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Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity · 2020-05-17 · REVIEWARTICLE Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity

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Page 1: Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity · 2020-05-17 · REVIEWARTICLE Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity

HAL Id: hal-01201389https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01201389

Submitted on 17 Sep 2015

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versusagricultural biodiversity

Sven-Erik Jacobsen, Marten Sørensen, Søren Pedersen, Jacob Weiner

To cite this version:Sven-Erik Jacobsen, Marten Sørensen, Søren Pedersen, Jacob Weiner. Feeding the world: geneticallymodified crops versus agricultural biodiversity. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, SpringerVerlag/EDP Sciences/INRA, 2013, 33 (4), pp.651-662. �10.1007/s13593-013-0138-9�. �hal-01201389�

Page 2: Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity · 2020-05-17 · REVIEWARTICLE Feeding the world: genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity


Feeding the world: genetically modified cropsversus agricultural biodiversity

Sven-Erik Jacobsen & Marten Sørensen &

Søren Marcus Pedersen & Jacob Weiner

Accepted: 18 February 2013 /Published online: 19 March 2013# INRA and Springer-Verlag France 2013

Abstract The growing demand for food poses major chal-lenges to humankind. We have to safeguard both biodiver-sity and arable land for future agricultural food production,and we need to protect genetic diversity to safeguard eco-system resilience. We must produce more food with lessinput, while deploying every effort to minimize risk.Agricultural sustainability is no longer optional but manda-tory. There is still an on-going debate among researchersand in the media on the best strategy to keep pace withglobal population growth and increasing food demand. Onestrategy favors the use of genetically modified (GM) crops,while another strategy focuses on agricultural biodiversity.Here, we discuss two obstacles to sustainable agriculturesolutions. The first obstacle is the claim that genetically mod-ified crops are necessary if we are to secure food productionwithin the next decades. This claim has no scientific support,but is rather a reflection of corporate interests. The secondobstacle is the resultant shortage of research funds foragrobiodiversity solutions in comparison with funding forresearch in genetic modification of crops. Favoring biodiver-sity does not exclude any future biotechnological contribu-tions, but favoring biotechnology threatens future biodiversityresources. An objective review of current knowledge placesGMcrops far down the list of potential solutions in the comingdecades. We conclude that much of the research fundingcurrently available for the development of GM crops would

be much better spent in other research areas of plant science,e.g., nutrition, policy research, governance, and solutionsclose to local market conditions if the goal is to providesufficient food for the world’s growing population in a sus-tainable way.

Keywords GMO . Underutilized crops . Andean crops .

Food production . Agrobiodiversity . Sustainability

1 Introduction

It is predicted that the human population will reach ninebillion within coming decades, and this is of urgent concernas already ten children die of starvation per minute(Pinstrup-Andersen 2010a, b). To keep pace with populationgrowth, it is estimated that in the next 40 years food pro-duction must increase greatly with the limited availability ofarable land, water, and fossil fuels, exacerbated by climatechange (ISF 2011). One billion people in the world facestarvation and two billion people suffer one or more micro-nutrient deficiencies, especially vitamin A, iodine and iron,often lumped as hidden hunger (Alnwick 1996).

Agriculture is the primary source of food, but modern,intensive agriculture is in general a burden on the environ-ment, resulting in contamination of drinking water, soildegradation, erosion, and reducing biodiversity (Frison etal. 2011). Large modern farms specialize in livestock and afew species of crops, grown as monocultures of geneticallyuniform individuals. Larger fields reduce the extent of fieldmargins and hedgerows with their reserves of biodiversity,while loss of soil organic matter degrades the productivity ofsoils. The expected increase in monoculture production forbiofuels such as sugarcane, maize, and soybean, and oilcrops such as oil palm, will further increase loss of geneticmaterial, as will the rapidly increasing demand for nonfood

S.-E. Jacobsen (*) :M. Sørensen : J. WeinerDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences,University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40,1871 Frederiksberg, Denmarke-mail: [email protected]

S. M. PedersenInstitute of Food and Resource Economics,University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 25,1958 Frederiksberg, Denmark

Agron. Sustain. Dev. (2013) 33:651–662DOI 10.1007/s13593-013-0138-9

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products like coffee by the growing middle classes of Brazil,Russia, India, and China.

To increase food production in order to meet the demandfrom an expanding world population while being faced withanticipated climate changes will definitely entail increasedaccess to genetic resources (Juma 2011). For example, theexpected changes in the growing season of various cropswill require intensified crop breeding efforts (Burke et al.2009). The prerequisites of such breeding programs encom-pass not only knowledge of existing practices but alsoconservation of a wide pool of genetic resources of existingcrops and breeds, including their wild relatives, to providethe genes necessary to cope with changes in agriculturalproduction. Therefore, agrobiodiversity1 should be a centralelement of sustainable agricultural development, instead ofsimply a source of traits that can be used in current breedingprograms (Conner and Mercer 2007; Huang et al. 2002;Salinger 2012; Welch and Graham 2004). The concept ofsustainability rests on the principle that the needs of thepresent must be addressed without compromising the abilityof future generations to meet their own needs (Lichtfouse etal. 2009). Sustainable agriculture is an alternative for solv-ing fundamental and applied issues related to food produc-tion in an ecological way (Lal 2008).

The present debate about how to increase global foodproduction has focussed on arguments for or against genet-ically modified organisms or genetically modified (GM)crops2. One important issue is the effect of the widespreaduse of GM crops on biodiversity. The sequencing of ge-nomes provides capacity for selective breeding of cropssuited to diverse ecologies. Technological advancement istherefore helping to augment nature’s diversity and expandadaptive capabilities (Juma 2011).

Farmers in developing countries, especially small-scalefarmers, have problems that are specific to their cultural,economic and environmental conditions, such as limitedpurchasing power to access proprietary technologies.Hence, the spillover from private sector research in devel-oped countries has therefore had limited impact on thelivelihoods of subsistence farmers in developing countries(FAO 2010). GM crops and their creation may attract in-vestment in agriculture, but it can also concentrate owner-ship of agricultural resources. In developing countries,patents may drive up costs, restrict experimentation by theindividual farmer or public researcher, while undermininglocal practices that enhance food security and economicsustainability. There is particular concern that present intel-lectual property rights instruments, including genetically

modified organisms (GMOs), will inhibit sowing of ownseeds, seed exchange, and sale (IAASTD 2009).

The introduction of GMO technology has been hailed asa gene revolution similar to the green revolution of the1950s (Pingali and Raney 2005; Jain 2010). The greenrevolution had an explicit strategy for technology develop-ment and diffusion, targeting farmers in developing coun-tries, in which improved germplasm was made freelyavailable as a public good, and was in particular a successin Asia. Rice yields in India rose from 2 t/ha in 1960 to6 t/ha in 1990, with a simultaneous reduction in price from550 USD/t in 1970 to 200 in 2001 (Barta 2007). In contrastto the green revolution, the push for GMOs is based largelyon private agricultural research, with varieties provided tofarmers on market terms (Pingali and Raney 2005).

Our objective of this review paper is to analyze thebenefits and disadvantages of the development of plantbreeding based on the use of existing agrobiodiversity com-pared to the use of GMO technology, for securing andincreasing global food production.

2 Genetically modified crops

2.1 Status of GM crops

Numerous recent articles and declarations extol the potentialof GM crops for world food production (Schiøler andPinstrup-Andersen 2009; Pinstrup-Andersen 2010b;Carpenter 2010). As Schiøler and Pinstrup-Andersen (2009)ask, ought we not to use the best research we can offer toincrease food production, and do we not need new technologyto meet the increased demand for food? Another question,would the discarding of genetic modification technology as aviable option not be against the best interest of humanwellbeing (Beyer 2010)? Some proponents have gone so faras to argue that GM crops are the only solution to the globe’sfuture need for plant-based food production (Borlaug 2000;Trewavas 2002). The question is whether genetically modifiedplants represent the best option available. One could easily getthe impression that most modern crop research has a molec-ular focus and is related to the development of GM crops,while other areas such as plant biodiversity, crop physiologyand cropping systems research attract less attention, in spite oftheir obvious relevance for the problems facing the world’sfood supply.

GM crops are being taken up faster than any other agri-cultural technology since the plow 8,000 years ago, and arepresently being used by 16 million farmers (James 2011).On a global scale, farmers have rapidly adapted to GM crops(Lawson et al. 2009). The first commercial GM crop wassown in China in 1992. The countries with the largest areaof GM crops today are the USA followed by Argentina,

1 Agrobiodiversity defined as: all non-GM cultivated species includingvarieties and landraces.2 GM crops are defined here as new varieties of crop species developedby molecular modification through the insertion of foreign geneticmaterial.

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Brazil, Canada, and India (GM Compass 2009), with a totalarea in 2009 of 134 million ha, which in 2011 has increasedto 160 million ha (James 2011). Soybean accounts for morethan half of the GM crops and is used mostly for highprotein animal feed (Vidal 2011a). The major GM cropsapart from soybean are cotton, maize and oilseed rape, andthe most common genetically introduced traits are herbicide(glyphosate) tolerance, and Bt toxins that makes the cropplants inedible to some insects. The world’s three largestcompanies, utilizing plant gene technology, Monsanto,Dupont and Syngenta, now control nearly 70 % of globalseed sales (Vandana et al. 2011).

In USA, the speed with which GM crops have spread hasbeen impressive, since large-scale adoption began in 1996(Enriquez 2001). According to a recent update on US agri-culture, the proportion of GM to non-GM crops were 73 %for maize, 87 % for cotton, and 91 % for soybean (USDA2007). At one point, the limiting factor for the sowing ofsoybean resistant to glyphosate (Roundup®) was the avail-ability of seeds (Carpenter and Gianessi 1999). While NorthAmerican farmers have been very keen to accept this newtechnology, adoption has been very slow in Europe due tostrong public opposition. The opposition has been so severe,that in the EU only 114,500 ha of arable land is grown withBt maize as the only GM crop, mostly in Spain (James2011), i.e., ∼0.01 % of the European agricultural area.

2.2 Pros and cons of GMOs

Unlike other biotechnologies, e.g., tissue culture, marker-assisted breeding, and medicine production by GM bacteria,GM crops have often been the subject of heated controversy(Stone 2010). What are the reasons?

Monsanto has control over 95 % of the Indian cotton seedmarket and this near monopoly has resulted in greatly in-creased prices (Vidal 2011b). It has claimed to have led tohigh levels of indebtedness among farmers. In India, about250,000 farmers died by suicide over the past 15 years(Guillaume et al. 2008; ISIS 2010). This cannot be attribut-ed directly to the GM crops as such, but may for a large partbe due to inappropriate marketing. Farmers have been prom-ised higher yields and lower pesticide costs when using GMcrops, primarily those with the Bt gene, thus they acquiredloans to afford the costly seeds. When, in many cases, thefarmers found that the yields failed to meet the expectedresult, the consequences have been serious (Vidal 2011b).This can also be illustrated by the adoption of Bt cotton inthe Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. Theabsence of irrigation systems combined with specializationin high-cost crops and low prices played a role in indebted-ness of some farmers in the suicide-prone areas. However,none of these possible links to the high suicide frequencyhas been thoroughly examined with a sufficiently robust

analysis (Gruère et al. 2008). Even then, Ahmed (2012)opines that Monsanto’s operation in India illustrates monop-olization and manipulation of the market economy, especial-ly when corruption is rampant.

The plants from Bt cotton seed have been effective incontrolling damage from bollworm (Helicoverpa armígera)in Chinese cotton production since 1999, reducing the needfor pesticides and increasing incomes of Chinese farmers.However, field data collected in 2004 indicates that thesebenefits are being eroded by an increasing use of pesticidesaimed at the control of secondary pests (Wang et al. 2008).This is confirmed by Wang et al. (2009), who claimed thatthe increased problems with secondary pests were of lessimportance than the decreased use of insecticide due togrowing of Bt cotton. In US maize, another pest, therootworm, has developed resistance to the toxin from Bt,as reported by the Environmental Protection Agency(Gassmann et al. 2011). GM crops may potentially offersome solutions to future food production, but one can arguethat the main thrust of GM crop research to date instead hasbeen to increase farmers’ dependence on the agro-industry(Tirado and Johnston 2010).

One of the major arguments for GM technology is thatnew varieties can be developed more quickly than in tradi-tional plant breeding (Parry and Hawkesford 2012), but likenew cultivars derived from conventional breeding methods,GM cultivars require several years of field trials to ensurethat the inserted traits will actually become expressed andhave the desired effects in local environments. When genescoding for certain traits are transferred, typically from oneplant species to another, the desired traits are not alwaysexpressed unless the environment interacts with the genes inthe anticipated way that triggers the desired response, whichdepends on the regulating sequences inserted with the gene.This means that new GM cultivars, developed under labo-ratory conditions in a controlled climate, have to be testedunder field conditions, as in more traditional breedingmethods, so currently there is little difference in the speedwith which either method will result in the release of newcultivars. A special time consuming phase of the GMOmethod is associated with the identification, isolation, andcharacterization of the desired gene and the initial tests inthe model plant. Not before this has been accomplished maythe gene be inserted in numerous species of known adapta-tion to specific environments (Gepts 2002; Ulukan 2009).

An argument occasionally presented in favor of the use ofGM crops is the so-called beneficial trade-off between low-yielding extensive agricultural systems involving traditionalcrops, which require more land to produce the same amount offood, and high-yielding intensive systems, which require lessland for agricultural use and therefore spare land andminimizethe negative impact on biodiversity on noncultivated land.However, there are several arguments in favor of the extensive

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system, including increased sustainability and less impact fromstresses caused by drought, insects, and diseases, due to long-term in situ selection of the crops cultivated less as opposed tothe fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide demands in an intensiveGM crop-based system (IFOAM 2009; Carpenter 2010).

A successful adoption of GM crops depends on severalaspects such as public perception of risks and benefits ofGM technology; a country’s participation in internationalenvironmental agreements and agroindustry to support theadoption (Hall et al. 2009).

2.3 Economics

Experience from the USA shows that GM crops can some-times offer net environmental and economic benefits com-pared to conventional crops, but often this is not the case.Some benefits are expected to decline over time, and poten-tial benefits and risks may become more numerous as thetechnology is applied to more crops (NAS 2010).

Adoption of herbicide-tolerant GM crops is mainly a labor-saving technology which may benefit farms in high income,developed countries, by simplifying weed control proceduresand thereby reduce a labor-intensive weeding practice. Inmany developing countries, labor abounds at low cost, imply-ing that the relative benefit from reduced weeding is much lesssignificant, while the GM seeds are more expensive than seedsof non-GM varieties—not to mention the stabilizing socio-political implications from the jobs offered when labor de-manding methods are employed. A review on the economicimpact of insect-resistant (Bt) maize indicates that farmersmay gain improved gross margins up to 70 USD/ha. In theUSA, which contains about 50 % of the GMO area in theworld, the increase in gross margins from Bt maize was only12 USD/ha, whereas for Bt cotton there seems to be signifi-cant gains in relation to increased yields and reduction ofinsecticides in countries like China, India, and Mexico(Qaim 2009).

Gruère and Sun (2012) showed that Bt cotton contributedsignificantly to cotton yield growth, with 0.29–0.39 % annualyield increase per percent adoption, or a total 19 % increasefrom 1975 to 2010. However, the results show that other keyfactors than the Bt trait had a significant effect, especially theuse of fertilizers and of hybrid seeds. Human labor, pesticides,and the use of irrigation were also found to be important.

Of 168 datasets comparing yields of GM and conven-tional crops, 124 showed increased yields for adopters, 32indicated no difference, and 13 are negative (Carpenter2010). According to The Union of Concerned Scientists, ascience-based nonprofit organization, the record of GMcrops in contributing to increased yield is modest in theUSA, despite considerable efforts (Gurian-Sherman 2009).Higher production is often associated with reduced profit forthe farmer due to increased costs.

The economic gains by farmers in different regions willalso depend on market policies, seed costs, access to labor,and water in different regions as well as farm structure. Forinstance, smallholder farmers that adopted Bt varieties ofwhite maize in South Africa did benefit from planting Btmaize in high maize stalk borer infestation years, but whenplanted in locations or years when stalk borers were not aproblem, Bt was not profitable because of higher seed costs(Gouse et al. 2006).

The use of patents for transgenic crops introduces addi-tional problems according to the IAASTD (2009) reportdeveloped with the contribution from 400 scientists aroundthe world, and adopted by 58 governments. In developingcountries, especially, instruments such as patents drive upcosts and restrict experimentation by individual farmerswhile also potentially undermining local practices for secur-ing food and economic sustainability. Thus, there is partic-ular concern regarding present intellectual property rightsinstruments, which may inhibit seed-saving, exchange, sale,and access to proprietary materials of vital importance to theindependent research community, specifically in view of theneed for analyses and long term experimentation on climatechange impacts.

Arguments for the adoption of Bt–GM crops have focusedon the benefits in reduced use of insecticide saving and tosometimes increased yield, but the farmer will usually have topay more for the seeds. A study from Spain on Bt maizeindicate an increase in gross margins of EUR 68–266/ha com-pared with conventional crops (Brookes 2002). However, theinvestments and benefits did not include any costs in relation toregulation and control measures to ensure traceability in thesupply chain. Depending on the national regulations, and tosecure traceability and consumers’ free choice, farmers mayhave to add costs for control and cleaning measures both at thefarm level as well as in the supply chain. These costs may varydepending on the crop and location. For instance, the Danishlegislation on GM crops requires that farmers have to clean theequipment and pay an insurance fee for growing GM crops. Forcertain crops, e.g., oilseed rape, a buffer zone between the GMcrop and neighbor crops is required. For sugar beet and pota-toes, it should be possible to gain an extra net benefit from GMcrops, but for maize the benefit is negative due to small savingsin relation to the cost of coexistence with non-GM crops(Table 1).

Coexistence cost is the cost that may occur to ensure thatboth GM crops and conventional crops can be cultivatednext to each other and to ensure traceability in the supplychain without contamination of the end non-GM product,and to ensure that the end-consumer has a free choice(Table 1). Costs to include are for cleaning machinery,insurance costs in case of contamination, and costs relatedto separate GM and non-GM crops in the field and in thesupply chain. One unit of pesticide treatment index is

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equivalent to one treatment in the field for a specific cropwith pesticides in a cropping season.

2.4 Research funding

A major part of the total public research funds for agricul-ture in Europe and elsewhere is allotted to projects usingtechnically advanced methods associated with scientificprestige and corporate investments, but sometimes with dubi-ous goals and questionable impacts (Scientific American2009). One result could be that the biodiversity needed toachieve the best crop adaptation to local conditions is reducedand even threatened with extinction. As an example, inDenmark, GMO research has been funded with EUR 20 mil-lion in recent years from the Danish Research Council, where-as conventional crop research has only received EUR4 million (Fig. 1). The European Commission has supportedprojects on GMOs in the order of EUR 300 million since the

beginning of the Bio-Molecular Engineering Programme(European Union 2010).

While GM crops have received much attention and in-vestment, traditional breeding has been focusing mostly onincreasing yield (Gurian-Sherman 2009). Newer and sophis-ticated breeding methods using increasing genomic knowl-edge, but not GMO techniques, show promise for increasingyield. The large investment in the private sector indicatesthat research on genetically modified versions of majorcrops is expected to continue, while organic and otheragroecological methods are not likely to attract a similarinvestment. This increased specialization and intensificationof production systems have led to reduction in crop andlivestock biodiversity, and increased genetic vulnerabilityand erosion (FAO 2007; Gepts 2006). It is thus hardlysurprising that the 2010 biodiversity targets were not met(Larigauderie and Mooney 2010). Nearly 17,000 species ofplants and animals are currently at risk of extinction, and the

Table 1 Estimated net benefits for GM crops at farm level (Danish Ministry of Food Agriculture and Fisheries 2009)

Sugar beet Maize Potatoes

Currentpesticide usea

Good conventionalpracticeb

Currentpesticide usea

Good conventionalpracticeb

Currentpesticide usea

Savings in crop protection (EUR/ha) 156.00 128.00 36.00 15.00 219.00

Coexistence costs (seed cost, cleaning) (EUR/ha) 76.00 76.00 41.00 41.00 110.00

Difference (EUR/ha) 80.00 53.00 −5.00 −25.00 108.00

Pesticide treatment index (PTI) reduction 2.18 1.77 0.45 0.23 1.70

Exchange rate: 1 EUR=7,45 DKKaCurrent pesticide use is based on statistical (bekæmpelsesmiddelstatistikken from 2007 from Danish Environmental Agency)b Good conventional practice is based on conventional practise among the Danish advisory service, which is equivalent to a common treatmentstrategy recommended by Danish crop advisors

Fig. 1 Top left quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) field north of the Salarde Uyuni, Dept. Potosi, Bolivia; below left field of nopales(Opuntia ficus-indica), State of México, Mexico; center homegarden in central Uganda with plantains (Musa paradisiaca) and

common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris); top right, safflower (Carthamustinctorius) field, NE Salta, Argentina; below right true aloe (Aloe vera),field Dept. Zacapa, Guatemala. Photos: Sven-Erik Jacobsen & MartenSørensen

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number of species likely to die out is growing by the day(UN 2010; Fig. 2).

While agricultural biotechnology advances rapidly in thedeveloped world, its value for developing countries strug-gling to keep pace for poor human and institutional capacitychallenges, causing lack of familiarity with the biotechproduct development process, and difficulties in navigatingregulatory processes (AATF 2012) is dubious.

The private sector could partner with the public sector tocontribute to the development and delivery of biotechnologytools to smallholder farmers in Africa to help overcomesome of these challenges. The private sector can contributetheir technologies, knowhow, and even funding. Projectswhere African Agricultural Technology Foundation currentlyparticipate include: Striga control in maize; development ofinsect-resistant cowpea; improvement of banana for resistanceto banana bacterial wilt; biological control of aflatoxin; devel-opment of drought tolerance in maize; and development ofnitrogen-use efficient, water-use efficient, and salt tolerant ricevarieties for use by smallholder farmers in Africa.

3 Potential for utilization of agrobiodiversity

There is a real danger that the scientific response to theglobal food shortage will be based exclusively on methodsthat jeopardize existing diversity, even though more

appropriate solutions can be found by focussing on thebiological factors that determine yield: genotype, environ-ment, and management. An analysis of the increases inAustralian wheat yields over the past 100 years concludedthat management contributed 50–55 % of the yield in-creases, surpassing genotype (35–40 %), and environment(10–15 %) (Fischer 2009). It was also noted that newgenotypes resulted primarily in increases in yields on thefarms already high yielding, whereas management primarilyimproved the yield of lower-yielding farms. Future agricul-tural research and development must pay more attention tocrop management and agronomy rather than to breedingalone if we are to address farmers and future environmentalconditions globally. Productivity can increase steadily overtime with low-input ecological practices on rain fed farms, ifnatural, social, and human capital assets are accumulated(Pretty et al. 2003). This is especially important in develop-ing countries, where daily food acquisition is the mostimportant task. Very low or even zero fertilizer input andyields only 25 % of potential are not infrequent in develop-ing countries, so there is huge potential for improved yieldsthrough improved agronomic practices in the near future.

We argue that food production can be best understood andincreased by analyzing yield as the result of genotype, envi-ronment, management, and their interactions, and that existingbiodiversity can provide the genes needed to satisfy futureglobal demand. We should start with an analysis of available











Crops -conventional

Crops - GMmolecular

Nutritients -Food and

agriculture -

Environment -agriculture

Environment -other

Other foodand



mio. EUR

Fig. 2 Food and agricultural research funding (2006–2010) from theDanish Strategic Research Council. In millions EUR. Crops–conven-tional research projects that are aimed at agricultural productionsystems and plant breeding with field trials. Crops–GM molecularprojects that mainly are based on molecular plant breeding tech-nologies. Nutrients–food and agriculture projects that deal withnutritional processes and indirect health impact of human foodconsumption. Environment–agriculture projects that are related to

environmental impact from agricultural production, including nu-trient leaching to the surrounding environment. Environment–otherprojects that focus on environmental impact but mainly in othersectors than agriculture such as fisheries. Other food and agricultureresearch into utilization of biomass into biofuel, functional foods andanimal production (including molecular and nanoscience). Other re-search research projects that mainly are aimed at developing pharmaceu-ticals and medicine

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genetic material (Porter et al. 2010). This agrobiodiversity,i.e., the cultivated plants that feed the world today, can con-tinue to do so, if we invest in its future utilization (Padulosi etal. 2011). It is agronomically, ecologically, nutritionally, andeconomically risky and unsustainable to rely almost exclu-sively on a handful of major crops to provide food for theworld’s population (Dempewolf et al. 2010). We should avoidthe temptation to further sacrifice Earth’s already hugely de-pleted biodiversity for short-term, unsustainable increases infood production (Godfray et al. 2010). The EU commissionerfor environment has emphasized the importance of biodiver-sity (Potocnik 2010), and year 2010 was designated as the“year of biodiversity” by the United Nations.

GM cultivars may also contribute to increased food pro-duction, but it remains to be seen whether their contribution isenvironmentally and nutritionally sustainable. Agriculturaldiversity can furnish the impoverished third world farmer—who often lives under difficult climatic conditions with littleor no economic resources—with a better livelihood and lessdependence on large international corporations. It can gener-ate income and reliable food supply, and guarantee improvednutrition and health among the family members (Porter et al.2010). Numerous very promising, readily available and po-tentially high yielding crops exist as alternatives to the majorcrops. The application of traditional plant breedingmethods to minor crops often offers more efficient andeconomically attractive solutions, frequently well adaptedto local agricultural conditions, and with a culturallyhigh acceptance and utilization rate. As internationalaid organizations have learned, “low-tech” solutions areoften much more effective and less failure-prone.However, they are also less profitable for large interna-tional corporations, which explain why GM crop devel-opment has much more economic support.

The nutritional value of many underutilized, traditionallycultivated crops is high, with ample amounts of micronutrients,antioxidants and essential amino acids for the consumer. Thisapplies to species from the Andes, e.g., quinoa, amaranth,kañawa, and Andean lupine (Jacobsen 2003, 2011; Jacobsenet al. 2003), all of which are known for their high tolerance todrought, soil salinity, and other climatic extremes, factors likelyto occur with increased frequency in the future due to climatechange (IPCC 2007). Small-grained African cereals, e.g., mil-lets, sorghum and teff (Weiner et al. 2010; Tari et al. 2012),indigenous leafy vegetables and fruits (Shackleton et al. 2009),and a range of legumes (Sørensen 2004; Jacobsen et al. 2012),represent a wealth of potentially important crops. In Asia,numerous promising local rice landraces and varieties arefound. Minor crops are traditionally utilized in many ways,making them interesting from the culinary perspective.Despite their high value, the continued availability of many ofthese crops is endangered due to competition on unequal termsfrom bulk products and food aid in the form of industrially

produced commercial varieties of rice, maize and wheat. Thelimited marketing of under-utilized crops is often caused bytheir need for specific processing and the local image as “poorpeople’s food”, as well as insufficient research and breeding inthe local agrobiodiversity.

In Latin America, this situation is already changing for a fewof the traditional crops, such as the yam bean or jícama(Pachyrhizus erosus) from Mexico, and quinoa (Chenopodiumquinoa) from the Andes, which have been discovered andgained access to international markets. It could be argued thatthe successful cultivation and marketing of such crops has takenplace in spite of the green revolution and transgenic researchthat has focussed on improving yields of a few major crops.Unfortunately, hundreds of other valuable species and cultivarsof considerable local and potential global importance as foodappear to have already been forgotten or ignored by the agri-cultural sector (Padulosi et al. 2011). Crop diversification is akey component for enhancing adaptation and resilience of pro-duction systems in the face of climate change. Greater demandfor under-utilized species can play an important role nutrition-ally while in addition they serve to maintain livelihood optionsof the rural and urban poor (Padulosi et al. 2011).

Agriculture involving a wide range of crops ensures adiverse and varied diet vital to nutrition and health. Effortsto increase production have so far been based on extremelysimplified agroecosystems using only a few varieties ofeven fewer crops. These crops often require massive injec-tions of energy-dependent inputs such as fertilizers andpesticides. Such simplified systems lead to low-diversitydiets that are frequently associated with high incidence oflifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease,obesity and cancer (Frison 2009). Diversified agriculturalsystems not only render smallholder farming more sustain-able, but also reduce the vulnerability of poor farmers. Theyminimize the risk of harvest failures caused by droughts orfloods, by extremes of temperature and by outbreaks ofpests and diseases, all of which will be exacerbated byclimate change (Frison et al. 2011).

Agriculture’s most direct negative impact on biodiversity isdue to the considerable loss of natural habitats, which iscaused by the conversion of natural ecosystems into agricul-tural land. A key question is therefore how to achieve anincreased productivity on existing land. According toCarpenter (2011), GM crops have had a net positiveimpact on biodiversity and sustainability over the past15 years by increasing yields, decreasing insecticideuse, increasing use of more environmentally friendlyherbicides, and facilitating adoption of conservation till-age. However, the use of gene technology may endanger therich diversity of certain species, which for instance isdiscussed when considering the introduction of Bt eggplantin the middle of the genetic center for the crop in India(Kolady and Lesser 2012).

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4 The value of agrobiodiversity

There is much evidence that global agriculture would benefitfrom an intensified utilization of existing biodiversity. There isa growing interest in exotic foods, which have become readilyavailable as a result of cheap and easy transport and efficientmarketing. As the consumer demand for novel products hasincreased dramatically, supermarkets today offer food frommany corners of the world, products that a couple of decadesago were available in a few parts of the world only (Rudebjer2009). In order to retain long term, efficient, and economicallyattractive possibilities for utilization of agrobiodiversity, it isessential to consider the threats to the exploitation of existingbiodiversity from agricultural industrialisation; plant breedingaimed at a few crop species; weeds, pests, and diseases; andclimate change (Grum 2009).

We need to shift the focus of agricultural research fromgenes alone to management and their interactions. There is alot to gain, as shown in a study with mixed cropping whereplots with 16 species produced 2.7 times more biomass thanmonocultures (Tilman et al. 2001). Comparing meadowswith different number of species, the richer meadowsyielded 43 % more hay after 8 years than species-poorfields, an effect that was not due simply to the fertilizingeffects of the greater number of legumes in the more diversefields (Bullock et al. 2007). This is generally true for grass-lands across Europe (Hector and Loreau 2005), and in-creased grassland diversity promotes temporal stability atmany levels of ecosystem organization (Proulx et al. 2010).Mixtures of barley varieties in Poland generally out-yieldedthe mean of the varieties as pure stands (Finckh et al. 2000).The highly intensive agricultural system of home gardensare some of the most diverse production systems in theworld and also some of the most productive (Eyzaguirre

2004; Galluzzi et al. 2010). Although they are usuallyhighly labor intensive and small, they nonetheless providedirect benefits in terms of production, income and nutritionfor millions of small-scale farmers throughout the world.Agricultural biodiversity can reduce year-to-year variation,thus contributing to stability in yield as confirmed by studiesin Brazil and Senegal (Nair 2001; Brun et al. 1989).

It is clear that a global effort is needed to further developcrops already adapted to specific ecological conditions, e.g.,African and Asian cereals, and Andean seeds, roots andtuber crops, which have demonstrated their capability ofsecuring food production for a wider range of farmers andconsumers. The majority of these crops are hardly knownoutside their present area of cultivation. They are, however,characterized by their favorable nutritional qualities andtheir reliability in production. Already at the UN conferencein Rio de Janeiro in 1995 on “environment and sustainabledevelopment”, there was a general consensus that theworld’s food supply and nutrition is most secure if basedon the broadest possible range of crops. In a world wheremeeting the food demand of a growing population continu-ously becomes a more serious challenge, it is obvious thatthe right choice of crops and cropping systems is critical. Inareas where climatic conditions are unstable, such as inmany developing countries, local agriculture relies tradition-ally on a range of crops. This is the best method for increas-ing the reliability of food production in the face of seasonalvariation.

Anyone who has lived in rural areas of Africa or the FarEast will have observed how little variation there is in thedaily diet: porridge, e.g., manioc, plantain, maize, or rice,with few protein-rich additions. Prior to the introduction ofmanioc and cereals like maize and rice the diets in theseregions were based on a wide range of crops. Would it not

Table 2 Estimates for minor crops of increasing importance as food products in USA, 2010

Crop US import (t) Yield (t ha−1) Export (% of total) Total area for exportto US (ha)

Yam-beana 38,668 50.0 40 1,933

Quinoab 1,500 0.6 80 3,125

Amaranthb 1,000 0.8 70 1,786

Manioca 43,593 9.6 40 11,352

Sweet potato (world)c 128 5.9 35 62

Sweet potato (USA)d 1,082 5.9 35 524

Taroa 41,813 6.8 35 17,569

a United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit & Vegetable Market News, 2010b FAO (2010)c Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerced http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/MannUsda/homepage.do;jsessionid=62D429418A53EC7CC9E2B596107FA580

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be much more sensible in terms of nutrition and palatability,to enjoy a diet involving a range of vegetables, starch, andprotein plants as well as fruits, rather than a few crops?

5 What are we going to feed the world?

Below, we present an example from the USA on the adoptionof new food products based on exotic, minor crops, producedmainly in the developing world using local agrobiodiversityand representing alternatives to GM crop development andmarketing. Several of these tropical crops have become im-portant in the USA, in part because of immigration from LatinAmerica (Table 2). Several South American species, some ofexceptional high nutritional value, such as the root crop yautiaor cocoyam (Xanthosoma spp.), have become popular foods,but also seed crops as quinoa and amaranth are very popular inthe USA. For sweet potato, there is also an internal productionof almost ten times the import, which adds to the figure. Inaddition, USA is now producing African crops like sorghumand millet, and an Asian crop like sesame, on commercial,large-scale basis.

Many arguments about “feeding the world” assume that weneed more of our current, western diet, but it should beobvious that the world’s population can better be fed, bothagriculturally, environmentally and with respect to humanhealth, with a diet different from what is most common inthe developed world today. It is clear that feeding the worldwill require eating lower on the food chain, i.e., fewer animalproducts and more plant products (Duchin 2005). An increasein the variety of plant foods can contribute to this goal.

6 Conclusion

There is a wide range of existing and emerging problemsrelated to food security that can be tackled by a range ofcrop technologies (FAO 2010). Key areas include pest anddisease control, salt and drought-tolerance, crop yield andquality, and the sustainability and environmental impact ofcrop production. The knowledge gained from basic plantresearch will underpin future crop improvements, but effec-tive mechanisms for the rapid and effective translation ofresearch discoveries into public good agriculture remain tobe developed. Maximum benefit will be derived if robustplant breeding and crop management programmes haveready access to all the modern crop biotechniques, bothtransgenic and nontransgenic, to address food security is-sues. This will require additional investments in capacitybuilding for research and development in developing countries.Technology implementation alone is not sufficient to addresssuch complex questions as food security. Biotechnologies willmake new options available, but their uptake and effective

exploitation will rely on an intricate web of cross-sectorialfactors (FAO 2010).

Although there are positive aspects of the use of biotech-nology in the cases where it is superior to conventional breed-ing, good nutrition depends on adequate intakes of a range ofnutrients and other compounds (Bouisa et al. 2003). Wemaintain that the best way to eliminate undernutrition world-wide is to provide increased consumption of a range ofnonstaple foods. By reducing the cost of producing food,biotechnology will, possibly, make its most important contri-bution to reducing malnutrition. Albeit if this is to be achievedit will require several decades of informed government poli-cies, a large investment in agricultural research, and otherpublic and on-farm infrastructure (Bouisa et al. 2003).

When scientists seek to improve crops by addingdrought, pest, or disease tolerance through the applicationof GM technology, they risk turning a blind eye to the studyof cultivated plant materials, which already possess many ofthe desired traits. The documented improvements in yield ofsoybean, maize and other GM crops to date have not beenimpressive if they are to be found at all. The overemphasison genetic engineering is obscuring our knowledge of theconsiderable available diversity of eminently adapted alter-natives, which could provide a greater supply reliability andnutritional enrichment compared to a diet based on fewcrops only. The existing diversity with its many beneficialcharacteristics has appeared to be ignored or forgotten indeveloping as well as in developed countries.

GM efforts to date have been focused on crops consideredto be profitable enough by large plant breeding companies, noton solutions to problems confronted by the world’s farmers orconsumers. GMOs developed by these companies will nothelp most of the world’s farmers. On the contrary, they areexpensive and increase the dependency of farmers on externalinputs, and have a negative impact on income distributions.Utilizing existing biodiversity and traditional breedingmethods are more appropriate and constitutes more promisingapproaches if our goal is to feed the world with nutritious andreliable plant products. The claim that GMOs are necessary tofeed the world is no more than a self-serving advertisingcampaign, and it is unfortunate that some economists, acceptthe claims of GMO proponents as a “technical fix” to theworld’s food problems without skepticism. The developmentof GM technology is not driven by demand pull or publicscience push, but primarily by corporate interests,supported by GMO researchers’ career interests.

Not only is GMO research an ineffective way to addressthese problems. GM crops can threaten the cultivation ofminor crops, such as neglected and underutilized plant spe-cies, which today constitute the basis of much subsistencefarming. GM crops will reduce the nutritional value andyield reliability of the food supply, and lead to a dangerousloss of biodiversity. For a range of traits, the potential of

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existing agrobiodiversity for cures for human diseases, re-sistance to plants pests and diseases, adaptation to climaticchanges, and nutritional attractiveness is enormous. Existingbiodiversity in combination with plant breeding has muchmore to offer the many world’s farmers and consumers,while GMOs have more to offer the agro-industry and somelarge-scale farms, and this explains why they have receivedso much attention and research funding.

GMO research should be seen as basic research, verymuch worth pursuing as such and with potential applicationsover the long term, but it is cannot be seen as good strategicresearch directed at increasing world food production withinthe coming decades. Rather, emphasis on (1) improvedagricultural practices in hunger-prone developing countries,(2) development of agrobiodiversity resources through plantbreeding, and (3) more sustainable consumption as well asproduction of foodstuffs, could be the basis for a muchbetter strategy if the goal is to feed the world’s populationin the coming decades.

In short, the available evidence supports a focus onagrobiodiversity as a more appropriate technology to securefood production in a sufficiently high quantity and quality inthe years to come than GM technology.


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