of in-

struction in carrying articles in his mouthinadvertently swallowed, a silver dollar.The money being out of its element gavetrouble and threatened the life of the val-uable animal that had so suddenly with-drawn it from circulation. A medicalstudent chloroformed the dog, cut intothe stomach and recovered the silver, andsewed up the wound. The dog is nowas rood as ever; and so is the dollar.




ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post-offic- e.

90-n- 20

BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W ANDCECIL Public, CampbeU's Block. Merchantstreet.

A. ROSA,AT LAW AND NOTARYATTORNEY with the Attorney General, Alii

olani Hale, Honolulu, H.I. 67 mi26-12-t- f




Real Estate in auy part or the King- -

Bought, bold and Leased on CommissionLoans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block. Honolulu. lfi-- tf


IN FOWLER'S YARD, 61 AND 63 nOTELThe only one dollar house in Hono-

lulu. Rooms per night, 25 cents ; rooms perweek, l. 89-n- l8

54" MERCHANT AND 77 QUEEN STREET.ENTRANCES. ELEGANTLYTWO rooms. Spacious grounds and nne

location. Terms reasonable.--n22 MRS. DAVID OXLEY.



fee and Cakes, 10 Cents ; Meals, 25 Cents ; Boardf4 50 per week. 5-- tf

THE OLD COBNEll.rpUE RESTAURANT, CORNER QUEEN ANDI Nuuanu streets, has been Every-

thing neat and clean. The table always suppliedwith the best the market affords. Board perweek $4 50, payable in advance. Single meals,25 cents, L8-sep2- 6 HOP LEE, Proprietor.

Mrs. Robt. Love. Fked. Johnson.

LOVE'SSteam Bakery,


ROASTED AND GROUND.COFFEE Ship Bread executed at short notice.Old bread rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE inconnection. Cool, airy room. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.


PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.Hotel street. 73 tf Telephone 74


We have received a consignment of the mostEconomical and Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In ose.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per rent, of nutritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 Ss. ol this meal is equal to 300 lbs. of oatsor 318 Bs. of corn, or to 707 tts. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, oui Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of the best kinds of

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Com, Etc., Etc.

LAINE CO.13 tf




The undersigned are now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt

San Francisco:

The following ia a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy


Water... 8.10 per centOrganic Matter : 29.18 "Silicioua Matter -- 4.65 "Lime... ... 31.70Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron.... 85- - "Carbonic Aoid. '. 1.89 "Alkali Salts;............ .52!


Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.

Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. fr. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.



The Michigan Portrait Co.,Producers of the Finest Grades of India Ink,Water Color, Crayon and Pastel Portraits. Head- -quarters at King Bros., Hotel street, HONOLULU.

Increasing interest taken in

their cultivation.

Taste for Flowers in the City-Win- dow

Plant. Business Horticultural Auc-

tion Looms Plants by MallQuestion of Healthfulness.

New York Tribune interview.Any one who has been in London in

the summer months can not but contrastthe difference in the appearance of theflower decorations in the windfiws andbalconies in the streets of London withthose of Xew York. Almost every dwel-ling in London has its window box, fromwhich flowers of every imaginable shadeand color droop in profusion, renderingthe view down the street a visit of glo-

rious coloring. 2iew York is rapidly imi-tating London in this particular, althoughflowers will probably never be so exten-sively grown in dwellings here as there,for the reason that our climate is not sowell adapted to their growth. Our hot,scorching, dry air during the months otJune, July and August renders the culti-vation of window plants much more dif-ficult here than in England. On theother hand, we have advantages in theculture of many tropical plants for ourgardens, which do much better in our hotclimate than in England. For example,the coleus, which we have now in almostevery imaginable shade of leaf -- marking,

- has here an increased brilliancy under ourtropical summer sun which in Europe itnever assumes.

-- The plants sold in our markets noware principally roses, geraniums, verbenas,carnations, mignonette, daisies, pansies,heliotropes, palms and other ornamentalleaved plants, together with coleus andsimilar foliage plants in great variety.All the plants at the market are sold inpots, principally to grocers, butchers andothers who retail them. These buj' themdirect from the w agons of the florists whoare the growers and then retail them atusually about double the wholesale price.This is necessary, because they are diffi-cult things to handle in pots, and alsobecause being perishable, there is someloss, for if a plant bought at the marketgoes out of bloom it is of little U3e to'retail, although in reality it is often justas good as when in bloom, if not better.

"Another great mart for the sale offlowers is now the horticultural auctionrooms, situated in this neighborhood andother down-tow- n streets. "These are sup-plied mainly by the large wholesale grow-ers in New Jersey and Long Island. Theyare put up in lots packed to ship, andlarge buyers find that they not only buycheaper but get plants in better shape atthe auction rooms than in the markets,from the fact of their being all packed toship. The purchasers are largely thewholesale florists who buy to supply theirstock for retailing, although a number ofSrivate gentlemen buy largely for the

of their grounds in the sub-urbs. Some gentlemen buy not lessthan 5,000 plants for that purpose, asthey find that they can often buy cheaperfrom those who make a special businessof growing them than they can growthem themselves, even when having regu-lar gardeners and greenhouses for thepurpose. Besides the sales of plants inthis way in our large cities, immensequantities are shipped every day by thedifferent express companies to all parts ofthe country, and also by mail

"This sending plants by mail has prob-ably dene more to engender and diffuiethe taste in plant culture than anythingelse, as it places plants in the hands ofthose who have a love for flowers in everytown and hamlet on the continent Thef)ostofilce department claims that thus far

unprofitable, but it has un-doubtedly been a benefit to the com-munity in diffusing a taste for the beauti-ful in flowers. The dirt is all removedfrom the roots of the plant, which arethen wrapped up in paper and forwardedfor 1 cent an ounce. They will live for aweek in this condition, thus giving suffi-cient time to send them to California ifnecessary. -

"Although New York in many of itspublic institutions leads all other cities,yet in the decoration of its parks withflowers it is sadly behind. Chicago, Phila-delphia, Boston, Albany, Allegheny Cityand many others of lesser size are farahead in the decoration of public flowerbeds of both New York and Brooklyn. Inthe Lincoln and South parks of Chicagoat least 500.000 plants are used for thedecoration of their flower beds each sea- -


son, and it is one of the principal attrac-tions of the parks, while it is doubtful ifin Central park, New York, and Prospectpark, Brooklyn, together, one-tent- h ofThat number are used.

"The vexed question, 'Are plants in-

jurious in living and sleeping rooms?' isxxow settle Plants undoubtedly give offinjurious gase3, especially in the night,tJit the quantity is so minute that wehave the word of our friends the scientiststhat there can be no possible harm re-sulting. This is further proven by therobust health of hot-hous- e employes. Theinfluence of plants as health barometers isalso beginning to be appreciated. A plantwill droop m any atmosphere which isunhealthful for a human being, andhence a thrifty lot of plants in the roomis proof positive that the ventilation isgood, the furnace working right, and thesewer gas kept in the obscurity for whichit was designed. "

Authority in Pronunciation.Inter Ooean "Curbstone Crayons.'"

"Speaking of the question of author-ity, " said a theatrical manager, "MatthewArnold, when he was here, was asked oneevening. ' 'What is your authority for pro-nunciation in England?' and he answered,'London.' The questioner repeated thathe meant what dictionary, what work onpronunciation was authority. To thisArnold answered, 'None.' '"What is yourauthority then on pronunciation?' thequestioner persisted. 'London,' saidArnold, and he then explained that thebeet usage in England was law', and thatLondon made the law for pronunciationof all words because it was the literary,the political, and the business center ofEngland. "

Georgia's "Talking Rock."ICLicaffo Journal. 1

Pickens county, Georgia, has a post-offic- e

named "Talking Hock." The or-igin of the name is thus stated: b'omeone discovered in the vicinity a largestone upon which had been painted thewords Turn me over. " It required con-siderable strength to accomplish this, andwhen it was done, the command, "Nowturn me back, and let me fool some oneelse, ff was found painted on the underside of the stone.

"Hold the Fort."Chicago Tribune.

. Gen. John Corse, to whom, at Altoona,3a.. Gen. Sherman sent the famous dis-

patch: "Held the fort for 1 am coming,Slsly be met any day in New York, rotund&2d reminiscent.

Dying Woi.I The Student.)

"The air is rather close. Desdemona."Drinking will cause my death. " So-rate- s.

"I shall lie in the grave. wAn-tr-ia- s.

"I was not well heeled. "Achill-es.

New Orleans Picayune: Russia is bentcc war, ni England suspects



General Business (IcesOF- -

J. E. WISEMAN,iioxoixxr, II. I.

P. O. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172.

(Established 1879.)

The foUwinf various branches of business will

enable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real Estate in all parts of the

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages., Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legai papers of evt ry nature Searches

Titles, Records, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of description connected

with the Islands cuming from abroad fullyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will find this Department a special

bent'ht to tliem, us I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney mid delivering thesame at a small commission.

Soliciting Afiit for the "MUTUAL LIFEINSUKANCi; COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, gEanriest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AGENT for the"Great llurlinurtoii Hallway Route,"In America. Travelers journeying by rail inAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason,able fare no route can excel this. MR. C. K.MILLER, my Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guide books,maps, etc., he will extend every courtesy.

AGENT for theHonolulu Itoj-a- l Opera House.

Managers ol first-clas- s companies abroad willaddress me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMENTS.Ileal Estate Broker.

Custom Ilonse Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and Ule Insurance Agent.Km ploymen t Agent,

Railroad Agent andGeneral Business Agent





' r fee-Mil-'1 Inft

i M v;yr VtoTsV! SAM

f - w--i?'.-; 'J,, yjf

The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the worldSend for illustrated catalogue, description andprices to


Pacific Coast Agents,

23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN FLANCISCO.59 tftf.w






WARRANTEDTne Best and most Durable Sail Dnek

IN THE WORLD:For Sole in Honolulu.


Made from the Very Best

Hard Wove Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Neither Heat or Dampness affects

them.They do not Stretch.

Stronger than leather,Better than Rubber


For Sale in Honolulu.2-- tf


Steam Navigation Co.



BATES Commander

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.


CAMERON Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eleele aud Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwili every Saturday at 4 p. m.,aniving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.


FREEMAN Commander

Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukui-hae4- e,

Honokaa and Paauhau, Hawaii.


Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return --

ng, leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Waialua and Waiunae Wednesdays,and arriving at Houolulu same' day at 4 p. in.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Kna, secretary.



'MAKIP0SA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.

PASSENGERS may have their names bookedin advance by applying at the ofhee of the Agents.

PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggageFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, fl25.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thisline will be received free of charge, in the Com.pany's new warehouse, and receipts issued forsame, insurance on merchandise in the warehouse will be at owners' risk.




Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

For San FrancisesAustraliaMMM.M On or about September 27th

For Auckland and Syauy :

Zealandia.. On or about September 5th.

23-tfw- tf



STEAMER KINAU,. (King, Commanner),

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at JLabaina, Maalaea, Makena, Jtfahu-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe, Hilo and Keauhou:Tuesday, June 23, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, June 30, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 7, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 14, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, July 21, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 28, Volcano and way pors.Tuesday, August 4, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 11, Volcano and way port3.Tuesday, August 18, nilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 25, Volcano aud way ports.Tuesday, Septmber 1, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 8, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 15, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 22, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 29, Hilo and way ports.PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the

Kinau at Mahukona.The Kinau "WILL TOUCH at Honolcaia and

Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengerstf a signal ia made from the share.


(Davies, Commander)

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. u. torKaunakakai,Kahului, every week; Hueio, Hana

and Kipabulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Welsbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onomea.

STEAMER MOKOLD,tMcGregor, Commander?,

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. foKaunakakai. Eamalo, Pukoo, Lahaina. Moanui,Halawa, Wailan, Pelekumr and Kalaupapa. Re-turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baeeacre unless plainly marEea. isotresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Parser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'L. o. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcan aud Elector. I

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm ami Cylinder Oil, AlbanjCcc;

.Plumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, GahaaiwJ j

rngated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated Sleet 2.

Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal BuMw Bp.;;

Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves anJ Springs, I. 1 1

inch to 2 inch, 3 and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, square ud fe:

styles, Anvils, Vises,' Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Breaking Plots- - j

boss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all sizes, Cultivator!, E

Hoes, Gang Plows, Planters Hoes, our own make, 4' inch Goose SkUj

Planters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Bush Scytben, Feed Cd

Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mowers, Rosdto;.,

Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Axes, Eitj

Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all

lengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardwre-i- -i

Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Plan of dL

Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. FoV,

and Glass.

White Lead and Zinc. Rubber Painf. Uoiled aud Raw Oil, VaTeuuV,

Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a largo variety of small paints in Oils, Cbwdtlijj

Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inbs, Tin and Hollow Ware,

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels. ,

' IBENICIA MILLS Family Flour.

CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrels.


New !ools Expected per SleHil"i Atam""1'

FUJIfs .




Successors to Dillingham fc Co. ami m


Double Furrow



Light Steel Plows.

i Thou ur-- thA tutst nfiiiRl.K FrTRIioW TLOWSwe ever use"

JiUUHIiti-iauiauui- i. - PIIiAi"- - ...PLOW L ever used." J. L.It la the BEST BREAKING 1

TheVERY BEST BREAKING FLOW I ever used in tW. or but 'j


. .nnff)' tI

:o :

. - . iv.1ii: Silver i



go"'"New Goods received per "Morninir Star" ana otner " rriHlingRanges and Tinware; Refrigerators and Ice Chests; ous YicK'ks vetf lo.ttllll , U O , mux. . v v it


Slcidgate, Genuine Albany Cylinder, Imbricating, ta nrf. a' ,

Varnishes. California Wind MUls, the .yPaint OU, Turpentine, soli' iteHardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence y fi' ,


noWILDER & , :



Lumber and Oc&JIoors, 8ash and Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' to J

NAILS mCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement; STEEL
