>>Engelken Editorial<< Volume 1 Issue 12 MAST | High Technology | Red Bank Regional | Rumson-Fair Haven | Henry Hudson| Middletown South|Ocean Township | Monmouth Regional | Middletown North

February/March Newsletter 2015

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>>Engelken Editorial<<Volume 1 Issue 12

MAST | High Technology | Red Bank Regional | Rumson-Fair Haven | Henry Hudson| Middletown South|Ocean Township | Monmouth Regional | Middletown North

Official Publication of Division 9 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International

Table of Contents

Final Message From Your LTG……1 International Update……………….2 District Convention…………………3 DCON Campaigning and Causcusing……………………..……..4 District Eliminathon Recap……..….5 Midwinter Training Conference Recap……………………………..…….6 2015-2016 District Board……..………..7 Bring in Change to Make Change….8

Final Message From Your LTG


I have been procrastinating writing this for as long as possible because I don’t want to accept the fact that my term has come to an end. I want to thank everyone in my division and everyone on the New Jersey District Board for the best year of my entire life. All the traveling, events, board meetings, etc were absolutely amazing and I made so many great friends and memories. I’ll never forget what my division accomplished this year. Back up to 9 dues paid clubs, Division 9 is once again the largest division in the New Jersey District! I am so proud of everything that my mighty division accomplished this year! I’m also excited to meet those of you that I have not already met at District Convention! DCON is going to be so fun but it will be insanely bittersweet. I hope that DCON impacts all of you that attend as much as it impacted me. I would have never run for LTG if I hadn’t seen how awesome Key Club and the NJDB is! I know that your new 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governor Emma Clark will do an amazing job and will bring this division to new heights! I have very high expectations for her! As excited as I am to graduate and go to the University of South Carolina, I don’t want to leave my position and my fellow board members—who have become my best friends—behind. I am so glad that USC has a Circle-K or I would be so lost! Have an amazing 2015-2016 service year everyone! I’ll miss all of you so much! Thank you for an outstanding year!

International Update

I love receiving updates from our International Trustee Barry Seng from the Pennsylvania District! He’s shared with our district board some exciting updates that I want to share with my division! Recently, Key Club International collaborated with one of our preferred charities, March of Dimes, to create a toolkit that will help clubs get more involved with MOD. The toolkit can be found on keyclub.org. As of February 22, 2015, Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs have raised US$3,895,501 in total funds. Key Club International raised more than US$35,590 last week, saving or protecting more than 19,700 lives! Recently, International President Maria Palazzolo went to Cambodia to see the progress of the Eliminate Project. Here’s a quote she said about her trip, “The Eliminate Project has always been a cause that I am extremely passionate about. How often can teenagers, college students and adults from around the world join together with a single mission: to eliminate a completely preventable disease from the face of the planet? How often do 270,000 teenagers see a problem and then raise more than US$3 million to fix that problem? Not too often…” As you all already know, our sister districts are Texas-Oklahoma and Wisconsin-Upper Michigan. However, we have a new sister district now—Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee! Usually called LaMissTenn, this district is amazing! They went to ICON as well and I had the awesome chance of rooming near some of the district. They’re so energetic, cheerful, and they wore blue cowboy hats which was awesome! They are very welcoming and warm people and I’m glad they’re able to join our sister district group. They’ll be with us until International Convention 2015, in which new trustees are chosen and districts are re-distributed.


District Convention By now, almost everyone has heard of District Convention. Many people know what it is, but a lot of people don’t actually know what happens there. Hopefully you know by now that DCON has sessions, workshops, house of delegates, candidate campaigning, keynote speakers, dances, and awards. But how does this all come together? Heres an example of what a district convention may look like: Friday-opening session, keynote speaker presentation, explanation of Eliminate, contest information, candidate questioning, and a dance Saturday- candidate campaigning, workshops, free time/talent show/house of delegates, awards session, contest and talent presentations and a dance Sunday-Eliminate walk, farewell session, report of 2015-2016 district executive board elections Sessions can comprise of many things; Eliminate presentations, International Programs presentations, keynote speakers, contest information/winners, talent show acts and awards, as well as club and divisional awards. There are multiple sessions for workshops, the first session is for positions within Key Club for training officers (there’s a general member one too!), the rest of the sessions range from the Eliminate Project to advocacy, from design graphics to Circle-K, we have a lot in store! At DCON a new district executive board is elected and all the current board retires and the new one is installed (all future LTGs have already been chosen). There are dances every night with different themes, fundraising throughout the weekend, a service fair, and a service project. It’s really difficult to explain EVERYTHING we have planned because it is just so much! So come to DCON yourself and experience the real magic of Key Club! We want you to discover your passion and love for Key Club just like we have!


DCON Campaigning and Caucusing

If you’re going to DCON, you’re going to be hearing and seeing the word “caucusing” a lot. So what does that mean? Basically, it’s a fancy word for question-and-answer. As you know, during DCON people will be running (campaigning) for the positions of District Governor, District Secretary, District Treasurer, and District Editor. Each person running is a “candidate” and will have a “campaign” which will be a platform on which they run (a major goal, theme, etc.). They will have a campaigning team, people that support them in their elections. Every division will be paired with other divisions and placed in a room Friday night, called their “caucus room”. Candidates and their campaign teams will come to each caucus room and give a speech and then the divisions can ask them questions. The divisions will receive packets containing each candidates’ information and campaign flyer, along with appropriate caucus questions. When candidates finish there speech, division members can ask any of the provided questions or any other appropriate and relevant question they may think of. Caucusing will end after a few hours. So who votes? Every club officer board will choose two people to serve as “delegates” at the House of Delegates on Saturday afternoon. What that means is those two people will be the only two people from that club that are allowed to vote. While delegates are at the HOD, other club members have free time to shop at Pier Village or go to a contest or the talent show. Every club gets two delegates so that the voting process is even and fair. Larger clubs that attend DCON would get more votes than a smaller club at DCON which is not fair so this process was established. If you have any questions about the campaigning or caucusing process you can always contact me! Pay attention during caucusing because four candidates from that night will become your new district executive officers by Sunday morning!


District Eliminathon Recap

District-wide events are never a letdown when it comes to fun, excitement, and fundraising; and the 2015 District Eliminathon was no exception. It took place on February 8th, from 4-7pm. With 11 teams from all over New Jersey, the place was jam-packed with players and spectators. The games were single elimination rounds until the

championship game. The referees of the games were NJDB members with the help of the host school, Arthur L. Johnson High School. They were an amazing host club—kind, generous, and always energetic. The division 9-10 eliminathon winners, The Maine Event (seen playing in upper left corner) unfortunately lost in the first round but they had great sportsmanship! My favorite part though was the NJDB versus Kiwanians game. It was so much fun getting to play against the Kiwanians that were convinced they were going to win (which they didn’t). Another thing I enjoyed was that a lot of 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governor Elects were there and got to meet

each other as well as the current district board. In the end, the team BIG D.I.G.S. from Division 12 took home the trophy! Congratulations and thank you to everyone that attended the event! I hope everyone who went had as much fun as I did!


Midwinter Training Conference Recap

We then had presentations from each yearly committee about what they do on the district board. On Saturday, there were more workshops and we had Beth Callahan come and speak about her experiences on the New Jersey District Board as well as her job now as a lawyer for children with special needs. Financial counselor Mr.Molllo and District Administrator Ms. McCann then spoke to the new board about expenses as a board member, their job responsibilities, and International Convention 2015. The elects met with their zone administrators and heard presentations about using Google and what to expect at a board meeting. The rest of the weekend was the NJDB’s 5th and last board meeting—which was extremely emotional for all of us. We discussed old and new business, met with yearly and DCON committees, gave those reports, and gave LTG reports about our

divisions. We heard from the executives about what they have accomplished as well. Finally, we had one on one training and the current board gave emotional speeches about the end of our terms. Although the entire weekend was bitter-sweet, I still had a lot of fun! We got so much accomplished for DCON and I can’t wait for you all to see it!

As every NJDB weekend, the 2015 Midwinter Training Conference had a busy schedule that never slowed down. On Friday we convened at the Ocean Place Resort&Spa in West Long Branch (where DCON will be) got to meet all the LTG Elects as well as the candidates that will be running for district executive positions at DCON. We had workshops in which the current board members taught the elects about their upcoming jobs.


2015-2016 District Board At this year’s Midwinter Training Conference, I had the privilege of meeting the Lieutenant Governor Elects that will be serving as the 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governors. They are as follows: !Thomas Beeby~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 1 Kenneth Ye~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 2 Ariyanna Santiago~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 3 Madison Kennelly~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 4 Zierra Dean~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 5 Yasmine Abed~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 6 Julia Paco~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 7 Sarah Remig~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 8 Emma Clark~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 9 Brandon Tarabocchia~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 10 Julian Maceren~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 11 Luke McGeown~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 12 Julien Rosenbloom~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 13 Stephania Gonzalez~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 14 Mark Ozdemir~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 15 Christine Jimenez~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 16 Iskander Turan~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 17 Josh Mariscal~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 18 Meghan Nevola~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 19 Priya Lad~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 20 Kush Patel~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 21 Ciara Clarkin~Lieutenant Governor Elect of Division 22 ! Although I don’t want to give up my spot on the board, I am excited for the new board, I remember what it was like to be in their shoes just a mere year ago. I think they will have a great year and I can’t wait to hear about all of their accomplishments!



~At DCON 2015~ WHEN

During all convention sessions March 27-29th 2015

Bring in your spare change to raise money for the Eliminate Project!

Photo Booth & Tie Sale Bring spare change to outside of convention sessions to take pictures and purchase ties!

Shakers Clubs bring in water bottles filled with change to show club spirit and enthusiasm

Board Mem-ber Auction Purchase tickets for the chance to dance with your favorite board members

Eliminate Walk Walk the boardwalk Sunday morning to raise funds and awareness for the District Project


Governor !

Samantha Levisay Cell: (908) 319-9990

[email protected]

Secretary !

Jacqueline Dragon Cell: (551) 795-6311

[email protected]

Treasurer !

Daniel McCormack Cell: (732) 757-8551

[email protected]

Editor !

Patrick Quinn Cell: (908) 635-9075

[email protected]

Lieutenant Governor of Division 9 !

Tara Engelken Cell: (908) 601-2367

[email protected]

Contact Information