Feng Shui Front Door - Amazon S3 · 2018-02-24 · Feng Shui Bagua Map is a great feng shui tool to help analyze our homes. With the Map I give you instructions on how to apply it

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Feng Shui Front Door

Copyright © 2013-2017 by Maureen K. Calamia of Re-Nature Consulting, LLC.

All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,

recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written

permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in

critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to

be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There

is no implied endorsement if we use one of these terms.

Finally, use your head. Nothing in this eBook is intended to replace common sense,

legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain

the reader. So have fun with the Feng Shui Front Door: Learn How to Make the

Most of Your Home’s Facing Direction, and get your stuff done.

Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: The Importance of the Front Door ............................... 2

Chapter 2: Tips to Improve the Energy at my Front Door ............. 4

Chapter 3. Facing Directions ......................................................... 9

Chapter 4. Comprehensive Information on Each of the Eight

Directions ..................................................................................... 13

East ......................................................................................... 14

Southeast ................................................................................ 16

South ...................................................................................... 18

Southwest ............................................................................... 20

West ....................................................................................... 22

Northwest ............................................................................... 24

North ...................................................................................... 25

Northeast ................................................................................ 27

Chapter 5. What are my Best Directions? .................................... 29

Chapter 6: What’s Next? .............................................................. 31

Chapter 7: What Can I Do if My Home Faces One of My

Inauspicious Directions? .............................................................. 34


The Feng Shui Bagua Map .................................................... 36

Five Elements Chart ............................................................... 37

Maureen Calamia Bio .................................................................. 38

Looking for More? ....................................................................... 40

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Welcome! In this eBook you will learn a lot about enhancing the

positive energy in your life through your home! That’s right! The

front door is that important.

Not only will you learn how your front door contributes its energy

to your life, but how you can activate the positive energy that will

flow through your home! You will also learn about your best

directions and what you can do to activate them in your home.

I’ve also included a few important

charts for you in the Appendix. The

Feng Shui Bagua Map is a great feng

shui tool to help analyze our homes.

With the Map I give you instructions

on how to apply it to your home. I

also included the Five Elements

Chart, which gives you lots of ideas

on ways you can incorporate the Five

Elements to your front door area.

I hope you enjoy this book and please

let me know if you have any insights

or questions. I love to hear from you

and I personally answer every email.


Be in nature and enjoy your True Nature!

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The Importance of the Front


According to feng shui, the front door represents our connection to

the world. The world (being everything outside of our house) is yang

energy. Yang is the creator, stimulating, energizing, with all


On the other hand, our

homes are yin. Yin is the

receptor, quiet, nourishing,

and therefore, with limited

possibilities. This is the

correct balance, as we

should have homes that are

places of sanctuary away

from the unpredictability of

everyday life.

The front door is our portal

to the yang energy of our

neighborhood, and the

cosmos. It connects, or

bridges, our inner world to the outer world. For this reason, the front

door has tremendous significance in our lives, furthering our careers,

community connection, wealth, health and relationships. All

opportunities come to us through the front door.

In feng shui, the front door is known as the “mouth of chi” and it the

most important space in a home. It is the portal where most of the

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chi, subtle life force energy, enters your home from the


Feng Shui is a language of metaphor and symbols. Look at your

front entry as objectively as you can, noticing colors, shapes, objects,

and the general environment inside and outside.

Perhaps you will notice what you usually do not see. Make believe

that you have an honored guest visiting soon. Is this what you want

to greet them? What will be their first impression of you? Can they

easily find the door? If not, you can bet that chi will also have

difficulties reaching you!

My goal for you is that, once you read this eBook, you will have

simple tips to upgrade your front entry and start to welcoming

wonderful, positive chi into your life!

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Tips to Improve the Energy at

my Front Door

Do you want to attract a partner into your life or amp up the

romance in your current relationship? Do you want to get more

opportunities in your career and financial life? Do you want more

harmony with your children and partner? Do you want to get

inspired to do a new creative project or start a family?

Feng shui uses a language of symbols. If the front door is not

positioned well or is blocked by some structure, it can affect all life

areas of the inhabitants, including prosperity, career, health,

relationships, etc.

Let’s go through a few important considerations and what you

can do to enhance the chi before we get into the compass


Attractive and Well-Lit

If your front door area is

dark at night, it will be hard

for chi to find you. It will

also welcome in the more

negative, dark chi, rather

than positive, bright chi.

If your front door is

cluttered and depressing, it

will also invite that darker

chi into your home. It is

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very simple. We know that “curb appeal” means a lot, but we don’t

always “see” what is going on at our front door. (Tip: Try to look at

your entry as if you didn’t live there. Maybe enlist the help of a good

friend to critique).

Ask yourself these questions:

• Is my front entry well-lit? You will want guests to avoid a

feeling of lack of safety as well as contributing to potential

tripping hazards.

• Is my entry area attractive? Remember, first impressions are

of key importance when you have visiting guests.

Handling a Blocking Tree

Sometimes there is a large tree or overgrown shrubs that block the

view of the front door. If so, it’s also blocking the view from looking

outside as well.

If you have this, consider cutting back on the landscaping or the tree

to open and expand the view. However, if this tree is beautiful and

well-loved, you can

do a blessing with the

tree and imagine it as

a protector of your


The tree in this photo

was one of the worst

cases of a blocking

tree I’ve ever seen. It

came down in a recent

storm and the front entry is so different now!

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It is important to be able to see the door from the street. If chi cannot

see your front door it causes delay and confusion in your life. Then,

stagnation can set in.

If the placement of

your front door is

not obvious from

the street, light the

pathway to it or add

moving objects

such as flags to

attract attention to

the placement of the


Opens Easily & Fully

This seems pretty intuitive,

but I often find that my

client’s doors are difficult to

open either due to the door

frame or hardware. One

client recently installed a

brand-new door in her

renovation project and she

never attempted to open the

door from the outside before

I visited (they used the side

door, as many people do!)

So, when I visited her for a consultation, I went outside and

attempted to open the door into her foyer. I couldn’t open it! The

hardware was not working as it should. Be sure that your door opens

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easily to allow the positive chi in. She was blocking herself from

receiving this most-important chi.

Another client had purchased a lovely antique “hall tree”, a piece of

furniture used to accommodate coats, packages and umbrellas. The

problem was, the front door could no longer fully-open because the

new piece was over-sized for her small foyer (see previous page)

Rather than open a full 90 degrees, the opening was restricted and

limited the amount of chi that could enter her home.

Use the Front Door!

In just about every workshop and

lecture that I do, I ask the

participants if they use their front

door. Usually half the audience

raises their hands - just half! Does

that amaze you? Not me!

The reason for this is due to the

architecture of many of our homes.

So many of our suburban homes

channel traffic to a side door and

enter into the kitchen or mud room.

The front door and foyer/living room

are saved for guests. This may be

convenient - transporting piles of

Costco boxes directly into the kitchen - but are we missing out on


Now that your front door has wonderful Feng shui, use it! It is

important to open this door daily to provide the maximum chi into

your home. If it’s more convenient to use the side door, I suggest

my client use the front door to get the mail, walk the dog, and even

to check the weather.

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So which door do you use? I know the side door is convenient, but

make it your point to use your front door daily; to get the mail, walk

the dog, or just open it to let in the sun and the wind to replenish

your home.

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Facing Directions

First, I need to explain something about facing directions. Your

facing direction may not be the same direction that your front door

faces. The front door of most houses faces the road in front. If you

have a home like this, then you need to just figure out the direction

you face when looking out your door.

If your front door does not face the road your front door may be

perpendicular to the road, as in the photo below. This door faces the

driveway rather than the road. The house faces west and the front

door faces south. Always use the front of your house facing the

road to determine your facing direction (in this example, you

would use “west”).

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Special Note for Multi-Family Building Dwellers:

If you live in a building with other families, you have may have

two facing directions. One for the main entrance to the building

and one for your apartment. But this will not be the door to your

apartment. See which direction you get the most sunlight into your

home. Consider both directions in the following pages.

How to Determine the Facing Direction

You can use a regular compass (used for hiking and orienteering)

but most people have a cell phone with a compass app.

If you are using an orienteering compass, I suggest you take at least

two directional readings. Why? Because if you have a lot of metal

around you in one of the readings it could influence your reading:

• Stand in the “facing direction” that you determined above

and look out to the road. Note the compass reading, for

instance, SW or east.

• Stand inside your home in another area and look out to the

road. Take the reading again.

You should have the same directional reading in both locations (the

degrees might be off a bit – that’s okay).

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The Energy Associated with Each Direction

There is inherent energy, or chi, associated with each of the cardinal

and intercardinal directions. This energy is created by the sun's path

through the sky in the Northern Hemisphere. The yin-yang symbol

below shows the amount of sun available to the facing side of your


Below is a quick review of each direction and its relationship to the

sun. The next chapter will contain more detailed information on

each direction and tips to enhance and activate their energy.

East - Since the sun rises in this direction during the fall and spring

equinox it’s the beginning of yang energy.

Southeast - Also, strong rising energy, this direction is also yang.

South - As the sun is at its peak in the south, this direction is the

peak of yang energy.

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Southwest – This direction is associated with stability and is just the

beginning of yin energy.

West - The sun usually sets west, and this is the placement for the

sun during the autumnal equinox. The yin energy is building.

Northwest - The northwest door sees limited sunlight. Yin energy

continues to build.

North - The sun never reaches a north-facing door. This is the peak

of yin energy, just like the peak of night (midnight) and winter.

Northeast - Very little sun reaches a northeast-facing door, and it’s

a very yin direction, just like the north.

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Comprehensive Information on

Each of the Eight Directions

Each of the eight directions represent a specific life aspiration and

is ruled by one of the Five Elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and

Water. Working with these Elements is key to activating and

energizing the energy of the chi from these directions.

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Facing East

Facing east is the most auspicious direction, because it is associated

with the sun's rising energy. It is the most yang, male, dynamic

energy that embraces your home every morning.


New Beginnings

Ancestors & Family


Wood Element

Supported by Water Element

The east is ruled by the early Wood Element and is nourished by


East embrace wood energy which is uprising like a tree. It is the chi

of springtime, where all life is rebirthed and renewed. Therefore,

this direction is associated with new beginnings and the seed of an

idea. It can be bold and dynamic, reaching upward and pushing

forward. It can be impulsive and impatient as Wood wants things

done right now.

It is youth, the promise of the early morning hours as the full day

lays ahead. This yang Wood is the energy of a tender bamboo shoot

which grows fast.

What it lacks in

strength, it has in


This home will

have associations

with happy new


perhaps the start

of a new family

or focus in your

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life. This direction is also associated with what has come before and

honoring ancestors and extended family members. It is also

associated with health.

If you find that your extended family is too dominant in your life,

temper the Wood Element with some Fire, such as red pillows on

the seating, a pagoda in the garden, or a set of candles.

How to Activate the East with the Elements

Activate these directions with lush landscaping, wood furnishings

or a bamboo wind chime on the porch. Paint your front door green

– be it lime, sage, or forest green.

You can also energize this direction with the Water Element. Install

a water fountain or waterfall. Be sure that the water does not drain

water away from the house, but to the door. A bird bath is a less

expensive option but gives great joy to the local bird population. Just

be sure to keep the water clean and full to avoid stagnant chi.

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Facing Southeast

Like the east, if your front door faces southeast, the sun's rising

energy is very luminous and auspicious. It is a yang influence that

embraces your home every morning.


Wealth & Prosperity


Wood Element

Supported by Water Element

The Southeast is associated with finances, abundance and prosperity.

It is a very good for people looking to enhance their wealth.

The southeast is ruled by mature Wood Element and is nourished by


This is a great direction if you are an entrepreneur as the Wood

Element gives you the ambition and motivation to push forward in

your endeavors.

The law of attraction talks about having a deep sense of gratitude for

what we already have which is the key to a feeling of abundance.

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This photo on the previous page shows a wonderful sign of gratitude,

reminding all who visit and enter this home.

This direction is also associated with wind. Attracting birds will be

very beneficial and energize this area, with a bird house, a feeder or

bird bath. A butterfly bush would also be a great addition to the


If you find that the quest for money is too dominant in this household,

you can temper the Wood Element with some Fire, such as red

pillows on the seating, a pagoda in the garden, or a set of candles.

How to Activate the Southeast with the Elements

Activate these directions with lush landscaping, wood furnishings

or a bamboo wind chime on the porch. Paint your front door green

– be it lime, sage, or forest green.

You can also energize this direction with the Water Element. Install

a water fountain or waterfall. Be sure that the water does not drain

water away from the house, but to the door. A bird bath is a less

expensive option but gives great joy to the local bird population. Just

be sure to keep the water clean and full to avoid stagnant chi.

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Facing South

South represents the

sun at its peak. It is the

peak of the day (noon),

the peak of summer

(Summer Solstice). It

is the most yang energy.

The south is ruled by

Fire and supported by



Fame & Reputation


Being in Spotlight

Fire Element

Supported by Wood Element

Living in a home that faces south, you and your family may have

lots of attention from the community or in your careers. It is a place

for fame, recognition and reputation. It is a good placement for a

politician or local community leader. However, you must be vigilant

that good reputation is maintained, as you are in the spotlight.

This will be a social house as Fire loves parties and gathering

together with loved ones.

How to Activate the South with the Elements

To get the most benefit from this direction, plant some red flowers

outside your front door or hang a string of lights or candles on the

porch. Paint your door red. Add star shapes.

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Incorporate Wood with lush gardens,

add a wood fence or wood trellis to

your entryway. Even columns on

your porch represent the Wood


Since Fire is the most yang Element,

it can cause conflict in the home. If

necessary, you may need to add some

Water, such as a water fountain – the

opposite of Fire – to help temper the

over-abundance of the yang energy.

(Interesting note: The White House faces south and has red flowers

and a water fountain – Fire and Water – a wonderful balance of the

opposing energies!)

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Facing Southwest

The southwest represents the nurturing qualities of mother. A house

in this direction is about cultivating relationships. It is beneficial for

females, especially the mother, or female head of household.


Love & Romance

Relationships & Partnerships

Female Head of Household

Earth Element

Supported by Fire Element

This direction is also associated with marriage, partnerships and

romance. The southwest is ruled by Earth and supported by Fire.

How to Activate the Southwest with the Earth Element

To make the most of this direction, be sure to add the Earth Element.

A yellow door, or plantings in ceramic or terracotta pots. A stone

statue of a female, such as Virgin Mary or Kwan Yin, or an angel is

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good here. A great addition could be a rock garden, filled with rocks

that you find on

your walks in


You can also add

the Fire Element to

complement Earth,

such as red or

purple cushions on

your porch chairs,

candles, or a heart-

shaped wreath on the door.

If the female head of household is too dominating, you can soften

this energy by bringing in some Metal, such as a metal wind chime,

white flowers, or a metal sculpture in the garden.

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Facing West

The west is represented by autumn, harvest time and yin metal

energy. It is about the joy that we get when we’ve complete projects.

It represents completion and satisfaction of a productive day.


Creativity & Children


Metal Element

Supported by Earth Element

The west is also about what we birth, or creativity, whether it be

children or a book. As I mentioned, it is joy and happy occasions

with parties and lively entertainment, enjoying the abundance of the


Young families will have great energy in this home.

The west is ruled by Metal and is supported by Earth.

You can enhance this direction with a statue of children or some

unique creative artwork on the porch or in the garden.

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If the children are too dominant in this home, you can temper the

Metal Element with some Water, such as a bird bath or a black

welcome mat.

How to Activate the West with the Elements

To ensure the positive qualities of

this house, have some of the

Metal Element, such as a white

door, a metal wind chime, white

flowers, or a metal sculpture in

the garden.

Or you can bring in some Earth

with plants in terracotta pots, a

stone statue in the garden, or a

large rock to anchor the energy


If there is too much frivolity and

not enough discipline in this home,

add a water feature to temper the Metal.

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Facing Northwest (Metal)

The northwest is associated with yang Metal and heaven energy. It

is also connected to the male head of household. He will do well in

this house.


Helpful People & Networking

Long Distance Travel

Male head of household

Metal Element

Supported by Earth Element

The northwest invites good connections, networking contacts and

all-round helpful people into your life. It is also good for long-

distance travel, for business or pleasure.

The northwest is ruled by Metal and supported by Earth.

You can enhance the northwest with some collections from your

travels, such as a

statue or rocks you’ve

collected from around

the world. You can

also activate the male

energy with a statue of

a male figure, such as

a Buddha or Saint


If the male head of

household is too dominant in this home, you can soften its energy

with Water, such as a water fountain or a black door.

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How to Activate the Northwest with the Elements

To ensure the positive qualities

of this house, have some of the

Metal Element, such as a white

door, a metal wind chime, white

flowers, or a metal sculpture in

the garden.

Or you can bring in some Earth

with plants in terracotta pots, a

stone statue in the garden, or a

large rock to anchor the energy


If there is too much frivolity and

not enough discipline in this

home, add a water feature to

temper the Metal.

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Facing North (Water)

North is the most yin of all directions. It is quiet and still. North

represents career and life path. Because of this, it is a great home for

business and entrepreneurs, especially ones in artistic careers!

The north promotes careful reflection and consideration before you

go out and make big changes in your life. Changes are made very

thoughtfully and wisely.


Career & Life’s Path


Water Element

Supported by Metal Element

The Water Element rules the north.

How to Activate the North with the Elements

Add some of the Water Element to a north-facing home, such as a

black or blue door or welcome mat, a bird bath, or blue chairs to

your porch.

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You can also add the Metal Element, such as white door, a metal

wind chime, white flowers,

or a metal sculpture in the


Notice this home above has

a beautiful blue door

(Water) complemented by

a touch of red flowers (Fire).

Opposites of yin and yang

work well together! Also,

the arched portico and

white home (both Metal)

nourish this home’s Water.

If the energy of this home is

too stagnant, you can really

break up the chi by de-

cluttering and adding some

yang energy with moving objects like chimes or decorative flags.

You can amp up the energy with a lively party (the Fire Element!).

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Facing Northeast (Earth)

The northeast direction is also quiet, yin energy, like the north. It is

symbolized by the mountain and is associated with the spiritual

inner journey.

Northeast is also associated with study and knowledge-seeking. It

is great energy for reflection and stillness, as well as stability.


Knowledge & Intuition



Earth Element

Supported by Fire Element

Families that thrive in this home are studious and education-oriented.

It is also wonderful for people that are looking to develop their

spiritual selves and

contemplate the big

questions in life. It is

good for meditation

and holistic practices.

The northeast is ruled

by Earth and supported

by Fire.

How to Activate the Northeast with the Elements

To make the most of this direction, be sure to add the Earth Element.

A yellow door, or plantings in ceramic or terracotta pots. A great

addition could be a rock garden, filled with rocks that you find on

your walks in nature.

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This amazing boulder intersects the front entry to this home to give

a “pow” to the Earth Element here!

You can also add the Fire Element to complement Earth, such as red

or purple cushions on your porch chairs, candles, or a heart-shaped

wreath on the door.

If this area has become too yin, you can stir up the chi by adding

some moving objects, such as water, wind chimes or decorative


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What are my Best Directions

According to feng shui, each year has a different quality of energy

associated with it and is assigned to a specific direction. These eight

directions are categorized into two groups: East Group and West


Each Group has four directions that are auspicious and four that are

inauspicious to the person in that group.

Below I give you the simple calculation (one for male and one for

female) that will help you determine your direction and Group, also

called your Ming Gua.

Note: Before you start, if you were born between January 1 and

February 3, subtract 1 year from your birth year. Why? Because this

is a Chinese system and the solar Chinese New Year starts February


Example, if you were born January 5, 1960, use 1959 in your


For Males:

1. Add up the digits of your birth year until you get a single


Example: 1960 would be 1+9+6+0 = 16 = 1+6 = 7

2. Now subtract this single digit from 11. This # will be your

Ming Gua.

Example: 7 – 11 = 4

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Note: If this number is a 5, then refer to 8 as your Ming Gua.

For Females:

1. Add up the digits of your birth year until you get a single


Example: 1960 would be 1+9+6+0 = 16 = 1+6 = 7

Now add 4 to this single digit. This # will be your Ming


Example: 7 + 4 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2

Note: If this number is a 5, then refer to 2 as your Ming Gua.

If your Ming Gua is 1, 3, 4, or 9 you are an EAST GROUP person

If your Ming Gua is a 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8 you are a WEST GROUP


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What’s Next?

Once you determine your Ming Gua, look at the chart below to see

which column your direction lines up with. These abbreviations

refer to the portents for each direction. A portent is a sign or warning

for each direction as it relates to your Ming Gua and represents the

magnetic force that enters your home, which can either be

auspicious (good fortune) or inauspicious (bad fortune) for you.

For example, if you are an East Group person (with a Ming Gua of

4) and your house faces north, this is your SQ, or Sheng QI, a very

positive direction for you.

Below is a chart showing the best directions based on your Ming

Gua. Look up your Ming Gua to the left and go across the chart to

locate the Facing direction of your home:

Example: If you are a 2-West Ming Gua and live in a house facing

West, your house is also West Group and the front door is in the

Tien Yi portent, the Heavenly Healer.

If your home faces one of your best directions, the energy of your

home is aligned with you and opportunities should come easier to


1 - East SE E S N SW NW NE W

2- West NE W NW SW N S SE E

3 - East S N SE E W NE NW SW

4- East N S E SE NE W SW NW

6- West W NE SW NW S N E SE

7- West NW SW NE W E SE S N

8- West SW NW W NE SE E N S

9 - East E SE N S NW SW W NE

Auspicious Facing Directions Inauspicious Facing Directions

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you. If your homes faces one of your inauspicious directions, it can

be a greater challenging living here, however, do not worry. Chapter

5 gives you tips on what to do to improve this energy!

An Explanation of the Portents

See below for the description of each of the portents

Best Directions:

SQ - Sheng Chi - Generating Prosperity. The most auspicious

portent. Most favorable direction for good fortune and prosperity for

business, finances, and personal life. Ideal for bedroom, living room,

front door or study and ideal direction to face anytime.

TY - Tien Yi – Heavenly Healer. This is healing chi mentally,

physically, spiritually and financial regeneration. Ideal direction for

oven to face, beds, doors, bedrooms, and dining room. Helpful for

anyone going through an unlucky period.

YN - Yan Nien – Lengthened Years & Infertility. This chi, when

activated, creates harmony, helps infertility, and brings about

tolerance and goodwill in relationships. Good location for bedroom,

family room and working areas.

FW - Fu Wei –Support & Harmony. This direction brings overall

harmony. It represents one’s life path, stability, good decisions, and

excellent for schoolchildren or those pursuing educational programs.

Ideal placement for the main bedroom, study and back of the home.

Inauspicious Directions:

The descriptions below are symbolic of the chi of that portent. Do

not take them literally. But you may experience some challenges

while in this home.

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JM – Jue Ming – Most inauspicious direction

LS – Liu Sha – Illness and financial loss

WG – Wu Gui – Legal issues

HH – Huo Hai – Accidents, mishaps

Note: There are two schools of thought about the chi of a house.

One view is that the Facing direction or front door is the most

important to the essence of a house because that is where the primary

chi enters the house. The other view is that the Sitting direction is

most important. The Sitting direction is simply the direction

opposite the Facing direction. This is where the support and

protection for the home is located.

I proscribe to the former view in that the front door is the primary

source of chi therefore I use that direction in my evaluation of

matching client’s East or West Group with the houses’ Facing


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What Can I Do if My Home

Faces One of My Inauspicious


Oftentimes, I will find that clients are in an inauspicious direction

for themselves. If you have a partner, don’t forget to check their

Ming Gua and Group, too.

Below are some tips you can do if you are facing one of your

inauspicious directions:

1. If the home is one of the best directions of your partner, they will

have good energy here, which will obviously influence you as


2. Make sure that your bed and desk are aligned with one of your

auspicious directions. (The direction the top of your head points

to while lying in bed.)

3. Check the door into your bedroom and your home office. If you

are facing one of your best directions when entering your room,

that is auspicious.

4. You can use a different door as your main door; a door facing

one of your best directions.

5. Your feng shui can be enhanced by making sure the other aspects

of your home have good feng shui. For instance, the property is

vibrant, beautiful view, a hill or tall landscaping at back for

support, balanced flow of chi in front of your home (not too

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much or too little), etc. Be sure to do all the suggestions in

Chapter 1 for your front entry.

6. You may use an icon of an auspicious protector for the front door,

such as fu dogs, Kwan Yin, Buddha, angels, gargoyles, or other


7. Have a professional feng shui consultation to make sure you are

leveraging the best potential for positive energy in your home!

In Summary

This information is meant to make you aware of the importance of

your front door and the energy of its direction to your life. But I do

caution that it is so important to have good energy at your front door

to benefit from your direction.

If your home faces a good direction, but you neglect your front door

area, you will not benefit fully from the energy of this direction.

On the other hand, everyone can reap the benefits of enhancing the

energy in their front door area: a fresh coat of paint, maintenance of

hardware and lighting, comfortable seating, beautiful gardens, and

fresh potted plants. Doing this work will greatly enhance the

energy of your home, regardless of your direction.

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Feng Shui Bagua Map with Directions, Elements &

Life Aspirations

Each area of the Bagua represents a magnetic direction (cardinal or inter-cardinal)

and therefore, different life chi. Each direction is related to the magnetic fields

that emanate from Heaven and Earth chi. Notice that each area is associated with

an element which is represented by different shapes, colors, and materials.

To benefit fully from the direction your front door faces, you can enhance the

direction using that element, such as North with a water feature. A more advanced

technique is to use the element that creates the element (see circle on next page)

in the Creative Cycle. For example, you can use Metal for the North direction in

addition to Water, as Metal creates Water in the Creative Cycle.



Element: Wood Element: Fire Element: Earth

Vertical Shapes Triangular Shapes Horizontal Shapes

Plants, Trees Fire, candles Pottery, ceramic, soil

Color: Green, Purple, Blue Color: Red Color:Red, Pink, White

Hips Eyes Internal Organs

First Daughter Second Daughter Female Head of Household



Element: Wood Element: Earth Element: Metal

Vertical Shapes Horizontal Shapes Round Shapes

Vegetation Pottery, ceramic, soil Metal

Color: Young Green Color: Yellow Color: White

Feet Mouth

First Son Center Third Daughter



Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Metal

Horizontal Shapes Curvy Shapes Round Shapes

Pottery, ceramic, soil Water Metal

Color: Black, Blue, Green Color: Black, Dark Blue Color: White, Gray, Black

Hands Ears Head

Third Son Second Son Male Head of Household

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The Five Natural Elements are

Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal

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Meet Maureen K. Calamia

An inspiring thought leader in feng shui,

energy and consciousness, Maureen

helps her clients integrate balance and

harmony with their inner natures and

their outer world. With 20 plus years in a

corporate marketing career, often

working in less-than-stellar feng shui

spaces, Maureen recognizes the

challenges and limitations of the

corporate environment.

Feng shui provides benefits to both

management and staff for improved

creativity, motivation, and productivity

on the job.

Maureen integrates the wisdom of

creating balance and harmony with

research-proven biophilic design – bringing aspects of the natural world into

corporate spaces. She has worked with NYC advertising agencies, corporate

offices, healthcare facilities, and hospitality. Maureen is a certified feng shui and

building biology practitioner. Author of Creating Luminous Spaces: Use the

Five Elements for Balance and Harmony in Your Home and in Your Life by

Conari Press in May 2018.

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.luminous-spaces.com

Mobile: 631-513-0059

As Seen In:

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Available May 2018

Published by Conari Press

Pre-Order NOW and sign up for Juicy Bonuses!



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