fereefofoRelNofe W rHefofefofefosefefNfefof- ei 0 Berea and Vicinity i o 0 o G GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES f MM NS 0- eeoeoeoeoeee DR BEST DENTIST CITY PHONE 103 OFFICE OVIR POST OFFICE I L N TIME TABLE SOUTH BOUNDLocal Cincinnati 645 a m 825 p m DEREA 1114 a m 1226 p m NORTH BOUND Knoxville 630 a in 1100 1 m BEREA 129 p m 400 a m Cincinnati 610 p m 765 a m Cincinnati 630 a m 825 p m BEREA 1112 a m 1225 p m Knoxvlllo 700 p m 650 a m EXPRESS TRAINS Stop to let oft or take on pasSengers from beyond Cincinnati SOUTH BOUND Cincinnati 816 a m BEREA 1202 p m NORTH BOUND DEREA 436 p m Cincinnati 835 p m W J Blanton has announced for tho Republican nomination for magis ¬ trate of this district Mrs Anna Jett and Mrs Range have returned to their home In Tennessee after a visit to their da- ter and aunt Mrs T J Flancry I The Madison County Sunday school convention will bo held In Richmond t on Aug 7 and 8 at the First Presby ¬ terlan Church Among those who will be present will bo somo ot the best Sunday school workers ot the state Tho Bores Male Quartetto will furnish music All Sunday schools are lnvltcd to send largo delegations E Guy Tankereley a former stu ¬ dent writes from El Paso Tex and withes to bo remembered to all his Berea friends i ftfn I L Isaacs and son Earl Hln ton who have been guests of Mr and MrsrJ II Jackson the formers par I cuts at Berea returned home Wedncs dayMr J H Jackson tho traveling salesman for Curry Tunis Norwood ot Lexington lost a 3210 horse sup ¬ posed to have been killed by llght alng a wek ago last Sunday Woo want your wool at the highest muket price on Depot street A L Gott Co Mr C C Preston has been visit lug his brother James for the past few days at his homo In Indianapolis IndI Tho Disciples church and Sunday school had their annual picnic Satur ¬ day at tho Dig Spring on Mr John ¬ sons placo abouta mile from Berea All tho usual picnic games and amp ¬ le basket dinner were heartily en ¬ joyed ty the little folks and also by the older ones Miss Estella Blckncll Is here from her home at Hczcl Green as tho guest < of her aunt Mrs Jas Early Mr Henry Combs has returned from v Indiana where he has been for tho pastfew weeks t FOR SALE Small Soda Fountain in good condition Apply to J J Grcenleaf Assignee Richmond ICy Mr U M Burgess left Sunday for Lexington where ho has a position in a hospital Mrs Burgess will Join him In about two weeks Willie Click of Kerby Knob is vis- iting ¬ his sisters Viola and Mrs Henry Lengfollner hero this week Ho will work In Berea this summer I Mrs Elijah Hudson of Dreyfus is p tho guest this week of Mr Frank Hays and family V Mrs Jaa Ltuvlllo who has been sick for somo time Is able to bo out > Again We Ball all kinds of feed coal ice cedar and locust posts and best QuaU > ty sawed shingles at lowest prices on the market v > V Phone 169 Holiday C- ofp7 Railroad St Berear Ky f The Union Church and Bible pchool picnic held last Saturday at Slate r Lick was undoubtedly the most suc 4 cessful in several years both in tho size and enjoyment of tho crowd and the delightful dinner served by v the ladles of tho church A ball game between Dr Cowleys class and tho rest of the Sunday school and foot races formed the chief entertain H ofment of tho afternoon Miss Edith Llnvlllo loft Saturday for Rockford to visit her cousin Miss Nora Llnvlllo for two weeks jMrWJll Swopo was In town for a 1r dayti or two last week returning to Ills home in LexingtonSunday Misses Nina and Bertha King and Mrs U M Burgess were in Rich mond Monday Mrs J W Evans and Mrs Richard Moore were In Conway at the first ot tho week visiting friends Miss Ada Dlnkleman was called to Cincinnati Monday on account of the death of her aunt who lived there Messrs Lucian and Bernard Lewis came last week from Chagrin Falls 0 to see their father Mr Pal Lewis who Is very ill at his home on Forest streetC Bender was In town over Sun day calling on his friends Miss Bess Hays came Friday from Gadsden Ala for a two weeks va- cation ¬ with home folks FOR SALE One nearly new 20 II P boiler and engine sawmill and plan Ing mill complete with tine shaft rip saw resaw emery wheels and steam dry kiln all in good running order It cuts from six to eight thousand feet a day For prices and Informa- tion ¬ call on H Muncy and Sons Berea Ky Phono 57 or Sand Gap Ky Phone 8 on McKee line Mrs S B Hunting and daughter Helen returned to their home at Northflcld Mass Tuesday after a two weeks visit with friends here WANTEDNews Tho Citizen is a newspaper and we always want all tho news We have not time to call on every one In town every week and some times dont hear Important things till too lato to print them And sometimes wo hear wrong But wo want to print all the news and have It right So if you have any thing of interest wo will bo mighty glad to have you call us up or drop In and It you dont and the Item gets over ¬ looked or Is wrong dont blame us Remember the phone Is No 16 and the office Is open all day and we want news Eugene Marsh who has been visit ¬ lug in Cincinnati will return with Dr and Mrs Herget Miss Bess Marsh left last week for Seattle Wash to be with her grand ¬ mother She will bo at the Washing ¬ ton State University next year Tho case nt Mr L P McWhortcr against tho Town Council of Berea has been decided agatnta the Council It had passed an ordinance providing for the Inspection of meat before slaughter and sought to collect from Mr McWhortcr a fine for violation of tho ordinance Ho brought action to test the validity of the ordinance and tho court granted a permanent In- junction ¬ against tho Council forbidding it to attempt to enforce the ordinance or collect tho fine The decision was given on two grounds First that tho ordinance was never passed in a valid and lawful manner and SecondThat If It were so passed It was void because of unreasonable ¬ ness and Indefiniteness Miss Grace Hays and Mr Charles Fulkerson were quietly married Tues- day ¬ morning by tho Rev Mr Brand ¬ enburg at his home They left on tho noon train for Jollet Ill where the groom Is employed In the gymna ¬ slum of tho Central Presbyterian Church They were warmly congrat ¬ ulated and given Godspeed by a number of friends Tho Rev and Mrs C A VanWink lo are being congratulated on tho arri ¬ val of a flue boys Monday evening- A pleasant visit has been made to Berea this week by Mrs Boyce form- erly Miss Salllo Waldron and her husband Miss Waldron was well known here for a number ot years Word cornea from Schenectady N Y that William Tosh formerly one ot Boreas most popular boys is well employed at the General Electric Works there He is happily married and has a year old daughter He remembers his Berea friends pleasant- ly ¬ Miss Josephine Robinson recently made an address on Education in the Southern Highlands before a largo audience at the Congregational Church at Milford N H Dr E Albert Cook Ph D form ¬ erly a professor In Berea College and editor of The Citizen besides fill ¬ lug his duties as a professor at the Congregational University Montreal Is acting as pastor for the Calvary Church there A queer report got around town last week that KIdd Richardson and Bennett Fowler who are In the west had been killed In a train wreck There seems to have been no truth In the report further than that a couple of men were killed None of tho marks of Identification sent by tho police seem to correspond with the young men from hero Dr Davis says WILSON TO RUN AlAIN The Citizen is pleased to be able to announce that Squire Wilson has at last consented at the urgent solicitation of his many friends to make the race for renomination for Magistrate of this district He had found the duties of the office rath ¬ er troublesome because of his con- scientious ¬ way of fulfilling them and was at first inclined to refuse to run but has been so strongly urged that ho has finally consented He will make the race on his record for tho last four years not only because of the even Justice he has dispensed as a magistrate but because of his good work In getting pike appropria ¬ tions and attending to the other du ¬ ties which have fallen to him Others who are running for the office are Jlr W J Blanton the school teach ¬ er Mr S B Davidson and Mr Short The report from Rising Sun mad last week that Ernest Hays had been captured there has proved false Sheriff Johnson had a pleasant trip up there to look at the captured In ¬ dividual but found that tho only crime ot which tho fellow was guilty was in having spoken of rIding thru Richmond Hays Is still at large and tho otter of a reward Is still out WEALTH FROM WISDOM New York Is the most progressive city In the worldIt Is the richest in the world Its rich men are the richest and there are the most of them and Its poor men are better off than the poor men in other cltled It stands at the head of our modern civilization where all ths rest of us would like to be Therd Is more reading done In New York than in any other city In the world There to more than one perl ¬ odical printed there every day for every man woman and child in the city There Is one newspaper that sells more papers every day than any other newspaper on earth nearly three quarters of a million copies eac day ot the year That paper uses twenty tons o paper for each issue And It prlnti enough papers BO that there is one for every homo in the city On every street car you will- s all the people reading papers all the time Iu every home you will see a pile of newspapers on tho table In every mans pocket you will see the latest paper New York Is the readlngest city on earth Is there any connection between these two tactsIt is tho readlngest and the richest Of course there is a connectionthe same connection that there Is between eating and being strong Thru the newspapers that It reads New York gets the Informa ¬ tion that makes her greatthru the newspapers that they read Its cit ¬ izens got the information that makes them successful Anil this is Just the most striking example that Is all Tho same thing Is trueeverywhere The men that read that keep up with tho times always ready to learn new things the men that uses their brainsthose are tho rich and successful and the useful and tho happy men There Is nothing to help a man along like a good paper SORTS FOR HOT WEATHER By Dr 0 B Haack Dont wear tightfitting clothes Dont drink beer or other alchollc drinksDont drink ice water or Ice tea cool them by putting Ice around the glass not In it Dont keep your doors closed out ¬ door air is natures electric fan Dont eat much meat turn more to fruit and vegetables And above all T U f Itemst o 0 0 HERE AND THERE o- foil o S Owing to the heavy rains the work on Pearsons Hall has been greatly hlndred The brickwork however is now nearly up to the first floor and with better weather conditions the work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible The stone linings iron columns and steel I1 beams will be on the ground In a very few days ready to go into the construc ¬ tion Dr and Mrs Lyman jot Ypsilanti Mich who have been visiting here since the meeting of the K E A left Tuesday noon for the north A convocation meeting was held Monday night at tho presidents house to hear reports from the nine men who worked in the Whirlwind Campaign The reports were most enjoyableDr E Thomson went to Cincin- nati Tuesday morning and expected to return with Mrs Thomson Wed- nesday ¬ Mrs Thomson has been rec- overing as rapidly as could be hoped for and Is now nearly well Dr R H Cowley will leave with ¬ in a day or two for Rochester Minn where ho will spend a couple of weeks studylhg In the operating room of the Mayo Brothers probably the most successful surgeons of our day Messrs RIgby and Dlzney attend ¬ ed court In Richmond Tuesday Miss Martha Click who is to take the place of Miss Moore at tho hos ¬ pital Is expected to arrive and take up her new duties soon Dr and Mrs Herget of Cincinnati and their son John and Mr and Mrs Drake also ot Cincinnati are expected here within a short time to spend their summer vacations QUEER SIGHTS AT SEATTLE A reproduction in natural colored sugar of thestato house at Honolulu Hawaii standing 25 feet high is to be seen in the Hawaiian building at the Seattle Worlds Fair A chupk of coal weighing 2700 pounds Is on exhibit In tho Mines Building at the AlaskaYukonPacltlc Exposition It Is from a Washington State mine So comprehensive is the exhibit of the Fisheries Department of the Nat ¬ ional Government at the Seattle Worlds Fair that the only thing left In tho sea and not shown is Mc Glnty in Davey Jones Locker One pleasing feature ubout yourI Exposition said an Atlanta newspaper man in speaking of tho Seattle Worlds Fair Is that there Is no extortion permitted There are prices to meet everyones pocketbook A complete history of our country may be gathered In a short space of time from the papers and curios on exhibit in the State Department at tha Seattle Worlds Fair Seven different car lines a steam ¬ boat line and automobiles are employ- ed in carrying the crowds to and fror the Seattle Worlds Fair The spiritual and Intellectual de ¬ velopment ot the Great Northwest Is as fully exploited by the AlaskaYukon Pacific Exposition as Is the commer plal and Industrial growth Water at reItailed seen almost any weekday at St Day in Cornwall In all probability there is no other case of the kind in Eng ¬ land The charge for the water Is a cent per pitcher The water is ob- tained ¬ from what Is known as Noguo Shoot about half a mile from the vil ¬ lage where there is an abundant supply of pure water WORRYA Remedy Cardui is a purely vegetable extract a simple nonintoxicating remedy recommended to girls and irregularityfalling other form of sickness peculiar to females I TAKE CARD U IIJ9 It Will Help You A Mrs 2i 0 Beaver of Unicoi Route No1 Mar bleton Tenn writes I suffered with bearing down pains feet swelled pain in right side headache pains in shoulders nervous palpitation and other troubles I cannot mention but I took Wine of Cardui and have found it the best medicine I ever used for female troubles Try Cardui AT ALL DRUG STORES TO SAVE THE BOYS ROBERT RAIKES IDEA IN START ING SUNDAY SCHOOLr Movement That Is Now WorldWide English Ago One Sunday morning a hundred years ago a workingman carefully dressed in his best suit camo out of his house on the main street of the old English town of Gloucester and strolled leisurely down the hill The New Inn was fronted then as It Is today by a square garden overhung by the carved galleries of the tavern There was a mcssclad well in the center and about it were beds of sweetsmelling pinks and columbines But the calm of that Sunday morn ing was destroyed by a crowd of street boys who fought over the flower beds making the day hideous with their noise and coarse talk Tho printerfor printing was his work on weekdaysstopped in the midst of the crowd and looked steadily at the boys Presently he said to him self At this rate those boys will soon utterly to the bad That must not bet There are good possibilities in them Here boys he called aloud come with mel He led them yelling and pushing down the street into his own quiet house planning as ho wont how to keep them there- I am going he said presently to start a school for you Now and here It shall be a free school I will be the teacherThe boys received the news with shouts They were too ragged and grimy to go to church on Sulvdays No other decent place was open to themTho next Sunday his house was crowded with the same class of chil drenThe idea of a free school on Sunday appealed to every Christian asa most hopeful plan for the rescue of children from wickedness It spread through the town through the shire through England It was adopted in France and Germany ft made its way to Aus- tralia and to the United States Now in every country in tho world and in every sect there are these schools in which every Sunday morning the Bible story Is told without money and without price In the staid old city ot Gloucester they still show you the New Inn and the garden where the boys played and tho old brown house with its peaked roof in which Robert Raikes that long ago morning taught the first Sunday schoolFrom Rebecca Hard Ing Davis Three Little Stories in St Nicholas Work for the Young Man There is a place for you young man and there is a work for you to do Rouse yourself up and go after it Put your hands cheerfully and proud ¬ ly to honest labor A Spanish maxim runs He who loseth wealth loseth much he who loseth a friend loseth more but he who loseth his energies loseth a1U His Query A foreigner watching a young kit ¬ ten playing with its mother asked of his friend Vat you ze cat call ven he is a little pup MEMOIRS Comrades We are again called up ¬ on to note the sad fact that another chair In our Post is vacant On the 8th ot May last the death angel removed from our ranks a worthy member and transported him to the regions of the great beyond from where no traveller ever returns and today we miss the familiar face of our esteemed Comrade M J Gab bard who for many years has been a faithful and loyal member ot this PostHe is now gone and we shall see him here no more But recollections- o his gentle and unassuming relation of friendship cahnot but remain in ¬ delible upon the minds of those with whom he has been associated in this assemblyIt fitting tribute to the memory of Comrade Gabbard to say that heI was an honest man and true to principles of justice and fair dealing He was firm In hla convictions and outspoken in his opinion of things and was faithful to the interests of the Grand Army and the fellowship of his comrades He filled with distinction the honor ed position of Commander ot this Post and many other Important posi ¬ tions Ho was promoted to the high office of Adjutant General of the Grand Army ot the Department ot Kentucky ant served with distinction and honor both to himself and the fraternity Comrade Gabbards military service was first in Co D in the 8th regi ¬ Dent of Kentucky Volunteer Infantry In tho Civil War He was discharged from said service on account ot ill health He afterwards enlisted in Co E of the 47th regiment of Ken- tucky ¬ Volunteers where ho remained until the regiment was discharged Ho was a faithful soldier and loyal to his duty and to tho Flag oC his Coun ¬ try And during all the years since bo was discharged front the army he has lived a quiet and sober life and was at peace with all with wfiom Ha 4 associated We are sorry to loss the comrade ¬ A ship of our friend butt trust that oura Heavenly Father of whom 16 Is He doth all things well has takent him to a better land where tho rav¬ age of war and the tolls and disap ¬ polntments of life shall disturb him no more forever We resolve that this memoir be spread upon the minutes ot our post and a copy be furnished The Citizen with a request that It bo published A P Settle L V Dodge On the 26 of May 1909 our esteem ¬ ed comrade Thoa Watkins was call ¬ ed away from earth to the unseen world For many years lie had been a worthy member of Capt James West post- Long ago paralyzed so as to be al ¬ most helpless he could not attend our meetings unless brought in a vehicle and lifted almost bodily there ¬ from In the midst of all the Incon ¬ venience and pain which ho suffered he maintained a constant cheerful ¬ ness In all tho relations of life he was kind and courteous He had an upright personal character and was a faithful adherent of the religion ot the Lord Jesus Christ In view of the above facts- Resolved that as a post we mourn the loss of Comrade Watkins and ex ¬ press to the members of the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy Resolved that a copy of this memor ¬ andum and resolutions be furnished The Citizen with a request that they be published LeVant Dodge A P + SettleCommittee Berea Ky Juno 26 1909 ICc ° WE HIDESMoFURSJ BUY I Fealbtrs Tallow Beeswax Gfaseaa Golden Sral YellowRoot etc We youthan louimlleWrite ping tap We furnish wool bias free I HI SABEL SONS CaTOUaHIO IN teas I 229 E Market St LOUISVILLE KY o- i I I Photography Interest ererybody AMCKICANP- IIOTOGIIAI A HT tcidin It Beautiful picture month I ly prize coatfui piau- eaiUdupxttkaf I u I ned Sample copy fre 1 II you Mention this paper I Amtrlon Photography a Beacon St ucTRICIANod MCIIANIC I ll a raagasln for everybody Learn about electricity N- amto IIM tooli Simple pac tkdMI of pleturee Sam I pit copy free If you name i lull paper r Summon IOOayuI S Deacon St bout It Very is a very serious lukl for one medicine wrong one given reason we urge you to be careful to get the genuine 1t1LACK 1 liver Medicine The reputation of this old relia ¬ blo constipation and liver trouble Is firm- ly r established It does not Imitate other medicines It is better than others or it would not be the fa ¬ vorite liver powder with a larger sale than all others combined SOLD IN TOWN nI Y RfVOLV1NG vu7a sTRCN4IIEAW wtirr re rmcts I IN DE KAULILL KAHSASCnYMa r- f f l

fereefofoRelNofe Berea and Vicinity ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pzg6g2t62/data/0222.pdf · fereefofoRelNofeW rHefofefofefosefefNfefof-ei Berea and Vicinity i0 o 0 o G GATHERED FROM A VARIETY

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fereefofoRelNofe W rHefofefofefosefefNfefof-ei


Berea and Vicinity io 0o G


fMM NS0-eeoeoeoeoeee





Cincinnati 645 a m 825 p mDEREA 1114 a m 1226 p m

NORTH BOUNDKnoxville 630 a in 1100 1 mBEREA 129 p m 400 a mCincinnati 610 p m 765 a mCincinnati 630 a m 825 p mBEREA 1112 a m 1225 p mKnoxvlllo 700 p m 650 a m

EXPRESS TRAINS Stop to let oftor take on pasSengers from beyondCincinnati

SOUTH BOUNDCincinnati 816 a mBEREA 1202 p m

NORTH BOUNDDEREA 436 p mCincinnati 835 p m

W J Blanton has announced fortho Republican nomination for magis ¬

trate of this district

Mrs Anna Jett and Mrs Rangehave returned to their home InTennessee after a visit to their da-ter and aunt Mrs T J Flancry

IThe Madison County Sunday school

convention will bo held In Richmondt on Aug 7 and 8 at the First Presby ¬

terlan Church Among those whowill be present will bo somo ot thebest Sunday school workers ot thestate Tho Bores Male Quartetto willfurnish music All Sunday schoolsare lnvltcd to send largo delegations

E Guy Tankereley a former stu¬

dent writes from El Paso Tex andwithes to bo remembered to all hisBerea friendsiftfn I L Isaacs and son Earl Hlnton who have been guests of Mr andMrsrJ II Jackson the formers par

I cuts at Berea returned home Wedncs


J H Jackson tho travelingsalesman for Curry Tunis Norwoodot Lexington lost a 3210 horse sup ¬

posed to have been killed by llghtalng a wek ago last Sunday

Woo want your wool at the highestmuket price on Depot street

A L Gott Co

Mr C C Preston has been visitlug his brother James for the pastfew days at his homo In Indianapolis

IndITho Disciples church and Sunday

school had their annual picnic Satur¬

day at tho Dig Spring on Mr John ¬

sons placo abouta mile from BereaAll tho usual picnic games and amp ¬

le basket dinner were heartily en¬

joyed ty the little folks and also by

the older ones

Miss Estella Blckncll Is here fromher home at Hczcl Green as tho guest


of her aunt Mrs Jas Early

Mr Henry Combs has returned fromv Indiana where he has been for tho

pastfew weeks

t FOR SALE Small Soda Fountainin good condition Apply to J JGrcenleaf Assignee Richmond ICy

Mr U M Burgess left Sunday forLexington where ho has a positionin a hospital Mrs Burgess will Joinhim In about two weeks

Willie Click of Kerby Knob is vis-


his sisters Viola and Mrs HenryLengfollner hero this week Ho willwork In Berea this summer

I Mrs Elijah Hudson of Dreyfus is

p tho guest this week of Mr FrankHays and family

V Mrs Jaa Ltuvlllo who has beensick for somo time Is able to bo out

> Again

We Ball all kinds of feed coal icecedar and locust posts and best QuaU

> ty sawed shingles at lowest prices onthe market

v> V Phone 169 Holiday C-ofp7 Railroad St Berear Ky

f The Union Church and Bible pchoolpicnic held last Saturday at Slate

r Lick was undoubtedly the most suc4 cessful in several years both in tho

size and enjoyment of tho crowdand the delightful dinner served by

v the ladles of tho church A ball game

between Dr Cowleys class and thorest of the Sunday school and footraces formed the chief entertain


ofment of tho afternoon

Miss Edith Llnvlllo loft Saturdayfor Rockford to visit her cousin MissNora Llnvlllo for two weeks

jMrWJll Swopo was In town for a

1r dayti or two last week returning toIlls home in LexingtonSunday

Misses Nina and Bertha King andMrs U M Burgess were in Richmond Monday

Mrs J W Evans and Mrs RichardMoore were In Conway at the firstot tho week visiting friends

Miss Ada Dlnkleman was called toCincinnati Monday on account of thedeath of her aunt who lived there

Messrs Lucian and Bernard Lewiscame last week from Chagrin Falls0 to see their father Mr Pal Lewiswho Is very ill at his home on Forest

streetCBender was In town over Sun

day calling on his friends

Miss Bess Hays came Friday fromGadsden Ala for a two weeks va-


with home folks

FOR SALEOne nearly new 20 IIP boiler and engine sawmill and planIng mill complete with tine shaft ripsaw resaw emery wheels and steamdry kiln all in good running orderIt cuts from six to eight thousandfeet a day For prices and Informa-tion


call on H Muncy and SonsBerea Ky Phono 57 or Sand GapKy Phone 8 on McKee line

Mrs S B Hunting and daughterHelen returned to their home atNorthflcld Mass Tuesday after atwo weeks visit with friends here

WANTEDNews Tho Citizen isa newspaper and we always wantall tho news We have not time tocall on every one In town every weekand some times dont hear Importantthings till too lato to print them Andsometimes wo hear wrong But wowant to print all the news and haveIt right So if you have any thingof interest wo will bo mighty glad tohave you call us up or drop In andIt you dont and the Item gets over ¬

looked or Is wrong dont blame usRemember the phone Is No 16 andthe office Is open all day and wewant news

Eugene Marsh who has been visit¬

lug in Cincinnati will return withDr and Mrs Herget

Miss Bess Marsh left last week forSeattle Wash to be with her grand ¬

mother She will bo at the Washing ¬

ton State University next year

Tho case nt Mr L P McWhortcragainst tho Town Council of Bereahas been decided agatnta the CouncilIt had passed an ordinance providingfor the Inspection of meat beforeslaughter and sought to collect fromMr McWhortcr a fine for violationof tho ordinance Ho brought actionto test the validity of the ordinanceand tho court granted a permanent In-


against tho Council forbiddingit to attempt to enforce the ordinanceor collect tho fine The decision wasgiven on two grounds First thattho ordinance was never passed ina valid and lawful manner andSecondThat If It were so passedIt was void because of unreasonable ¬

ness and Indefiniteness

Miss Grace Hays and Mr CharlesFulkerson were quietly married Tues-day


morning by tho Rev Mr Brand ¬

enburg at his home They left ontho noon train for Jollet Ill wherethe groom Is employed In the gymna ¬

slum of tho Central PresbyterianChurch They were warmly congrat ¬

ulated and given Godspeed by anumber of friends

Tho Rev and Mrs C A VanWinklo are being congratulated on tho arri ¬

val of a flue boys Monday evening-

A pleasant visit has been made to

Berea this week by Mrs Boyce form-

erly Miss Salllo Waldron and herhusband Miss Waldron was wellknown here for a number ot years

Word cornea from Schenectady NY that William Tosh formerly oneot Boreas most popular boys is wellemployed at the General ElectricWorks there He is happily marriedand has a year old daughter Heremembers his Berea friends pleasant-ly


Miss Josephine Robinson recently

made an address on Education in

the Southern Highlands before alargo audience at the Congregational

Church at Milford N H

Dr E Albert Cook Ph D form ¬

erly a professor In Berea College andeditor of The Citizen besides fill ¬

lug his duties as a professor at theCongregational University MontrealIs acting as pastor for the Calvary

Church thereA queer report got around town

last week that KIdd Richardson andBennett Fowler who are In the westhad been killed In a train wreckThere seems to have been no truthIn the report further than that acouple of men were killed None oftho marks of Identification sent bytho police seem to correspond withthe young men from hero Dr Davissays


The Citizen is pleased to be ableto announce that Squire Wilson hasat last consented at the urgentsolicitation of his many friends tomake the race for renomination forMagistrate of this district He hadfound the duties of the office rath ¬

er troublesome because of his con-


way of fulfilling them andwas at first inclined to refuse torun but has been so strongly urgedthat ho has finally consented Hewill make the race on his record fortho last four years not only becauseof the even Justice he has dispensedas a magistrate but because of hisgood work In getting pike appropria ¬

tions and attending to the other du¬

ties which have fallen to him Otherswho are running for the office areJlr W J Blanton the school teach ¬

er Mr S B Davidson and Mr ShortThe report from Rising Sun mad

last week that Ernest Hays had beencaptured there has proved falseSheriff Johnson had a pleasant tripup there to look at the captured In ¬

dividual but found that tho onlycrime ot which tho fellow was guiltywas in having spoken of rIding thruRichmond Hays Is still at largeand tho otter of a reward Is stillout


New York Is the most progressivecity In the worldIt Is the richest inthe world Its rich men are therichest and there are the most ofthem and Its poor men are betteroff than the poor men in other cltledIt stands at the head of our moderncivilization where all ths rest of uswould like to be

Therd Is more reading done In NewYork than in any other city In theworld There to more than one perl ¬

odical printed there every day forevery man woman and child in thecity There Is one newspaper thatsells more papers every day than anyother newspaper on earth nearlythree quarters of a million copies eacday ot the year That paper usestwenty tons o paper for each issueAnd It prlnti enough papers BO thatthere is one for every homo in thecity On every street car you will-

s all the people reading papers allthe time Iu every home you willsee a pile of newspapers on thotable In every mans pocket youwill see the latest paper New YorkIs the readlngest city on earth

Is there any connection betweenthese two tactsIt is tho readlngestand the richest Of course there is aconnectionthe same connection thatthere Is between eating and beingstrong Thru the newspapers that Itreads New York gets the Informa ¬

tion that makes her greatthru thenewspapers that they read Its cit¬

izens got the information that makesthem successful

Anil this is Just the most strikingexample that Is all Tho same thingIs trueeverywhere The men thatread that keep up with tho timesalways ready to learn new thingsthe men that uses their brainsthoseare tho rich and successful and theuseful and tho happy men There Isnothing to help a man along like agood paper


By Dr 0 B Haack

Dont wear tightfitting clothesDont drink beer or other alchollc

drinksDontdrink ice water or Ice tea

cool them by putting Ice around theglass not In it

Dont keep your doors closed out¬

door air is natures electric fanDont eat much meat turn more

to fruit and vegetablesAnd above all

TU f

Itemst o0




Owing to the heavy rains the workon Pearsons Hall has been greatlyhlndred The brickwork howeveris now nearly up to the first floorand with better weather conditionsthe work will be pushed forward asrapidly as possible The stone liningsiron columns and steel I1 beamswill be on the ground In a very fewdays ready to go into the construc ¬

tionDr and Mrs Lyman jot Ypsilanti

Mich who have been visiting heresince the meeting of the K E Aleft Tuesday noon for the north

A convocation meeting was heldMonday night at tho presidentshouse to hear reports from the ninemen who worked in the WhirlwindCampaign The reports were most

enjoyableDrE Thomson went to Cincin-

nati Tuesday morning and expectedto return with Mrs Thomson Wed-


Mrs Thomson has been rec-

overing as rapidly as could be hopedfor and Is now nearly well

Dr R H Cowley will leave with ¬

in a day or two for Rochester Minnwhere ho will spend a couple ofweeks studylhg In the operating roomof the Mayo Brothers probably themost successful surgeons of our day

Messrs RIgby and Dlzney attend¬

ed court In Richmond TuesdayMiss Martha Click who is to take

the place of Miss Moore at tho hos ¬

pital Is expected to arrive and takeup her new duties soon

Dr and Mrs Herget of Cincinnatiand their son John and Mr and MrsDrake also ot Cincinnati are expectedhere within a short time to spendtheir summer vacations


A reproduction in natural coloredsugar of thestato house at HonoluluHawaii standing 25 feet high is tobe seen in the Hawaiian building atthe Seattle Worlds Fair

A chupk of coal weighing 2700pounds Is on exhibit In tho MinesBuilding at the AlaskaYukonPacltlcExposition It Is from a WashingtonState mine

So comprehensive is the exhibit ofthe Fisheries Department of the Nat ¬

ional Government at the SeattleWorlds Fair that the only thingleft In tho sea and not shown is McGlnty in Davey Jones Locker

One pleasing feature uboutyourIExposition said an Atlanta

newspaper man in speaking of thoSeattle Worlds Fair Is that thereIs no extortion permitted There areprices to meet everyones pocketbook

A complete history of our countrymay be gathered In a short space oftime from the papers and curios onexhibit in the State Department attha Seattle Worlds Fair

Seven different car lines a steam ¬

boat line and automobiles are employ-

ed in carrying the crowds to and frorthe Seattle Worlds Fair

The spiritual and Intellectual de ¬

velopment ot the Great Northwest Is

as fully exploited by the AlaskaYukonPacific Exposition as Is the commerplal and Industrial growth

Water atreItailedseen almost any weekday at St Dayin Cornwall In all probability thereis no other case of the kind in Eng ¬

land The charge for the water Isa cent per pitcher The water is ob-


from what Is known as NoguoShoot about half a mile from the vil ¬

lage where there is an abundantsupply of pure water


RemedyCardui is a purely vegetable extract a simple

nonintoxicating remedy recommended to girls and

irregularityfallingother form of sickness peculiar to females


It Will Help YouA

Mrs 2i 0 Beaver of Unicoi Route No1 Marbleton Tenn writes I suffered with bearingdown pains feet swelled pain in right side headachepains in shoulders nervous palpitation and othertroubles I cannot mention but I took Wine of Carduiand have found it the best medicine I ever usedfor female troubles Try Cardui




Movement That Is Now WorldWide


One Sunday morning a hundredyears ago a workingman carefullydressed in his best suit camo out ofhis house on the main street of the oldEnglish town of Gloucester andstrolled leisurely down the hill TheNew Inn was fronted then as It Istoday by a square garden overhungby the carved galleries of the tavernThere was a mcssclad well in thecenter and about it were beds ofsweetsmelling pinks and columbines

But the calm of that Sunday morning was destroyed by a crowd of streetboys who fought over the flower bedsmaking the day hideous with theirnoise and coarse talk

Tho printerfor printing was hiswork on weekdaysstopped in themidst of the crowd and looked steadilyat the boys Presently he said to himself At this rate those boys willsoon utterly to the bad That mustnot bet There are good possibilitiesin them Here boys he called aloud

come with melHe led them yelling and pushing

down the street into his own quiethouse planning as ho wont how tokeep them there-

I am going he said presently tostart a school for you Now and hereIt shall be a free school I will be the

teacherTheboys received the news with

shouts They were too ragged andgrimy to go to church on SulvdaysNo other decent place was open to

themThonext Sunday his house was

crowded with the same class of chil

drenTheidea of a free school on Sunday

appealed to every Christian asa mosthopeful plan for the rescue of childrenfrom wickedness It spread throughthe town through the shire throughEngland It was adopted in Franceand Germany ft made its way to Aus-tralia and to the United States Nowin every country in tho world and inevery sect there are these schools inwhich every Sunday morning theBible story Is told without money andwithout price

In the staid old city ot Gloucesterthey still show you the New Inn andthe garden where the boys playedand tho old brown house with itspeaked roof in which Robert Raikesthat long ago morning taught the firstSunday schoolFrom Rebecca HardIng Davis Three Little Stories in StNicholas

Work for the Young ManThere is a place for you young

man and there is a work for you todo Rouse yourself up and go after itPut your hands cheerfully and proud ¬

ly to honest labor A Spanish maximruns He who loseth wealth losethmuch he who loseth a friend losethmore but he who loseth his energiesloseth a1U

His QueryA foreigner watching a young kit¬

ten playing with its mother asked ofhis friend Vat you ze cat call venhe is a little pup


Comrades We are again called up¬

on to note the sad fact that anotherchair In our Post is vacant

On the 8th ot May last the deathangel removed from our ranks aworthy member and transported himto the regions of the great beyondfrom where no traveller ever returnsand today we miss the familiar faceof our esteemed Comrade M J Gabbard who for many years has beena faithful and loyal member ot this

PostHeis now gone and we shall see

him here no more But recollections-o his gentle and unassuming relationof friendship cahnot but remain in ¬

delible upon the minds of those withwhom he has been associated in this

assemblyItfitting tribute to the memory

of Comrade Gabbard to say that heIwas an honest man and true toprinciples of justice and fair dealingHe was firm In hla convictions andoutspoken in his opinion of thingsand was faithful to the interests ofthe Grand Army and the fellowshipof his comrades

He filled with distinction the honored position of Commander ot thisPost and many other Important posi ¬

tions Ho was promoted to the highoffice of Adjutant General of the GrandArmy ot the Department ot Kentuckyant served with distinction and honorboth to himself and the fraternity

Comrade Gabbards military servicewas first in Co D in the 8th regi ¬

Dent of Kentucky Volunteer InfantryIn tho Civil War He was dischargedfrom said service on account ot illhealth He afterwards enlisted inCo E of the 47th regiment of Ken-


Volunteers where ho remaineduntil the regiment was dischargedHo was a faithful soldier and loyal tohis duty and to tho Flag oC his Coun ¬

try And during all the years sincebo was discharged front the army hehas lived a quiet and sober life and

was at peace with all with wfiom Ha4

associatedWe are sorry to loss the comrade ¬ A

ship of our friend butt trust thatouraHeavenly Father of whom 16 IsHe doth all things well has takenthim to a better land where tho rav¬

age of war and the tolls and disap ¬

polntments of life shall disturb himno more forever

We resolve that this memoir bespread upon the minutes ot our postand a copy be furnished TheCitizen with a request that It bopublished

A P SettleL V Dodge

On the 26 of May 1909 our esteem ¬

ed comrade Thoa Watkins was call ¬

ed away from earth to the unseenworld For many years lie had beena worthy member of Capt JamesWest post-

Long ago paralyzed so as to be al ¬

most helpless he could not attendour meetings unless brought in avehicle and lifted almost bodily there ¬

from In the midst of all the Incon ¬

venience and pain which ho sufferedhe maintained a constant cheerful ¬

ness In all tho relations of life hewas kind and courteous He had anupright personal character and wasa faithful adherent of the religionot the Lord Jesus Christ In view ofthe above facts-

Resolved that as a post we mournthe loss of Comrade Watkins and ex¬

press to the members of the bereavedfamily our heartfelt sympathy

Resolved that a copy of this memor ¬

andum and resolutions be furnishedThe Citizen with a request thatthey be published

LeVant DodgeA P +


Berea Ky Juno 26 1909



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