Felles mal for Diploma Supplement FS - Brukerforum 28.10.2013 Etelka Tamminen Dahl 1

Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

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Page 1: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Felles mal for Diploma Supplement

FS - Brukerforum


Etelka Tamminen Dahl


Page 2: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Mal for norske vitnemål og vitnemålstillegg

Kortversjon av innstilling og tilleggsrapport

(17. april, justert 15. juni 2012 og 3. juli



Page 3: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

UH-loven (2005) om vitnemål og karakterutskrifter

§ 3-11. Vitnemål

Institusjonen utferdiger vitnemål om fullført

utdanning. Samtidig skal det utferdiges Diploma

Supplement. NOKUT kan gi retningslinjer for

innholdet i Diploma Supplement.


Page 4: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international “transparency” and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value-judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why.

Fast tekst – må stå i vitnemålstillegget!


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7 seksjoner med underpunkter skal fylles ut

NOKUT har ansvaret for utarbeidelse og oppdatering av

seksjon 8

En ny versjon vil bli implementert i disse dager! Mai 2013!

Ingenting i den internasjonale malen får endres!


Page 6: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Beskrivelse av høyere utdanning i Norge

Information centres in the European Union (NARICs)

European Network of Information Centres in the European

Region (ENICs)



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Beskrivelse av høyere utdanning i de nordiske land (Diploma supplement,

section 8) – Adresser til de som utarbeider teksten (enic-naric.net)


Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education


supplement/standardbeskrivelse-af-higher-education-in-denmark, May 2013


Opetushallitus/Utbildningsstyrelsen/Finnish Board of Education, Beskrivningar om det nationella systemet för

högre utbildning, approved by the Ministry of Higher education and Culture:

http://www.europass.fi/laroanstalter/tillagg_till_examensbetyg 2011


The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, July 2013

Iceland uses the Diploma supplement Explanatory Notes:




Beskrivelse av det norske utdanningssystemet (Section 8 I DS), May 2013



Universitets- och högskolerådets författningssamling,

UHRFS 2013:9 Universitets-och högskolerådets föreskrifter om bilagan til examensbevis, May 2013


Page 8: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Samme informasjonsstruktur


Information on

National Information Centres

National education bodies

System of education

University education

Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Post-Secondary non-university education

Recognized higher education institutions

Policies and procedures for the recognition of qualifications

Qualification Frameworks

Diploma Supplement information 8

Page 9: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

1. Information identifying the holder of the


1.1 Family name(s):

1.2 Given Name(s):

1.3 Date of birth (day/month/year):

1.4 Student identification number or code (if



National identification:


Page 10: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

2. Information identifying the qualification

2.1 Name of qualification and (if applicable) title

conferred (in original language):

Navn på graden + tilleggsbetegnelse

(normalt på norsk)

Ikke: bachelorprogram i xxx, men

bachelor i xxx


Page 11: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Instrukser fra departementet

• Brev av 10.02.1995 til de statlige høgskolene om

Vitnemål for høgskolene

• Brev av 21.10.2002 til lærestedene om Forskrift om

grader og yrkesutdanninger, beskyttet tittel og normert

studietid ved universiteter og høgskoler

• Brev av 21.10.2002 til lærestedene om Utdanninger med

rammeplan – betegnelser

• Brev av 19.12.2002 til Norges Handelshøyskole om

tittelen siviløkonom


Page 12: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Instrukser til lærestedene

I brev av 21.10.2002 skriver Departementet om titler og

tilleggsbetegnelser som følger:

De nye gradene bachelor, master og ph.d. er, med visse unntak,

fastsatt som formell beskyttet betegnelse uten fagspesifikke

tilleggsbetegnelser i tråd med departementets forslag i St.meld.nr. 27.

Tilleggsbetegnelser som angir nærmere fagområde for gradene

fastsettes av institusjonene selv i den grad de har myndighet til å

bestemme det faglige grunnlaget for gradene”

Bachelor- og mastergradene skal ha norsk faglig tilleggsbetegnelse.


Page 13: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Forslag til tilføyelse i:

Forskrift om grader og yrkesutdanninger, beskyttet

tittel og normert studietid ved universiteter og

høyskoler av 2005

For noen utdanninger er navnet på graden bestemt av

departementet: For eksempel master i odontologi; master i

rettsvitenskap og utdanninger med rammeplan: bachelor i

barnevern; bioingeniørfag; ergoterapi; fysioterapi;

radiografi; sosialfag (for sosionomutdanning); sykepleie;

vernepleie; ingeniørfag; revisjonsfag; De forskjellige

lærerutdanningene har egne betegnelser.

Navnet på graden bør stå i forskriften også for studier med

rammeplan og det må det gis instruks hva et gradsnavn

skal bestå av for «allmennfaglige studier»!


Page 14: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Tillegg 2.1

Indicate if the title is protected in law.

The titles høgskolekandidat, bachelor, master,ph.d,

cand.med.vet., cand.psychol., cand.theol. And dr. philos.

are protected by law in Norway.


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Navn på en fellesgrad – navnet kan være

forskjellig i to dokumenter, MEN

En fellesgrad kan dokumenteres på et papir eller slik at de

samarbeidende lærestedene utsteder hvert sitt vitnemål

(double degree).


Om programmet er utviklet i felleskap og det skal lede til en

fellesgrad som tildeles i flere dokumenter skal NAVNET PÅ

PROGRAMMET være det samme i begge vitnemålene.


Page 16: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

2.2 Main field(s) of study for the qualification

| Show only the major field(s) of study (disciplines)

that define the main subject area(s) for the

qualification e.g. Politics and History, Human

Resource Management, Business Administration,

molecular Biology etc

• Studieområder under 30 studiepoeng føres ikke opp her

• NB! Rammeplanbelagte studiers hovedområder listes

opp uavhengig av antallet studiepoeng


Page 17: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

2.3 Name and status of awarding institution (in original language)



“Universitetet i Bergen, a government-funded state university. The quality

assurance system was evaluated and approved by the Norwegian Agency for

Quality Assurance in Education in 2007.”

Statlige høgskoler:

“Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, a government-funded university college. The

quality assurance system was evaluated and approved by the Norwegian Agency

for Quality Assurance in Education in yyyy.”

Vitenskapelige høgskoler og kunsthøgskoler:

“Norges musikkhøgskole, a government-funded specialised higher education

institution with programmes of study up to and including the highest level in its

respective field. The quality assurance system was evaluated and approved by

the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in yyyy.”

Private høgskoler:

“Handelshøyskolen BI, a private higher education institution with programmes

of study up to and including the highest level in its respective field receiving

financial support from the State. The quality assurance system was evaluated

and approved by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education in



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2.3 Name and status of awarding institution (in

original language)


Where a degree is issued jointly by two or more institutions, the names of the

institutions issuing the joint degree should be indicated, with indication of the institution

at which the major part of the qualification has been obtained, if applicable.

Tilsvarende tekst som for det norske lærestedet må settes inn her.


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2.5 Language(s) of instruction/examination

Dersom kandidaten har fått undervisning eller skrevet

oppgaver også på et annet språk enn norsk bør det føres

opp her.


Page 20: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

3. Information on the level of the qualification

3.1 Level of qualification:

Short Cycle, Level 6, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong


First Cycle, Level 6, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong


Second Cycle, Level 7, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for

Lifelong learning

Third Cycle, Level 8, Norwegian Qualifications Framework for Lifelong



Page 21: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

3.2 Official length of study

• 3 years in full-time mode (180 ECTS)

• 4 years in full-time mode (240 ECTS)

• 2 years in full-time mode (120 ECTS)

• 1 ½ years in full-time mode (90 ECTS)

• 4 years in part-time mode (120 ECTS)

• 5 years (one-tier) in full-time mode (300 ECTS)

• 6 years (one-tier) in full-time mode (360 ECTS)


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3.3 Access requirement(s)

Generell studiekompetanse

Higher Education Entrance Qualification


Spesielle opptakskrav

Specific entrance requirements


For opptak til mastergrad:

3-year bachelor´s degree with specialisation in the

master´s programme subject.


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4.2 Programme requirements

Where available, provide details of the learning outcomes, knowledge, skills, competencies and stated aims and objectives associated with the qualification. (…)

If applicable, provide details of the regulations covering the minimum requirements to secure the qualification, e.g. any compulsory components or compulsory practical elements, whether all elements have to be passed simultaneously, any thesis/dissertations regulations etc.

Include details of any particular features that help define the qualification, especially information on the requirements for successfully passing it.


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Forskrift om tilsyn med utdanningskvaliteten i

høyere utdanning (studietilsynsforskriften), 2013

§ 7-2. Plan for studiet

Studiet skal ha et dekkende navn.

Studiet skal beskrives gjennom krav til læringsutbytte, jf.

Nasjonalt kvalifikasjonsrammeverk for livslang læring. Det

skal formuleres ett totalt læringsutbytte for hvert studium,

definert i kunnskap, ferdigheter og generell kompetanse.


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4.2 Programme requirements

Dersom studiet er rammeplanfestet, bør en her formulere en egnet

tekst om studiekravene i rammeplanen og vise til det offisielle

navnet til rammeplanen, samt når den ble vedtatt.

Dersom det inngår skikkethetsvurdering bør det komme inn

Suitability assessment is required.

Punktet avsluttes med

Learning outcomes are: Teksten bør være en direkte oversettelse

av teksten i vitnemålet.


• A candidate who has completed his or her qualification should have

the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills

and general competence:


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4.2 Programme requirements:



• In order to achieve a bachelor´s degree, the candidate

must have passed courses totalling at least 180 ECTS

credits, at least 60 of which must have been taken at

this institution.

• At least one disciplinary block of 60 credits and one

specialisation of 30 credits (totalling 90 credits) must be



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4.3 Programme details: (e.g. modules or units

studied), and the individual

grades/marks/credits obtained: if this

information is available on an official transcript

this should be used here.||

Transcript of Records vil bli bakt inn i Diploma Supplement

og Diploma Supplement vil bli en del av hoveddokumentet.


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5 Information on the function of the qualification 5.1 Access to further study

Indicate if within the country of origin, the qualification normally provides access to further academic and/or study, especially leading to any specific qualifications, or level of study e.g. access to Doctoral studies in Hungary. If this is the case, specify the grades or standards that have to be obtained to allow progression. Indicate if the qualification is a terminal (end) award or part of a hierarchy of awards.


The bachelor´s degree is at an academic level that is sufficient for application to relevant second cycle studies.

The master´s degree is at an academic level that is sufficient for application to relevant third cycle studies.

PhD is the highest academic degree attainable in Norway.

For erfaringsbasert master (gjelder ikke alle erfaringsbaserte mastergrader):

The qualification is an experience-based master´s degree and it is not sufficient for application to relevant third cycle studies.


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5.2 Professional status

Give details of any rights to practice, or professional

status accorded to the holders of the qualification, in

accordance with national legislation. What specific

access, if any, does the qualification give in terms of

employment or professional practice and indicate which

competent authority allows this. Indicate if the

qualification gives access to a “regulated profession”.


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Harmonisert, regulert yrke







Arkitekt (ikke i Norge)



Forslag til tekst:

Regulated profession. Covered by the EU Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 7 September 2005 regarding the recognition of professional qualifications


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Authorisation by

The Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel (SAFH)



Nurse. Authorisation by The Norwegian…


Page 32: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Master i rettsvitenskap


“Recognition as a lawyer requires an additional course

and practice. The recognition is made by The

Supervisory Council for Legal Practice.”


Page 33: Felles mal for Diploma Supplement · 07/09/2005  · academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description

Ikke-regulert yrke


The award entitles the holder to practice unregulated

professions requiring graduate competences.


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6.0 Additional information

6.1 Additional information:

Add any additional information not included above but relevant to the purposes

of assessing the nature, level and usage of the qualification e.g. whether the

qualification involved a period of study/training in another

institution/company/country or, include further relevant details about the

higher education institution where the qualification was taken. If the

qualification is a joint or double/multiple degree, or if it was earned under a

transnational or borderless education arrangement, this should be noted here.

a) Her angis kandidatens mobiltetsperiode:

The candidate has completed a period of study at <navn på lærested>. See section 4.3.

Og dersom kvalifikasjonen gjelder en fellesgrad:

The candidate has completed a joint/double degree, see section ….


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6.2 Further information sources

Adressen til lærestedet som utsteder DSen

Adressen til DS-eksemplet på lærestedets nettsider.

Husk teksten om at DSen skal være gratis og utstedes


The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in

