2224 Sacramento Drive West Lafayette, IN 47906 765-463-5733 www.blessedsacramentwl.org Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 5:30 PM (65+/existing medical conditions; masks required) 7:30 PM Spanish Mass Sunday: 8:00 AM (masks required) 11:00 AM (masks required) Stay Connected with us! February 2021 @CBS_WL @ChurchoftheBlessedSacrament @CBS_WL

February 2021...2021/02/02  · Theology of the Body educates us on what it means to be human. John Paul II said this theology can be “the rediscovery of the meaning of the whole

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Page 1: February 2021...2021/02/02  · Theology of the Body educates us on what it means to be human. John Paul II said this theology can be “the rediscovery of the meaning of the whole

2224 Sacramento Drive West Lafayette, IN 47906



Weekend Mass Times Saturday:

5:30 PM (65+/existing medical conditions; masks required)

7:30 PM Spanish Mass

Sunday: 8:00 AM (masks required) 11:00 AM (masks required)

Stay Connected with us!

February 2021




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blessedsacramentwl.org February 2021 • PAGE 2

This Week: We are Disciples:

Entrusted with Stewardship

In our readings today, we hear St. Paul say, “If I do so willingly, I have a recompense,

but if unwillingly, then I have been entrusted with a stewardship.” St. Paul is telling us that we must spread the Gospel at all times, even when we don’t feel like it. Many people believe that spreading the Gospel is work for someone else to do, but that can be no further from truth. We all have been entrusted with a commission or a stewardship to share our faith story with others and/or to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are called to share how God has touched our lives, what He has done for us, and encourage people to try God’s way because of what He has brought to us or freed us from. God leads us to true meaning in life, purpose, wisdom and ultimately lasting happiness. Our way and not God’s way (individualism) is a trend that is ever increasing in our world today. This individualism wants us to buy in to the belief that emphasizes, “I was created for myself so that I could satisfy all my needs and wants.” While on the other hand, Catholicism wants to emphasize that we have been created by God and for God, not for own purposes but for God’s purposes. We must overcome self or individualism. In regards to this battle, Aristotle said, “I count him braver who overcomes his desires that him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self” or as Jesus said, “If you want to be my disciples you must deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me.” We are not our own. We have been purchased at a price, the price of the cross. All that we have comes from God, it belongs to Him but He allows us to use His things. We are called to steward them or to manage them in a way that they will grow and be around for our generations and the next. Anytime you are responsible for something that belongs to someone else, that is stewardship or in other words, a steward is someone who manages someone else’s things. Taking care of a friend’s dog while they are out of town, babysitting your neighbor’s kids, valet parking someone’s car, etc. are all examples of stewardship. In this same way, God entrusts His gifts and resources to us. Everything we have, we have because of Him. While they are in our possession and we can use them however we please, God trusts that we will do much more than spend

it on ourselves or only on things that matter to us. God challenges us to use those resources and gifts in ways that advance His interests. We are called to use them for the betterment of the Kingdom and provide for the needs of our neighbor. He gives us the responsibility to manage them wisely, on His behalf. The first step to being a good steward is realizing that you are a steward. Every single person on this earth, Catholic, another denomination or no denomination is a steward. The responsibility of being a good steward is applying our time, talent and treasure in a way that represents Christ. In our Gospel reading today and throughout the New Testament, we hear of Jesus healing the sick, helping the poor and vulnerable, hanging around those who were considered “less than” in society and He invites us to be a part of His mission. This week you will receive a brochure detailing the “We are Disciples…” program our parish that we will be participating in over the next few weeks. Our “We are Disciples…” program has continued (even through 2020) to make a great impact in our parish and community over the last 3 years. I invite you to prayerfully look through this brochure and consider ways in which you can share your time, talent, and treasure in a way that represents our Lord. Our goal for this program is to bring souls to Christ, increase transparency, raise awareness, and advance God’s in-terests. Our annual commitment Sunday will be held at all Masses on the weekend of February 13th and 14th, 2021. Please prayerfully discern your ability to renew your weekly offertory gift to support of Church of the Blessed Sacrament.

It is in giving that we truly receive!

Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor

We are Disciples: Learning, Loving & Living Christ’s Mission

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We are Disciples…

This week you will receive a brochure introducing our We are Disciples... Program.

Our community has spent the last several months responding to this historical crisis in

so many ways. I’m proud to be to part of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament

faith family. Throughout 2020 and still today, we have had to get creative on ways to

bring Jesus to parishioners and those in the community. With the challenges of COVID,

we had parishioners step up in ways like never before both in ministry and financially. .

We are so grateful for the sharing of your time, talent and treasure. Our parish would

not be here without you!

Next weekend (Feb. 13/14) we will have our yearly commitment weekend at all Masses. We began our We are

Disciples...program in 2017 as a way to begin or recommit our financial blessings to our parish family. The

importance of the We are Disciples...program is that it helps us bring souls to Christ, increases transparency, raises

awareness, and serves as a reminder that it is in giving that we truly receive.

Below you will find the importance of this program and how it helps us grow:

Year Commitment Cards Rec’d $ increase % increase

2017 287 $314,531 112%

2019 236 $134,604 31%

2020 213 $113,619 27%

Our Church of the Blessed Sacrament Outreach program served 106 clients!

We exceeded our giving Tuesday goal of $3,800 to help with PPE @ St. Mugagga.

We hosted our 12th ALPHA session with the challenges of COVID and had 65 participants & team members!

We continue to form 88 families through our family based faith formation program.

We hosted Jubilee Christmas for 30 families with a total of 81 children in a new way because of COVID but

with the same love and care.

What does CBS mean to you?

“Church of the Blessed Sacrament is an important part of my life. It is where I developed a

relationship with God and met my faith family. I am loved unconditionally by God. He forgives my

sins, all I have to do is ask. He has blessed me with so many gifts and strengths. When I share them

with others, it comes back ten fold. He teaches me everyday, through scripture and faith, and sends

the Holy Spirit to guide me. All I have to do is listen. I give because I can and should. When I share

my God given gifts, I benefit the people God has placed in my life and spread His love. It is God at

work. It is what you and I are put here to do on our journey to eternal life.” – Paulette Moody

Our goal for the program is 100% participation. I invite you to use this time to prayerfully discern where you can

share your gifts and talents with your parish family. Can you pray an extra rosary for our parish? Attend Daily

Mass? Offer a Holy Hour? There are many ways to be involved in this process and we need you!

Please bring your commitment card to Mass the weekend of Feb. 13/14. If you forget, an usher would be happy to

bring you one during the commitment process. You may also fill out a commitment card online at

blessedsacramentwl.org/wearedisciples. Please pray for our parish and the success of this program.

We are Disciples...

Katie Sanders

Director of Operations

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ECHO Update

This month the Echo apprentice will be embarking on a week-long immersive conference/course on Theology of the Body. Here is a brief explanation of what this branch of theology offers: John Paul II speaks of the body as a theology, that is a study of God. Christopher West, a catho-

lic author and speaker, calls Theology of the Body, “a revolu-tion not only for Catholics, but for all Christians”. Theology of the Body educates us on what it means to be human. John Paul II said this theology can be “the rediscovery of the meaning of the whole of existence, the meaning of life.” Our bodies, in the full truth of their masculinity and feminini-ty, proclaim God’s mystery, while yet remaining transcend-ent. “John Paul II provides a lens through which to view the whole plan of God for humanity: God’s eternal plan is to “marry” us (Hosea 2:18) – to live with us in an eternal union of life and love. And God wanted this eternal “marital plan” to be obvious to us that he impressed an image of it in our very be-ing by creating us male and female.” (Christopher West). The body is important to our theology and the understanding of human life because the Word became flesh. God in the per-son of Jesus, became man and sacrificed His Body for our sake. And we continue to encounter Him in the Eucha-rist. Theology of the body allows us to see heavenly myster-ies brought to earth. God’s kenosis (self-emptying) love comes to encounter us in the form of bread and wine, in the face of our neighbor, and in our daily life. God reaches our human senses. Our bodies are living tabernacles; we are called to be the living Gospel: to share the good news. The mystery of communion is stamped into our very being, our personal experience of being bodies, we, the Church, are Christ’s body and the core of the Gospel is to share the good news, we are the living Gos-pel called to profound communion. There is an “inseparable connection between the person, his life and his bodiliness” (Christopher West).

Diana Salgado

ECHO Apprentice

Este mes, el aprendiz de Echo embar-cará en una conferencia / curso inmer-sivo de una semana sobre la Teología del Cuerpo. ¿Qué es la Teología del Cuerpo? Juan Pablo II habla del cuerpo como una teología, un estudio de Dios. Christopher West, autor y orador católico, llama a la Teología del Cuerpo, “una revolución no solo para católicos sino para todos los cristianos.” La Teología del Cuerpo nos educa sobre lo que significa ser humano. Juan Pablo II dijo que es-ta teología puede ser “el redescubrimiento de la existencia y el sentido de la vida". Nuestros cuerpos en plena verdad de su masculinidad y feminidad proclaman el misterio de Dios. Juan Pablo II nos ofrece la perspectiva de que pode-mos ver el plan eterno de Dios para la humanidad: en el matrimonio. Dios quiere vivir con nosotros en una unión eterna de vida y amor (Oseas 2:18). Dios nos hace obvio este plan a través del matrimonio donde dos se hacen uno. Así Dios imprimió su imagen en nuestra crea-ción como hombres y mujeres. El cuerpo es importante para la teología y la compren-sión de la vida humana porque el Verbo se hizo carne. Dios en la persona de Jesús, se hizo hombre y sacrificó Su Cuerpo por nosotros. Y continuamos nues-tra comunión con Dios en la Eucaristía. La teología del cuerpo nos permite ver los misterios celestiales traídos a la tierra. El amor de Dios, es un amor kénosis (auto-vaciamiento), un amor que se vacía por otros. Dios se encarna, y viene a nosotros en la forma del pan y vino, en el rostro del prójimo, y en nuestra vida diaria. Dios llega a nuestros sentidos humanos. Nuestros cuerpos son tabernáculos vivientes; estamos llamados a ser el Evangelio vivo: a compartir la buena noticia. El misterio de la comunión está grabado en nuestro propio ser, en nuestra experiencia personal de tener un cuerpo. Noso-tros como la Iglesia, somos el Cuerpo de Cristo. Somos el Evangelio vivo llamado a una comunión profunda y vemos una “conexión inseparable entre la persona, su vida y su corporalidad” (Christopher West).

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Hispanic Ministry Febrero- Mes del amor.

¿Qué es el amor? Dios es Amor y fuente del amor.

“El amor es la vocación fundamental e innata de todo ser humano”. (Cf. JUAN PABLO II, exh. Ap. Familiaris consortio, 80) Queridos míos, amémonos unos a otros, porque el amor viene de Dios. Todo el que ama ha nacido de Dios y conoce a Dios. El que no Ama no ha conocido a Dios, pues Dios es Amor. (1 Juan 4,7-8)

En esto está el amor: no es que nosotros hayamos amado a Dios, si no que él nos amó primero y envió a su Hijo como víctima por nuestros pecados. Queridos, si Dios nos amó de esta manera, también nosotros debemos amarnos mutuamente. A Dios no lo ha visto nadie jamás; pero si nos amamos unos a otros, Dios está entre nosotros y su amor ha llegado a su plenitud en nosotros. (1 Juan 10-12) Por nuestra parte, hemos conocido el amor que Dios nos tiene, y hemos creído en él. Dios es amor: el que permanece en el amor permanece en Dios y Dios en él. (1Juan 4,16) En el amor no hay temor. El amor perfecto echa fuera el temor, pues hay temor donde hay castigo. Quien teme no conoce el amor perfecto. Amemos, pues, ya que él nos amó primero. Si uno dice “Yo amo a Dios” y odia a su hermano, es un mentiroso. Si no ama a su hermano, a quien ve, no puede amar a Dios, a quien no ve. Pues este es el mandamiento que recibimos de él: el que ama a Dios, ame también a su hermano. (1 Juan 18-21) Si ustedes me aman, guardarán mis mandamientos. (S. Juan 14,15) ¡Así amó Dios al mundo! Le dio al hijo único, para que quien crea en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna. (San Juan 3,16)

Epi Cabrera

Hispanic Coordinator

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Faith Formation has continued to connect and grow together (safely distanced of course). Last month we had a seminarian from our diocese come talk about the Commandments and what they can truly mean in our lives. For our community meeting, we had a virtual clothing/food drive. All items collected will support non-profits in our local community such as Lafayette Urban Ministry, the YWCA, and Trinity Mission. It was great to exercise the virtue of charity and follow God’s example by giving back. For everything we have, was given to us by God. He gave us life, He gave us His one and only Son, and by this, He has given us everything we

have and ever will have! May we always keep this in mind and continue to give however we are able. Acts 20:35 “In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort we must help the weak, and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

LifeTeen The youth have been hard at work growing in their faith too. LifeTeen is our highschool fellowship program where we encourage and support them in becoming disciples of Christ. They’re quick to volunteer and help wherever the opportunity arises. So far this has been helping with the Christmas decorations, Jubilee Christmas,

and more! We even learned a lot through Bible Trivia! This year we’re going to focus on harnessing our gifts from God, learning more about the Catholic faith, and growing together in support of our church and each other. This upcoming Sunday we are going to celebrating Super Bowl Sunday from 6-8 PM in the basement. All high school students are invited and encouraged to bring a friend!

We’re always looking to grow and connect with more people, so if you know any teenagers (Catholic, non-

Catholic, etc.) tell them to contact me and we can get them started in the awesome opportunity that LifeTeen is! If you have also have any volunteer opportunities that LifeTeen can get involved in, please reach out!

Faith Formation & Youth

Kylie Mann

Pastoral Asst. for Evangelization & Youth

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Jocelyn Alcala

Director of Evangelization




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Remembering those that have gone before us

Donald (Don) Corrigan


Don Corrigan, passed away on January 18th, 2021. He is survived

by his wife, Sandra, children, grandchildren, 2 brothers and 1 sister.

Don was a Professor Emeritus of Health and Kinesiology at

Purdue University and an avid Purdue fan!

Don and his wife, Sandra have been parishioners at our parish for 55 years! We are

so grateful for Don’s sharing of time, talent and treasure with our parish family.

Mary Erb


Mary Erb passed away on January 22nd, 2021. Mary was a very

devoted aunt to all of her nieces and nephews.

She has been a parishioner at Church of the Blessed Sacrament

since 1994 and was part of the Ladies of Charity!

To view both Don & Mary’s full obituary visit: www.legacy.com. Please pray for

Don and Mary’s families as they lay to rest their loved one.

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J.M.J Hello! I hope all of you are well – please know of my continued prayers for you, and please pray for me also!

Spanish Mass Cantor Callout I am seeking out any/all who would be interested in cantoring for our Spanish Masses, which occur each Saturday at 7:30pm. Ideally, our Spanish Mass Cantors will have some proficiency in reading Spanish and music (though reading music is not an absolute requirement).

We continue to grow at our Spanish Mass with our other Liturgical Ministers, so I’m happy to begin opening it up for singers. While it may be a while longer before we can have many musicians at this Mass, this will help us get the ball rolling for when we can.

If this is an opportunity that interests you, please contact me at your earliest convenience at [email protected], and we’ll setup a time for an audition to verify fit. I look forward to meeting you!

Hola! Espero que todos estén bien - quiero que sepan que yo estoy orando por todos ustedes- y por favor oren por mí también.

¿Gustan cantar en la Santa Misa de español?

Estoy buscando personas interesadas en cantar en nuestra Santa Misa de español los sábados a las 7:30 pm. De preferencia personas que sepan leer en español y leer las notas musicales y si no sabes leer las notas musicales no te preocupes te enseñamos.

Los ministerios hispanos en nuestra parroquia siguen creciendo y estoy feliz de poder abrir las puertas a personas con talentos musicales, vengan y empecemos a cultivar sus talentos para estar listos cuando ya podamos tener nuestro coro en español. Esta es una gran oportunidad que nuestro Dios nos da para desarrollar los talentos que nos ha da-do. Si sientes el llamado de Dios contáctame: [email protected] Estoy para servirte, ven, no faltes. Muchas Gracias & Dios te bendiga!


Caleb Schultz

Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship

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Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need, may

they find consolation in your healing presence. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so

join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.

This week, the Sanctuary Candle in the church

will burn for the Johnston Family.

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Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the following parishioners and their families, and always keep all

families in your prayers.

“Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide

him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this intimate union always. Amen.”

Please Pray for our Parish Families

Please Pray for our Priests

Prayer Board

Sunday, February 7 8:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish 9:15am Confirmation Class; HH 9:30am Faith Formation; virtual or in person 9:30am First Communion Call; modulars 11:00am Mass † Robert & Kathryn Schelle 6:00pm LifeTeen; basement Monday, February 8 Sr. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin No scheduled events

Tuesday, February 9 5:30pm Mass † Lou O’Reilly 6:30pm Alpha Host and Helper Training; HH

Wednesday, February 10 St. Scholastica, Virgin 8:30am Mass † Thomas Reutebuch 6:30pm RCIA; HC

Thursday, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 8:30am Mass † Poor Souls 12:00pm Schoenstatt Women’s and Men’s Meeting; HH/HC 6:30pm Connect Group Meeting; Basement

Friday, February 12 8:30am Mass † Frances Romano 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet

Saturday, February 13

4:00pm Reconciliation; HC/JB 5:30pm Mass † Dorothy Redding 7:30pm Mass (Spanish) † Octavio Ortega

Sunday, February 14 8:00am Mass † Chuck Smith 9:15am Confirmation Class; HH 9:30am First Communion Class; modular 11:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish

This Week at our Parish Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased

Mary Erb Marcia Reller Pat Smith Gary, Kathy & Molly Hudson Derek Elery Sue & Mike Hancock John Hancock Oates Family Sandra Corrigan

Becky Wiesenberger Eric Glen Laura Grana John Stephens Jack Delleur George Hajek Gerri Desantis Joan Robinson

Feb. 7 Fr. Joseph Grace

Feb. 8 Fr. Paul Graf

Feb. 9 Fr. Donald Gross

Feb. 10 Fr. Thomas Haan

Feb. 11 Fr. Kevin Haines

Feb. 12 Fr. Philip Haslinger

Feb. 13 Fr. David Huemmer

Feb. 7 Bob & Jeanie Plante

Manuel Plascencia

Feb. 8 Christopher & Ashley Ponto

Craig & Cynthia Ponto

Feb. 9 Barbara Post

Jim & Jennifer Priest

Feb. 10 Steven & Casey Prothero

Mary Quinn

Feb. 11 Tim & Jean Quinn

Sarah & Andrew Quintero

Feb. 12 Wilma Radner

Leonel Ramirez & Blanca Soriano

Feb. 13 Sol Ramirez

Cesar & Christal Ramirez-Ortiz

Interested in becoming a CASA volunteer? Join our Zoom meeting on Wednesday, February 10th at 2:00 or Wednesday, March 3rd at 6:00 to learn how. Register at www.tippecanoe.in.gov/casa or contact Elizabeth Dunlap, 423-9109 ext 8.

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Advisory to the Pastor

Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton

Finance Council Chair, Chad Krockover

Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay connected at www.blessedsacramentwl.org/ministries



For more information on Sacraments visit: www.blessedsacramentwl.org/liturgyandsacraments

Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866


Pastor Fr. Mark Walter In Residence Fr. Samuel Kalu

Deacon Mike Mescall, [email protected] Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple Wilma Brannan, [email protected]

Parish Counselor Liza Simental– Rudolph, Ph.D, 765-532-9084*

Licensed Online Therapist Dr. Timothy Heck, Ph.D, LMFT, 317-402-2139* www.drtimheck.com

*When calling, please indicate that you are a parishioner

Part-Time Staff Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration Missy Krockover, [email protected]

Hispanic Coordinator Epi Cabrera, [email protected]

Full-Time Staff

Director of Evangelization Jocelyn Alcala, [email protected]

Director of Operations Katie Sanders, [email protected]

ECHO Apprentice Diana Salgado, [email protected] Pastoral Asst. for Youth & Evangelization Kylie Mann, [email protected] Maintenance Technician Randy Harrington, [email protected] Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship Caleb Schultz, [email protected] Secretary Maryanne Gillen, [email protected]