Tram Tracts Newsletter of the Tramway Historical Society Inc P. O. Box 1126 Christchurch. Website www.ferrymeadtramway.org.nz Editorial address: Joe Pickering, P. O. Box 17, Woodend, North Canterbury 7641. Phone 03 312 2578. Email [email protected]. Ferrymead June 2015 Next work party The next work party is scheduled for Saturday 20 June 2015 . Formal work parties are held every third Saturday of the month and Alan Roi provides a cooked midday meal. There are also activities every Saturday and on Monday evenings. Our Boon tram No 152 gets to carry royalty—for the second time! During his recent visit to Christchurch, Prince Harry got to ride on one of our vintage trams—Boon 152— the same tram that had carried his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II on 4 November 1995, almost 20 years ago, when she opened the Christ Church Cathedral Visitor Centre. In the picture, the tram is passing through Cathedral Junction on its way to Cashel Mall crewed by Alan Robb and Ian Wilson. Roy Sinclair AT THE FRONZ Conference held in Blenheim over Queen’s Birthday Weekend The Heritage Tramways Trust was granted the FRONZ Tram Award for the post earthquake restoration of ex Dunedin boxcar No 11. The picture shows FRONZ chairman Grant Craig, Dave Carr (HTT) and Graeme Richardson, leader of the restoration team. Congratulations Guys! See full conference report p3. David Maciulaitis HTT wins FRONZ Award

Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

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Page 1: Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

Tram TractsNewsletter of the

Tramway Historical Society IncP. O. Box 1126Christchurch.


Editorial address: Joe Pickering, P. O. Box 17, Woodend, North Canterbury 7641. Phone 03 312 2578. [email protected].


June 2015

Next work partyThe next work party is scheduled for Saturday 20 June 2015 . Formal work parties are held every thirdSaturday of the month and Alan Roi provides a cooked midday meal. There are also activities every

Saturday and on Monday evenings.

Our Boon tram No 152 gets to carryroyalty—for the second time!

During his recent visit toChristchurch, Prince Harry

got to ride on one of ourvintage trams—Boon 152—

the same tram that hadcarried his grandmother,

Queen Elizabeth II on 4November 1995, almost 20

years ago, when she openedthe Christ Church Cathedral

Visitor Centre.In the picture, the tram is passing throughCathedral Junction on its way to CashelMall crewed by Alan Robb and IanWilson.

Roy Sinclair

AT THE FRONZ Conferenceheld in Blenheim overQueen’s Birthday WeekendThe Heritage TramwaysTrust was granted theFRONZ Tram Award forthe post earthquakerestoration of ex Dunedinboxcar No 11.

The picture shows FRONZchairman Grant Craig, Dave

Carr (HTT) and GraemeRichardson, leader of the

restoration team.Congratulations Guys! See

full conference report p3.David Maciulaitis

HTT wins FRONZ Award

Page 2: Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

Ferrymead Tram Tracts, June 20152

President’s messageAt the Goals/Project meetingheld in April theM a n a g e m e n tCommittee wasasked to reviewall the HighPriority Goals/Project. To thisend the first four

were reviewed at the April meeting.1 “Addressing how the Society

performs its museum functions” AllenHarbrow gave a very detailed reporton the photos that have been digitisedso far. In time all our records will bedigitised. All this will be available tomembers doing research.

2 “Extend and repair traverserwall”. Dave Carr reported on thisand the aim is to have it allcompleted before the start on theSummer season this year.

3 “Continue the upgrade oftrolleybus overhead”. I reported onthis, and the first thing that needs tohappen is the traction pole next tothe substation down FerrymeadPark Drive needs replacing. We haveasked Independent Line Services todo this job and are awaiting them tocomplete it. Once this is done theoverhead can then be tensioned up.

4. ”Build additional storagenext to the trolleybus shed”. JohnAtkinson reported on this. TheSociety needs to raise about $70,000towards to cost before we canapproach the Lotteries for thebalance. We currently have aproposal with a local business forsome sponsorship. Once we havetheir reply we will look for theremainder. I will continue to reporton the Goals/Projects as they arereviewed at the ManagementCommittee.

Work on all the currentprojects is continuing and lots ofother jobs are also being undertakenby members.

The COTMA Conferenceorganising is meeting on a regularbasis and progressing things. At thispoint we looking at holding it fromFriday 14 until Monday 17 Octoberwith registration on evening ofThursday 13. More details as weprogress.

The 2015 conference of theFederation of RailOrganisations of New Zealand

(FRONZ), this year was hosted by theBlenheim Riverside Railway.Attendees from the TramwayHistorical Society were Dave Hinmanand Murray Sanders, (delegates) andAlan Roi and Stephen Taylor(observers). Dave Carr and GraemeRichardson were representing theHeritage Tramways Trust, and AlexHunter was there for ChristchurchTramway Ltd. Overall there were 90attendees representing 35 differentorganisations. It was great to catchup with Bruce Dale, THS life member,these days resident in Blenheim andactively involved with the Blenheimrail group.

Our accommodation was thecomfortable Chateau Marlboroughand sessions were held nearby atClubs Marlborough, a trulymagnificent venue.

Following the Mayoralwelcome, we were treated to a mostinformative potted history of bushtramways and railways in theprovince, from local identity (andBlenheim Riverside RailwayChairman) John Orchard, illustratedby fascinating early photographs.Other highlights of the first day wereaddresses by Debbie Despard andRob Gould of NZTA, a Kiwirailupdate, quality training and

assessment methods, a nationaltramways update, Rail MaritimeTransport Union, Rail Heritage Trust.Lastly for the day, the tram operatorshad their own session, discussingtram driver personal licences, H&SReform Bill, the COTMA Conferencescheduled for Christchurch, shortageof qualified electrical expertise,Tramway Topics, vehicle insurance,drug and alcohol testing and financialreporting under the Charities Act.

FRONZ AGM Executive,Auditor and Convenors were reelected and re appointed. Theinfrastructure convenorship held bythe late Paul Heighton wasdisestablished.

General Business:The President suggested FRONZ andits activities were not sufficientlypublicised. Grave concern wasexpressed by Stelvio Ltd about theactivities of the Worksafe High HazardUnit, with particular reference to the“Denniston Experience”. It wassuggested Worksafe be invited tocontribute at next year’s conference.Department of Conservation wereunable to provide sponsorshiptowards Conference expenses thisyear, but remain an active partner.

Updating the FRONZ BoilerCode will require a contribution of$500 - $1000 from groups with boilers.Employing a consultant to undertake

No sour grapes in MarlboroughMURRAY SANDERS reports on the recent FRONZ conference

held in Blenheim over Queen’s Birthday Weekend

The asembled group of conference participants.D L A Turner

Page 3: Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

Ferrymead Tram Tracts, June 2015 3

From Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe

Every now and againsomething weird turns up.Witness these two tin plate

clockwork trams which StevenMcLachlan obtained second hand.Apart from the colour scheme, theyappear to be identical and both bearthe old logos of the ChristchurchTramway and Ferrymead HeritagePark. Presumably they were massproduced so that there must bemany more like them in circulationsomewhere.

Steven writes: “I have con-tacted a number of people includingFerrymead for any details but so farwithout success so perhaps yourmagazine readers can shed somelight onto their origins and howmany different ones there are.

“The trams are both 17cm longand have four working wheels. Theyhave a wind up clockwork motor

which you work by inserting a keyin the side and winding. Any help inidentifying their origins would bemuch appreciated.”

Steven can be contacted [email protected] or telephone3895511 but be sure to let Tracts edi-tor know as well.

Ken’s track reportKEN HENDERSONTRACK WORK during Mayincluded some lifting and packingof track, servicing a pointmechanism, groove cleaning andcleaning out track drainage sumpsin the village. New tie rod materialhas been cut to length and threadedready for use. The track has beenwalked and any loose nuts on railfittings tightened”

Also scrap metal is always awelcome source of income which issplit 50/50 with the track and cablecar projects. We may even be ableto help with transport–phone Ken0211318905.

Work starts onMelbourne 244

WORK IS UNDER WAY on repairsto Melbourne tram No 244 whichwill be returned to the CityTramway in due course.

As Graeme Belworthy pointsout, we have for the moment a slop-ing-fronted W2—reminiscent of asloping-fronted Hills car.

the necessary technical research andproduce guidelines had been agreedat last year ’s conference. TheNational Railway Museum expectsto hear about the Lotteries Grantapplication shortly, for the scaleddown Stage 1 building.

The conference delegates thenboarded the 2ft gauge RiversideRailway train, which traversed thelandscaped flats of the Taylor River,for 6 km to the Omaka Airfield. Atruly delightful journey, whichincluded several river crossings anda stop at the very tidy workshopcomplex. A credit to all concerned. TheWW1 aircraft display at Omaka issuperb and of world class, largely

thanks to the efforts and generosity ofPeter Jackson and Weta Workshop.

FRONZ Awards:These were presented during theSunday evening formal Awards Dinnerat Clubs Marlborough. Among others,The Steam Loco Award went to theBush Tramway Club The host groupcollected three awards, being YoungAchiever, Infrastructure and the PaulHeighton excellence award. TheHeritage Tramways Trust received thetram award for refurbishment ofDunedin No.11. On the Monday anumber of delegates participated in aninformative guided tour of the “EdwinFox” with John Orchard.

Page 4: Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

Ferrymead Tram Tracts, June 20154

DON McARA and PIMSANDERSON express the

hope that—for one reason oranother—most of you could beinterested in this item of news

given some prominence onTV3 News on Saturday 16

May. Click on the link at thefoot of this article.

If you can find it in your hearts andpockets to contribute a littlesomething (Ted already has!)

towards our next project, therestoration of Mornington Grip Car103 to pull trailer 111 as mentionedin the TV3 bulletin, donations wouldbe gratefully received at theTramway Historical Society N.Z.(look us up on line).

The Society Bank Account is 03

0802 0095056 001. Include a reference:Tram 103. The Society is a Charitabletrust, so donations are tax deductible.

Mrs S.Johnstone (nee Hogan) ofWanaka has led off the donationswith $5000 most generously for gripcar 103. This is currently in piecesto find out what needs replacing:mainly the seats and panelling, thelevers, wheels, brake systems andrunning gear. To completely restore103 has been costed at $140,000.Anything at all you can spare wouldbe much appreciated, and will movethings ahead much faster as paid staffcan be brought in to assist usvolunteers!

Dunedin engineer Phil Cole hasdeveloped some workable plans forrestoring the Mornington cable carline itself. Cost of that around $50m!


Help with exciting cable car project sought

Unfortunately Phil died last year,but Neville Jemmett (who foundedChristchurch’s much loved OranaPark) has with legal help formed aLight Rail Trust to carry on Phil’sgood work. The Cable Car sectionof San Francisco’s MunicipalRailways have offered technicaldata as to how their lines wereupgraded and successfully rebuiltin the 1980s.

To help raise the profile of theneed to raise capital for the rebuildingof the Mornington Line, Trailer 111 isto be housed in a well lit displaybuilding in Mornington Parkopposite the original cable car sheds.The Tramway Historical Society ispleased to lease 111 for this purposegiven appropriate protection andconditions.

Left: Don McAra addresses the television cameraat the unveiling of Mornington cable car trailer onSaturday 16 May (To view this, follow the link

above)Above: Pauline Craib, wife of the late Trevor

Craib, cutting the ribbon.

Page 5: Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

Ferrymead Tram Tracts, June 2015 5

Tram driving tipfrom Motorman Training Officer DAVID JONES

WHEN PARKING up a two pole tramcar (No 236) both poles needto be pulled down and placed under the hooks. Trolley ropes mustbe correctly tied ready for next day service. This practice willreduce the risk of having two poles up at the same time with one“on the wire” and the other on a structural member causing ashort circuit and damage to equipment.

ALLEN HARBROW has produced achildren’s story—and it’s based onfact: the Vice Regal visit to NorthEast Valley School in Dunedin in1904, when Lord Plunket rode thenew tram 22 which we now have atFerrymead and inspected the SchoolCadets at that school. Except that is,in the story, the kiddie gets it wrongas he thinks it’s the King—KingEdward VII and so we readers of thebook, don’t tell him otherwise!!!

I have copies available tomembers at $13 (Retail is $15) if theywould like to get in touch with meon [email protected] or Ph.3855519.

New children’s book produced

Brill 192 has just arrived in Cathedral Square fromSumner and, having discharged its passengers, is

about to circumnavigate the Godley Plot andproceed to its loading stop. It was a characteristic of

the routes with turning facilities that the tramswould discharge their passengers before turningand embark them after completing the turn. At

Sumner where outbound trams ran along the righthand side of Nayland Street this meant disgorging

passengers into the road rather than the kerb.Sumner trams normally hauled trailers, but towardsthe end of the system they often ran a slightly more

frequent service without trailers.

From the archives...

Graham Stewart

Page 6: Ferrymead Newsletter of the P. O. Box 1126 Tram Tracts · superb and of world class, largely thanks to the efforts and generosity of Peter Jackson and Weta Workshop. ... levers, wheels,

Ferrymead Tram Tracts, June 20156

Christchurch’s changing skylineAnother pair of GRAHAM STEWART’S famous before and after pictures. These two show the Lichfield,Manchester, High Streets intersection—site of the present tram terminus—before and after the quakes.