Feminist social theory: overview of key approaches lecture 4

Feminist social theory: overview of key approaches lecture 4

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Feminist social theory: overview of key approaches

lecture 4

Page 2: Feminist social theory: overview of key approaches lecture 4

lecture outline historical overview – first and second wave feminism

critique of ‘malestream’ sociology

overview of (modernist) feminist theoretical perspectives

‘cultural turn’ – shift from ‘things to words’

postmodern feminism

Black and post-colonial feminisms

final thoughts

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terminology ‘feminism’ originates from the French term féminisme

in 1871 some claim the term ‘feminist’ first used in French medical text-‘feminisation of male body’

1872 Alexandre Dumas (French Writer) – pamphlet - adultery- ‘women with masculine traits’

- the early usage of the term – associated with ‘gender confusion’ and it is also worth noting that the term ‘feminist’ was not initially used by women

meaning changed - political position – change and improve the position of women in society

retrospectively applied to recognise earlier attempts by women who were attempting to promote such changes

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‘first wave’ feminism

e.g. Mary Wollstonecraft (1792); 1848 Seneca Falls Convention (USA); rise of women’s suffrage movements (UK and USA)

‘first wave’ feminism 1880s -1920s e.g. associated with ‘equal rights’ – struggle for vote – legislative changes

but addressed other issues too

important to note that there were splits within the movement in terms

of focus and strategy

pros and cons of ‘wave’ analogy

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‘second wave’ feminism ‘second wave’ feminism 1960s-1970s:

- grass-roots activism

- women’s liberation movement – radical?

consciousness raising groups

- ‘personal is political’

- ‘sisterhood’

moved into the academy - women’s studies (now gender studies - debate)- feminism is both theory and activism (praxis) –

importance of experience

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feminist critique of ‘malestream sociology’

sociology has a history of conducting research on men

e.g. use male only samples – findings derived from studies are unquestioningly generalised and assumed to be equally relevant to women – men taken as


issues and experiences of concern to women were at best neglected and at worst considered sociologically irrelevant

e.g. domestic violence and labour

if women incorporated into studies - tended to be quite simply misrepresented and/or represented in a stereotypical manner

sex and gender tended to be naively and uncritically tagged on and stirred into research designs – little (if any) appreciation that the theoretical

frameworks themselves were part of the problem

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e.g. sociological research on class(Acker 1973)

Nuffield Mobility Study (1980)

Register General’s Scale (1911- 2001)

based on all male sample

women classified indirectly – male head of household – women hidden from the figures

Joan Acker – seminal paper – feminist critique of stratification literature

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‘Feminists argue that women’s position within society is not a natural

phenomenon, but a social, political and economic product which is

reflected and perpetuated by the bias of ‘science’’.

(Harding, in May 2001: 19)

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feminist theoretical perspectives (e.g. Tong 1990; Evans 1995; Jackson & Jones 1998 Zalewski 2000; Abbott et al 2005)

attempt to explain women’s subordination in society – different perspectives - ask different

questions and come to different conclusions: e.g.

liberal feminism

radical feminism

marxist feminism

postmodern feminism

black and post-colonial feminism

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liberal feminism equal rights and opportunities – challenge long held beliefs

and ideas about women’s (in)abilities

e.g. Wollstonecraft (1792) – ‘the feathered race’

humanism; emancipation; meritocracy

sameness – ability to reason

are human values equated with male values?

reform - simply add women – perpetuate malestream bias?

explain women’s inequality?

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radical feminism ‘feminism in its “purest” form’ (Abbott et al 2005: 33)

woman-centred and celebrates the differences between women and men

patriarchy is central - ‘structural domination’ – ‘universal sisterhood’

‘the personal is political’ – e.g. family; domestic violence; body politics

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radical feminism

separatist – women only organisations and critique of heterosexuality

rediscover and promote knowledge from the experience and standpoint of women

oversimplified understanding of patriarchy?

claims to a universal and homogenous sisterhood – problematic?

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Marxist/materialist feminisms

particularly influential during 1960s-70s

explain women’s subordinated status in (capitalist) society

feminists revised Marxist theory – blind to gender - tried to ‘fit women in’ to Marxism – relations of production

and relations of reproduction

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Marxist/materialist feminisms- e.g. institution of the nuclear family –

property and inheritance (Engels) – flawed thesis?

‘women’s work’ in public sphere devalued and poorly paid – ‘reserve army of labour’ – why women?

- domestic work – not regarded as real work - ‘domestic labour debates’

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Marxist/socialist feminisms (see e.g. Jackson in Jackson & Jones 1998)

serve interests of capitalism and men?

what about non-capitalist societies?

capitalism and/or patriarchy debates – disputes over the location and explanation of women’s subordination?

e.g. dual systems theory – e.g. Walby – shift from private to public patriarchy?


- but what about other factors and inequalities – e.g. globalisation and ethnicity?

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‘cultural turn’ and feminist theory (1)

social science perspectives informed and shaped feminist theory but some argue that literary and cultural theoretical perspectives are now more


since the 1980’s witnessed a cultural or linguistic turn: a shift from ‘things to words’ (Barrett in Kemp & Squires 1997)

for example the focus moved away from materialist issues related to domestic labour, gender inequities in

the workplace and domestic violence to issues related to symbolic - language, representation and discourse

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‘cultural turn’ and feminist theory (2) ‘gender is understood to be shaped not just by

social structures but by dominant discourses – forms of language that construct what it means

to be a man or a woman’(Abbott et al 2005: 358; my emphasis)

misrecognise and take as ‘real’ what is actually linguistically constructed? (e.g. Butler)

how has this shift impacted on feminist theory?

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impact of ‘cultural turn’?(see e.g. Barrett in Kemp and Squires 1997)

Barrett charts a shift to focus on symbolic in explaining gender differences (late 1970s onwards)

critique of universalism – not all women the same

critique of rationalism and of the subject – masculine?

the gendering of modernity - modern=masculine – is feminism indebted to modernist liberalism?

critique of materialism – are we determined by social structure or are meanings and experiences important?

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reminder of postmodernist thinking:

‘anti-everything’?‘post-modernism is not a clearly defined theory, but a loose

body of thought which draws on interconnected ideas around language, knowledge, reason, power, identity

and resistance’ (Bryson 1999: 36)

critical of Enlightenment project authoritative and objective status of scientific

knowledge – reject ‘view from nowhere’ grand or meta-narratives – e.g. Marxism

include (modernist) feminism too? claims to the truth reject idea of the subject anti-foundational contest and deconstruct stability – favour shifting,

fractured, arbitrary nature of meaning and identities

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postmodern feminism(see e.g. Weedon 1997; Zalewski 2000)

contest and resist categorisation – what ‘woman’ ought to be - the point is to deconstruct all

attempts to fix identity – this in itself is a political act

focus on differences between women not commonalities

but what are the political implications for feminism if no basis for a collective identity?

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Black and post-colonialist feminisms critical of ‘white elitism’ – prioritises and represents the experiences of white, middle class,

heterosexual, affluent Western women

diversity of women’s experiences – e.g. family

how does gender intersect with other factors?

e.g. class, ethnicity, disability

should gender be given primacy over other aspects – hierarchy of oppression?

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Black and post-colonialist feminisms can women oppress other groups of

women and/or men?

all women have ‘racialised identities’?

notion of solidarity as opposed to sisterhood? (hooks 1984)

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mapping feminist theories

Material Linguistic/ ‘Cultural Turn’ Symbolic





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final thoughts

what about materialist issues and structural factors?

things - words – debate opportunity to re-think and transcend dichotomies -

modernist/postmodernist? (Roseneil 1995)

feminist theory – more theory and less feminism? (Wise and Stanley 2000)

feminist theory arose out of personal politics – importance of women’s everyday ‘lived experiences’ is it becoming disconnected from women’s experiences?

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final thoughts

to what extent is feminist theory politically relevant

today and for whom?

given the emphasis on diversity and differences between women – how effectively and legitimately

can feminists from different cultural, religious, class, ethnic backgrounds etc theorise about ‘other’

women and their experiences?

inaccessible and elitist?