Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion Mr William Dennes PhD FRCOG Consultant Obstetrician, Specialist in Fetal Medicine Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital London W12 0HS South East Coast RegionalTransfusion Committee Education Symposium Wednesday 26 February 2020

Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

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Page 1: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:







Page 2: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


•  Clinicalpresentation:–  ImmuneFetalHydrops

–  (Non-immuneFetalHydrops)

•  ManagementFetalanaemia

– MCAassessment

–  FetalBloodsampling/IntrauterineTransfusion

•  CaseStudies

Page 3: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


•  Immuneandnon-immuneFetalhydrops

•  Abnormalfluidcollectioninatleasttwodifferentfetal


–  Pericardialeffusion–  Pleuraleffusion

–  Ascites–  Skinoedema(>5mm)

–  Polyhydramnios

–  Thickenedplacenta(>6cm)

–  Cardiacfailure

–  IUD

Page 4: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:




•  >100 Red cell antigens, but isoimmunization associated with <30:

–  Typically: •  anti-D, anti-C, anti-Kell, anti-E

–  Rarely: •  anti-M, anti-N, anti-S

Page 5: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Redcelliso-immunization:•  15% of Antenatal population Rh


•  Routine pregnancy AB screen – 12 and 28 week

•  Rh negative patient – cfDNA for fetal genotype (IBGRL Bristol)

•  If Rh positive fetus: Anti-D prophylaxis at 28 weeks (and after any sensitising event)

•  cfDNA now available for Kell, C, e and C

Page 6: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


Nicolaides et al. Fetal haemoglobin measurement in the assessment of red cell isoimmunisation. Lancet 1988;1:1073-5.

Normal Hb


Moderate anaemia

Page 7: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


•  Fetal Anaemia - decreased blood viscosity •  Increased venous return + preload – increased

cardiac output •  Increased arterial + venous blood flow velocities •  MCA-PSV useful method to assess anaemia •  Low false positive rate

Mari G. Non-invasive diagnosis by Doppler ultrasonography of fetal anemia due to maternal red-cell alloinmunization. N Eng J Med 2000;342:9-14.

Page 8: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Red cell isoimmunization: management


>15 IU

Severe Maternal history

MCA Doppler PSV >2 SD’s


Rh antibodies

<15 IU (or1:128)

None / Mild

Fetal Rh group

Page 9: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Red cell isoimmunization: management•  FetalBloodsampling/Intra-uterineTransfusion:

–  Cordocentesis,Intrahepaticvein,intracardiac

–  Outpatientprocedure–FetalMedicineUnit

–  Consent-1-2%procedure–relatedloss(PPROM/Fetal


–  PreoperativeIVAB

–  Ultrasoundguidance

–  Aseptictechnique

–  LocalAnaestheticinfiltration

–  17Gaugeneedle(1.4mmdiameter)

Page 10: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Red cell isoimmunization: management

•  Intra-uterineFetalBloodsample:

–  From16weeksofpregnancy

–  Transplacentalortransamniotic

–  Samplesite:

•  Intrahepaticvein•  UmbilicalCordinsertion

•  Freeloop

•  Intracardiac

–  1mLsample–immediateresultinFetal



Page 11: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Red cell isoimmunization: management•  IntrauterineTransfusion:

–  TransfuseORhNegative,packedcells(HCT


–  Rate–10-15ml/min

–  MonitorFH

–  Volume–dependentonHCTandfetalHb:

–  RepeatFBSposttransfusion

–  PairedsamplestoHaematologydepartment


Gestationalage: Volumetotransfuse:

16-18weeks 5ml

20weeks 20ml

>20weeks 20mL+10ml/weekofgestationtoamaxof100ml

Page 12: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Red cell isoimmunization: timing of subsequent transfusions•  InitialdecisionforIUTbasedon:

–  Hydrops


•  TimingofSubsequentIUT:

–  MCApredictiveofsevereanaemiafor2nd



•  1stTransfusion 14%

•  2ndTransfusion 37%

•  3rdTransfusion 90%

–  Anticipaterateofdecreaseof0.4g/dL/day

–  EmpiricallyIUTevery2-3weeks

Nicolaides et al. PredictionofseverefetalanemiainredbloodcellalloimmunizationafterpreviousintrauterinetransfusionsAmJournalofObstetricsandGynecology(2006)195,1550–6

Page 13: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Red cell isoimmunization: timing and mode of delivery•  Aimtomanage/resolvehydrops


•  Nocontraindicationtovaginal



•  Aimfordelivery34-36weeks




Page 14: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Non-ImmuneFetalHydrops:•  Structuralabnormalities:

–  Cardiac-HLHS,PA,arrhythmia(SVT,WPW)

–  Pulmonary–CCAM,CDH

•  Chromosomalabnormalities(X-,T13,T18,T21)

•  Geneticsyndromes

–  Arthrogryposis,TS

•  Haematologicaldisorders:

–  FailuretomanufactureHb(a-thalassaemia)

–  Fetalhaemorrhage(ICH)

–  Haemolysis(G6PD)

•  Infection:

–  Bonemarrowdestruction(ParvovirusB19,CMV,Toxoplasmosis)


Page 15: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Non-ImmuneFetalHydrops:•  History:

–  FHofMetabolicdisorders

–  Recentinfection/exposure

•  Investigations:

–  MaternalBlood:

•  BloodGroup,KleihauerandAB

•  FBCandelectrophoresis

•  Viralscreen–Toxoplasma,CMV,Rubella,Parvovirus

–  US/S(tertiaryreferral):

•  Detailedultrasoundscan

•  FetalEcho

•  MCADoppler

•  FBS(Fetal-FBC,BloodGroup,karyotype,Viralscreen)

–  Offerkaryotype(10-20%riskofaneuploidy)

Page 16: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Non-ImmuneFetalHydrops:•  Management:

–  Dependentonaetiology–  Cardiacmalformation:verypoorprognosisifhydropssecondarytostructural


–  Cardiacarrhythmia:maternaltherapy(Digoxin/Flecainide)

–  Fetalanaemia-IUT

–  Terminationofpregnancy

–  Timingofdelivery–maybeassociatedwithpretermdelivery(secondaryto


–  Modeofdelivery–optimalmoderemainsunclear.AimforSVD.

–  Perinatalmortalityrate–40-90%

Page 17: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Casestudy♯1:•  36yearold

•  G3P2+0

•  AdmittedtoDGH29+6/40:

–  Oedema,hypertension,proteinuria–“feeling


–  Investigations:

•  NormalFBC,LFTandrenalfunction

•  ABRhpositive–noatypicalAB(at28weeks)

–  Management:

•  Admitted,routineObs,CTG

•  US/S:Widespreadhydrops,placentamegaly,pleural


•  MCA95cm/s(>1.5MoM)

Page 18: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


•  Furtherhistory–recentviralinfection

•  Diagnosis–ParvovirusB19infectionwithmaternal


•  Management:


–  InitialHb–3.8g/dL(BloodsentforTORCH,Karyotype)

–  Transfusion–120ml.PostprocedureHb–9.5g/dL

–  PlannedrepeatIUT

–  Returnedtoreferringhospital

–  AbnormalCTG–EmergencyLSCS.Neonataladmission

–  ConfirmedParvovirus

–  BW–1980g.

Page 19: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


•  34yearold

•  G1P0

•  LowriskfirsttrimesterCombinedscreening

•  Routineanomalyscan(22weeks):

–  FetalSupraventricularTachycardia–  Noevidenceofhydrops

•  Management:

–  FetalEcho

–  MaternalECG

–  CommencedonDigoxin250μgTDS

Page 20: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

Casestudy♯2:•  Followupscan–24weeks

–  PersistentSVT

–  ModerateHydrops

–  (NormalMCA)

•  Followupscan–27weeks

–  Hydropsresolved

–  NormalSR(Rate140bpm)

•  ContinuedonMaternalDigoxin

•  Outcome:

–  IOLat40weeks(MaternalPET)

–  NormalSVD–Femaleinfant3572g(~50th


–  Neonatal–Propranololto6monthsofage.

Page 21: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


Page 22: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:


•  ImmuneHydrops:

–  AssessHistory,MaternalABscreen,DetailedUS/S+MCA

–  FBS/IUTifMCA>1.5MoM

–  FU:IUT2weeks

•  Non-immuneHydrops:

–  Infection:ParvovirusB19,CMV,Toxoplasmosis.


–  FBS/IUTifMCA>1.5MoM

Page 23: Fetal Anaemia and Intrauterine Transfusion 20.2...Fetal Hydrops: • Immune and non-immune Fetal hydrops • Abnormal fluid collection in at least two different fetal compartments:

www.fetalmedicine.com/fmf/www.kch.nhs.uk/ [email protected]