press ISOLOMZI 20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | Tsomo Nqamakwe | Willowvale | Cofimvaba | Elliot THURSDAY May 29, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | isoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE Terms & condition apply WE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE BEE Compliant 7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406 8 Panel Door with Hinges FREE R650.00 Rhinolite 10KG 40KG Rhino Board R99.99 NPC Cement R73.99 Blocks R59.99 R179.99 R5.75 each MTAYNK-290514-TE-ebkmwa-hyper AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA EASTERN Cape-born Lindela Mzobe, has made it through to the finals of the Mrs South Africa beauty pageant. Mzobe, now based in Midrand, is original- ly from Bizana and she is not embarrassed to mention that she is a rural girl. “I lost my mother when I was a little girl and I was raised by my amazing grandpar- ents, Nomachule and Cyril Garane, who lives in Luxolweni in Mzamba. I am from the Lurholweni location in Mzamba, Bizana, next to the Wild Coast Sun Casino complex. “I went to Ebenezer Junior Secondary school in the area from 1993 to 1997,” said Mzobe. “I am very excited to have made it this far and I will never forget where I come from,” she said. She said achieving your dreams has got nothing to do with your back- ground. “If I win, I will focus on young girls from rural areas with low self-esteem, because of their backgrounds. I will show them that your background has nothing to do with your future plans,” she said. She said she was also a victim of low self-es- teem. She had been married for 6 years to her long-time sweetheart who is also from the Luxolweni location. The couple has a daugh- ter (5). The 24 finalists were announced last month at Emperors Palace and the grand fi- nale and crowning of Mrs South Africa 2014 will take place on August 8 at the same venue. “Traditionally the pageant world is por- trayed as superficial, but the Mrs South Afri- ca is a pageant of substance,” said Mrs South Africa Chief Executive, Joani Johnson. She said they look for real women who are wives, mothers and homemakers who por- tray ambitions, success and who are busi- ness-minded. To support Mzobe people can vote for her by smsing the words ‘Lindela Mzobe’ to 35959 (sms cost R3). Bizana beauty in race for Mrs SA Lindela Mzobe, orginally from Bizana is a finalist in the 2014 Mrs South Africa contest. PHOTO:SUPPLIED Phumulo Masaulle. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Masualle reveals cabinet MANDLENKOSI MXENGI N EWLY appointed pre- mier of the Eastern Cape Phumulo Masa- ulle announced his new Bhisho executive committee (Exco) members at the Good News Christian Centre in King William’s Town on Friday. Masualle announced new names into his 10-member executive com- mittee. Former Eastern Cape Legislature speaker Fikile Xasa is the new MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs while Mlibo Qo- boshiyane has been moved to the Rural Development and Agrarian Reform department. Former mayor of Mbashe Munici- pality, Dr Pumeza Dyantyi, is the new MEC for the troubled Health Department. Weziwe Tikana is now the new MEC for Transport, Safety and Liaison while Nancy Sihlwayi replaced Pemmy Majodina as the new MEC for the Department of So- cial Development. Majodina is now the new MEC for the Department of Sports, Recrea- tion Arts and Culture. ANC deputy chairperson in the Eastern Cape Sakhumzi Somyo is now MEC for Finance and Econom- ic Affairs and Tourism. Mandla Makupula and Helen Sauls-August were retained in their positions as MEC of Educa- tion and Human Settlements re- spectively. Masualle expressed gratitude to the members of the provincial legis- lature for electing him as the pre- mier of the province. He promised the citizens of the province that his administration will focus on priority areas includ- ing the creation of jobs, building in- frastructure, health and eduction. The Provincial Planning Com- mission has been moved to the of- fice of the premier.

Feversie 20140528

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20 000 COPIES WEEKLY Cala | Dutywa | Butterworth | Centani | Elliotdale | Ngcobo | TsomoNqamakwe | Willowvale | Cofimvaba | Elliot

THURSDAY May 29, 2014 |0 047 050 4430 | www.isoexpress.co.za | isoexpress.mobi | [email protected] or [email protected] | Previously known as the Isolomzi Fever EDITOR: BETTIE GILIOMEE

Terms & condition applyWE WILL BEAT ANY WRITTEN QUOTE BEE Compliant7 Sprigg street Mthatha Tell 047 532 4599 / 081 474 4406

8 Panel Door







Rhino Board


NPC Cement



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EASTERN Cape-born Lindela Mzobe, hasmade it through to the finals of theMrs SouthAfrica beauty pageant.

Mzobe, now based in Midrand, is original-ly from Bizana and she is not embarrassedto mention that she is a rural girl.“I lost my mother when I was a little girl

and I was raised by my amazing grandpar-ents,Nomachule andCyrilGarane,who livesin Luxolweni in Mzamba. I am from theLurholweni location in Mzamba, Bizana,next to the Wild Coast Sun Casino complex.“I went to Ebenezer Junior Secondary

school in the area from 1993 to 1997,” saidMzobe. “I am very excited to have made itthis far and I will never forget where I comefrom,” she said. She said achieving yourdreams has got nothing to dowith your back-ground.“If I win, I will focus on young girls from

rural areas with low self-esteem, because oftheir backgrounds. I will show them thatyourbackgroundhasnothing todowithyourfuture plans,” she said.

She said shewasalso avictimof lowself-es-teem.She had been married for 6 years to her

long-time sweetheart who is also from theLuxolweni location. The couple has a daugh-ter (5).The 24 finalists were announced last

month at Emperors Palace and the grand fi-nale and crowning of Mrs South Africa 2014will takeplaceonAugust 8 at the samevenue.“Traditionally the pageant world is por-

trayed as superficial, but theMrs SouthAfri-ca is a pageant of substance,” saidMrs SouthAfrica Chief Executive, Joani Johnson.She said they look for real women who are

wives, mothers and homemakers who por-tray ambitions, success and who are busi-ness-minded.To support Mzobe people can vote for her

by smsing thewords ‘LindelaMzobe’ to 35959(sms cost R3).

Bizana beauty in race forMrs SA

Lindela Mzobe, orginally from Bizana is afinalist in the 2014 Mrs South Africa contest.



Masualle reveals cabinetMANDLENKOSI MXENGI

NEWLY appointed pre-mier of the EasternCape Phumulo Masa-ulle announced hisnew Bhisho executive

committee (Exco) members at theGood News Christian Centre inKing William’s Town on Friday.

Masualle announced new namesinto his 10-member executive com-mittee.Former Eastern Cape Legislature

speaker Fikile Xasa is the newMECfor Cooperative Governance andTraditional Affairs while Mlibo Qo-

boshiyane has been moved to theRural Development and AgrarianReform department.Formermayor of MbasheMunici-

pality, Dr Pumeza Dyantyi, is thenew MEC for the troubled HealthDepartment. Weziwe Tikana is nowthe new MEC for Transport, Safetyand Liaison while Nancy Sihlwayireplaced Pemmy Majodina as thenew MEC for the Department of So-cial Development.Majodina is now the newMEC for

the Department of Sports, Recrea-tion Arts and Culture.ANC deputy chairperson in the

Eastern Cape Sakhumzi Somyo isnow MEC for Finance and Econom-

ic Affairs and Tourism.Mandla Makupula and Helen

Sauls-August were retained intheir positions as MEC of Educa-tion and Human Settlements re-spectively.Masualle expressed gratitude to

themembers of the provincial legis-lature for electing him as the pre-mier of the province.He promised the citizens of the

province that his administrationwill focus on priority areas includ-ing the creation of jobs, building in-frastructure, health and eduction.The Provincial Planning Com-

mission has been moved to the of-fice of the premier.

2 NewsMay 29, 2014Isolomzi Express

Kennedy Chitula MwangeSALES EXECUTIVE

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A 28 year-old former presenter of KhanyaCommunity Radio (KCR) in Butterworth wasarrested for malicious damage to property inthe early hours of Saturday, May 17.

It is alleged that the suspect was found in-

side the studio by one of the presenters whowas reporting for duty at about 3am.

Police Spokesperson, Captain JacksonManatha, said when this presenter enteredthe studio he discovered that the lights wereoff and when switching on the lights, he sawthat the suspect had damaged the micro-phone, computer and CPU.

“Police were called and they found theformer DJ still in the studio. He was then ar-rested and charged with malicious damage ofproperty,” Manatha said.

The suspect has been an employee of Khan-ya Community Radio (KCR) from 2009 untilOctober 2013 when he was expelled.

Manatha said KCR was burgled in March

this year and a laptop, two recorders and aCPU were stolen.

A case of burglary was opened and no onewas arrested.

“We are going to investigate if the same sus-pect is linked to the burglary.”

[email protected]



ABA PHANDI beziko lamapolisa eNgqama-khwe bacela nabani ongathi abe nolwazilwezi hlobo zendoda (76) ethe yatshayiswasisigadla ze yasweleka kude kufutshane ne-lali yaseGeese, eNdakana Village,eNgqama-khwe.

Esi sigadla besi phakathi kwedolophuyaseGcuwa kunye naseNgqamakhwe. Na-bani ongathi eze ngaphambili nenkcaza an-gathi aqhakamshelane namapolisa kulenombolo 047 4870048.

Osisithethi samapolisa, uCaptain Jack-son Manatha uthe le ndoda itshayiswe ngo-mhla weMay 19, isiganeko senzeke ngent-

Kucelwa umntu olahlekelwe sisihlobo ngaseNgqamakhwesimbi yesixhenxe ebusuku.

“Amapolisa aseNgqamakhwe kungokunje axakekile aphanda ityala loku bulalangoku ngena njongo. Ukuza kuthi ga ngokuunobangela wale ngozi awu kaziwa kodwauphando luya qhuba,” kubeka uCaptainManatha.

Woleke ngelithi xa amapolisa ejonga

kwipokotho zakhe, aye afumana islip se-ar-hente ejongene noku rholiswa kwabantuiSouth African Social Services (SASSA) ebe-sine fani yakwa Ngolose. Ukanti abantubakwi Village yakwaNdakana abamazi um-fi lo.

[email protected]


BUTTERWORTH Police are seek-ing assistance from members ofthe public as they are looking fora man (25) who went missing in

January this year, but was onlyreported missing at the beginningof May.

Thabo Lubambo, was last seenleaving the Phezisa locality goingto the Ngobozi locality in the To-leni Administrative Area, But-terworth.

According to police spokesper-son, Captain Jackson Manatha,the missing man is mentally chal-lenged. “The clothes he was wear-ing at the time of his disappear-ance could not be remembered byhis father.”

Anyone with informationshould contact Butterworth Po-lice Station on 047 401 1100 or con-tact the SAPS Crime Stopnumber on 08600 10111.

Police searching foramissingman

Police are looking for ThaboLubambo. PHOTO:SUPPLIED


THE leader of the PAN Africanist Congress (PAC) in the EasternCape is facing criminal charges after he allegedly assaulted an-other party member at his Mdantsane home on Monday.

Luthando Mbinda, who is the PAC provincial chairperson, al-legedly assaulted a former PAC Buffalo City region’s deputy-sec-retary, Xolani Makwedini, following a heated argument and dis-agreement on issues relating to PAC leadership structures andprocesses.

Mbinda also accused Makwedini of using social media sites,including facebook and twitter, to discredit him and underminethe current PAC leadership led by Mbinda.

Speaking to the East London Express this week, an emotionalMakwedini confirmed the incident, adding that he was assaultedat his home in the presence of his wife and children.

Makwedini said the visibly angry Mbinda arrived at hisMdantsane home on Monday afternoon and started shouting athim and accusing him of spreading lies about him on Facebook.

“I tried to calm him down as he was causing a scene but heapproached me and started assaulting me.

:Even though I was angry I controlled myself and did not fightback,” said Makwedini.

Makwedini claimed that he was assaulted in the presence ofhis wife and two children.

The two have often been in strong disagreement with each oth-er and have been involved in heated arguments during PACmeetings.

Makwedini accused Mbinda of being a dictator, adding thathis actions have caused major divisions within the PAC in theprovince.

The incident is expected to be discussed at the party’s provin-cial executive committee (PEC) meeting.

Mdantsane police spokesperson Mluleki Mbi confirmed thata case of assault had been opened.

“I can confirm that Makwedini has opened a case and the sus-pect will soon be arrested and formally charged,” said Mbi.

Mbi said the suspect is expected to make a brief appearanceat the Mdantsane Magistrate’s Court on assault charges immedi-ately after his arrest.

When contacted, Mbinda did not confirm nor deny the allegedincident saying he would only comment after he had been formal-ly charged by police.

The PAC in the province is divided into two groups.One is led by Mbinda while the other is led by Mzwanele Ny-


PACprovincialleader inassault drama

Xolani Makwedini. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

3NewsMay 29, 2014Isolomzi Express

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THE President of the United DemocraticMovement (UDM), General Bantu Holomisa,congratulated Councillor Mfokayise Msind-wana who will be representing the UDM inthe Mbhashe Municipality.

Councillor Msindwana would also be a rep-resentative in the Amathole District Munici-pality council. Msindwana will be sworn inon Friday, May 30, during a council meetingthatwould be held at theMbhasheMunicipal-ity in Dutywa.Holomisa said they were proud that Msind-

wana would join the Mbhashe Municipality,because he is a good debater and had playeda major role in building the UDM in the East-ern Cape.“We have no doubt that our organization

will improve a lot andwewill support him be-cause we know his desires,” Holomisa said.

Before this new appointment, Msindwanawas aDistrict Secretary for theUDMinElliot-dale and the Provincial Chairperson for theUDM Youth Vanguard.Talking to the Express Msindwana said he

was very happy to be granted this opportuni-ty, and to see that the leaders were learningsomething from him.“I will make sure that I don’t disappoint

them, since I understand that they sent methere because they trusted me,” Msindwanasaid.He said he was very happy, because now

hewould voice problems facing the residentsof Elliotdale. According to him, Elliotdale isknown as the poorest of the poor area andthere was a huge difference between it andother towns that fell into theMbhasheMunic-ipality.“When you look at Dutywa andWillowvale

there is development, but in Elliotdale lots ofpeople are still suffering. In Elliotdale the

youth were even struggling to do driving andlearners’ licences, because there were no fa-cilities.”Msindwana will be working jointly with

Councillor Mzimkulu Thetyana who said he

DMPresident congratulates councillor

CouncillorMfokayiseMsindwana iscongratulated byUDM PresidentGeneral BantuHolomisa.PHOTO:BABALWANDLANYA

is looking forward to working withMsindwa-na as he believed he would learn a lot fromhim.“We think he will do a lot for our organiza-

tion, because he has talent,” said Thetyana.


NANJENGOKOubusika kubonakala ukubabuza kuba nengqele eqhaqhazelisaamazinyo, amapolisa athi abahlali mabaqiniseke ukuba abalali bebase izifudumezi(Heater) kuba lo nto ibeka impilo yaboemngciphekweni.

Oku kutshiwo ngosisithethi samapolisakwiCluster yaseMqanduli, uMajor Zamuku-lungisa Jozana esithi abantu kufanelebafunde ukuyi nakekela impilo yabo ngalolonke ixesha.

“Umntu xa elala ebase isifudumezi kuyenzeka arhaxwe asweleke, kubalulekile uku-ba sizi cime ngalo lonke ixesha, kwayekwabo bahlala kwindawo yogobityholo ma-ba ngalali bebase imbawula kuba nazo ziyingozi,” kubeka uMajor Jozana.Kwelinye icala uveze ukuba izibane ezifa-

na namakhandlela mazi cinywe ngalo lonkeixesha kuba nazo zenza ingozi. Uthe kuyenzeka umzekelo ikhandlela liwe ze litshiseindlu, yilo nto kubalulekile ukuba kungabikho nto ilala ilayitiwe.Ngaphandle koku lo kaJozana uveze uku-

ba umthetho uza kudlala indima yawo

kwabo bantu abathi batshise amadlelo kubalulwa phulo mthetho olo.Uthe xaumntu etshisa idlelo lo nto ilambi-

sa izilwanyana, kwaye ibeka impilo nezind-lu zabantu emngciphekweni. Woleke nge-lithi kuyenzeka umlilo ubaleke ungalawule-ki ze utshise imizi yabantu.“Siya lukhuthaza uluntu ukuba luhlale

luthe qwa kwaye xa lubona umntu etshisaidlelo luxelele amapolisa ukuze abanjwelowo mntu.”Ngaphandle koku uthe kwabo bantu bat-

shayayomaba qiniseke ukuba abazi lahli iz-inqwempuzecubakubanazo zibangela ingx-aki, nkqu nezinti zematshisi umntu makaqiniseke ukuba uya lucima uluthi xa elayitaicuba lakhe kuba kwalo nto idla ngokubangela ingxaki. Kwaye abanye abantu

bashiyeka bengana mizi ngenxa yezintiezithi zilahlwe.Kwelinye icala uNobhala weContralesa,

uNkosi Xolile Ndevu uthe ebu nyaniswenibona benga makomkhulu bano xanduvaolukhulu loku fundisa abantu ngento yokut-shiswa kwa madlelo.“Sele siqalisile ukubiza intlanganiso nala-

pho sifundisa khona abantu ngobu ngoziboku tshiswa kwamadlelo, kwaye siya bax-elela ukuba lowouthewafunyaniswa esenzalo nto uza kuhlawula imali. Le yokuhlawulaimali yinto esathi savumelana ngayo,”kubeka uNdevu.Ulebelengelithi kufananomntuothi avule

idlelo ayoku tyisa imfuyo yakhe, libe lisav-aliwe lo mntu lowo uthi ahlawuliswe imaliliko mkhulu.

Abantumaba zikhathalele kobu busika

4 NewsMay 29, 2014Isolomzi Express

Nelly Nonjovu

Sales Executive


[email protected]

Tel: 039 251 0834

Fax: 041 503 6255

Cell: 071 990 1540/

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MOCKS IT Solutions, together with the De-partment of Local Government and Tradi-tional Affairs, handed over new Samsung gal-axy tablets toGrade 12 pupils from four differ-ent high schools.

The event was held last week at Mthathatown hall, where MEC Mlibo Qoboshiyane

handed over 150 tablets toLeslieNkala,UpperCorana, Cwecweni and WB Rubusana SeniorSecondary Schools (SSS).Qoboshiyane said he was approached by

Mocks IT to identify four high schools towhich they could donate tablets.“These schools had a backlog of communi-

cating with the outside world as they had nocomputer labs and these tablets will make avery big differencein their lives, academical-

ly,” said the MEC. He said the pupils wouldnow be able to navigate theWorld while theireducation is improved.TheMEC further urged pupils and teachers

to keep the tablets safe and to return themto school at the end of the year so that theycould benefit others.The Chief Executive for Mocks IT, Khathu

Mbodi, said they had seen a gap in the educa-tion sector among those in rural areas.

“We want to close that knowledge gap andoffer opportunities for pupils in rural areasto communicate with the outside world andimprove their studies at their fingertips,”said Mbodi.Upper Corana SSS Grade 12 pupil, Chwayi-

ta Mayambela, said the donation would makea big impact on their studies.“We have no computer lab and until now

have relied only on textbooks for research.We had to travel into town to internet cafesto gain access to the internet,” saidMayambe-la. These tablets come with an unlimited in-ternet browser and have been locked for non-educational sites.

Tablets forGrade12pupils

Pupils from Upper Corana SSS from Libode with their teachers and the MEC Mlibo Qhoboshiyane.PHOTO: AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA

Lesley Nkala SSSpupils fromMthatha andtheir teachers



Cwecweni SSS pupils from Engcobo with the MEC Mlibo Qhoboshiyane and their teachers.PHOTO: AYANDA MILLISA MADIKIZELA

WB Rubusana SSSpupils fromEzibeleni with theirteachers and MECMlibo Qhoboshiya-ne showing thetablets.PHOTO: AYANDAMILLISA MADIKIZELA


THE Soul City had formed a Soul Bud-dyz Club in Dutywa last week, whichwill help learners between the ages of8 and 14 to be independent and to learnto help others when there is a need.

The Provincial Manager for SoulBuddyz in the Eastern Cape, Thoko Bu-daza, said their focus is on primaryschools. “This club will help them tolearn to speak out if there are problems

that are affecting them. For instance, ifat school there is a learner who is bully-ing other learners, the victims have aright to report it.”The club will encourage them to ap-

ply their minds and to solve problems.According to Budaza this club would

be guided by a teacher and they werenot forcing schools to have this Club,but theywould support the schools whosaw the need. She said in Dutywa SoulBuddyz Clubs had been formed in 15schools.Soul Buddyz was formed nationwide

in 2003.“We also host a National and Provin-

cial Congress where we award the top-10 clubs.”

Soul BuddyzClub for Dutywa

Learners must learn to be independentand speak out when there is a problemaffecting them. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA


AN unemployed woman from the Lusizi lo-cality inCentanewas speechlesswhen she re-ceived a lounge suite that she won in the El-lerine’s and Mageu No. 1 competition at But-terworth Ellerine’s last Friday.

Telela Makhaba, mother of three, said shecould not believe her luck when she receiveda call fromEllerine’s saying that she hadwona R5 000 voucher.This was after she bought Mageu no.1 Leg-

end Soccer in one of the shops in Centane andshe sent an sms to the number which was onthe carton of Amahewu.“The sms cost me only R1.50. I am not even

a person who likes competitions and I don’tknow what made me try my luck,” she said,adding that customers should enter competi-tions and try their luck.StoreManager,Marshall Lackay, said they

had launched the competition at the begin-ning of April. He said the aim was to see allpeople entering, not only the customers of El-

lerine’s. “We are working together withMageu number 1, and this competition is stillcontinuinguntil June 30. This is the firstwin-ner from our branch,” said Mr Lackay.He added that theywere happy because the

prize went to a person who is unemployed,and they wanted to thank her for entering.According to him, with competitions like

these, Ellerine’s is living up to its slogan, “El-lerine’s make life easier for you.”

Unemployedwomanwinsnew loungesuite

Ellerine’s storemanager,Marshall Lackay,regionalmanager, SollyNaidoo, andTelela Makhabawith the loungesuite she wonrecently.PHOTO:BABALWANDLANYA

May 29, 2014 Isolomzi Express Advertisement 5

6 NewsMay 29, 2014Isolomzi Express

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Life is tough guys on this Express land be-cause sometimes kuthathwa obesemsamabekwe emnyango obesemnyango abekweemsamatsho amaZulungelixawonaamaXho-sa esithi ivili liyajikeleza.

As you know ever since we arrived here inUTA, since 2008 we never mind to cruise withourTuru-turuwhilst ourbuddieswere chang-ing fancy cars in front of us.As long as isasithatha isibeke, ingami end-

leleni.We even used to park it among the big cars

and asibethelwa nangu 1 because asizucelahike mntwini xa sisuka apha.As you knowwe are good at noticing things

around us and then we will convey that newsas it is to you dear readers.There was a chap who used to cruise with

a Mini Cooper in Ngaru; actually he was allover but spent most of his time in Ngaru.Aish,watsibamoss to see ibari fromekasi likehim driving a Mini Cooper.It’s OW. He used to board in his Mini with

the guys who got money.He was no more drinking ibeer yase kasi

but drinking expensive whiskies.Even when they were having a braai you

had to wait because they were occupying fireplacewith theirmaningi nyama.Let’s tell younow the outie is driving a Mazda 323 and weheard that he borrowed it from his mom.That is life ke on this Express land.Wearenot laughing at youboybut youneed

to know that life is changing and make it apoint you protect the asset that you have un-gadlalisi ngayo.

Thina ke usazakusifumana kula Turu-turuand isakhaba fresh.Uyabona ngoku le mali nanidla ngayo ama-

whisky nenyama eninzi ubungathenga a bet-ter car than the oneyou borrowed fromyour old lady and themeat got rotten someyears ago whilst youwere urinating thewhisky after 5 min-utes of drinking it.Anyway sorry we

never expected ifuyakuwa soon andsivile nomthombowemali enanivulelakuwo ngathi wav-alwa.

Zibethe wena tata

Uyazi bafethuamadoda nyhaniakefani afanangeentshebe kuphe-la.Why boys? Kukho-

na le nto singayi un-derstand grand, grand yokuba iotuie ithan-dane nomntwana olingana nengcosi yakhe orintwana yakubo.Ushukuthi ayifiki into yokuba lo mntwana

ungangentwana yasedladleni ekude le kuwelet alone ke ukuba alingane nengane yakhoyokuqala.Phofu amajita ahlala esithi akungow-

asekhaya and ndandingekho xa wayefakwaii-nappies.Uyazi sijonge enye itimer ihamba nomnye

umntwana esicinge ukuba yingane yakhekanti she was his lov-er naye nje ebebonaukuba zintloni ezi.Ungazibethi wena

nje ndoda uyekeumangane lo kubayou are ruining herfuture.Phofu kuthiwa usi-

zi aludliwa kule de-mocracy.Mmmm, khazi kub-

hekwa phi thula gos-sip team owakho um-sebenzi kukubhalanokukhusela ezakhoiitakalane kwezimonsters zala mado-da ungazi ukuba zifu-na ntoni ebomini ba-zo.

Where they get aspace to concealsuch big items

I wonder aba bantu kuthiwa boonomincahow they conceal tins of infants’ milk in theirbodies.We were watching a lady in Small Pot (eM-

bizana) who was caught stealing the infants’milk.Hey, tins were all over her body uzibuze

ukuba uzifake njani bethu ezi zinto zingaka.Mara ke kuba singathini kuthiwa intombi zi-necebo.Usisi wakhona ushaya ngesincane i-skirt

esi.Esibonayoukuthi ama-security guards ave-

le abheke lo 3-centimetre balibale ukubaugcwele apha ngasentla ama-tin obisi.Kunzima abongwana bayaphanta nabo


A person can change

During the dark days or ways of darknessyou doubt if that particular person who is in-volved in those ways may change.You know what, there was a lady who used

to conduct her prostitution mission in thestreets of Kokza (Kokstad) until the Good Sa-maritan saved her from such ways.The guy who married her is our buddy in

Ntelly (MtAyliff) andwenormally used to askourselves how on earth this chap married aprostitute?Nevertheless eventually we swallowed our

words as now they have a beautiful home andhave children and umama is a decent mumof her family.Meaning that youcanget a goodwife orhus-

band even in these ways of darkness and he/she will never trouble you because he/she isweary of the life of darkness.Thumbs up koti and asikeva nokuba uy-

acheater kwaba makoti bajola kangaka.And you can see ioutie yakhona ukuba he

is happy in his marriage.Body and facial expression tells it all.

FromMini Cooper toMazda323

During the dark days orways of darkness youdoubt if that particularpersonwho is involvedin thosewaysmaychange.You knowwhat, therewas a ladywho used toconduct her prostitutionmission in the streets ofKokza (Kokstad) until theGood Samaritan savedher from suchways.

7SportMay 29, 2014Isolomzi Express

RULES: You must be 18 & over,& present to qualify for the draw.Management reserves all rights. Judges decision is final.


THE SAB Regional League log looks differentthis week again with many changes afterweek-seven games in the second round.

The top teams are already looking forwardto playing in the promotional regional playoffs. In Stream A the Dangerous Darkies FCare still on top of the log with 26 points afterplaying 11 games. They are followed by Kom-

ga Liverpool FC with 26 points and ChicagoPirates in third position with 21 points afterplaying 13 games.InStreamB,FortHareUniversityFC is still

leading with 22 points after playing ninegames. Blackpool FC is second with 18 pointsafter playing 9 games and Ministers FC isthird with 18 points after playing 11 games.In Stream C, Young Aces FC tops the log

with 26 points after playing 13 games. Theyare followed byWillowvale United FCwith 23

points after playing 14 games and FC Nantezin third with 23 points after playing 13 games.FC Montego FC is still on top and leading

in Stream D with 35 points after playing 14games. In second is FC Relatives FC afterplaying 14 games with 20 points. Young Strik-ers FC is still in third position after playing12 games with 18 points.According to the Regional Executive Offic-

er for Safa Amathole, Mandisa Ernest, theselogs should have been the final ones, but they

had to reschedule other games.“We are preparing for the SAB Regional

play offs that will take place on June 7 and8 at Walter Sisulu University in Butter-worth,” she said.The teams which are likely to contest for

promotion to the Vodacom League if theymanage to maintain their momentum duringthe rescheduled games are DangerousDarkies FC, Fort Hare University, Young Ac-es, and FC Montego.

Teams look forward toSABregionals


NETBALL lovers are expected to converge on theNgumbela Sports grounds in Dutywa to support theNetball League Tournament (NLT) on May 30.

The tournament is organised by Eastern CapeSchools Netball for players aged between 12-19. Theschools that are expected to take part will be from theDutywaDistrict, including Elliotdale, Dutywa andWil-lowvale.The chairperson of theEasternCape SchoolsNetball,

Singathwa Magida, said they were expecting threeschools per age group that would participate in theNLT.“Wearepromotingnetball in our schools andare also

trying to feed clubs so that after school, players couldjoin clubs and continue playing,” said Magida.She said their intention was to see netball players

growing, because there were many pupils with a pas-sion for the game. She added that on June 7 and 8 theywould be participating in the Amathole Mega District.

Dutywa netball loversinvited to attendtournament


LIBODE’s namewas called at lastweek’sPremier Soccer League (PSL)when play-ers and officials were honoured for theirperformances throughout the season.

Zolile Mthetho, principal at the Zwela-khe Junior Secondary School in Md-lankomo, Libode, has won the PSL’s Refe-ree of the SeasonAwardwith a cash prizeof R50 000.Mthetho has been a referee for several

PSL games since last year, but said the

Libode refereewins PSL awardaward came as a complete surprise.“When my name was called as the

winner, I could not believe my ears andI was deeply humbled,” said Mthetho.He said the competition was very

tough, especially since all three nomi-nees in the categorywere from the East-ernCape and theyknoweachother verywell.The other twonomineeswereKhulas-

ande Qongqo, also from Libode, andRobert Smith from Port Elizabeth.“The fact that I was nominatedmeans

that my work is recognized in the coun-try and that motivates me to stay dedi-cated,” he said.Mthetho thanked his family and the

school for their support. He alsothanked the PSL for providing a plat-form for referees from rural areas to getnational exposure.

[email protected]

PSL Referee of the Season, ZukileMthetho. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

8 SportMay 29, 2014Isolomzi Express

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MTAEH5-290514-TE-ebnnon-figo MTAEZA-290514-TE-ebnnon-ikon MTAFAQ-290514-TE-ebnnon-RANGERMTAFGF-290514-TE-ebnnon-mazda


THEEastern Cape football team recentlywonall its matches on a tour to Germany, evenbeating one of the top German teams 4-3.

On arrival in Germany the EC team playedits first gameonFridayMay 16 atBuxtenhudeagainst the TSV Eintracht which they pun-ished 7-5.The goals for the EC team were scored by

Amanda November (Birmingham City – EastLondon) who netted 3 goals; Nwabisa Kolisi

(City Lads –Port Elizabeth) also scored 3goals, while team captain Bukelwa “Star”Fuzile (Coastal Ladies – Mthatha) scored 1goal.The match started at a blistering pace with

both teams showing character and compo-sure.The EC team got their first goal within 16

minutes through a well orchestrated goal be-tween Nwabisa and Amanda. Amandatapped the ball past the Immenbaeck goal-keeper.The second game was against top German

women’s team, Wolfsburg and was played atBarsinghausen. The EC Women’s team beatWolfsburg 4-3.This achievement came as a surprise, since

the EC teamwasn’t expected to beat the expe-rienced Wolfsburg team that boasts four in-ternational players who have representedGermany on many occasions.Nwabisa Kolisi again scored 3 goals, while

her teammate Amanda November scored thefourth goal which secured the win for the ECteam.EC played its last game against Bückeberg-

er andwon by 6-0, beating the teamwhich hadjust been promoted from the third to the sec-ond league division.The Province of Lower Saxony Ministry of

Sport could not resist applauding the EC girlsas they showcased their football flair andskill.“The success of the tour is not only that

all matches were won convincingly, but alsothat the quality of ladies football was testedin another country,” said the general man-ager for Sport and Recreation, Deidre Se-dras.

ECwomen football beatsGerman teams

Eastern Cape and Bückeberger teams before the start of the final match. PHOTO: SUPPLIED