Federal Update December 7, 2008 Sharon Walsh ITCA and DEC

Federal Update December 7, 2008 Sharon Walsh ITCA and DEC

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Federal Update December 7, 2008 Sharon Walsh ITCA and DEC. Agenda. Transition to New Administration New 111 th Congress Economy and Stimulus Appropriations 110th Congress Regulations Update Plans for 111th Congress. Obama Administration Transition. www.change.gov - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Federal UpdateDecember 7, 2008

Sharon WalshITCA and DEC


Transition to New Administration New 111th CongressEconomy and StimulusAppropriations 110th Congress Regulations UpdatePlans for 111th Congress

Obama Administration Transition Obama Administration Transition

www.change.gov Transition Team Meetings- "Seat at the Table"

Transparency Policy Early Childhood Group (Education and HHS) met in 3

sessions last week Listening Mode Looking for cross-agency ideas on what is needed to

create a national policy for early childhood and the integration and alignment of existing federal programs

Policy WorkgroupsPolicy Workgroups

EconomicEducationEnergy and EnvironmentHealth CareImmigrationNational SecurityTechnology, Innovation

and Government Reform

Education Policy GroupEducation Policy Group

Led by Linda Darling-Hammond Education Plan - $18 B investment

– Early Childhood - $10 B of the total – Includes Zero to 5 Plan with emphasis on

infants (Part C mentioned) ; expansion of Early

Head Start and Head Start; provision of affordable

high-quality child care– K-12– Higher Education

Key NominationsKey Nominations

Attorney General – Eric HolderSecretary of State – Hillary ClintonCommerce – Bill RichardsonDefense – Robert GatesHomeland Security – Janet NapolitanoHHS – Tom DaschleTreasury – Tim Geithner

Key AppointmentsKey Appointments

o Rahm Emanuel – Chief of Staffo Gen James Jones – National Security

Advisero White House Press Sec – Robert Gibbso Melody Barnes – Director, Domestic

Policy Councilo Peter Orszag – Director, Office of

Management and Budget (OMB)

111th Congress111th Congress

Convenes January 6, 2009

Senate (100 members) – Democrats – 56– Republicans – 41– Independents – 2

House (435 members)– Democrats – 255– Republicans – 177

111th Congress111th Congress

Senate Majority Leader – Harry Reid (NV) President Pro Tempore – Robert Byrd (WV) Asst Majority Leader – Dick Durbin (IL) Senate Min Leader–Mitch McConnell (KY) Minority Whip – Jon Kyl (AZ) Speaker of the House – Nancy Pelosi (CA) Majority Leader – Steny Hoyer (MD) House Minority Leader – John Boehner (OH) Minority Whip – Eric Cantor (VA)

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

State Budgets - Updated November 12, 2008 At least 41 states faced or are facing shortfalls

in their budgets for this and/or next year.  Over half the states had already cut spending,

used reserves, or raised revenues in order to adopt a balanced budget for the current fiscal year

Budgets have fallen out of balance again and new gaps have opened up in the budgets of at least 31 states plus DC


Families USAFamilies USA

“Left Behind: America’s Uninsured

Children” November 2008

Families USA Report

www.familiesusa.orgOne in nine children or 11.1% of

children in this country are uninsured

Health Care Reform Health Care Reform

Major priority -111th Congress & Administration Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) issued a 98 page white

paper “Call to Action: Health Care Reform 2009."  “Comprehensive health reform legislation must be

part of any successful economic recovery plan….calls on Congress to act on meaningful health care reformin 2009 that achieves coverage for all Americans, while also addressing the underlying problems of cost and quality.  We need immediate action on health care reform.  Health care costs and the economy are linked:  The key challenges of our health care system are high costs, low quality, and insufficient access.”


Stimulus Package PlannedStimulus Package Planned

Fall 2008 unemployment benefits

extended New stimulus (recovery) package with

investment in jobs creation is being negotiated May include Increase in FMAP Significant advocacy for many initiatives

including funding for early childhood (child

care, Head Start, IDEA program)

Federal BudgetFederal Budget

Benefits Programs (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – 53%

National Security – 24% Nonsecurity Domestic – 16% Interest on the Debt – 7%

Source OMB 2008


FFY’09 Began October 1, 2008 funding

for July 2009 awards 9/12 bills not passed by 10/1 Continuing Resolution (CR) funding at

FFY’08 levels Final FFY’09 on President’s desk 1/20 Process for FFY’10 begins in 2/09

IDEA FundingIDEA Funding

Part B - $10.94 billion -17.1% Part C - $435 millionSec. 619 Preschool - $374 millionSupport Programs (Part D) - 1% of

total IDEA budget - $224.6 million

Federal Funding – FFY’08Federal Funding – FFY’08

MCH Block Grant - $666 million HRSA -Combating Autism Act - $16.5

millionDD State Grants - $72.5 millionHead Start - $6.9 billionCCBDG - $2 billionCAPTA - $95 million

110th Congress 110th Congress

Head Start ReauthorizationHigher Education Opportunity ACT

Reauthorization (HEOA)Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici

Mental Health Parity and Addiction

Equity ACTADA Amendments ACT of 2008

Regulations UpdateRegulations Update

o 3 sets of Part B regulations have been published

o Final Part C regulations went to OMB in mid-October

o OMB has 90 days to reviewo Part C regulations can be released up

until the Inaugurationo FERPA regulations expected 12/08o Title I regulations published Fall 2008

Medicaid Update Medicaid Update Six Medicaid regulations put on

Moratorium through March 2009 Contained in Iraq War Supplemental 6/08 Rehabilitation, Transportation and

Administrative Claiming and Targeted Case

Management (TCM) are on hold Some portions of TCM regs did go into effect Outpatient Clinic Regulation in effect - Not

covered in Moratoria

Plans for 111th Congress Plans for 111th Congress

Fiscal Crisis NCLB IDEA SCHIP Reauthorization – Passed 2x Child Care Block Grant Reauthorization CAPTA Reauthorization Developmental Disabilities Act

Reauthorization SAMPSA Reauthorization Child Nutrition