ff>*«» »r firs* rr, mmMiiatt FA*w*r¥ bilk TlNFIiV .noflr-, .!Tff"a iuIB"i KiUBUMI P^ORP.S' .am Mil I* BAirORN. Black it er>. rat S,»t -ft|lj* R*w7lACI» J0JNE3 BLONDS. ILLUBIO-A 8TIPF Si,* ifODf-K, BreeA BILM MITT8 atd GLUVRS. *ff>K>)PBR:r». BAND«. COLLARS, LkKVRB. au Cf'KTAIN DRaPKHIKH, IN LACE AND VI'BUM. 8 T 11 A W O OO D Bi Mm%%m%% *> tt* nr.- ,»i of Tucai, Lao*, r. titoe. rfl'j««, PeeeJ, teCa. aid «ip.it fitn-v BONN It Tf UA IS, Straw skat jpaaey TRIM MINOS A*a*»ele<**,»ortm*b: ef rEl"./i lOA'ITS. BP* ma. a taeatten'loL of all or .d nd tri«£ cutw»i,wl kfj etrn. starting cat elty, teas . Jia-krati- o of < vo OOf OS xav* rWCt.0. _ D~©WN THEY GO -ANOTHER RSDUC- T10N hi PAiCES.-rh* art a oi .aw ..o-.e».* *wch to he CLCMEO OUT By ike Ut of Jan«. Bar« ata in* p. leaf fa thai work and aiao Baa usual run at *>e*r e»tsb:iihaiekt«: . On.-. Ls-tai prices, »Vhita China Tea Ratf, 41 piece*.A3 ¦" a) 5 11 Wl.waT.ilat Re-a. 1 »> S »hitf Dinier Set., M pi**-1. Is *. *' Cat-Oka** Ohl*»* tbv d"'< n. I W 9 * (at u.th ( t an.pag-.r, ..!:. dr.--a. 1 * 2 to Cart Oi»a» '* inn .»» doaen. ""> 1 M Xekheaaiaa. Q'«a* twig** BjwIi. th* co/eti 1 c |M Cat «,Lii Decaa-eri ih* pair. 2 ">¦. 4 »e««r»-,d Cdibi Va*e*. tt>-pair. 7 50 it 00 BtlTti piafd T»b.e F-iike, ioa do/«u. 4 '." C 00 Satli.-plated Table Spoor*, tar d-/a:..... J M A 7i S*ler< p.a rd Tea Hp.-on., :be do/en. 1 >' 9 Jf> tttvli plated Caate-a, ftfb. 4 75 190 Barer plared Molaaee. Pi'rtieri, eacii.,... 2 Ol S 00 A.an plateo Tu San. t pie.<.. 3P r;i 30 Od Majat p.i'e<l Toaet Ra, k. 2 7} 4 00 fk r»i f vrd Cak- Raak-'a. ft SO hf M Barier-p a rd TevKevje*. ]< Od fg 00 The aehlic anil aatre »Ith ¦« ta«.-. . **. rtg .>e we and Vlra toe* eivr.it« the f toil, 'hty wtl r-* UVm to mak^ tbeii .»»Vaui.b*. tv. S P. Da ILK V a Co., ¦aa. *3| and 6t3 Broi !«-**. betare. n H. ...ro »..d Biaa«ke*-ar>a MBKOIDERiEg- At an Id t.n.ie r> li.rtioa, Brkai 'he lait tree* befire Rernora! to No. 709 Broa-1*/** MILLBR A ORANT ^ _ No ri Br .ada/i/. REAT »red ITNL'SUAL LIDUCEMENl*.- tu BNTT-PIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT Ab* aiail ki^rmap ariil be made ui.tli fartoer nuller ob aC ciiif ri'BCiiairi of aVOOBINO-OLASHPS, PICTL'RB IRAHI fJORAVINOS, ARTISTS' MATEi'liLS1, Ac. he. tattica a*H.L aa aoi.u i»urre<iotaTi,r or raa oarKrcrroa at the LirW B.*>T MARKET PRICES, and the prirJege of aa- aa*ita| aald dedootkia troniaB immense 8took and frset raneij .f PUI a.M.aaviair*, OrVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. WILLIAMS, STEVENS. WXLIaMS A Co., No. «233 Baoaow *v, N. T. (IENTLEME.%" FI'RNISHING OOOD3.. I ifRINO STtLES y,t> r-oceed fum Piri* and uond i, at OENi.Ve Ba/AAR, oinpriaing Cravat«, Tire, Soarti, S.oeki, Diesaiog Robe«, Bhuti, Collar a, lloaiery, Hand- kerraief« Oioees, ind rwrr aalrlea .rtk> ot the wardrobe uaoesaurr tor the complete eotf tfatleBtlemuj. OENIN* .< B\7 K AR, St. Ni -bo.as Hotel, Ni. 311 Bosdsraj. INDIA CAMEL s HAIR SHAWLS. OEOROE A HEAtN, No. ili Broadwajr, Ha* bcw i pcl alarte aiiortm*nt ot REAL INDIA CAMELS' BA1B BONO SHAWLS, SQUARE S1UWLB, SCARFS tad MANTLES. -r qanrn l'.eom, vqnu pruJB iegfi pato. JAMES A . HE A*R N an vow ores ÜAMTELETS, BASQUES, TRAVELING CLOURS, MOIR.NING MANTCLBT8, CHILDREN'S M.t s,: P v ta vaiiarv. tw aast* sad is elegance HIS ASSORTMENT aHB exceed injthing be bai heb.ra off. tec" 993 BROADWAY, Above '* i AN TILL AS' MANTILLAS!: MANTILLAS' 11 ¦ROD1E 8 RETAIL OPENING Wir. tahe place n THURSDAY, March X. E G M M AN TILLAS' MANTILLAS MANTILLAS! BRODIA'S RETAIL OPANINS) Will take place On THURSDAY, March 2C, .pea wbut) rxcririoB Mr B will diipiat ^ A MAGE1PICENT ASSORTMENT Ahr«, k o » IMPORTED MANTLES, SILK, SILK AND LACE, and ALLdjLACB. LARGER STOCK than niaal of ¦IB OWN WELL-KNOWN MANUFACTURE, In all the above fabric*. M OURNING SHAWL8. Som* New Deeign* for Deep Mourning; a.'io, haadkeme BLACK \^j^^^4^t«mmHQ STORE, No Ml Broadway, between Spring ku i frin e-ita. N EW SILK ROBES. LANE A PORTER, will offer THIS MORNING 40» Flounced SILK R011E9, for 8)16 13 #»3. sheapest la the city. No. 72 Canal-it., aear Mercer. NEW DRE8S GOOD8.- CHALLIES, PERCALS, PLAIDS. Beanttfi SPRING ROBES. FRJLNt 11 and ENGLISH PRINTS _LANE A PORTFR, No 72 Caakl it.. near Mercer, OPENING t»< SPRING MANTILLAS, On HONDAY, MkrciSn, At Columbian Hill, LYONS tt IONEB, No. 2*1 ffraaltt N. B..Ladiea will find alao that c ir Impoctaiona ef Sl'k* and ethvt Dree* Goodi. together with a general gtock of DornestLj Oeadi ars not lurpaased by any othet hou*a in Use ci'y. ,1'ENING OF SPRING MAN TILL A S. 0 Un Wednesday, Apr.i 1. -|P»faY, Nc " s By BEF.KMAN i COMPANY, No. 473 Bioexiwiy, Wben they will exhibit ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES OF THT SEASON. SPRING MANTILLAS. * We ate bow ready to exhibit the lariaa' and xooit Utru¬ st** aaaortment of b*w itylaa of m* SPRING MANTILLAS, BASQUES, nU SHAWLS, Ta hr found ia th* ilty. Beet Urm*I7p,i<|J1'J'"9 ^ ^ No*, tfkxd «2 Chamber si- up itain. I L K S . BICH DRESS SILKS, I and f . BAYADERE STRIPE, 10 and u , At LANE At rORTKR'B, No. 7J OaXakl-kB, Wa*t of Broadway, near Mert*r«t, SPRING IMPORTATIONS. lOUNG A JAYNB. No. ' « Broadwiy, »onir Frxakdt it, have for .*)* a ehol«e ataortmaai of VILV BT, TAPESTRY BKUSSBLB ai other CARP1T1NG9, . f th* ikt**t .'yle* and at tb* lewe*' market ratei. A good article of Bros**** at I, and 9' per ya-C. ET GOODS WET GOODS' mr r GOODS :. Owe week mere, which will he the Wit of the great elcnxg aale of Wat Good* at COLBY'S, cor. Grind and E d-ldge-si*. Bf ET SILKS, WIT DAMASKS. WET NAPKIN*, WET LINENS elilKT'Nt. aj.o SHEETING, PILLO'VS, Aa WET TOWELS, DIAPERS, DRAPERIES Ac, WIT COTTON. 8HIRTINO ai.d SIIELTINO, WET Ql i - and BLANKET'I N B. Arargetv-tk <t uew SPRING GOODS wil b* -pesed THIS MORNING. Ru b good, aid low price*. COLBY'S, sorner Grand *nd K Üridge-a «. LEACHED GOODS.-l.OtlU mim, eajtpntiog .very width aad quality, for eeve by NESMITH A Co N 7' Pr ad way. RINTS..300 Cates F^irst-clAa* Light and Dark MADDER PRINTS New itylee comieg in f.oxa ehe Werk, dfciiy. rk.r aaie by NESMITri|*J}< o 7| B.-iadway. Copariru-rehip NotUtf. Dlx^LL^ON.-TbTfim of N. B. C0BB At Co. I* thi* day <hss< Ived r>* m'.tusj eonarot. Il hec part- Bar may ua* the name of ah* arm hx llaiddall n .New-York, Feb. 2«, 1807. Mo a William it, NATHANIEL R OO80, JAMxtB H hTEBBItrS. fXaTARTNBRSHIP JAMES H. 8TBBBINS tax thai day Bwxaad % «oportnershlp with JOHN BLfKIDIOOD Jr. ander Baa msv and Arm of 8TK8BINS A BLOOoG'X)!' an'. wi'J .oi.: in, arocR coMkiiaaioN AND aix.. i. anui: BU«l|iK88 at fi,, aW'iUam u. Tk*« The « u. u ..... Boaxoea* will he »...»> adheree to. a«w t.rm i**peeUul>T soKcR a port ioa of yoi.: tu -Jl*,*'>t*"»-| **karr Sank of t .e » u no.: »ea.il. i aakael tXawa Ute Inauiance and Tfnat O , Robert Baywd t*o -BJ.W- Werk, Muck i, lkrV7. FNCAI'STIC TILES-For VetKtbaW HaJb, Ä«*LB» A COaaTirl, Ik. »V, Ü f. .Smcta...*; .*r>>4_ feet-et*. fin am r». »I «i»«., «ct. Pratt,, n»*y<-» Vit«««,mm. I DITTOEND.Tk* Br.gr«. <*f Dirrrtor« ka-e- .J*>- «k»ri«%S»-v*»u._ PCR CSNf payable t jah. O. F-. iTT, fr -' j»»T- 4h»iJ!tlhti( '"ur ;*. Ca. tr BaoaRLr«, M_ = 5, '.f. TUE HOARD if DIRECTORS have deviarexi A DlriCeadol IKN PAR Ii.NT. ptyab:*- on dta-a-d. DOR 1T70 D IRR. BWe'ary c r *mktMaa-t or Fit i*<* rtrTian.ro - ru a. ] Cirr or Naw-Tota Marco X im I 1NTRAL PARK FUND STOCK. -itiom *T BIX PER CENT REDEEMABLE ta .hirty years, süale:) proposa^/r^'-J »:a»r_u..i!« .ofr,.- Id- t'esday h S eVlofA a ar. when the tarne wltl ba . :Mlc.y .mened, for i.- whol, ,* u) pa/t ol the »Bio/n- of r4gbt bn'-ltel '-.u#»ud .rikriaf Cor trat Park Pawl « k of SM f-tv of N*w-Yorh eaiiv'.ted bi an art of Lbr f.»>|i-«ali.r* ol th.« aKa « untitlr-d Ar, A.' elw tbe o.et> "f ha Orr «f «. ' Tor», kr laving aar * neon a P.M.. PIwe and to *»«b©r»t- tot» «*«be ._*>« ' oeetad jhilr 21, M5S and amended Feb tery 13. ir>W, e-id et ar erd.paare ef tke Com-vm Coaccil M ini o'y, apprtved kr May r, Fetiaery \>56 Tor taM ?.<¦-? »Iii roiitiat of etgbt tboniiod «barer, of oar hundred'ann tkeir. bearing toaafi at t' th- rata of ni per rent per anntun, parable qitar'er-yearly, and the principal redrern.Bte «¦ ta« let day of daly, is?.'. Th» propoeal« wjli «'ete »he nomher ^ibve» tjrt>*l. aid the Ciee per tbare the pen- n wooer proper*!« are e-.eepted will i»H med iv deptr. wlm ib» Chttnbctlaiu Ol tn oil T tke tu* awatiirO and c rrrrd by the bid. and on pr-a^tthnr the receip; at the t oaiobejta'l Co the Oonttollrr, will he »4 tilled to re aclre a cer'ifirt'e I Ttb* par ; all» of the number o' «hart« ear- ryteg in'erert from 'be da'e or the depoar. Thoae peri-.r.a who have award« due them on the Cen'-aJ Park, if toty offer tertH« more farnrible to the inter-et of tb* ri'y 'Obb tt -ae who make civhhii», 'in receive retti-otle« of itock for tie amount of theft twtrdt immediately after the bid* are deride, on, « r >.;¦*. interett from tne date f the oonfir'.ia- klot. "f'he award«. In eat* it* «arse perton or property U at- tttttd, tbi ?er«ot, eiaimii g the award will b* require, to pay the aoioiint < f aajB*aTXH ct with iuter»it tbere-.n, tr im tbe time of the ooxill.'inatioB of the report of the CeimtaUoioner«, beifor* the dedrery .,f the eertifi'at*. Tke Act of IMS, for laylnr out th* Park. provMe* for leryiai atazaiiun_iy brthd payment of iDtereit oa Uie Cock to be lianrd i and tie Act o( IftIZ, Bltde applicable to thia loan pro- ridea not ai>ly for pledrior toe faito. of tbe Miyor, Aiderui<*a and Comaiontl j fiat ti a'in*1 r-de-npf'on of'he *' >ek ill i.-d. t,' alto «tjaal* mat a'l t-h- rer.naee of tbe C-irpita ion "are hereby pledged anl aaaroptratad for thi pa>mei; of tbe Intereet wbie.b tTbtll beeom» rine on tne t^td I'.oet. and «hall cmtSt. i- to pi'dged nnti: the ftn'l ri'de-nptton thereof ari that, in cat* the aald rtrenue* be no' «uffi< ient to «atiifr and pay the wh .le of the «avd kataratt. Iben, and In that cue, tbe fiith nf the State .. i he ard 'be »i.e her°by pl-dgeil to pan roeb ac'a at «hall, from'irre to rime, benee*,iary. anlh'jri/.tng tne Miy>r, kc, to rawe by fix" itirn mm at thill be n oniilte to mpply er»wy «och derlcieney. In addition to thlt, the 7:b «ectioB of the Act of tt53. for taking land for the Park, declare* tbtt aC the land 'but taken ahal] t » " iir»v j. »b!y plr>dged" for the pay¬ ment *f the debt created tber> for. P.act- propotl Ion «b<. .13 he ae«|ed op and Indoraed " Ptopotal for Six per ' i t Oaatral Park Kund.'' And tbe prcpoeirion ar.ay thtfc be pot in a tei md et\tiope, teilcdand directed 'A. C. PLAOO, tout'oiler, No. 5 Hall oC Rerordi. New-York " A. C PLAOO, Controller. r~*IE INTEREST COUPONS 07 the MIL- vcackf.E CITY SEVEN PER CENT BONDS, ,....] i. the Milwaukee and Watertown Railroad Co., and due lit Ap*U text, will b.jiaid at the office of the Lt Cro*WC md Mil¬ waukee Railroad Co., No. S \i all »'.. on and «Per tha lit prox. JOSEPH 8. COLT. Neat-York, Mer-h 24, 1AW,_Tranifer Agent On ii a or Titr. MtDitov a>iii bRMAIATOtri R. R. Co., ) MtDiKO*. Jm. Mtrcb 1857. f INTEREST NOITCE.-The SE.MI-ANNITAL INTEREST on the Income Bond* of thii C"np«ny, falling due is the City of New-York on the- FIRST .lay of APRIL next, will be p*id on and after that da'e, at tile otBce of WINS LOW, LAMER A Co., No. S2 Wall-It , oo pieteotfion of tbe pit per Coupon«. P. II. SMITH, Preildent. Orrirr or ntr. Miriirt;*» SotTiirR» a»o NoRrHe,g\ i linill R. R Co.MrAXV, New-York, Mai.b 18, 18)7. I^JIE ANNUAL MEETING «f t*.' StfickhoMtTf ef tbi* i'omptny, fr.r tb" election of Di'ector*. and for three laipeelor« of tue «uoreedlng election, will be held at tbe OflW of tbe Company at ADRIAN. In tbe S'tte of Michigan, on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY (ttd day) of APRIL next Tbe poll will be opened at 12 o'clock at nion, and eoDtinne open Bbtil 1 o'clock p m.. and a* mueu longer at tbe Inipector* at; fand Bereiiary to receive ttie votei of eleclort, bot not be¬ yond c.nietcu that day. Tbe Tranaftr Book« will be t)o«ed on SATURDAY, the lltb of April, and tpec on tbe day after the electi n _J. M. HOPKIN», Secretary. Out. i PtviMt It'll ROtO Co , N. Y., March 14. 18'i7. THE ANNUAL ELECTION for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of the PANAMA RVILROtD COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Company, No, £8 '.Vall-tt. Ton¬ tine Building), on MONDAY, the6th day of April next The Poll* will .v.n at Uj» and cloie at 2 p. m. _JOfl. P. JOY. Secretary. Orr it ¦ Moaais Cabal and Bavkino Co., j Jik m City, Ma'cb 14,1857. ! ltfOTTCE is btreby given, tiat tho ANNUAL _w ELECTION will be held at tho Office of the Company, In Jeraey City, on MONDAY, tbe b:b day of April next, for tbe .hoice of tie DIRECTORS, in place of flag* No. 2, wtiote term of «errlce will then expire. The pnll will be open from 12 o'clock m. until 3 o'clock p. m. The traiiifi r buoki will be elo*ed from the 17th init. antxlbth April bxelaaie*, _L. N. CONUIT, Seereury. KOTICE..Tbe COUPONS, due tbe) igt of April, of toe Bond* of the HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH'S RAILROAD COMPANY, will be paid at tbe nffl -e of _ DUNCAN. SHERMAN A Co. Omer, or the Kr.RoiExr. On. Co. INTEREST NOTiCE.-Tbe COUPONS FOR INTEREST on the Bondi of thia Company, matnting tiro l*t oi Atnl. 1SÜ7, will be paid no presentation a' the Oiii e, No. Betver tt._O W. AUSTEN. Tr.-ta. METROPOLITAN EANK . ELECTION.. The ANNUAL ELECTION for «eren'.een Director« of tbi« Baik, and f,.i ttr-e iDtprctor« of tbo next f.- not. will be neld o MONDAY, the (Tth of April next, at tbe Be.klai- H um No. ii 8 Broadway. The poll* w.il be opened from 1 to 2 o'aioak p. m. By order e f th* Board _H. MEI03. jr., Caihier. MARLN1<:RS' SAVINGS 1N8THTUTION.'Id¬ ar, corner of 9th at.Open dally from 9 a. m. to 2 ». rav, and ob WEBNE8DAY and SATURDAY EVENINOS from i tot o'bIocA. Iotereat allowed on depotita from f. to 11m at 6 p«r erat; on aWASB over g>5o0 at 3 per cent. Dep .tin umde ea or before the krtt of April wlil bear Interett from that data. THOMAS B STILLMAN, Preiiden' ^ P. W. BNOS, Vke-rre*id*nt 1 t T. Smith, Seiretary. Orritr oi Tai 'irr* or t Mortgage Bokds or NoarH- t Ran |N. Y I Raii.roap Co..Malorc Minh rt. 1857. 5 THE COUPONS of the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS of tbe NORTHERN (.Ogdentborgbl RAILROAD COMPANY, bearing ft.:- Oetober 1, ISSfi at well a* any w-it- rtai dlog Conpoct of the laid Mortgage of a rxioa data, will be paid al the METROPOLITAN BANK, la the Oity of New- York, on and after tbe tat day of April next W. A- WHEELER, Preeideat of Board of T-n**jee*. EAST RIVER SA VINOS BAAK, No. 3 Cbam- brrt «t., two dorn« from Ch» h*r_-*t..Often EVERY DAY Bon. 10 o'clock a m. DPtil 2 o'clock p. in., and nn THURSDAY K.) P.NINOS from 4 to 7 o'clock. Six per ceat :. e-rert «. ..wed on turn from AA to S500 6 per cent on itmi error kJVtA All .au>« drnontex. oa or before tbe 1-t dty of April will draw inter- eat from tna. dty. PET Ell H. TITUS, Pretideat Cm- A. Whitxiv, Seetetary._ Orgie* or THtPMiiHtCAr. Bot'TaaaB »vp NoRTHtaa ) Imdiaba RailboaD Co»., No. 18 Wllliam-at. > Nbw-Yobk, March It, tS77. S OTICE ia HEREBF GlVEft U. the HOLD¬ ERS .«f the INt OMC BONDS of thi« Cornpany. doeon N tb* lit day of Apr'.; next, that tbe Company are now prepared to redeem arid Bond*, w.fh Interett thereon to dir of «etrb> n net. by aa exchange tkrrefor of tbe Sinking Pond Bond* of j e Company, at the price of 80 per caat, earrjlug accrued in- lartit from f«t of N v n.l«r la*t. To all hokderi who do net prefer lucbtrtchangr, payment a*B be nude in oaab, at the oSVee of th* Company, on and after tne -1Mb day oi March, inttant. with intereet teemed to day ol pay¬ ment_EDWINC. HTCHFIKXD, Trear.ret Orrut or PiTTitticH, Port Wayxt i\n Caic agj i R R. Co. Piitthi rck, March J 1837. | KOTICE is hereby riven that thin Cumpaiif are prepared to ISSUE 1 KHK, NEW STOCK, in exchange fi r that of the "Ohio arid Petnrylvauia."' Onio iod Indiana,'' aad Fort Wavxre and Chicago" Railroad Comoaniea, upon tbe -ip and in tbe maxuier praectibed in thsarticleiof eoaaoiida- ttcn vlt. Ohio and PrnEtyrrania, Int. to Jnly, 1, '* and p«: teat prrialum. Oh.' anil Icdiasa, int. to .Inly 1, 1656, and par. Pert Wayne and Chieagn, iat. to July 1,1*V53, and 6 per ceat preoiiam. StoeAhoider« is either of Ihr old eooapanlei wh1 may bar* av .igned any p. rtion oi tbej: Cock preti^u* or iab*euu. nt to tbe .ontolidatioc tAug. 1, lböo.) wi,bout ba-inghid aa&a i t traa- frrrrd on tbe Boot* of tbe eld Companlet, and Partie* boldlog tbe r r'.t, *..» for lock tock,are notified tlia' thi*Company wUl not rrc gntie tbe tracafer of inch aaaigaed t: t eetbe fail «bare« of to* interett to July I, 1856, and premium, have been credited to tbe original hoidera. . Scrip oertlricatea will bo wtued to inch origiBal bol^era in eatet whe.-e frt iK>rav amoua't o ' miere.t atid premicm in tba aid »tock« ex'it_T. D. MESSLER, Sectary. NEW-YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD SEVEN PAR CENT BONDS -The rjaderateXed offer for (tie Ike SJC\FN PKi CENT COUPON BONDS of tar* Company (lata i*»o*t. aWving twenty rearito run. lntrareeg payable t-inf aacoally nu the firit dayi of Febrraa:j au4 ABgutt, at .*.« Cost- Ban yi Agency to thie city. DUNCAN, SHBHMAN A Co. GALENA and CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD. .Tbe teeond maytgve Sinking Find B mdtaf thia Coa- panv dar in IS'-. .fere, at 7 per rent. patabir balf-yeatly in S7w-Y< rk, are for aal* by STRACHaN A SCOTT, No 51 Wuriam-at. Bavk I)r:raBTmert, AttaRr. Mar. 1A57. THE BANK of LIM», has this day filed in this ©BW a Botic* of th* appce.utmet* at IRV WO PARMELEC la th* t :ty of New-York, at Agent f. r tbe redemption of |tt arcnla'mg Nntee, agreeab'y to tbe art ecfjed " An a:t to ameiidabe tevtral aeti relating '.o Inrorporaged Bank«, Baukmg AatoraMteu« aud ladividoal Baaken. patteAApta! 17, 1851. JAMES M. COOK, fan perm tetiaeat IRVING 8AV1NG8 INSTITUTION, No. 96 A Warreu-et, sear Greeawkb-*'...Open dai.y from 10 a. ta. to t p. as., aad 4 to 7 p. m. on Monday*. T0..-J». . and Saturday*, knt. e. at ( per ere' on all «am* from B1 to + .. WALTER W. CONCKL1N .Freadent VaRPiagn t L. Bi xtob, Secretary._ ,_ Barb DsrAtTMgRT, ALtART, 'sly 1!. ItSS. ^(rTIOE ia hereby given, pursuant U< tbe ^Iattaw> AR m taeb täte made anil previ.led. '.hat aF the CIROLA»- rNO NOTKS itea.^1 «« s j. Huh aa indxridual bauAat (VHOCdtlx BANK of HAiNBRlDOEf. mutt bwmteacled at fite Otavoe of the Supern.t -ndvat af 'Ar R*ck_~g rJvpartmeBl o4 kbe Sitte ef New-Turk, for peyintBt, wttbaA two reart fri.m aba aate hereof, or the fuad* depotiu d for tbe irlt^ptto*. at* tb* rmeaattrai ai lee Wanted to Ute aaid t«_ker will be g'.rew op. kyiaiawTyP M. Sc HOONMAKER, S.pent.UBAdent. 1>LATTSBURGH and MONTREAL RA1L- I ROAD COMPANY .Al' kwlawTt. f Bowd« of tbe flat:* burgb aad Mutttreai Ka-.nad ( oatntry arc .'...< »t».; to antify afet i kttiiket of tkt aau.ytlt trld ly tbeu. .rd*r Uw Arat or w**a>S aacrtgag* or both. t BEMBNT, Ht. it Vplw* ,t, Nia K»k, hi it./ »«> tv i.lßmm ©»»Ki >r Arena. I- fit» Tre-n/a a*ra CtMi.n l Na- W W«X Haw T«»»k ju s sjai I .¥TBE DEALEhS with tiv» REPUBLIC FIRE 1 in«!'«.an T r oMr.vr »iw<,hi u,.(«a »et tk» tWip «o* Ii' }.».¦ ...1'*** in D.eetnVii 1164, IfM »Jj »*i«>--*ntI*>gto*'F\l;irY FOtrR AND 011 HALF PEB CEJ-.T Pljl 'ipo* tb* eerurd p".hm ts *,". r*e/ty A* J..:v*rv Laleraai Dtvlder.da of s.X PER CENT p-r an.i,m >u*l» Strip *.»»». oi t*A4 aad l«W b*v* »ts. t**n deslared, aal m psjake la ftab at iheir fit* N-. Wal*-«"., « nor* baa irr*-» againi* Ära at* rewu«! ad to '«11 aod «eumlB* the bWra! ekuae- t*r af '..<.'? i*u..iai l, rabiab aikn la* Insara«* aa/ti-ipaMa In tb* prtfjt» wittoit aetuaciag acy of tk* rWki of the Com- paay. .*..".» t i* «f l'l'tvi.r provide* liat all fciip Bat celled tru »ttt.i di yBafl rroon the .:. i1 l*»ue, aheJi k* pa*«*4ko loa .reait ' the Couaaxey. TR*'rTTTr.r): Citri** H. R-iaeOl, Ii.*. < |..,-t. Pied. J Da-lena. D*lM R Pea-tni. J-rM tv-wi'-.. ir J- »epe If- wlaotL ¦ n., tJ H. Auaae.l K t- r R Mlatura, D. Dii- S .rr,, A, C Downing, Reuben Withers, Fred 0. P-ater, Oaea*** B Ltmar. Edward O Cn>r, P»i»i Ff «ji Wm. H..»).- 1>ub< ai>,J"*<ab "«im rihm « IT «ne, N H W.,f., J GafiUrd ,r.. S v. <1 .iTmaa, *>- i.» send, J. kt. Wat*f*r.,f, .' ..> 4 .. r.\. :. Jur>** *>'ari*b, William I C.ry, J P. Oktajal *oiter, Arthr.r Leauy (..-». T Ar!**. .. i A. C. Orat. M. W Ilm tlton, J..ba J. Aktor, ir , Di P. CraBT, Ser'y ftOB'T 3. HONE Pretrt. Omer, b !.,>¦ n:. .r no Indiibi .1 r 0>w>1 Cl> «r.Laan. Obr>, Mat :>i ZI IM7 ) INTEREST' NOTICE..Th»» SKMI-AYNUAL J 1HTFRK8T fa!i>n* du* In tb* Ci y of N-ar Y .ik ob tba In dal of April. I&57, on lb* Zd M.r'iag- Bon J* of tall Ca apany, al* >, on tb* B ir.dl of tb* Martin and She'by Couitiee. Ohio i**u*d tu 'bi* tVnipati} 7p-rc-ote. wll. b* pudo ana altar that «f.te *t tb* office of W INSI.ow l,ANIEK A Ca , No. ii Wall ltre«t, on ptearu *tion of tba p- ip»r C >rp -n* _M«t,*d,_J II. TOWS^ESD a>,:'T. OtFICB09 TIB IaTDIIIAPOLIS, Pi ttiisi ri.h IXD fjj,C*B*l LABBJ R. H. Co., laOdalAPoi M, .M»icb Zt. | INTEREST NOTI' E..Tin' S.Miii-A'imul Inter- »»? falliLi dnr in tb* City cf Nrw York. on tl;» tin* da; tf A PK IL i< it, oa tbr INDlANAPilLld AND BELLEFoM- TA10K B.R CO.« INCOME BONDS, and* INDUNaPO lis nrrsHi roh i Cleveland r r. co.'s second MOBTOAOE BONDS. 7 Pl.R ck NTS, wilt b- patd >o and kj ittkwtda**,attw*Oiwsa of WINSLOW, Lanier a Co., No. SU Wall-it. ob plantation or th* prop-' Coupwaa. _Bi«8*d,_th JS. h 8H4RP Tr*a.3r*r. flrrirr oi thf Pittibiioi. Fobt Wivar, .»¦ Chi'i- , oo R. r. Co Fiimiish, «itrrb Zi, litt I INTEREST NOTICE..The SEMI-AffNI.'AL IM I HI ST MHwf di» in tb» City of l*»w V .rk, <rn tha firat day of April, 1&57. on tn* .. !''.« :nt named lacmtiaa, will a* paid or ksd after dit» at Iha ¦.f WINRLOW. LANIER 1 Co No. Ml W»!lar.,<n pnien'itioi oi ff proper c-opona. »n oiih) AND PENN1YLVAMM R r. CJMPANY in¬ COME IIONDS. 7 per ¦.-in. * OHIO AND INDIANA R. R. COMPANY SECONf)- MORTOAOI BONDS. 7prrc-nti FOB t w ATM AND t H1CAOO k. r. COMPANY REAL ESTATE BONDS. 7 p. r -n *. _(awRlted) oko. DARSIE, Treaiorer. NOTICE..Applii-.t'iiin hat in»; bi'en intdr? for N> W CERTIFICATES I BANK BTO ;K Cat ikef.ilow- bja. Wim h were Malaa ftom t"e anHacrlaai Mar tu Z , IM7: t»ril nte No. 7V7 d.ied Feb. 1E45, for 17 thare* is tb* Parific Bank, BJOekrb; ( trial mU No. btb', dated De.'. IV li'*3, for 10 itiarei in the Paritic Bu k, Bb« eiefa; O 'tilicat- No R4r>. dated Feb. 9 13tt, for Bi abare* in toe Parlnc Batk, Certifi-at* No. I 5ZJ di'.ed Dec. 1*, \m%\ for 6 ihirea to th* Metropolitan Bar k, *|0U eacb ; OrtiVate No. tjtli c.vd D*.. 31, IiS5, for 4 iharei in the Metropolitan Bank, + . ach All p. iioni are cautioned acainit nriotlatint auy of the kbore Cettibcatei. JOHN S. MARTIN, _No. Ii6 Spriiia-at., N. Y. ROSE HILL SAVINGS RANK..No. 251 M- a* Riv per (em Interee* al.owed <>o all auai. from *>1 # Drpoaitl mide on or before April IA Iraw intereattVom Altai 1. JACOB BRINKERHOFK, Se. rwary. INCREASED CAFITAL sfÖCK of mm MER- CUANTS' BANK, in the City of New Tock.-Stoakholder* are hereby nolifi.d tbkt the time limited for the admiaaioa of auh*uriptioBB to tb* adcitional itock wdl expire on tho 1*1 May next. .I'd that tboae only itandlt t ob the booh* oa the Ut Msreb iaat are ao'hori/ed to ngn Par .. i. increase. The i. rip rertifica'ei will be inuedr.n tb< lit Jone next, on tbe payn.r nt of the firit inatallmeot. , ARINERS- SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 3d- *»., comer frtb it,, open dklly from 11 in. tolp m. aad WEDNESDAY and SATntDAY fromS'oip m hntereat allowed ox deposit*. THOS. B STILLMAN. Prericient- JO Ii N II U N k 0 B <fc C o ., AMERICAN HaXMKKRS, No. 5 Hrt or. Li Pin, Pxaii, Grant LETTERS of CREDIT lor Mer «utile purposes. Alan CIRCt'LAR LETTERS ol CREDIT on all tb* priucipal towni snd cit'eluf FRANCE. BELG11M, ITALT. GREAT BRITAIN, SPAIN, GERMANT, IRELAND, PORTT'GAL. RUSSIA. HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND, SWEDEN. AI... on ATHENS CONSTANTINOPLE, ALEXANDRIA, BEYKOl'T, JKRl'SALRM, CAIHO, Ac OtV* in New York. No. fl Wall-it. PILLS n PARIS, and STERLING BILLS at*hort, orSft dayi' liibt, for aale in mme to luit. AN KING and COLLECTION OFFICS. SMALLKY. WEED A BAJtTLXTT, No. M Wall-it, New-YorA Bxa. C. SatAi ir, War. C. Wr.ro, ALraro W. RiiTLkT*. Willjive ipeckxl attention to the negotlaUoa of NOTES and IrOANB : alao to tb* purchase and aale f STOCKS AND BONDS, at rhe Broken' Board, itbictlt oa commiimob. HIrin i prompt and reliable correspondents, will c 11 eat aad Off. .,¦ -e paper payable at all tbe principal polot* la tbe United Statea and Canadas, at the loweat poMible rate*. Haw-York, January SI, 1*57. _ , _(Mona TlTLOB BIO-, ) _ Vi»rk. Befereaeea-} Wm , A>TC>- g J New-Yorh. sttT rrd u u ki \ T<» LOAN.On Bond and Mort- 'iT » )l LI n ri r,.., in lumnf m6.000 and upward, on Chi Pioperty. App'y to BAKER A WEEKS, ' " ' At«;tioneeri No. 6 Plna»st. M fllillincTT), &t. HOMER At KETCHUM Orlit to tb- Trade, FOR CASH, tb* latest importe'ioai of STRAW GOODS, >BENCH FLOWERS, GRASSES, buds, PIQUETS, Ac. At No. 9U BROADWAY, Corner ot Paerl-at, AR1S MILLiNERY.-Madame FERRERO, No. 5 Great Jone*-*t., ba* <uit raceired a eboloe aaeortmeai of Paris spring millinery. RE 5 0 V A L . R. T. WILDE be|* leave to announce hi* REMOVAL from Not. an aid 22 John at., to the aew itore No. 2S1 BROADWAY, Corner of M rrar at Oppodte the dty Hall. Tlie t.ndeTiiined openi bii new Worerocmi with the meat complete a°c< k ever ofirTed to the traue, oompr.sin* silk GOODS, straw OOODH. SILK and FANCY BOS'NETS, FRENCH PL')i\ERS, DRhaSS CaPSand HEADDRESSES, BONNET PRAMF.S. Ac. To wbich tbe ittention of boyera a ie*p. ct.fulf iaiited. K T. WILDE, Iinp -'.ra d MaBufacturer. Ciotiimg. JE FF E R S , Ho. 467 BROADWAT. LtDIES' FRENCH BHORS JIPFERS kk* niit epeLed i manineeat it- rk--f Ladle*' aad Mi»*er French SHOES BOOTS and TOILET SLIPPERS, to which he would «kB tbe especial a'teBtioa of hlicustomawa, add would invite a visit to his MtabHshment from Couabap Mes¬ cheats Ht* wholesel* stock I* rqeaJ to any aeenavd. Jnenrance Companiet. CLINTON FIRE-INSURANCE OOMPANT. Cxkh Canitkl txv »hl a iarf* (urpla*. OaVoe No. fl WkV it., cpp. lit* Lb* Mer'.hkCU' Exchanae. HI OH LAI NO, PTrw*B**V DiatcToai: Hugh Lak|. Cor't W. Lawrence, Eflnaaan Tuaaiaaji CoaiKi R. aword, Biuaxt C. Marth, JohnP*nfold, J--.'.r. Compten, D. Henry Uaght, Joeepb Lawrenoa, i *:.:« S 8ukrex, Silk* Broi.iou, A. R, Eae, J->hn Wataon. Joseph W. Corlie*, Lawrenoa Turn are, Bwical W'ulet*, Wm. K StroB«, B T. NiaolL 0jo. Grtiwidd, jr., N>«h S. Hnnt, Ti. mas Small. J. H. Racsem, Goo. A. Townaead, Don Alonxo Ciiikaaaa, V. J. So.:Mi Alfred Willia, Sylvrster L H. Ward, Robert M Braoe, J 8. Bcyd, A. Tamafa dal Valla. Het-ra S Lever!ck JAMES B. AMES. ;*., Baeretavp. Donte-/nrniBrjing ^rticlte. OL O M 0 N A HART, Ho. Sil Broadway, oppoaila the Park, aax bow arcxtviB« raokt raaaca DECORATIVE PAPERS New aad Bich Deeiani. m Panel, Ould, Satia, Velvet aad Wood imitation* wi h Bordin, Ac ' e rrssponi AUo CH AM HER aad ether PAPERS. IN A'. IKY VARIETY OP STYLE AMD PATTERii. Their Stnch of WINDOW SHADES, Of their own Maskfactur*, UPHOLBTERY GOODS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, and FURNITURE COVERIHO», Of thli year*! bxiporla't.-iB. is full aad ctmplete, eompnaing a karte assortment of Lac* and Muslin Cur'aiu*. Cornices and T.immibia t«w«thai with DE LAINE8, BROCATELLC and PI I'MIES. at : a.) the dinV rc» itylei of Covering! and Cm lain Mai,rial* in a**.ail at the low*« wkolesale aad reUil prices. s Cool, *&c. COAL.FURTHER REDUCTION in PRICE. .The rubsenbev 1 la made a pa oao red .ctioo ia Me pa*w* P-a h Orehard. Lehlgh and S-hjylhi.l Wan* Ash of which be baa a t pi j of the tin* q .a. as. alao. aad Livai- poolOn*:, at rate* HENRY REEVE, aar. Ceaal aad Centi*, aad tatx Jaae ..: Wee*, it*. KINDLING WOOD.-Btwt quality VirsjiMB Ftx-a, ima ii Ijaj aid Bakery at iswtet arx**v b MAJUUfON * bob. bk. an a,.; MtV**. SCR ANTON COAL. .TV» DELA <~A 1R I intlWJFfrtA n4 WTJTTE.- RAILROAD COM¬ PANY bt>.- op. ced . Teru at t*~ loot of M . Etat K:--r rF~fp!)to| f»' loKk wl'h U«»T BCAASTON COtL >t r tail, watrh wt 1 be delivered >a tuee i:or, at aaf eeelr-d . ..- la lay part of 'A* *' IV M »e*t wallet price. 0.1« eetred ai rh» (MRre a*7 tba lompeay, No. M Well-it,, a* bt hit AMiREtV SEYMOUR, At. i f t-he terd. «V E WARREN. Treaia.., N. B -.>.' far .)... Coal, bi the caxi i. deiirereJ a; EUca- Vt p-rt, N. J New York, BroeAlyn, WUlUmaoor»_ «*l J.r. ert j or vi«. \ etw-.t is Um harbor, reoeivwi at J». ( .I v &l Wall at, (Tffan BUtraert, Ut. ONLY LLNE with SlTtE CONNECTION. . Trarttt !*0 mile* *r*urter then any other Route, and a , p.. ere B1v»r N ...«.', r, _ t'NITED STATES VJAIL LINE. If - .. .ad* <f ttggag free»; 10 cent*- per wiuod on i. . r r b.'tiri fr-'Oi tceen tu ocean, ' v Panama Railroad T r .-i, to CALIFORNIA vat Pit,. .,e Reilroed. The United State* M 11 Sr-eu thip Company will ditpatch (or A8P1NWALL, aa MONDAY. April I it I ovioca a. ax ate.ia-1- troa per fool >f Wair'u-et North River, the we,;»....an and feel Swnibfp ILLINOH, Captain Che*. S Bigge, D. I> NL Pteteuf ert and Mail* trlQ be forwarded by Panama Railroad and r .nrx-t at Panama wltb the Pacific Mail 3»aamibio Coat- Eoy'e i a*..'-' pHeamahia BILDEN GATE, R l_U ,. mmand-r, whi.A will be in raadineee and leate im nediet-iy for Saa FreaiHeoo. The public are informed that 'be F\ Mail St-tmtMp Qatar pin- tlwey- hare rcce or more *x«n Steem»»i lying at Panama, i-ai * >or ». a, to avoid any puealbie detention of ptaeeogert or mai l For P*"-*'' »PP'T to I W r \ YMOMD, at the only «*-e of 'he (orrpeoi, * No 77 Waat tt , c >ro-r of Warr-o-rt V Y. !!¦ i «.- nite* Bute* Mail Steamer day*. 5tn aud Stthafaa b n, 'in tb._ 4JTEAM lor SOUTHAMPTON and ANTWERP. tTy -The new iron icrew tVm.hlo BELGtQUB, %L J Frant- a4-n oomniaiider. will be diapetcbed for the above port! on Tl F.BDAT, March 31. from Pt-r No. 59 North River. ¦itb* or rtUAer, ircLvoite raovitioti: In Futi Cabin.«30 In .. Cabin. !5 lb Tnird Cabin.:.. 3b Tbli t'timer hat five water-tight ompenmentt, and ,-arri** an i pern ' *urte< n. No rreitbt taken alter Sa'urday, ' la: 2R, and no bilU of lal* mg »in,, or ptrneli reeeived en the day ol atiilog. F«r treitht or pwiage, having . ,j -.'. r aeoommodatioaa In rabtn tad He-rage pa>eenrera. apply to AI i,l SI BFLMdNT, No 7 Hanover *t T>e FteaniiMpCON^Tin Tl'tV Copt E. Po igin, will ia«- caed the Brlglqae, and rail on Tl/VfDAY, April iL 1'niE LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY's Cljde-bulltlroo teraw rtea-a- Cl iV of BALTIMORE.J.J67 mm.Cent, b, Lettob. city of Washington...**«tun*.o*pt w. wyiia. CITY of MANCHF>tkr...2lO»iua»....C^pt, P.C. Petrte. RANOAROO.I.nt tun*.Capt. Jeffrey. £b* nnderaoted or other reteeia are intended to aail an gaajl Pbom Lrvaaroou CITY of BALTIMORE. WeJneeday.March 11. CITY OF MANCHESTER, nedaeedev.Marek 15. CITY OF WA.hhinoton, Wedneetuy.ApnU. ranoaroo, Wedneeday.April -2. And each alternate Wedoeeday. Pbom Abirbica. CITY of BALTIMORE from New York, Thursday.. .AorS 2. CITY of MANCHESTER, from New York, Tbmtday April i«. CITY of WASHINGTON.IY<imNaw-Yrrk,Thanday.April kh KANOAR k>, from New York, Thortday.May 1A And each alternate Thnnday BaTB! or CAMB raiiAi.r. From PkBadelpbla and New-Yvk. .ft*, bss, «54 Prom Liverpool.SI gntna**, 17 guinea*, and 15 giiinea*, aeeiiding to the erromnv» at<<in in the State Roomi, all having 'a »*m* privilege in the Saloon, lnclodiug Sie ward*' Fee*. THIBO CLAta PAIICNCEB*. A Hatted number of third.«..«*. paaaengert will be taken, and fcand in a* much provieior.t ae reqiilrad. Prom PhiladelphU and New-York.BSO Prom Liverpool.bao OertlSeatea of paawage will be leeaed here to partie* who at* deeiroui ol bringing out their (n. nl,, at i orreare>uding rate« flveee m< an .Line are eonetructed with Improved water-Ugbt ana pertment*, end each venae! center an eaperleneed Surgeon. Draft* on Liverpool from £1 upward. All *o»d* teat to the Agent* wUl be forwarded with eooaomy tud dhipafrb. For freight or peerage, apply to JOHN O DALE, Agent. No 13 Broadway. New-York, or WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, Not. i. tnd ii rower Building*, Liverpool. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK for HAVANA *n<i NEW-OBLE ANS -On THURSDAY, April R at 2 o'elo« k p. m.. from pier »>..,t of Warren at., North River the feat and favorite rtewrnahtp PJULADBLPHIA. A o. Gray, will aall a* above. Paatwge aan be tt-cured at the office of the l.ne Freight to New o leant 30 oetitt per cwOio foot re¬ ceived April 1 Shlppeit wUl be tapplW with blank bill* of lading of the form argued by the lln* on .pplke'ioo at their ofRn*. No other f> im* tigned and no bill of lading will be a,r. .| atter the boor of atitkng. For freitbt or pgtraege, apply at tbe office, No. 177 Weet rt corner of Warren. ¦_M. o ROBERTS, Agent, GREAT REDUCTION in PARE to EUROPE .Flrtt Cabin, »V '. SecjodCabin ThirdCiMn, f m tbe Srtt data paddle-wheel ateaoiahlp A It EL. 2,000 torn, to aail fmtn NEW-Y ORK for SOUTHAMPTON and BtlK.ME.4. on THURSDAY. April 16, and on THURSDAY, Jane A Pat- ¦engeia for HAVRE will be lent nn In a lirtt-claa* atetuner ootneettt a>wlth the ARIEL, ob arrival at Southampton. Specie delivered in London and Paria. Prnoni deeiriug to brtnj out " tbelr friei da can obtain certificalei of pttttge. Tbe ARIEL it equal In every reepett to any 2,600 tun *hlp *Soat. For paatage or freight apply to D TORRANCE, Agent, No. S Bowling Green, N. Y. FOR LIVERPOOL.-The United SUtes Mail Stem.imp ATLANTIC, o. Eldrldge, Commander, arlil de¬ part with tbe United State* Mti't for Europe poiittrely on BATCROAY. April II, at 12 o'clock m from her berth at the oot of Canal tt. NOTICE.The rteamert of tail Line bare water-tight *om- peitr; enie and to avoid danger from ice, will not orott th* Bank* north tf tl degree* aatil after the 1*'. of Auguat. For Freight cr Pattage, having uaeqaa.vd aoco smodauon* for eli aance aud com'ort, apily to EDWARD K COLLINS No. S6 Wall it i'atteLgert will pleat* be ob board at 11 o'clock a m. A'l Lettt ra mutt peea through tbe Poet-OtTiee any other* will tie returned. NOTICE .Tie rtte of Freight from Liverpool to New-York la rtduied tt> tour pouodt per tua me**uremeat, until further netice. TH E NEW-YORK ind LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.-Tb* thlpt coav polaing thlt Hue are: The ATLANTIC. Ctpt Oliver Eldrilgt. THE BALTIC, Ctpt. Jotepb ComtJ ;tk. Tbe ADRIATIC. Ctpt. Jamet Weit. fhe.c ibipi hiving been built by ooatrtct eaprettlT for tb* Onvemment aarvice, every car* hat been taken In their ooa- MructioB, at lite in tbelr engine*, to intar* itrength and apeed| and tbelr accommodatioa* for patweaaer* an uoeo, .aJtd far .legauce and comfort. Price of paatage from New York to Liverpool, la flrit-ctaat oabia, »l*i. in tecead do., $1A Proot Liverpool to Mew-York, It and 30 i :lneat Ab tzpeneaced turgeoa attaooed toaath ibbt. No bertba can be trcnred aatli paid for. The ahlpi of tklt Rue have Improved warar-tiabt balkheadg, aad, to aveld Ianiter Aom ice, will not «roii tb* Batik* Borth of to degree* aatil after tbe lit of AunrL Proposed dates op sailino. nr.* taw-raaa. I ratal i.tviarogc. SATURDAY.Jan. S, 1*57 SATURDAY.Jan. 17, 1*57 SATURDAY.Jan. M, lfkPf SATl RDAY.Ptb. 14, 1*57 SATURDAY.tteb. 14. km .ATI RDAY.April 11. IAtT SATURDAY.May » VS57 SATURDAY.May 23,1(57 SATURDAY.Jan* 6 1)157 SATt RDAY.June at), 1A57 SATURDAY.Jaly 4, 1857 SATURDAY.July II, 1157 WEDNESDAY.. Jan. 7, 1*57 WtDN«S[)AY..Jaa. 21, X* WtU)NESOAY..P*b. 4, 165T tVT.DNESDA Y.. Feb. 1«, 1*~ WRDNRSDAY..Mch. 4, IA57 WEDNBsnAY..April l r «TrONE*l>AY..April2». ir- WCDNEaDAY..May 27, 1657 WEDNESDAY.. Jane 10, 1857 WED^ESDAY..Joa*24, UV7 WEDNESDAY..Jaly 8,1857 WZDlttSDAY..J*ly S, 1857 Por Beigbt or pe***g», apply to rkDrVVBl» k. COLLINS, No. 56 WallH., (f. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY A Co., LircrwooL STEPHEN RENN ARD A Co., No. 27 Auttia Fran, Loadwa. B. S WAINWRIOHT fc Co Ptrii. Tbe ewaert of tbeee ahipt will aat be aeceuatabie fer gel«, diver btrliiuu, ipecia, jewelry, precloai «i*Be* or metali, oav |ea*Mll*ofladrog art ttgaed tkerafdr, aad Ua ralu* tLereof axpretted tAerata. _ l^HE BRITISH mi NORTH AJaffiRICit» JL ROYAL MAIL 8TEAM8HIPS. rffokt nr rtii to livbbp«ol. .lief Cabin Pamge.91* Second Cabin Paaaage. raoat *o*tob to LirgarooL. Chief Cabin Paatage. Second Cabin Paatage. * Tbe tfaip* from Bottou call at Halifax PER4IA. Capt Judkini. CANADA. Ctpt. Lang, ARABIA, CapL J. St-.no, AMERICA, Cap*. Wiikmaa, ASIA, CtpTl. O. Lott, JflAOARA, Capt. R/rie, AFRICA. Capt. Shannoa, Bt ROPA, Ctpt J Leitck. tbeee veeaelt carry a clear walte light at triatOiead; greea «a (tawboard bow j red on port bow. _ . , Kl AGA RA, Wh kman... Leave* Boeton, Wedneeday, Marobll PF.SSIA....Judkin* ... Leav* N.Yoik, Welaeeday, Mtrch 18 AMERICA .Lang.Leave* Bottoa, Wedurtday, March a A t Itl( A ... Ibannoa I^-evat N >...* We.lneeday, April 1 11 ROPA.... Leiicb... I.eare* Bottoa Wedartday, Apnl 8 ASIA.Lott.Lear«* N Yerk. Wedae*d»y, Apni li Bertbi net tec med until paM for. An experletcrd lurgeon on beard. ... . The owner, ef 'he.e iklpt will a«t bt aeeemttbl* for Gold, Stirer. BuMion, Specie, Jewelry, Preciout Stone* or Met it*, onlett btlli of luting art aigneo obtrefor and tat rtlut tbar*of aberare eXBrtawtal. Por Pridabt or Patttg* tapty to ----t yyigl.VAaJj B> t gayta, greet. STEAM to 80UTHAMITON and HAVRE.. Tbe magniSeent lUaouaip VAN DERB I LT, 5,400 tuut, ¦ ill tail: P om NEW-TORR for ,Pr^_HAVBJt aa^^BOLTH- SOt THAMPTON a HAV RE. Th**<l*y.May 5 i»*»day.June 26 Thartday.Aug. IS AMPTON for NEW-VORK. Thurtday.June 4. Tueeday.July 21. Wedneaday.Sept. I. Faux or FaAtAOg Pint eabio, aceordlng w iocatioB of ttaf room, »110 to SIM. aVeoadtabln. . Speaie delirered in London aud Paria. For F*-M.«fr-igbl, apply to .nj-m Vo. S B-.w.jjg green New-York. THE 0LA880W -nd NEW-YORI STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S SPLENDIB tad POWER BRPljL STEAMERS tDINBUROH..2 50r»tnn*..Wal. BUMMINGS, Cmmaaia* SntW-YORK ...2,150 toa*..ROBERT CRAIG. C->ramenie*| .LA8GOW.l,!*faturjt..J()rlN DUNCAN. OottamrtAaii Are tppc4nted to aail _ PROM NEW-YORX: NPW-YORR Kater.Ur April h at 12 o'ct ,ck a »*x. GLASGOW.Sa'orda'y. Aprti t> »» U folocfc aooav. BATES OF PASSAGE, raort alai-ow. PW Cam.15 gnfo*a*. Steerage, found wtth Cooked Proritioa*.8 g iio-a*. _ raoat li* roil- _ Ftnt-Claia..* Steerage, iraad with Cooked ProritK«... SS Aa expeneoced Saraeot afar bed to eaab Wm FreigAt or Paaaage, apply la JOHN McSYMON, Ma. 17 Broadway. M*w Y*rk City Hill* or <HK raly rK«iv**l fw Ptttag*. Bf« Of OBIS Of kufUA lYMOUTH EOv K, C*pt. Tori Stoae, and Cept. W. H. Fi****, ta ocaatx-tl.-.a with the .vi.ieece, au« Boston ao i P-ovidenee Ball¬ ig New-York dailv, Sundays excepted, frim P'ei River. 6r»« wharfabove Bauery-p.*. «, 4; 4 o'clock ßt/omboolf and flai.Toauf. P)R BOSTON, tu NORWICH Rod WOR- CEaTEE-Dei yet 5». au <roxa »»-jjo-« jf^'*l'' . üy tb*»*io.-e.t; m.r CONNECTICUT, Ceg* j*«*. *V ex.«» IMiNUAYri. WEDNESDAYS and /RliMY*. *»d by t. . b*w aod a Hi ataau.-" CO M a ON * E A LT II *p*. « U aae.s.aan'lSDAtS. THU*8Da.YS »,.d SATU B, "> * 1-V11 Allya'* I' 11. tbenca naw o. ... .el . . 'oi «t#iWi»-« for WaMaaaar, Bxtoa. Pr-rdaata. Law- r»a*e, Lc«»rl, Naakaa. Cino-wu, Wattn klbuata.uk, ea« .»..') o'J »r *>*'l*ii of Na« Em'si.«: awalara aa k* h.iU-J sy ap»lyiri*a k-ard. or ka E. B MARTIN. A««kt, st I I otxw*, fov; of Co Ulla» d'-*t._ PUK MOS'iUN «iiU PROVIDENCE fZ NLW- PORT an« PALL RrVFR..Tka *p!*ad!d and a-cpaario. .waatai BAY BTaTE, Cap*. J*w*tf. ieavee ;»¦» 1 » -.--> Tlkt-DAT THURSDAY, »nd SATURDAY, et 3 < "k,*.«.; and the EMPIRE STATE, Cat BraWkaw- leaves New-Torl r»ery MONDAY. * ED*<tSDAY. ar.d FRIDAY at 4 jeloe» a rn.; rrom Pier Mo. IRR Bear the Battery; k-.ta «c.etinj a rtVwwert each way. Hereafter no roomi wt'l be refkraed a* 1rented tc v" T ay -tent uati.' the käme iCail b ne been paid for. Preitbt to Boston . torw*rd*d r er fr at durale* Bt bb Expreii KreUbt Trata. WM. BORDEN Ajen;. K->a. and F| '.Vest et. T*HE REGULAR MAIL LINE nt SfONlNO- Jx TON for BOSTON and PROVIDENCE.'t-'eBd reo» without dekty. cbanas ofcars or kwfase. Tie steamt-rs PLYMOt COMMODORE Cap*. W. .. Bn.nmi'oo and Providence, and Beaton an 1 P-cvlc>nat Rail- roads, lesvi' No a. North p.m., aiid Stopira'on at 3-30 n m., nr on the err.iel fthemall train wo; leaves Boston ati.Jo p m. The COMMODORE from New-York Monday, Weds**, day. and Friday. From Stouingtoa, Tuesday, Thursday, txd Saturday. The PLVMO'TH ROCK fre-m New-Y*rh T-teidaj. Thursday, aac Saturday. From 8too:n|t >n, Monday, Weaaealty, and Fri¬ day. PaJse&sers proceed frr-m StontcgVSl 9*t RaÜrce.1 to Provt dene* and Boston, In toe Express Mail Train, reachia* laid place leverx] fcouri Ir advan -e o( these by attoer roatea, tod la ample time for all the early :.:....« ilsai >o 1.« North and East. Passenfcra tust prefer it remain on beard M* steamer, enjoy a n.'xbtt rest undisturbed, breakfast if desired. Mid lea** Staminxton ia the 7;15 a m train for Providence. A Basxaxe Mastatr accompanies the icaamer a..- train throujb each way. For paaaaxe, berth*, staw-r cms or freight, apply at Pier No. 2 North River, or at tie onW No 10 Baf-rv ».«. CF^TRaL RAILKUAD ul NEW-JERSEY.. Coaiie-fiiig at NeW'Haraptua with 'he Delaware, Lache» wanoaand Weatem Raiinad to Seranton, Great Bend, the North and W«t and at Easton with the Lettish \ afley RaBroad ta Ma ra 1 ' I W INTER ARRANGKMENT-C. mmeii.-lng Jan. I, 189».- Leave New-York for Kaa'on and Intennedfate pi\e*s from Pie* No. 1 North Rivr, at T ... v m. and >: 10 p. rat,; for Sommer. trllie at 7:**>aBd * 1:00 a. m and B:M and 4:30 p. m. The above train* connect at IChiabeta wua traini on the New Jersey Raltrrad, which leave New Yoak from the foot af Courtiandt-at. kt 7:30 and 11 a. m and 3:» and 4 p. B> JOHN O. STERNS. Sapt, UD8i«N RIVER RAILROAD .Fr«ra Fob. lnA7, the Traini will leave Cbambari-it. 8tati.ro a* follow!: Express Traia, 1:1« a. m and 3:>< p ax; Mail, 11:15 a at.: Eaaigrtant, 0:4.Hp m ; For Pougli keensie, I a. as and 17. ""or Sin* Slag, 4 p ut.; For r .r i". S « Hint an at the U ay StaU-ns. C. nstopber aod «. 5:4A *nd 10:1» a m and 4:4.4 p. m. | and East Aibaoy at«: 15 and 10:40 a. m. and 5:*» p. m. A. F SMITH, Soperintenlect (JREAT CENTRAL ROUTE.. M The Tbrough Ticket and Freiaht Office of Lb* ORE AT WatSTERN RAILWAY MICHIGAN CENTRAL RaILROAD, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. OALF.N4 AND CHICAGO 0 RAILROAD. CHICAOO Bl RLINGTOS AND QI'INCT RAILBOAD, to Chieaao, Milwaukee, Galena, Duboque Rock isUDd, Bur- lli'ltou Qoloey Ht Latatsaj I'asro Kansas and Ne>arasks, and all r po*e*s west and Sou'ri-weet, V'U St SPENHION BRHX'E or BCPPALO, la at m. and 4:4» p. rr F..r Sin* Sirig,4 p ui For PeeAski l, 5:10 p. rn. The Pouihkeep ie, S « Htni knd Peek, kill Usiu« stop at the Way Stat><.ne. Psasenaers takeu at Ciiauibers, Can*/, nstopber aod llattBt T aioi for New-York leave Tr v at other potr-s *eet and Sou'ri-weet RstalOII BRIUO No. 173 BROADWAY. N. Y^, Corner of Onrtlandt^t DARtt'S CLARA. Agent (2REAT american route..michigan * SGL'THERN RAILROAD to CHICAGO, St. Loul*. R <* Iilaad, St. P*nl. Milwaukee, and all places West and 8,1th vest, via New-York and Erie, New-York Ceatraland Ainerieaa Lake Shore Railroad*, to Toledo, forming the ihort-«t, a,uicke*t aad pUseaatest route to the Great West For throuih ticketi and rates of freight, apply at the Company's Office, No Ut ¦roadway, corner of Dey-et, New y... k _john F. porter, Agent ong island railroad.FaTl aiiTwbiter ArranreeneDt..Sun.lava excepted.).Tralnc going East! Leave Brooklyn for Greenport, 10 a. m. daily for Yaphank, It a m. daily, and on Saturday! at 3:45p. m.; for Far-ningdale II a m. and S:45 p m.; for 8yoc*et, at 10 a m and 3:41 p. m\ lw Hempatead, 1" a m 12 m and 3:45 aad 3 p. m.; for Jljxwiea, SJ a ¦¦, m., 8:45. 5. and 6:30 p. m._ Land route.new-york to PROV1- DP.NCE. Ac. -On and af r Marrbll, EXPRESS TRAIN of the Providence. Hartford and Piibklll Railroad willleave Ilartk (rtrd on the asrtval there of the Ex press Traini .f the New-Yori and New-Hatsen, and New-Haven, Hartford and Sprinifielg Railroads which leave Near.York at I a- m S. ASHBORNER, Chief Bngineer and Superustendent H. P. and t. R. A. ICHJGAN SOUTHERN A NORTHERN INDIANA BAILROAD U bow epea between Deuoit aad Adrian aad Traini ire ran connecting at Adrian with Ex¬ press Trains to Crlcago aad Toledo, and at Detroit with Train* on the Great Weatem, Detroit A Milwaukee aad Mb Mgaa Central Railroad*. For further lnformalien, apply to JOHN F. PORTER. Ajtect, No 193 Broadway._ jew wide-gauge route ir..m new- yore to ROCIIE8TER..Tk* ROCHESTER knd GKNESKE VALLEY RAILROAD U bow open, and, In con¬ nection with the Buffalo. Coming and New-York, and New- York and Erie Railroads, forms a direct reate from New Tort U Rochester. The direetnee* of thii route, together with the raperlor com¬ fort anVird.-d by tke wide cars, reuder* It by far the most de*hra> He between the ibove-uamed cities. Tickets oaa be pr< cured at the New-Tork and Erie hUilroad Ticket Offiee, foot of Daaue-st, and No. 1*3 Broadway; also La Jersey City. Bsagsge checked tbronab. Freishta will be trausported bataaeeu New-Tork and IV.ahee- ter with dispatch. Anjr infonnation desired In reaard thereaa can be obtained by calling on the General Freight Agent of the New-York and Erie Railroad, Erie Buildings, or C. S.TAPPAN. Expreu Frslght-Aunt. No. 193 Broadway, No. trahx* on the Bufalo, Coming and New-York Railroad oat BuniUr_J. A. REDFIELD, SuperiateadeBt ew-Y0RK and harlem railroad.. FARE TO ALBANY, «2. N N The Pmaager Train a on thii Road for Albany will lean ih* earner of White aad Centre-sts aa foliowi: EVERY MORNING at t:10 ./clock. BVRRY AFTERNOON a' 4 e'sbrrA. Pare throogb 10 Albany will be *2. To eommenee oa MON¬ DAY AFTERNOON, lfltb Lost _W. J. CAMPBELL, Superintendent, NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..On and after Monday, Marsh 2, MAT, and until rVartber oodoe, Paseeuser Tiaiai will leave Pier f -et A Dusne-st, as follows,via.: DI NK IRK EXPRESS at 6:10 a m., for Dunkirk. MAIL, ktt :15 a as,, for Dunkirk knd Bufalo and Intermediate ¦tarioni. Paaiengeri by tals Train will remain over night at Owe*o, and proceed the aext morning. ROCKLAND PASSENGER, kt S p. x*., via Piemont fr« Suttenr and k* termedtäte station*. WAY PASSENGER, at 4 p. xa,, for Rewburgh, Mlddietowa and knrermediate stations. NIGHT KXPREHS, at 4:80 p. m.. for Dunkirk aad Botfalo. EMIGRANT at 5 p. m., for Dunkirk and Buffalo knd uteraaa* diet* *taUon*. THE ABO\E TRAINS Rllt DAILT, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Theaa Fxpr*** Train* oonaact at Klmtra with the Etmlra. Canmdiiguk and Nisgar* Fklli Railroad, for Niagara Fall*; at BLugbamtoa with the Syricua* and Blnghamtou Raiir-*.], Inf Sj.» ...., at Coruing wttn Buffalo, Corning, and N*w-TorB Railread, for Rocbeater 1 at Oraet Bend with Delaware, Lank» wanna aad Wr*t*ro Ra'lroad for Sc ran Cos. at Buffalo and Duokirk with the Lake Shore Railroad far fjUvelaad, OUeaa- aati, Tolado. Detroit, Chieaao, Ae. _D C. McCALLLM, General Superintendent PENNSYLVANIA RAILBOAD.- THE GREAT C'NTRAL PENNSYLVANIA RAIL> ROAD ROUTE. FROM NEW-TORK TO CINCNNAJTI IN 10 HOURS. FROM NEW-YORK TO CHICAGO IN HOURS. FROM NT.W-Y'ORK TO ST. LOUIS IN 46 HOURS. The Shortest Beat and eoneedaently the Cheapest Routet from New-York to all point, in the West The Penn*ylvacla Railroad connect* at Pl'Ubnrgh wtth rail¬ roads to and from St. Louis Mo. 1 Alton. Galena, and Uiicsgo, III.; Ftaxikfort, Lexington and Loui.villa, Kt. Terre Haula, Madison, Lafkyette knd Indlanapolla, Ind.; Cincinnati. Dattoa. Sprnti-rfleld, Bellefontaine, San.'uiky, Toledo, Cleveland, Co¬ lumbus, Ztteevtlie, MaMillon and Wooeter. Ohio; al*o. with tue .ttaiii-pecket boats froa and to New-Otleaa*, St Louil, L'.utavllle and ClncinnarL Through Ticktt* can be had at BBf of the above-mentiosed place* in the We.t (See haobllli in the boteli of this etiy.) Paeeangeis will find Ikls tke soorteat, moat axpediiioua and comfoitabie route between the East and West. T tr. tin, Ticket* or further Information may be bad at tha ofheeotthe PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, No S ASTOR HOUSE. BROA0WAT. J. L ELLIOTT, Ag-mt Pennsylvania Rsllroad Go. New Y' rk, Jan. A 1*57._ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.The GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, eonteeting the Atlantic oitiea with Weitem. Norra-weatern and Soutk-weatera f* ate* by a eos- tis::ous Rail* ay direct Thii Road also eonnecti I Pit ibirgh with fall) n of Steamer* to all porti in the Weatera Riven, a d at Cr-lead atd »aiiduiky with iteamrri to all p*«*u on the Noif i-weattn Lakti: n at lag the moat direct, cheapaat read reliabie route by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to aad frrm the Otea' W.et_ II AT ES BETUEFN PHILADELPHIA and PITTSBURGH: Fiiit CLiai . Boot*, Shoe*, Han and C.p* 1 , ... Bo.,k* Dtv GccmIs (in boxee, bale* and trank»), 5 100 m Drun tin rxxes and hales), Feather*, Fare, Ac... J Skcoxd Clsii..Dome.tk Shaeti *, Shirting aod) Tukinx (.n ::*.l*. bale*). Drag* lip <a*ki). Hard- 7J*eot*Jf> wa>a, Leather (In rcli* or boxe«), Wool and Sheep 100 0). Pelt*, E.itward, Ac.I Tai id CiAil-Auvrii. Steel, f.,aios (in eaaha), )-.^__. Hemp, *JacoB and Pork.gai.ed II or in saokai , ^C, 1* Tobacco, manufactured (except Cigar* or out he ) FotBvn Claii,.Coffee, Fleh, Bacon, Beef and) Poth tin aish* or boxe«. Eastward 1, Lard and I 55 eenti BT Lard Oil, Naiii, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, f 100 IB. PHtt, Ro*ra, Ae...,) FLota SJ 1 ¥ bbl until further notice. .'»*!«- ¦*:.'» ¥ K0 R) uatil further -.-'.ice. Cottob.$3 k> bale, not exceeding 300 Bj weigbt, uatil further antice. In ahipping Ooodi from uy point east of Philadelphia, be par¬ ti, ularto mark the package ¦ Via Pennsylvania Raiiroad." All Goodi cotiiiied to the Af*nta of this Road kt PbJladclphia or PV'sbnrfh will be forwarded without detention Fbbight A«kbt*. fcUiiai,Wormi*7 A; Co, Meaanbie, Teaa, 1 R. F. Sa-s A Co St. Loaia ; J. 8. tJtteheil A Son, EvanavUle, Ind.; Dun.es--1, Bell A Co., and Carter A Jewatx, Loute- vilh) Ry., B. C. Me. drum. Mediana, Ind.; Bp id man k Brown, and Irwin A Co.. Cincinnati; N. W. Graham A Co Zaoeevu.e, Ohk;L*a>ea k Co., No Ü Kllby it., Boa'oa; Leach A Co.. No. 2 AatorHouae, New Yuk. No i Wil'.isxo-s-., and Ni. t Battery paace New-Yoik | E. J. Saeedar, Pbiltdelph.; Magrsw h Rood. Bait'mor» C. Fraaciacaa, PiUahmgh. H. R. HtlUSTON GaueraJ Freight Agent, Paililit|kda B J. LOMBAERT, aH.periatetdei.-., Adtwaa, Fa. Jksaery 5, ito7. NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.For F «TILA¬ DE f.PH IA and the KM1H trad -V'tWT. tat '8MEI ITT -%!».: aad Eapeee* !-.... Leave "Jew Tart . aad U . at aad 4 ted . p. a*.; fart. «s IS a* , fl X6. «»nia, at all ray atencaa. 11 ud 4 go at Keutingten. Tr-.r.ugk Ti ket* tola" ¦or Clr.clno.li (#11 and .1» >.) aad la* Watt. 8*4 fat .altr- Betn, w..!.-; i :i. .N :. «, Ac. aatd .Arrugb «> Watblnftnn ia » a. m. and « . at w vVoODtrpr. AttU'if mrfl. No Baggage b* re.-. for aar Trala aalaa* iibraf * *ad theeked 13 airsute* fa « .-v - at tbe rrra* at leevttg. NEV\~Y(>KK Mil ERIE RA1LK04D COM-> PANT'S EIFSFSS-Obbbb... Otrica. IIa. n* r tat. n. Y .Tbe N*wYo.h aad Ena IWJeaed Oat .3 awaaaataj to do . regular Eaprea. bu ta«aa V v~ a H D RH"E .apt] 0. C McCALLPts. Oecarei Supertoteiedeat_ ta^¥a(5rSE änd" soi thern railroad. O In with Exprte* Tmii oe the New-lor* tad '"o^toe^er HONDAT, Oer. t*. aa* t-wtr! rnrtke* t^rbaa. ' .... tier Tram* will ran at Mlow. 8 mtoy. aMfMI Le»re N.w-Yrrrk from pter foot of D**ne-*t at erSO mjm., rta 8ufl»Io Expre.*.ixrinecuiig at imtaamua wttA aUpraat train tor Syraco**. _ At i * p. m. ria Night Expn-** c*t.netttt;g at ¦tn*>«*a**a) »Ith Expree. Train for wrraeu.* and O*wego. Through Tuhtt* may be procand a: th* noket tmm* afiBaa N.wY rt and Erir R-aJ, W. 8 OILBERT. Sup*. Äköual. Consumption, (old*, Cm*)**, Btvtxiu»#. Aitbma, vt ran.w Eroacu'loa D MJi't WtaCti g Atta* aad ... :>.. l. CFRt-D .».. le V a ar*a Coamma- Boa I'*»'«. ** pml irrlt eur-d by Dr HEaU'S entirely ttW DISCOVFRY jutt out In Ua Medical \Y old Bo tattler* iba> i»a»a». » °l the aborw ditee rt In taa buuea feanllv tbat tb* D. to» will <tTe hi* oea preerriptlon |fr»e ef eaarge) to aa». .ffiicrrd. Ac.ir*** Or JJE'C No |i.lU ii.ST. SaYds^ SARSAPAKILLA . The HPUlKil . MEDICINE fr'be MILLION. -If yaw blaod ra .luggma BpaaMatra. B trtR ratTtirjtaad parity it. If yno» ecrrecioa* ar* It gular or d< feertve. It will (timuieto th-m to k-aitoy aetaaoa at d u an altera Ire and Iwoorntlaig a*»nt it it na-^ ialeA Prl- partd atd told by A B. I D. 8«N 08, No lot r..t. i ft. The greatest medical Dl^OVaalT of tba AGB! Mr. EEhJNEDY of BotOuiy aaa dtaeoTw**) ra ona of »v 4omm. n pattur* weedt a rvaeedt tbat cure* E\ EBY KIND of HrMllB./rtwt IA« ttartf St.,nU tw.lt* ttratttw r'ajjl 8* ba* tried it In oter i-lereu hundred ratee, atyi aawar BaAwi atrvpt In two rate*, both thunder hornor. fie ha* avow bt Ma Cwaetaiop over two hundred oarvtbeate* af it* ttvlaw, afl ttfawStl renty roilea of Bo**ou. Two bottlet art warranted to tare a nurtio| tare aaoatb. One to tbfa* bottle* will oare Lba wortt kind of pimpiai aal tba tare. Two to three bottle* will eiear th* tyttem of boil*. Two bottlet tre wtrrautad to cur* tba went realer la tbw atonth aad ttomaeb. Three to fite bo«let are warranted to cure tba went etwa aj .rytipelaa. On* to two bottle* are Warranted to *err* all kaaaot bt tttaa .ye*. Two bottlet ara warranted to tar* runu.tuj cf tba aart aa4 blotehet auioBf the hair. Four to tin bottlet are warranted t) tareeerrspt . ^rrie bottle arlll eure acaly eruption of tbe ikfa. Two or three bottlet are warranted to ear* the watat eaa* afl ''tT.' .o three bottle* are warranted to *or* tba avttt Bte eate of rbeBmatitm. Three to four bottle* are artiTBiited to cure *alt-r-.__ Flre to eitbt boltiea will cur» tbe wont .at* al DiBKCTtoa* roaUlB.-Adam I table *poonful per way CAaV- aren oter eit.t yeart, deteert .pooufol; ChUdraa wem awe tm euht y**n, teatpoonful. At ao direetlont oao Be tapataata tjTeotJttitutiopt. take enoutb to operate oa tbe hew*-* day Mr KENNEDY jrlret penonal attendant*la bwt aaaaTaa aVrefula. WlttRlt «ALT BHEDM OlMBIM TO BE l SED IN CONNECTION WITH THE MEDICAL DlSCOVtBY. BOB iBrtAHttaTlOB a»0 HUMOB 0t THt Ettt, able OTTO Immediate relief; yoa will apply U oa . linen rag when *aflBn toFo* Scald Hf tr>, you will tut th* hair of the attteted part, apply the Ointment freely, and you trill tea tba tiapiiiieweata tn a few dare. . fot Salt Bhiom, rob It well tn at often al *oarwribrart. Fob SCALBt oa an inftamrd inrtaoe, yo* will tab tt tta ¦ your heart'* content. it will pir* yo* itieb real eotnfort tba* you e*BBot help wi*hinii well to the inreatw. Fob 8ca*i. Tbete commence by a tblu aerto 8nM throuib the *kia. aooo bardeBlng on tbe lurtaee, ia tabaai Hi. e tre full of yellow matter; tome are on an tntiaraod ittta, aome are sot. Ton wUJ apply tbe Ointment freely, last da a*4 rob it in. m_a_ Pob So*b Lbo*. Thi* I* a common dieeaee, taota *a atwaM gar.erally tuppoeed ; the *Bin tun* purple, oorered with »ra.ee, and ltrhe* iBtolenblyv *oni*timea lorrali.g renoing aoree, by ea- plylug the OinUnent the Itching and eoaiee will ajiaataatwaagj few dayi, but yoa muat beep on with tba Oliitmiai aaaB BW* tkin get* it* natural dolor. Fob thb Pilb* and Inflammation, yon will tw* M *T*nty| It will tire ImmrdUte relict Tbl* Ointment tgn** witb erery fle*b, and fir** relief in erery *kln di**-**e Arth i* heir to. Price 50 cenlt per *ob. _, Mauutactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. IS* ^Htm\Vmsmmmm BrnggUt bt tb* UBltod tutea aad Ptorincet. Ceqal {Sonee«. IN PURSUANCE of an otder of th« SarrogB.» of the County of New-York, notice It herebr gira» ta all par- toB* htring «Ulm* againit ALEXANDER LEalRD, laat *f Ube City of Ntw-York, deceased, to preaea* A* *aUBVt. wtkbt rouchcr* thereof, to the *ub*crltere, at tba otRte of Rabatt Uird, No. 11* Fbrtarenue, In tba City of Mew-Tarb, *a er bt'ore tbe twenty *eo> nd day »f 8*pteuiber aeat DateB New-Yerk, the alneteeatb day ifMaicb. 1A9T. ROHK.KT LAIRD IwaaaaaataBta, 8AMUCL LECCH, 1"*<,W* mar» latrflmF_, EL17.A LEAlRU, Rteeatrli IN PURSUANCE mi an «rd*?r of E B*wfaw5l of tba CotBty of New-Yetk, notice la hereby gtraa to af aereent baring claiiTi* aralBit MARIA LOU1BA GRAHAM. We ef eba City of New-York, deceased, to praeaat the .ama, trtafa reweben tWaef. to the (ubacrtber, at the efRea af Wake- men A Latttag. etaa., No. fa> Fultoa-it., in tk* (Aty of ¦.«. York, ta erbefere tbe ninth day of May B*tt..DalwA New». York, the »iitb day e4 Morember 1*M. aoT lawatoF* CATHARINE 8. MILLER. Bi* CUPKEME COURT, KINOS COUNTY.. IO H*tm*a Bruen agt. Abner Jose* aad Area* Joan* kit wife H*nry Story tad Baa Story nt< wife, E.ek H kttadrttb, Wmiam O. Creamer, William H Klp», Cbarlee B. Kaadrtatb. AJazandrr Boat, Henry Huogerford. J Ao S. Laoatie, ttwargw B bitter I.e Samuel O Law, David Reld. MHMel MrOlaatet. Oeorg« R. Cole, N*uman CoBo, Mtebael Kennedy, Daoial Lea, Mtigneeof Mark McOarry. Peter R. Boaab, Wifiejt*i&Jtaoyaa, William Develln Sltphtu Jeiop, Henry S Sty mo d CUmeat Warren, Seymour A Tracy aad Nathan BuicharA aati The Netional Iniuranca Company of Jertey Wir ao« Stephen Bichaidton -Bummoat tor R-u«t -To tea DefeadaBUt WILLIAM H KIPP and THE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY OP JERSEY CITY: Yoa are hereby *w*a*a»B«A and reqnlred to antwer tbe complaint In tblt ictloo, which win Died in tbe office of tbe Clerk of th* Coaaty of Kktg* at tba City Hall ta tba City of Brooklyn, an tba tltta day af Jaat. IUS and tt a*rr* * copy of you* antwer to the *aid eompkataa >n the ...!.*. riber at bit office, No. 17» Atlantk* *tr«* , ia law Cltj iM Qn mt "nroekiyB. within twenty aar* «A*r the terrlce ef tbl* aommou* an yoo, etcluaive of the day ef rieb *ervtee; tod If yon tail to an*wer tbe aaid complafat within the tVaaw aforeatid, lb* plttatlff ia thU action wjl apply to tb* Ceart far th* reli*/ d*a,aod*d in to* eoinalaint . Da'ed. Braaklya, Jaaej 11 if *. WILLIAM H. «TORT, mbso UwtwP_ratorta^* Attorney. S~UPREME COURT.City and County of NrjpF- voik.. JACOB OSTB->M DAVID H. ANTHONY ani JOSEPH BFQUA. a«taia»t CHARLES N mm|h» moctf.-rt money demand on contract ) To < HAULS:-! M. STIMSON.Sir: Tvu *r* hereby tummoned to anrwartbeoaat- plahit la tin aetlon, which wa* iled in the Now York Cou**y Clawb . Ceffirt* on Mtrcb J8, 1AA7, and *arre a *oaw ol**ar anawer on me at No.77 Na**an-(treet City o' New-York, wllbna twenty day* after tbe tenure hereof exdntiv* >f th* day of .uch»ervt«*i and If yon fail to antwer tb* eoatpJaint a. af< re- BfW, the plajuritl* will Uke ju igment again*! vou for be .am of two bnndred and 8'ty dollai*, with Interett from tba aSIA day of November, one tboaatud eitht hundred and fifty foar, .«. aide tba eottt of tblt acttoo -Da'ed MarlilM. M«. _ n.77 law«wF'_A. CLARKE, Plalatlf^ Attoawty.^ SUPREME COURT, Co*aBty of Kitifs..WÜ- D Bam Jay, ataloklf again at Henry W Do!*tra *«4 AaaaB. Rt wife fJ*JrrgeH. Ckambailin, Job« t BatAarvawB). WBlkMB H. ChambeilUJ and t.t wile, defaudiata-Saaamoa* for »*f*'-- Com *ot *ar.-Ta tt* d.fend-t., WILLIAM EL CBABIU LIN aad hi* wife, who** Christian aem* I* uahMwa: Tewatw teieby aatnuioied ai.4 regulred le *a.-w wh. a^mf\mm.tjm %km tboverstitlrd t*tioB, wbieh trat thi* a*y fBAPfK tb* Cl.rk of tb. Coaaty af Klag*. *4 tb. Oty bT«1V». of Brockiya, and to aerv. a eoay of your »o«»**»j**J*^ » u-p bid ob tbe.ober tear at aw oaVw. Ne 3t f44.fcbants' Eiokang*). U* tb*CVy olNerTtcl,«ll«bnr«lr gat* alter tba *ervfoe of that lamaMaw om yon, «BVtlaatr« ef tkw) Sv ofiach temce, aad if yoa kail to an*w*r tba *aU*oav rVakBt "tala tb. ti*n« Ubraatld, tba pUrauff ia aatd .«tttaiwaa fpity to tbVC*art for tbe reltof (Umaaied m tbe *t»*p*mnt- Dataa New-York, IStk Pakraary, IwTT. 0B0B0I A. UAL8EY, Waktrif 'g Atterawy. ¦bSlaarwwP SUPREME COURT..THE NEW-YOBK O LI»E INSURANCE AND TRUST ^,'?MX*MJjJyi^*r» f.r Harriet b willett. again.t lure coiWT, wfo* wa. imi ra ad with Ju.tu.C a-y, Admlnistn-w Ao. a/Lakai C u y, decanted, tbe *e I Ju*m* Coney 0-orge R^.rittow, J.meV R Bold, aud Laura A. bis w4fo RoWl MrHa« er, J.ce MeBride, Exeea'ila. Ac, of fc,be.t M*Brm«, deoaaerd, J.me* 8. Ortoo, Jae.er Mtrvin John S Buealng, taaUaAaiaa Biver Bank, Allen ayr.nlt Eph'aim Cere, Cberto* Oo'-jJ'» A. Dew* Predenck W. Oitetu. Jae-'h Hatrick Jaoob B Bar- r ck. Thorn** W Hlnehman. Dariu. Perrin, S^fjmktgß Jo.epbTwelch (SommwL..) To 0 Jkt. ROCkaAPXLLO */, on* f tie defend*', ta: Yoo tre hereby »ummooed to »nrwtjr-bn errnp'tint In tbl* c*u»e, of which a copy it dew, an tod, will be terved unou yon. and lerre a copy of r .ur answer on me at my 'fficr Wall It, In the C7t of New York wttbta twenty eyi after tk* aerTice hereof, rxclnriro of tbe day of raea .**» rice, or within twenty day* after trrvio* of a oopy ef raid oom- pl.int If *uch oopy be demanded within twenty «ay*afterter- ftaS hereof: and It yo* fail to aniw-r tbe on: pLuut *i atorjwaiB. th- pUntlflf* will apply to tbl* Conrt for tbe rail*/ wten**ifo«« the complain*. The complaint trill be «T-d ln»-*«V*a» Clerk ol the County o' 0 Urio -Dated N.»^A«-^» ». ,847. I ROBINSON, fc£#^XZ%*> UPREME C0URT-K»^C0UNTY7=. HARRIET C ^ÄÄ COW . J. Letttorhtrn.it ^^^T}. CONSTA slav «WAta ^A^/lTtttn^«^ rtb. a. .f ^^VM^ Mbg lewdwP* rmmmwm m^mummjm

chroniclingamerica.loc.govff>*«» »r firs* rr, mmMiiatt FA*w*r¥ bilk TlNFIiV .noflr-,.!Tff"a iuIB"i KiUBUMI P^ORP.S' R*w7lACI».am MilI* BAirORN. Black it er>. rat S,»t -ft|lj*

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govff>*«» »r firs* rr, mmMiiatt FA*w*r¥ bilk TlNFIiV .noflr-,.!Tff"a iuIB"i KiUBUMI P^ORP.S' R*w7lACI».am MilI* BAirORN. Black it er>. rat S,»t -ft|lj*

ff>*«» »r firs* rr, mmMiiatt

FA*w*r¥ bilk TlNFIiV .noflr-,.!Tff"a iuIB"i


.am Mil I* BAirORN. Black it er>. rat S,»t -ft|lj*R*w7lACI» J0JNE3 BLONDS. ILLUBIO-A 8TIPF

Si,* ifODf-K, BreeA BILM MITT8 atd GLUVRS.*ff>K>)PBR:r». BAND«. COLLARS, *¦ LkKVRB. au


8 T 11 A W O O O D BiMm%%m%% *> tt* nr.- ,»i of Tucai, Lao*, r. titoe. rfl'j««,PeeeJ, teCa. aid «ip.it fitn-v BONN It Tf UA IS, Straw skatjpaaey TRIM MINOSA*a*»ele<**,»ortm*b: ef rEl"./i lOA'ITS.BP* ma. a taeatten'loL of all or .d nd tri«£ cutw»i,wl

kfj etrn. starting cat elty, teas . Jia-krati- o of < vo OOf OSxav* rWCt.0. _

D~©WN THEY GO -ANOTHER RSDUC-T10N hi PAiCES.-rh* art a oi .aw ..o-.e».* *wch to

he CLCMEO OUTBy ike Ut of Jan«. Bar« ata in* p. leaf fa thai work and aiaoBaa usual run at *>e*r e»tsb:iihaiekt«:

. On.-. Ls-tai prices,»Vhita China Tea Ratf, 41 piece*.A3 ¦" a) 5 11Wl.waT.ilat Re-a. 1 »> S 0»»hitf Dinier Set.,M pi**-1. Is *. *'

Cat-Oka** Ohl*»* tbv d"'< n. I W 9 *(at u.th ( t an.pag-.r, ..!:. dr.--a. 1 * 2 toCart Oi»a» '* inn .»» doaen. ""> 1 MXekheaaiaa. Q'«a* twig** BjwIi. th* co/eti 1 c |MCat «,Lii Decaa-eri ih* pair. 2 ">¦. 4 N»»e««r»-,d Cdibi Va*e*. tt>-pair. 7 50 it 00BtlTti piafd T»b.e F-iike, ioa do/«u. 4 '." C 00

Satli.-plated Table Spoor*, tar d-/a:..... J M A 7iS*ler< p.a rd Tea Hp.-on., :be do/en. 1 >' 9 Jf>tttvli plated Caate-a, ftfb. 4 75 190Barer plared Molaaee. Pi'rtieri, eacii.,... 2 Ol S 00A.an plateo Tu San. t pie.<.. 3P r;i 30 OdMajat p.i'e<l Toaet Ra, k. 2 7} 4 00

fk r»i f vrd Cak- Raak-'a. ft SO hf MBarier-p a rd TevKevje*. ]< Od fg 00The aehlic anil aatre »Ith ¦« ta«.-. . **. rtg .>e we and

Vlra toe* eivr.it« the f toil, 'hty wtl r-* UVm to mak^ tbeii.»»Vaui.b*. tv. S P. Da ILK V a Co.,¦aa. *3| and 6t3 Broi !«-**. betare. n H. ...ro »..d Biaa«ke*-ar>aMBKOIDERiEg-

At an Id t.n.ie r> li.rtioa,Brkai 'he lait tree* befire

Rernora! to No. 709 Broa-1*/**MILLBR A ORANT

^ _

No ri Br .ada/i/.


Ab* aiail ki^rmap ariil be made ui.tli fartoer nuller ob aCciiif ri'BCiiairi of


tattica a*H.L aa aoi.u i»urre<iotaTi,r or raa oarKrcrroaat the LirW B.*>T MARKET PRICES, and the prirJege of aa-

aa*ita| aald dedootkia troniaB immense 8took and frset raneij.f PUI a.M.aaviair*,


No. «233 Baoaow *v, N. T.

(IENTLEME.%" FI'RNISHING OOOD3..I ifRINO STtLES y,t> r-oceed fum Piri* and uond i,

at OENi.Ve Ba/AAR, oinpriaing Cravat«,Tire, Soarti, S.oeki, Diesaiog Robe«,

Bhuti, Collar a, lloaiery, Hand-kerraief« Oioees, ind

rwrr aalrlea .rtk> ot the wardrobe uaoesaurr tor the completeeotf tfatleBtlemuj. OENIN* .< B\7 K AR,

St. Ni -bo.as Hotel,Ni. 311 Bosdsraj.


No. ili Broadwajr,Ha* bcw i pcl alarte aiiortm*nt ot



-r qanrn l'.eom, vqnu pruJB iegfi pato.

JAMES A . HE A*R Nan vow ores



ta vaiiarv.

tw aast* sad is eleganceHIS ASSORTMENT

aHB exceed injthing be bai heb.ra off. tec"993 BROADWAY,

Above '* i


¦ROD1E 8 RETAIL OPENINGWir. tahe place

n THURSDAY, March X.






On THURSDAY, March 2C,.pea wbut) rxcririoB Mr B will diipiat^


Ahr«, k o »


LARGER STOCKthan niaal of

¦IB OWN WELL-KNOWN MANUFACTURE,In all the above fabric*.

M OURNING SHAWL8.Som* New Deeign* for Deep Mourning; a.'io, haadkeme

BLACK \^j^^^4^t«mmHQ STORE,No Ml Broadway, between Spring ku i frin e-ita.


40»Flounced SILK R011E9, for 8)16 13 #»3.

sheapest la the city.No. 72 Canal-it., aear Mercer.



_LANE A PORTFR, No 72 Caakl it.. near Mercer,


At Columbian Hill,LYONS tt IONEB,

No. 2*1 ffraalttN. B..Ladiea will find alao that c ir Impoctaiona ef Sl'k* and

ethvt Dree* Goodi. together with a general gtock of DornestLjOeadi ars not lurpaased by any othet hou*a in Use ci'y.

,1'ENING OF SPRING MAN TILL A S.0 Un Wednesday, Apr.i 1.-|P»faY, Nc "


By BEF.KMAN i COMPANY, No. 473 Bioexiwiy,Wben they will exhibit



We ate bow ready to exhibit the lariaa' and xooit Utru¬st** aaaortment of b*w itylaa ofm* SPRING MANTILLAS,


Ta hr found ia th* ilty. Beet Urm*I7p,i<|J1'J'"9 ^ ^No*, tfkxd «2 Chamber si- up itain.

I L K S .



At LANE At rORTKR'B, No. 7J OaXakl-kB,Wa*t of Broadway, near Mert*r«t,


No. '« Broadwiy, »onir Frxakdt it,

have for .*)* a ehol«e ataortmaai ofVILV BT,


ai other CARP1T1NG9,. f th* ikt**t .'yle* and at tb* lewe*' market ratei.A good article of Bros**** at I, and 9' per ya-C.


Owe week mere, which will he the Wit of the great elcnxgaale of Wat Good* at COLBY'S, cor. Grind and E d-ldge-si*.Bf ET SILKS, WIT DAMASKS. WET NAPKIN*, WETLINENS elilKT'Nt. aj.o SHEETING, PILLO'VS, AaWET TOWELS, DIAPERS, DRAPERIES Ac,


N B. Arargetv-tk <t uew SPRING GOODS wil b* -pesedTHIS MORNING. Ru b good, aid low price*.COLBY'S, sorner Grand *nd K Üridge-a «.

LEACHED GOODS.-l.OtlU mim, eajtpntiog.very width aad quality, for eeve byNESMITH A Co N 7' Pr ad way.RINTS..300 Cates F^irst-clAa* Light and DarkMADDER PRINTS New itylee comieg in f.oxa ehe

Werk, dfciiy. rk.r aaie by NESMITri|*J}< o N« 7| B.-iadway.

Copariru-rehip NotUtf.

Dlx^LL^ON.-TbTfim of N. B. C0BB AtCo. I* thi* day <hss< Ived r>* m'.tusj eonarot. Il hec part-

Bar may ua* the name of ah* arm hx llaiddall n .New-York,Feb. 2«, 1807. Mo a William it, NATHANIEL R OO80,


fXaTARTNBRSHIP JAMES H. 8TBBBINS tax thai dayBwxaad % «oportnershlp with JOHN BLfKIDIOOD Jr. anderBaa msv and Arm of 8TK8BINS A BLOOoG'X)!' an'. wi'J.oi.: in, arocR coMkiiaaioN AND aix.. i. anui:BU«l|iK88 at fi,, aW'iUam u.Tk*«The

« u. u ..... Boaxoea* will he »...»> adheree to.a«w t.rm i**peeUul>T soKcR a portioa of yoi.: tu-Jl*,*'>t*"»-| **karr Sank of t .e » u no.: »ea.il. i aakael

tXawa Ute Inauiance and Tfnat O , Robert Baywd t*o -BJ.W-Werk, Muck i, lkrV7.

FNCAI'STIC TILES-For VetKtbaW HaJb,Ä«*LB» A COaaTirl, Ik. »V, Ü f.

.Smcta...*;.*r>>4_ ?» feet-et*. fin am r». »I «i»«., «ct. Pratt,,

n»*y<-» Vit«««,mm. I

DITTOEND.Tk* Br.gr«. <*f Dirrrtor« ka-e- .J*>-«k»ri«%S»-v*»u._ PCR CSNf

payable t jah. O. F-. iTT, fr -' j»»T-

4h»iJ!tlhti( '"ur ;*. Ca. tr BaoaRLr«, M_ = 5, '.f.

TUE HOARD if DIRECTORS have deviarexi A

DlriCeadol IKN PAR Ii.NT. ptyab:*- on dta-a-d.DOR 1T70 D IRR. BWe'ary

cr *mktMaa-t or Fit i*<* rtrTian.ro - O» ru a. ]


.hirty years, süale:) proposa^/r^'-J»:a»r_u..i!« .ofr,.- Id- t'esday hS eVlofA a ar. when the tarne wltl ba . :Mlc.y .mened, for i.-

whol, ,* u) pa/t ol the »Bio/n- of r4gbt bn'-ltel '-.u#»ud.rikriaf Cor trat Park Pawl « k of SM f-tv of N*w-Yorheaiiv'.ted bi an art of Lbr f.»>|i-«ali.r* ol th.« aKa « untitlr-d

Ar, A.' t» elw tbe o.et> "f ha Orr «f «. ' Tor», kr lavingaar * neon a P.M.. PIwe and to *»«b©r»t- tot» «*«be._*>« ' oeetad jhilr 21, M5S and amended Feb tery 13. ir>W, e-idet ar erd.paare ef tke Com-vm Coaccil M ini o'y, apprtvedkr U« May r, Fetiaery \>56Tor taM ?.<¦-? »Iii roiitiat of etgbt tboniiod «barer, of oar

hundred'ann tkeir. bearing toaafi at t' th- rata of niper rent per anntun, parable qitar'er-yearly, and the principalredrern.Bte «¦ ta« let day of daly, is?.'.Th» propoeal« wjli «'ete »he nomher ^ibve» tjrt>*l. aid the

Ciee per tbare the pen- n wooer proper*!« are e-.eepted willi»H med iv deptr. wlm ib» Chttnbctlaiu Ol tn oil T tke tu*

awatiirO and c rrrrd by the bid. and on pr-a^tthnr the receip;at the t oaiobejta'l Co the Oonttollrr, will he »4 tilled to reaclre a cer'ifirt'e I Ttb* par ; all» of the number o' «hart« ear-

ryteg in'erert from 'be da'e or the depoar.Thoae peri-.r.a who have award« due them on the Cen'-aJ

Park, if toty offer tertH« more farnrible to the inter-et of tb*ri'y 'Obb tt -ae who make civhhii», 'in receive retti-otle« ofitock for tie amount of theft twtrdt immediately after the bid*are deride, on, « r >.;¦*. interett from tne date f the oonfir'.ia-klot. "f'he award«. In eat* it* «arse perton or property U at-

tttttd, tbi ?er«ot, eiaimii g the award will b* require, to paythe aoioiint < f aajB*aTXH ct with iuter»it tbere-.n, tr im tbe timeof the ooxill.'inatioB of the report of the CeimtaUoioner«, beifor*the dedrery .,f the eertifi'at*.Tke Act of IMS, for laylnr out th* Park. provMe* for leryiai

atazaiiun_iy brthd payment of iDtereit oa Uie Cock to belianrd i and tie Act o( IftIZ, Bltde applicable to thia loan pro-ridea not ai>ly for pledrior toe faito. of tbe Miyor, Aiderui<*aand Comaiontl j fiat ti a'in*1 r-de-npf'on of'he *' >ek ill i.-d.t,' alto «tjaal* mat a'l t-h- rer.naee of tbe C-irpita ion "arehereby pledged anl aaaroptratad for thi pa>mei; of tbe Intereetwbie.b tTbtll beeom» rine on tne t^td I'.oet. and «hall cmtSt. i- to

pi'dged nnti: the ftn'l ri'de-nptton thereof ari that, in cat*the aald rtrenue* be no' «uffi< ient to «atiifr and pay the wh .leof the «avd kataratt. Iben, and In that cue, tbe fiith nf the State.. i he ard 'be »i.e i« her°by pl-dgeil to pan roeb ac'a at

«hall, from'irre to rime, benee*,iary. anlh'jri/.tng tne Miy>r,kc, to rawe by fix" itirn mm at thill be n oniilte to mpplyer»wy «och derlcieney. In addition to thlt, the 7:b «ectioB ofthe Act of tt53. for taking land for the Park, declare* tbtt aCthe land 'but taken ahal] t » " iir»v j. »b!y plr>dged" for the pay¬ment *f the debt created tber> for.

P.act- propotl Ion «b<. .13 he ae«|ed op and Indoraed " Ptopotalfor Six per ' i t Oaatral Park Kund.'' And tbe prcpoeirionar.ay thtfc be pot in a tei md et\tiope, teilcdand directed 'A.C. PLAOO, tout'oiler, No. 5 Hall oC Rerordi. New-York "

A. C PLAOO, Controller.


i. the Milwaukee and Watertown Railroad Co., and due litAp*U text, will b.jiaid at the office of the Lt Cro*WC md Mil¬waukee Railroad Co., No. S \i all »'.. on and «Per tha lit prox.

JOSEPH 8. COLT.Neat-York, Mer-h 24, 1AW,_Tranifer AgentOn ii a or Titr. MtDitov a>iii bRMAIATOtri R. R. Co., )

MtDiKO*. Jm. Mtrcb 1857. f

INTEREST NOITCE.-The SE.MI-ANNITALINTEREST on the Income Bond* of thii C"np«ny, falling

due is the City of New-York on the- FIRST .lay of APRILnext, will be p*id on and after that da'e, at tile otBce of WINSLOW, LAMER A Co., No. S2 Wall-It , oo pieteotfion of tbepit per Coupon«. P. II. SMITH, Preildent.

Orrirr or ntr. Miriirt;*» SotTiirR» a»o NoRrHe,g\ i

linill R. R Co.MrAXV, New-York, Mai.b 18, 18)7.

I^JIE ANNUAL MEETING «f t*.' StfickhoMtTfef tbi* i'omptny, fr.r tb" election of Di'ector*. and for

three laipeelor« of tue «uoreedlng election, will be held at tbeOflW of tbe Company at ADRIAN. In tbe S'tte of Michigan,on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY (ttd day) of APRIL nextTbe poll will be opened at 12 o'clock at nion, and eoDtinne

open Bbtil 1 o'clock p m.. and a* mueu longer at tbe Inipector*at; fand Bereiiary to receive ttie votei of eleclort, bot not be¬yond c.nietcu that day.Tbe Tranaftr Book« will be t)o«ed on SATURDAY, the lltb

of April, and tpec on tbe day after the electi n

_J. M. HOPKIN», Secretary.Out. i PtviMt It'll ROtO Co , N. Y., March 14. 18'i7.


will be held at the Office of the Company, No, £8 '.Vall-tt. Ton¬tine Building), on MONDAY, the6th day of April next ThePoll* will .v.n at Uj» and cloie at 2 p. m.

_JOfl. P. JOY. Secretary.Orr it ¦ Moaais Cabal and Bavkino Co., j

Jik m City, Ma'cb 14,1857. !ltfOTTCE is btreby given, tiat tho ANNUAL_w ELECTION will be held at tho Office of the Company, InJeraey City, on MONDAY, tbe b:b day of April next, for tbe.hoice of tie DIRECTORS, in place of flag* No. 2, wtioteterm of «errlce will then expire. The pnll will be open from12 o'clock m. until 3 o'clock p. m. The traiiifi r buoki will beelo*ed from the 17th init. antxlbth April bxelaaie*,

_L. N. CONUIT, Seereury.

KOTICE..Tbe COUPONS, due tbe) igt of April,of toe Bond* of the HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH'S

RAILROAD COMPANY, will be paid at tbe nffl -e of



Omer, or the Kr.RoiExr. On. Co.

INTEREST NOTiCE.-Tbe COUPONS FORINTEREST on the Bondi of thia Company, matnting tiro

l*t oi Atnl. 1SÜ7, will be paid no presentation a' the Oiii e, No.M» Betvertt._O W. AUSTEN. Tr.-ta.


tbi« Baik, and f,.i ttr-e iDtprctor« of tbo next f.- not. willbe neld o MONDAY, the (Tth of April next, at tbe Be.klai-H um No. ii 8 Broadway. The poll* w.il be opened from 1 to2 o'aioak p. m. By order e f th* Board

_H. MEI03. jr., Caihier.

MARLN1<:RS' SAVINGS 1N8THTUTION.'Id¬ar, corner of 9th at.Open dally from 9 a. m. to 2 ». rav,

and ob WEBNE8DAY and SATURDAY EVENINOS from itot o'bIocA. Iotereat allowed on depotita from f. to 11m at6 p«r erat; on aWASB over g>5o0 at 3 per cent. Dep .tin umdeea or before the krtt of April wlil bear Interett from that data.

THOMAS B STILLMAN, Preiiden' ^P. W. BNOS, Vke-rre*id*nt

1 t T. Smith, Seiretary.Orritr oi Tai 'irr* or t Mortgage Bokds or NoarH- t

Ran |N. Y I Raii.roap Co..Malorc Minh rt. 1857. 5


COMPANY, bearing ft.:- Oetober 1, ISSfi at well a* any w-it-rtai dlog Conpoct of the laid Mortgage of a rxioa data, will bepaid al the METROPOLITAN BANK, la the Oity of New-York, on and after tbe tat day of April next

W. A- WHEELER, Preeideat of Board of T-n**jee*.

EAST RIVER SAVINOS BAAK, No. 3 Cbam-brrt «t., two dorn« from Ch» h*r_-*t..Often EVERY DAY

Bon. 10 o'clock a m. DPtil 2 o'clock p. in., and nn THURSDAYK.) P.NINOS from 4 to 7 o'clock. Six per ceat :. e-rert «. ..wedon turn from AA to S500 6 per cent on itmi error kJVtA All.au>« drnontex. oa or before tbe 1-t dty of April will draw inter-eat from tna. dty. PETEll H. TITUS, PretideatCm- A. Whitxiv, Seetetary._Orgie* or THtPMiiHtCAr. Bot'TaaaB »vp NoRTHtaa )

Imdiaba RailboaD Co»., No. 18 Wllliam-at. >Nbw-Yobk, March It, tS77. S

OTICE ia HEREBF GlVEft U. the HOLD¬ERS .«f the INt OMC BONDS of thi« Cornpany. doeonN

tb* lit day of Apr'.; next, that tbe Company are now preparedto redeem arid Bond*, w.fh Interett thereon to dir of «etrb>n net. by aa exchange tkrrefor of tbe Sinking Pond Bond* ofj e Company, at the price of 80 per caat, earrjlug accrued in-lartit from f«t of N v n.l«r la*t.To all hokderi who do net prefer lucbtrtchangr, payment a*B

be nude in oaab, at the oSVee of th* Company, on and after tne-1Mb day oi March, inttant. with intereet teemed to day ol pay¬ment_EDWINC. HTCHFIKXD, Trear.ret

Orrut or PiTTitticH, Port Wayxt i\n Caic agj iR R. Co. Piitthi rck, March J 1837. |

KOTICE is hereby riven that thin Cumpaiif areprepared to ISSUE 1 KHK, NEW STOCK, in exchange

fi r that of the "Ohio arid Petnrylvauia."' Onio iod Indiana,''aad Fort Wavxre and Chicago" Railroad Comoaniea, upon tbe-ip and in tbe maxuier praectibed in thsarticleiof eoaaoiida-

ttcn vlt.Ohio and PrnEtyrrania, Int. to Jnly, 1, '* and 2» p«: teat

prrialum.Oh.' anil Icdiasa, int. to .Inly 1, 1656, and par.Pert Wayne and Chieagn, iat. to July 1,1*V53, and 6 per ceat

preoiiam.StoeAhoider« is either of Ihr old eooapanlei wh1 may bar* av

.igned any p. rtion oi tbej: Cock preti^u* or iab*euu. nt to tbe

.ontolidatioc tAug. 1, lböo.) wi,bout ba-inghid aa&a i t traa-frrrrd on tbe Boot* of tbe eld Companlet, and Partie* boldlogtbe r r'.t, *..» for lock tock,are notified tlia' thi*Company wUlnot rrc gntie tbe tracafer of inch aaaigaed t: t eetbe fail«bare« of to* interett to July I, 1856, and premium, have beencredited to tbe original hoidera. .

Scrip oertlricatea will bo wtued to inch origiBal bol^era ineatet whe.-e frt iK>rav amoua't o

' miere.t atid premicm in tbaaid »tock«ex'it_T. D. MESSLER, Sectary.


SJC\FN PKi CENT COUPON BONDS of tar* Company(lata i*»o*t. aWving twenty rearito run. lntrareeg payable t-infaacoally nu the firit dayi of Febrraa:j au4 ABgutt, at .*.« Cost-Banyi Agency to thie city. DUNCAN, SHBHMAN A Co.

GALENA and CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD..Tbe teeond maytgve Sinking Find B mdtaf thia Coa-

panv dar in IS'-. .fere, at 7 per rent. patabir balf-yeatly in

S7w-Y< rk, are for aal* by STRACHaN A SCOTT,No 51 Wuriam-at.

Bavk I)r:raBTmert, AttaRr. Mar. 1A57.

THE BANK of LIM», has this day filed in this©BW a Botic* of th* appce.utmet* at IRV WO PARMELEC

la th* t :ty of New-York, at Agent f. r tbe redemption of |ttarcnla'mg Nntee, agreeab'y to tbe art ecfjed " An a:t toameiidabe tevtral aeti relating '.o Inrorporaged Bank«, BaukmgAatoraMteu« aud ladividoal Baaken. patteAApta! 17, 1851.

JAMES M. COOK, fanpermtetiaeat

IRVING 8AV1NG8 INSTITUTION, No. 96A Warreu-et, sear Greeawkb-*'...Open dai.y from 10 a. ta. tot p. as., aad 4 to 7 p. m. on Monday*. T0..-J». . and Saturday*,knt. e. at ( per ere' on all «am* from B1 to + ..

WALTER W. CONCKL1N .FreadentVaRPiagn t L. Bi xtob, Secretary._,_

Barb DsrAtTMgRT, ALtART, 'sly 1!. ItSS.

^(rTIOE ia hereby given, pursuant U< tbe ^Iattaw>AR m taeb täte made anil previ.led. '.hat aF the CIROLA»-rNO NOTKS itea.^1 «« s j. Huh aa indxridual bauAat(VHOCdtlx BANK of HAiNBRlDOEf. mutt bwmteacled atfite Otavoe of the Supern.t -ndvat af 'Ar R*ck_~g rJvpartmeBl o4kbe Sitte ef New-Turk, for peyintBt, wttbaA two reart fri.m abaaate hereof, or the fuad* depotiu d for tbe irlt^ptto*. at* tb*rmeaattrai ai lee Wanted to Ute aaid t«_ker will be g'.rew op.kyiaiawTyP M. Sc HOONMAKER, S.pent.UBAdent.1>LATTSBURGH and MONTREAL RA1L-I ROAD COMPANY .Al' kwlawTt. f Bowd« of tbe flat:*burgb aad Mutttreai Ka-.nad ( oatntry arc .'...< »t».; to antifyafet i kttiiket of tkt aau.ytlt trld ly tbeu. .rd*r Uw Arat or

w**a>S aacrtgag* or both. t BEMBNT,Ht. it Vplw* ,t, Nia K»k, hi it./ »«> tv i.lßmm

©»»Ki >r Arena. I- fit» Tre-n/a a*ra CtMi.n lNa- W W«X r» Haw T«»»k ju s sjai I

.¥TBE DEALEhS with tiv» REPUBLIC FIRE1 in«!'«.an T r oMr.vr »iw<,hi u,.(«a

»et tk» tWip «o* Ii' }.».¦ ...1'*** in D.eetnVii 1164, IfM »Jj»*i«>--*ntI*>gto*'F\l;irY FOtrR AND 011 HALF PEBCEJ-.T Pljl 'ipo* tb* eerurd p".hm ts *,". r*e/ty A* J..:v*rv

Laleraai Dtvlder.da of s.X PER CENT p-r an.i,m >u*l»Strip *.»»». oi t*A4 aad l«W b*v* »ts. t**n deslared, aal mpsjake la ftab at iheir fit* N-. 1« Wal*-«"., « nor* baa irr*-»againi* Ära at* rewu«! ad to '«11 aod «eumlB* the bWra! ekuae-t*r af '..<.'? i*u..iai l, rabiab aikn la* Insara«* aa/ti-ipaMaIn tb* prtfjt» wittoit aetuaciag acy of tk* rWki of the Com-paay.

.*..".» t i* «f l'l'tvi.r provide* liat all fciip Bat celled tru»ttt.i di yBafl rroon the .:. i1 l*»ue, aheJi k* pa*«*4ko loa.reait ' the Couaaxey.

TR*'rTTTr.r):Citri** H. R-iaeOl, Ii.*. < |..,-t. Pied. J Da-lena.D*lM R Pea-tni. J-rM tv-wi'-.. ir J- »epe If- wlaotL¦ n., tJ H. Auaae.l K t- r R Mlatura, D. Dii- S .rr,,A, C Downing, Reuben Withers, Fred 0. P-ater,Oaea*** B Ltmar. Edward O Cn>r, P»i»i Ff «jiWm. H..»).- 1>ub< ai>,J"*<ab "«im rihm « IT «ne,N H W.,f., J GafiUrd ,r.. S v. <1 .iTmaa,*>- i.» send, J. kt. Wat*f*r.,f, .' ..> 4 .. r.\. :.Jur>** *>'ari*b, William I C.ry, J P. Oktajal *oiter,Arthr.r Leauy (..-». T Ar!**. .. i A. C. Orat.M. W Ilm tlton, J..ba J. Aktor, ir ,

Di u» P. CraBT, Ser'y ftOB'T 3. HONE Pretrt.Omer, b !.,>¦ n:. .r no Indiibi .1 r 0>w>1

Cl> «r.Laan. Obr>, Mat :>i ZI IM7 )INTEREST' NOTICE..Th»» SKMI-AYNUALJ 1HTFRK8T fa!i>n* du* In tb* Ci y of N-ar Y .ik ob tba Indal of April. I&57, on lb* Zd M.r'iag- Bon J* of tall Ca apany,al* >, on tb* B ir.dl of tb* Martin and She'by Couitiee. Ohioi**u*d tu 'bi* tVnipati} 7p-rc-ote. wll. b* pudo ana altarthat «f.te *t tb* office of W INSI.ow l,ANIEK A Ca , No. iiWall ltre«t, on ptearu *tion of tba p- ip»r C >rp -n*

_M«t,*d,_J II. TOWS^ESD a>,:'T.OtFICB09 TIB IaTDIIIAPOLIS, Pi ttiisi ri.h IXD fjj,C*B*l

LABBJ R. H. Co., laOdalAPoi M, .M»icb Zt. |

INTEREST NOTI' E..Tin' S.Miii-A'imul Inter-»»? falliLi dnr in tb* City cf Nrw York. on tl;» tin* da; tf

A PK IL i< it, oa tbr INDlANAPilLld AND BELLEFoM-TA10K B.R CO.« INCOME BONDS, and* INDUNaPOlis nrrsHi roh i Cleveland r r. co.'s secondMOBTOAOE BONDS. 7 Pl.R ck NTS, wilt b- patd >o andkj ittkwtda**,attw*Oiwsa of WINSLOW, Lanier a Co.,No. SU Wall-it. ob plantation or th* prop-' Coupwaa.

_Bi«8*d,_th JS. h 8H4RP Tr*a.3r*r.

flrrirr oi thf Pittibiioi. Fobt Wivar, .»¦ Chi'i- ,

oo R. r. Co Fiimiish, «itrrb Zi, litt I

INTEREST NOTICE..The SEMI-AffNI.'ALIM I HI ST MHwf di» in tb» City of l*»w V .rk, <rn tha

firat day of April, 1&57. on tn* .. !''.« :nt named lacmtiaa, will a*

paid or ksd after dit» at Iha ¦.f WINRLOW. LANIER 1Co No. Ml W»!lar.,<n pnien'itioi oi ff proper c-opona. »n

oiih) AND PENN1YLVAMM R r. CJMPANY in¬COME IIONDS. 7 per ¦.-in. *


ESTATE BONDS. 7 p. r -n *.

_(awRlted) oko. DARSIE, Treaiorer.

NOTICE..Applii-.t'iiin hat in»; bi'en intdr? forN> W CERTIFICATES I BANK BTO ;K Cat ikef.ilow-

bja. Wim h were Malaa ftom t"e anHacrlaai Mar tu Z , IM7:t»ril nte No. 7V7 d.ied Feb. 1» 1E45, for 17 thare* is tb*

Parific Bank, BJOekrb;( trial mU No. btb', dated De.'. IV li'*3, for 10 itiarei in the

Paritic Bu k, Bb« eiefa;O 'tilicat- No R4r>. dated Feb. 9 13tt, for Bi abare* in toe

Parlnc Batk,Certifi-at* No. I 5ZJ di'.ed Dec. 1*, \m%\ for 6 ihirea to th*

Metropolitan Bar k, *|0U eacb ;OrtiVate No. tjtli c.vd D*.. 31, IiS5, for 4 iharei in the

Metropolitan Bank, + . achAll p. iioni are cautioned acainit nriotlatint auy of the kbore

Cettibcatei. JOHN S. MARTIN,_No. Ii6 Spriiia-at., N. Y.

ROSE HILL SAVINGS RANK..No. 251 M-a* Riv per (em Interee* al.owed <>o all auai. from *>1

# Drpoaitl mide on or before April IA Iraw intereattVomAltai 1. JACOB BRINKERHOFK, Se. rwary.

INCREASED CAFITAL sfÖCK of mm MER-CUANTS' BANK, in the City of New Tock.-Stoakholder*

are hereby nolifi.d tbkt the time limited for the admiaaioa ofauh*uriptioBB to tb* adcitional itock wdl expire on tho 1*1 Maynext. .I'd that tboae only itandlt t ob the booh* oa the UtMsreb iaat are ao'hori/ed to ngn Par .. i. increase.The i. rip rertifica'ei will be inuedr.n tb< lit Jone next, on

tbe payn.r nt of the firit inatallmeot. ,

ARINERS- SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 3d-*»., comer frtb it,, open dklly from 11 in. tolp m. aad

WEDNESDAY and SATntDAY fromS'oip m hntereatallowed ox deposit*. THOS. B STILLMAN. Prericient-

JO Ii N II U N k 0 B <fc C o .,

AMERICAN HaXMKKRS,No. 5 Hrt or. Li Pin, Pxaii,


AI... on


OtV* in New York. No. fl Wall-it.PILLS n PARIS, and STERLING BILLS at*hort, orSft

dayi' liibt, for aale in mme to luit.


No. M Wall-it,New-YorA

Bxa. C. SatAi ir, War. C. Wr.ro, ALraro W. RiiTLkT*.Willjive ipeckxl attention to the negotlaUoa of NOTES and

IrOANB : alao to tb* purchase and aale fSTOCKS AND BONDS,

at rhe Broken' Board, itbictlt oa commiimob.HIrini prompt and reliable correspondents, will c 11 eat aad

Off. .,¦ -e paper payable at all tbe principal polot* la tbe UnitedStatea and Canadas, at the loweat poMible rate*.Haw-York, January SI, 1*57.

_ , _(Mona TlTLOB BIO-, ) _ Vi»rk.Befereaeea-} Wm , A>TC>-gJ New-Yorh.

sttT rrd u u ki \ T<» LOAN.On Bond and Mort-'iT » )l LI n ri r,.., in lumnf m6.000 and upward, on

Chi Pioperty. App'y to BAKER A WEEKS,' " ' At«;tioneeri No. 6 Plna»st.


fllillincTT), &t.

HOMER At KETCHUMOrlit to tb- Trade,

FOR CASH,tb* latest importe'ioai of



At No. 9U BROADWAY,Corner ot Paerl-at,

AR1S MILLiNERY.-Madame FERRERO,No. 5 Great Jone*-*t., ba* <uit raceired a eboloe aaeortmeai

of Paris spring millinery.

RE 5 0 V A L .

R. T. WILDE be|* leave to announce hi* REMOVALfrom Not. an aid 22 John at., to the aew itore

No. 2S1 BROADWAY,Corner of M rrar at

Oppodte the dty Hall.

Tlie t.ndeTiiined openi bii new Worerocmi with the meat

complete a°c< k ever ofirTed to the traue, oompr.sin*silk GOODS,



BONNET PRAMF.S. Ac.To wbich tbe ittention of boyera a ie*p. ct.fulf iaiited.

K T. WILDE, Iinp -'.ra d MaBufacturer.

Ciotiimg.JE F F E R S ,


JIPFERS kk* niit epeLed i manineeat it- rk--f Ladle*' aad


which he would «kB tbe especial a'teBtioa of hlicustomawa, add

would invite a visit to his MtabHshment from Couabap Mes¬

cheats Ht* wholesel* stock I* rqeaJ to any aeenavd.


Cxkh Canitkl txv »hl a iarf* (urpla*. OaVoe No. flWkV it., cpp. lit* Lb* Mer'.hkCU' Exchanae.

HI OH LAI NO, PTrw*B**VDiatcToai:

Hugh Lak|. Cor't W. Lawrence, Eflnaaan TuaaiaajiCoaiKi R. aword, Biuaxt C. Marth, JohnP*nfold,J--.'.r. Compten, D. Henry Uaght, Joeepb Lawrenoa,L« i *:.:« S 8ukrex, Silk* Broi.iou, A. R, Eae,J->hn Wataon. Joseph W. Corlie*, Lawrenoa Turn are,Bwical W'ulet*, Wm. K StroB«, B T. NiaolL0jo. Grtiwidd, jr., N>«h S. Hnnt, Ti. mas Small.J. H. Racsem, Goo. A. Townaead, Don Alonxo Ciiikaaaa,V. J. So.:Mi Alfred Willia, Sylvrster L H. Ward,Robert M Braoe, J 8. Bcyd, A. Tamafa dal Valla.

Het-ra S Lever!ckJAMES B. AMES. ;*., Baeretavp.

Donte-/nrniBrjing ^rticlte.O L O M 0 N A HART,

Ho. Sil Broadway, oppoaila the Park,aax bow arcxtviB« raokt raaaca

DECORATIVE PAPERSNew aad Bich Deeiani. m Panel, Ould, Satia, Velvet aad

Wood imitation* wi h Bordin, Ac ' e rrssponiAUo CH AM HER aad ether PAPERS.


WINDOW SHADES,Of their own Maskfactur*,


FURNITURE COVERIHO»,Of thli year*! bxiporla't.-iB. is full aad ctmplete, eompnaing a

karte assortment of Lac* and Muslin Cur'aiu*. Cornices andT.immibia t«w«thai with DE LAINE8, BROCATELLC andPI I'MIES. at : a.) the dinV rc» itylei of Covering! and CmlainMai,rial* in a**.ail at the low*« wkolesale aad reUil prices.


Cool, *&c.

COAL.FURTHER REDUCTION in PRICE..The rubsenbev 1 la made a pa oao red .ctioo ia Me pa*w*

P-a h Orehard. Lehlgh and S-hjylhi.l Wan* Ash of whichbe baa a t pi j of the tin* q .a. as. alao. aad Livai-poolOn*:, at rate* HENRY REEVE, aar. Ceaalaad Centi*, aad tatx Jaae ..: Wee*, it*.

KINDLING WOOD.-Btwt quality VirsjiMBFtx-a, ima ii Ijaj aid Bakery at iswtet arx**v

b MAJUUfON * bob. bk. an a,.; MtV**.


PANY bt>.- op. ced . Teru at t*~ loot of 1»M . Etat K:--rrF~fp!)to| f»' loKk wl'h U«»T BCAASTON COtL >t r

tail, watrh wt 1 be delivered >a tuee i:or, at aaf eeelr-d . ..-

la lay part of 'A* *' IV M »e*t wallet price. 0.1« r»

eetred ai rh» (MRre a*7 tba lompeay, No. M Well-it,, a* bt hitAMiREtV SEYMOUR, At. i f t-he terd.

«V E WARREN. Treaia..,N. B -.>.' i» far .)... Coal, bi the caxi i. deiirereJ a; EUca-

Vt p-rt, N. J New York, BroeAlyn, WUlUmaoor»_ «*l J.r.ert j or vi«. \ etw-.t is Um harbor, reoeivwi at J».( .I v &l Wall at,

(Tffan BUtraert, Ut.

ONLY LLNE with SlTtE CONNECTION..Trarttt !*0 mile* *r*urter then any other Route, and a ,

p.. ere B1v»r N ...«.', r, _ t'NITED STATES VJAIL LINE.If - .. .ad* <f ttggag free»; 10 cent*- per wiuod on i. .

r r b.'tiri fr-'Oi tceen tu ocean, ' v Panama Railroad T r .-i,to CALIFORNIA vat Pit,. .,e Reilroed. The United State*M 11 Sr-eu thip Company will ditpatch (or A8P1NWALL, aaMONDAY. April I it I ovioca a. ax ate.ia-1- troa perfool >f Wair'u-et North River, the we,;»....an and feelSwnibfp ILLINOH, Captain Che*. S Bigge, D. I> NLPteteufert and Mail* trlQ be forwarded by Panama Railroadand r .nrx-t at Panama wltb the Pacific Mail 3»aamibio Coat-

Eoy'e i a*..'-' pHeamahia BILDEN GATE, R l_U ,.

mmand-r, whi.A will be in raadineee and leate im nediet-iyfor Saa FreaiHeoo.The public are informed that 'be F\ Mail St-tmtMp Qatar

pin- tlwey- hare rcce or more *x«n Steem»»i lying at Panama,i-ai * >or ». a, to avoid any puealbie detention of ptaeeogertor mai lFor P*"-*'' »PP'T to I W r \ YMOMD, at the only «*-e

of 'he (orrpeoi, * No 77 Waat tt , c >ro-r of Warr-o-rt V Y.!!¦ i «.- nite* Bute* Mail Steamer day*. 5tn aud Stthafaa b

n, 'in tb._4JTEAM lor SOUTHAMPTON and ANTWERP.tTy -The new iron icrew tVm.hlo BELGtQUB, %L J Frant-a4-n oomniaiider. will be diapetcbed for the above port! on

Tl F.BDAT, March 31. from Pt-r No. 59 North River.¦itb* or rtUAer, ircLvoite raovitioti:

In Futi Cabin.«30In .. Cabin. !5lb Tnird Cabin.:.. 3b

Tbli t'timer hat five water-tight ompenmentt, and ,-arri**an i pern ' *urte< n.No rreitbt taken alter Sa'urday, ' la: 2R, and no bilU of lal*

mg »in,, or ptrneli reeeived en the day ol atiilog.F«r treitht or pwiage, having . ,j -.'. r aeoommodatioaa In

rabtn tad He-rage pa>eenrera. apply toAI i,l SI BFLMdNT, No 7 Hanover *t

T>e FteaniiMpCON^Tin Tl'tV Copt E. Po igin, will ia«-

caed the Brlglqae, and rail on Tl/VfDAY, April iL


Cl iV of BALTIMORE.J.J67 mm.Cent, b, Lettob.city of Washington...**«tun*.o*pt w. wyiia.CITY of MANCHF>tkr...2lO»iua»....C^pt, P.C. Petrte.RANOAROO.I.nt tun*.Capt. Jeffrey.

£b* nnderaoted or other reteeia are intended to aail an

gaajlPbom Lrvaaroou

CITY of BALTIMORE. WeJneeday.March 11.CITY OF MANCHESTER, nedaeedev.Marek 15.CITY OF WA.hhinoton, Wedneetuy.ApnU.ranoaroo, Wedneeday.April -2.And each alternate Wedoeeday.

Pbom Abirbica.CITY of BALTIMORE from New York, Thursday.. .AorS 2.CITY of MANCHESTER, from New York, Tbmtday April i«.CITY of WASHINGTON.IY<imNaw-Yrrk,Thanday.April khKANOAR k>, from New York, Thortday.May 1AAnd each alternate Thnnday

BaTB! or CAMB raiiAi.r.

From PkBadelpbla and New-Yvk. .ft*, bss, «54Prom Liverpool.SI gntna**, 17 guinea*, and 15 giiinea*,aeeiiding to the erromnv» at<<in in the State Roomi, all having'a »*m* privilege in the Saloon, lnclodiug Sie ward*' Fee*.

THIBO CLAta PAIICNCEB*.A Hatted number of third.«..«*. paaaengert will be taken, and

fcand in a* much provieior.t ae reqiilrad.Prom PhiladelphU and New-York.BSOProm Liverpool.bao

OertlSeatea of paawage will be leeaed here to partie* who at*deeiroui ol bringing out their (n. nl,, at i orreare>uding rate«

flveee m< an .Line are eonetructed with Improved water-Ugbtana pertment*, end each venae! center an eaperleneed Surgeon.

Draft* on Liverpool from £1 upward.All *o»d* teat to the Agent* wUl be forwarded with eooaomy

tud dhipafrb.For freight or peerage, apply to

JOHN O DALE, Agent.No 13 Broadway. New-York, orWILLIAM INMAN, Agent,

Not. i. tnd ii rower Building*, Liverpool.


April R at 2 o'elo« k p. m.. from pier »>..,t of Warren at., NorthRiver the feat and favorite rtewrnahtp PJULADBLPHIA. A o.Gray, will aall a* above. Paatwge aan be tt-cured at the office ofthe l.ne Freight to New o leant 30 oetitt per cwOio foot re¬

ceived April 1 Shlppeit wUl be tapplW with blank bill* oflading of the form argued by the lln* on .pplke'ioo at theirofRn*. No other f> im* tigned and no bill of lading will bea,r. .| atter the boor of atitkng. For freitbt or pgtraege, apply attbe office, No. 177 Weet rt corner of Warren.

¦_M. o ROBERTS, Agent,

GREAT REDUCTION in PARE to EUROPE.Flrtt Cabin, »V '. SecjodCabin ThirdCiMn, f

m tbe Srtt data paddle-wheel ateaoiahlp A It EL. 2,000 torn, to

aail fmtn NEW-Y ORK for SOUTHAMPTON and BtlK.ME.4.on THURSDAY. April 16, and on THURSDAY, Jane A Pat-¦engeia for HAVRE will be lent nn In a lirtt-claa* atetunerootneettt a>wlth the ARIEL, ob arrival at Southampton. Speciedelivered in London and Paria. Prnoni deeiriug to brtnj out

" tbelr friei da can obtain certificalei of pttttge. Tbe ARIEL it

equal In every reepett to any 2,600 tun *hlp *Soat. For paatageor freight apply to

D TORRANCE, Agent, No. S Bowling Green, N. Y.

FOR LIVERPOOL.-The United SUtes MailStem.imp ATLANTIC, o. Eldrldge, Commander, arlil de¬

part with tbe United State* Mti't for Europe poiittrely on

BATCROAY. April II, at 12 o'clock m from her berth at theoot of Canal tt.NOTICE.The rteamert of tail Line bare water-tight *om-

peitr; enie and to avoid danger from ice, will not orott th*Bank* north tf tl degree* aatil after the 1*'. of Auguat.For Freight cr Pattage, having uaeqaa.vd aoco smodauon*

for eli aance aud com'ort, apily toEDWARD K COLLINS No. S6 Wall it

i'atteLgert will pleat* be ob board at 11 o'clock a m.

A'l Lettt ra mutt peea through tbe Poet-OtTiee any other* willtie returned.NOTICE .Tie rtte of Freight from Liverpool to New-York

la rtduied tt> tour pouodt per tua me**uremeat, until furthernetice.


polaing thlt Hue are:The ATLANTIC. Ctpt Oliver Eldrilgt.THE BALTIC, Ctpt. Jotepb ComtJ ;tk.Tbe ADRIATIC. Ctpt. Jamet Weit.fhe.c ibipi hiving been built by ooatrtct eaprettlT for tb*

Onvemment aarvice, every car* hat been taken In their ooa-

MructioB, at lite in tbelr engine*, to intar* itrength and apeed|and tbelr accommodatioa* for patweaaer* an uoeo, .aJtd far.legauce and comfort.

Price of paatage from New York to Liverpool, la flrit-ctaatoabia, »l*i. in tecead do., $1A Proot Liverpool to Mew-York,It and 30 i :lneatAb tzpeneaced turgeoa attaooed toaath ibbt.No bertba can be trcnred aatli paid for. The ahlpi of tklt

Rue have Improved warar-tiabt balkheadg, aad, to aveld Ian iter

Aom ice, will not «roii tb* Batik* Borth of to degree* aatil aftertbe lit of AunrL

Proposed dates op sailino.nr.* taw-raaa. I ratal i.tviarogc.

SATURDAY.Jan. S, 1*57SATURDAY.Jan. 17, 1*57SATURDAY.Jan. M, lfkPfSATl RDAY.Ptb. 14, 1*57SATURDAY.tteb. 14. km.ATI RDAY.April 11. IAtTSATURDAY.May » VS57SATURDAY.May 23,1(57SATURDAY.Jan* 6 1)157SATt RDAY.June at), 1A57SATURDAY.Jaly 4, 1857SATURDAY.July II, 1157

WEDNESDAY.. Jan. 7, 1*57WtDN«S[)AY..Jaa. 21, X*WtU)NESOAY..P*b. 4, 165TtVT.DNESDA Y.. Feb. 1«, 1*~WRDNRSDAY..Mch. 4, IA57WEDNBsnAY..April l r«TrONE*l>AY..April2». ir-WCDNEaDAY..May 27, 1657WEDNESDAY..Jane 10, 1857WED^ESDAY..Joa*24, UV7WEDNESDAY..Jaly 8,1857WZDlttSDAY..J*ly S, 1857

Por Beigbt or pe***g», apply torkDrVVBl» k. COLLINS, No. 56 WallH., (f. Y.BROWN, SHIPLEY A Co., LircrwooLSTEPHEN RENN ARD A Co.,

No. 27 Auttia Fran, Loadwa.B. S WAINWRIOHT fc Co Ptrii.

Tbe ewaert of tbeee ahipt will aat be aeceuatabie fer gel«,diver btrliiuu, ipecia, jewelry, precloai «i*Be* or metali, oav

|ea*Mll*ofladrog art ttgaed tkerafdr, aad Ua ralu* tLereofaxpretted tAerata. _


rffokt nr rtii to livbbp«ol..lief Cabin Pamge.91*Second Cabin Paaaage. *¦

raoat *o*tob to LirgarooL.Chief Cabin Paatage.Second Cabin Paatage. *

Tbe tfaip* from Bottou call at HalifaxPER4IA. Capt Judkini. CANADA. Ctpt. Lang,ARABIA, CapL J. St-.no, AMERICA, Cap*. Wiikmaa,ASIA, CtpTl. O. Lott, JflAOARA, Capt. R/rie,AFRICA. Capt. Shannoa, Bt ROPA, Ctpt J Leitck.

tbeee veeaelt carry a clear walte light at triatOiead; greea «a

(tawboard bow j red on port bow. _ .,

Kl AGA RA, Wh kman... Leave* Boeton, Wedneeday, MarobllPF.SSIA....Judkin* ... Leav* N.Yoik, Welaeeday, Mtrch 18AMERICA .Lang.Leave* Bottoa, Wedurtday, March a

A t Itl( A ... Ibannoa I^-evat N >...* We.lneeday, April 111 ROPA.... Leiicb... I.eare* Bottoa Wedartday, Apnl 8ASIA.Lott.Lear«* N Yerk. Wedae*d»y, Apni liBertbi net tecmed until paM for.An experletcrd lurgeon on beard. ....

The owner, ef 'he.e iklpt will a«t bt aeeemttbl* for Gold,Stirer. BuMion, Specie, Jewelry, Preciout Stone* or Met it*,onlett btlli of luting art aigneo obtrefor and tat rtlut tbar*ofaberare eXBrtawtal.Por Pridabt or Patttg* tapty to----t yyigl.VAaJj B> t gayta, greet.

STEAM to 80UTHAMITON and HAVRE..Tbe magniSeent lUaouaip VANDERB ILT, 5,400 tuut,

¦ ill tail:P om NEW-TORR for ,Pr^_HAVBJt aa^^BOLTH-

SOt THAMPTON a HAV RE.Th**<l*y.May 5i»*»day.June 26Thartday.Aug. IS

AMPTON for NEW-VORK.Thurtday.June 4.Tueeday.July 21.Wedneaday.Sept. I.

Faux or FaAtAOgPint eabio, aceordlng w iocatioB of ttaf room, »110 to SIM.aVeoadtabln..Speaie delirered in London aud Paria.For F*-M.«fr-igbl, apply to .nj-m

Vo. S B-.w.jjg green New-York.


BRPljL STEAMERStDINBUROH..2 50r»tnn*..Wal. BUMMINGS, Cmmaaia*SntW-YORK ...2,150 toa*..ROBERT CRAIG. C->ramenie*|.LA8GOW.l,!*faturjt..J()rlN DUNCAN. OottamrtAaiiAre tppc4nted to aail _

PROM NEW-YORX:NPW-YORR Kater.Ur April h at 12 o'ct ,ck a »*x.

GLASGOW.Sa'orda'y. Aprti t> »» U folocfc aooav.

BATES OF PASSAGE,raort alai-ow.

PW Cam.15 gnfo*a*.Steerage, found wtth Cooked Proritioa*.8 g iio-a*.

_raoat li* roil- _

Ftnt-Claia..*Steerage, iraad with Cooked ProritK«...SS

Aa expeneoced Saraeot afar bed to eaabWm FreigAt or Paaaage, apply la JOHN McSYMON,

Ma. 17 Broadway.M*w Y*rk City Hill* or <HK raly rK«iv**l fw Ptttag*.

Bf« Of OBIS Of kufUAlYMOUTH EOv K, C*pt. Tori Stoae, andCept. W. H. Fi****, ta ocaatx-tl.-.a with the

.vi.ieece, au« Boston ao i P-ovidenee Ball¬ig New-York dailv, Sundays excepted, frim P'eiRiver. 6r»« wharfabove Bauery-p.*. «, 4; 4 o'clock

ßt/omboolf and flai.Toauf.

P)R BOSTON, tu NORWICH Rod WOR-CEaTEE-Dei yet 5». au <roxa »»-jjo-« jf^'*l''

. üy tb*»*io.-e.t; m.r CONNECTICUT, Ceg* j*«*. *V

ex.«» IMiNUAYri. WEDNESDAYS and /RliMY*. *»d byt. . b*w aod a Hi ataau.-" CO M a ON * E A LT II *p*. « U

aae.s.aan'lSDAtS. THU*8Da.YS »,.d SATU B, "> * 1-V11Allya'* I' 11. tbenca .» naw o. ... .el . .

'oi «t#iWi»-« for WaMaaaar, Bxtoa. Pr-rdaata. Law-r»a*e, Lc«»rl, Naakaa. Cino-wu, Wattn klbuata.uk, ea« .»..')o'J »r *>*'l*ii of Na« Em'si.«: awalara aa k* h.iU-J syap»lyiri*a k-ard. or ka E. B MARTIN. A««kt, st I I otxw*,fov; of Co Ulla» d'-*t._

PUK MOS'iUN «iiU PROVIDENCE fZ NLW-PORT an« PALL RrVFR..Tka *p!*ad!d and a-cpaario.

.waatai BAY BTaTE, Cap*. J*w*tf. ieavee ;»¦» 1 » -.-->

Tlkt-DAT THURSDAY, »nd SATURDAY, et 3 < "k,*.«.;

and the EMPIRE STATE, Cat BraWkaw- leaves New-Torlr»ery MONDAY. * ED*<tSDAY. ar.d FRIDAY at 4 jeloe»a rn.; rrom Pier Mo. IRR Bear the Battery; k-.ta «c.etinj artVwwert each way.Hereafter no roomi wt'l be refkraed a* 1rented tc v" T ay

-tent uati.' the käme iCail b ne been paid for.Preitbt to Boston . torw*rd*d r er fr at durale*

Bt bb Expreii KreUbt Trata.WM. BORDEN Ajen;. K->a. and F| '.Vest et.


without dekty. cbanas ofcars or kwfase.Tie steamt-rs PLYMOt


Bn.nmi'oo and Providence, and Beaton an 1 P-cvlc>nat Rail-roads, lesvi'No a. Northp.m., aiid Stopira'on at 3-30 n m., nr on the err.iel fthemalltrain wo; leaves Boston ati.Jo p m.

The COMMODORE from New-York Monday, Weds**,day. and Friday. From Stouingtoa, Tuesday, Thursday, txdSaturday.The PLVMO'TH ROCK fre-m New-Y*rh T-teidaj. Thursday,

aac Saturday. From 8too:n|t >n, Monday, Weaaealty, and Fri¬day.PaJse&sers proceed frr-m StontcgVSl 9*t RaÜrce.1 to Provt

dene* and Boston, In toe Express Mail Train, reachia* laid

place leverx] fcouri Ir advan -e o( these by attoer roatea, tod la

ample time for all the early :.:....« ilsai >o 1.« Northand East. Passenfcra tust prefer it remain on beard M* steamer,enjoy a n.'xbtt rest undisturbed, breakfast if desired. Mid lea**Staminxton ia the 7;15 a m train for Providence.A Basxaxe Mastatr accompanies the icaamer a..- train throujb

each way.For paaaaxe, berth*, staw-r cms or freight, apply at Pier No.

2 North River, or at tie onW No 10 Baf-rv ».«.

CF^TRaL RAILKUAD ul NEW-JERSEY..Coaiie-fiiig at NeW'Haraptua with 'he Delaware, Lache»

wanoaand Weatem Raiinad to Seranton, Great Bend, the Northand W«t and at Easton with the Lettish \ afley RaBroad taMa ra 1 ' IW INTER ARRANGKMENT-C. mmeii.-lng Jan. I, 189».-

Leave New-York for Kaa'on and Intennedfate pi\e*s from Pie*No. 1 North Rivr, at T ... v m. and >: 10 p. rat,; for Sommer.trllie at 7:**>aBd * 1:00 a. m and B:M and 4:30 p. m.

The above train* connect at IChiabeta wua traini on the

New Jersey Raltrrad, which leave New Yoak from the foot afCourtiandt-at. kt 7:30 and 11 a. m and 3:» and 4 p. B>


lnA7, the Traini will leave Cbambari-it. 8tati.ro a*

follow!: Express Traia, 1:1« a. m and 3:>< p ax; Mail, 11:15a at.: Eaaigrtant, 0:4.Hp m ; For Pougli keensie, I a. as and 17.

""or Sin* Slag, 4 p ut.; For r.r i". S « Hint an

at the U ay StaU-ns.C. nstopber aod «.

5:4A *nd 10:1» a m and 4:4.4 p. m. | and East Aibaoy at«: 15and 10:40 a. m. and 5:*» p. m.

A. F SMITH, Soperintenlect

(JREAT CENTRAL ROUTE..M The Tbrough Ticket and Freiaht Office of Lb*



to Chieaao, Milwaukee, Galena, Duboque Rock isUDd, Bur-lli'ltou Qoloey Ht Latatsaj I'asro Kansas and Ne>arasks, and all

r po*e*s west and Sou'ri-weet,V'U St SPENHION BRHX'E or BCPPALO, la at

m. and 4:4» p. rr F..r Sin* Sirig,4 p ui For PeeAski l, 5:10p. rn. The Pouihkeep ie, S « Htni knd Peek, kill Usiu« stopat the Way Stat><.ne. Psasenaers takeu at Ciiauibers, Can*/,C« nstopber aod llattBt T aioi for New-York leave Tr v at

other potr-s *eet and Sou'ri-weetRstalOII BRIUONo. 173 BROADWAY. N. Y^,

Corner of Onrtlandt^t DARtt'S CLARA. Agent

(2REAT american route..michigan* SGL'THERN RAILROAD to CHICAGO, St. Loul*. R <*

Iilaad, St. P*nl. Milwaukee, and all places West and 8,1thvest, via New-York and Erie, New-York Ceatraland AinerieaaLake Shore Railroad*, to Toledo, forming the ihort-«t, a,uicke*taad pUseaatest route to the Great West For throuih ticketiand rates of freight, apply at the Company's Office, No Ut¦roadway, corner of Dey-et, New y... k

_john F. porter, Agent

ong island railroad.FaTl aiiTwbiterArranreeneDt..Sun.lava excepted.).Tralnc going East!

Leave Brooklyn for Greenport, 10 a. m. daily for Yaphank, Ita m. daily, and on Saturday! at 3:45p. m.; for Far-ningdale IIa m. and S:45 p m.; for 8yoc*et, at 10 a m and 3:41 p. m\ lw

Hempatead, 1" a m 12 m and 3:45 aad 3 p. m.; for Jljxwiea,SJ a ¦¦, 1« m., 8:45. 5. and 6:30 p. m._

Land route.new-york to PROV1-DP.NCE. Ac. -On and af r Marrbll, EXPRESS TRAIN

of the Providence. Hartford and Piibklll Railroad willleave Ilartk(rtrd on the asrtval there of the Ex press Traini .f the New-Yoriand New-Hatsen, and New-Haven, Hartford and SprinifielgRailroads which leave Near.York at I a- m S. ASHBORNER,

Chief Bngineer and Superustendent H. P. and t. R. A.


aad Adrian aad Traini ire ran connecting at Adrian with Ex¬press Trains to Crlcago aad Toledo, and at Detroit with Train*on the Great Weatem, Detroit A Milwaukee aad Mb MgaaCentral Railroad*. For further lnformalien, apply to JOHN F.PORTER. Ajtect, No 193 Broadway._jew wide-gauge route ir..m new-

yore to ROCIIE8TER..Tk* ROCHESTER kndGKNESKE VALLEY RAILROAD U bow open, and, In con¬nection with the Buffalo. Coming and New-York, and New-York and Erie Railroads, forms a direct reate from New TortU Rochester.The direetnee* of thii route, together with the raperlor com¬

fort anVird.-d by tke wide cars, reuder* It by far the most de*hra>He between the ibove-uamed cities.Tickets oaa be pr< cured at the New-Tork and Erie hUilroad

Ticket Offiee, foot of Daaue-st, and No. 1*3 Broadway; also LaJersey City.Bsagsge checked tbronab.Freishta will be trausported bataaeeu New-Tork and IV.ahee-

ter with dispatch. Anjr infonnation desired In reaard thereaacan be obtained by calling on the General Freight Agent of theNew-York and Erie Railroad, Erie Buildings, or C. S.TAPPAN.Expreu Frslght-Aunt. No. 193 Broadway,No. trahx* on the Bufalo, Coming and New-York Railroad oat

BuniUr_J. A. REDFIELD, SuperiateadeBtew-Y0RK and harlem railroad..



NThe Pmaager Train a on thii Road for Albany will lean ih*

earner of White aad Centre-sts aa foliowi:EVERY MORNING at t:10 ./clock.BVRRY AFTERNOON a' 4 e'sbrrA.

Pare throogb 10 Albany will be *2. To eommenee oa MON¬DAY AFTERNOON, lfltb Lost

_W. J. CAMPBELL, Superintendent,

NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD..Onand after Monday, Marsh 2, MAT, and until rVartber oodoe,

Paseeuser Tiaiai will leave Pier f -et A Dusne-st, as follows,via.:DI NK IRK EXPRESS at 6:10 a m., for Dunkirk.MAIL, ktt :15 a as,, for Dunkirk knd Bufalo and Intermediate

¦tarioni. Paaiengeri by tals Train will remain over night atOwe*o, and proceed the aext morning.ROCKLAND PASSENGER, kt S p. x*., via Piemont fr«

Suttenr and k* termedtäte station*.WAY PASSENGER, at 4 p. xa,, for Rewburgh, Mlddietowa

and knrermediate stations.NIGHT KXPREHS, at 4:80 p. m.. for Dunkirk aad Botfalo.EMIGRANT at 5 p. m., for Dunkirk and Buffalo knd uteraaa*


EXCEPTED.Theaa Fxpr*** Train* oonaact at Klmtra with the Etmlra.

Canmdiiguk and Nisgar* Fklli Railroad, for Niagara Fall*; atBLugbamtoa with the Syricua* and Blnghamtou Raiir-*.], InfSj.» ...., at Coruing wttn Buffalo, Corning, and N*w-TorBRailread, for Rocbeater 1 at Oraet Bend with Delaware, Lank»wanna aad Wr*t*ro Ra'lroad for Scran Cos. at Buffalo andDuokirk with the Lake Shore Railroad far fjUvelaad, OUeaa-aati, Tolado. Detroit, Chieaao, Ae.

_D C. McCALLLM, General Superintendent




The Shortest Beat and eoneedaently the Cheapest Routetfrom New-York to all point, in the West

The Penn*ylvacla Railroad connect* at Pl'Ubnrgh wtth rail¬roads to and from St. Louis Mo. 1 Alton. Galena, and Uiicsgo,III.; Ftaxikfort, Lexington and Loui.villa, Kt. Terre Haula,Madison, Lafkyette knd Indlanapolla, Ind.; Cincinnati. Dattoa.Sprnti-rfleld, Bellefontaine, San.'uiky, Toledo, Cleveland, Co¬lumbus, Ztteevtlie, MaMillon and Wooeter. Ohio; al*o. withtue .ttaiii-pecket boats froa and to New-Otleaa*, St Louil,L'.utavllle and ClncinnarLThrough Ticktt* can be had at BBf of the above-mentiosed

place* in the We.t (See haobllli in the boteli of this etiy.)Paeeangeis will find Ikls tke soorteat, moat axpediiioua and

comfoitabie route between the East and West.T tr. tin, Ticket* or further Information may be bad at tha


J. L ELLIOTT, Ag-mt Pennsylvania Rsllroad Go.New Y' rk, Jan. A 1*57._

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.The GREATCENTRAL ROUTE, eonteeting the Atlantic oitiea with

Weitem. Norra-weatern and Soutk-weatera f* ate* by a eos-

tis::ous Rail* ay direct Thii Road also eonnecti I Pit ibirghwith fall) n of Steamer* to all porti in the Weatera Riven,a d at Cr-lead atd »aiiduiky with iteamrri to all p*«*u on

the Noif i-weattn Lakti: n at lag the moat direct, cheapaat readreliabie route by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to aadfrrm the Otea' W.et_II AT ES BETUEFN PHILADELPHIA and PITTSBURGH:Fiiit CLiai . Boot*, Shoe*, Han and C.p* 1 , ...

Bo.,k* Dtv GccmIs (in boxee, bale* and trank»), 5 100 mDrun tin rxxes and hales), Feather*, Fare, Ac... J

Skcoxd Clsii..Dome.tk Shaeti *, Shirting aod)Tukinx (.n ::*.l*. bale*). Drag* lip <a*ki). Hard- 7J*eot*Jf>wa>a, Leather (In rcli* or boxe«), Wool and Sheep 100 0).Pelt*, E.itward, Ac.I

Tai id CiAil-Auvrii. Steel, f.,aios (in eaaha), )-.^__.Hemp, *JacoB and Pork.gai.ed II or in saokai , ^C, 1*Tobacco, manufactured (except Cigar* or out he )

FotBvn Claii,.Coffee, Fleh, Bacon, Beef and)Poth tin aish* or boxe«. Eastward 1, Lard and I 55 eenti BTLard Oil, Naiii, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, f 100 IB.PHtt, Ro*ra, Ae...,)

FLota SJ 1 ¥ bbl until further notice..'»*!«- *» ¦*:.'» ¥ K0 R) uatil further -.-'.ice.Cottob.$3 k> bale, not exceeding 300 Bj weigbt, uatil further

antice.In ahipping Ooodi from uy point east of Philadelphia, be par¬

ti, ularto mark the package ¦ Via Pennsylvania Raiiroad." AllGoodi cotiiiied to the Af*nta of this Road kt PbJladclphia orPV'sbnrfh will be forwarded without detentionFbbight A«kbt*. fcUiiai,Wormi*7 A; Co, Meaanbie, Teaa, 1

R. F. Sa-s A Co St. Loaia ; J. 8. tJtteheil A Son, EvanavUle,Ind.; Dun.es--1, Bell A Co., and Carter A Jewatx, Loute-vilh) Ry., B. C. Me. drum. Mediana, Ind.; Bp idman k Brown,and Irwin A Co.. Cincinnati; N. W. Graham A Co Zaoeevu.e,Ohk;L*a>ea k Co., No Ü Kllby it., Boa'oa; Leach A Co..No. 2 AatorHouae, New Yuk. No i Wil'.isxo-s-., and Ni. tBattery paace New-Yoik | E. J. Saeedar, Pbiltdelph.; Magrswh Rood. Bait'mor» G« C. Fraaciacaa, PiUahmgh.

H. R. HtlUSTON GaueraJ Freight Agent, Paililit|kdaB J. LOMBAERT, aH.periatetdei.-., Adtwaa, Fa.

Jksaery 5, ito7.

NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.For F«TILA¬DE f.PH IA and the KM1H trad -V'tWT. tat '8MEI

ITT -%!».: aad Eapeee* !-.... Leave "Jew Tart . aad U. at aad 4 ted . p. a*.; fart. «s IS a* , fl X6. «»nia, at allray atencaa. 11 ud 4 go at Keutingten. Tr-.r.ugk Ti ket* tola"¦or Clr.clno.li (#11 and .1» >.) aad la* Watt. 8*4 fat .altr-Betn, w..!.-; i :i. .N :. «, Ac. aatd .Arrugb«> Watblnftnn ia » a. m. and « . at

w vVoODtrpr. AttU'if mrfl.No Baggage b* re.-. for aar Trala aalaa* iibraf *

*ad theeked 13 airsute* fa « .-v - at tbe rrra* at leevttg.

NEV\~Y(>KK Mil ERIE RA1LK04D COM->PANT'S EIFSFSS-Obbbb... Otrica. IIa. n* r

tat. n. Y .Tbe N*wYo.h aad Ena IWJeaed Oat.3 awaaaataj to do . regular Eaprea. bu ta«aaV v~ a

H D RH"E .apt]0. C McCALLPts. Oecarei Supertoteiedeat_

ta^¥a(5rSE änd" soi thern railroad.O In with Exprte* Tmii oe the New-lor* tad

'"o^toe^er HONDAT, Oer. t*. aa* t-wtr! rnrtke* t^rbaa.' .... tier Tram* will ran at Mlow. 8mtoy. aMfMILe»re N.w-Yrrrk from pter foot of D**ne-*t at erSO mjm., rta

8ufl»Io Expre.*.ixrinecuiig at imtaamua wttA aUpraattrain tor Syraco**. _

At i * p. m. ria Night Expn-** c*t.netttt;g at ¦tn*>«*a**a)»Ith Expree. Train for wrraeu.* and O*wego.Through Tuhtt* may be procand a: th* noket tmm* afiBaa

N.wY rt and Erir R-aJ, W. 8 OILBERT. Sup*.


Consumption, (old*, Cm*)**, Btvtxiu»#.Aitbma, vt ran.w Eroacu'loa D MJi't WtaCti g Atta*

aad ... :>.. l. CFRt-D .».. le V a ar*a Coamma-Boa I'*»'«. ** pml irrlt eur-d by Dr HEaU'S entirely ttWDISCOVFRY jutt out In Ua Medical \Y old Bo tattler* iba>i»a»a». » °l the aborw ditee rt In taa buuea feanllv tbat tb*D. to» will <tTe hi* oea preerriptlon |fr»e ef eaarge) to aa»..ffiicrrd. Ac.ir*** Or JJE'C No |i.lU ii.ST.

SaYds^ SARSAPAKILLA . The HPUlKil. MEDICINE fr'be MILLION. -Ifyaw blaod ra .luggmaBpaaMatra. B trtR ratTtirjtaad parity it. If yno» ecrrecioa* ar*

It gular or d< feertve. It will (timuieto th-m to k-aitoy aetaaoaat d u an altera Ire and Iwoorntlaig a*»nt it it na-^ ialeA Prl-partd atd told by A B. I D. 8«N 08, No lot r..t. i ft.

The greatest medical Dl^OVaalTof tba AGB!

Mr. EEhJNEDY of BotOuiy aaa dtaeoTw**) ra ona of »v

4omm. n pattur* weedt a rvaeedt tbat cure* E\ EBY KIND ofHrMllB./rtwt IA« ttartf St.,nU tw.lt* ttratttw r'ajjl8* ba* tried it In oter i-lereu hundred ratee, atyi aawar BaAwiatrvpt In two rate*, both thunder hornor. fie ha* avow bt Ma

Cwaetaiop over two hundred oarvtbeate* af it* ttvlaw, afl ttfawStlrenty roilea of Bo**ou.Two bottlet art warranted to tare a nurtio| tare aaoatb.One to tbfa* bottle* will oare Lba wortt kind of pimpiai aal

tba tare.Two to three bottle* will eiear th* tyttem of boil*.Two bottlet tre wtrrautad to cur* tba went realer la tbw

atonth aad ttomaeb.Three to fite bo«let are warranted to cure tba went etwa aj

.rytipelaa.On* to two bottle* are Warranted to *err* all kaaaot bt tttaa

.ye*.Two bottlet ara warranted to tar* runu.tuj cf tba aart aa4

blotehet auioBf the hair.Four to tin bottlet are warranted t) tareeerrspt .

^rrie bottle arlll eure acaly eruption of tbe ikfa.Two or three bottlet are warranted to ear* the watat eaa* afl

''tT.' .o three bottle* are warranted to *or* tba avtttBte eate of rbeBmatitm.Three to four bottle* are artiTBiited to cure *alt-r-.__Flre to eitbt boltiea will cur» tbe wont .at* alDiBKCTtoa* roaUlB.-Adam I table *poonful per way CAaV-

aren oter eit.t yeart, deteert .pooufol; ChUdraa wem awe tmeuht y**n, teatpoonful. At ao direetlont oao Be tapataata *»

tjTeotJttitutiopt. take enoutb to operate oa tbe hew*-*

day Mr KENNEDY jrlret penonal attendant*la bwt aaaaTaaaVrefula.



Immediate relief; yoa will apply U oa . linen rag when *aflBn

toFo* Scald Hf tr>, you will tut th* hair of the attteted part,apply the Ointment freely, and you trill tea tba tiapiiiieweatatn a few dare. .

fot Salt Bhiom, rob It well tn at often al *oarwribrart.Fob SCALBt oa an inftamrd inrtaoe, yo* will tab tt tta¦

your heart'* content. it will pir* yo* itieb real eotnfort tba*you e*BBot help wi*hinii well to the inreatw.Fob 8ca*i. Tbete commence by a tblu aerto 8nM

throuib the *kia. aooo bardeBlng on tbe lurtaee, ia tabaaiHi. e tre full of yellow matter; tome are on an tntiaraod ittta,aome are sot. Ton wUJ apply tbe Ointment freely, last da a*4rob it in. m_a_Pob So*b Lbo*. Thi* I* a common dieeaee, taota *a atwaM

gar.erally tuppoeed ; the *Bin tun* purple, oorered with »ra.ee,and ltrhe* iBtolenblyv *oni*timea lorrali.g renoing aoree, by ea-

plylug the OinUnent the Itching and eoaiee will ajiaataatwaagjfew dayi, but yoa muat beep on with tba Oliitmiai aaaB BW*tkin get* it* natural dolor.Fob thb Pilb* and Inflammation, yon will tw* M *T*nty|

It will tire ImmrdUte relictTbl* Ointment tgn** witb erery fle*b, and fir**

relief in erery *kln di**-**e Arth i* heir to.Price 50 cenlt per *ob. _,

Mauutactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. IS*

^Htm\Vmsmmmm BrnggUt bt tb* UBltod tutea aadPtorincet.

Ceqal {Sonee«.

IN PURSUANCE of an otder of th« SarrogB.» ofthe County of New-York, notice It herebr gira» ta all par-

toB* htring «Ulm* againit ALEXANDER LEalRD, laat *fUbe City of Ntw-York, deceased, to preaea* A* *aUBVt. wtkbtrouchcr* thereof, to the *ub*crltere, at tba otRte of RabattUird, No. 11* Fbrtarenue, In tba City of Mew-Tarb, *a er

bt'ore tbe twenty *eo> nd day »f 8*pteuiber aeat DateBNew-Yerk, the alneteeatb day ifMaicb. 1A9T.

ROHK.KT LAIRD IwaaaaaataBta,8AMUCL LECCH, 1"*<,W*mar» latrflmF_, EL17.A LEAlRU, Rteeatrli

IN PURSUANCE mi an «rd*?r of E B*wfaw5lof tba CotBty of New-Yetk, notice la hereby gtraa to af

aereent baring claiiTi* aralBit MARIA LOU1BA GRAHAM.We ef eba City of New-York, deceased, to praeaat the .ama,trtafa reweben tWaef. to the (ubacrtber, at the efRea af Wake-men A Latttag. etaa., No. fa> Fultoa-it., in tk* (Aty of ¦.«.York, ta erbefere tbe ninth day of May B*tt..DalwA New».York, the »iitb day e4 Morember 1*M.aoT lawatoF* CATHARINE 8. MILLER. Bi*

CUPKEME COURT, KINOS COUNTY..IO H*tm*a Bruen agt. Abner Jose* aad Area* Joan* kitwife H*nry Story tad Baa Story nt< wife, E.ek H kttadrttb,Wmiam O. Creamer, William H Klp», Cbarlee B. Kaadrtatb.AJazandrr Boat, Henry Huogerford. J Ao S. Laoatie, ttwargwB bitter I.e Samuel O Law, David Reld. MHMel MrOlaatet.Oeorg« R. Cole, N*uman CoBo, Mtebael Kennedy, Daoial Lea,Mtigneeof Mark McOarry. Peter R. Boaab, Wifiejt*i&Jtaoyaa,William Develln Sltphtu Jeiop, Henry S Sty mo d CUmeatWarren, Seymour A Tracy aad Nathan BuicharA aatiThe Netional Iniuranca Company of Jertey Wir ao«Stephen Bichaidton -Bummoat tor R-u«t -To tea DefeadaBUtWILLIAM H KIPP and THE NATIONAL INSURANCECOMPANY OP JERSEY CITY: Yoa are hereby *w*a*a»B«Aand reqnlred to antwer tbe complaint In tblt ictloo, which win

Died in tbe office of tbe Clerk of th* Coaaty of Kktg* at tbaCity Hall ta tba City of Brooklyn, an tba tltta day af Jaat.IUS and tt a*rr* * copy of you* antwer to the *aid eompkataa>n the ...!.*. riber at bit office, No. 17» Atlantk* *tr«* , ia lawCltjiMQn mt "nroekiyB. within twenty aar* «A*r the terrlce eftbl* aommou* an yoo, etcluaive of the day ef rieb *ervtee;tod If yon tail to an*wer tbe aaid complafat within the tVaawaforeatid, lb* plttatlff ia thU action wjl apply to tb* Ceart farth* reli*/ d*a,aod*d in to* eoinalaint . Da'ed. Braaklya, Jaaej11 if*. WILLIAM H. «TORT,mbsoUwtwP_ratorta^* Attorney.

S~UPREME COURT.City and County of NrjpF-voik.. JACOB OSTB->M DAVID H. ANTHONY ani

JOSEPH BFQUA. a«taia»t CHARLES N mm|h»moctf.-rt money demand on contract ) To < HAULS:-! M.STIMSON.Sir: Tvu *r* hereby tummoned to anrwartbeoaat-plahit la tin aetlon, which wa* iled in the Now York Cou**yClawb . Ceffirt* on Mtrcb J8, 1AA7, and *arre a *oaw ol**aranawer on me at No.77 Na**an-(treet City o' New-York, wllbnatwenty day* after tbe tenure hereof exdntiv* >f th* day of.uch»ervt«*i and If yon fail to antwer tb* eoatpJaint a. af< re-

BfW, the plajuritl* will Uke ju igment again*! vou for be .am oftwo bnndred and 8'ty dollai*, with Interett from tba aSIA dayof November, one tboaatud eitht hundred and fifty foar, .«.aide tba eottt of tblt acttoo -Da'ed MarlilM. M«.


n.77 law«wF'_A. CLARKE, Plalatlf^ Attoawty.^SUPREME COURT, Co*aBty of Kitifs..WÜ-D Bam Jay, ataloklf again at Henry W Do!*tra *«4 AaaaB.Rt wife fJ*JrrgeH. Ckambailin, Job« t BatAarvawB). WBlkMBH. ChambeilUJ and t.t wile, defaudiata-Saaamoa* for »*f*'--Com *ot *ar.-Ta tt* d.fend-t., WILLIAM EL CBABIULIN aad hi* wife, who** Christian aem* I* uahMwa: Tewatwteieby aatnuioied ai.4 regulred le *a.-w wh. a^mf\mm.tjm %kmtboverstitlrd t*tioB, wbieh trat thi* a*y fBAPfKtb* Cl.rk of tb. Coaaty af Klag*. *4 tb. Oty bT«1V».of Brockiya, and to aerv. a eoay of your »o«»**»j**J*^» u-p bid ob tbe.ober tear at aw oaVw. Ne 3tf44.fcbants' Eiokang*). U* tb*CVy olNerTtcl,«ll«bnr«lrgat* alter tba *ervfoe of that lamaMaw om yon, «BVtlaatr« ef tkw)Sv ofiach temce, aad if yoa kail to an*w*r tba *aU*oavrVakBt "tala tb. ti*n« Ubraatld, tba pUrauff ia aatd .«tttaiwaafpity to tbVC*art for tbe reltof (Umaaied m tbe *t»*p*mnt-Dataa New-York, IStk Pakraary, IwTT.

0B0B0I A. UAL8EY, Waktrif 'g Atterawy.¦bSlaarwwPSUPREME COURT..THE NEW-YOBKO LI»E INSURANCE AND TRUST ^,'?MX*MJjJyi^*r»f.r Harriet b willett. again.t lure coiWT, wfo*wa. imi ra ad with Ju.tu.C a-y, Admlnistn-w Ao. a/LakaiC u y, decanted, tbe *e I Ju*m* Coney 0-orge R^.rittow,J.meV R Bold, aud Laura A. bis w4fo RoWl MrHa«er,J.ce MeBride, Exeea'ila. Ac, of fc,be.t M*Brm«, deoaaerd,J.me* 8. Ortoo, Jae.er Mtrvin John S Buealng, taaUaAaiaaBiver Bank, Allen ayr.nlt Eph'aim Cere, Cberto* Oo'-jJ'»A. Dew* Predenck W. Oitetu. Jae-'h Hatrick Jaoob B Bar-r ck. Thorn**W Hlnehman. Dariu. Perrin, S^fjmktgßJo.epbTwelch (SommwL..) To 0 Jkt. ROCkaAPXLLO */,on* f tie defend*', ta: Yoo tre hereby »ummooed to »nrwtjr-bnerrnp'tint In tbl* c*u»e, of which a copy it dew,antod, will be

terved unou yon. and lerre a copy of r .ur answer on me at my'fficr N« Wall It, In the C7t of New York wttbta twentyeyi after tk* aerTice hereof, rxclnriro of tbe day of raea .**»

rice, or within twenty day* after trrvio* of a oopy ef raid oom-

pl.int If *uch oopy be demanded within twenty «ay*afterter-ftaS hereof: and It yo* fail to aniw-r tbe on: pLuut *i atorjwaiB.th- pUntlflf* will apply to tbl* Conrt for tbe rail*/ wten**ifo««the complain*. The complaint trill be «T-d ln»-*«V*a»Clerk ol the County o' 0 Urio -Dated N.»^A«-^» ».

,847. I ROBINSON, fc£#^XZ%*>UPREME C0URT-K»^C0UNTY7=.HARRIET C^ÄÄ COW. J. Letttorhtrn.it ^^^T}. CONSTA slav «WAta

^A^/lTtttn^«^rtb. a. .f^^VM^Mbg lewdwP* rmmmwm m^mummjm